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P ~ bshed for lhe lnslltutlon o l C.vll Eng~neers Thomas Telford Sew ces Lld. l by 1 deron Quay. London E l 4 4JD First edition 1976 Second edition 1985 Third edition 1991 Reprinted with corrections 1992. 1995,2000 Reprinted 2001,2002.2003.2005 IMPORTANT NOTE Since CESMM3 was published in 1991, several errors have been identiced and the opportun;ty has been laren to correct tnese errors in tn:s reprnnt. For ease of reference the and the first printing are g:ven below. changes between tn's second print~ng Page

Reference 3.2

Change In lines 4 and 5 the words 'plain round mild steel bar' have replaced 'mild sleet bar'. In line 3 the same change as above has been made. The word 'CESMM3' has replaced 'the CESMM'.

Additional Description Rule A1 Additional Description Rule A12 Measurement Rule M I 1 Reference R6-5 Coverage Rule C4 Additional Description Rule A2 Additional Description Rule A4 Definition Rule 08 Note at foot of page

Theterm'Certificateof SubstantialCompletion'has beeninserted in ruie'Al'. The word 'and' has been inserted between 'pits' and 'trenches' in place of the comma. Anew rule'M11'has been inserted and the previous rule'Mll'hasbecomerule'M12'. Thenumber'5'has been insertedinfrontof Traneitions'in IheThirdDivision. The reference to rule 'M10' has replaced the reference to rule 'MY. A comma which previously appeared after 'masonry' has been deleted. A bracket has been inserted after 'trusses' and a bracket which appeared aner 'loinery' has been deleted. The word 'pipe' has been inserted in front of

The note has been extended with the wording beginning 'provided that ...'

@The Institution of Civil Engineers and The Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors. 1991
Brlllrh Library Cslal~guing Pubiirafion Data in Civil engineering standard method o measurement l -3rd ed. 1. Civil engineering-~earuremen~-s~andardd I. lnrlitution of Civil Eng,nccrr



ISBN: 0 7277 1561 5


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-New CESMM3 Guidance Notes - MAY 1996

Although the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement third edition was published in 1991 and has been used extensively since, there are still a few misunderstandings which the Review Committee have been requested to explain. The Committee has therefore produced the following Guidance Notes to assist users of CESMM3' in the compilation of bills and measurement of construction work.
Paragraph 5.6 - Dayworks

There has been considerable misunderstanding over the effects of a percentage addition or reduction as applied by CESMM to the Schedules of Dayworks carried out incidental to Contract Work issued by the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors. The example below will assist in demonstrating the result of a 10% addition and a 30% reduction to the Schedule:Addition Hourly Rate Schedule of Dayworks Rate - add 148% Total before adjustment Adjustment addition of 10% deduction of 30% 5.00 Deduction

f.0 74 f12.40

Total Rate for Daywork

E36 1.4

f.8 s6

Class G Concrete Ancillaries GI-4,*,* - Formwork

The measurement of formwork for concrete components of constant cross-section is referred to in the Note at the bottom of Page 43 for CESMM3' or Page 41 for CESMM2'. In a situation where there is a requirement @r inserts, intrusions etc. in the linear measure, it should be dealt with by applying the principles of rule M6.

G3,*,* - Formwork

Where the Specification "expressly requires" a stated finish the item should be measured under G8,2,*. Work required to achieve the finished surface after striking formwork, eg. Rubbing down and making good, is included in G3,*,* and does not need to be billed separately under G8,2,*. A Guidance Note on "Expressly required" was published in the May 1994 issue of Civil Engineering2.
Class L Pipework L3-5,*,* -Rule MI1 - Measurement of Multiple Pipes

It has been suggested that in a multiple pipe run,the measurement could be interpreted as the length along the centre lines multiplied by the number of pipes. This is not the case and the intention is that it should be the length of the bed, haunch or surround. As noted in the Handbool? on page 137, it should be remembered that Classes I, J, K and L should always be considered as one composite class. The problem is then resolved by refemng to Class K Definition Rule D l when reading Class L Measurement Rule M11.

The Committee wishes to emphasize that its role is to provide advice on problems that arise from the practical application of CESMM, but it does not exist to provide an arbitration service and such problems must be dealt with under the mechanisms provided for in individual contracts. The last set of Guidance Notes for CESMM3 was published in Civil Engineerin? May 1994 and reproduced by permission in Civil Engineering Surveyor September 1994. Users and readers were requested to comment on a proposal to extend CESMM to deal with the measurement of maintenance work andfor renovation of existing structures. It would appear there is little demand for this extension to be developed. Comments and queries on CESMM should be referred in writing to: Mr. Drick Vernon, Standing CESMMReview Committee, The Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street, Westminster,LONDON SWlP 3AA.

1. Institution of Civil Engineers. Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESIvIM) in three editions. Thomas Telford Ltd., London 1976,1985,1991. 2. CESMM3.Handbook by Martin Barnes published by Thomas Telford Ltd., London 1992

3. Civil Engineering - The Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers published by Thomas Telford Ltd., London May 1994 pages 48 and 49.

The Civil Engineering Standard Method o f Measurement, third edition (CESMM3). has been approved by the sponsors-the lnstitution of Civil Engineers and the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors-for use in works of civil engineering construction. This third edition supersedes the second edition published i n 1985. Reference to CESMM3 in the Appendix to the Form of Tender, as provided for by clause 57 of the ICE Conditions of Contract, sixth edition (January 1991) is sufficient t o give effect t o the use o f this standard method of measurement for a particular contract. CESMM3 may be used with other conditions of contract such as the ICE Conditions o f Contract for Ground Investigation and the ICE Conditions o f Contract for Minor Works. When other conditions of contract are used, paragraph 1.2 and clause numbers referred to i n CESMM3 should be amended by a statement in the Preamble in accordance with paragraph 5.4. The Comrriiltee under whose guidance CESMM3 has been prepared will keep the use of the document under review and consider any suggestions for amendment. These should be addressed to The Secretary, The Institution of Civil Engineers, 1-7 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA. Revision of the document will be made when such action seems warranted.

Foreword t o the first edition Foreword t o the second edition Foreword t o the third edition Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Definitions General principles Application of the Work Classification Coding a n d numbering o f items Preparation o f the Bill of Quantities Completion, pricing and use o f the Bill o f Quantities Method-Related Charges Work Classification Class A: Class B: Class C: Class D: Class E: Class F: Class G: Class H: Class I: Class J : Class K: Class L: General items, 16 Ground investigation, 20 ~eotechnical and other specialist processes. 28 Demolition and site clearance. 32 Earthworks, 34 In sit" concrete. 40 Concrete ancillaries, 42 Precast concrete. 46 Pipework-pipes, 48 Pipework-fittings and valves. 50 Pipework-manholes and pipework ancillaries, 52 Pipework-supports and protection, ancillaries to laying and excavation. 56 Class M: Structural metalwork. 60 Class N: Miscellaneous metalwork, 62 Class 0:Timber. 64 Class P: Piles, 66 Class ( : Piling ancillaries. 70 1 Class R: Roads and pavings, 74 Class S: Rail track. 78 Class T: Tunnels. 82 Class U: Brickwork, blockwork and masonry. 88 Class V: Painting, 90 Class W:Waterproofing, 92 Class X: Miscellaneous work. 94 Class Y: Sewer and water main renovation and ancillary works, 96 Class Z: Simple building works incidental to civil engineering works. 102


In 1964 the Council of the lnstitution of Civil Engineers set u p a Committee under the Chairmanship of T. A. L. (now Sir Angus) Paton. CMG, BSc(Eng1. FICE, to propose revisions to the Standard Method of Measurement o f Civil Engineering Quantities. In 1971 the w o r k o f revision was undertaken by Martin Barnes, PhD, BSc(Eng), MICE, who worked initially under an agreement with the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology and, after he left the University i n 1972, under a direct agreement with the Institution of Civil Engineers. A Steering Committee was appointed by the Council of the lnstitution of Civil Engineers to supervise the work. The Steering Committee was enlarged i n 1972 by the appointment of an additional representative from each of the lnstitution of Civil Engineers, the Association of Consulting Engineers and the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors. The members o f the committee (+ indicates member appointed i n 19711 were

*D. C. Coode, FICE. FIEAust. Chairman

*M. Agar, BSc, FICE, FIStructE, lnstitution of Civil Engineers F. J. Cave, BSc, FICE, FRICS, MTPI, FIMunE, FRSH, lnstitution of Civil Engineers *H. R. Oakley, MSc(Eng), FICE, MIWE, FASCE, Association of Consulting Engineers P. 0. Ahm, MSc, FICE, Association of Consulting Engineers *R. B. Hill, BSc, FICE, FIStructE, Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors J. A. Sneden, FRICS, FIQS, Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors J. 8. 8. Newton. BSc(Eng), FICE, co-opted N. C. 0. Brierley, BSc(Eng1, FICE, co-opted Late in 1972 a draft o f the revised standard method o f measurement was circulated for comment to 71 representative bodies. Trial Bills of Quantities were prepared by 20 organizations. Discussions with interested bodies continued throughout 1973 and 1974 and the form of the present document owes much to the suggestions made during this time b y bodies outside the committee. The Steering Committee is indebted t o the many people who helped i n this way. The object,of the work has been to make improvements while retaining the good features of the previous edition of the standard method of measurement. The principal improvements sought are (a1 to standardize the layout and contents of Bills of Quantities prepared according to the standard method of measurement Ib) to provide a systematic-structure of bill items leading to more uniform itemization and description (c) to review the subdivision of work into items sp that a more sensitive and balanced description of the value of work i n a contract is provided /@ to take account of new techniques i n civil engineering construction and management, their influence o n the work itself and o n the administration of contracts. A Bill of Quantities which i n essence is no more than a price list of the Permanent Works no longer adequately reflects the many variables i n the cost o f civil engineering construction which have resulted from developments i n constructional techniques and methods. It has therefore been decided to provide for some additional items of measured work and for other items, entered at the option of the tenderer, directly related to methods of construction. A system of work classification has been adopted as the basis of the method of measurement so that Bills of Quantities can be compiled and used more easily. The system should enable much of the repetitive clerical work associated with the use of Bills of Quantities to be simplified, and make the use of computers easier. The Work Classification incorporates a reference number for each type of work component. These reference numbers may be used as a simple code for identification o f work. Their use as part of the item numbers i n Bills of Quantities is I suggested; but is optimal. The coding is sufficiently flexible not to inhibit description of the particular work i n each contract.


In 1983 the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers instructed the CESMM Review Committee to prepare a second edition of the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement. The members of the Review Committee were

H. R. Oakley, CBE, FEng, MSc(Eng1. FICE, Chairman

D. C.


N. C. 0. Brierley, BSc(Eng), FICE N. M. L. Barnes, BSclEng), PhD. FICE, FCIOB, ACIArb. MBCS
The work of analysing the comments received o n the first edition and of drafting the second edition was undertaken by Martin Barnes and Partners who were assisted by McGill and Partners. Many organizations contributed comments and suggestions for amendment of the document and others participated by reviewing drafts and giving advice. The Review Committee is indebted to the many people who helped in this way, and particularly to the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors who appointed a committee to review and comment upon the drafts. The object of the amendments made i n the second edition was twofold. Firstly it was to take account of developments i n civil engineering technology and i n the significance of different costs of civil engineering work which have taken place since the first edition was published. Secondly it was to take the opportunity o f altering the wording of the small number of provisions of the first edition which experience had shown were not working either as smoothly as they might or in the way which had been intended. The second edition of the CESMM is consequently not a radical departure from the first edition, but an update and general overhaul. The two most noticeable changes are the categorization and upgrading of the former notes i n the work classification and the introduction of a standard method of measurement for sewer renovation work. The rearrangement of the former notes is intended to make the document easier to use i n two ways. Firstly, the notes have been r e - n a i e d rules i n order to emphasize that their provisions govern h o w work should be described and measured in civil engineering bills of quantities and that they have equal status with rules i n any other part of the document. Secondly, they have been divided into four categories to indicate the four separate functions which they perform and have, as far as possible, been laid out alongside the parts of the classification tables to which they relate. The section for measurement of sewer renovation work has been introduced i n order to provide for the considerably increased volume of work of this type now being undertaken. The method of measurement for sewer renovation i n this document is based upon that devised originally for the Water Research Centre and included i n their standard specification. The lnstitution of Civil Engineers and the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors acknowledge the assistance given by the Water Research Centre i n allowing this method of measurement to be embodied in the CESMM.


Although the second edition of the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement was published i n 1985, a number of factors have combined to cause the need for a third edition. The main changes incorporated i n the third edition (CESMM3) are amendments to enable its use with the ICE Conditions of Contract, sixth edition (January 19911, and the introduction of a standard method of measurement for water main renovation and for simple building works incidental to civil engineering works (classes Y and Z). Account has also been take of developments i n civil engineering technology and the opportunity taken to make minor amendments and corrections to the text of the second edition. There are n o changes i n principle or i n the general arrangement. The Review Committee is indebted to a number of organizations and individuals who have contributed comments and suggestions for amendment. The committee is particularly indebted to E. C. Harris: Quantity Surveying whose proposals formed the basis for the new class Z. The work of analysing the comments and suggestions and drafting CESMM3 was undertaken by Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte. The members of the Review Committee were H. R. Oakley. CBE, FEng, MSc(Eng1, FICE, Chairman N. M. L. Barnes. FEng, BSc(Eng1, PhD. FICE, FCIOB, ACIArb. MBCS, CBlM Miss R. Beales, Barrister-at-Law J. Banyard, MICE H. A. Jones. MICE, Secretary The committee isindebted to Dr Barnes of Coopers and Lybrand Deloine for his invaluable advice and assistance throughout.

1.1. In this document and in Bills of Quantities prepared according to the procedure set forth herein the following words and expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them, except where the context otherwise requires.
1.2. 'Conditions of Contract' means the ICE Conditions o f Contract, sixth edition (January 1991), prepared by the institution of Civil Engineers jointly with the Association of Consulting Engineers and the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors.

1.3. Words and expressions defined in the Conditions of Contract have the same meanings herein.

1.4. Aii references to clauses are references to clauses numbered i n the Conditions of Contract and references to paragraphs are references to paragraphs numbered herein.

1.5. The word 'work' includes work to be carried out, goods, materials and services to be supplied, and the liabilities, obligations and risks to be undertaken by the Contractor under the Contract.
1.6. The expression 'expressly required' rneans shown on the Drawings, described in the Specification or ordered by the Engineer pursuant to the Contract. 1.7. 'Bill of Quantities' means a list of items giving brief identifying descriptions and estimated quantities of the work comprised i n a Contract.

1.8. 'Daywork' rneans the method of valuing work on the basis of time spent by the workmen, the materials used and the plant employed.

'Work Classification' means the Work Classification set out i n section 8,

1.10. 'Original Surface' means the surface of the ground before any work has been carried out.

1.11. 'Final Surface' means the surface indicated on the Drawings to which excavation is to be carried out. 1.12. 'Commencing Surface' rneans, i n relation to an item in a Bill of Quantities, the surface of the ground before any work covered by the item has been carried out. 'Commencing Surface' means, in relation to a group of items i n a Bill of Quantities for work i n different materials in an excavation or a bored, drilled or driven hole, the surface of the ground before any work covered by any item in the group has been carried out. 1.13. 'Excavated Surface' means, in relation to an item in a Bill of Quantities, the surface to which excavation included i n the work covered by the item is to be carried out. 'Excavated Surface' means, in relation to a group of items in a Bill of Quantities for excavation i n different materials, the surface to which excavation included i n the work covered by any item in the group is to be carried out. 1.14. A hyphen between two dimensions means a range of dimensions which includes all dimensions exceeding that preceding the hyphen but not exceeding that following the hyphen. 1.15. 'BS' means British Standard. References to British Standards are deemed to include equivalent national standards of member states of the European Community and European Community standards.


Title application and extent
2.1. The title of this document is the Civil Engineering Standard Method Measurement, third edition, which is abbreviated to CESMM3. CESMM3 intended to be used in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract and only connection with civil engineering works and simple building works incidental civil engineering works.

of is in to

2.2. CESMM3 provides for simple building works incidental to civil engineering works to be measured in accordance with class 2. CESMM3 does not deal with the preparation of Bills of Quantities for complex mechanical or electrical engineering work, or complex building work or work which is seldom encountered in civil engineering contracts. Where any such work is to be included in a Contract for civil engineering work, it shall be itemized and described in the Bill of Quantities in sufficient detail to enable tenderers to price it adequately and the method of measurement shall be stated in the Preamble to the Bill of Quantities in accordance with paragraph 5.4.

Object of CESMM3

2.3. The object of CESMM3 is to set forth the procedure according to which the Bill of Quantities shall be prepared and priced and the quantities of work expressed and measured.

Objects of the Bill of Quantities

The objects of the Bill of Quantities are

( a ) to provide such information of the quantities of work as to enable tenders to be prepared efficiently and accurately ( b ) when a Contract has been entered into, to provide for use of the priced Bill of Quantities in the valuation of work executed.
2.5. In order to attain these objects, work should be itemized in the Bill of Quantities in sufficient detail for it to be possible to distinguish between the different classes of work, and between work of the same nature carried out in different locations or in any oiher circumstances which may give rise to different considerations of cost. Consistent with these requirements the layout and content of the Bill of Quantities should be as simple and brief as possible.
2.6. All work which is expressly required should be covered in the Bill of Quantities.

2.7. CESMM3 seeks to attain these objects principally by the use of the Work Classification. This defines

(a) how work is to be divided into separate items in the Bill of Quantities ( b ) the information to be given in item descriptions (cl the units in which the quantities against each item are to be expressed Id) how the work is to be measured for the purpose of calculating quantities.


ltem descriptions 3.1. The Work Classification divides work commonly encountered i n civil engineering contracts into 26 main classes. Each class comprises u p to three divisions which classify work at successive levels of detail. Each division comprises a list of up to eight descriptive features of work. Each item description i n the Bill of Quantities shall identify the component of work covered with respect to one feature from each division of the relevant class, e.g. Class H (precast concrete) contains three divisions of classification. The first classifies different types of precast concrete units, the second classifies different units by their dimensions, and the third classifies them by their mass. Each item description for precast concrete units shall therefore identify the component of work i n terms of the type of unit, its dimensions and mass. Mode of description 3.2. To avoid unnecessary length, item descriptions for Permanent Works shall generally identify the component of the Works and not the tasks to be carried out by the Contractor, e.g. An item should be described as 'Plain round mild steel bar reinforcement t o BS 4449 nominal size 20 mm', not as 'Supply, deliver, cut, bend and fix plain round mild steel bar reinforcement to BS 4449 nominal size 20 mm'. 3.3. Where the work identified by an item is specifically limited, the limitation shall be stated i n the item description, e.g. 'Plain round mild steel bar reinforcement to BS 4449 nominal size 20 m m excluding supply and delivery to the Site.' ltem descriptions for work which is divided between two classes require such limitations to be stated, e.g. ltem descriptions for miscellaneous metalwork inserts which are to be cast into concrete require appropriate additional description if items are given i n both class G for casting in the inserts and class N for supplying the inserts. Separate items
3.4. The work shall be divided into items i n the Bill of Quantities so that the component o f work which is included i n each item does not exhibit more than one feature from each division of any one class of the Work Classification, e.g.

One item for precast concrete work shall not include more than one of the types of concrete unit listed in the first division of class H, neither shall it include different units whose dimensions are not within one of the classifications listed i n the second division of class H, nor shall it include different units whose mass does not lie within one of the ranges listed i n the third division of class H. Units of measurement
3.5. The unit of measurement for each item shall be that stated for the item i n the Work Classification. The unit of measurement stated against a descriptive feature in the Work Classification shall apply to all items to which that descriptive feature applies.


Measurement rules

3.6. Measurement rules in the Work Classification set out the conditions under which work shall be measured and the method by which the quantities shall be computed if other than in accordance with paragraph 5.18. 3.7. Definition rules i n the Work Classification define the extent and limits of the class of work represented by a word or expression used i n the Work Classification and in a Bill of Quantities prepared in accordance with CESMM3. 3.8. Coverage rules i n the Work Classification provide that the work stated is deemed to be included in the appropriate items to the extent that such work is included i n the Contract. A coverage rule does not state all the work covered by an

Definition rules

Coverage rules

item and does not preclude any of the work stated being covered by a MethodRelated Charge. Additional description rules 3.9. Description of an item in addition to that required i n accordance with paragraph 3.1 shall be given where required by any provision of section 5 or by any applicable additional description rule i n the Work Classification. Where additional description is given, a separate item shall be given for each component of work exhibiting a different additional feature, e.g. Additional description rule dl of class H requires that the specification of the concrete i n each precast concrete unit shall be stated. Accordingly, this rule also means that separate items shall be given for units cast from concrete of different specifications. 3.10. Where a descriptive feature i n the Work Classification identifies a range or group of dimensions and an applicable additional description rule requires the particular dimension to be stated, the range or group of dimensions shall not also be stated, e.g. Additional description rule A2 of class I requires that the nominal bores of pipes shall be stated i n item descriptions. The range of nominal bore taken from the second division of the classification of class I shall not also be stated. Applicability of rules 3.11. Rules printed on a right-hand page above a double line apply to all work i n the class. Other rules on a right-hand page apply to particular groups of items as shown by the classification table.



For convenience of reference each item in the Work Classification has been assigned a code number consisting of a letter and not more than three digits. The letter corresponds to the class i n the Work Classification in which the item occurs and the digits give the position of the item in the first, second and third divisions of the class, e.g. Code H 1 3 6 identifies an item as class first division second division third division

1 3 6

precast concrete beams length 7-10 m mass 5 1 0 t

4.2. The symbol + is used i n the rules to the Work Classification to indicate all numbers i n the appropriate division, e.g.

Item numbers

means the group of code numbers from H 1 3 1 to H 1 3 8 inclusive.

4.3. Code numbers may be used to number the items i n the Bill of Quantities, the items within the Bill of Quantities being listed in order of ascending code number.
4.4. Code numbers used as item numbers in the Bill of Quantities shall not form part of the item descriptions or be taken into account i n the interpretation of the Contract.

Coding of unclassified items

4.5. Where a feature of an item is not listed in the Work Classification the digit 9 shall be used i n the appropriate positions i n the code number. 4.6. Where there is an item to which a division of classification does not apply or for which fewer than three divisions of classification are given the digit 0 shall be used i n the appropriate positions i n the code number.

Numbering o i items w i t h additional description


Additional description given for an item in accordance with paragraph 3.9 is not represented by the code number. Where code numbers are used as item numbers a suffix number shall be used to distinguish items which have the same code number but different additional description, e.g. Additional description rule A1 of class H requires that additional description be given for precast concrete units stating their position i n the Works and the specification of the concrete used. If three items are required within one part o f the Bill of Quantities to allow for precast concrete beams having the same code but different additional description, the items should be numbered


Measurement of completed work

Appropriate provisions of this section shall also apply to the measurement of completed work.

Sections of the Bill of Quantities

5.2. The Bill of Quantities shall be divided into the following sections.

(a) List of principal quantities (b) Preamble (c) Daywork Schedule (dl Work items (grouped into parts) (el Grand Summary. List of principal quantities
5.3. A list of the principal components of the Works with their approximate estimated quantities shall be given solely to assist tenderers i n making a rapid assessment of the general scale and character of the proposed Works prior to the examination of the remainder of the Bill of Quantities and the other contractual documents o n which their tenders will be based. 5.4. The Preamble shall state the methods of measurement other than CESMM3, if any, which have been adopted i n the preparation of the Bill of Quantities and are to be used for the measurement of any part of the Works. Such methods of measurement shall comprise those adopted and to be used for any work not covered by CESMM3 and any amendments to CESMM3 which have been adopted and are to be used. Amendments comprising abbreviation of CESMM3 are usually necessary for Contractor-designed work and work which is intended to involve selection between alternatives at the discretion of the Contractor. The extent of the work affected by ail amendments to CESMM3 shall be stated i n the Preamble. 5.5. Where excavation, boring or driving is included in the work a definition of rock shall be given i n the Preamble and this definition shall be used for the purposes of measurement.


