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Mewar University, Chittorgarh Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering Curricular Structure B. Tech.

Electronics & Communication Engineering Third Year Course Code EC601 EC602 EC603 EC604 EC605 EC606 EC607 Contact Hours per Week Course Title L Information Theory and Coding Digital signal processing Antenna and Wave propagation Wireless communication Digital Design using VHDL Computer and Communication Networks UG Seminar 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 18 0 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 0 P 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 8 0 4 5 4 5 5 4 1 28 1 Credits ETE Duration Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Weightage (%) MTT** 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

Semester VI

10 10 10 10 10 10 10


50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Sub Total GE 204 Proficiency (Non credit)

Theory: *TA- Teacher Assessment (10)is based on Presentation (4), Assignment (3) and Chart/Model (3). **MTE-Mid-Term-Exam are held twice in a semester each of 30 marks. Average of two is the final MTE marks. # ETE End-Term Exam of 60 marks. Practical: **MTE-Mid-Term-Exam are held twice in a semester each of 10 marks. # ETE- End-Term Exam of 30 marks.


ECE-601 INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING L 3 T 1 P Cr 4.0 Internal Evaluation: 30Marks External Examination: 70Marks Duration of Examination: 03 Hours


Introduction to Information Theory: Measure of information, Entropy of symbols -Continuous and discrete cases, Conditional entropies, Basic relationship among different entropies, Mutual information and Trans information, Redundancy and Efficiency. Channel Classification and Capacity: Continuous and discrete communication channels-Discrete memoryless channels-Channel representations, Noiseless channel, Losslesschannel, Deterministic, Binary Symmetric channel, Binary Erasure channel and their capacities, Continuous and discrete channels with noise, Shannon Hartley theorem and its implications. Detection of Signals and Channels with Noise: Hypothesis testing, Bayes criterion-Minimum error probability criterion, Neyman pearson criterion, Minmax criterion-Maximum likelihood detector, Wiener filter. Source Coding: Purpose of encoding, Uniquely decipherable codes, Code efficiency and redundancy, Shannons first and second fundamental theorem, Shannons encoding algorithm, Shannon Fano code, Huffman code Error Correcting Codes: Linear block codes, Cyclic codes, Hamming, Block codes, BCH and RS codes, Convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm, Concatenated codes, Trellis code modulation, Turbo codes, Coding, Decoding and performance, LDPC codes, Construction and decoding





Recommended Books: Das, Mullick S K and Chatterjee P K, Principles of Digital Communication, Wiley Eastern Limited Shanmugam K Sam, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons Haykin Simon, Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons Viterbi A J and Omura J K, Principles of Digital Communication and Coding, McGraw Hill

ECE-602 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks External Examination: 70 Marks Duration of Examination: 03 Hours

L 3

T 1

P 2

Cr 5.0



SAMPLING : Discrete time processing of Continuous-time signals, continuoustime processing of discrete-time signals, changing the sampling rate using discrete-time processing TRANSFORM ANALYSIS OF LTI SYSTEMS :Introduction, The frequency response of LTI systems, System functions for systems characterized by LCCD (Linear Constant Coefficient Difference) equations, All-pass system, MinimumPhase systems, Linear systems with linear phase. STRUCTURES FOR DISCRETE-TIME SYSTEMS: Block diagram and signal flow graph representation of LCCD (LCCD Linear Constant Coefficient Difference) equations, Basic structures for IIR and FIR systems, Transposed forms. FILTER DESIGN TECHNIQUES :Introduction, Analog filter Design: Butterworth & Chebyshev.IIR filter design by impulse invariance & Bilinear transformation. Design of FIR filters by Windowing: Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming & Kaiser The Discrete Fourier transform (DFT):Properties of the DFT, Linear Convolution using DFT. Efficient computation of the DFT: Decimationin-Time and Decimation-in frequency FFT Algorithms. Processing of speech signals: Vocoders, linear predictive coders.




