Edr 524 Lesson Plan #1 Final-1

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For our lesson plans, we are pretending that our school is having a health education fair. Each teacher will be asked to incorporate different topics dealing with health into their curriculum. The teachers that are asked to incorporate these topics are the P.E Teacher: covering wellness, exercise, and nutrition Art Teacher: covering self expression Computer Science Teacher: covering cyber bullying and it's effects Health Teacher: covering sex education and sexuality English Teacher: bringing together what students learned in these classes by having a health education fair. This will be a senior exit project that students must complete in order to graduate. English teachers will be the ones to facilitate it. Assessments will be based on an essay and the portfolio that they have created. The portfolio will be presented in the gym to lower grade levels. I love the Co-teaching feature of this lesson plan!

Health Education: Mind, Spirit, Body

Teacher Candidate: Veronica Reyes, Christina Smith, Kerstin Comproski Grade: Twelfth Content Area: Physical Education Fundamental Skills/Important Concept(s)/Essential Question(s): Wellness, Exercise, Nutrition and healthy life skills. I will be teaching students how to stay physically healthy. Students will be required to know basic vocabulary like calorie as well as the food pyramid. They will also be asked to complete a physical examination which will test their strength and endurance.

Lesson Title: Let's Get Physical Lesson Focus: Eating healthy and exercising daily Core Curriculum Standards and/or NYS Standards and Performance Indicators: Reading 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative,connotative, and technical meanings; analyze how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term or terms over the course of a text (e.g., how Madison defines faction in Federalist No. 10). Writing 1a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. Writing 6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information. Writing 11. Create interpretive and responsive texts to demonstrate knowledge and a sophisticated understanding of the connections between life and the literary work. Speaking and Listening 1. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. Speaking and Listening 5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations. Lesson Objectives ( Bloom's Taxonomy include behavior, conditions, and criteria): The student will/ The learner will 0. Be able to complete a nutrition chart (create) 1. Know how to spell and define the following vocabulary words: calorie, diet, food pyramid, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, etc.), body mass index, carbs, cardio, etc. (knowledge) 2. Know their body mass index (Apply and Understand)


Complete a physical test which will assess their strength and endurance through push ups, sit ups, pull ups, weight lifting, and running. (Evaluate and Analyze) 4. Journals (Evaluate and Analyze) The objectives are excellent. The objectives are related to the acceptable evidence and to the assessment. However, there does are some gaps in the specific student activities related to the vocabulary mastery. There does not seem to be any instruction or student activities related to vocabulary. Acceptable Evidence (process and/ or product): Students will be given an in class exam which will be one paper front and back. The front will be a crossword puzzle with all new vocabulary and definitions. The back of the page will be a pyramid chart where they have to fill in what produce goes where. In the following class, students will be asked to do their physical examination where they will find out how fit they are as well as their body mass index. Instructional Procedure: A. Bell Ringer (5 to 10 mins per class) and Prior Knowledge Activation Have students do independent workouts for the first 10 minutes. Then have students hand in their journals. The journals will have all the food that they have eaten in the past week as well as the exercises that they have done. In addition, we will have group circles where people can discuss any challenges they faced in maintaing a healthy life choice. The time allotment is not adding up. You stated that the Bell Ringer is 5 to 10 minutes. However, the students are engaged in independent workouts for 10 minutes, then hand in the journals, and then have group discussion. Thus, the time must be more than 5 to 10 minutes. B. Teacher input, explanation, and development The teacher will define terms that are encompassed in the themes of moderation, exercise, nutrition, and wellness. The teacher will demonstrate simple exercises that they can do on their own, and have students try it for themselves. Teacher will also share their own journal to provide an example which will be more relatable and intimate. Specific Students Actions: The students will be required to train for their physical test. They will also be given a homework assignment where they need to make their own decorative food pyramid. In addition, journals will be collected weekly, where the teacher will provide positive feedback. Students must also pass the written exam with the crossword puzzle and pyramid.

Assessment: Written exam = Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle and Food Pyramid Physical exam = Push Ups, Flexibility, Sit Ups, Mile Running, Weight Lifting Food/ Exercise Journal = Daily Diet and Exercise. Must use terms when writing these journals. They are also required to create a set of goals that they wish to achieve. -Based on results, teacher can determine the students' literacy levels as well as their ability to connect information from class and apply it to real life situations. The teacher will be able to gage where the students stand on their health and wellness, and apply that to their future lessons and activities. Closure: Students will have a broader vocabulary and a better understanding of wellness including how they exercise, what they eat, and how they moderate their lifestyles. They will also have a basic knowledge of literacy skills such as writing, and research. Students will end the quarter in a more fit condition. They will also be aware of their capabilities as a healthy individual which will hopefully encourage them to continue to eat and exercise properly. This is not closure. What are you going to do or what are you going to have the students do in order to wrap up or end or bring to conclusion the lesson? For example, will you ask for volunteers to describe one element of the food pyramid or will you ask students to fill out an exit slip? Accommodations: Handicap students will be provided with exercises that will challenge other parts of their body which has movement. Students with mental disabilities will be given more individual attention in explaining what is asked and expected of them. They will also be given extended time to complete their assignments. In regards to a journal, the teacher will provide them with an outline on what is expected of theirs journals. Their journals should model this outline. Materials: Gym Space Track Field Mobile Whiteboard Weight Equipment Duration: The last quarter of the school year - 5 weeks. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - 40 minute periods Curricular and/or Unit Connections: Since the school will be having a health education fair, information provided from this class will give students a better understanding of their own physical

health. They will learn basic techniques that will encourage a healthy living. The class will not only test them physically, but the journals will encourage writing skills.

