Counter Lab

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Learners Name National Certificate in Engineering ( Electrical )


Qualification Unit number & Title



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Criteria which may be achieved in this Assignment

Learning Outcomes:
LO 3 :- Investigate a range of digital devices and their operation when used as circuit building blocks in the construction of both combinational and sequential logic circuits. LO 4 :- Use computer based packages as an aid to design, construct and simulate the operation of analogue and digital circuits. Coverage of Grading Criteria: P5 :- Correctly build and test sequential circuits in applications such as counters or shift registers. M1 :- Use a software package to simulate circuit operation and analyse circuit waveforms. D1:- Use a software package to analyse the effect of changing circuit parameters on circuit performance. D2 :- Relate theoretical predictions to actual circuit performance. Assessor's Feedback

Learners Comments

Criteria Achieved Assessors name: Assessors signature: Learners name: Learners signature:
(I certify that this assignment is my own work)



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p:marian misc dn9


FURNESS COLLEGE School of Technology National Certificate in Engineering (Electrical) Electronics, Unit 10 Assignment 3 Counter Circuits Summary of learning outcomes: To achieve this unit a learner must: 1 Investigate a range of digital devices and their operation when used as circuit building blocks in the construction of both combinational and sequential logic circuits. Use computer based packages as an aid to design, construct and simulate the operation of analogue and digital circuits.

Preamble During the study of electrical engineering it is essential an understanding of Various counter circuits and their applications. This assignment investigates counters and their applications. This assignment involves practical construction and electronic simulation of counter circuits using flip-flops. This assignment should be set out as a standard Lab report.

p:marian misc dn9

Task 1 :- Practical
Criteria P1 :Construct and test the two counter circuits included in this assignment. Pin-out diagrams for the D-type and J-k flipflops are shown below:-

Explain the operation of the two counter circuits

Task 2 :- Simulation
Criteria M1 :Construct and test the two counter circuits included in this assignment using Multisim. Print out all circuits produced and include instruments also. Criteria D1 :Modify circuits count down instead of up. Explain how you did this.

Task 3 :- Conclusion
Criteria D2 :Look at all of your results and compare how they worked in practice to how they should have worked. Comment on any problems and differences between building in the lab and using electronic simulation.

p:marian misc dn9

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