The Stanford Daily T: Student Tobacco Use Far Below Nat'l Average

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T Stanford Daily The

TUESDAY May 15, 2012

An Independent Publication

Volume 241 Issue 60


Student tobacco use far below natl average


Stanford undergraduates are well below national averages in all categories of tobacco use, according to results from the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey, a nationwide survey of alcohol and drug habits at colleges across the country. The survey indicated that Stanford was around 50 percent below national averages both in the number of students who had used tobacco in the last year and students who had ever used tobacco. Chronic smoking, indicated by students who say they smoke three times or more per week, came in more than 83 percent below national averages at only 2.4 percent of survey respondents. I was pleasantly surprised by the results of the study, said Ralph Castro, director of the Office of Alcohol Policy and Education (OAPE). OAPE administered the Core Survey to assess trends in alcohol use at Stanford. The survey, standardized nationally, also gathers data on use of tobacco and other drugs. Providing a variety of data, the survey illustrated the perceptions of students toward tobacco as well as quantitative information about the frequency and locations of usage. Results of the study showed that 23.1 percent of students say they have used tobacco over the last year, compared with the national average of 48.3 percent. The numbers provided by the

survey may reflect on the culture of tobacco use at Stanford. I think it is, in part, a reflection of California and the tough restrictions on smoking in the Bay Area, Castro said. In many parts of California, there is no smoking in restaurants, bars and public spaces, based on city and country ordinances. From a policy standpoint, taxation on cigarettes that fund educational programs, educational services and public service announcements have made a real impact on smoking statistics in California. The survey population also demonstrated that gender differences might be a factor related to tobacco usage at Stanford. Over 80 percent of women said they never used tobacco, while only 68 percent of men reported similarly. Many students said that the smoking culture at Stanford is highly social, although not prevalent. Its more of a social thing when I see people smoking, said Salish Harrison 13, a Peer Health Educator in Arroyo.Group wise, more men do it than women. Usually when I see smokers, it is at night or at parties smoking outside, and its normally when people are drunk that they smoke. The Core Survey supported this perception the highest category where people said they used tobacco was at private parties, followed closely by the second highest, in the home. A lot of times alcohol and cigarettes go together; there is a social

ROGER CHEN/The Stanford Daily

Students gathered at Tresidder Union outside the office of Vice Provost for Student Affairs Greg Boardman Monday morning to protest the lack of student input in deciding the future of Chi Theta Chis lease.

XOX supporters march

Protesters demand input as admins, alumni agree on two-year plan

Please see TOBACCO, page 2

OLLIE KHAKWANI/The Stanford Daily

Proclaiming that we will not forget and we will not go quietly, approximately 70 Chi Theta Chi (XOX) residents and members of the Stanford community marched on the Office of the Vice Provost of Student Affairs (VPSA) on Monday morning in protest of the Universitys decision to terminate the houses lease. Led by drums and bearing placards with slogans such as Home is where the lease is, protesters walked from XOX to the Tresidder Union office of Student Affairs, where they called on Vice Provost of Student Affairs Greg Boardman to engage in a direct dialogue with residents about the houses future. We are distraught by the failure of [University administrators] to acknowledge our repeated attempts to demonstrate the value of our student-owned and managed community, said Kelsey Grousbeck 12, a XOX kitchen manager, reading from a statement signed by all XOX res-

idents and eating associates. XOX residents have expressed concern in recent weeks at the lack of input theyve been granted in ongoing negotiations between the University and the XOX Alumni Board, a sentiment echoed in the statement. Stanford officials voted to let XOXs lease lapse for at least two years, during which time Stanford and XOX will jointly manage the house. Since the announcement on February 8 to revoke Chi Theta Chis lease, the administration has failed to treat Chi Theta Chis residents as valued undergraduate students, Grousbeck said. The administration has demonstrated a lack of consideration for the character, creativity and family of Chi Theta Chi. I think that its important for students to have an outlet, said Abel Allison 08, president of the Alumni Board, in advance of the march. Until recently, we hadnt really been able to communicate the details of whats being discussed. I trust that theyll be respectful. Grousbeck argued that the introduction of joint oversight

between the University and the Alumni Board of the house for an interim period lasting a minimum of two years would jeopardize the houses culture of independent living and the institutional memory of that experience among students. Without the knowledge of the level of responsibility required to run the house and maintain our community values, the lease would fall into ineffective hands, Grousbeck said. Residents also sought more immediate clarification by the University on issues identified as particularly pressing, such as the ability of the Alumni Board to retain control of the lease during the interim period, the ability of residents to continue to pay rent to the Alumni Board and the restoration of the lease by the time current sophomore residents are seniors. The statements sentiments were echoed by Daniel Mattes 12, kitchen manager at Enchanted Broccoli Forest. Mattes argued that the XOX lease issue has