Recommended Books: G Digital Signal Processing, Sanjit K Mitra, TMH Digital Signal Processing, S.Salivahanan A Vallavaraj, C.Gnanapriya, TMH Digital Signal Processing: Principals, Algorithms And Applications, John G.Proakis, Dimitris Manolakis, PHI Digital Signal Processing, A.V. Oppenheim And R.W. Schaffer, PHI Digital Signal Processing, Thomas J. Cavicchi, John Wiley & Sons Digital Signal Processing, Emmanuel Ifeachor, Barry Jervis, Pearson Digital Signal Processing, Chi-Tsong Chen, Oxford Digital Signal Processing, Engelberg, Shlomo, Springer Digital Signal Processing For Measurement , D Antona, Gabriele, New Age International


Define a function to compute DTFT of a finite length signal. Plot the magnitude and phase plots using subplots. Use this function to obtain DTFT of a 21 point triangular pulse over the domain -10<n<10. Plot the results over -<w<. with a rectangular pulse of length 21.

Verify the Symmetry, Time shifting and modulating properties of DTFT

Study the aliasing effect by using a Sinusoidal Signal. Show the plots of continuous time Signal. Sampled Signal and reconstructed signals by using subplot. Study different window functions available in signal processing toolbox and their controlling parameters.

Design a length, 23 Linear phase FIR Low pass filter with a band edge

of Wo = 0.3 using Rectangular, Bartlett. Hanning, Hamming and Blackman Windows. Plot the impulse response, Amplitude response and zero locations of these filters


Write M-File functions that implement the overlap-add and overlapsave methods of block convolution. Compare the number of floating point operations via flops of these functions with that of conv. Verify the properties of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).

Use the MATLAB Command Cheby1 to design a fifth-order high-pass

chebyshev IIR filter with a sampling frequency of 2 Hz, A band edge of 0.7 Hz and a passband ripple of 1db Plot the magnitude and phase frequency responses. Also design this filter with command butter and compare. filter of seventh degree according to the

Design an elliptic specifications.

o Passband : 0> 20 Log10 (ejw ) > -0.1 dB for 0< < wp = 0.4 H w jw o Stopband : 20 log10 (e ) -40 dB H <
by using [ b,a] = ellip (7,0.1, 40,0.4). Using this filter, Study the word length effect for Direct Structure, cascaded structure, Parallel and Lattice Structure. Study of Pre-emphasis of speech signal. Study of Digital Signal Processing Kit (TMS/ADSP) Implementation of FIR/digital filter using DSP Kit

ECE-603 Antenna and Wave Propagation Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks External Examination: 70 Marks Duration of Examination: 03 Hours

L 3

T 1

P 0

Cr 4.0




ANTENNA FUNDAMENTALS - Antenna parameters, Radiation from a current element in free space. Quarter & half wave antenna. Reciprocity theorem. Resonant and non-resonant antenna. Effective length and aperature, gain, beamwidth, directivity, radiation resistance, efficiency, polarization, impedance and directional characteristics of antenna, antenna temperature ANTENNAS - V and Rhombic antennas, Folded dipole, Yagi-Uda antenna, Frequency independent antennas, Log-periodic antennas, UHF and Microwave antennas- Antenna with parabolic reflectors, Horn and Lens antennas, Helical antennas, Square and Circular loop antennas, Fundamentals of Slot and Microstrip antennas ANTENNA ARRAYS - Two element array, N-element linear arrays, Broadside, End fire, collinear and combination arrays, Multiplication of patterns, Binomial arrays. Effect of ground on antennas, Antenna loading Antenna Measurements Antenna impedance, radiation pattern, gain, directivity,polarization and phase measurements RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION - Mechanism of radio wave propagation, Reflection, Refraction interference and diffraction of radio waves. Theory of ground wave, space wave and sky wave propagation. Plane earth reflection, Reflection factors for horizontal and vertical polarizations. Duct propagation and tropospheric scattering Various Ionospheric layers. Characteristics of ionosphere and its effects on wave propagation. Critical frequency, Virtual height, skipzone & maximum usable frequency. Multiple hop transmission. Oblique & vertical incidence transmission. Effect of earth's magnetic field, solar activity and meteorological conditions on wave propagation.



