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5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 1 July 2009

To: From: Subject:

Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA Alan Danskin, Chair, JSC RDA Element analysis Related document: 5JSC/RDA/Scope/Rev/4

The RDA Element Analysis (including both the table and the accompanying notes) provides a detailed analysis of the relationship between RDA and the two metadata models that are referenced in the RDA Scope and Structure document (i.e., The <indecs> Metadata Framework, and the DCMI Abstract Model). It is designed to provide detail on the general statements that are made in section 1.5 of the Scope and structure document (on the relationship of RDA elements to the generic attribute types defined in The <indecs> Metadata Framework), and in sections 1.6 and 1.7 (on the relationship of RDA elements to various constructs defined in the DCMI Abstract Model).

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RDA Element Analysis

The attached table provides an analysis of each element, element sub-type, and subelement specified in RDA vis vis the generic attribute types defined in The <indecs> Metadata Framework 1 and the components and constructs specified in the DCMI Abstract Model 2 . 1. Layout of the table The table layout is as follows: Column A lists the RDA elements (i.e., elements, element sub-types, and sub-elements) in the order in which they appear in the final draft of RDA. Column B identifies the classification of the element (i.e., as an element, an element sub-type, or a sub-element). Column C identifies the generic attribute type reflected by the element as defined in The <indecs> Metadata Framework (i.e., label, quantity, quality, type, or role). Column D identifies the domain (or class of resource) to which the element applies (i.e., work, expression, manifestation, or item, person, family, corporate body, concept, object, event, or place). 3 Column E identifies the category of value surrogate used to record the element (i.e., literal or non-literal). Column F identifies the category of value string used to record the element (i.e., plain or typed). Column G identifies the syntax encoding scheme specified for an element that is recorded using a typed value string. (Syntax encoding schemes identified as RDA refer to the syntax specifications given in the RDA instructions on recording the element.) Column H identifies the vocabulary encoding scheme specified for an element that is recorded using a non-literal value surrogate. (Vocabulary encoding schemes identified as RDA refer to the controlled lists of terms given in the RDA instructions on recording the element.)
Godfrey Rust and Mark Bide, The <indecs> Metadata Framework: Principles, Model and Data Dictionary (June 2000). 2 Andy Powell, Mikael Nilsson, Ambjrn Naeve, Pete Johnston, and Thomas Baker, DCMI Abstract Model (2007-06-04), 3 The classes of resources that serve as domains for the elements defined in RDA correspond to entities defined in FRBR and FRAD.

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 1 July 2009 2

2. RDA encoding conventions The RDA encoding conventions described below are designed to ensure that the encoding of RDA data meets the requirements of well-formed metadata. Specifically, the aim is to ensure that: a) the encoding conventions conform to established models for metadata schema; and b) values are encoded according to the rules of a defined namespace, or, where applicable, a controlled vocabulary. The conventions used to encode RDA elements in a syntax that is compliant with both RDF specifications and the DCMI Abstract Model are described below according to the generic attribute type reflected by the element (i.e., label, quantity, quality, type, or role). The conventions are described both in textual form and in the form of graphs. In the graphs, a resource (e.g., an instance of manifestation) is represented by an oval containing a resource URI reference; a labeled arrow represents an element (i.e., property) used to describe that resource (e.g., a title proper); and a rectangle represents a value string used to represent or encode a value. A value URI is represented by an oval containing a value URI reference; a vocabulary encoding scheme is represented by an oval containing a vocabulary encoding scheme URI reference. 2.1 Labels A label is a string whose function is to distinguish one entity from another (e.g., identifiers, names, titles). A label that that consists of a simple string (e.g., a title, a statement of responsibility, etc.) is encoded as a literal value surrogate using either a plain or typed value string.

[resource URIref]


[plain value string]

A label that consists of a composite string (e.g., a publication statement, a series statement, etc.) is encoded using a blank node to represent the aggregate label (i.e., the element), linked to literal value surrogates using either plain or typed value strings for each of the components of the label (i.e., each of the sub-elements).

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 1 July 2009 3

[resource URIref] [plain value string]

rda:publication_ statement

rda:publisher _name rda:place_of _publication

[plain value string]

rda:date_of _publication

[plain value string]

2.2 Quantities A quantity is a number measuring some aspect of an entity (e.g., extent, dimensions, duration). A quantity is generally represented by a non-literal value surrogate using a typed value string with an associated syntax encoding scheme.

