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All Nations Christian Reformed Church

Announcements for the Week of December 23rd-30th , 2007

Tuesday 10:00am Christmas Morning Worship
Sunday 10:00am Luke 1:67-79 Karen Norris preaching
pm No evening worship

It is Advent: “Advent” means coming. In this season we do remember the 1st coming of Christ, but
especially express our longing and prepare for his 2nd coming. Our theme is “Hope in Troubled
Times” (Psalm 9:9, 18). We’ll be hoping our way through some current issues. Here is a schedule for
Dec 23 am: “Hope in Troubled Times (4)”
Dec 23 pm: 5 pm Christmas dinner, followed by Offerings of Music and Gifts
Dec 25 Christmas: 10:00 worship
Dec 30 am: Karen Norris preaching (communion)
followed by open-house lunch at Walkers’
Dec 30 pm: no evening worship

Lord’s Supper: We will not celebrate it on the first Sunday of January, as would be usual, but rather
on Dec. 30, the last Sunday of the year.

Christmas Wishes from the Vroeges: We sat down together and figured out what we each wanted
to say to you all at All Nations this Christmas. Here’s what we came up with:
Carrie: “To quote Marique – ‘I see Jesus through you.’ What a gift at this time of year.
Merry Christmas!”
Dave: “This fall, whenever I have thought about the people of All Nations, my heart has
swelled with thankfulness. Merry Christmas, everyone.”
Lian: “Merry Christmas.”

“May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.” (Psalm 33:22)
 In our church's prayer cycle, pray for those on page 14 of the directory: Dorette Pronk; Justin
Renkema & Katherine Perrott; Vicky Ruiz; Elna Siebring; Patsy Simpson; Hailey Steiger.
 Continue to pray for those struggling with long term health: Mary Joseph, Margaret Henry, B.J.
Fullerton, Deloris Boutilier,
 Thank God for the arrival of Teri & Jeff Murray’s twin boys, Connor and Quinton!
 Pray for the Gravelines: Jason leaves this week for 7 months in Afghanistan. May they all
experience each other’s love and the Lord’s care over the coming months.
 Pray for the Christian Reformed Church’s Race Relations agency as it continues to move
forward with the antiracism/racial reconciliation programs in the U.S. and Canada. Thirty-one
facilitators are now trained for these two programs. Praise God for his blessing; pray that
Satan will not be effective in any efforts against these programs or the people involved in

Large Print Liturgies: If you or someone you know would be helped by having larger print liturgies on
Sunday morning, would you let Pastor Dave know? Perhaps we can begin to supply these.
The choir will be taking a Christmas vacation for the next two Wednesday rehearsals. We will resume
choir practice on Wednesday, January 9 at 8pm at the church.
All voices welcome.

Last Week’s Offerings

General Fund $2,540.54
CRWM-Kallemyns $ 192.25
Peter Fish $ 45.80
Back-To-God Hour- $ 25.00

Debt Reduction $2,200.00

Building Fund $2,475.00

Christmas Shoe Boxes: Thank you to every one who put together the Christmas Shoe Boxes for the
Metro Non-profit Housing Society. All Nations collected 40 boxes again this year! Thanks for thinking
of the poor! Another way to help out through out the year is to donate your extra coats, boots,
sweaters. clothes, socks, blankets, puzzles (with all the pieces), games, books and magazines that
you no longer use. These items are distributed to the Ark, Sunday Supper, Saturday breakfast and
the shelters. Any of these items can be dropped off at the church office. Thank you from the
deacons and Elna.

News From Our Denomination

Prayer Request: One year ago “Joe” was an alcoholic living on the streets in British Columbia. Then
someone gave him a copy of The Back to God Hour TODAY devotional booklet. It was the start of a
new life. This Christmas, Joe will be serving dinner to people at the Open Door Mission and giving
them the gift of TODAY. Pray that God will use Joe’s changed life to give hope to others who are
trapped in destructive life-styles.

The Beginning Of The Good News: The New Year is just around the corner. Many people are
making plans for parties and celebrations. Yet, despite the festivities, many of us hide feelings of
emptiness and guilt. Where do we need to go in order to truly live out the Good News of this season?
Find out on the Dec. 30 Back to God Hour. Go to for local stations and times.

A Word About Work: Which would you choose? Doing a thorough job or doing as little as possible?
Help Liz decide what to do on this week’s Kids Corner. Then check out the Kids Corner website at for stories, devotions, puzzles and more.

Reading Week Project: (Feb. 16 - 24) for College & University Students! do justice, love kindness,
walk humbly.........come spend “A Week With Micah 6:8” on a special service & learning project in
Toronto geared specifically for you! Live in a diverse community and experience in a very special way
God’s call for your lives and for his people. For information contact ServiceLink Canada or Fred Witteveen at Friendship Community Church

Diaconal Ministries Canada (Dmc): DMC’s board and staff praise God for your support during
2007. This support enables communities in Canada to be transformed with the love of Christ. For
more information on how DMC equips deacons and churches for community ministry, visit

Pastor: Rev. David Vroege

Bulletin Editor:
Deadline for submissions: Thursday @ 7:00 p.m

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