Daywork Schedule


The Daywork Schedule, if any, shall comprise e i t h e ~

(a) a list of the various classes of labour, materials and plant for which Daywork rates or prices are to be inserted by the tenderer together with a statement of the conditions under which the Contractor shall be paid for work executed on a Daywork basis, or

( b ) a statement that the Contractor shall be paid for work executed o n a Daywork basis at rates and prices calculated by adding the percentage additions stated i n the Schedules of Dayworks carried out incidental to Contract Work issued by the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors to the rates and prices contained in the aforementioned Schedules and by making further adjustments as follows.
Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule

2: 3: 4:

Labour Materials Plant Supplementary charges*

addition/deductionx of - t p e r cent additionldeduction* of - t p e r cent addition/deductionx of - t p e r cent additionldeduction* of - t p e r cent

*Appropriate deletion to be made by the Contractor when tendering tpercentage to be inserted by the Contractor when tendering *Supplementary charges shall not include the charges referred to i n notes and conditions 21ii). 3 and 6 of schedule 4 Payments shall be made under the conditions and using the rates and prices contained i n the edition of the aforementioned Schedules current at the date of execution of the Daywork.


Provisional Sums for work executed on a Daywork basis may be given comprising separate items for labour, materials, plant and supplementary charges. Where a Daywork Schedule of the form stated in sub-paragraph ( b ) of paragraph 5.6 is used each Provisional Sum shall be followed by an item for the adjustment referred to i n that sub-paragraph. The price inserted against each such item shall be calculated by applying the percentage addition or deduction inserted by the Contractor in the Daywork Schedule to the amount of the associated Provisional Sum. The items i n the Bill of Quantities which are to be priced and t o contribute to theTenderTotal may be arranged into numbered parts to distinguish between those parts of the work of which the nature, location, access, limitation on sequence or timing or any other special characteristic is thought likely to give rise to different methods of construction o r considerations of cost. General items (class A) may be grouped as a separate part o f the Bill of Quantities. ltems in each part shall be arranged in the general order of the Work Classification.
5.8. 5.9.

Work items Division of the Bill o f Quantifies info parts

Headings and sub-headings

Each part of the Bill o f Quantities shall be given a heading and groups of items within each part be given sub-headings. Headings and sub-headings shall be read as part of the item descriptions to which they apply. A line shall be drawn across the item description column below the last item to which each heading or sub-heading applies. Headings and sub-headings shall be repeated at the start of each new page which lists items to which they apply.

Extent o f itemization and description

All work shall be itemized and the items shall be described in accordance with the Work Classification, but further itemization and additional description may be provided if the nature, location, importance or any other special characteristic of the work is thought likely to give rise to special methods o f construction or considerations of cost.
5.10. 5.11.


Descriptions shall identify the work covered by the respective items, but the exact nature and extent o f the work is to be ascertained from the Drawings. Specification and Conditions of Contract, as the case may be, read in conjunction with the Work Classification.
5.12. Any detail of description required to be given i n accordance with the Work Classification may be omitted from an item description provided that a reference is given in its place which identifies precisely where the omitted information may be found on a drawing or in the Specification.

Where an item description compiled in accordance with the Work Classification would be insufficient to identify clearly the particular work covered by the item additional description shall be given to identify the work by reference to its location or other physical features shown on the Drawings or described in the Specification.

Ranges o f dimensions

5.14. Where all the components of work included in an item are of one dimension within a range given i n the Work Classification that dimension may be stated in the item description in place of the range of dimensions given. 5.15. The estimated price of work to be carried out by a Nominated Sub-contractor shall be given in the Bill of Quantities as a Prime Cost item. Each Prime Cost Item shall be followed by

Prime Cost ltems

la) an item for a sum for labours in connection therewith which, in the absence of any express provision in the Contract to the contrary, shall include only

li) in any case in which the Nominated Sub-contractor is to carry out work

on the Site for allowing him to use temporary roads, scaffolding, hoists, messrooms, sanitary accommodation and welfare facilities which are provided by the Contractor for his own use and for providing space for office accommodation and storage of plant and materials, for disposing o f rubbish and for providing light and water for the work of the Nominated Sub-contractor, and [iil in any case in which the Nominated Sub-contractor is not t o carry out work on the Site for unloading, storing and hoisting materials supplied by him and returning packing materials, and (bl an item expressed as a percentage of the price of the Prime Cost ltem in respect o f all other charges and profit.

Where any goods, materials or services supplied b y a Nominated Subcontractor are to be used by the contractor in connection with any item, reference shall be made i n the description of that item, or in the appropriate heading o r subheading, to the Prime Cost ltem under which the goods or materials or services are to be supplied.


Provisional Sums

Provision for contingencies shall be made by giving Provisional Sums i n the Bill o f Quantities and not by increasing the quantities beyond those of the work expected to be required. Provisional Sums for specific contingencies shall be given in the general items of the Bill o f Quantities. A Provisional Sum for a general contingency allowance, if required, shall be given in the Grand Summary in accordance with paragraph 5.25.
5.18. The quantities shall be computed net using dimensions from the Drawings, unless directed otherwise by a measurement rule i n CESMM3 or b y the Contract, and no allowance shall be made for bulking, shrinkage or waste. Quantities may be rounded up or down where appropriate. Fractional quantities are not generally necessary and should not be given t o more than one place of decimals.
5.19. The following units of measurement and abbreviations shall be used.


Units o f measurement

Unit Millimetre Metre Square millimetre Square metre Hectare Cubic metre Kilogramme Tonne Sum Number Hour Week Work affected b y water

Abbreviation mm m m m 2 or mm2 m 2 or m2 ha m3 or m3 kg t sum nr h wk

5.20. Where an existing body of open water [other than groundwater) such as a

river, stream, canal, lake or body of tidal water is either on the Site or bounds the Site, each body of water shall be identified in the Preamble to the Bill of Quantities. A reference shall also be given to a drawing indicating the boundaries and surface level of each body of water or, where the boundaries and surface leyels fluctuate, their anticipated ranges of fluctuation. Ground and excavation levels
5.21. The Commencing Surface shall be identified in the description of each item

for work involving excavation, boring or driving for which the Commencing Surface is not the Original Surface. The Excavated Surface shall be identified in the

description of each item for work involving excavation for which the Excavated Surface is not the Final Surface. The depths of excavation stated in accordance with the Work Classification shall be measured from the Commencing Surface to the Excavated Surface. Form and setting
5.22. The Bill of Quantities should be set out on paper of A4 size. The work items should be set out within columns headed and ruled consecutively as follows.

Column heading Number ltem description Unit Quantity Rate Amount: f P

Column width 20 m m 90 m m 10 rnm 20 m m 20 m m 20 m m 8mm

5.23. Provision shall be made forthe amounts inserted on each page to be totalled and carried to a summary of each part of the Bill of Quantities and for the total of each Part Summary to be carried to the Grand Summary.

Grand Summary

5.24. The Grand Summary shall contain a tabulation o f the parts of the Bill of Quantities with provision for insertion of the total o i the amounts brought forward from the Part Summaries. 5.25. A Provisional Sum for a general contingency (the General Contingency Allowancel, if required, shall be given in the Grand Summary following !he total of the amounts brought forward from the Part Summaries. 5.26. A n item described as the Adjustment ltem shall be given in the Grand Summary following the total of the amounts brought forward from the Part Summaries and the General Contingency Allowance, if any (see paragraphs 6.3. 6.4 and 6.5). 5.27. Provision shall be made for insertion of the total o f the amounts brought forward from the Part Summaries, the amount of the General Contingency Allowance, if any, and the amount of the Adjustment Item.

General Contingency Allowance

Adjustment ltem

Total o f the Priced Bill o f Quantities

i !
insertion of rates and prices
parts t o be totalled
6.1. Rates and prices shall be inserted i n the rate column of the Bill o f Quantities i n pounds sterling with pence inserted as decimal fractions of one pound.
6.2. Each part of the Bill of Quantities shall be totalled and the totals carried to the Grand Summary. 6.3. A tenderer may insert a lump sum addition or deduction against the Adjustment Item given i n the Grand Summary i n adjustment of the total of the priced Bill o f Quantities.
6.4. For the purposes of clause 60 interim additions or deductions on account of the amount, if any, of the Adjustment ltem shall be made by instalments in interim certificates i n the proportion that the amount referred t o i n clause 60(2)(a) bears to the total of the priced Bill of Quantities before the addition or deduction o f the amount of the Adjustment Item and a statement to this effect shall appear i n the Preamble to the Bill of Quantities. Such interim additions or deductions shall be made before deduction of the retention moneys, and shall not exceed i n the aggregate the amount of the Adjustment Item. If by the date of issue pursuant t o clause 48 of the Certificate of Substantial Completion for the whole of the Works any balance o f the amount of the Adjustment ltem is outstanding it shall be added to or deducted from the moneys then due.

Adjustment l t e m

6.5. I n determining the Effective Value for the purposes of the Contract Price Fluctuations clause, if applicable, account shall be taken of any addition to or deduction from the amounts due to the Contractor under clause 60 i n respect of the Adjustment Item.


7.1. For the purposes of this section the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them.

(a) 'Method-Related Charge' means the sum for an item inserted in the Bill of Quantities by a tenderer in accordance with paragraph 7.2. Ib) 'Time-Related Charge' means a Method-Related Charge for work the cost of which is to be considered as proportional to the length of time taken to execute the work. [c) 'Fixed Charge' means a Method-Related Charge which is not a Time-Related Charge. Insertion by a tenderer
7.2. A tenderer may insert i n the Bill of Quantities such items for Method-Related Charges as he may decide to cover items of work relating to his intended method of executing the Works, the costs of which are not to be considered as proportional to the quantities of the other items and for which he has not allowed in the rates and prices for the other items. 7.3. Where possible the itemization of Method-Related Charges should follow the order of classification and the other requirements set out in class A of the Work Classification, distinguishing between Time-Related Charges and Fixed Charges. Method-Related Charges may be inserted to cover items of work other than those set out in class A. 7.4. Each item for a Method-Related ~ h a r i inserted in the Bill of Quantities shall e be fully described so as to define precisely the extent of the work covered and to identify the resources to be used and the darticular items of Permanent Works or Temporary Works, if any, to which the item relates. 7.5. The insertion by the Contractor of an item for a Method-Related Charge in the Bill of Quantities when tendering shall not bind him to adopt the method stated in the item description i n executing the Works. 7.6. Method-Related Charges shall not be subject to admeasurement but shall be deemed to be prices for the purposes of clauses 52[1), 52(2) and 56(2). 7.7. Method-Related Charges shall be certified and paid pursuant to clauses 60(11ld) and 60(21[a) and a statement to this effect shall appear in the Preamble to the Bill of Quantities. 7.8. In the event of the satisfactory execution of any part of the Works which has been the subject of an item for a Method-Related Charge using, whether i n whole or i n part, a method other than that described i n the item the Contractor shall nevertheless be entitled to payment of the Method-Related Charge or the balance thereof, as the case may be, by such instalments at such times and upon such events as may from time to time be agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor. In default of such agreement the Method-Related Charge, or the balance then unpaid, shali be treated as if it were an addition to the Adjustment Item referred to i n paragraphs 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 and allowed to the Contractor by way of instaiments I n interim certificates accordingly. The amount of a MethodRelated Charge shall be neither increased nor decreased by reason only of any change i n method made by the Contractor, unless such change has been ordered by the Engineer, in which case the provisions of clause 52 shali apply.



Contractor not bound t o adopt method

Charges not t o be measured


Payment when method not adopted



Class A: Class B: Class C: Class D: Class E: Class F: Class G: Class H: Class I : Class J: Class K: Class L: Class M: Class N:

General items, 16 Ground investigation. 20 Geotechnical and other specialist processes, 28 Demolition and site clearance, 32 Earthworks, 34 In situ concrete, 40 Concrete ancillaries, 42 Precast concrete, 46 Pipework-pipes, Pipework-fittings Pipework-manholes Pipework-supports

and valves, 50 and pipework ancillaries, 52 and protection, ancillaries t o laying and excavation, 56

Structural metalwork, 60 Miscellaneous metalwork. 62

Class 0: Timber, 64 Class P: Piles, 66

Class 0: Piling ancillaries, 70 Class R: Class S: Class T: Class U: Class V: Class W: Class X: Class Y: Roads and pavings, 74 Rail track, 78 Tunnels, 82 Brickwork, blockwork and masonry, 88 Painting. 90 Waterproofing, 92 Miscellaneous work, 94 Sewer and water main renovation and ancillary works, 96

Class 2: Simple building works incidental t o civil engineering works. 102


Includes: General obligations. site s e ~ i c e and facilities, Temporary Works, testing o f materials a n d work. Provisional s S u m s and Prime Cost Items I t e m s t o cover elements of t h e cost of t h e w o r k w h i c h are n o t t o b e considered as proportional t o t h e quantities o f t h e Permanent Works

1 Contractual requirements

SECOND DIVISION 1 Performance bond


.2 Insurance of the Works

3 Third party insurance

2 Specified requirements

1 Accommodation for the Engineer'sstaff

1 Offices 2 Laboratories 3 Cabins 1 Transportvehicles 2 Telephones


2 Services for the Engineer's staff 3 Equipmentior use by the Engineer'sstaff

1 Officeequipment Laboratoryequipment 3 Surveying equipment 1 Drivers 2 Chainmen 3 Laboratory assistants

4 Attendance upon the Engineer's staff

5 Testing of materials 6 Testing of the Works

7 Temporary Works

1 Traffic diversions
2 Traffic regulation

3 4 5 6 7 3 Method-Related Charges 1 Accommodation and buildings

Access roads Bridges Cofferdams Pumping De-watering 8 Compressed air fortunnelling 1 Offices Laboratories 3 Cabins 4 Stores 5 Canteens and messrooms

2 Services

1 Electricity 2 Water 3 Security 4 Hoardings 5 Site transport 6 Personnel transport 7 Welfare 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cranes Transport Earthmoving Compaction Concrete mixing Concretetransport Piledriving Pile boring

3 Plant

4 Plant

1 Pipelaying 2 Paving 3 Tunnelling 4 Crushing and screening 5 Boring and drilling






he unit of measurement far general items shall be the sum. exceptwhere another unit of measurement is used i n accordancewith rule M2.
C1 ltems for insurance classed as conlracrualrequirementsshall be deemed to include only provision of insurance in accordance with clauses 21 and 23 unless otherwise stated. MZ A quantity shall be given against all items for specified requirementsof which the value is to be ascertained and determined by admeasurement i n accordance withclause56i11.A unit of measurement shall be stated for each such item. M3 Items shall be given i n this class for all lesring for which items are not given separately as set out i n other classes. D l All workotherthan the Permanent Works which is expressly stated in the Contract to be cariied out by the Contractor and of which the nature and extentisexpresslystated in the Contract shall be classed as specified requirements. A 1 Itemdescriptionsforwork classed asspecified requiremenlswhichisto be carriedout aftertheissueofthe Cenificateofsubstantial Completionshall sostate. A2 Item descriptions forwork classed as specified requirements shall distinguish between the establishment and removal of services or facilities and their continuing operation or maintenance. A3 ltem descriptions for lesfing ofmalerialsand lesring o f l h e Worksshall include particulars of samples and of methods of testing.

M 4 Items for Method-Related Charges, if any, shall be inserted by the tenderer i n accordance with section 7.

A4 Item descriptions for Merhad-Relaled Chargesshall distinguish between Fixed and Time-Related Charges.


Method-RelatedChargesmay be inserted by the tenderer in accordance with paragraph7.2 for ineuranses additional to those classed as contractual





SECOND DIVISION 5 Temporary Works

1 Traffic diversions 2 Traffic regulation 3 Access roads 4 Bridges 5 Cofferdams 6 Pumping 7 De-watering 8 Compressed air for tunnelling

Method-Related Charges lcontinuedl

6 Temporary Works

1 Access scaffolding 2 Support scaffolding and propping 3 Piling 4 Formwork 5 Shahs and pits 6 Hardstandings 1 Supervision 2 Administration 3 Labourteams
1 2

7 Supervision and labour

Provisional Sums

1 Daywork




Labour Percentage adjustmentto Provisional Sum for Dayworklabour Materials Percentage adjustment to Provisional Sum for Daywork materials Plant Percentage adjustment to Provisional Sum for Daywork plant Supplementarycharges Percentage adjustment to Provisional Surr for Dayworksupplementary charges

2 Other Provisional Sums 5 Nominated Sub-contracts which include work on the Site 6 Nominated Sub-contractswhich do not include workon the Site 1 Prime Costltem 2 Labours 3 Special labours 4 Other charges and profit

lsee rule at head of class on page 17)
MEASUREMENT RULES DEFINITION RULES COVERAGE RULES ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A4 Item descriptions for Method-Related Chargesshall distinguish between Fixed and Time-Related Charges.

M4 items for Method-Relaled

charges, if any, shall be Inserted by the tendeierin accordance with section 7.

M5 Itemsforpercentage adjustment to Provisional Sums far Dayworkshall be given only where a Daywork Schedule in accordance with alternative form Iblof paragraph 5.6isgiven i n the Bill of Quantities. Adjustments shall be inserted against such items to correspond with the adjustments, if any, inserted by the tenderer i n the Daywork Schedule.

MS Each Prime Costltemshall be followed by an item far labours and an Item for other charges and profit in accordance with paragraph 5.15. Where labours other than or in addition to those slated in sub-paragraph la1 of paragraph 5.15 areta be provided theitem for labours shall be designated as for special labours.

A5 Item descriptions for Prime Cosrlremsshail idenlib the work Included. AS The laboursshall be stated in item descriptions for special labours.


Includes: Excludes: Trial pits and trenches, boreholes, samples, site and laboratorytests, instrumental observations a n d professional servicesin connection with ground investigation Excavation n o t carried o u t f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f groundinvestigation (included in class E) Boringfor piling (included in classes P and Q)

SECOND DIVISION 1 Trialpitsandtrenches 1 Number in material other than rock 2 Number in material which includes nr

THIRD DIVISION 1 Maximum depth: not exceeding 1 m 2 1-2 m 3 2-3 m 4 3-5 m 5 510m 6 1C-15m 7 15-20 m 8 stated exceeding 20 m

3 4 5 6

Depth in material other than rock Depth in rock Depth supported Depth backfilled. material stated

7 Removal of obstructions

Pumping at a stated minimum extraction rate

2 Light cable percussion boreholes 1 Numher
3 Depth

nr m 1 In holes of maximum depth: not exceeding 5 m 2 510m 3 10-20 m 4 2C-30 m 5 3WO m 6 stated exceeding 40 m

6 Depth backfilled, material stated

7 Chiselling to prove mckor to penetrate obstructions


3 Rotary drilled horeholes

1 Number

nr m m 1 In holesof maximum depth: not exceeding 5 m 2 5-10 m 3 1C-20m 4 20-30 m 5 30 m 6 stated exceedin040 m

3 Depth without core recovery Depth with core recovery

Depth cased Depth backfilled, material stated 7 Core boxes, length of core stated
5 6

m m nr



4 Samples

SECOND DIVISION nr 1 Frornthesurfaceorfromtrialpitsand trenches

THIRD DIVISION 1 2 3 4 Undisturbed soft material Disturbed soft material Rock Groundwater

2 From boreholes

1 Opentube 2 Disturbed 3 Groundwater 4 Stationa~ piston 5 Swedish foil 6 Delh 7 Bishopsand 1 Permeability h

5 Site tests and observations

2 Groundwater level


3 Standard penetration


4 Penetration vane 5 Vanein borehole 6 Pressure meter 2 1 Plate bearing


nr nr nr

2 Self-boring pressure meter 3 California bearing ratio 4 Staticconesounding

nr nr nr

5 lnsitudensity 6 Mackintosh probe

nr nr

7 Hand auger borehole

Instrumental observations

1 Pressure head

1 Standpipes 2 Piezometers 3 Install covers 4 Readings

1 Installations 4 Readings

rn rn nr nr rn nr nr nr

2 Inclinometers 3 Settlementgauges 4 Resistivity 5 Seismic 6 Magnetometer 7 Self-potential 8 Gravirnetric

1 Installations 4 Readings

z, .

(see rules at head of class on page 211




ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A8 item descriptions for samplesshali state their size, type and class i n accordance with BS 5930.

A9 item descriptions far Permeabifirytests shall state the type and give particulars of the tests. A10 ltem descriptions for graundwarerlevefobservatlons shall state when the measurementsareto be taken. A l l ltem descriptions far standardpenerrarion tests shall state whether they are i n light cable percussion boreholes or rotavdrilled bareholes.

A12 ltem descriptions forplate bearing tests shall state whether they are in pits and trenches or boreholes or at the surface.

A13 ltem descriptions for sraric conesounding tests shall state the maximum depth of the cone and, where electric cones are used, the maximum capacity of themachine.

A14 ltem descriptions for hand auger barehole tests and observationsshallstate the minimum diameter and the maximum depth of the boreholes. A15 ltem descriptionsfor insrrumenlalobservarionsshall statedetallsof thetypeof observations and thetype of protective fences.
C4 ltemsforinc1inomerec;and

settiemenrgaugesrhali be deemedtoinclude provision of special bareholes.

A16 ltem descriptions for inclinometers and serrlemenf instruments state special gaugesshallare i nwhether the boreholes.



SECOND DIVISION nr 1 Classification

1 Moisturecontent 2 Atterberg limits 3 Specificgravlty 4 Partlcleslze analysis by sieve 5 Particlesizeanalys~s pipetteor by hydrometer 6 Frostsuscept~b~l~ty

7 Laboratorytests

2 Chemical content

1 2 3 4

Organicmatter Sulphate pHvalue Contaminants

3 Compaction

1 Standard 2 Heavy 3 Vibratory 1 Oedometercell 2 Tr~axialcell 3 Rowecell Constant head Falling head

4 Consolidation


Permeability Soilstrength


1 Quickundrained triaxial 2 Consolidated undrainedtriaxial. with aore waterpressuremeasurement 3 Consolidateddrained triaxial.with volumechangemeasureme~t 4 Shearbox: peakonly 5 peakand residual 6 residualonly 7 ring shear 8 California bearing ratio
. 7

7 Rockstrength
1 Unconfinedcompressivestrengthofcore sam~les 2 ~onsolidateddrainedtriaxial,with volumechange measurement 3 Brazilian 4 Ringshear 5 Pointload

(~ee rules at head of slars on page 211



A17 .tern dercript:ans for tests for conlam,nanrs snal. state lhe StandJr05 annine contaminanti to be analvsed

A18 item descriptions for friaxial celland Rowe cell tests shall state thenumberol incrementsandthe effective pressures.

ltem descriptions for quick undrainedfriaxialtestsshail state the diameter and whether a single. multistage or set of three


specimens is required.

A20 ltem descriptions for consolidaredrriaxiaitests shall state thediameter and the effective pressures. Multistage test5 shall be identified in item descriptions. A21 ltem descriptions for shearboxtests shall state the normal pressures and the size of theshearbox. A22 ltem descriptions for California bearing ratiotests shall statethe compactive eHon. surcharge and whether soaking is reouired.

A23 Item deacriptionefor unconbneacompresavcstrengrn tests sha 1 statethea amcter and thehelghtof tnesamples

A24 Iterndescriptionsfor consalidared drained rriaxialtests 5hJI. stalethe d'ameter ano t n ~ . heoqhtofthc samples and the effectve [IressLre 5
Itemdescriptionsfor Braziliantestsshall state the diameterandthe length ofthe samples.