[resource URIref]


[typed value string]^^[syntax encoding scheme]

The syntax encoding scheme associated with a quantity is normally an RDA syntax encoding scheme (i.e., one that is specified within the RDA schema). If there is no syntax encoding scheme specified for a quantity within RDA (e.g.,additional scale information), the quantity is represented by a non-literal value surrogate using a plain value string.

[resource URIref]

rda: additional_scale

[plain value string]

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 1 July 2009 4

In certain cases (e.g., horizontal scale of cartographic content), a quantity may be represented by a non-literal value surrogate using a value URI reference that has an associated plain value string and vocabulary encoding scheme.

[resource URIref]


[plain value string]

[value URIref]

[vocabulary encoding scheme URIref]

2.3 Qualities A quality is a characteristic of the structure or nature of an entity (e.g., colour, language, gender). A quality is generally represented by a non-literal value surrogate using a value URI reference that has an associated plain value string and vocabulary encoding scheme.

[resource URIref] [plain value string] rda:base_material

[value URIref]

[vocabulary encoding scheme URIref]

The vocabulary encoding scheme associated with a quality is normally an RDA vocabulary encoding scheme (i.e., one that is specified within the RDA schema). However, RDA makes allowance for the use of terms from external vocabulary encoding schemes, provided the vocabulary encoding scheme that is used is identified.

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In cases where the value is not covered by an RDA vocabulary encoding scheme, or is more specific than a value covered by the relevant RDA vocabulary encoding scheme, it may be represented simply by a non-literal value surrogate using a plain value string.



[plain value string]

2.4 Types A type is a categorization of one or more characteristics of an entity (e.g., media type, carrier type, content type). A type is represented by a non-literal value surrogate using a value URI reference that has an associated plain value string and vocabulary encoding scheme.

[resource URIref] [plain value string] rda:carrier _type

[value URIref]

[vocabulary encoding scheme URIref]

The vocabulary encoding scheme associated with a type is normally an RDA vocabulary encoding scheme (i.e., one that is specified within the RDA schema). The four elements currently defined as types in RDA (mode of issuance, media type, carrier type, and content type) are all based on the RDA/ONIX Framework for Resource Categorization. 4 2.5 Roles

RDA/ONIX Framework for Resource Categorization, version 1.0 (Released August 1, 2006),

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 1 July 2009 6

A role is a part played or function fulfilled by an entity in relation to another entity or entities (e.g., the function performed by a person, family, or corporate body in relation to the content of a resource). 5 A role may represented in any one of following ways: a) by a non-literal value surrogate using a resource URI reference for the related resource

[resource URIref]

rda:expression_m anifested

[resource URIref]

b) by a non-literal value surrogate using a typed value string formulated according to an RDA syntax encoding scheme for a controlled access point

[resource URIref]


[typed value string]^^[syntax encoding scheme]

c) by a non-literal value surrogate using a blank node to represent the related resource, linked to plain and/or typed value strings to provide a structured description of the related resource

[resource URIref]

rda: related_manifest ation

[plain value string] rda:title_proper rda:publisher _name

[plain value string]

The term role is used here as defined in Indecs, and includes all associations categorized as relationships in FRBR and FRAD, as distinguished from the narrower sense in which role is used in RDA (i.e., only to designate a relationship between a resource and a person, family, or corporate body associated with the resource).

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 1 July 2009 7


[typed value string]^^[syntax encoding scheme]

d) by a non-literal value surrogate using a plain value string to provide an unstructured description of the related resource
rda: related_item [resource URIref] [plain value string]

3. Outstanding issues Assumptions In reviewing the issues noted below, JSC should bear in mind the following assumptions relating to the encoding of RDA data:
a) that the encoding conventions described above and listed in the

accompanying table will apply only when RDA data is being exported or "exposed" in an encoding syntax that is compliant with RDF and the DCMI Abstract Model; b) that an agency creating RDA data may either encode and store it in that same encoding syntax, or encode and store it in another encoding syntax (such as MARC 21) and convert it to the RDF/DCMI-compliant syntax for purposes of exporting or exposing it in that syntax; and c) that when RDA data created and stored internally in another metadata format is exported or exposed in an RDF/DCMI-compliant syntax, there may be some loss of detail. 3.1 Domains The majority of elements defined in RDA are associated with a single domain (as identified in column D). There are a number of elements, however, that may be associated with more than one of the eleven domains currently defined for the elements covered in RDA. Among such elements are the following: extent (which is normally associated with a manifestation but in certain cases may be associated with an expression); dimensions (which is normally associated with a manifestation but may in some cases may be associated with an item); relationship designator (which may be associated with a person, family, corporate body, work, expression, manifestation, item, concept, object, event, or place); and various elements for related entities (which may be associated with any one of a number of entities).

