Absolute Zero

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Matthew McHenry


1st Hour

Absolute Zero
What we understand as absolute zero is a measure, the absolute zero is the temperature more possible drop. This temperature is impossible to reach, but the scientists are investigating as much as is possible to be approached. The physicist, British mathematician William Thompson, he was able to bring physics to its modern form, with the discovery of the Kelvin temperature scale that development the same one found a measure of compassable minimum temperature by the matter in which the Particles of a substance remain inert and without movement. I call this temperature as absolute zero. Kelvin discovered that, when a gas is chilled, its volume goes diminishing in proportion to its temperature; that is to say, by each degree that diminishes the temperature of the gas, their volume diminishes in a percentage. With these data, Kelvin calculated that if we continue chilling the gas, upon arriving at a temperature of -273.15 degrees Celsius the volume would be zero. Kelvin realized that this result was constant in all its experiments without importing the composition or the volume of the gas, provided that was in -273.15degrees Celsius its volume was zero. With this it concludes that that temperature is an absolute minimum. Look at in this manner; when we chill any thing what we are causing is to extract energy then we arrive at the absolute zero with that object when we have extracted all their energy, when already the molecules move not. We have understood that the energy is not finished if that is not transformed and if we look at an equivalence of matter on energy just as the energy arrive at zero, the matter would disappear because upon being remained without energy would remain without matter. We know that up to now has been impossible to reach the absolute zero but that passes when we chill a package of atoms to a temperature very close to the absolute zero, can be formed a condensed of Einstein-Bose that is the state of aggregation of the matter that is given in certain materials to very low temperatures. The property that characterizes is it that a macroscopic quantity of the particles of the material they pass at the level of minimum energy this is also called as the fifth state of the matter. According to the third law of the thermodynamics, the absolute zero is an unattainable limit. The reason of it is that the molecules of the camera, upon arriving at that temperature, they do not have sufficient energy to do that this descend still more. With the advance of the technology and the science has not been reached the state of absolute zero but if has arrived at very nearby temperatures, up to now the person that has the record of to have arrived more fence to this temperature has him the German scientist Wolfgang Ketterle who is a professor of the ITM (technological institute of Massachusetts). Wolfgang in the year 2003 a sodium atoms package to a temperature of 810 managed to chill of degree Kelvin. Knowing everything that is the absolute zero and to what involves we look at this the advantages that this phenomenon can bring us,

Matthew McHenry


1st Hour

advantages that of a diverse form can be used in our everyday life. In the process of the reorganization the blood by nitrogen is replaced I liquidate that goes all over the body chilling the meat, weavings and organs to a temperature very drop so that thus themselves rot not and the body of the client this in you optimize conditions for their future one realization, of all ways the weavings go eroding and is produced a very but very light aging because they remain some small Molecules that themselves have not been chilled of the all producing a light wear of the human body. Carrying the custom-made body of the absolute zero do not there would be such wear that damage ours woven because the molecules would remain without energy. This also we can apply it for many processes of cooling off and thus we would prolong the life and duration housewives other things more. They are technological advances incredibly advanced to the ones that the man is little by little of some way fighting for arriving at them. This is a theory that do not know to the perfection and we know us if he have some effect secondary irreversible which he can damage us therefore he is being a matter of arriving at the to be able to investigate it in a way deep and to see of what way him he can be removed benefit. I think that Absolute Zero will always be impossible to reach no matter how good technology gets. We will never be able to obtain absolute zero. Therefore, to conclude my essay I think that absolute zero will remain a mystery to how to get that temperature and that we will be working on that for a very long time.

Sources: http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/bec/temperature.html http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/a/absolute_zero.htm

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