Recommended Books: Antennas, John Kraus, Ronald Marhefka, TMH Electromagnetic Waves And Radiating Systems, E.C. Jordan And K.G. Balmain, PHI Antenna Theory: Analysis And Design, Constantine A. Balanis , John Wiley & Sons Antenna Theory & Design, Robert S. Elliott, John Wiley & Sons Antennas And Wave Propagation, G. S. N. Raju , Pearson Antennas And Wave Propagation, A.R. Harish, M. Sachidananda, Oxford


L 3

T 1

P 2

Cr 5.0

External Examination: 70 Marks Duration of Examination: 03 Hours


PROPAGATION PHENOMENA Modes of Propagation, Fundamentals of fading, Multipath channels, Spread Spectrum signals: Direct-sequence spread spectrum signals, p-n sequences, Frequency-hopped spread spectrum signals, Codedivision multiplexing.


LINE OF SIGHT MICOWAVE COMMUNICATION- Link Engineering, Frequency planning, Free space loss, Fresnel zone clearance bending of radio beam, Effective earth radius, Building blocks of Transmitter & Receiver MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES - FDMA, TDMA and CDMA with reference to mobile radio and satellite systems. TDMA based networks. CDMA based networks, FREQUENCY REUSE Frequency reuse, Channel assignment Strategies, Handoff Strategies, interference and system capacity, improving coverage and capacity in cellular systems. CELLULAR WIRELESS NETWORKS-, GSM: Introduction, overview of the GSM systems, Cordless systems and WLL, Mobile IP, Wireless access protocol. Wireless LANs: Technology, IEEE 802.11 standards and Blue tooth. Broadband Wireless 802.16




Recommended Books: Mobile Cellular Telecommunications, W.C.Y. Lee, TMH Wireless Communication And Networking, Misra, TMH Fundamentals Of Satellite Communications, K.N. Raja Rao, PHI Wireless Broadband Networks, David T. Wong, Peng-Yong Kong, John Wiley & Sons Satellite Communications, Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian And, John Wiley & Sons Wireless Communications, Theodore S. Rappaport, Pearson Wireless Communication And Networking, William Stallings, Pearson Wireless Communication, Upena Dalal, Oxford Broadband Wireless Communications, Jiangzhou Wang, Springer Wireless And Mobile Communication, Kumar, Sanjeev, New Age International

WIRELESS COMMUNICATION & Antenna LAB 1. Measurement of antenna characteristics : Radiation Pattern on polar plots, Beam width and Gain of main lobe for the following types of antennas. (a) Half wave and quarter wave dipole (b) Folded dipole (c) Yagi UDA multiple element folded dipole (d) Hertz Antenna (e) End fire array and broad side array (f) Helix antenna (g) Paraboloid reflector antenna (h) Loop antenna (i) Ground plane antenna (j) Log periodic antenna (k) Rhombus antenna (l) Slot antenna 2. Demonstration of modeling of wire antenna using appropriate design software. 3. Simulation of antenna arrays using appropriate software. 4. Design and testing of microstrip rectangular patch antenna using appropriate software. 5. Investigate the transmission characteristics of the link and measure the gain of the microstrip patch antennas. Draw the antenna radiation diagram. 6. Radar Trainer: Working of Doppler radar, velocity of moving object, time and frequency measurement and other applications. 7. To perform Modulation, Demodulation and BER measurement using CDMA DSSS Trainer. 8. To establish analog/digital communication link and transmit & receive three signals (audio, video, tone) simultaneously using Satellite Communication Trainer. 9. To study GPS Receiver, establishing link between GPS satellite & GPS trainer and measure of latitude & longitude


L 3

T 1

P 2

Cr 5.0

Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks External Examination: 70 Marks Duration of Examination: 03 Hours