A26 Item descr:ptions farnng sheartests sha Istata the norma DrCSsure ano tnc d amctcr 01 tne


ltem descriptionsforpoint loadtests sha 1 Slate tnetype of test requrco ano tnernlnsmurn o'mcns'onsof thesampl~ss.


1 Technician 2 Technician engineer


Professional services

h 1 Graduate Chartered 3 Principal or consultant

Engineer or geologist

4 Visits to the Site 5 Overnight stays in connection with visits to the Site

nr nr


rules al head of class on page 211 ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES



COVERAGE RULES C5 ltemsforprofessional service~shall deemed10 be includepreparation and submission ofreportsand keeping recordsoftimespent. C6 Iternsfor visitstorheSiteand overnightstaysinconnection with visilsto IheSileshail bedeemed toincludetravelling, meals. accommodation and other incidental expenses.

MZ Professionalservices shall be measured only where they are expressly required for analysis of records and results.

M3 The hours measured shall be working hours and shall exclude hours occupied i n rravel, meals. etc.


Includes: Excludes: Geotechnical processesfor altering t h e properties of soils and rocks Other specialist processes as listed Compaction (included in class E) Grouting carried o u t f r o m within tunnels, shafts and other subterranean cavities (included in class T) Grouting carried o u t f r o m within sewers (included in class Y)


SECOND DIVISION 1 Vertically downwards 2 Downwards at an angleOm-45'to the vertical 3 Horizontally or downwardsat an angle less than 45-10 the horizontal 4 Upwards at an angle 0-45'to the horizontal 5 Upwards at an angle less than 45" to the vertical 1 2 3 4 Number of holes Numberof stages Single water pressure tests Multiple water pressure tests t

THIRD DIVISION 1 In holes of depth: not exceeding 5 m 2 5-10 m 3 10-20 m 4 20-30 m 5 3M0m 6 stated exceeding 40 m m m m m m m

1 Drilling for grout holes through material other than rock or artificial hard material 2 Drilling for grout holes through rockor artificial hard material 3 Driving injection pipes for grout holes

Grout holes


Grout materials and injection

1 Materials

1 2 3 4 5

Cement Pulverized fuel ash Sand Peagravel Bentonite 6 Chemicals


2 Injection

1 Number of injections Neat cement grout 3 Cement and stated filler grout 4 Chemical grout 5 Other stated grout 6 Single packer settings 7 Double packersettings 1 Maximum depth: notexceeding 5 m 2 5-10 m 3 10-15 m 4 15-20 m 5 20-25 m 6 25-30 m 7 stated exceeding 30 m

nr t t t



Diaphragm walls

1 Excavation in material other than rock or artificial hard material 2 Excavation in rock 3 Excavation in artificial hard material

m3 m3 m3

4 Concrete 5 Plain round steel bar reinforcement to BS 4449 6 Deformed high yieldsteel bar reinforcementto BS4449

m3 t 1 1 Nominal size: 2 3 4 5
6 7 8

6mm 8 mm 10mm 12mm 16mm 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm or greater

7 Waterproofed joints 8 Guidewalls

sum m



MEASUREMENT RULES ~ ~ ~ C o m m c n cSurface ing JOOPtCd !he preparaton of !he ,n I ",.. , n.,antol'es shal ou aoopted ". --forthe measurement of the work. ~2 ~ n oeplns o l grout notes. e ,e ls lor ground anchorages an0 ar~;nsshab e meJsureo a on9 ,-.nn .- .cs ;rresoecllveoi ,,- . - . inclination. M3 Drilling through previously orouted h o k s i n the course of ;tage grouting shall not be measured. Where holes are nwnrosslvreouired to be . --- , - , ortended.. the number of holes shall be measured and drilling through previously grouted holes shall be measured as drilling through rock oraniiiciel hard material.


COVERAGE RULES C1 Itemsforworkinthisclass shall bedeemed toinclude disoosal of excavated material and removalof deadservices



Drl l:ng and excaval'on for w o r k n tnsclass rna . oc deemed to oe in matcrjalorhertnan rack or anificial hard materialunless othewi~estatedn item i descriotions



A1 The diameters of holes shali be stated i n item descriptions for drilling and driving fargroutholes and grouthales.

M4 The numberofstages measured shall be the total number of grouting stages expressly required. M5 The mass of grout materials measured shall not include the mass of mixing water.

A2 The typeof materialsshall be stated in item descriptions for grout materials.

M6 The numberofinjections measured shall be the total number of injections expressly required.

M7 The mass of grout injection measured shall not include the mas5 of mixino water.
M8 Formwork for voids, rebates and fillets in diaphragm walls shall be classed as concrete ancillaries (class GI. M9 The depths of concretein diaphragm wallsehall be measured from the cut-off levels edprers y reqLlrco. TncvoLmeaf concrete snal o e c a CL aled assot out in r-lesM1 an0 M2 n class F. M I 0 The mass measured for rcinlorccmenttn oiophragm walls rha i n c l ~ o e that o i st ffcnng. i t m g 2nd s.pponong stec cast

A3 Item descriptions forthe numberof injectionsshall identify those which are i n stages distinguishing between those which are i n ascending and descending stages.

D2 Dzapnragm ~ a l l s a r e wal s constr~ctcd usmg benton~te s l ~ r r y o other suppon il~8os. r

C2 Ilems lor excaval;on lor d:aphragm walls shall bc oeemed l o ncludc prcparatlon an0 upholong sioes of excavation.
C3 items for concretein

A4 Tnetnicrncsscs o i d:apnragm wallsshal be staledin t c m 0eecr:otona far cxcaval8on - - ~ - - -~ and concretefor diaphragm walls.

D3 The nominal size stated in item descriptions for bar reinforcementin diaphragm walls shall be the cross-sectional sire defined i n BS 4449.

diaphragm walls shall be deemed to include trimming the faces of diaphragm wallr and preparing their tops to receive other work.

A5 The nature of the material shali be stated i n item descriptions for excavarion i n arrificial hard material. A6 The mixspecifications or strengthsshall be stated initem descriptions for concretein diaphragm walls.

C4 ltemsforreinfarcementin
diaphragm walls shall be deemed to include rupponing reinforcement and preparing protruding reinforcement to receive other work.

M11 The massof steel reinforcementshall be taken as 0.785 kglm per 100 mm2 of crossSection 17.85 t ~ m ~ l . mass of The other reinforcing materials shall be taken asstated in thecontract. M I 2 Guide wailsshall be measured each side of the dia~hraom wall.






7 Ground anchorages

1 Number in material other than

rock or artificial hard material to a stated maximum depth 2 Total length of tendons in material other than rock or artificial hard material 3 Number in material which includes rock or artificial hard material to a stated maximum depth 4 Total length of tendons in material which includes rock or artificial hard material nr m nr m nr

1 Temporary
2 Temporary with single corrosion


3 Temporaw with double corrosion

protection 4 Permanent 5 Permanent with single corrosion protection 6 Permanentwith doublecorrosion protection

Sand, band and wick drains

1 Numberof drains Numberof predrilled holes 3 Depth of overlying material 4 Depth of drains of maximum depth: not exceeding 10 m

m m m m m m

5 6 7 8

10-15m IS20 m 20-25 m

stated exceeding 25 m

1 Cross-sectional dimension: not exceeding 100 m m 2 100-200 m m 3 200-300 m m 4 300-400 m m 5 400-500 mm 6 stated exceeding 500 mm


rules at head ofclass on page 29) ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES ~7 The composition. location and working load and details ofwater andgrouttesting,$regrouting and grouting shall be stated in item descriptions for ground anchorages.

MEASUREMENT RULES Mi3 The lengths oftendonsfor ground anchorages shall be measured between the outer ends of anchorages.



MI4 Thenumber of predrilled

holesmeasured forsand, band and wick drainsshall be the number expressly required to be predriiled through overlying material.

A8 Sand drains, band drains and wickdrains shall be separately identified in item descriptions and the materials ofwhich they are composed stated.


Includes: Excludes: D e m o l i t i o n a n d removal of natural and artificial articles, objects a n d obstructions w h i c h are above t h e Original Surface Removal of articles, objects. obstructions a n d materials (other t h a n tree roots) a t o r b e l o w t h e Original Surface (included in classesc, E, I J, K, L, R.T. X a n d Y) ,

1 Generalclearance



2 Trees


1 Girth: 500 mm-1 m 2 1-2 m 3 2-3 m 4 3-5 m 5 exceeding 5 m 1 Diameter: 150-500 rnrn 2 500 mm-1 m 3 exceeding 1 m 1 Brickwork 2 Concrete 3 Masonw 1 Volume: not exceeding 50 m' 2 5C-100 rn3 3 100-250 m' 4 250-500 rn' 5 50C-1000 ma 6 1000-2500 m3 7 2500-5000 m3 8 stated exceeding 5000 m'

3 Stumps


4 Buildings 5 Otherstructures

sum sum

Metal 5 Timber 6 No predominant material


6 Pipelines


1 Nominal bore: 100-300 mm 2 30C-500 mm 3 exceeding 500 mm

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 ltem descriptions for work from which the materials arising remain the property of the Employer shall so state.



COVERAGE RULES C1 Items for demolition and site clearance shall bedeemed to include disposal of the materials arising.

D l Generalclearanceshall include the demolition and removal of all articles, objects and obetrunlons which are expressly required to be cleared, except those forwhich separate items are given as set out In this class.
DZ Girthsof treesshall be measured 1 m above ground level.

C2 ltemsfor generaldearanca which include the removal of hedgesshali be deemed to include the removal of hedge stumps of any diameter where these are also required to be removed.

A2 Item descriptions for general clearanceshall identify the area included unless it is the total area ofthe Site.
A3 Where holes left by stump removal are to be backfilled, item descriptions for general clearance, m e s a n d s f u m ~ s s h a lstate the l nature of the backfilling material.

C3 Itamsfor

of trees shall be deemed to include removal of the stumps where they are also required to be removed.

D3 Thevolume used i n the classification of buildingsand atherstructuresshall be their approximate volume occupied, excluding any volume below the Original Surface.

A4 Buildingsand otherstructures shall be Identified in item descriptions.

M I Pipelineswithin buildings and other structures shall be measured only where their nominal bore exceeds300 mm.

Items for demolition of pipelinesshall be deemed to include demolition and removal of supporls.

Includes: Excludes: Excavation, dredging, filling, compaction, disposal and landscaping Excavation for: ground investigation (included i n class 6 1 diaphragm walls and ground anchorages (included i n class C] pipes and sewers, manholes, trenches and ditches, pipe headings, thrust boring and pipe jacking, and pipe iointino lincluded i n classes I J K. L a n d Y .. 1 biles ( i k l u d e d i n classes P and 01foundationsfor traffic signs (included i n class R) tunnels, shafts, headings and other subterranean cavities (included i n class TI foundations for fences and gates (included in class X I Reinstatement following pipe laying (included i n class K) SECOND DIVISION
1 Topsoil 2 Material otherthan topsoil, rock or 3

1 Excavation by dredging 3 Excavation for foundations 4 General excavation


artificial hard material Rock 4 Stated artificial hard material exposed at the Commencing Surface 5 Stated artificial hard material not exposed at the Commencing Surface

1 Maximum depth: not exceeding 0.25 m 0.2545 m 0.5-1 rn


MEASUREMENT RULES inacco;dancewith paragraph5.18 thequantities of e a r t h ~ ~ r k ~ s becomputed net hail "sing dimensionsfromthe ~rawingswith noallowancefor bulking,shrinkageorwaste. Where boundaries between different materials are not shown on theDrawings, measurement shall behadeontheSite.




M2 The Commencing Surface adoptedi n the preparation of the Bill of Quantities shall be adopted for the measurement of the completed work. M3 Excavation classed as b y dredgingin the Bill of Quantities shall be measured as by dredging irrespective of the method of excavation adopted by the Contractor. M4 Measurement of excavation bydredgingshall bemadefrom soundings unless otherwise stated.
M5 An item shall be given for each separate stage of excavation where separate stages in the conduct of the Works are expressly required.
M6 The volume measured for the excavation of a structure or foundation shall be the volume which is to be either occupied by orvenically above any panof the structure or foundation.
M7 The volume measured for excavation below a body of open water shall be the volume below waterwhen the water surface is at the level iorthe higherlevel of fluctuationif applicable) shown on the drawing to which reference is given i n the Preamble i n accordancewith paragraph 5.20.
M8 An isolated volume of

D l Excavated material shall be deemed to be material ofherrhan topsoil, rockoranificial hard materialunlessotherwisestated in ilem descriptions. D2 Excavation in or under an embankment, executed prior to placing of fill, shall be classed as excavarian for cuttings. 0 3 Excavation from within borrow pits shall be classed as generalexcavation.

C1 ltemsforexcavationshall be deemed toincludeupholding sidesofexcavation, additional excavationtoprovideworking spaceand removalof dead services.
C Items for excavation within ?

A1 The location and limits of excavation bydredgingshall be stated i n item descriptions where its extent would otherwise be uncertain. A2 item descriptions for excavation below a body of open water identified i n the Preamble i n accordance with paragraph 5.20 shall identify the body ofwater. A3 Thelocatian andlimits of excavarian forfoundariansshall be stated i n item descriptions where the lirnitswould otherwise be uncenain. Excavation around pileshafts and for underpinning shall each be so described and classed as excavation for foundations. A4 The Commencing Surface shall beidentifiedin the description of each item forwork involving excavation far which the Commencing Surface is not the Original Surface. The Excavated Surface shall be identified in the description of each item for work involving excavation for which the Excavated Surface is not the Final Surface. A5 ltem descriptions far excavation within borrow pits shall so state. A6 ltemdescriptionsshall identify separately excavation which isexpressly required to be carriedout by hand.

borrow pits shall be deemed to include removal and replacement of overburden and unsuitable material.

anificial hard marerialor rock occurring within other material to be excavated shall not be measured separately unless its volume exceeds 1 m%exceptthat the minimum volume shall be 0.25 m'where the net width of excavation is less than 2 m. M9 The volume measured for excavation within borrow pits shall be thenetvolumemeasured for filling.


SECOND DIVISION 1 2 3 4 Trimming of excavated surfaces Preparation of excavatedsurfaces Disposal of excavated material Double handling of excavated material m2 m2 m3 m3 THIRD DIVISION
1 Topsoil 2 Material otherthan topsoil, rockor

FIRST DIVISION 5 Excavation ancillaries

artificial hard material 3 Rock 4 Stated artificial hard material

5 Dredging to remove silt m3 6 Excavation of material below the Final Surface and replacement with stated material m3 7 Timber supports lefi in mz 8 Metal supports left in m2


1 To structures 2 Embankments 3 General 4 To stated depth or thickness

m3 m3 m3 m2

1 Excavated topsoil 2 lmportedtopsoil 3 Non-selected excavated material other than topsoil or rock 4 Selected excavated material other than topsoil or rock 5 Imported natural material other than topsoil or rock 6 Excavated rock 7 lmported rock 8 Imported artificial rnaterial


,ule at head of class on page 351

~ 1 0 Trimming o f excavated s,,facesshall be measured to ,",,"" which are to receive no permanentWorks whether trimming is expressly required or not. ~ 1 Preparation of excavated 1 ,u,facesshall be measured to surfaces which are to receive permanent Works whether is expressly required or not exceptsurfaceswhich are to receive filling or landscaping and surfaces far which formwork is measured. M i 2 Thevolume 01 disposal o f excavaredmaterialmeasured shall be the difference between the lotal net volume of excavation andthe net volumeof excavated malerial used for filling.


DEFINITION RULES 0 4 Disposal o f excavared materialshall bedeemed to be disposal off the Site unless otherwise stated i n item descriptions. D5 Trimming. preparation, disposaland double handling shall be deemed l a be carried out upon material otherthan topsoil. rock orartificial hard material ~nles50lhe~wise stated in item descriplions.



ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A7 .tcm descriplionsfore~ca#ar;on anc,llariesin conncclon wltn oxcavat'on by dredging sna Ibe so described.

I A8 Itemdescriptionsfortrimming ofexcav~tedsurfaces and

preparat~on aiexcavatedsurfaces shal denuhlrurfaceswnicharc:

la] inclinedatan angle of 10'45'

to the horirontal~

(bl inclinedatan angleof45'-90" (cl vertical.

tothe horizontal A9 Wherematerialisfordisposal on thesite the locationofthe disposalareasshall bestatedin item descriptionsfordisposalof excavaledmalerial.

M I 3 Double handling of excavatedmarerialshall be measured only tothe extent that it isexpressly required.The volume measured for double handling shall be that ofthevoid formed i n thetemporary stockpile from which the material is removed. M14 Dredging to removesilt shall be measured only to the extentthat it is expressly required that silt which accumulates after the Final Surface has been reached shall be removed. M I 5 The area measured for timberor metalsuppans lehin shall be the area ofsupponed surfaces forwhich the suppons are expressly required to be left in. M I 6 Filling of excavations around comoleted structures shall be measured only to the extent that the volume filled is also measured as excavation in accordance with rule M6. M17 Where filling to form temporary roads is subsequently approved by the Engineer for incorporation into permanent filling thevolume placed shall not be deducted measurement of filling.

06 Filling material shall be deemedto be non-selecled excavatedmalerial other rhan topsoilorrock, unless otherwise stated in item descriptions. 0 7 Filling material shall be classed as excavated rockonly where the use of rockas filling at stated locations is expressly required.

C3 Items for fillingshall be deemed to include comeaction.

A10 Themalerialsshall be identifiedin item descriptionsfor Rlling withimporfedmalerial. A l l Whered'fferentcompaction req~irementsare specfied forthe samcCllinomateria lhevshal, be

Filling $hall beclassedas srateddepth orrhicknesswhere material is provided of uniform ~ 1 ~ d d i t ifilling 8 ~ ~ necessi. total compacted depth or thickness ~ l such as in drainage blankets. tated by settlement of or penetratopsolling, pitching and beaching. tion into underlying material shall Bulk filling shall not beclassed as bemeasured only totheextentthat to stared depth or thickness itsdepth exceeds75 mm. notwithstanding that it may be The Of imponed compacted i n separate layers of filling material measured shall be of stated lhickness, the difference between the net volume of filling and the net volume of excavated material derived from work within classes E andT used for filling. MZO Where rack filling is deposited into soft areas the volume shall be measured in the transport vehicles at the place of deposition. M 2 l Where filling is to be depos,led below water, and the quantity cannot be measured satisfactorily by any other means, itsvolume shall be measured in the transport vehicles at the elace of deeosition.


A12 Wherethe rateof deposition of r l l n g materia 's .'m'tedthe limilalion shall bestated'n ilem dcrcriplionsior f;lling. A13 Thematerialsshall be identified in item descriptionsfor fiflingrostaleddepth orthickness.

are: tothe horizontaltothe horizontal

(bl inclinedatan angleof45'-90"

(cl venical.



1 Trimming of filled surfaces 2 Preparation of iilledsurfaces


THIRD DIVISION m2 m2 1 Topsoil 2 Material other than topsoil, rock or artificial hard material 3 Rock 4 Stated artificial hard material

Filling ancillaries


1 Turfing
2 Hydraulic mulch grass seeding


3 4 5 6

Other grass seeding Plants, stated species and size Shrubs, statedspeciesand size Trees, stated species and size

m2 nr nr nr 1 Single row 2 Doublerow

7 Hedges, stated species. size and spacing

t,e,rule at head of class an page 35) DEFINITION RULES COVERAGE RULES ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A15 Item descriptions forfiiing anciiiariesshall identifyworkupon surfaceswhich are: MEASUREMENT RULES

~ 2 2 Trimming olfilledsuriaces %hall measured to surfaces be which are to receive no Permanent ~ ~ ~ k ~ w h e t h e r t r i mis i n g m .mressly required or not.
~ 2 3 prepararion oiillled surfaces be measured t o s ~ r l a c e s ..,hlrh are to leeewe Permanen1 ..,..-.. \ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ n preparation's e t h e r e ~ p r ey requ'ced or not except ~r ~.rfacesnn,cn are to recalve II n g . orlandscaping and surfaces for which formworkis measured.

D9 Trimming and preparation shall bedeemed to becarried out upon material otherthan topsoil. rockoranificial hard material unless otherwise stated in item descriptions

la1 inclined atan angle oflO"45"

to the horizontal

Ibl inclinedatanangle0f45~-90'

I d

tothehorizontal vertical.

A16 Thetypeandgradeof materialshall bestated in item descriptionsforgeatextiies.

M24 Theareaofadditional geolextiiesin lapsshall not be measured. ~ 2 5 Thelengths ofhedges measuredshall betheirdeveloped lengths along centrelines. C4 Items far landscapingshall be deemed to include fenilizing. trimming and preparation of surfaces. A17 Wheretorling is pegged or wired item descriptionsshallso state. A18 Itemdescriptions forturfing andgrassseadingshall identib workuponsurfaceswhich are inclined at an angleexceeding 10" tothe horizontal.


Excludes: I n s i t u concrete for: capping of boreholes (included in class B) diaohraam walls (included in class C) -~ excavation ancillaries (included in class E) qranolithic and other applied finishes (included in class G I i r a i n a a e and oioework (included in classes K a n d L) piles (includeh classe; P a n d 0 1 roads, pavings a n d kerbs (included in class R) tunnel and shaft linings [included in classT) foundationsfor fences a n d gates (included in class X)

FIRST DIVISION Provision ofconcrete 1 Standard mix m3


THIRD DIVISION Cement to BS 12 or BS 146

1 lommaggregate

2 14 mm aggregate
3 20 m m aggregate 4 40 mm aggregate Orherstatedcement 5 10 m m aggregate 6 14mm aggregate 7 20 mm aggregate 8 40 mrn aggregate

Provision ofconcrete Designed mix


1 Grade: C7.5 2 c10


4 5 6 7

C15 C20 C25 C30 C35 C40

Provision ofconcrete Designed mix


1 Grade: F3 2 F4 3 F5

Provision ofconcrete Prescribed mix

m3 1 Blinding 2 Bases,footings, pilecaps and ground slabs 3 Suspended slabs 4 Walls 5 Columns and piers 6 Beams 7 Casing to metal sections 1 Thickness: not exceeding 150 m m 150-300 m m 2 300-500 m m 3 exceeding 500 mm 4 1 Cross-sectional area: not exceeding 0.03 m2 2 0.0W.1 m2 3 0.1-0.25 mZ 4 0,251 m2 exceeding 1 m2 5 6 Special beam sections

placing ofconcrete Mass 6 Reinforced 7 Prestressed



MI Thevolume of concrete measuredshall include that occupied by ialreinforcement and ather

metal sections (b) prestressing components cast-in components each not exceeding 0.1 m'in volume rebates, grooves, throats. fillets, chamfers or internal splays each not exceeding 0.01 m' in cross-sectional area (el pockets and holes which are defined as large or small voids i n accordance with rule 03 of class G ( f l joints or joint components between adjacent volumes of in sit" concrete. M2 Thevolume of concrete measured shall exclude that of nibs or external splays each not exceeding 0.01 m2 in crosssectional area. D l Items for provision o f concreteshall be classified i n accordance with BS 5328. 02 Aconcretemix shallbe classed asastandardmixwhere themixisto beseiected by the Contractor from the restricted list giveninsection4of BS 5328: Pan2. D3 Aconcreremixshall be classedasa designedmixwhere theperformanceisstated inthe Contract andthe mix proponions are to beseiected bythe Contractor. 0 4 Aconcreremixshall be classed as aprescribedmixwhere themix proportionsarestatedin thecontract. A1 Thespecification of the concrete mix i n accordance with BS 5328 shall be stated in item descriptions for provision o f concreteunless a mix reference is stated for which the specification is given elsewhere in the Contract.

M3 Columnsandpiersintegral with a wall shall be msasured as pan of the wall, except where expressly required to be cast separately.

M4 Beamsintegral with a slab shall be measured as pano f the slab, exceptwhere expressly required to be cast separately.

