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PRAYER AND PRAISE Please pray that the Lord would guide the elders in their upcoming board

rd meeting as they discuss avenues for future ministry. Please pray for our church's loved ones who are far from the Lord. Pray that the Lord would break through the walls of their hearts with His love and His grace. Please pray that as a church, we would be sensitive to the Lord's leading, and be responsive to His conviction and leading in our lives moment by moment. Praise God for a new congregation in Indonesia. Alliance workers report that their neighbour and his daughter attended the church's first official Bible study last Wednesday. The congregation will move to a storefront location this Sunday. Already, employees from neighbouring businesses are showing interest. Pray for lasting spiritual fruit and for God to be glorified. West Harbour Alliance Church 145 Moire Road, West Harbour, Waitakere 0618 (09) 416-8991

Pastoral Team
Pastor Matthew and Sharilyn Mordaunt 832 3922

Elders Board
Jacob Lauaki Joh Remiens Barry Thomas

Executive Committee
Tom McKean (Treasurer), Naren Nanjan, Pauline Thomas, Matthew Mordaunt, and a representative from the Elders Board.


13 MAY 2012

Church Office

416 8991 Pastor Matts office hours are 9am 11.30am Tuesday-Friday. If you would like to drop by outside these hours, please ring the church before you come.

Are you new to this facility?

We know that it can take a lot of energy to attend a new church, so please note that: The toilets are located down the passage to the right as you exit the sanctuary. We have a crche available diagonally from the sanctuary should you wish to take your infant out from the service. The Childrens Ministry begins part way through the service. This is for children between the ages of 3 13 years. Information on who we are, as well as on all of our ministries are available online at Each week, we share a cuppa together after the service, and would love for you to stay for a chat.

ROSTERS for May/June 2012

Date 13 20 27 03 Preacher Worship Leader Pianist Sharilyn Aeran Aeran Sharilyn Media Pauline Sophie Paul Natalie m/tea
Sharilyn Valasi Esther Mele

Lawns Barry Ross Ross Ross

Matt Matt Kevin Matt

Barry Tom Matt Matt

Communion: 20 May 2012 Joh Remiens 03 June Matt Mordaunt

If you would like to include any bits and pieces for the weekly Newsletter, please email Pastor Matt at:, or phone the church office.


Helping people move from brokenness to wholeness in Christ The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed Psalm 34:18

10.30am Morning Worship
Ask the Pastor

Join us next week as we ask the question: What if Jesus didn't believe in Himself? Would He have still gone to heaven? And what would that have meant for us? Would you like to share your faith more effectively?

Led by: Theme:

Barry Thomas The ancestry of Jesus

Willing to Risk (Greg Laurie) Then Peter said, Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. - (Acts 3:67) When Peter looked at the lame man sitting at the gate of the temple and said, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk (Acts 3:6), Peter was taking a huge step of faith. There was no backup plan. If the man wasnt healed, it would be really bad. But faith is not faith if there is no risk. Faith is a living,

Speaker: Matt Mordaunt

Thank you for joining us today and we warmly invite you Two of our local churches are holding seminars on sharing your to stay and enjoy some morning tea.

If you would like to talk to or pray with an Elder, we Christian community to join them. For information on times and restless thing, and it cannot be inoperative. Faith has no encourage you to make yourself known to one of the places, please see Pastor Matt today, or email him at back door. There is no safety net. Worship Team and they will assist you. This may be one reason God will use young people so
A chance to help those in need . On the weekend of 25 27 May 2012, Dianne McGowan is going to take part in the 40hour Famine. She watched a programme on a Christian TV channel about the children in Africa who are starving and suffering terribly with related illnesses and it was placed on her heart to do something for these children, even it is only in a small way. If you would like to sponsor Dianne, with donations either big or small, your generosity would be very much appreciated. A Financial Update Thanks to your faithfulness in giving, we are currently10% ahead of our giving targets for the current financial year! What a wonderful surprise! That act of worship and sacrifice, coupled with some under spending, means that our current deficit is only $1,139 rather than the $6,000 it was projected to be at this point. Praise the Lord, and good for you! At WHAC, we give financially as an act of worship, and we trust that God is blessed and honoured in all of our expressions of worship, thanks, and praise! powerfully. They are willing to take risks. As we get older, we become more cautious. Why? We have had experiences in life, and things have not always gone as we hoped they would. As a result, we are a little more careful. But when we are young, we are willing to go for it. We are willing to try. So a lot of the great things God does are often through young people. When I started our church, I was 19. I had no idea what I was doing, but ignorance was bliss in a way. I just went for it, believing that God could do a work. But as we get older, we become more cautious and have certain fears. What if we fail? We may feel like that pessimist who said, If at first you dont succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried. You may fail. And that is where faith comes in. But let me ask you a question: What if you succeed? Are you willing to take a risk for the kingdom of God? Are you willing to initiate a conversation about Christ? Are you willing to pray for someone? Are you willing to believe that God could work through you? Summary sentence: Faith is not faith if there is no risk! BIRTHDAYS COMING UP ..... Cameron Baker - 17 May Joh Remiens - 25 May Michael Skellon - 25 May Laura Heeringa - 28 May

faith in Christ, and have extended invitations to the wider


Ages 0-3 Ages 37 Ages 8 13 If you need to take your infant out of the service, we have a crche available. Our Kids Club is divided into two groups, for age appropriate lessons. These take place in the hall during the sermon. A notice will appear on the screen when it is time to dismiss your children.

Reorient: Prayer
Join us in the church, 24 May from 7:30pm

Home Groups
Mordaunts: Thomas: Meets 17 May and 31st May th Meets 17 May and 31st May

MEETINGS COMING UP....... Elders Board Executive Committee 06 June 2012 16 May 2012

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