Please see XOX, page 2

Professional athlete hopefuls balance sport and school life

By ANTONIO RAMIREZ For many Stanford studentathletes, following their dreams into professional sports means making sacrifices. In particular, they must juggle a demanding academic schedule and an accelerating athletic career. Many student-athletes make plans to graduate early or alter their schedules in order to pursue Olympic dreams or a professional sports career. Some athletes have to plan alternative class schedules within University requirements to accommodate their professional sports schedules. These strains are especially prominent this spring, with several Stanford students selected in the late-April NFL draft and participating in the upcoming summer Olympics, along with other professional sports. Julia Landauer 14, a hopeful professional racecar driver, finished up her sophomore year early this past week in order to pursue a racing opportunity that she declined to disclose to The Daily. Landauer arranged to finish the 10-week spring quarter in less than six weeks by her own initiative. Since about winter break, I started contacting professors and looking into the curriculum to see if there were any classes I could take where the teachers would also work with me, Landauer said. I could only take classes with final papers and presentations so I wouldnt break the Honor Code by taking finals early. Kristina Vaculik 14, who will try out for the Canadian womens gymnastics team in June, had to miss time to compete almost immediately after arriving at the Farm. Vaculik missed three weeks of the fall quarter of her freshman year to compete in the World Championships. When she arrived back at Stanford, it was just in time for the first round of midterms. The Canadian womens gymnastics team qualified for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, and Vaculik chose to defer her sophomore year at Stanford and return home to train full-time. Ive always wanted to go to the Olympics, Vaculik said. Thats why I planned out my academics and my sport the way I did. Like Vaculik, many Olympic hopefuls arrange to take time away from Stanford to train or compete in addition to altering their schedules. Among them is Maria Koroleva 12, who will be a member of the U.S. womens Olympic synchronized swim team. Since joining the U.S. national team in 2007, Koroleva has spent her summers living and practicing with the team. This past year, she chose to postpone her graduation date, which would have been this June, to take the year away from classes to train full-time. For synchro, you have to train with the team, Koroleva said. This year, the training location was in Indianapolis, so if you want to be on the team, you have to move. After the Olympics, Koroleva plans to return to Stanford and graduate with a communication major. As difficult as it may be to handle a vigorous academic schedule and life as an athlete, the quarter system helps some athletes. Senior No. 1 tennis player Bradley Klahn used it to his advantage at the onset of his junior year when he began working with his advisers at the Athletic Academic Resource Center (AARC). For his final five quarters,


Courtesy of Emily Dehn Knight

Aspiring professional racecar driver Julia Landauer is one of many student-athletes who juggle a budding professional career with a school schedule. Landauer arranged her coursework to finish this spring quarter early.

Please see PRO, page 4

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Recycle Me

2 N Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Stanford Daily


Continued from front page

been symptomatic of more rigorous University oversight of the co-op community, leading to a sense of constant suspense and fear for co-op residents. We stand in full support of Chi Theta Chi, and we find it deeply disturbing how the University has handled this, Mattes said. Boardman acknowledged that there are a number of issues here which we need to go through and offered to converse with a smaller number of residents in private. In the next few days, I will be reviewing and discussing this [statement] with my colleagues in Residential and Dining Enterprises, which includes Housing, as well as my staff in Residential Education, Boardman wrote later in an email to The Daily. And, well continue to meet with the Chi Theta Chi Alumni Board. When his offer of a smaller

ROGER CHEN/The Stanford Daily

The body of the Bing Concert Hall is largely formed. University officials said the concert hall, which will host professional and student performances, is around 75 percent complete and will be finished in October.