Introduction: History. Why use VHDL? Hardware design construction, Design levels, HDLs Hardware simulation and synthesis. Using VHDL for design synthesis, Terminology. UNIT-I Programmable Logic Devices: Why use programmable logic? What is a programmable logic device ? Block diagram, macrocell structures and characteristics of PLDs and CPLDs. Architecture and features of FPGAs. Future direction of programmable logic. Behavioral Modeling: Entity declaration, Architecture body, Process statement, Variable assignment, Signal assignment. Wait, If, Case, Null, Loop, Exit, Next and Assertion statements. Inertial and transport delays, Simulation deltas, Signal drivers. Data Flow and Structural Modelling: Concurrent signal assignment, Sequential signal assignment, Multiple drivers, conditional signal assignment, selected signal assignment, block statements, concurrent assertion statement, component declaration, component instantiation. Generics and Configurations: Generiecs, Why configurations?, Default configurations, Component configurations. Generiecs in configuration. Generic value specification in architecture, block configurations, architecture configurations. Subprograms and Packages: Subprograms, Functions, Procedures, Declarations. Package declarations, package body, use clause, Predefinal package standard. Design libraries, design file. UNIT-IV Advanced Topics: Generate Statements, Aliases, Qualified expressions, Type conversions, Guarded signals, User defined attributes, Predefined attributes., VHDL synthesis. Architecture of FPGAs



Recommended Books: Perry D, VHDL, TMH Bhasker J, VHDL, Primer, PHI Skahil, VHDL for Programmable logic, Wiley

HDL LAB Write a VHDL Program to implement a 3 :8 decoder Write a VHDL Program to implement a 8:1 multiplexer using behavioral modeling. Write a VHDL Program to implement a 1 :8 demultiplexer using behavioral modeling. Write a VHDL Program to implement 4 bit addition/subtraction. Write a VHDL Program to implement 4 bit comparator. EXPERIMENTS Write a VHDL Program to generate Mod, 10 up counter. Write a VHDL Program to generate the 1010 sequence detector. The overlapping patterns are allowed. Write a program to perform serial to parallel transfer of 4 bit binary number. Write a program to perform parallel to serial transfer of 4 bit binary number. Write a program to design a 2 bit ALU containing 4 arithmetic & 4 logic operations.

ECE-606 COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION NETWORK L 3 T 1 P Cr 4.0 Internal Evaluation: 30 Marks External Examination: 70 Marks Duration of Examination: 03 Hours


Network Models: Data communications, Networks, LAN, MAN and WAN, Internet, Intranet and Extranets, Protocols and standards, The OSI/ISO reference model, Layers in the OSI model-TCP/IP protocol suite, IP addressing, Broadband ISDN, ATM protocol reference model-ATM layers, SONET/SDH architecture, FDDI-DQDB, Structure of circuit and packet switches. Data Link Control: Types of errors, Error detection and correction, Checksum, Framing, Flow control-Error control, Stop and wait protocol, Go-back N, Selective repeat protocols, HDLC-Random access protocols, Controlled access, Wired LANs, Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE standards, IEEE 802.3, 802.4, 802.5 and 802.6, Wireless LANs, IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth. Network Routing Algorithms: Logical addressing, IPv4 addresses, IPv6, Internet protocol, Transition from IPv4 to IPv6, Mapping logical to physical address, Mapping physical to logical address, ICMP-Direct Vs indirect delivery, Forwarding, Unicast and Multicast routing protocols, Routers and gateways. Congestion and Traffic Management: Queuing analysis, Queuing models, Single server and multi server queues, Congestion control in data networks and internets, Effects of congestion, Congestion and control, Traffic management, Congestion control in packet networks, TCP flow control, TCP congestion control, Requirements for ATM traffic and congestion control, Performance of TCP over ATM. Network Security: Security issue, Threats and responses, Preservation measures-Firewalls, Protection form spam, Home networks security, Intrusion detection systems, Intrusion prevention systems, Legal implications, Next generation virus defence, Wireless network security, Radiation, Wireless security features, WEP,WPA,TKIP, Defensive strategies, Network auditing and intrusion detection, Network administration.




Recommended Books: Forouzan Behrouz A, Data Communication and Networking, Tata McGraw-hill, New Delhi Carr Houston H and Snyder Charles A, Data Communications and Network security, Tata McGraw-hill, New Delhi

ECE-607 UG SEMINAR L T P 2 Cr 1.0 Internal Evaluation: 50 Marks


The student is required to deliver an independent seminar on any of emerging areas/ application of ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING courses. Senior faculty will supervise the students in selecting and preparation of the same. The student will submit two copies of seminar report (at least one week prior to the presentation) and shall make oral presentation as per time schedule decided by the faculty concerned. Internal Evaluation will be made on the basis of report, Presentation and the discussion during the presentation.

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