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RDF specifications indicate that identifying more than one domain for an element is to be interpreted using a Boolean AND (i.e., that all instances of the element must be members of both domains). As a result, there is no domain identified in column D for elements that may be associated with more than one domain. Although it is not a requirement to specify a domain for every element, it would be possible to specify one for some of those elements that may be associated with more than one of the entity types currently defined for RDA, if new entity types were defined to represent combinations of existing entity types. For example, a single entity type could be defined to represent the four FRBR group 1 entities (i.e., work, expression, manifestation, or item) collectively. Further assessment is needed to determine whether the definition of such entity types is warranted. 3.2 Notes The elements identified in earlier drafts of RDA as notes on and treated as element sub-types under title, statement of responsibility, etc., have been transferred to a new element for note. In general, notes are used to record information that falls outside the defined scope of the element that the note references, but is related to that element (e.g., Title devised by cataloguer, Title varies slightly). Using the conventions described above, it is not possible to link a note directly to the instance of the element to which it relates if the related element is encoded simply as a literal value surrogate using a plain or typed value string. If it is determined that a mechanism for providing a direct link between a note and the instance of the element to which it relates is required, it would be advisable to encode all instances of that element using that mechanism, whether or not a link to a note is required in a particular instance. For example, if it is determined that a mechanism for linking a note on title directly to the instance of the title element to which it relates may be required in some instances, then all instances of the title element should be encoded using a non-literal surrogate that would permit such a link rather than simply using a literal surrogate if a link to a note was not required in that instance. Further assessment is needed to determine whether the conventions for encoding notes and the elements that may have an associated note in some instances need to be adjusted to permit a direct link between a note and the instance of an element to which it relates. 3.3 Language, script, and transliteration scheme associated with a value surrogate When applying the conventions described under 2.1 above, labels are represented as literal value surrogates using either plain or typed value strings (linked either directly to the node containing the resource URI reference or indirectly through a blank node). RDF provides a mechanism to identify the language of a plain value string (using an ISO language tag/subtag), but provides no mechanism to explicitly identify script of the string independently of language, or to identify the scheme used to transliterate a string from one script to another.

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In order to identify the script and transliteration scheme associated with a value string, a different convention would have to be used, introducing an intermediary node to link the string with value URI references for script and transliteration scheme (as applicable). However, if that convention were used, it would be advisable to use it for all instances of any element to which it could apply, regardless of whether the identification of script or transliteration scheme was actually required in any particular instance. Further assessment is needed to determine whether the conventions for encoding elements for which the identification of script and transliteration might be required in certain instances need to be adjusted to permit the identification of those attributes of a string.

RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 2 IDENTIFYING MANIFESTATIONS AND ITEMS 3 Title element 4 Title proper element sub-type 5 Parallel title proper element sub-type 6 Other title information element sub-type 7 Parallel other title information element sub-type 8 Variant title element sub-type 9 Earlier title proper element sub-type 10 Later title proper element sub-type 11 Key title element sub-type 12 Abbreviated title element sub-type 13 Statement of responsibility element Statement of responsibility relating element sub-type 14 to title proper Parallel statement of responsibility element sub-type relating to title proper 15 16 Edition statement element 17 Designation of edition sub-element 18 Parallel designation of edition sub-element Statement of responsibility relating sub-element 19 to the edition Parallel statement of responsibility sub-element relating to the edition 20 Designation of a named revision of sub-element 21 an edition Parallel designation of a named sub-element 22 revision of an edition Statement of responsibility relating sub-element to a named revision of an edition 23 Parallel statement of responsibility sub-element relating to a named revision of an 24 edition C <ind ecs> attribute type label label label label label label label label label label label label label D Domain E Value surrogate literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal F Value string plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation

label label label label label

manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation

literal literal literal literal literal

plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

label label label

manifestation manifestation manifestation

literal literal literal

plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a








RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 25 Numbering of serials Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part of 26 sequence Chronological designation of first 27 issue or part of sequence Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue or part of 28 sequence Chronological designation of last 29 issue or part of sequence Alternative numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue 30 or part of sequence Alternative chronological designation of first issue or part of 31 sequence Alternative numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue 32 or part of sequence Alternative chronological designation of last issue or part of 33 sequence 34 Production statement 35 Place of production 36 Parallel place of production 37 Producer's name 38 Parallel producer's name 39 Date of production 40 Publication statement 41 Place of publication 42 Parallel place of publication 43 Publisher's name 44 Parallel publisher's name 45 Date of publication element element sub-type C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type label manifestation label manifestation E Value surrogate literal literal F Value string plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a