WRITTEN LESSON PLAN # 1 - EVALUATION RUBRIC Fall 2011 Snowden POINT TOTALS I. OBJECTIVES & STANDARDS Objective: Contains the Behavior, the Conditions, and the Criterion Each objective is unclear and inexact; lacks either a stem, an action verb or a specific product, process, and/or outcome; skill, knowledge, and/or attitude addressed is missing; is not measurable or lacks clear-cut criterion for assessment and, if applicable, evaluation Each objective is somewhat unclear and vague; lacks either a stem, an action verb or a specific product, process, and/or outcome; skill, knowledge, and/or attitude addressed is present, but imprecise; somewhat measurable, but contains confusing criterion for assessment and, if applicable, evaluation Appropriate for grade/age; loosely Each objective is a clear, precise statement and: has a stem, an action verb, and a specific product, process, or outcome; contains the knowledge, skill, and/or attitude addressed; is measurable with clear-cut criterion for assessment and, if applicable, evaluation 0-3 points 4-7 points 8-10 points YOUR SCORE


Appropriateness of Lesson Content and

Marginally appropriate for

Highly appropriate for grade/age;


Materials for Grade/Age; Connection to NYS ELA, NCTE/IRA ELA, other Content Learning Standards, and/or Common Core Standards

grade/age; little connection to any Learning Standards

connected to any Learning Standards

explicitly and clearly stated connection to Learning Standards

II. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES Opening: Introduction to Lesson and/or Before Reading _______________ Anticipatory Set; initiate the lesson; activate background knowledge; set purposes; anticipatory set. Body: During lesson and/or During Reading _______________ Core of the lesson; instructional techniques and activities; student activities; sequential, logical presentation of content, skills, strategies; guided practice; independent practice; checking for understanding Closing: Closure and/or After Reading ______________ Wrap-up; restate content; summarizing; reflecting; student demonstration of learning; additional independent practice; assign homework

Inappropriate, few, or no opportunities for: activating prior knowledge; making predictions; setting purpose(s); no explanation of vocabulary and/or irrelevance of specific skills or strategies Inappropriate or few stop points during lesson and/or reading for: verifying predictions and checking comprehension; modeling and encouraging use of reading strategies; applying word identification, vocabulary, and/or analysis skills Inappropriate or no opportunity for student demonstration of learning; vague explanation of follow-up activities to enhance comprehension; no attempt to address aesthetic and/or efferent responses; no use of lower and/or higher level thinking skills; no student or teacher assessment

Some appropriate opportunities for: activating prior knowledge; making predictions; setting purpose(s); limited explanation of vocabulary and/or some relevance of specific skills or strategies Some authentic stop points during lesson and/or reading for: verifying predictions and checking for comprehension; modeling and encouraging use of strategies; applying word identification, vocabulary, and/or analysis skills

Many relevant activities for: activating prior knowledge; making predictions; setting purpose(s); clear explanation of vocabulary and extensive relevance of specific skills or strategies Many productive stop points during lesson and/or reading for: verifying predictions and checking comprehension; modeling and encouraging use of strategies; applying word identification, vocabulary, and/or analysis skills



Few/limited meaningful, authentic opportunities for student demonstration of learning; partially explained follow-up activity to enhance comprehension; some attempt to address aesthetic and/or efferent responses; some use of lower and/or higher level thinking skills; some student and teacher assessment

Numerous authentic opportunities for student demonstration of learning; clearly explained follow-up activities to enhance comprehension; addressed aesthetic and/or efferent responses; extensive use of lower and/or higher level thinking skills; includes both student and teacher assessment


III. ASSESSMENT & CURRICULUM/SUBJEC T CONTENT Assessment and/or Evaluation _______________ Gathering information in all stages of the lesson (pre, during, and post lesson)

Assessment and evaluation vaguely connected to lesson objectives and other components of lesson; not appropriate for content; tenuous connection to Standards; very weak, negligible usefulness for planning for subsequent lessons

Assessment and evaluation somewhat connected to lesson objectives and other components of lesson; slight association to content; slight connection to Standards; marginally useful for planning for subsequent lessons

Curriculum Connection and Content Accuracy

Fuzzy or inadequate connection to grade specific curriculum and/or unit plans; content information is inaccurate or vague with numerous mistakes

Connection to grade specific curriculum and/or unit plans somewhat obvious; content information is generally correct, but with one or two inaccuracies

Assessment and evaluation accurately and expertly described; strong link with lesson objectives and other components of lesson; significant association to content; considerable connection to Standards; substantial usefulness for planning for subsequent lessons Connection to grade specific curriculum and/or unit plans is significant and is precisely indicated; content information totally accurate with no errors TOTAL POINTS




ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 1. Materials used, quality of materials, and relevance for literacy skill/strategy and/or content area taught: a. Integration of a relevant, interesting, and appealing health and physical education activities, including the Bell Ringer b. Instructional procedures are clear c. Opportunities for students to demonstrate understanding and to be successful d. Skillful instruction of vocabulary and then of vocabulary in context e. Writing for authentic purposes f. Appropriate accommodations g. Activities help students develop (or continue to develop) accurate concepts and positive responses about health and physical education

2. Plans meaningful interaction and instruction based on individual diverse, cultural and collective needs and progress of students by analyzing, selecting, and employing instructional approaches and theoretical frameworks to accomplish educational goals: Did not meet this outcome

Meets this outcome Exceeds this outcome

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