D5 Prestressed concrete which is also reinforced shall be classed as prestressedconcrete. D6 Thethickness used for classification of blindingshall be the minimum thickness. 0 7 The thickness used for clas~ification graundslabs. of suspendedslabsand wallsshall exclude the additional thickness of integral beams, columns, piers and other proiections. 0 8 Concrete in suspendedslabs and wallslessthan 1 m wideor long shall beclaseedas concrete in beamsand columns respectively.
09 Beamsshall beclassed as

A2 Item descriptions for placing o f concrete which is expressly required to be placed against an excavated surface (other than blinding1 shall so state. A3 The cross-sectional dimensions of special beam secrionsshall be stated i n item descriptions, except where a beam type or mark number is stated for which dimensions are given on the Drswings. A4 ltem descriptions for components classed as otherconcrete formsshall identib the component and include one of the following: la) the principal dimensions of the concrete component Ibl a typeor marknumber ofa concrete component for which principal dimensions are given an the Drawings Ic) astatement locating a concrete component for which principal dimensions are given an the Drawings.

special beam sectionswhere their cross-section profiles are rectangular or approximately rectangular over less than 415 of their length orwhere they are of box or other composite section.

In accordancewith paragraph 5.10 the location of concrete members in the Works may be stated in item descriptionsfor d lacing ofconcretewherespecial characteristics may affectthe method and rate of placing concrete.


Includes: Formwork f o r in s i t u concrete Reinforcement for in s i t u concrete Joints in in situ concrete Post-tensioned prestressing Accessories for in s i t u concrete

FIRST DIVISION 1 Formwork: rough finish 2 fair finish 3 other stated finish 4 stated surface features

SECOND DIVISION 1 Plane horizontal

2 Planesloping


3 Plane battered 4 Planevertical 5 Curved to one radius in one plane


1 Width: not exceeding 0 1 m . 0.1-0.2 m 3 0.2-0.4 m 4 0.4-1.22 m exceeding 1 2 m .2 5

m m mz




7 For voids


1 Small void depth: not exceeding 0 5 m . 0.Sl m 3 1-2 m 4 stated exceeding 2 m . 5 Largevoid depth: not exceeding 0 5 m ' 6 0.5-1 m 7 1-2 m 8 stated exceeding 2 m
1 Beams 2 Columns

For concrete components of Constant cross-section

3 4 5 6

Walls Other members Projections Intrusions

5 Reinforcement

1 Plain round steel bars to BS4449 2 Deformed high yield steel barsto BS 4449 3 Stainlesssteel barsof stated quality 4 Reinforcing barsofotherstated material

t 1 t 1

1 Nominal size: 6 mrn 2 8 mm


10 m m
12mm 16 m m 20 mm 25 m m 32 m m or greater

5 6


Special joints

6 SteeifabrictoBS4483 7 Fabricofotherstated material

1 Nominal mass: not exceeding 2 kglm' 2-3 kglm2 m2 2 3 3-4 kglm2 4 4-5 kglm2 5 5-6 kglm2 6 &7 kglm2 7 7-8 kglm2 8 stated exceeding 8 kglm2



I ~ ~ ~ l u d e R e i n f o r c e m e n t in d i a p h r a g m w a l l s [ i n c l u d e d in class C s : P r e - t e n s i o n e d p r e s t r e s s i n g [ i n c l u d e d in class H ) F o r m w o r k a n d - r e i n f o r c e m e n t in p r e c a s t c o n c r e t e ( i n c l u d e d in class H ) F o r m w o r k a n d r e i n f o r c e m e n t a n c i l l a r y t o d r a i n a g e a n d p i p e w o r k ( i n c l u d e d in classes K and LI Formworkand r e i n f o r c e m e n t in p i l e s ( i n c l u d e d in classes P a n d F o r m w o r k a n d r e i n f o r c e m e n t fo; conirele r o a d s a n d p a v i n g s ( i n c i u d e d in class R) F o r m w o r k for t u n n e l a n d s h a f t l i n i n g s ( i n c l u d e d in class T ) Formwork for f o u n d a t i o n s for f e n c e s a n d g a t e s ( i n c l u d e d in class X)


MEASUREMENT RULES Formwork shall be measured for surfaces of in situ concrete Whichrequire temporary support during carting except where otherwisestatedinCESMM3. M2 Formworkshall not be measured forthe following: (a) edgesofblindingconcrete natexceeding0.2 mwide (b) joints and associated rebates and grooves Icl temporary surfaces formed at the discretion of the Contractor (dl surfaces of concrete which are expressly required to be cast against an excavated surface [el surfaces of concrete which are cast against excavated surfaces inclined at an angle less than 45'10 the horizontal. M3 Formworkto upper surfaces ofconcrete shall be measured to surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 15'to the horizontal and to other upper surfaces for which formworkis expressly required. M4 Formwork forthe surfaces of voids larger than those classed as largevoids in accordance with rule 03 shell be measured as set out in this class for formwork generally. M5 Formworkfor the surfaces of Projections and intrusions exceeding0.01 m'in cross-sectional area be measured as setout class for formworkgenerally. M6 Thearea of formwork measuredshallinclude the areaofformworkobscuredby: la1 formsforlargeandsmall voids Ibl formsforprojecfionsand intrusions icl inserts M7 The mass of steel reinfarcementshall be taken as 0,785 kglm per 100 m m 2 0 fcrosssection 17.85 tlm31. The mass of ather reinforcing materials shall be taken as stated i n the Contract.

DEFiNlTlON RULES D l Plane formworkshall be classified according to its angle of inclination as follows:
to the venical


ADDITIONAL DESCRiPTlON RULES A1 Formworkleitin shall be so described i n item descriptions for formwork.

Horizon!al Sloping venical

85'-90. 10.45. 0-10.

A2 Item descriptions for formworkwhich is to upper surfaces shall so state, except where the surfaces are inclined at
ananglenot exceeding 1O0tathe vertical. A3 item descriptionsfor formworkshall state wherethe formworkis to blinding concrete. A Radii of curvedfarmwark shall be stated in item descriptions as fallows: (a1 to one radius in bne plane icyiindricail, radius stated i b l to one radius i n hvo planes isphericall, radius stated (cI varying radius iconicall. maximum and minimum radii stated. A5 Item descriptions for formwork forconcrete components ofconsfant crasssecfion, otherthan projectionsand intrusions. shali state the principal cross-sectional dimensions of the component and its mark number. location or other unique identifying feature. A6 Formworkforcurved concrete components ofconsfant cross-sectionshall be so describedstating the radii.

0 2 Formworkshall bedeemed to be for and to exceed1.22 ,,,,less ,thewise D3 Theclassification of large and smallvoidsshaii be asfoilows:
~arimurn rr~ss.rec~ion Circular voids idiarneterl
other voids


exceeding 0.35 m

exceeding 0.1 rnr

The depths of voids shall be measured perpendicularly to the adjacent surface of concrete. 0 4 ~ i b and s not exceeding 0.01 ,din crosssectional area shali be classed as

D5 Rebates,grooves, internal splays, throate,filletsand chamfer: not exceeding 0.01 m2 in cross. sectional area shall beclassed as intrusions.

DS The nominalsirestated in itemdescriptions forbar reinforcementshall be thecrosssectional siredefined i n BS4449. 07 Welded, swaged or screwed sleeve joints i n reinforcing bars shall be classed as specialjoints.

C1 Itemsfor reinforcementshall be deemed to include supporting reinforcement other than steel supports to top reinforcement.

A7 Item descriptionsforbar reinforcementahall state the lengths of bars to thenext higher multiple o f 3 m wherethey exceed 12 m before bending.
A8 item descriptions for special jointsshall state thetype of joint and type and sire of reinforcing bar.

MB ~h~ mass of
measured shall include the mass of steel supports to top reinfarcement.
M9 Thearea ofadditional fabric Inlapsshall not be measured.

A9 Itemdescriptionsforsfeel fabricfoES4483ehallstatethe fabric referencein accordance withBS4483orthewireand mesh arrangementin accordance with BS4466. A10 item descriptions for fabric ~fofhersfatedmaferialshallstate the sizes and nominal mass per square metre.



FIRST DIVISION 6 Joints ECOND DIVISION THIRD DIVISION m2 m2 m2 m2 m m 1 Average width: not exceeding 0.5 m Z 0.5-1 m 3 stated exceeding 1 m
1 Averagewidth: notexceeding 150 m m

: Open surface with filler

Formed surface plain Formedsurface with filler
i Plastics or rubber waterstops i Metal waterstops

Open surface plain

2 3

150-200 m m 200-300 rnm stated exceeding 300 mrn

' Sealed rebatesorgrooves


m nr 1 Plain or greased 2 Sleeved or capped 1 Length: not exceeding 5 m +7 m 3 7-10m 4 10-15m 5 1S-2om 6 20-25 rn 7 25-30 m 8 stated exceeding 30 m


7 Post-tensioned prestressing


Horizontal internal tendons in in sit" Concrete ! Inclined or vertical internal tendons in in situ concrete I Horizontal internal tendons in precast concrete I Inclined or vertical internal tendons in precast concrete i External Jackingoperations

8 Concrete accessories

Finishing of top surfaces


1 Wood float 2 Steel trowel 3 Other stated surface treatment 4 Granolithicfinish 5 Other stated applied finish 1 Aggregate exposure using retarder
2 Bdsn narnmering 3 Other stale0 s ~ r f a c e treatment carred

! Finishing offormed surfaces


out aher strlk;ng lormwork


1 Linear inserts Other inserts


Grouting under plates

1 Area: not exceeding 0.1 m2 2 0.1-0.5 m' 3 0 . 5 1 rn2 4 stated exceeding 1 m2

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A l l Thedimensions and nature ofcomponents shall be stated i n item descriptions forjoints.

MEASUREMENT RULES ~ 1 0 Jointsshali be measured oniywhere they are at locations where joints are expressly required. M I 1 ThewidthsofjainrsshaII be measured between theouter surfacesofconcretewith no deductionoraddition forwidths ordepthsoccupied by rebates. groo~e~,filletsorwaterstops.The lengthsofwaterstopsshail be measuredalong theircentrelines.

DEFINITION RULES D8 Jointsfor which temporary suppon of thewhole surface area of concrete is required during casting shall be classed as formed surfacejoinrs. Otherjointsshall be classed as open surfacejoints.

COVERAGE RULES CZ Items for opensurfaceand farmedsurfacejointsshall be deemed10 indudeintermediate surface treatment where expressly required. C3 ltemsforjointsshall be deemed to include formwork.

C4 Items for waterstopsshall be

deemed to include cutting and joining of waterstops and provision of special fittings at angles end junctions. D9 Profiledrendonsin horizontalcomponentsshall be claseedas horirontallendons. D l 0 The lengthsoflendansused forclassification shall be their developedlengths between the outer facesofanchorages. C5 Items for presrressingshali be deemed to include ducts, grouting andothercomponents and tasks ancillary to prestressing. A12 Item descriptions far presrressingshail identify the concretecomponent to bestressed and state the composition ofthe tendon and particulars of the anchorage.

M ~ Z Prestressingshall be measured by the numberof tendonswhere tendons are used and by the number of external jacking operationswhere stress is induced by jacking only.

M13 Surfacetreatmentsshall not be measured tosurfaces formed atthe Contractor's discretion. M I 4 Theareasoftopsafwalis andothersurfaceswhich are not givenseparatefinishing treatmentshallnot bemeasured as finishing ofrapzurfaces, M I 5 Nodeductionfromthe areasmeasuredfnrfinishin_oshaii be made for holesandopenings inthefinishedsurfaceseach not exceeding0.5 mS M16 Whereinsensareexpressly required to begroutedinto preformedopenings the formworkshall bemeasured. D l 1 Componentscastorgrouted Intoin sit" concreteexcept reinforcement, prestressing and jointing materialsshall beclassed as inserts.

C6 Items for granolirhicand other statedapplied finishshali be deemed to include materials. surface treatment, joints and formwork.

A13 The materials, thicknesses and surface treatments of granolifhicand otherstated appliedfinish shall be stated in item descriptions.

C7 ltemsforinserfsshallbe deemed to include their supply unless otherwise stated.

A14 Item descriptions for insens shall identify thecomponents to be castor grouted in end state their principal dimensions. A15 ltem descriptions for insens shall identify: (a1 those which project from one surfaceoftheconcrete l b l those which project from two surfaces of the concrete fcl those which are totally within the concretevolume. A16 Where insensare expressly required to be grouted into preformed openings in concrete item descriptions shall so state. Materials for grouting and sizes of openings shall be stated. A17 Materials shall be stated i n item descriptions for grouting underplates.

Similar insenswhich vary in size may be added togetherand classified by sizewithin ranges.


Includes: Excludes: Manufacture, erection, ioining and fixing of precast concrete units (included in class G) Post-tensioned ~ r e s t r e s s i n a precast concrete pipe\?rorkiincluded in classes Ia n d J) Precast concrete manholes, catchpits a n d gullies (included i n class K) Precast concrete oiles (included in classes P a n d QI Precast concrete Laving, kerbs a n d traffic sign supports (included in class R) Precast concrete tunnel linings (included in class T) Precast concrete blockwork (included in class U) Precast concrete fencing (included in class X) SECOND DIVISION nr nr nr nr 2

FIRST DIVISION 1 Beams 2 Prestressed pre-lensioned beams 3 Prestressed post-tensioned beams 4 Columns

1 Mass: not exceeding 250 kg

1 Length: not exceeding 5 m %7 m

3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7

7-10m 10-15m 15-20 m 20-30 m exceeding 30 m

250-500 kg 500 kg-1 t 1-2 t 2-5 t 510t 10-20 t stated exceeding 20 t

5 Slabs


1 Area: not exceeding 1 m2 1 4 rn2 2 3 4-1 5 m' 4 15-50 m2

6 Segmental units

exceeding 50 m2


7 Unitsfor subways, culverts and ducts m


Copings, sills and weir blocks

1 Cross-sectional area: not exceeding 0.1 m'


0.1-0.5 m2 0.rn2 exceeding 1 m'





D l The mass used for classification in the third division shall bethe mass ofeach unit. D2 Concrete components which are cast otherthan in their final position shall generally be classed as precast concreteunits.

C1 Items for precast concrete shall be deemedto include reinforcement, formwork, joints and finishes.

A1 The position in the Works and specification of the concrete to be used in each typeof precast unit shali be stated in item descriptions.

A2 Item descriptions shall slate

the markortypenumberof each precastconcrete unit. Units with different dimensions shall be given different mark or type numbers.

M1 The length measured for units farsubways, culvemand ductsand for copings, sills and weir blocksshall bethe total length of identical units.

D3 Where site precasting of units is adopted for reasons other than to obtain multiple useof formwork and the nature of the workis characteristicof In situ concrete, but involves the movement ofthe cast units into their final positlons,the unitsshall bs classed as in situ concrete and itemsgiven in class Afor the Temporary Works associated with the movement of the units.

A3 Pafiicularsof tendons and prestressing shall bestated in item descriptionsfor prestressed pre-tensioned units.
A4 The cross-sectiontype and principal dimensions shall be stated in item descriptions for beams, columns, segmental units. units for subways, culverts, ducts, copings, sills and weir blacks. A5 The average thicknessshall be stated in item descriptionsfor slabs. A6 The mass per metre shali be stated in item descriptions for units for subways, culverts, ducts, copings, sills and weir blocks.

CLASS I: PIPEWORKIncludes: Excludes:


Provision, laying a n d jointing of pipes Excavating and backfilling p i p e trenches Work included in classes J, K. L a n d Y Piped building services (included in classZ)


1 Nominal bore: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Not in trenches 2 In trenches, depth: 3 4 5

1 Claypipes 2 Concretepipes 3 Iron pipes 4 Steel pipes 5 Polyvinyl chloride pipes 6 Glassreinforcedpiasticpipes 7 High density polyethylenepipes 8 Medium densitypolyethylenepipes

notexceeding 200 m m 200-300 mm 30C-600 m m 600-900 mm 900-1200 mm 120C-1500 mm 1500-1800 mm exceeding 1800 mm

nbt exceeding 1.5 m 1.E-2 rn 2-2.5 m 2.63 m 3-35 m 3.54 m exceeding 4 m



~1 he commencing Surface =dopledi n the preparation ofthe ~ i lof Quantities shall be adopted i for the measurement of the completed work. ~2 Backfilling of trenches shall not be measured except as set out inclass Kfor filling of French and rubbledrains and i n class L for backfilling with material other than that excavated from the trenches.

DEFINITION RULES D l Pipes not in trenchesshali include pipes suspended or supported above the ground or other surface, pipes in headings, tunnels orshahs, pipes installed by thrust boring and pipe jacking and pipes laid within volumes measured separately for excavation. D2 Pipes not in rrenchesshail be classed as such only where pipes are expressly required not to be laid in trenches. D3 Depthsused for classification of pipes in trenchesshail be measured from the Commencing Surface to the inverts of the pipes.

COVERAGE RULES C1 ltemsfor pipesshall be deemed to include the supply of ail materials by the Contractor unless otherwise stated. items shall be deemed to include pipe cutting.
CZ Itemsfor pipesin trenches shall bedeemedto Include excavation,preparation of surfaces, disposal of excavated material.upholding sidesof excavation, backfilling and removaiofdeadse~icesexcept totheenentthatsuchworkis inciudedin ciassesJ. Kand L.

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 The location o type of r pipework i n each item or group of items shall be stated i n item descriptions so that the pipe runs included can be identified by reference to the Drawings.

A2 The materials, joint types,

nominal bores and lining requirements of pipes shall be stated in item descriptions and reference given to applicable British Standard specifications end specified qualities. A3 Item descriptions for pipes not in trenchesshall distinguish between the different categories of pipesiistedin rule Dl. A4 The Commencing Surface shall be identified i n the description of each item far work involving excavation for which the Commencing Surface is not also the Original Surface. A5 Where more than one pipeis expressly required to be laid i n one trench the item descriptions far each pipe shall so state and also identify the pipe run. Where pipesarelaid in French or rubble drainsitemdescriptionsshall so state. AS Trenchdepthrexceeding 4 rnshail bestatedinitem descriptionstothenext higher muitipieof0.5 m. A7 Itemdescription~shall identify separately excavation whichisexpressly requiredto be carriedout by hand.

M3 Lengths of pipes shall be measured along theircentre lines. Lengths of pipes in frenchesshall include lengths occupied by fittings and valves and exclude lengths occupied by pipes and fitting3 comprising backdrops to manholes. Lengths of pipes not in trenchesshall exclude lengths occupied by fittings and valves. M4 Additional items shall be given i n classes K and Lforwork in connection with pipes not in trenchesather than the provision. laying and jointing of pipes. M5 Lengths of pipesentering manholes and other chambers shall be measured ta the inside surfaces of the chambers except that pipes and fittings comprising backdrops to manholesshall be included in items for manholes measured i n class K.


CLASS J: PIPEWORKIncludes: Excludes:


Fittings and valves for p i p e w o r k W o r k included in classes I K, L a n d Y , Piped building services (included in class21

FIRSTDIVISION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Clay pipefittings Concretepipefittings Ironorsteel pipefittings Poiyvinylchloridepipefinings Glassreinforcedplasticpipefittings High densitypolyethylene pipefittings Medium density polyethylene pipe fittings nr nr nr nr nr nr nr

SECOND DIVISION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bends Junctions and branches Tapers Double collars Adaptors Glands Bellmouths Straight specials

THIRD DIVISION 1 Nominal bore: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 not exceeding 200 m m 200-300 m m 300-600 m m 600-900 mm 900-1200 mm 120U-1500 m m 150C-1800 m m exceeding 1800 mm

8 Valves and penstocks nr

1 Gatevalves: hand operated

2 -

~ o w eooerated r 3 Non-return valves 4 Butterfly valves: hand operated 5 power operated 6 Airvalves 7 Pressure reducing valves 8 Penstocks




COVERAGE RULES C1 Items for fittings and valves shall be deemed to includethe supply of materials by the Contractor, unless otherwise stated.
C2 Itemsforfittingsandvalves

shall bedeemedtoinclude excavation, preparation of surfaces, disposal of excavated materia1,upholdingsidesof excavation, backfilling and removal ofdeadeervicesexcept totheextentthat such workis inciudedinclaseesl. KandL.

MI Pipefitringscomprising backdrops to manholes shall be included in the items for manholes measured i n class K.
M2 Straightspecialsshall be measuredonlywherethey are expresslyrequ1red.Straight speciabshall not be measured wherethey arenecessitatedonly bythelay0utofthework.Pipe runs between manholes. chambersand otherstructures whose lengfhsarenotanexacf multiple ofastandardpipe length shall bedeemedtarequire straightspecialsonly ifthey are expressly required as rocker pipes.

D l Pipe fittingson pipes of different nominal boresshall be classified i n the third division according to the nominal bore of the largest pipe.
02 Astraightspecialisalength ofpipeeithercutto length or made to order.

W Items for straight specials shall bedeemedto Include cuning.

A1 Thematerials,jolnttypes, nominal bores and lining requirements of pipe finingrshall be stated i n item descriptions and reference given to applicable British Standard specifications and specified qualities. Fittings with puddle flanges shall be so described. A2 Item descriptions for pipe finingsfocast iron or spun iron pipeworkof nominal bore exceeding 300 m m and to all steel pipework shall state the principal dimensions of each fining. A3 Vertical bendsin pipework of which the nominal bore exceeds 300 m m shall be so described. A4 Fitringsto pipeworknot i n trenchesshall beso described. A5 Fiftingrto relined water mains measured inclassy shall besodescribed. A6 Thematerials.namina1 bores and any additional requirements suchasjoints,draincocks. extension spindlesand brackets shall beetated in item descriptionsfor valvesand penstocksand referencegiven to applicableBritishStandard specifications and specified qwlities. A7 Valverandpenrtacksto relinedwafermains measuredin classYshai1 beso described.


Includes: .Excludes:


Manholes and other chambers, ducts, culverts, crossings and reinstatement, other ancillaries as l i s t e d Work included in classes I J . L a n d Y . Ducted building services [included i n class 2 )

1 Manholes

SECOND DIVISION nr 1 Brick 2 Brickwith backdrop 3 In situ concrete 4 In situ concrete with backdrop 5 Precast concrete 6 Precast concrete with backdrop 1 Brick 3 In situ concrete 5 Precast concrete
1 Clay 2 Clay trapped


1 Depth: not exceeding 1.5 m 1.5-2m 3 2-26 m 4 2.5-3 m 5 3-36 m 6 3.5-4 m 7 stated exceeding 4 m

2 Otherstated chambers


3 Gullies


3 In situ concrete 4 In situ concrete trapped 5 Precast concrete 6 Precast concrete trapped 7 Plastics 8 Plastics trapped 4 French drains, rubble drains, ditches and trenches
1 Filling French and rubble drains with 2

graded material Filling French and rubble drains with rubble

m3 m3 1 Cross-sectional area: not exceeding 0.25 m2 2 0.25-0.5 m2 3 0.50.75 m2 4 0.75-1 m2 5 1-1.5 m2 6 1.5-2m2 7 2-3 m' 8 stated exceeding 3 rn2
1 Not in trenches 2 In trenches, depth: not exceeding 1.5 m 3 1.5-2m 4 2-2.5 m 5 2.5-3 m 6 3-35 m 7 3.5-4 m 8 exceeding 4 m

3 4

5 6 7

Trenches for unpiped rubble drains m Rectangular section ditches: unlined m lined m Vee section ditches: unlined m lined m Trenches for pipes or cables not to be m laid by the Contractor

5 Ducts and metal culverts

1 Cableducts: 1 way

3 4

5 6 7 8

2 way 3 way stated number of ways exceeding 3 Sectional corrugated metal culverts, nominal internal diameter: not exceeding 0.5 m 0.5-1 m 1-14 m exceeding 1.5 m

ADDITIONAL MEASUREMENT RULES DEFINITION RULES D l The centre line for m u l t i ~ l e ppes. d ~ ~ t s o r c ~ l v e n Ibeh a ~s the I n e cqUlo:stant oclwcen the i n s o e laces of tne aLler pope COVERAGE RULES

C1 Itemsforworkinthisclass shall bedeemedtoinclude excavation, preparationof surfaces,disposal of excavated matcrnl. ~ohalolna sidesof
removal ofdeadserv?ces. excepttotheextentthatsuch workisincludedinclassesl, J and L.