element sub-type element sub-type

label label

manifestation manifestation

literal literal

plain plain

n/a n/a

n/a n/a

element sub-type element sub-type

label label

manifestation manifestation

literal literal

plain plain

n/a n/a

n/a n/a

element sub-type







element sub-type







element sub-type







element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element

label label label label label label label label label label label label

manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation

literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal

plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Parallel other title information of subseries Statement of responsibility relating to subseries Parallel statement of responsibility relating to subseries ISSN of subseries sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element label label label label manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation literal literal literal literal plain plain plain typed Distribution statement Place of distribution Parallel place of distribution Distributor's name Parallel distributor's name Date of distribution Manufacture statement Place of manufacture Parallel place of manufacture Manufacturer's name Parallel manufacturer's name Date of manufacture Copyright date Series statement Title proper of series Parallel title proper of series Other title information of series Parallel other title information of series Statement of responsibility relating to series Parallel statement of responsibility relating to series ISSN of series Numbering within series Title proper of subseries Parallel title proper of subseries Other title information of subseries element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element element element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element sub-element C <ind ecs> attribute type label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label D Domain manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation E Value surrogate literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal F Value string plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain typed plain plain plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ISO 3297 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ISO 3297 H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 75 Numbering within subseries Mode of issuance sub-element element element element C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type label manifestation type manifestation quality label manifestation manifestation E Value surrogate literal non-literal non-literal literal F Value string plain plain plain plain typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a RDA mode of issuance n/a RDA frequency n/a n/a as specified for n/a identifier (if applicable) RDA identifier n/a for the manifestation n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/s n/a n/s as specified for identifier (if applicable) RDA identifier for the item n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a G Syntax encoding scheme

76 77 Frequency 78 Identifier for the manifestation 79

typed 80 81 Publisher's number for music 82 Plate number for music 83 Preferred citation 84 Custodial history of item Immediate source of acquisition of 85 item Identifier for the item 86 typed 87 88 Note 89 Note on title Note on statement of responsibility 90 91 Note on edition statement 92 Note on numbering of serials 93 Note on production statement 94 Note on publication statement 95 Note on distribution statement 96 Note on manufacture statement 97 Note on copyright date 98 Note on series statement 99 Note on frequency element element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type quality? quality? quality? quality? quality? quality? quality? quality? quality? quality? quality? manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

element sub-type element sub-type element element element element

label label label role role label

manifestation manifestation item item item

literal literal literal non-literal non-literal literal

plain plain plain plain plain typed

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 Note on issue, part, or iteration used as the basis for identification 100 of the resource 101 DESCRIBING CARRIERS 102 Media type Carrier type 103 Extent 104 Extent of cartographic resource 105 Extent of notated music 106 Extent of still image 107 Extent of text 108 Extent of three-dimensional form element sub-type quantity non-literal typed element sub-type quantity non-literal typed element sub-type quantity non-literal typed element sub-type quantity non-literal typed element sub-type C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type quality? manifestation E Value surrogate literal? F Value string plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a

element element element element sub-type

type type quantity quantity

manifestation manifestation -

non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal

plain plain typed typed

n/a n/a RDA extent RDA extent of cartographic resources RDA extent of notated music RDA extent of still images RDA extent of text RDA extent of threedimensional form RDA dimensions RDA dimensions of maps, etc. RDA dimensions of still images

RDA media type RDA carrier type RDA carrier type RDA extent of cartographic resource RDA format of notated music RDA extent of still image RDA extent of text RDA extent of threedimensional form n/a n/a

109 Dimensions 110 Dimensions of map, etc. 111 Dimensions of still image 112 element sub-type quantity non-literal typed element sub-type quantity non-literal typed element quantity non-literal typed



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 Base material 113 114 Base material for microfilm, microfiche, photographic film, and motion picture film element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type quality manifestation E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string plain plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme RDA base material n/a RDA base material for microfilm, microfiche, photographic film, and motion picture film n/a RDA applied material n/a RDA emulsion on microfilm and microfiche n/a RDA base material n/a RDA production method n/a RDA production method for manuscripts n/a RDA production method for tactile resources n/a

