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“The Cell Cycle”__________________Biology 9th Chapter

A. The Cell Cycle

Events that occur in the life of a cell
Includes 3 major stages
• Interphase
• Karyokinesis
• Cytokinesis

1. Interphase
• G1 Phase – carries out basic functions
• duration variable
• cell “decides” to
o divide
o enter a quiescent phase
o die
• G0 Phase – the cell maintains specialized characteristics, but doesn’t divide
• S Phase – cells replicate chromosomes and synthesize proteins
• G2 Phase – cell synthesizes additional properties and assembles / stores
membrane material

2. Karyokinesis (mitosis)
Equal distribution of replicated chromosomes

Each replicated chromosome now consists of two identical copies (sister


* Centromere – attachement point of chromatids

• Prophase
- replicated chromosomes condense
- mitotic spindle forms
- nucleolis disappears
• Prometophase
o Nuclear membrane breaks down
o Spindle fibers attach to centromeres of chromosomes
• Metaphase
o Chromosomes are lined up single file along equator of mitotic spindle

• Anaphase
o Centromeres part, sister chromotids (now called chromosomes)
o Chromosomes move toward opposite poles
• Telophase
o Mitotic spindle breaks down
o Chromosomes decondense
o Nuclear membranes reform around two nuclei
o Nucleoli reappear

3. Cytokinesis
Distribution of cytoplasm to daughter cells

• begins during anaphase or telophase depending on cell type

Cytokinesis in animal cells

• cleavage furrow (slight indentation) forms around equator of cell
• actin and myosin microfilaments act like a drawstring to pinch the cell in two
• usually an equal division

Cytokinesis in plant cells

• vesicles fuse, forming a cell plate across midline of cell
• cell plate gives rise to two primary cell walls

Does Cytokinesis always accompany karykinesis?

No. Karyokinesis in the absence of cytokinesis results in a syncytium
(mass of multinucleal cells)

Control of the Cell Cycle

Checkpoints – groups of interacting proteins that ensure cell cycle events occur
in the correct sequence

Shortening of telomeres – loss of telomere DNA signals cell to stop dividing

Some cells produce telomerase (enzyme that continually adds telomere

Contact Inhibition – healthy cells stop dividing when they come in contact with
other cells
B. Apoptosis
Programmed cell death; part of normal development

Apoptosis vs. Necrosis

* Apoptosis (apo = from and ptosis = falling) *Necrosis (Nexpoc = Dead)

Programmed Cell Death Cell Death Stimulated by:
- absorption of tadpole tails during metomorphosis Injury, Infection, Cancer, etc.
Cell Death is highly regulated Cell Ruptures and releases
potentially harmful
substances into the
intracellular matrix
Cells are phagocytized Results in inflammation
which prevents potentially
harmful debris Debris cleaned by phagocytes

Steps of Apoptosis:

• The cell loses shape

• DNA starts degrading
• Nuclear envelope becomes discontinuous and the DNA fragments
• Plasma membrane blebs
• The cell is phagocytosed (eaten by lysosomes or white blood cells)

Causes of Apoptosis:

- Infection
- Damage
- Development

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