Bing Concert Hall site begins to take final form


The rising Bing Concert Hall, a project seeking to build a world class performing arts center according to signage near the site, has made significant progress this spring and is beginning to resemble its finished form. Located across Palm Drive from Cantor Arts Center, the concert hall is set to open in Fall 2012 with its first performances scheduled for January 2013. Construction is 75 percent complete, said Maggie Burgett, project manager for the concert hall. We will have substantial completion at the end of August. Burgett said that final touches on the project will continue into October. The building consists of a tall, stucco cylinder with a square glass lobby surrounding it. According to Burgett, a metal trim will be added to some parts of the stucco cylinder to complete the buildings faade. The whole facility will ultimately include a lobby, artist suites, a 2,300-square foot rehearsal hall, offices, practice rooms and storage space, in addition to the concert hall. Although construction will finish around October, Burgett said the performances will not begin until January 2013 to allow time to tune the building and for the music department and Lively Arts program to move in. The Bing Concert Hall will

feature a wide mix of programming in many different genres, including both visiting artists and student performers, said Matthew Tiews, executive director of arts programs, in an email to The Daily. Acts scheduled for the 844-seat concert halls opening year include percussionist Glenn Kotche, cellist Yo-Yo Ma performing with pianist Kathryn Stott, and pianists Emanuel Ax and Jon Nakamatsu, according to the Stanford Report. The hall will be high-use, Burgett said, noting that the opening year acts are typical of what will be presented at the concert hall. Tiews said that the concert hall will also be available for some student groups. Performances will include the Stanford Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Chorus and computer-based performers from Stanfords Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). The hall represents part of a University effort to enhance arts programming. The Study of Undergraduate Education at Stanford (SUES) report even mentioned the idea of creating an unofficial arts district on campus, using Cantor and Bing as anchors. Two more buildings planned to help define the arts district, the Anderson Collection at Stanford and the McMurtry Art and Art History Building, will open in 2014 and 2015, respectively, near Bing Hall. Contact Matt Bettonville at

gathering was refused, however, Boardman returned to his office while protesters remained outside to further express their discontent with the lease issue. The response was disappointing, Grousbeck said after the event, noting that XOX resident representatives had met with Boardman last week and had notified him in advance of the march. We kind of thought he would have some response, even a prepared one. These are issues that extend beyond the 37 people in XOX, said Autumn Burnes 12, XOX resident assistant (RA), in thanking her fellow protesters for the turnout. What youre seeing here is an expression of frustration from students who feel excluded from the situation. After spending just over half an hour outside the office of Student Affairs, protesters gradually dispersed or returned to XOX. After the event, Boardman acknowledged that the lack of student input in ongoing negotiations was understandably frustrating for XOX residents, but argued that the focus on the lease

a legal document between the Alumni Board and the University meant student input had been harder to incorporate. We are indeed making progress, Boardman wrote. In retrospect, we wish we had developed a more open process that included the student voice in a more purposeful manner. Having said that, however, the Alumni Board has served, in my opinion, as strong advocates for the Chi Theta Chi community. Alex Kindel 14, a marcher and a former ASSU Senator, expressed optimism about the degree of student involvement in the protests, but criticized the response by administrators. I thought it was great that so many students from across campus rolled out in support, Kindel wrote in an email to The Daily. To their credit, VPSA and Residential Education officials did listen to student statements, but it was disappointing to me that they declined to participate in a conversation with the gathered students. Contact Marshall Watkins at


California Gov. Jerry Brown proposes $8.3 billion in spending cuts

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF California Governor Jerry Brown proposed heavy spending cuts Monday to compensate for the states $15.7 billion budget deficit. Browns proposal, which he presented at a press conference in Los Angeles, would cut $8.3 billion in state spending cuts to public sector employee pay, social programs and prison spending. I dont like making additional cuts, and I recognize the impact they have on Californians, Brown said in discussing the plan, according to The New York Times. They are difficult but necessary in order to get us back on firm fiscal footing until California fully recov-

ers from the global economic recession. The proposal would help negate the need for proposed cuts to California public schools, a topic of much debate, especially in the Bay Area. In early March, Stanfords Occupy Meyer protest group traveled to UC-Berkeley to present an open letter at Berkeleys Occupy Education protest against state public education cuts. Brown has also proposed a quarter-cent sales tax hike and an additional tax on the wealthy known as the Millionaire Tax. On Monday, he said that these measures, combined with his proposed spending cuts, would result in a 16 percent increase in state public school spending. The taxes, however, are hotly contested. Brown said that if the cuts proposed today do not pass, the state would have to cut $6 billion from funding for public schools.
Matt Bettonville