115 116 Applied material 117 118 Emulsion on microfilm and microfiche 119 120 Mount 121 122 Production method 123 124 Production method for manuscript 125 126 Production method for tactile resource 127 128 element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element quality manifestation non-literal element quality manifestation non-literal element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element quality manifestation non-literal

plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a

plain plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

plain plain

n/a n/a




RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 129 Generation Generation of audio recording 130 131 Generation of digital resource 132 133 Generation of microform 134 135 Generation of motion picture film 136 137 Generation of videotape 138 139 140 Layout Layout of cartographic images 141 142 Layout of tactile musical notation 143 144 Layout of tactile text 145 146 Book format 147 148 149 Font size 150 element quality manifestation non-literal element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element element sub-type C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type quality manifestation manifestation quality E Value surrogate non-literal non-literal F Value string plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme RDA generation of audio recording n/a RDA generation of digital resource n/a RDA generation of microform n/a RDA generation of motion picture film n/a RDA generation of videotape n/a RDA layout RDA layout of cartographic images n/a RDA layout of tactile musical notation n/a RDA layout of tactile text n/a RDA book format n/a RDA font size n/a

plain plain

n/a n/a

plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a

plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

element element sub-type

quality quality

manifestation manifestation

non-literal non-literal

plain plain

n/a n/a

plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a






RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 151 Polarity 152 Reduction ratio 153 154 155 Sound characteristic Type of recording 156 157 Recording medium 158 159 Playing speed 160 161 Groove characteristic 162 163 Track configuration 164 165 166 element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal element element C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type quality manifestation quality manifestation E Value surrogate non-literal non-literal F Value string plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA playing speed n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme RDA polarity n/a RDA reduction ratio n/a RDA type of recording n/a RDA recording medium n/a n/a n/a RDA groove width; RDA groove pitch n/a RDA track confinguration n/a n/a RDA configuration of playback channels n/a RDA special playback characteristic n/a

element element sub-type

quality quality

manifestation manifestation

non-literal non-literal

element sub-type




element sub-type




element sub-type




plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Tape configuration element sub-type Configuration of playback channels element sub-type

quality quality

manifestation manifestation

non-literal non-literal

167 168 Special playback characteristic 169 170 element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal

plain plain

n/a n/a




RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 Projection characteristic of motion element 171 picture film Presentation format element sub-type 172 173 Projection speed 174 175 176 Video characteristic Video format 177 178 Broadcast standard 179 180 181 Digital file characteristic 182 File type 183 Encoding format 184 185 186 File size 187 Resolution 188 Regional encoding Transmission speed 189 190 191 Digital representation of element sub-type cartographic content Equipment or system requirement element quality role manifestation manifestation non-literal non-literal plain element sub-type quality manifestation non-literal C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type quality manifestation quality manifestation E Value surrogate non-literal non-literal F Value string plain plain -

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme H Vocabulary encoding scheme

plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain typed typed plain typed

element element sub-type

quality quality

manifestation manifestation

non-literal non-literal

RDA presentation format n/a n/a RDA projection n/a speed n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA video format n/a RDA broadcast standard n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA file type n/a n/a n/a RDA encoding format n/a n/a RDA file size n/a RDA resolution n/a n/a n/a RDA n/a transmission speed n/a n/a n/a n/a


element sub-type




element element sub-type element sub-type

quality quality quality

manifestation manifestation manifestation

non-literal non-literal non-literal

element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type

quantity quantity quality quantity

manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation

literal literal non-literal literal


RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 Item-specific carrier characteristic element 192 Item-specific carrier characteristic of early printed resource element sub-type quality item non-literal plain C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type quality item E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a

193 194 Note element Note on extent of manifestation element sub-type quantity / 195 quality Note on dimensions of element sub-type quantity / 196 manifestation quality element sub-type quality Note on changes in carrier 197 characteristics Note on extent of item element sub-type quantity / 198 quality Note on dimensions of item element sub-type quantity / 199 quality 200 PROVIDING ACQUISITION AND ACCESS INFORMATION element quantity / Terms of availability 201 quality 202 Contact information element role? 203 Restrictions on access element quality element quality Restrictions on use 204 element label Uniform Resource Locator 205 206 RECORDING ATTRIBUTES OF WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS element quality Status of identification 207 208 Source consulted element role? 209 Cataloguer's note element ? 210 IDENTIFYING WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS 211 Title of the work element label 212 Preferred title for the work element sub-type label 213 Variant title for the work element sub-type label 214 Form of work element type? 215 Date of work element role?

manifestation manifestation manifestation item item

literal? literal? literal? literal? literal? literal?