CZ Items for workin this class shali be deemed to include concrete, reinforcement. formwork, joints and finishes.
D2 The depthsof manholes and other chambersshall be measured from the tops of covers to channel inverts or tops of base slabs, whichever is the lower. D3 Drawpits shall be classed as otherstaledchambers.

C3 Item formanhales, other statedchambersandgulliesshall bedeemedtoincludeall itemsof metalworkandpipework,other thanvaives,whichoccurwithinor atthesurfaceoftheitem.

C4 Items for manholeswith backdrops shall be deemed l o includethe pipework and associated lilting5 comprising the backdrop.

A1 Typeor marknumberaahall be stated i n item descriptions for manholes, otherstatedchambers and gulliesof which details are given elsewhere i n the Contract. A2 Types and loading duties of covers shall be stated in item descriptions for manholes, other statedchambersand gullies.

sep&atelythose which'are expresslvrequired to be excavated by hand.

M1 Excavation and pipe laying for piped French andrubble drainrare measured i n class 1.

A4 Thenatureofthefilling materialshall bestatedin item descriptionsfor filling Frenchand rubbledrains. A5 Materialaand dimensions of iiningstoditchesshail bestated i n item descriptions.

MZ The cross-rccuonal areas of Itneoa,rchessh~llbe measured la tne Excavates S ~ r f a c e


M3 The rules i n class I for pipes shall also apply to ductrand metal culvensin this class except that the lenqths measured for ouctsand ~ e t a l c ~ l v c no1 in ns lrcnches shall tnclude lengths OCCUPICO by I ltlngs

0 4 Non-circularmetalculvens shall beclassified bytheir maximumnominal internalcrosssectionaldimension. D5 The rulesin class Ifor pipes shall alsoapply to ductsand metalculvensin this class.


Items for ductrandmefal culvensshail be deemed to include cutting and fittings.

A6 The rulesinclassifor pipes shall alsoapplylo ductsand m e l a l c u l v e ~ s i this class. n


Manholesand otherchambersmaybemeasuredindelailassetoutinolherslassesofCESMM3.




THIRD DIVISION 1 Pipe bore: not exceeding 300 m m 2 300-900 m m 900-1800 m m 3 4 stated exceeding 1800 mm

, ,

1 River,stream or canal, width: 1-3 m 2 3-10m 3 statedexceeding 10 m

4 Hedge 5 Wall 6 Fence 7 Sewer or drain 8 Other stated underground service


2 Break reinst. 3 Breaking up, temporary and permanent reinstatement of roads 4 Breaking up, temporary and permanent reinstatement of footpaths 5 Reinstatement of land

.....-...-..--.. ,

stated exceeding 1800 mm

Strip topsoil from easement and reinstate

8 Other pipeworkancillaries

1 Reinstatement of field drains 2 Marker posts 3 Timber supports left in excavations 4 Metal supports left in excavations
5 Connections to existing manholes and other chambers 6 Connections to existing pipes, ducts and culverts

m nr m' m2

nr nr

2 3

5 6

7 8

Pipe bore: not exceeding 200 m m 20-2-300m m 300-600 m m 600-900 m m 900-1200 m m 120-2-1500 m m 1500-1800 m m stated exceeding 1800m m


(, ,rulesat head of class on page531 .

MEASUREMENT RULES M4 Crossingsshall be measured fOrpipes, ducts and metal


DEFINITION RULES D6 River, srreamandcanei crossrngsrhal oec assf'ed oy tneirwlotnsme~sureaaong plpe. ouctorc~lvencentre I'neswhen thewatcrsddaceset lhe evellor the hlgncr level of ftuct~atian'f appl~caolcl shownon Iheorawing to * h ~ h rofercnccisg:ven'n tne Preamb cinaccor0ancew:th

COVERAGE RULES C6 llcms far erars~'ngs snal, be deemed to i n c l ~ o e re:nstatemcnt onless 0 1 n e ~ i s e stated


~5 aossings oislreameshall be measured only where their ~ i d t exceeds 1 m. h

A7 Where lininas to rivers, srreamsorcanal~areto broken be tnroughano reinstaled the typeof linng shall be slaleo initem descriptions

nominaldistance between the insidefacesoftheouterwallsof thepipe,duct orculvertto be installed.

M6 Reinslalemenlshall be measured lor pipes, ducts and metal c~lverts. M7 Lengthsofreinslalemenl shall be measured along centre lines and shall include lengths occupied by manholesand other chambers.
easemen( aodreinslareshall be measured only where it is expressly required that a width ofground greater than the nominal trench width defined in accordance with rule D l in class L i s to be stripped of topsoil before trench excavation and subsequently reinstated.

D7 The dimension used for classificationofborein the third divisionshall be the maximum nominaldistance between the lnsidefacesoftheouterwallsof thepipe,ductorculvertto be installed. 0 8 Crossingsof roadsand paths shall beclassedasbreakingup andreinstalemenlof roads and paths.

C7 Additional reinstatement shell be deemed to be included in the items for manholes and other chambers. CS Removal and reinstatement of kerbs and channels shall be deemed to beincluded i n the items for breaking reinstaremen1o f roads and footpaths. C9 items for scrip topsoil from earemenlandreinstaleshall be deemed to include storing and protecting topsoil and reinstatement of land.

A8 Typesanddepthsof surfacing,including base andsubbasecourses.shall bestatedin itemdescriptionsforbreakingup andreinrlalemenlafroadsand footpaths. A9 ltemdescriptionsforslrip fapsoilfmm earemenland reinstaleshail stateany limitationson thewidthto be strippedand reinstated. A10 l~erndeecriptionsfor reinslalementoflandandforslrip lopsailfrom easemenland reinsfateshalldistinguish betweengrassland,gardens. sportsfieldsandcultivated land. A l l Sizesandtypesofmarker poslsshall bestated in item descriptions. Iterndescriptionsfor A connections l o existing manholes andalherchambersandlo exislingpipes, ductsandculverls shallidentifythenatureofthe existingserviceandlheextentof theworkto beincluded.

Ma Srrip

M9 Olherpipeworkancillaries shall be measured for pipes, ducts and metal culverts. M10 The lengths measured for reinslalamenloffielddrainsshall be the nominal trench width defined i n accordance with rule D l in class L. M I 1 The area measured for supports left in excavations shall be the undeveloped area i n contactwith thesurfaces for which the supports are expressly required to be leH in.

D7 Thedimensianusedfor classificationofbarein the third divisionshall be themaximum nominal distance between the insidefacesoftheouterwallsof thepipe, ductorculvertto be installed.

C10 Itemsfor reinstatementof fielddrainsshail be deemed to . ~nclude connections to existing field drains.


Includes: .... - . . - Extras t o excavation a n d backfilling of trenches f o r uipework, ducts and metal culverts, manholes a n d o t h e l chambers, headings, t h r u s t boring-and p i p e j a c k i n g ' P i ~ laving in headings a n d b y t h r u s t boring and pipe jacking e t o pipework, ducts a n d metal culverts ~ r o v i s i b of support;and n Work included in classes I J. K a n d Y , Insulation t o building services(inc1uded in classZ)


1 Extras to excavation and backfilling

1 2 3 4 5

1 Excavation of rock 2 Excavation of mass concrete 3 Excavation of reinforced concrete

In pipe trenches In manholes and otherchambers In headings in thrust boring In pipe jacking

5 6


~xcavation other artificial hard of material Backfilling above the Final Surface with rnncrele .. .. Bacrli.iing abovethe Final Surface wilh stated material otner lhan concrete Excava1:on of n a l ~ r amaterial m o w tne l Final Surface and backfillrng w ~ t h concrete Excavation of natural material below the Final Surface and backfilling with stated material other than concrete


MEASUREMENT RULES DEFINITION RULES COVERAGE RULES C1 Itemsforworkin thisclass shall be deemedtoinclude excavation,preparation of surfaces,disposal of excavated materia1,upholding eidesof excavation, backfilling and removal of dead services, except to theextentthat such workis included in classesl, J and K o r i n theitemsforextrasto excavation and backfillinginthisclass. C2 Items for work in this class shall bedeemed to include concrete, reinforcement. formwork, joints and finishes. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES

M lternsshall be given i n this I classinadditionto theitemsfor p!ouision, laying and jointing of p,pes, ducrsandculvertsand for the excavation and backfilling of trenches i n classes I and K. items shall begiven in thisclass in addition to theitemsfor manholes and other chambers in classes Kand Y.
MZ Work i n this class associated with ducts and metal culverts shall be measured as setout for work associated with pipes.The dimension used far claesificalion inthe thirddivision IL2-8. *I shall bethe maximum nominal distance between the inside faces ofthe outer duct or culvert walls.
M3 Breaking up and reinatatement of roads and pavings shall be included i n class K.

M4 The volume of extras to excavation and backfilling in pipe trenchesshall be calculated by m~ltip ying togotncr incarerage depth and lcngth of Ins mater'al removed or oackl#l.coand tne nominal trCnCn w 0th. M5 No volume of extras to excavation and backfilling i n manholes anaorner cnambcrs rhal oe meas-red o ~ l s ; a c the maxtmum olan area - tne - - - of manhole or other chamber.
? ~
~ ~

D l Thenominal trench width if not stated in the Contractshall be laken as 500 m m grealur than the max8rndm nomina, d S I J ~ C B b~rwccnrhe - tns:oe faces olthe outer o i ~ wallswhere this e dista& does not exceed 1 m and as 750 m m greater than this distance whereitexceeds 1 m.

A1 itemdescriptionashall dcnufy ssparalely excavat'on b h ~ isexpressly reqdlredto 0s h carrncdo~t nano oy

M6 The volume olextras lo excavation and backfilling for pipe laying in headings. in fhrusr borzngand .n p!pe,acksngsha I be measure0 by mu tlply ng logctncr tne tnterna cross sect onal area ~- - - ~-~ ofoioe and lhe lenath ofthe matirial excavate$or backfilled. Packins in headinqsshall not be measured.
~ ~

M I Backf;ll;ng abovc rhc F,nd Surfacel- 1 %6. $ha I be measurea onlv a n e r c t s expressly required that the material excavated shall not be used for backfilling. Excavarion below the FinalSorfaceand backfilling I L 1 e7-81 shall be measured only where it is expressly required.
M8 An isolated volume of rock. Concrere or orher artificial hard materialoccurring within other material to be excavated shall not be measured separately unless its Volume exceeds 0.25 m'.



FIRST DIVISION 2 special pipe laying methods m

SECOND DIVISION 1 in headings 2 Thrust boring 3 Pipe jacking

1 Nominal bore: not exceeding 200 m m 2 200-300 m m

3 4 5 6 7

30C-600 mm 600-900 mm 900-1200 m m 1200-1500 m m 1500-1800 m m

stated exceeding 1800mm

3 4

Beds Haunches 5 Surrounds

1 Sand 2 Selected excavated granular material 3 Imported granular material

Mass concrete

5 Reinforced concrete


(seerulesat head of classon page571 ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES

~3 special pipe laying methods j h a ~ ~ measured only where be lhey are expressly required. ~ 1 0 Access pits, shafts and jacking blocks, where expressly i n the Contract to be executedby the Contiactor and of which the nature and enent are stated i n the Contract. be measured as Specified Requirements i n class A.


COVERAGE RULES Items for specialpipe laying methadsshall bedeemed to include crossings, provision and removal of access pits, shahs and jacking blocks unless otherwise stated and otherworkassociated with special pipe laying methods not included in the items for provision, laying and jointing of pipes given i n class I.

Item descriptions for special pipe laying methodsshall identify the run of pipe or pipes. The type of packing shall be stated i n item descriptionsfor pipes in headings.

~ 1 1 Lengths of beds. haunches and surraundsshall be measured along pipe centre lines including lengths occupied by fittings and valves but not including lengths occupied by manholesand other chambers through which they are not continued.

0 2 ltemsforhaunchesand surroundsshall include bedsof thesamematerial. ltemsfor beds, haunchesand surraundsto multiplepipesshall beclaeeifiedin the third division according to the nominal distance between the inside faces of the outer pipe walls. 03

Materials used for beds. haunchesand surroundsand the depths of beds shall be stated in item descriptions.
A3 A4

Beds, haunchesand surroundsto multiple pipes shall be so described stating the numberof pipesand the maximum nominal distance between theinside faces ofthe outer pipe walls.

MI2 Lengths of wrapping and

laggingehall be measured along each pipe centre line including lengths occupied by fittings and valves but not including lengths occupied by manholes and other chambers through which the pipes are not continued. 0 4 Thevolumes used for classification of concrete stools andthrust blocksshall exclude thevolumes occupied by pipes.

C4 Items for wrapping and lagging ofpipesshall be deemed to include wrapping and lagging of fittings, valves and joints.

Materials used for wrapping andlagging of pipes shall be stated i n item descriptions.

C5 Items for concretestoolsand thrust blocksshall be deemed to include pipe fixings.

A6 Item descriptions for concretestools and thrust blocks shall state thespecification ofthe concrete and whether it is reinforced.

D5 The height of pipe supports used for classification shall be measured from the ground or other supporting surface to the invert ofthe highest pipewhere pipes are supported from below and of the lowest pipe where pipes are supported from above.


Principal dimensions and materials shall bestatedin item descriptions for pipe supports.

D6 Where two or more pipes are carried by onesupport, the item for the support shall be classified in the third division by the aggregate bore of the pipes supported.


