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Booker T.

Washington High School Boys Basketball Booster Club

6000 College Parkway Pensacola, Florida32503 March 22, 2012

Dr. Michael Roberts, Principal 6000College Parkway Pensacola, Florida32503 Dear Dr. Roberts: It has been brought to the attention of the Boys Basketball Booster Club of Booker T. Washington High School that Mr. Ellison Bennett has provided erroneous and uninformed information to the Escambia County School Board. As to the information received by the Booster Club, Mr. Bennett has alleged, Coach Dewayne Louis personally received $3300 from a concerned businessman/parent/Booster Club member, and is forcing the Booster Club to pay it back at a rate of $300/month. The Executive Board members of the Booster Club wish to express their outrage and contest Mr. Bennetts accusation, a person who has never attended a Board meeting or a Booster Clubs parent meeting. There is no other way for the Board to describe this accusation in any manner other than a pure false implication! We are appalled that Mr. Bennett would defame the character, of not only Coach Louis, but also the Booster Clubs Executive Board. It is impossible for Coach Louis to receive any monies from the Booster Club account without the vote of the Executive Board. So, Mr. Bennetts allegation is also accusing this Board of improprieties, just as he has Coach Louis. All monies are submitted and recorded to the Boards Treasurer. Mr. Bennett and whoever provided him with this misinformation are legally putting themselves in a position to be charged with defamation of character. Coach Louis and the Booster Club have strived very hard, this and last year, to organize and be a professional support system for our student players, parents, and coaches. It is very obvious that anyone who reported this misinformation has not regularly attended a Booster Club parents meeting since May of 2011. As a requirement for legitimacy and integrity, the Board has provided all approved minutes of each meeting to Mr. Tompkins, which also included a complete treasurers report. It is a very serious charge when allegations are made that defames a persons character and jeopardizes his/her livelihood, so the individual making them should be imperatively required to provide tangible evidence to support their allegations. Did anyone ask Mr. Bennett to provide concrete evidence other than to present he said, she said innuendo, before Coach Louis and the Board were all hung out to dry? The Board can only conclude someone is disgruntled with

Coach Louis or the Board, has an ax to grind with the Boys Basketball program, and is using Mr. Ellison Bennett as their spokesperson. If Mr. Bennett was totally concerned and wanted to do the right thing, he should have contacted our President, any Board Member, and/or Coach Louis before taking a persons opinion to be factual truth or by going through the proper channel to express an undocumented implication. This Board operates with absolute integrity, honesty, legitimacy, and acts as fiduciaries of all monies provided in order to exclude any reason for anyone to wonder about any actions approved by the Board. We, the Board, take issue with this unfounded statement being made, as well as, the personal attacks onour character and integrity. We invite Washington High Schools Administration, Superintendent Thomas, Deputy Superintendent Ross, Director of Secondary Education Spooner, as well as, Mr. Bennett to meet with the Board to discuss this matter further. We also invite Mr. Bennett to use his energies and dedication to help support the Boys Basketball program of Booker T. Washington and not try to tear down a Booster Club making every effort to build a successful program for the continuing years! We, the Board, and committed parents are dedicating and volunteering support for our children, parents, coaches, and school for no other reason. Please contact us at the phone numbers listed below to schedule a meeting with the Boys Basketball Booster Club Board Members.

Respectfully yours,

Linda R. Gulley, President 850-316-5689 Patricia Hartley, Secretary 850-982-3706 Mary E. Gulley, Treasurer 850-476-8229 Harold Griffin, Education 850-525-0435

LawrenceClifton, Vice President 850-484-5492 Tonya Tate, Assistant Secretary 850-449-3691 LaVender Williams, Webmaster 850-725-4894 Gary Lawrence 850-982-1378

xc: Jeremy Tompkins Ellison Bennett Norm Ross, Deputy Superintendent

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