plain plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

manifestation -

non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal literal

plain plain plain plain typed

n/a n/a n/a n/a


n/a n/a RDA restrictions on use as specified for n/a URLs RDA status of identification n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

work work work work work

non-literal non-literal non-literal literal literal literal non-literal non-literal

plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 216 Place of origin of the work Medium of performance 217 Numeric designation of a musical 218 work 219 Key 220 Signatory to a treaty, etc. Other distinguishing characteristic 221 of the work 222 History of the work 223 Identifier for the work Content type 224 225 Date of expression 226 Language of expression Other distinguishing characteristic of the expression element element element element element element element element element element element element C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type role? work role? work label quality role? quality role? label type role? quality quality work work work work work work expression expression expression expression E Value surrogate non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal F Value string plain plain plain plain plain plain plain typed plain plain plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA identifier n/a n/a n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a RDA medium of performance n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA content type n/a ISO 639-3 RDA other distinguishing characteristic of the expression; RDA other distinguishing characteristic of the expression of a musical work; RDA other distinguishing characteristic of the expression of a legal work; RDA other distinguishing characteristic of the expression of a religious work n/a

227 228 Identifier for the expression






RDA identifier



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 229 DESCRIBING CONTENT 230 Nature of the content 231 Coverage of the content Coordinates of cartographic 232 content Longitude and latitude 233 Strings of coordinate pairs 234 Right ascension and declination 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 Form of tactile notation 252 253 element sub-type quality expression non-literal plain plain element sub-type quantity work non-literal typed C <ind ecs> attribute type quality quality quantity quantity quantity work work work work work D Domain E Value surrogate non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal F Value string plain plain typed typed typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a

element element element element sub-type element sub-type

RDA longitude n/a and latitude RDA strings of n/a coordinate pairs RDA right ascension and declination RDA equinox RDA epoch? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Equinox Epoch Intended audience System of organization Dissertation or thesis information Academic degree Granting institution or faculty Year degree granted Summarization of the content Place and date of capture Place of capture Date of capture Language of the content Form of notation Script Form of musical notation

element element element element element sub-element sub-element sub-element element element sub-element sub-element element element element sub-type element sub-type

quantity quantity quality quality role role role role quality role role role quality quality quality quality

work work work work work work work work expression expression expression expression expression expression expression expression

non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal

typed typed? plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ISO 15924 RDA form of musical notation RDA form of tactile notation n/a



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 Form of notated movement 254 255 256 Accessibility content Illustrative content 257 258 259 Supplementary content 260 Colour content Colour of still image 261 262 Colour of moving image 263 264 Colour of three-dimensional form element sub-type C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type quality expression E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme RDA form of notated movement n/a n/a RDA illustrative content n/a n/a n/a RDA colour of still image n/a RDA colour of moving image n/a RDA colour of threedimensional form n/a n/a

element element

quality quality

expression expression

non-literal non-literal

plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

element element element sub-type

quality quality quality

expression expression expression

non-literal non-literal non-literal

element sub-type




element sub-type




265 266 Colour content of resource designed for persons with visual 267 impairments Sound content 268 269 Aspect ratio 270 271 Format of notated music 272 273 Medium of performance of musical 274 content 275 Duration element sub-type quality expression non-literal

plain plain

n/a n/a





plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a





RDA sound content n/a RDA aspect ratio n/a RDA format of notated music n/a n/a n/a





element element

quality quantity

expression expression

non-literal non-literal



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 Performer, narrator, and/or 276 presenter 277 Artistic and/or technical credit 278 Scale Scale of still image or threedimensional form element element element element sub-type C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type role expression role quantity quantity expression expression expression E Value surrogate non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal F Value string plain plain typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a RDA scale of still image or threedimensional form n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a RDA scale

279 plain

RDA scale of still image or threedimensional form

280 Horizontal scale of cartographic content 281 plain element sub-type quantity expression non-literal typed RDA horizontal n/a scale of cartographic content n/a RDA horizontal scale of cartographic content RDA vertical n/a scale of cartographic content n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

282 Vertical scale of cartographic content 283 Additional scale information 284 Projection of cartographic content element 285 Other details of cartographic 286 content 287 Award element element quantity / quality quality? expression expression non-literal non-literal plain plain element sub-type quantity / quality label expression expression non-literal literal plain plain element sub-type quantity expression non-literal typed



RDA Element Analysis

C D <ind ecs> Classification Domain attribute type RECORDING ATTRIBUTES OF PERSONS, FAMILIES, AND CORPORATE BODIES element role? name Scope of usage element role? name Date of usage element quality Status of identification element element element element element sub-type element sub-type element element sub-type element sub-type element sub-type element element element element element element element element element element element element element element element quality role? ? label label label role? role? role? role? label label label quality role? role? role? role? role? role? quality role? role? role? label person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person A B E Value surrogate non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal literal literal literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal literal F Value string plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain typed typed plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA identifier H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a RDA status of identification n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA gender n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ISO 639-3 n/a n/a n/a n/a