Excludes: Metalwork in concrete (included in classes C, G a n d H) Metalwork in oiuework (included in classes I J. K a n d LI . .. ~ i s c e l l a n e o u ; r;letalwo;k (included in class N). M e t a l w o r k in piles (included i n classes P a n d 0 ) M e t a l w o r k in fences (included in classX)
~~~ ~~ ~

FIRSTDIVISION 1 Fabrication of main members for bridges 2 Fabrication of subsidiary members for bridges t

SECOND DIVISION 1 Rolled sections '2 Plates or flats 3 Built-up box or hollow sections 1 Deck panels t 2 Bracings 3 External diaphragms

THIRD DIVISION 1 2 3 4 Straight on plan Curved on plan Straighton plan andcambered Curved on plan and cambered

3 Fabrication of members for frames Fabrication of other members

1 Columns 2 Beams 3 Ponal frames 4 Trestles, towers and built-up columns 5 Trusses and built-up girders 6 Bracings, purlins and cladding rails

t t t t t t

1 Straight on plan
2 Curvedan plan

3 Straight on plan and cambered 4 Curvedon plan and cambered

5 6

Erection of members for bridges Erection of members for frames 7 Erection of other members

1 Trial erection 2 Permanent erection

t t

3 Site bolts: black nr 4 HSFG general grade nr 5 HSFG higher grade nr 6 HSFG load indicating or load limit types, general grade nr 7 HSFG load indicating or load limit types, highergrade nr

1 Diameter: not exceeding 16 mm 2 1E-20mm 3 2&24 mm 4 24-30 rnm 5 30-36 m m 6 3 M 2 mrn 7 stated exceeding 42 m m



Mm~~~~MENTRULES itemsshall beincluded in misce~ianeous metalwork (class NI for metal components not included i n this class but ,,,,ciatedwith metal structures.



Mz The mass of members. other

than platesorflats, shall be calculated from the overall lengths of the members with no deductions for splay-cut or mitred ends.
~3 The mass of members measured shall be that of plates. sections, shearconnectors. ~tiffeners, cleats, packs, splice plates and other linings.

C1 Items for fabrication of metalworkshall bedeemedto include delivery of fabricated metalwork to the Site.

A1 The materials and grades of

materials used shall bestated in item descriptions for fabrication o f members. A2 item descriplions for fabrication o f membersshall identitV tapered or castellated members. A3 Item descriptions for fabrication ofmembersather than for Ponai frames shall identify cranked members. A4 Details ofthe members comprising boom and infill construction shall be stated in item descriptions for trestles. towers and built-up columns and trussesand built-upgirdem. A5 Item descriptions for anchorages and holding down bolt assembliesshaii state paniculars of the type of anchorage or assembly.

M4 No allowance shall be made in the measurements for rolling margin and other permissible deviations.The mass of weld fillets, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets and protective coatings shall not be measured.
M5 No deductions shall be made for the mass of metal removed to form notches and holeseach not exceeding 0.1 m2 in area measured i n plane.
M6 The mass ofsteel to BS4360 shall betaken formeasurement as 785 kglm'per100 mmthickness (7.85 tlm31.Themasses ofother metalsshall betaken asstated in thespecification or,where notso stated,asstated in thesupplier's catalogue.

M7 Anchorages and holding down boltassembliesshail be measured by the number of complete assemblies. C2 Items for erection of membersshall be deemed to include work carried out after delivery of fabricated metalwork to the Site.
W itemsforzite boltsshall be deemed to include supply and delivery to the Site.

A6 Item descriptions for erection shall separately identify and locate separate bridges and structural frames and, where appropriate, pans of bridges or frames. A7 Where fixing clips and resilient pads are used to secure overhead crane rails, item descriptions shall so state.

M8 Surfacetreatment carried out on thesite shall beclassed as painting (class Vi.

A8 Materials and number of applications shall be stated in item descriptions for metal spraying, galvanizing and painting.


Excludes: ed M e t a l reinforcement for concrete ( i ~ ~ c l u d in classes C. G, H and R) M e t a l inserts in concrete (included in classes G a n d HI Pioework lincluded in classes I.J. K a n d L) ~ i r u c t u r a i m e t a l w o r (included in class MI k Fittings and fastenings t o timber (included in class 0 ) Piles (included i n classes P a n d ( ) 1 TraHic signs (included in class R1 Rail track a n d accessories (included in class SI Fences (included in class X)

iECONO DIVISION Stairways and landings

! Walkways and platforms


t Ladders I Handrails i Bridge parapets



Angle section Channel section Isection Tubular section

7 Plate flooring B Open grid flooring


Cladding Welded mesh panelling Duct covers

rn2 rn2

4 Tie rods




6 Bridge bearings


1 Roller

Z Slide


4 Cylindrical 5 Spherical

Plain rubber 7 Laminated rubbet B Rubberpot


7 Uncovered tanks 8 Covered tanks

n n

1 Volume: not exceeding 1 rn3 2 1-3 rn3 3 >lo rn3


5 6 7

10-30m3 30-100 m3 11-0 02 0 rn3 3 3OC-1000 m3 stated exceedino 1000 rn3

ME~~~REMENT RULES painting carried out on the siteshall be classed as painting (class V1. DEFINITION RULES COVERAGE RULES C1 items for miscellaneous metalwork shall be deemed to include fixing to otherwork. supply of fixing components and drilling or cuning of otherwork. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 item descriptions shall $tate thespecification and thicknesses of metal, surface treatments and principal dimensions of miscellaneous assemblies.

M~ Masses calculated for

miscellaneous metalwork shall include the mass a fl , l metal components and =ttached pieces. ~3 NO deduction from the massesor areas measured for miscellaneous metalwork shall be made for openings and holes each no( exceeding 0.5 m2 in area.

M4 Thelengthsof laddersshall be measured along the lengths of stringers.The lengths of handrails and bridgeparapetsshall be measured along their top members.

A2 Where laddersinclude safety loops, rest platforms or returned slringers,item descriptionsshall SO state.

MS The lengths of miscellaneous framingshall be measured along the external perimeter of framing.
C2 Items for plateand open grid flooringshall be deemed to include supporting metalwork unless otherwise stated. C3 items for weldedmesh panelling and duct coversshall be deemed to includesupporting metalwork unless otherwise stated.

C4 Items for fie rodsshall be deemed to include concrete, reinforcement and joints.

As an alternative tothe additional description given as required by rule At.item descriptions may identify assemblies by marknumber in accordance with

Paragraph 5.12.

Includes: Excludes: Timber components and fittings Timber decking Fittinos and fastenings t o timber components and decking ~ o r r n b o r ko concrete lincluded i n class G ) t Timber piles (included i n class PI Timber sleepers (included in class S) Timber supports i n tunnels (included i n class T) Timber fencing (included i n class X) Carpentry and joinery i n simple building works incidentalto civil engineering works (included in class Z)

3 Hardwood decking 4 Softwood decking

m2 m2

1 Thickness: not exceeding 25 mm 2 2 5 5 0 mm 3 50-75 mm 4 7 5 1 0 0 mm 5 105125 rnm 6 125150 mm 7 exceeding 150 mm 1 Straps

5 Fittings and fastenings



3 Coach screws 4 Bolts 5 Nates




COVERAGE RULES C1 ltemsfor timbershall be deemed to include fixing, boring, cuning and jointing.

~1 The length of timber camponentsmeasured shall be their overall lengths with no allowance for scarfed or other joints.

D l The cross-sectional areas stated for classification of timber companentsshali be their nominal gross cross-sectional rea as.

A1 The nominal gross crosssectional dimensions, thicknesses. grade or species and any impregnation requirements Orspecial surfacefinishesshall be stated i n item descriptions for timber components.

A2 The structural use and

location of timber components shall be stated i n item descriptions for components longerthan 3m. M2 No deduction from the areas measured for timber deckingshall bemade foropenings and holes each not exceeding 0.5 rn2 in area.
0 2 The thickness stated for classification of timber decking shall bethenominal gross thickness.

A3 The nominal grass crosssectional dimensions, thicknesses, species and any impregnation requirements or special surface finishes shall be stated i n item descriptions for timber decking. A4 Materials, types and sizes of finin~sandfasteningsshallbe stared i n item descriptions.


J ' S

Excludes: Boring f o r site investigation (included i n class B) Ground anchors (included in class C) Walings and t i e rods (included in class N) Piling ancillaries (included in class ( ) 1

FIRST DIVISION 1 Bored cast in place concrete piles

2 Driven cast in place concrete piles


rHlRD DIVISION I Number of piles ? Concreted length 3 Depth bored or driven to stated maximum depth nr m m



i 1

Diameter: 300 mm or350 mm 400 mm or450 rnm 500 mrn or 550 mm 600 mm or750 mm 900mm or 1050 mm 1200 mm or 1350 mm 1500 mm


3 4 5 6

Preformed concrete piles Preformed prestressed concrete piles Preformed concrete sheet piles Timber piles

1 Cross

3 4 5 6 7 8

area: not exceeding 0.025 m2 0.0250.05 m' 0.05-0.1 m2 0.1-0.15 m' 0.15-0.25 rn' 0.2W.5 m2 0.5-1 m' exceeding 1 m2

1 Number of pilesof stated length 2 Depth driven

nr m

7 Isolated steel piles

1 Mass: not exceeding 15 kglm 2 15-30 kglm 3 30-60 kglm 4 60-120 kglm 12&250 kglm 5 6 25&500 kglm 7 500 kglm-1 Urn 8 exceeding 1 Vm

1 Number of piles of stated length 2 Depth driven

nr m

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 Materials ofwhich piles are composed shall be staled i n item descriptions.
A2 Pre minary plies rha I be :oentiiieo in ;tern descript'ons Rakeo oler snal be'oentifedn Item descri~tions andtheir inclination katios elated,

MEASUREMENT RULES ~1 6ored and driven depths be measured along the axes ,fpilesfrom the Commencing surfaceto the toe levels of bored to the bottom of the casings of driven cast i n place piles and to the bottom of the toes of other driven pilea.The Commencing surface adopted in the preparation of the Bill of antiti ties as the surface at which boring or driving is expected to begin shall be adopted for the measurement of the completed work. MZ Each group of items for casr in place concrete piles shall comprise la] an item forthe number o f pilesIP 1-2 t 11 (b] an item for the total concreted length of piles (P 1-2 121 (c] an item for the total deprh boredar driven IP 1-2 31.


COVERAGE RULES C1 items for piles shall be deemed to include disposal of excavated material.

D l Themaximum depth stated in item descriptions forthe depth of casr i n placc concrete piles shali be me acpth w h c h 8 not excecdea oy s any ptle'ncl~dco theitem. in D2 Piles comprising a driven permanent steel casing which is filled with concrete shall be classed as driven casr i n place concrete

A3 Tnestruclure to bc supponeo an0 the Commencng Surface shai. oe loentil~sd :lem descri~lians n for piles

A4 The diameter shall be stated i n item descriptions for cast in place concrete piles. A5 Conl'guo-s oored pi es mall be'dent'fed in item oescr:pIons

. .- ssiv teouired to the toe levels

0 3 The lengths of preformed concreteand timberpilesshall be the lcngtns express y required to oe s-pp ieo excluaing ex1cns:ons bul incluong headsand shoes.

M4 Each group of items for preformedconcrere and timber pilesshail comprise la1 one or more items forthe number ofpiles ofstated length (P3-6.11 (b] an item for the total depth driven IP 3-6 ~ 2 1 .

I A6

The cross-section type and cross-sectional dimensions or oiarneter sna I be state0 'n ilem descript'ons lor preformed concreteano timDer piles. A7 Details of treatments and coatingsshali bestated i n item descriptions forthe number o f piles. A8 Detaols of driving headsand o f
shoes shal. oestatea n ilcm

D4 Tne lengths of irolaleo rreel p,lessha i bc lnc fengtns expressly reaLlreo to oc $ADD ie0 exclJd nq .. . extensions. 05 Pnlescompr sing a drwen permanen1 steel car'ng wh ch s f l e d wlth concrete sha I oe classed as isolaredsfeelpiles whore the p,.es are oeslgned for tne loao to be carr'ed on the casino F !.'no s ~ c o'les sna ~e " - h~ - - ~- - classid as fillino hollow oiles with concrete 10 5 3 ;b

oescr otionsfar the numberof piles. M5 Each group of items for isolaredsteelpilesshail comprise la) one or moreitemsforthe number o f d l e s ofstated lengthIP7+ 11 Ibl an item for the total deprh driven lP 7 + 21. A9 The mass per metre and cross-sectional dimensions shali be stated i n item descriptions for isolaredsteelpiles.

1 I I

A7 De1ai.s o f treatments an0 coatongsshal ocstalcd in:tem descriolonr for tne number 01 piles.



1 Section modulus: not exceeding 500 cmqm 2 50C-800 cm3/m 3 800-1200 cm3/m 4 1200-2000 cm3/m 5 200~-3000 cm3/m 6 300W000 cm3/m 7 400&5000 cm3/m 8 exceeding 5000 cm31m

1 Length of special piles 2 Driven area 3 Area of piles of length: not exceeding 14 m 4 l4-24m 5 exceeding 24 m

Interlocking steel piles

m1 mz
r' n


(see rules at head of classon page671

~6 ~ a c group of items for h ;nterlacking sreelpilesshell ~omprise

DEFINITION RULES D6 The lengthsof inlerlocking steelpilesshall be the lengths expressly required to be supplied excluding extensions. 0 7 Interlocking steel corner. iunctioio closure and taper piles shall be classed as specialpiles.


ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A10 The section reference or mass Per metre and section modulusshall be stated in item descriptions for interlocking steel piles. A l l Details of treatments and coatings shall be stated i n item descriptions for area ofpiles. A12 The type of special pileshall be stated i n item descriptions for the length ofspecialpiles.

la) one or more items forthe lengtheachtypeof of specialpile, if any IP 8. 11 Ibl an for the total driven areaof pilesIP8 -21 lcl one or more items forthe total area ofpilesdivided into the ranges of length given i n the third division IP 8 13-5). M7 The areas of interlocking steel pilesshall becalculated by multiplying the mean undeveloped horhontal lengths of the pile walls formed (including lengths occupied by special piles1 by the depths measured i n accordance with rule M I in the case of items forthedriven areas lP8 + 2 ) and by the lengths defined i n accordance with rule 06 in the case of items for the areas of piles l P 8 3-51, M8 Closure and taper piles classed as specialpilesshall be measured only where they are expressly required.



Includes: Excludes:

W o r k ancillary t o piling G r o u n d anchors (included in class C) Piles (included in class PI Walings and t i e rods [included in class Nl

FIRST DIVISION 1 Cast in place concrete piles

SECOND DIVISION 1 Pre-boring 2 Backfilling empty bore with stated material 3 Permanent casings each length: not exceeding 13 m 4 exceeding 13 m 5 Enlamed bases 7 c u t t i 6 o t f surplus lengths 8 Preparing heads

THIRD DIVISION 1 Diameter: 300 m m or350 m m 2 400 m m or450 m m 3 500 m m or 550 m m 4 600 m m or750 m m 5 900 m m or 1050 mm 6 1200 m m or 1350 m m 7 1500mm

m m m nr

2 Cast in place concrete piles

1 Reinforcement

1 Straight bars, nominal size: not exceeding 25 mm exceeding 25 m m 3 Helical bars of staled nominal size

Jetting Filling hollow piles with concrete Number of pile extensions Length of pile extensions, each length: not exceeding 3 m exceeding 3 m Cutting OHsurplus lengths Preparing heads

m m nr m m m nr

cross-sectional area: not exceeding 0.025 m' 0.025-0.05 m2 0.05-0.1 m2 0.1-0.15 m' 0.15-0.25 m2 0.25-0.5 m2 0.5-1 m2 stated exceeding 1 m2


COVERAGE RULES C1 ltems far piling ancillaries shall be deemed to include disposal of surplus materials unless otherwise stated.


bacrfllling empry bore for cast i n place concrete piles, shall be only where 11 is

engths o l permanent csn gsa , I be meas-re0 lrom ,hnrOmmcncjng Surfacelo thc -bottom of the casing.


D l Tne aiameleruseo for classfication in tnctnlro olvisdon sha oc t h ~ o i a m ~dt i~ r ples. ne

C2 I t c m ~ f opermanent casings r rnal, oe deemed to tnclude driving heads and shoos

A1 Theo$amutersof enlarged basesfor uored pi er shall be ~131ed item o ~ s ~ r ' p t ' o n s . n A2 Materya an0 oetails o f treatments and coatngs Indl oe s l a l e d n tcm descriptions for permanent casings. ltem descriptions for curring offsurplus lengthswhich include permanent casings shall so State.

M3 Tne m a s measurco lor re:nforcementsha I :nc uoe tne mlrEnl remlarcement ln aos. M4 The mass of steel reinforcementshall be taken as 0.785 kglm per 100 mm'of cross-section (7.85 Urn31.The mass of other reinforcing materials shall be taken as stated in the Contract. 0 2 Thenomina szcusedfor C3 tcmsforre~nforcemenrsnal ~I~s~:lical:onin:tcmdescrlpt!ons oe ocemeo l o includesuppan'nq for barreinforcemcnrsna Ibethe reinforcement. cross-sectional sizedefinedin

A3 Materialsshall bestated in item descriptions for reinforcemen:. A4 Details ofcouplersfor high lensi o steel re nlorcemenl which areexpress.y rcqured sna I bc btatso in t u m dcscr:ouons lor


M5 Driv'ng cxtendea p:lcs sha I

b c n c ~ d e in the measuremen, o oltne!temr lor orlven d e ~ l h n . class P. M6 Each group of items for pile extensionsshall comprise la1 anitem forthe numberof pile exrensionsiO3-4 4 . I i b l aneor two items for the lengrh afpile extensions divided into the ranges of length given i n the second division ( 0 3-4 5 6 rl. M7 The length afpile extensions measured shall not include lengths formed from material arising from cutting o f f surplus lengths of other piles. M8 The length measured for timber pile extensions shall include lensths accuoied bvscarfed or

D3 The c r o s s - s e c t i o n o l a r s ~ ~ s c d C4 llcms for prc.Oonngshal be oecmcd to inc ude grout'nq vo 0s l o r c ass'ficalmn in tnelnlro between tne p i e ana the bore. d'vls'on snall oc the crosssectional area of the piles. C5 toms far pile cxtcns ons shall be dcemeo l o inc uocthevrork necessaw to attacn the extension to the pile. C6 Itemsfor filling hollowpiles ~ l r c o n c ( ~ t e ~ h a deemed to h (be incluoc rfmova of materal from w:lh'n tnc p l c before concreting

A5 ltem descriptions for filling hallowpiles wirh concrete shall slate the specification of the concrete. A6 Materialsofwhichpile

exfensionsarecomposedshall be
stated in itemdescriptionsfor theiriengfh.



M5 Dr:vng cxtenoed p es sha.1 a oe ~ n c l ~ o c o n e meas~rement ni 01tne stems farorrven oclltn n ;lass P.

D4 Tne m a s s ~ s c o far c.ass~l,cat in 1neth:ro a i v ~ s o n on 5 8 1 oethe mass ofthc piles 1a

C4 tcmr for pre-bonngsha.1 0s occmcd to'nc.uoegro,ting ~ 0 . 0 s between tnc pi c ano thenore.

C5 Items for pile exrensionsshall

A5 ' ltem descriptions for filling hallowpiles wirh concreteshall state the specification of the concrete.

M9 Each group of items for pile

extensionsshall comprise

be deemed to includethe work

necessary to attach the exlension

tn the

-I i

la1 an (tern for the exrcnr!onslO 5 4 .I i b ~one or t*o #ternsior tne length ofpile extensions divided into the ranges of length given i n thesecond division I 5 5-6 -1, R M7 The lenglh ofpile exlensions measured shall not include lengths formed from material arising from cutting off surplus lengths of other pilei.


C6 Items for fillinohollawniles wirh concretesha~ibe e e k d to d include removal of material from within the pile before concreting.


7 Obstructions

8 Pile tests


1 ~ ~ i n t ~ i loading with various ned reactions 2 Constant rate of penetration 3 Horizontal loading

1 Test Inad: not exceeding 100t 100-200 t 3 200-300 t 4 30WOO t 5 400-600 t 6 600-800 t 7 800-1000 t 8 exceeding 1000 t

4 Non-destructiveintegrify 5 Inclinometerinstaliations

at headofclasson page711 ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A6 Materials of which pile extensions are shall be stated in item descriptions for their length.

MEASUREMENTRULES ~ ~ iextendedn ~ shall ~ i piles be includedin the measurement f the items for driven depth in , dass P. ~ 1 0 Each gmup of items for extensions shall,comprise


COVERAGE RULES C5 Items for pile extensions shall be deemed to include the work necessary to attach the enension to the pile.


05 The section modulus used for classification in the third division shall be the section modulus of the piles.

an item for the number of 0 pile extensions 1 6 4 *I (bl one or two items for the length of pile extensions divided into the ranges of length given in the second 6 division (0 5-6 -1.

~7 The length of pile rnrensions measured shall not include lengths formed from material arising from cutting off ~urplus lengths of other piles. MI1 The lengths measured for cutting off surplus lengths of interlocking steel piles shall be the mean undeveloped horizontal lengths to be cut (including lengths occupied by special pilesl. M1Z Obstructions shall be measured only for breaking out rock or artificial hard material encountered above the founding stratum of bored piles. A7 ltem descriptions for pile tests shall identify those which are to preliminary piles. As ltem descriptions for loading tests shall state the load. Where the load is applied to raking piles item descriptions shall so state.


Includes: Sub-base, base and surfacing of roads, r u n w a y s a n d other paved areas Kerbing and l i g h t d u t y pavements, footways a n d cycle tracks Traffic signs and markings ~arthwoiks (included in class El Drainage (included in classes I.J, K a n d L) ~encesand gates (included in class XI Gantries a n i othe; substantial structures supporting traffic signs Maintenance of roads and pavings


FIRST DIVISION 1 Sub-bases, flexible road bases and surfacing

SECOND DIVISION 1 Granular material DTp Specified type 1 2 Granular material DTpSpecified type 2 3 Soilcement 4 Cement-bound granular material 5 Lean concrete DTp Specified strength 6 Hardcore

1 Depth: not exceeding 30 m m 2 30-60 mm

rnZ m2 m2 rnz m2 m' mz m3 m2 rn' m2 m' rn2 rn2 m2

3 4 5

7 8

6&1(10 mm 10G150mm 150-200 rnm 200-250 rnm 250-300 rnm exceeding 300 m m

2 Sub-bases. flexible road bases and surfacing

7 Geotextiles 8 Additional depth of stated material

1 Wet mix macadam

2 3 4 5 6

Dry bound macadam

Dense bitumen macadam Open texture bitumen macadam Densetarmacadam Open texture tarmacedam 7 Dense tar surfacing
1 Cold asphaitwearing course 2 Rolled asphalt

1 Depth: not exceeding 30 rnm 2 30-60 mrn 3 60-100 mm 4 10&150 m m 5 150-200 mm 6 20C-250 mm 7 250-300 m m 8 exceeding 300 m m

Sub-bases, flexible road basesand surfacing


Sltrrrv sealino

- . -.- .. . .
Bituminousspray Removal of flexible surface m2 m2 t 1 Depth: not exceeding30 rnrn 2 30-60 mrn 3 60-100 mm 4 loC-150 m m 5 150-200 m m 6 200-250 m m 7 250-300 mm 8 exceeding 300 m m 1 Nominal mass: not exceeding 2 kglm2 2 2-3 kglm2 3 3 4 kglm' 4 4-5 kglm' 5 5-6 kglm' 6 6-7 kglrn2 7 7-8 kglm2 8 stated exceeding 8 kglm:

8 Regulating course of stated material

4 Concrete pavements

1 Carriageway slabs of DTp Specified paving quality concrete 2 Other carriageway slabsof stated strength 3 Other in situ concrete slabs of stated strength

m2 m2 m'

4 Steel fabricreinforcementtoBS4483 5 Other fabric reinforcementof stated material

mz m2

6 Plain round steel bar reinforcement to 8 s 2 4449 7 Deformed high yieldsteel bar t reinforcementto BS4449

1 Nominal Size: 6 mrn 8 rnm 3 10 mm 4 l2mm 5 16 m m 20 mm 25 m m 32 mrn or greater

8 Waterproof membranes below

concrete pavements


M E A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E N T R u L E S DEFINITION RULES D l The expression 'DTp Specified' shall mean as specified in the Specification for roadand bridge worksissued by the Department ofTransport. COVERAGE RULES C1 Items for work i n this class involving i n situ concrete shall be deemed to include farmwork and finishes to concrete. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 Item descriptions for all courses of paving, road making materials and pavement slabs shall identify the material and state the depth of each course or slab and the spread rate of applied surface finishes. A2 ltem descriptions for workin this class which is applied to surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 10'to the horizontal shall 5 0 state.


he width of each course of

shall be measured at the

top surface ofthat course.The areas of manhole covers and h, ,, e r intrusions into a course

.hall not bededucted where the area oithe intrusion is less than Ima. M2 Theareaof additional geotextilesin lapsshall not be measured. A3 The type and grade of material shall bestated in item descriptions for geofextiles.

M3 The areas of additional

fabricreinfarcementin laps shall not be measured.

CZ ltemsforreinfarcementshall be deemed to include supporting reinforcement other than steel aupportslotop reinforcement.

A4 ltemdescriptionsforsreel fabricreinforcementtoBS4483 shallstate the fabric referencein accordancewith BS4483orthe wire and mesh arrangement i n accordancewith BS4466.1tem descriptionsforotherfabric reinforcementshall statethe sizesand nominal mass per square metre.

M4 The mass of steel reinforcement shall be taken as 0,785 kglm per 100 mm' of crosssection 17.85 Urn3).The mass of other reinforcing materiaisshall betaken asstated in the Contract.

0 2 The nominal size stated i n item descriptions for bar reinforcementshall be the crosssectional size defined in 854449.

M5 The mass of reinforcement measured shall include the mass of steel support5 to top reinforcement.
M6 The areas of additional Waterproofmembranesin laps shall not be measured. A5 ltem descriptions for ~ater~roofmembranesshall state their materials and thickness.



FIRST DIVISION 5 Joints in concrete pavements m

1 Longitudinal joints

THIRD DIVISION 1 Depth of joint: not exceeding 30 m m 2 30-60 rnrn 3 60-100 m m 4 100-150mm 150-200 mm 5 6 200-250 rnm 7 250-300 m m 8 exceeding 300 m m 1 Straight or curved to radius exceeding 12 m 2 Curved to radius not exceeding 12 rn m 3 Quadrants nr 4 Drops nr 5 Transitions nr

2 3 4 5

Expansion joints Contractionjoints Warping joints Bun joints 6 Construction joints

Kerbs, channels and edgings


1 Precastconcretekerbslo~S7263: Pan 1 figure llb).Ic~andldl 2 Precastconcrete kerbs10 857263: Part 1 figure l l a l and le) 3 Precastconcrete channels to 857263: Pan 1 figure 1lf) and lg1 4 Precastconcretechannels to 857263: Pan1 figure l l h l 5 PrecastconcreteedgingstoBS7263: Part 1 figure llm). In) and lpl 6 In situ concrete kerbs and edgings 7 Asphaltkerbs 8 Asohaltchannels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Granular base Hardcore base Tarrnacadam Rolled asphalt Bitumen macadam Dense tar In situ concrete of stated strength Precast concrete flags to stated soecification

