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Locating the Mestizo ethnic group.

The mestizo population is concentrated mainly in the municipalities of New Guinea, Rama, Bullocks Wharf, pumpkin, Paiwas, Bluefields, El Tortuguero, La Cruz de Rio Grande, to a lesser extent in other municipalities in the RAAS In R.A.A.N. in the municipalities of Siuna, Mulukuku and Waslala in smaller quantities in Rosita and Bonanza.

Origin of the mestizos. As ethnicity, Nicaraguan tends to be considered a mestizo, a mix between Spanish and indigenous. As a people and culture are an interesting multiple ethnic and racial mix. Today, you can find "Mestizos" brown skin, white or black, dark eyes, light brown, green or blue, hair is very curly, wavy or smooth, dark or light color. Mestizo migration to regions of the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua are given by a variety of complex phenomena, both economic and social and cultural, but above all, the issue of land tenure. As for the stages of continuing migration, occurred as follows: The first phase of migration was mixed from the presence mining between 1890 and 1900, coinciding with the settlement process of large foreign companies. The second stage occurred between 1920 and 1940 coinciding with the start of mining and the proliferation of banana enclaves in the north and south of the region. The third wave of mixed race when he took the cotton boom in Nicaragua between 1950 and 1960. We can say the stage was for the early 90's with the demobilization and surrender of land to members of the Contras and the Sandinista army. The language Spanish is the language spoken by mestizos. Blood has a speech that listeners perceive speech as "soft" and "melodious" and many words he uses come from the Nahuatl.

Foods. The mixed meal each day focuses on corn, rice and beans. It's what you can not miss on a daily plate, especially among the middle and lower class, and although it may seem a bit monotonous, the Nicaraguan not tired, especially since it is accompanied by other dishes that are giving him variety. Corn is usually eaten in the form known as "tortilla" (similar to the most famous "arepa" in South America), which is often the substitute for bread. Rice and beans are usually eaten fried, but stewed beans can also ground or in broth. Usually served with steak, chicken or fish and salad. In the cities is very common to find so-called "fried" where sold, served in very large green leaves, typical "chingastes" (remnants of fried pork), "vigoron" (pork rinds), "pork with yucca ( fried pork with boiled cassava), "sliced" (crispy fried plantains), "enchiladas" (crispy fried bananas sliced thinner and elongated with salad and spicy) and other typical fried foods throughout the Pacific region of the country. They are also very common at night, the positions of roast beef with salad around the intercity bus terminal stations. The leaves are also sold in plate making and eating in the street. The dish for Christmas Day, New Year and "Shouting" is the famous "stuffed chicken." Is to leave the whole chicken stuffed with prunes, raisins, olives, chicken, and other seasonings, then put into the oven. On Sunday morning is normal in many households eat nacatamal ", which is a corn dough with pork, raisins, chicken, etc.., Wrapped in large banana leaves called chagite." Of pork on a Saturday to make tamales heard the saying "the whole hog (= pig) she gets her Saturday." Some other foods and drinks are typical of mixed race: Gallo pinto Cajeta * * * * Perrerreque Indioviejo * Pio * V * Quesillo Tamalitos Repocheta * Bagels * * * Tortilla Tacos * Tostones cream Roast beans * * Thing * oven * Tista Pozol Pinol * * * cornmeal * Cool Cocoa Seed * Barley gourd. In snacks, donuts, pumpkin honey, rice pudding, caramel milk

Frescoes are: Horchata, gourd seeds, cornmeal, rice with pineapple, Religion A large number of festivals and traditions, many religious celebrations, which revolve around the Catholic Church. Colorful, party, food, drink, dance, the smell of gunpowder, religious activities ... and most important images are those of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, in whose honor is held the most important religious festival in the country. The majority of mestizos in the Caribbean Coast of the Catholic faith, and a number professed evangelical Christian religions, among which we highlight the Baptists, Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Anglicans, Moravians. Religious holidays The celebrations of religious origin are always crowded and noisy, and it is these that pop up dances, music and traditional interpretations. Every city and town has its own "patron saint", which was chosen or imposed. When the villagers celebrate their devotion to their saint, producing the popular "fiestas" that extend for several days. These festivals are very colorful and troubled in many parts of region mestizo majority presence, and are true examples of the traditional culture. Many of his assistants do not come from true religious devotion, but because they are a matter of meeting and cultural identification. However, they are also many who come and feed the event with their religious fervor and mysticism. La Purisima, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, is the most popular religious festival around the country, is a celebration where you create altars with religious images of the Virgin in which people come to sing to get some I know give as: sugar cane, oranges, etc.

St. Jerome came to Bluefields in 1922, he brought Don Romualdo Obando, he came from Masaya and since then we celebrate the saint ", who also holds a particularly" Chombito "Celebrations of San Jeronimo, initiated 20 to 30 September this special day is where the dances come nalgona, Bailanta popular men dressed as women, is a kind of carnival fun prevails where the abanicazos characterize this event. Bluefields is the patron saint of the Virgin of the Rosary which is celebrated on October 7.

Costumes and dances. The folk costumes were born in all corners of the country, and are a valuable sample of the regional customs and traditions of mestizo, cheerful, boisterous and expressive as ever. These costumes have their source in the various folk celebrations of old (and newer), during which attendees dress up to dance the rhythms and songs on the festivities. Name The Source Inditas Masaya Costume The Indian women wear a traditional costume entirely white, complemented with a red shawl, fustian, braids, flowers in their hair and a basket. Dance This dance is still running in the traditional celebrations of Masaya, and interprets the industry of the village woman, with smooth and charming traditional marimba dance. I run one or more dancers in festivals or professional or amateur performances. This dance music is interpreted with the marimba song are "The Indian girls dance."

Name northern peasant dress Source North (possibly Matagalpa, Jinotega, Esteli) Costume These are also two characters that represent the hardworking men and women in northern Nicaragua. The lady wears a skirt attached to his body with a tissue cutting edge at the waist, cotton long sleeve, headscarves, earrings and a black clay pot on his arms. The men wear white trousers, cotton white (or light-colored) and a scarf around his neck, and a gourd for water and northern hat. Dance is a dance of sensual gallantry, in which the industrious peasant courting a woman worker at the rate of mazurkas, polkas and waltzes of northern Nicaragua. Interpreted as presenting traditional cultural festivals, or are run by professional dance ballets. Music These dresses are used independently or in choreographed dance to any song of mazurka, polka or waltz mountainous northern Nicaragua.

Music and dancing. The Nicaraguan native vernacular music and is one of the richest in the region, pointing to the compilers and authors of it as Erwin Krger, Camilo Zapata, Luis Enrique Mejia Godoy and his brother Carlos Meja Godoy, Member of Palacagina, the Bisturices Harmonics Otto de la Rocha, among others. Nicaraguan music (they are unique, polka and mazurka Segovia, and vernacular music in general) are very influential Spanish and German. Talalate The violin is a musical instrument derived from classical violin while Nicaragua is unique for its components and sound and used by it to sound the vernacular music, especially polkas and mazurkas, which makes it a true national symbol as a musical instrument native country.

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