1 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304

Undifferentiated name indicator Source consulted Cataloguer's note IDENTIFYING PERSONS Name of the person Preferred name for the person Variant name for the person Date associated with the person Date of birth Date of death Period of activity of the person Title of the person Fuller form of name Other designation associated with 305 the person 306 Gender 307 308 Place of birth 309 Place of death Country associated with the 310 person 311 Place of residence 312 Address of the person 313 Affiliation 314 Language of the person 315 Field of activity of the person 316 Profession or occupation 317 Biographical information 318 Identifier for the person



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 IDENTIFYING FAMILIES element Name of the family Preferred name for the family element sub-type Variant name for the family element sub-type element Type of family element Date associated with the family element Place associated with the family element Prominent member of the family element Hereditary title element Family history element Identifier for the family IDENTIFYING CORPORATE BODIES element Name of the corporate body Preferred name for the corporate element sub-type body Variant name for the corporate element sub-type element Place associated with the corporate body Location of conference, etc. element sub-type Location of headquarters element sub-type Date associated with the corporate element body Date of conference, etc. element sub-type Date of establishment element sub-type Date of termination element sub-type element Associated institution C <ind ecs> attribute type label label label quality? role? role? role? role? role? label label label label role? role? role? role? role? role? role? role? D Domain E Value surrogate literal literal literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal literal literal literal literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal F Value string plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain typed plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA identifier n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA authorized access point representing corporate body n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

family family family family family family family family family family corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body

341 342 343 Number of a conference, etc. Other designation associated with 344 the corporate body 345 Language of the corporate body 346 Address of the corporate body

element element element element

label label quality role?

corporate body corporate body corporate body corporate body

non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal

plain plain plain plain plain

n/a n/a n/a ISO 639-3 n/a



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type role? corporate body E Value surrogate non-literal non-literal literal non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal literal F Value string plain plain typed plain plain plain plain plain plain plain typed plain plain plain typed plain plain plain typed plain plain plain typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a n/a RDA identifier n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA identifier n/a n/a n/a RDA identifier n/a n/a n/a RDA identifier n/a n/a n/a RDA identifier H Vocabulary encoding scheme n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

element Field of activity of the corporate body element role? corporate body Corporate history element label corporate body Identifier for the corporate body RECORDING ATTRIBUTES OF CONCEPTS, OBJECTS, EVENTS, AND PLACES element role? name Scope of usage element quality Status of identification element quality Source consulted element quality Cataloguer's note IDENTIFYING CONCEPTS element label concept Term for the concept Preferred term for the concept element sub-type label concept Variant term for the concept element sub-type label concept element label concept Identifier for the concept IDENTIFYING OBJECTS element label object Name of the object Preferred name for the object element sub-type label object Variant name for the object element sub-type label object element label object Identifier for the object IDENTIFYING EVENTS element label event Name of the event Preferred name for the event element sub-type label event Variant name for the event element sub-type label event element label event Identifier for the event IDENTIFYING PLACES element label place Name of the place Preferred name for the place element sub-type label place Variant name for the place element sub-type label place element label place Identifier for the place



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 375 RECORDING PRIMARY RELATIONSHIPS element Expression of work 376 C <ind ecs> attribute type role work D Domain E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string typed typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme H Vocabulary encoding scheme

as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [expression] n/a n/a as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [work] n/a as specified for identifier n/a as specified for identifier RDA authorized access point [work / expression] n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

377 378 Work expressed 379 element role expression non-literal

plain typed typed

380 381 Manifestation of work 382 383 Work manifested 384 element role manifestation non-literal element role work non-literal

plain typed plain typed typed

385 386 Manifestation of expression 387 388 element role expression non-literal

plain typed plain

n/a n/a as specified for n/a identifier n/a n/a



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 Expression manifested 389 typed element C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type role manifestation E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G H Vocabulary Syntax encoding encoding scheme scheme as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [work / expression] n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA relationship designator

390 391 392 393 394 395 396

n/a as specified for identifier plain n/a element role non-literal item typed as specified for Manifestation exemplified identifier plain n/a RECORDING RELATIONSHIPS TO PERSONS, FAMILIES, AND CORPORATE BODIES ASSOCIATED WITH A RESOURCE element role non-literal plain n/a Relationship designator Exemplar of manifestation element role manifestation non-literal

plain typed




RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]