1 II

1 Depth: not exceeding 30 m m

Light duty pavements



2 3 4 5 6 7 8

30-60 rnm 60-100 mm 100-150mm 150-200 rnrn 200-250 mm 250-300 mm exceeding 300 rnm

8 Ancillaries

1 Traffic signs 2 Surface markings

1 Non-illuminated
2 Illuminated

ni nr

1 2 3 4 5

Non-reflecting roadstuds Reflecting road studs Letters andshapes Continuous lines Intermittent lines

nr m m



MGAsUREMENT RULES ~7 ~onstructionjointsshall be measuredonlywheretheyareat iocations whereconstruction i,intsare expressly required.



ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A6 The dimensions, spacing and nature of sealed grooves and rebates, waterstops. dowels and other components shall be etated i n item descriptions for joint s i n concretepavement..

ME Excavationand 81ling for

kerbs, channelsandedgingsshail

C3 Items for kerbs, channels and edgingsshall bedeemed to include beds, backings. reinforcement, joints and cutting.

A7 Materialsand cross-sectional dimensions of kerbs, channels andedgingsand their beds and backings shall be etated in item descriptions

M l The width of each course of materials shall be measured at the top surface of that course. The
areas ofmanhole coven and other intrusions into a course shall not be deducted where the area of the intrusion is less than 1 mz.

M9 Lengthsmeasuredforlinear surfacemarkingsshallexclude gapsin intermittent markings. MI0 ltemsforsuppongantriee andothersubstantial structures associated withtrafficsisnswhich areconstructedin concrete.


C4 Items for traffic signs other than traffic signs measured i n accordance with rule MI0 shall be deemed to include foundations. sdpponing posts. excavation. preparation of surfaces. oisoosa. of excavated material, removal of existino services, upholding sides o i excavation, backfilling, concrete. reinforcement and joints.

A8 The material. size and olagrarn numoer taken from TraKc ftgns, regulations and gcnoi: Id,rect~ans.isweo by the DepanmentofTrannpon, shall be stared i n iterndoscript ansfor traffic signsano surface mark;ngs. A9 Theshape andcoiour of aspects shall be stated i n Item descriptions for reflecting road studs.

Eanhworks for kerbs, channelsandedgingsmay be included in the items in this class provided that the work included isidentifiedin the item descriptions ar.d that appropriate statements are given in the Preamble in accordance with paragraph 5.4.


Includes: Excludes: Track foundations, rails, sleepers,fittings, switches and crossings Overhead crane rails (included in class M ) Concrete track foundations (included in classes F and G I


SECOND DIVISION 1 Bottom ballast

2 Top ballast


1 Trackfoundations

3 Blinding 4 Blankets 5 Waterproof membranes

2 Taking up

1 Bullhead rails 2 Flat bottom rails 3 Dock and crane rails 4 Check and guard rails 5 Conductor rails

1 Plain track 4 Turnouts 5 Diamondcrossings



1 Bufferstops 2 Retarders

3 4 5 6 3 Lifting, packing and slewing nr 1 2 3 4 5 Bullhead rail track Bullhead rail trackwith turnout Flat bottom rail track Flat bottom rail track with turnout Bufferstops

Wheel stops Lubricators Switch heaters Switch levers

4 Supplying

1 Bullhead rails
2 Flat bottom rails

1 Mass: not exceeding 20 kglm

3 Dock and crane rails

4 Check and guard rails 5 Conductor rails 6 Twist rails

2 3 4 5

Z&30 kglm 3C-40 kglm 4C-50 kglm exceeding 50 kglm

7 Sleepers

1 Timber 2 Concrete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chairs Baseplates Pandrol rail fastenings Plain fishplates lnsuiatedfishplates Conductor rail insulators Conductor rail side ramos

8 Fittings

5 Supplying

1 Turnouts 2 Diamond crossings 8 Sundries 1 Bufferstops Retarders 3 Wheel stops 4 Lubricators 5 Switch heaters 6 Switch levers 7 Conductor rail guard boards






DEFINITION RULES Dt Bottom ballastshali be ballast placed before the trackis laid. DZ Top ballasrshall be ballast placed aherthe trackis laid.





The volume of top ballast measurea shall lncluoe the v o l ~ m accup'ea by sleepers. e

A1 item descriptions for track foundationsshall state the material. A2 Item descriptions for brrnding. blankets ano ~ a t e r p r o o l membranessha,. state ther thickness. A3 ltem descriptions for raking up trackshall state the amount of dismantling, details of disposal of the track and the type of rail. sleeper and joint. A4 ltem descriptions for taking up buffersropsehall state their approximate weight and typeof construction

p,q~ The areas of aooltional

nrarerpraolmembranes:n apr shal not be measurco.

M3 Thelengthofraking upplain trackshall be measured along the centre lineofthetrackltwo rail1 andrhallcxc ude.engths occup'ea by turnoutsan0 doamon0 crossings. M4 The lengthsofrakingup check,guardandconductorraiis sna Ibe mcasured olangthe engths oftnc rai lone rail1 and rhal excibdeengtnswithin turnoutsand oiamondcrossings. 0 3 The length oftrackstatedin item descri~tions lihins. for packing andslewing track-shall be the length measuredalong the centre ;neofthc t r a c k l t w ~ I rai an0 sha I bctaken ovcrai roads. Swatch roaos sna I be measueo from tnetoer of sw.tches.

C1 ltems for raking up turnouts and dlamondcrossingsshall be deemed to include check, guard and condu~tor rails.

C2 items for lihing, packing and slewing trackshail be deemed to include opening out, packing and boxing i n with ballast and insertion of closure rails.

A5 ltem descriptions for lihing. packing andslewing trackshall state the length of track, the maximum distance of slew and the maximum lift. A6 Whereextra ballast is required item descriptions for lihing, packing and slewing shall so stite.

M5 The mass measured for supplying railsshall include the mass of twist rails. M6 Fishplatasshall be measured by the number of pairs.


C3 Items for ~ ~ p p l y i n g s h a l l be deemed to include delivery of components to the Site.

Itcmsfor w p p ymg sleepers sha.1 oe oeemed to inc.ude f l t ngs attache0 bv tne SLOD ier.

A7 item descriptions for Supplying sleepersand firtings shall state thetype. A8 ltems for supp y'ng slerperr snai state tllc 1.28 01 lne s Cepers and i0ent:tv tncfittnss wnlch are

I -

M7 Conductorrail guard boards
shall be measured each side of the rail.

C5 ltems for supplying fitrings sha l be deemedto tnc Lde fixtngs, rcys. c IDS, no Is, nuts. W ~ P. Qqn eeq,ferro teq, t . --k W , -.. -- . . . - .-- . x .. r . . ctrcuit inaulalors. oads and ---- conductor rail insulator oackinoe.

1 I I
A9 .tern descropl~ans for s.pp y ng ra.lssnall slate e.tncr tne sect on reference and tnc mass oer metre or the crosssectio'nal dimensions and the mass per metre

- --

ltemsforsupplyingshallbe deemed to include delivery of components to the Site.

A t 0 Itemdescri~fionsfor supplying rurnaulsand diamond crossingsshall slatethe type. Alt type. A ltcm oescr~ptions for ~ ~ p p i y ' bullerstopssha slate ng their approximate wc'ght. ltcm oercriplionsfor sunar;esshall slate the

C6 ltemsforsupplying rurnours anddiamondcrossingsshall be deemed to includetimbers, finingsandcheckrails. C7 .temsfors,ppiying conabctor rail grrardooerds snal be deemco to'ncfuae 6xngs.


FIRST DIVISION 6 Laying SECOND DIVISION 1 Bullhead rails 2 Flat bottom rails 3 Dock rails 4 Crane rails THIRD DIVISION

m m


4 5 7

Piaintrack Form curve in plain track radius not exceeding 300 m Form curve in plain track radius exceeding 300 m Turnouts Diamondcrossings Welded joints Spot re-sleepering

! :

nr nr nr nr m

! I

5 Checkrails 6 Guard rails 7 Conductor rails 8 Sundries

1 Rail 2 Length ends 3 Side ramps 7 Welded joints 1 2 3 4 5 Buffer stops Retarders Wheel stops Lubricators Switch heaters 6 Switch levers 7 Conductor rail guard boards

nr nr nr
nr nr nr nr nr nr m

I i





DEFINITION RULES 0 4 Spot re-sleeperingshall be replacing sleepers i n wefabricated track not supplied by the Contractor.

COVERAGE RULES C8 Items for layingshall be deemed to include work carried out after delivery of companenb to thesite or, where trackis notto be supplied by theCantractor,to the location stated i n accordance with ruleAl3. C9 ltemsforlayingshall be deemedto include laying sleepers.Rttings,twistrailsand shortlensthe between turnouts anddiamond crossings. C10 Itemsfor layingswitchee and crossings shall be deemed to include laying check rails.

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A13 Item descriptions for laying rail track which is not to be supplied by the Contractor shall statethe formin which it is to be supplied and the location. A14 Item descriptions for laying plain trackshall idenfib prefabricated lengths. A15 Item descriptions for laying railsshall state the W o e and mass permetre of rail andihe type of jolnt and sleeper. A16 Itemdescriptionsforlaying turnouts and diamondcrossings shallstatetheirhlpeand length. A17 tem dercrptions for weldedioinlr sha state the r a I s@cI;onandthe type of w e a. A18 ltem descriptions for laying bufferslapsshall state their amroximateweisht.

~8 Thelength oflayingplain trackshall bemeasured alongthe ~entre lineofthetrack [two rail) andshall includethe lengths occupied by turnoutsand diamondcrossings.
M9 The lengths of laying check. guardand conductarrailsshall be measured along the lengths of the rail lone rail).

M7 Conductor rail guard boards shall be measured each side of the rail.

Includes: Excludes: Excavation. lining and securing of tunnels, shatts and other subterranean cavities Geotechnical processes carried o u t f r o m t h e ground surface (included i n class C l Fillina w i t h i n tunnels (included in class El ~ e i n i b r c e r n e nitn in s i i u lining [included i n class G) Pipe laying in headings, tunnels a n d shafts [included i n classes I.J. K a n d Ll C& a n d c i v e r t u n n e l s

1 Excavation

ECOND DIVISION Tunnels in rock Tunnels in other stated material Shaftsin rock Shahs in other slated material Other cavities in rock Other cavities in otherstated material m3 rn3 m3 m3 m3 rn3

1 Stated diameter: not exceeding 2 rn 2 2-3 m 3 3-4 rn

4 5 6 7 8

4-5 m 5 6m 6-7 m 7-8 m

exceeding 8 m

Excavated surfaces in rock

I Excavated surfaces in other stated

m2 m2


ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 Wheretunnelling workis expressly required to be executed under compressed air, items shall be so described. Item descriptions shall state the gauge pressure i n stages.The first stage shall be gauge pressure not exceeding 1 bar. Subsequentstagesshall be gauge pressures in increments of 0.4 bars. The provision and operation of plant and services associated with the use of compressed airshall be classed as specifiedrequirements i n class A.

MEASUREMENT RULES ~1 Tunnels constructed by cut and cover are excluded from this class. The earthworks, in situ concrete and other components of tunnelsconstructed by cut and cover shall beclassed appropriately.

DEFINITION RULES D l Transitions, breakaways and intersections between tunnels andshahs which includework outside the normal profiles of the tunnelsandshahsshall be classed as othercavities.


A2 ltem descriptions for

excavation and lining of other cavitiesshall identify thecevity. M2 The volume measured for excavationshall be calculated to the payment lines shown on the Drawings or, where no payment lines are shown. to [he net dimensions of the volumes to be excavated. Excavation (other than overbreakl outside the normal cross-sectional profile of tunnels and shahs shall be classed as excavation ofothercavities. M3 An isolated volume of rack occurring within other material to be excavated shall not be measured separately unless its volume exceeds 0.25 m3. M4 The area measured for excavafedsudacesshaII be the area of the payment surfaces shown on the Drawings or, where no payment surfacesereshown. the netsreas of the surfaces of the volumes to be excavated. D2 The diameter used for classification and stated in item descriptions shall be the external diameter of the excavation crosssection of funnels, shaftsand othercavities.
C1 Itemsfor excavationshall bedeemedtoincludedisposalof excavated material offthesite and removal ofdeadservices unleasotherwise statedinitem descriptions.

A3 Item descriptions for excavationshall state whether tunnelsandshahs arestraight. curved or tapered. item descriptions for excavation shall state the gradient of tunnels sloping at agradient of 1i n 25ar steeperand theinclination to the vertical of inclined shahs. A4 Where material is for disposal on the Site the location ofthe disposal areas shall be stated i n item descriptions for excavation. Where excavated material is to be used as filling. item descriptions shall so state. A5 Details of filling for voids caused by overbreakshall be stated i n item descriptions for excavatedsurfaces. A6 Where tunnels, shahsand other cavities are not of circular cross-section, their maximum external dimension of crosssection shall be substituted for the diameter and their external crosssectional dimensions shall be stated i n item descriptions.



2 3 4

1 Sprayed concrete primary 2 Sprayed concrete secondary

THIRD DIVISION m' rn2 m3 m3 m2 nr nr nr nr nr nr 1 Stated diameter: 2 3 4 5 6 7


In sit" lining to tunnels In sit" lining to shafts In situ lining to other cavities

3 Cast concrete primary 4 Cast concrete secondary 5 Formwork to stated finish 1 Precast concrete bolted rings

Preformed segmental lining io tunnels

6 Preformed segmental lining to shafts

7 Preformed segmental lining to other cavities

2 Precast concrete expanded rings

3 4 5 6 Cast iron bolted rings Cast iron expanded rings Nodulariron rings Fabricated steel rings

not exceeding 2 m 2-3 m 3 4m 4-5 m 5 6m 6 7m 7-8 m exceeding 8 m

1 Parallel circumferential packing 2 Tapered circumferential packing 3 Stepped junctions 4 Caulking of stated material

nr nr nr m



MEASUREMENT RULES Tne thickness of ;n silll lining $ha be measurea lo the payment llncrsnawn on the Drawings or. *hereno paymenl ones are shown. lothe net olmenslons of lhevol~mcslo be lmeo isee ru c

DEFINITION RULES D3 Re'nfarc'ng materials adoeo l o lnc m:x for spra~edconcrele snal, not bec aseea as reinforcement. 0 4 Theo~amelerofl;ning used forciass:ficatian andslated in iterndescriptionsshail bethe internaldiameter.


COVERAGE RULES C2 .terns for liningsha ne dcemcd l o inc.-de joinls ano fn:snes. W llcms for preformed lining shall be deemeo to nnclude reinlorcement and formwork.

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A7 Item descr'pt~onsfor ,,n,ng shal state whether tunnels and shahs arcrrra on1,curvpn n r " --- . tapered. Item descriptions for liningshall state the gradient of tunnels sloping at a gradient of 1 in25orsteeperandthe inclination to the verlical of inclined shafts.


Thevolume of in sit" cast lining shall be calculated asset out in class F.

~ n measurement un:l for e p~ck;ngsho. beihc numocr of of scgmenls packed.


lor A8 ltem descripl~ons in sit" lin2'ngsha slate !he rpec'ficauon of Ihcconcreteand whclher'lis reinforced and identify those linings which are to form head walls, shaft bottoms and other similar components. ltem descriptions for sprayed concrete iining shail state the minimum thickness. A9 ltem descriptions for preformedsegmentai lining rings shall identify the components of each ring and statethe nominal ring width and the maximum piece weight.

A10 ltem descriptions for prefarmedsegmintai iining i n pilot tunnels or shafts shall so slate Where the meter 51s used n preiarmeo segmental lonlng l a Dllott.nnelsanashaha arc in ;=main the o r o ~ e r t v o f t h e Employer itern'des&iptions shall 5 0 state.
A l l item descriptions for precast concrete segmental lining ringsshall state whether the segments are flanged or solid. item descriptions for metal segmentallining ringswhich have machined abutting surfaces shall so state. A12 Theinternaldiameterafthe liningshall bestatedinitem descriptionsfor lining anciilaries.
c:rcularcross-sectontheir max;m~m inlcrna. dimensionof cross.secl:on shal besubsliluleo farthediameterandtheirinternal cross-sectional dimensions shall bestatedinitemdeecriptions.



Concrete work i n lining to tunnels, shafts and other cavities which involves other than simple shapes may be classed as concrete (class Fl and concrete anciilaries (class GI.



FIRST DIVISION 8 Support and stabilization


THIRD DIVISION 1 Mechanical 2 Mechanical grouted 3 Pre-grouted impacted 4 Chemical end anchor 5 Chemical grouted 6 Chemically filled 1 Steel arches: supply 2 erection Timbersupports: supply erection 5 Lagging 6 Sprayed concrete

2 Internal support




3 Pressure grouting

Sets of drilling and grouting plant Face packers Deep packers of stated size Drilling and flushing to stated diamele Re-drilling and flushing Injection of grout materials; o f stated composition m

Forward probing





D3 Reinforcing materials added to the mix for sprayedcoocrete shall not be classed as reinforcement.

C4 items for face packemshall be deemed to include collaring. securing and making good liriings on completion.

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A14 Item descriptions for rack boitsshall state their sire, type. shankdetail and maximum length. A15 The materials used for laggingand for packing or grouting behind lagging shall be staled in item descriptions. A16 Item descriptions for sprayedco~crere supponshall state the specification of the concrete and whether it is reinforced and the minimum thickness. Item descriptions for mesh oriinksupponshail state thesize and mass of mesh or link fabric. A17 The lengths of holes shall be stated i n stages of 5 m i n item descriptions for drillingand re.dn'lling holes for pressure grouting and i n item descriptions for fonvardprabing.

MB 00th temporary and supporf and slab;)izafion shall be measured.

~3 he mass measured for steel a,chesshall be calculated as set out in class M. The volu,me of ,jmbersupponrneasured shall be thevolumeofsupporlin timber components calculated as set out in lass 0. The area of sprayed cancreresuppo~shall be measured at the payment lines ~ h o w n the Drawings or, where on payment lines are shown, l o theneldimensions ofthesuppon to be provided. M I 0 Thenumber of facepackers and deep packersmeasured shali bethe number of injections. M I 1 The mass measured for injection ofgrout materiaisshall not include the mass of mixing water.

05 Mesh or link reinforcement in spravedconcrete supponshall be classed as mesh or linksuppon.


Excludes: Brickwork in manholes a n d other brickwork incidental t o pipework [included in class K ) Brickwork i n sewer renovation (included in class Y )

FIRSTDIVISION 1 Common brickwork


THIRD DIVISION m2 m' m' m2 m' 1 Vertical straight walls 2 Vertical curved walls 3 Battered straight walls 4 Battered curved walls 5 Vertical facing to concrete 6 Battered facing to concrete 7 Casing to metal sections

2 Facing brickwork 3 Engineering brickwork

4 Lightweight blockwork 5 Dense concrete blockwork 6 Artificial stone blockwork 7 Ashlar masonry 8 Rubble masonry

2 3

1 Thickness: not exceeding 150 mm 15W250 m m 25&500 m m 4 500 mm-1 m 5 exceeding 1 m


Columns and piers of stated crosssectional dimensions



1 Copings and sills, material stated

2 Rebates and chases

3 Cornices 4 Band courses 5 Corbels 6 Pilasters 7 Plinths 8 Fairfacing

m m rn m m m

8 Ancillaries

1 Joint reinforcement 4

2 Damp proof courses 3 Movement joints

6 7 8

m m m Bondsto existing work m2 lnfills of stated thickness m1 Fixings and ties m2 Built-in pipes and ducts, cross-sectional nr area: not exceeding 0.05 m' stated exceeding 0.05 m2 nr



ME~~UREMENT RULES ~ ~ ~ h s kbrickwork. of i n blockwork or masonry which is in





be measured. M2 volumes and areas measured for brickwork. blockwork and masonry shall include the volumes and areas of joints, and exclude those of copings and sills. No deduction from or addition to volumes and areasmeasuredshall be made for intruding or proiecting surface features. No deduction from the and areas measured shallbe made for holesand .penings in walls or surfaces each not exceeding 0.25 m' in crosssectional area. ~3 Mean dimensions shall be "sed to calculate the areas and ~olume. of walls, facing to concreteand casing l metal o sectionsand the heights of columns and piers. D l Wallsorlacing batteredon one or both sides shall be classed as battered wallror batrered facing. D2 Isolated walls having a length on plan not exceeding four times their thickness shall be classed as piers. D3 In determining the thicknesses of walls, facing and casing, the presence of surface featuresshall beignored.
04 The thicknesses of battered

C1 ltemsformasonryshall be deemed to include lair facing.

A t Item descriptions for walls. facing ro concrete, casing to metal sections, columns andpiersshali either state the materials, nominal dimensions and types of brick. block and stone or give equivalent references to applicable British Standard specifications.

A2 Itemdescriptionsformasonry
walls. facing Lo concrete. casing tometalsections, columns and piersshallstatethesurfacefinish. A3 The bonding pattern, type of monarand type of jointing and pointing shall bestated i n item descriptions for walls. facing to concrete, casing to merill secrions, columns andpiers. A4 ltem descriptions for walls. facing to concrete, casing to metal sections, columns andpiers which areincavity orcomposite construction shall so state. A5 The nominal thickness of walls, facing to concreteand casing to metalsectionsshall be stated in item descriptions.

wallsshall betheir mean thicknesses.

M4 The lengths of surface

featuresmeasured shall be mean lengths.The areas measured for fair facingshall be those expressly required and shall be measured at the face.

D5 Columns and piers attached to wails or facing of the same material shall beclassed as pilasters.

A6 Item descr/ptions for surface featuresshall include sufficient detail to identify special masonry and special or cut bricks and blocks.The spacing of intermittent surface features shall be stated i n item descriptions. A7 Thecross-sectional dimensions of surface features shall bestated initem descriptions where thecrosssectional area of the surface feature exceeds 0.05 m2.

M5 The length of additional material in lapsof joint reinfarcement and damp proof Coursesshali not be measured. M6 The areasof f f ~ i n ~ s a n d t i e s measuredshallbetheareasof brickwork, blackwqrkormasonry fixedortied. Where twoareasof brickwork, biockwqrkormasonry are fixed ortiedtoeachother, ~nlvthesmallerafihetwo areas shall be measured.

Cz Items for built-in pipes and ductsshall be deemed to include theirsupply unless otherwise stated.

A8 The materials and dimensions of jointreinforcernenr and damp proafcourses, the materials 01 infillsand the type and spacing of fixings and ties shall bestated in item descriptions. ~9 The dimensions and nature of components including face ar internal detai!~ shall be stated in item descriptions for movement joints. A10 Thelengthsaf built-in pipes and ductsshall be stated in item descriptions where they exceed 1 m.


Includes: Excludes: I n situ painting Painting carried o u t p r i o r t o delivery of components t o t h e Site

FlRSTOlVlSlON 1 Lead, iron or zinc based primer paint 2 Etch primerpaint 3 Oil paint 4 Alkydgloss paint 5 Emulsionpaint 6 Cement paint 7 Epoxy or polyurethane paint 8 Bituminous or coal tar paint

SECOND DIVISION 1 Metal,otherthanmetalsectionsand pipework 2 Timber 3 Smooth concrete 4 Roughconcrete 5 Masonry 6 Brickworkand blockwork

THIRD DIVISION 1 Upper surfaces inclined at an angle not exceeding 30'tothe horizontal 2 Upper surfaces inclined at 30'60" to the horizontal 3 Surfacesinclined at an angle exceeding 60" to the horizontal 4 S o f i t surfaces and lower surfaces inclined at an angle not exceeding 60' to the horizontal 6 Surfacesof width not exceeding 300 mm 7 Surfacesof width 300 mm-1 rn 8 Isolated groups of surfaces m' rnz


m nr

7 Metal sections 8 Pipework

m2 rn2

d ,

MEASUREMENT RULES ~1 NO deduction from theareae measured shall be made for holes and i n the painted each not exceeding 0.5 m'in area. DEFINITION RULES COVERAGE RULES C1 Items far painting shall be deemed to include preparation of surfaces before painting. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 Item descriptions for painting shall state the material used and either the number of coats orthe film thickness.

A2 Preparation of surfaces shall be identified i n item descriptions where more than one type of preparation is specified for the same surface.

M2 Surfaces o width not f

=xceeding 1 m shali not be distinguished b y inclination.

M3 lsolatedgroups ofsurfaces of different shape or dimensions shall be measured as separate items.

D l lsolaredgraups ofsurfaces shall be classed as such only where the total surface area of each group does not exceed 6 m'. C2 Painting of rneralsections shall be deemed to include painting thesurfaces of connecting plates, brackets. rivets, bolts, nuts and similar projections. C3 Painting of pipeworkshall be deemed to include painting the surfaces a1 flanges, valves. other projecting fittings and hangers.

A3 Item descriptionsfor isolated groupsofsurfacesshall identify the work to be painted and its location.

M4 In calculating the painted area of meralsectionsthe presence of connecting plates. brackets, rivets, bolts, nuts and similar projections shall be ignored.
M5 The area measured for painting pipewarkehali bethe length multiplied by the ginh of each length of pipe or lagged pipe with no deductions or additions for flanges, valves, other projecting fittings and hangers.

Painting may be measured by the number of irolaledgroups ofsurfacerof the sameshape and dimensions instead of by the length or area of the separate


Includes: Excludes: Damp proofing,tanking and roofing Waterproofedioints [included in classes C, G.H. I J, K. R, T. U, X a n d Y) . ~ a r n ~ ~ rciursesf in brickwork, b l o c k w o r k a n d masonry (included i n class U) o o Surface finishesand linings in simple building w o r k s incidental t o civil engineering w o r k s [included i n classZ)


1 Asphalt 2 Sheet metal 3 Waterproof sheeting 4 Waterproof coating 5 Rendering in ordinary cement mortar 6 Rendering in waterproof cement mortar 7 Tiles

THIRD DIVISION 1 Upper surfaces inclined at an angle not exceeding 30" lo the horizontal 2 Upper surfaces inclined at 30'60" to m2 the horizontal m' 3 Surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 60" to the horizontal m2 4 Curved surfaces m2 5 Domed surfaces 6 Surfaces ofwidth not exceeding 300 m m rn 7 Surfaces of width 300 mm-1 m 8 Isolated groups of surfaces nr


1 Damp proofing 2 Tanking 3 Roofing



1 Sand asphalt 2 Flexible sheeting 3 Sand 4 Sand and cement screed 5 Tiles

5 Sprayed or brushed waterproofing m'

1 Upper surfaces inclined at an angle not exceeding 30"to the horizontal 2 Upper surfaces inclined at30'60" to the horizontal 3 Surfaces inclined at an angle exceeding 60" to the horizontal 4 Curved surfaces 5 Domed surfaces 6 Surfaces of width not exceedinq


m2 m2


1 1

7 z: rs f ?

of width 300 mm-1 m-


Isolated groups of surfaces

1 I


ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 Item descriptions for waterproofing shall state the materials used and the number and thickness of coatings or layers.

~1 The areas measured shall be those of thesurfaces covered. No deduction from the areas measuredshall be made for holes and openings In the waterproofed surfaces each not exceeding 0.5 m'in area.


COVERAGE RULES C1 Items forwaterproofing shall be deemed to include preparing surfaces, forming joints. overlaps, mitres, angles, fillets, built-up edges and laying to fails or cambers.

MZ Surfaces ofwidth not exceeding 1m shall not be distinguished by inclination or by curvature.

p1 Waterproofing classed as to .3 cuwedor domedsurfaces shall not be distinguished by inclination.

D l Waterproofing shall be classed as to cuwedor domed surfacer;oniy where a radius of curvatureof the surface is less than 10 m.

~ 4 Isolated groups ofsurfaces of different shape or dimensions shall be measured as separate items. M2 Surfaces ofwidth not exceeding 1 m shall not be distinguished by inclination or by cuwature. M3 Waterproofing classed as to curvedor domedsurfacesshall not bedistinguished by inclination.

D2 lsolatedgroupa ofsurfaces shall be classed as such only where the total surface area of each group does not exceed 6 m'. D l Waterproofing shall be classed as to curvedor domed ,surfacesonly where a radius of curvature of the surface is less than 10m.

A2 Item descriptionsfor isolated groups ofsurfacesshail identify the work to be waterproofed and state its location.

M4 lsalafedgroups ofsurfaces of different shape or dimensions shall be measured as separate items.

D2 lsolatedgroups ofsurfaces shall be classed as such only wherethetotal surface area of each group does not exceed 6 mZ.

A2 Item descriptions for isolated groupsofsurfacer shall identify the work to be waterproofed and state its location.



includes: Fences, gates and their foundations Drainage t o structures above g r o u n d Rock filled gabions SECOND DIVISION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Timber post and rail Timber post and wire Concrete post and wire Metal post end wire Coated metal post and wire Timber close boarded Metal guard rails Metalcrash barriers THIRD DIVISION 1 Height: not exceeding 1 m 1-1.25 m 2 3 1.25-1.5m 4 1+2m 5 2-2.5 m 6 2.5-3 m 7 exceeding 3 m


2 Gates and stiles


1 2 3 4 5

Timber field gates Timber wicket gates Metal field gates Metal wicket gates Stiles

1 Width: not exceeding 1.5 m 1.5-2 m 2 2-2.5 m 3 2.5-3 m 4 3-4 m 5 6 4-5 m 7 exceeding 5 m

3 Drainage to structures aboveground

1 2 3 4

Mild steel Cast iron Plastics Asbestos cement

1 2 3 4

Gutters Fittings to gutters Downpipes Fittings to downpipes

m nr m nr

4 Rockfilled gabions

1 Box of stated size 2 Mattress of stated thickness

nr m'



~1 ~ ~ " g t h s o f fencesshall

DEFINITION RULES D l The heights used for classification of fencesshail be measured from the Commencing Surface.

COVERAGE RULES C1 tems for fsnccrshali be oeemeo to incl-dc cxcavatcon. oreoarot.on o i surfaces . olrooea. of excavated material, upholding stdes of excavation, backfillins. removal of existing services. concrete, formworkand reinforcement.

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 Item descriptions for fences which are erected to a curve of radius not exceeding 100 m o r o n asurfaceinciined at an angle exceeding 10'shall sostate. A2 Thetypes and principal dimensions of fencesand of their foundations shall be stated in item descriptions.

excludelengths occupied by gatesand stiles.


C2 temr for leocessha I be dccmeo to incl-de end posts. .no e ~ O B I B . ~train'na DO515 ano oate ooats.

- .

D2 Thewidth usedfor c.jssifical'on o i garcs and srilcs sha I oe meas~red bctwecn !nu insdu facer o f posls.

A3 The types and principal dimensions of gares andstiles shall be statedin item descriptions.
A4 Itemdescriptionsforgates composedof more than one leaf shall identify the numberaf leavesin item descriptions.

D3 Fittings togunersshall include bende, angles, stop ends and outlets. ~ i t t i n g ro downpipes s shall include bends, swan necks, shoes and roof outlets Rxed directly to downpipes.
D4 Rock filledgabions exceeding 300 m m thick shall be classed as boxgabions and those not exceeding 300 m m thick as mattressgabions. Filling shall be deemed l o be imponed unless atherwisestated.

c 3 Items for drainage ro strucruresabave groundshall be deemed to include SuPPons.

A5 Itemdescriptionsfor drainagerosrruavresabove groundshall state thetype, principal dimensionsand materialsofthecomponents.

A6 ltemdescrlptioneforrack filledgabionsshaii statethe type andgrading offiiling,thesireof meshandthediameterofmesh wire. Details of protective coatingsshall bestated.


Includes: Preparation and renovation of existingsewersandwater mains N e w manholeswithin t h e length o f existing sewers W o r k to existing manholes Grouting carried o u t f r o m o u t s i d e t h e s e w e r (included in class C ) N e w pipework (included in classes I-L) N e w f i t t i n g s andvalves used in w a t e r m a i n renovation (included in class J) Extras t o excavation and backfillingfor n e w manholes and other chambers (included in class L)


FIRST DIVISION 1 Preparation of existing sewers



2 Removing intrusions


1 Laterals, bore not exceeding 150 mm 2 Laterals, stated profile and sire exceeding 150 m m in one or more dimension 3 Other stated artificial intrusions

3 C I o ~ e d - ~ i r ~ ~ i t t e l e ~ i s i o n S U N e y 5m 4

Plugging laterals, materials stated Filling laterals and other pipes, materials stated

nr m3 nr

1 Bore not exceeding 300 mrn

2 Stated profile and size exceeding 300 mm
ln oneor more dimension

6 Local internal repairs

1 Area: not exceeding 0.1 m2 2 0.14.25 mZ

2 Stabilization of existing sewers

stated exceeding 0.25 m2

1 Pointing, materials stated Pipe joint sealing, materials stated

m7 nr

3 External grouting

1 Number of holes 2 lnjectionofgrout,materiels stated






COVERAGE RULES C1 Itemsforworkwhichis expressly requiredtobecarried out by excavation shall be deemedtoincludepreparation of surfaces, disposal of excavated materia1,upholding eidesof excavation, backfilling and removal ofdeadeervices.

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A1 The location of the work i n each item orgroup of itemsshall be stated sothattheworkcan be identified by reference to the Drawings.

~1 Lengths of sewersshall be measured along their centre lines beween the insidesurfaces of manholes but shall exclude lengths occupied by pipes and fiftingscomprising backdrops to manholes.

A2 Principal dimensions and

profiles of sewers shall bestated i n item descriptions. A3 Workwhichisexpressly required10 becarried out manuallyorby remotely controlledmethodsshalleach be sostatedin itemdescriptions. A4 ltemdescriptionsshall identify workwhich isexpressly requiredto becarriedout by excavationand [except for manholeslshall statethe maximumdepth of excavation i n stagesof1 mmeasuredtothe invert of the sewerorwater main. A5 ltem descriptionsfor preparation sfabiliration, renovation and laterabshall state the material formingtheexisting 5ewerOrwatermain.

MZ Whereworkisexpressly requiredta becarriedgutby excavation,crossings. reinstatement and other pipework anciliariesshall be measured in class Kand extras toexcavation and backfilling shall bemeasured inclassl.

C2 ltems for cieaningshall be deemed to include making good resultant damage. D l ltemsshall beclaasedas removingint~sionswhere intrusionsinto the bores of existing sewers areto be removed priortorenovation. C3 Items for removing intrusionsshall be deemed to include making good. A6 Item descriptions for state removing infrusi~nsehall the materials forming the intrusions.

D2 The areas stated i n item descriptions for local infernal repairsshall be the finished surface areas. M3 No oeouction snal be maae from the areas of server surlaccs m e a s ~ r e d oointinofor far openings or voids each not exceeding 0.5 m'in area.

C4 Items for localinternal repairsshall be deemed to include cutting out and repainting. C5 lems lor pointing and pipc jo;nt scaling shall bo ocfmea to incl~dc preparaion of :oints.

M4 Exrerna1groct;ngshaIl be measured only where grodtjng is ex~resslv reo-ire0 to oc carried a& as a &&ate operation from annulus grouting IY 3 601.
~ ~

D3 Exfernaigr~ufingshall be grouting of voids outside the existing sewer from within the existing sewer other than voids grouted in the course of annulus

A7 Where exfernaigmuting is carried out through pipe joints. descriptions of items forthe number of holes shall so state.


FIRST DIVISION 3 Renovation of existing sewers



THIRD DIVISION m m 1 Polyethylene 2 Polypropylene

1 Polyethylene 2 Polypropylene

In sit" jointed pipe lining

3 Glass reinforced plastic


Segmental lining

3 Glass reinforced plastic 4 Glass reinforced concrete 5 Cast gunite 6 Resin concrete

4 Stated proprietary lining

5 6

m m m'

Gunitecoating of stated thickness Annulus grouting, materials stated

4 Laterals to renovated sewers

1 Jointing


1 Bore: not exceeding 150 m m 2 150-300 m m 3 Stated profile and sire exceeding 300 mm in one or more dimension

2 Flap valves of stated size


2 3 5

1 Remove existing Replaceexisting New flap valve of stated Npe 1 Nominal bore: notexceeding200 mm 200-300 rnm 2 3 300-600 m m 4 600-900 mm 5 900-1200 mm 6 statedexceeding 1200 mm 1 Depth: not exceeding 1.5 m 1.5-2m 3 2-2.5 m 4 2.5-3 m 5 3-3.5 m 6 3.54 m 7 stated exceeding 4 m

Watermainrenovationandancillary works

1 Cleaning 2 Removingintrusions


3 Pipe sample inspections 4 Closed-circuittelevieionsu~eys 5 Cementmortarlining 6 Epoxylining nr 1 Brick Brick with backdrop 3 In situ concrete 4 In situ concrete with backdrop 5 Precast concrete 6 Precast concrete with backdrop 1 Abandonment
2 Alteration

nr m m m


Existing manholes


,, : % , ,

(see rules at headaf classon page971


,; 1



ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A8 ltem descriptions far sliplining, in sifu joinfedpipe iining. segmenrar rinang ano srared pr0pr;erary 1;ningsnall state lne Ivoe o i .mino .15 monnrndrn diished i n t h size and its thickness or grade
A9 Item afsrrtpt'ons for i sllu n ,onnteop,pe r,n!ng and segmenlal l l n l o n r n ~ lstate lhs offset wncte l the fning Is curved to an offset which exceeds 35 m m per metre.

M5 Thevolume measured for aonuluagroutingehail not include the volume measured for external IY 2 3 21.

D4 Annulusgrourlngshall be grouting of the annularvoids between new linings and existing sewers and of other voids grouted i n the course of grouting annular voids.
C6 ltemsfor laleralsshaii be deemed to include the work involved in connecting tothe lining within 1 m from the inside face of the lined sewer.

A10 Item descriptions for joinring laterals shall state the type of lining to which the laterals are to beconnected and identify those laterals which are to be regraded.

-engtnsof water mainsshal be mearurcoa ong the'rcenlre .mcr ~nanhsll~nc#uac.enornr ... ... - - . .... - - - .=-.... .. .. occupied byfining5 andvalves.

D5 P;pperampleinspectionsand claseb-c~currlelevision sumeys shall'ncldaeworr carr'cd out either before or ahercleaning and lining.

C7 Itemsforpipesample inspecfionsshali bedeemed to includereolacino thelenoth removed by newpipewoFk.

A l l Itemdescriptionsforlining shall state the materials, nominal boresand thicknesses ofthe iining

0 6 Thedcptholmaoholcrshall b ~ . m e a 5 ~ r e 0 thelopsof from

C8 ltemsfornewmanholesshali bedeemedtoincludeexcavation. ~o~er~t~channel:nvensortoos preparationof surfaces, disposal ofexcavated materiel, upholding sidesofexcavation, backfilling. lower. concrete, reinforcement. formwork, joinls,finishesand reinstatement.


A12 Typcorrnarlnumberssna I 0eslalea:n ltcmaescr pt ons far m~nflolesof whch outa'lsare g:venelsewncreinlhcConlract. Item descript ons s h ~ ~ l ' d e n l ' f y

manholes. A13 T y p c s a n o l o ~ o ~ n g d ~ l i e s o f coverssnall oeslaled in :!em descript onsfornewm~nholrs. A14 tcrndescrip1'onssha.I separately iocnt:tynuwmanholcs wnichrep acuexistinqmanho cs. A15 itemdescriptionsfor exisringmanholesshall state detailsofthework required.

C9 Itemsfornewmanhalesshall bedeemedto includeall itemsof metalworkandpipeworkwhich occurwithinoratthesurfaceof themanhole. C10 Itemsfornewmanholes with backdropsshall bedeemed to Includethe pipesandfinings comprising the backdrop. C11 ternsfornewmanholes wh'chreplace existing manholes eha.1 beocernedlo inc.udc - breakino outanddiso&ai of existingmanholes.

NOTE Manholes may he measured in detail as setoutin other classes ofCESMM3.






1 Preparation of existing sewers 2 Stabilization of existing sewers

3 Renovation of existing sewers

1 Sliplining 2 In situ jointed pipe lining 3 Segmental lining d Stated , r o ~ r i e t a r y l i n i n g . -- ~ 5 Gunitecoating 6 Annulus grouting

4 5

Work on laterals to renovated sewers Work on manholes



M7 lnterruprionsshall be measured only where a minimum pumping capacity is expressly required and for periods of time during normal working hours when the flow in theaewer exceeds the installed pumping capacity and workis interrupted.





Includes: Carpentry and joinery Insulation Windows, doors a n d slazins Surfacefinishes, liningsandpartitions Piped building services Ducted building services Cabled building services

FIRSTDIVISION 1 Carpentry and joinery

SECONDDIVISION 1 Structural andcarcassingtimber


2 Wallsandpartitions

3 Flatroofs 4 Pitched roofs 5 Plates and bearers 6 Struts 7 Cleats 8 Trussed raftersand roof trusses 2 Strip boarding 3 Sheetboarding m' m2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Floors Slopinguppersurfaces Walls soffits Stairwaysand landings Walkways and platforms Isolated balustrades Ladders

m rn m m m m nr nr

Stairs and walkways


5 Miscellaneousjoinery

1 Skirtings 2 Architraves 3 Trims 4 Shelves 1 2 3 4 Baseunits Wall units Worktops Notice-boards

6 Unitsandfittings




1 2 3 4

Sheets Quilts Boards Loosefill nr

1 Floors 2 Sloping uppersurfaces 3 Walls 4 Soffits

1 Windows

3 Windows.doorsandglazing

1 Timber 2 Metal 3 Plastics


2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5

Windowsub-frames Doors Frames or lining sets Screensand borrowed lights Roof lights



1 Hinges

Doorclosers Locks Bolts Handles 6 Plates 7 Brackets

~ ~ ~ l ~ dDrainage b e l o w ground (included in classes I-L) e s : Ducts and trenchesforelectrical services b e l b w around o r o u t s i d e t h e b u i l d i n q [includedin classes 1-L)

~etalwork(includedinclass N)

Civ~l enqineerinq timber w o r k s (included in class 0 ) rickw work, blocitworkand masonry (included in class U) Painting (included in class V) ~sohaltworkiincludedin class W ) ~obfin~,claddin~andcoverin~s(/ncludedinW ) class Drainage to structures above g r o u n d (included in class XI MEASUREMENTRULES Thelengthsana areas measured forcarpentryand iDineryitemsshail be measured netwithnoallowanceforiointsor laps.

DEflNlTlONRULES D l Sizesstated initem descriptionsforcarpentryand jaineryshall benominalsizes unlessothenvisestated. D2 Ceiling joistsshali beclassed aspirchedroofswherethey are associated with pitched roofs. 03 Timberandother manufactured boardsshail be ciassedassheelboarding.
04 Boardingandinsularionshall beciassifiedaccording their to angleofinciinationasfollows:

COVERAGERULES C1 Itemsforcarpenrryand joineryshallbedeemedtoinclude fixing,boring.cutting,jointing, supplyof fixingcomponenband drillingorcutting associated work.

ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTIONRULES A1 Item descriptions for carpenrryandjoineryshallstate thematerialsusedandidentify whetherthey aresawn or wroughtandanytreatment. selectionor protectionfor subsequenttreatment.
A2 ltemdescriptionsshallslate thenominalthicknessof boarding.

No deductionframtheareas

measuredshallbemade forhoies ando eninge each notexceeding 0.5m inarea.


~3 Srrurs between joistsshall bemeasuredonplan across joists.

A3 Thewidth ofboarding shall bestatedinitem descriptionsin lo0 mmstageawhereitdoesnot exceed300 mm.

Class ~ n g t s tnclina!ian of 1 the vcnlsal 0



IS.~P 15.40.

Walls Solfiu

~ o exceeding 15. t

A4 ltem descriptions for rtrucrural and carca~sing timber lother than cleats, ranen and wssesl and miscellaneous joinery shall state the overall nominal gross cross-sectional dimensions and the number of where there are more shapes different cross-sectionthan one.
A5 ltemdescriptionsshall identify applied laminatesand coverings. A6 ltemdescriptionsshall identifytheshape, sizeand limits ofstairsandwalkwaysand units and firrings. A7 Itemdescriptionsfor inrvlarionshailnate the materials andtheir overall nominal thickness. C2 Itemsforwindows, doors andglazing shall be deemed to includefixing, supply of Wing componentsand drilling or cuningofassociatedwork. A8 Item descriptions for windows, doors and glazing IZ 3 1-3 +I shall identify the shape, sire and limits of the work.

Surfacesofcoiumnsshallbe f classed as walls. Surfaces o beamsshallbeclassed assolfirs.

A9 Materialsshailbestated in itemdescriptionsfor ironmongery.

NOTE Windowsand theirsub-frames123 1-3 1-21. doorsandtheirframesorliningsets[Z3 1-33-4) and theassociatedironmongerymay be included inthe measurement of doorsorwindowsprovidedthattheworkincluded is identified in item descriptions In accordancewtth Paragraph 5.12andtheappropriatestatementsaregivenin the Preamblein accordancewith paragraph 5.4.


3 windows, doors and glazing (continuedl


2 Glassinlargepanes

5 Glazing

3 Specialglass 4 Hermetically sealed units

m' m2 nr nr

6 Patentglazing


1 Roofs 2 Opening lights 3 Verticalsurfaces

4 Surfacefinishes,liningsand partitions

1 2 3 4

In situfinishes, bedsand backings Tiles Flexiblesheetcoverings Drypartitions andlinings

1 2 3 4 5

Floors Sloping uppersurfaces Walls soffits Surfacesof width not exceeding 300 mrn 6 Surfaceeofwidth300 mrn-1 m

5 Suspendedceilings


1 Depthofsuspension: not exceeding 150 m m m2 150-500 rnm mz exceedinu 500 rnm m2 4 Bulkheads m 5 Accesspanels nr 6 Fittings nr

i ,


6 Raisedaccessfloors

7 Proprietarysysternpartitions

1 Solid 2 Fullyglazed 3 Partiallyglazed 4 Doorunits

rn rn m nr

8 Framedpanel cubicle sets


MEASUREMENT RULES DEFINITION RULES D5 Paneswhichexceed4 m2 shall beclassedaslargepanes. D6 Thefoliowingmaterialsueed in glaring shall beclassedas specialglass COVERAGE RULES C Itemsfor windows, doors Z andglazingshali bedeemedto includefixing,supplyof fixing componentsanddriliingor cutting of associated work. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A10 itemdescriptionsfor glazingshaliidentifythe materials,theirnominal thicknesses,themethodof glazing and the methodof securingtheglass. A l l itemdescriptionsshall identify theconstructionof hermeticallysealedunirs. A12 Itemdescriptionsforspecial glass, hermeticallysealedunits andmirrorsshail identifythe shapeand sizeof panes. A13 Itemdescriptionsfor glazingshallidentifywork!whicfi iscurved. A14 ltemdescriptionsshall identifytheshape,sizeand limits ofpatenfglazing. A15 incidentaimetalwork supportingpatentglazingshallbe identifiedin item descriptions. A16 Itemdescriptionsfor patentglazingshallidentifywork which is curved. D7 Surfacefinishe+,liningrand paflitionslZ414+)exceeding 1 mwideshall beclassified according to their angle of inclinationasfollows:
C3 Itemsforsurfacefinishes, liningrandpaflitionsshall be deemedtoincludefixing,supply of fixing componentsanddrilling orcutting of associafedwork.

la) glass whose thickness

exceeds 10 mm (bl non-rectangularpanesof glass Ic)toughened.laminated.soiar control and otherspeciality glass Idl acrfiic,polycarbonateand simiiarmaterials.

M2 Nodeductionfromtheareas measuredshallbe madeforholes ando eningseachnotexceeding 0.5m inarea.


M4 Thsareas measured for patentglazingshaliincludeareas occupied by glaring bars.

MZ Nodeductionfromtheareas measuredshailbemadeforholes ando eningseach notexceeding 0.5 m inarea.


A17 Thematerials,suriacefinish andfinishedthicknessshali be identifiedinitemdescriptionsfor surfacefinishes, liningsand panitions. A18 Lathing and baseboarding associatedwith in situ finishes, bedandbacklngsshail be identifiedin item descriptions. A19 Thegirthofbulkheadsshall beidentifiedin item descriptions.
A20 Theoveralldimensionsof accesspanelsandfilfingsin ceilings, doorunits in proprietary eyetempartitionsandframed panelcubicleselsshalI be

M5 Thelengthmeasuredfor proprietarysysfempaflitions shallexclude the length ofvoids whichextendtothe full heightof the partition.

UI ltemsforsurfacefinishes,
~loorr slopingupper walls soflits
NO, excseding 15.

liningsandpaflitionsshall be deemedtoinciudepreparing surfaces,formingjoints. mitres, angles.filiets, built-up edgesand layingtocambersorfails. C5 ltemsforsurfacefinishes, liningsandpaflitionrshall be deemedtoincludeforming holes, cutting and making good for services. C6 itemsforsuspendedceilings shall bedeemedtoinclude associated primarfsupport systemsand edgetrims.

Surfaceofcolumneexceeding1 m wideshall beclassed as walls. Suriacesofbeamsexceeding 1 m wideshall beclassed assoffits.

A21 Item descriptions for suspendedceilingsshallstate the depth of the suepensionwhere it exceeds500 mmin stagesof 500 mm.

FIRSTDIVISION 5 Piped building services ECOND DIVISION Pioework HlRD DIVISION Pipes Fittings Insulation nr Boiler plant and ancillaries Convectors and radiators Pumps Cisterns and tanks




Ducted building services

1 Circular ductwork 2 Rectangular ductwork

1 Straight 2 Curved 3 Fittings 4 Insulati-n nr 1 Conditioning and handling units 2 Heaters 3 Fans 4 Filters

rn r n

3 Equipment


MEASUREMENTRULES ~6 Lengthsof pipesshall be measuredilongtheircentrelines andshall includelengths occupied by fittings. DEFINITION RULES 08 Taps shall be classed as pipe litrings. COVERAGE RULES
C7 ltemsforpipedrervicer systernsshall bedeemedto include fixing and supply offixing components.


A22 Thelocationortypeof pipedbuildingservices i n each itemorgroupofitemsshall be statedin item descriptionssa that theworkincludedcan be identified by reference tothe Drawings.

C8 ltemsforpipedservicez systernsshali bedeemedto includecommissioning.

A23 The materials, jointtypes. and nominal boresofpipework shall bestatedinitem descriptionsand referencegiven toapplicable British Standard specificationsandspecified qualities.Finingson plpeeof different nominal boresshall be identified bytheir largerhore. P a Thetypeof equipmentor sanitaryappliancesandfittings andthematerials,sizeorcapacity. andthemethodoffixing shall be statedinitem descriptionsand referencegiventoapplicable BritishStandardspecifications andspecified qualities. A25 Trapsshall beidentifiedin itemdescriptionsforsanitary appliancesandfiltings. M7 Lengths of docted services systems shall be measured along their centre lines and shall include lengths occupied by fittings.
C9 Itemsfordoctedbuilding

servicesshail bedeemedto include fixing andsupply of fixing components.

C10 Itemsforductedbuilding servicesshall bedeemedto include commissioning.

P a Thelocationortypeof ducred building services i n each itemorgroupofitemsshall be stated in item descriptionssothat theworkincludedcan be identified by referencetothe Drawings. Pa7 Thematerials.jointtypes. andsizeofducfworkehall be statedin item descriptionsand reference given to applicable British Standardspecifications andspecified qualities.Fittingson ductsofdifferent sizesshall be identified by theirlargestsize. Pa8 Thetypeof equipmenrand themateriais, sizeorcapacity,and themethod offixing shall be statedin item descriptionsand reference given to applicable BritishStandardspecifications and specified qualities.

NOTE Taps may be included i n item descriptions for sanitary appliances and fittings instead of by separate items for pipe fittings provided that the work Included is identified in item descriptions in accordance with paragraph 5.12 and the appropriate statements are given In the Preamble i n accordance with paragraph 5.4.

2 3

7 'cabled building services

4 5 2 Conduits

or drawn into conduits, trunking or ducts Laid on trays Fixed to surfaces Laid i n trenches Suspended

1 Plain 2 Flexible 3 Boxfillings 1 Plain 2 Finings 1 Tapes 2 Finings nr r 1 Cable only 2 Cable and conduit 1 Equipment 2 Switches 3 Lighting outlets 4 Sockets

m m nr

3 Trunking 4 Busbar trunking 5 Trays

6 Earthing and bonding

rr nl

n n

7 Finalcircuits
8 Equipmentandfillings

MEASUREMENT RULES DEFINITION RULES COVERAGE RULES C11 Itemsforcabledbuilding servicesshall bedeemedto includedetermining circuits. terminationsandconnections, providingdrawwiresanddraw cablee,cleaningtrunking. ductsandtraysandthreading cablesthroughsieeves. C12 ltemsforcabledbuilding servicesshail bedeemed10 includefixing andsupply of fixing components. C13 itemsforcabledbuilding servicesshaii bedeemed to include commissioning. C14 ltemsforconduitsshali be deemed to include fitting sother than boxedfiliings. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION RULES A29 Thelocation ortypeof cabledbuiidingservieesin each itemorgroupofitemsshall be stated i n item descriptions so that theworkincluded can be identified by referencetothe Drawings. A30 The materials, size or capacity, andmethod offixing shall beidentifiedin item descriptionsfor cabledbuildingservices127 1-7 *) and referencegiven toapplicable British Standardspecificationsand specifiedqualitiee. A Thetypeandsizeorcapacity of equipmenlandfirrings 127 8 +I shall beetatedin item descriptions and reference given to applicable BritishStandard specifications and specified qualities.

ME ~~ngthsmeasuredforcables D9 Simplelowvoltagepower andlighting circuitswhich loop excludelengthsoccupiedin fromdistribution boardsshail be sagsand tails. classed as finalcircuits. M9 Lengthsmeasuredfor ~onduirs, trunking, busbar rrunking and cablerraysshall include lengthsoccupied by fittings.

~ 1 Lengthsmeasuredfor 0 cableslaidordrawn into conduits, trunking orductsorlaidon trays shall bemeasuredasthelength of ~onduit,trunking,ductortray.

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