399 Other person, family, or corporate element body associated with a work role work non-literal typed RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]




RDA Element Analysis

C D E F <ind ecs> Value Value Classification Domain attribute surrogate string 1 type 401 PERSONS, FAMILIES, AND CORPORATE BODIES ASSOCIATED WITH AN EXPRESSION element role expression non-literal typed Contributor A B

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme H Vocabulary encoding scheme

RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]

402 403 PERSONS, FAMILIES, AND CORPORATE BODIES ASSOCIATED WITH A MANIFESTATION element role manifestation non-literal Producer of an unpublished resource


RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]

404 Publisher element role manifestation non-literal typed RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]

405 Distributor element role manifestation non-literal typed RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]




RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 Manufacturer element C D <ind ecs> Domain attribute type role manifestation E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G H Vocabulary Syntax encoding encoding scheme scheme RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]

407 Other person, family, or corporate element body associated with a manifestation role manifestation non-literal typed RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]




RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]

410 Custodian element role item non-literal typed RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]

411 Other person, family, or corporate element body associated with an item role item non-literal typed RDA authorized n/a access point [person / family / corporate body]




RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 413 RECORDING SUBJECT RELATIONSHIPS element Relationship designator C <ind ecs> attribute type role D Domain E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme n/a H Vocabulary encoding scheme RDA relationship designator

414 415 RECORDING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN WORKS, EXPRESSIONS, MANIFESTATIONS, AND ITEMS element role non-literal plain Relationship designator 416 417 418 419 420 421 typed


RDA relationship designator n/a n/a n/a

Numbering of part Source consulted Cataloguer's note RELATED WORKS Related work

element element element element

role role? ? role

work -

non-literal non-literal non-literal non-literal

plain plain plain typed

n/a n/a n/a

as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [work] n/s n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

422 423 424 425 Explanation of relationship 426 RELATED EXPRESSIONS Related expression 427

element element

role role

non-literal non-literal

typed plain plain typed typed

as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [expression] n/s n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

428 429 430 431 Explanation of relationship




typed plain plain



RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification C <ind ecs> attribute type D Domain E Value surrogate F Value string typed typed plain typed typed plain plain

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme H Vocabulary encoding scheme

1 432 RELATED MANIFESTATIONS non-literal element role manifestation Related manifestation 433 434 435 436 RELATED ITEMS non-literal element role manifestation Related item 437 438 439 440 RECORDING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PERSONS, FAMILIES, AND CORPORATE BODIES element role non-literal Relationship designator 441 442 Source consulted 443 Cataloguer's note 444 RELATED PERSONS Related person 445

as specified for n/a identifier n/s n/a n/a n/a as specified for n/a identifier n/s n/a n/a n/a n/a RDA relationship designator n/a n/a

element element element

role? ? role

non-literal non-literal non-literal

plain plain typed typed

n/a n/a

as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [person] n/a n/a

446 447 Explanation of relationship 448 RELATED FAMILIES Related family 449

element element

role role

non-literal non-literal

plain typed typed

as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [family] n/a n/a

450 451 Explanation of relationship







RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 452 RELATED CORPORATE BODIES Related corporate body 453 C <ind ecs> attribute type role D Domain E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string typed typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme H Vocabulary encoding scheme


as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [corporate body]

454 455 Explanation of relationship element role non-literal 456 RECORDING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CONCEPTS, OBJECTS, EVENTS, AND PLACES element role non-literal Relationship designator 457 458 Source consulted 459 Cataloguer's note 460 RELATED CONCEPTS Related concept 461

plain plain

n/a n/a

n/a RDA relationship designator n/a n/a

element element element

role? ? role

non-literal non-literal non-literal

plain plain typed typed

n/a n/a

as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [concept] n/a n/a

462 463 Explanation of relationship 464 RELATED OBJECTS Related object 465

element element

role role

non-literal non-literal

plain typed typed

as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [object] n/a n/a

466 467 Explanation of relationship







RDA Element Analysis

A B Classification 1 468 RELATED EVENTS Related event 469 C <ind ecs> attribute type role D Domain E Value surrogate non-literal F Value string typed typed

5JSC/RDA/Element analysis/Rev/3 G Syntax encoding scheme H Vocabulary encoding scheme


as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [event] n/a n/a

470 471 Explanation of relationship 472 RELATED PLACES Related place 473

element element

role role

non-literal non-literal

plain typed typed

as specified for n/a identifier RDA authorized n/a access point [place] n/a n/a

474 475 Explanation of relationship







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