Continued from front page

smoking attitude among young adults, Castro said. People say they smoke when they drink. As a former smoker, I wouldnt say I often see students smoking throughout the day around campus, but at night there is a higher percentage of people smoking, Harrison said. In terms of consumption, the order of popularity that I notice usually goes cigarettes, hookah and then chewing tobacco. Hookah is definitely a more social activity. Castro said that different populations of students might have different influences leading them to smoke. A population in which I think smoking rates may be higher is the graduate student body, Castro said. My observation stems from the knowledge that there are higher smoking rates in international countries, and we have large percentage of international students from Europe, Asia and countries outside of the United States, and these students may be coming here with smoking habits. Reflecting the low rates of tobacco usage, there is limited access

to cigarettes on the Stanford campus. There are not that many places on campus to buy cigarettes; the only place close to the center of campus is the Valero gas station on Campus Drive, said Ikshu Neithalath 15. The low tobacco consumption results indicated by the Core Survey also reflect a healthy culture among the Stanford population. I have noticed a stigma about tobacco at Stanford, Harrison said. Stanford is a very healthminded campus, and people are very health-conscientious. Stanford currently does not have a prominent anti-tobacco campaign, but Castro said that the survey, which will be administered every year from now on, will serve as a baseline against which to measure future trends. We collected the data and are currently doing cursory analysis, Castro said. From there, we will develop educational programs. The results of the February survey will be used as benchmark to move forward, but overall I am glad that students are making good choices as related to tobacco. Contact Ariella Axler at aaxler@

The Stanford Daily

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 N 3



he place where the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts now stands was once home to the Leland Stanford Jr. Museum. The museum was founded in 1891, the same year as the University, and opened to the public in 1894. It originally housed the artifacts that Leland Stanford Jr., the Universitys namesake, collected in Europe before his death at age 15 of typhoid fever. The museum was hit by the 1906 earthquake and later closed in 1945 following years of disuse, but the next year a committee was established to rejuvenate the museum. Over time, the site branched out to incorporate holdings beyond Stanfords initial collection. Eventually, the museum committee decided to look outside of Stanfords campus to receive additional funds and direction. The external contributors recruited to revamp the museums direction and financial backing were Iris and Gerald B. Cantor, prominent art collectors and philanthropists. Iris and B. Bernie Gerald Cantor, a successful financier and philanthropist, became serious collectors of Rodin sculptures after Mr. Cantor saw Rodins Hand of God in a Madison Avenue gallery window in 1947, Patience Young, curator for education at Cantor, wrote in an email to The Daily. Young added that the Cantors collaboration with Stanford University stemmed from a relationship with Albert Elsen, a professor of art history and career-long Rodin scholar. With their combined passion for the French sculptor, Elsen and the Cantors planned the Rodin Sculpture Garden that opened in 1985. In the late 1980s, the Stanford campus,
OLLIE KHAKWANI/ The Stanford Daily

including the museum, was hit by the Loma Prieta earthquake, which caused significant damage to the building. In a 1988 article,The Daily reported on damage to the Stanford campus as a result of the earthquake. Stanford and the surrounding area were rocked by an earthquake that measured 7.0 on the Richter scale . . . Some pieces of artwork in the [museum] suffered major damage from the quake, The Daily reported (7.0 quake rocks Stanford, Oct. 18, 1989). A few days later, the museum also suffered major structural damage,The Daily reported. The museum administrator at the time, Mary Drickey, added that the building was closed indefinitely (Quake damage estimate placed at $160 million, October 23, 1989). After the 1989 earthquake, Stanford and the supporting art community decided to rescue the damaged museum building and revive the institution. Tom Seligman 65, the John and Jill Freidenrich Director of the Cantor Arts Center until his retirement in December 2011, was hired as the full-time director of the museum in 1991 and began fundraising to restore and add to the existing building. Young added that the Cantors were major donors to that campaign, and the renovated museum now bears their name. Many other funders were involved, and their names are displayed in the lobby and elsewhere around the galleries. Finally, in January 1999, the museum reopened to the public and showcased its new and more extensive exhibits. The Stanford Art Museum, now known as the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, will re-open to the Stanford community and public this

weekend, The Daily reported. The University spent $36.8 million on the museum to undo damage done by the [Loma Prieta] earthquake (Museum reopens tomorrow, Jan. 22, 1999). Young added that the museum primarily relies on gifts, bequests and long-term loans to attain works. Past exhibitions include The Photography of John Gutmann: Culture Shock (1999), Fictional Worlds, Virtual Experiences: Storytelling and Computer Games (2003) and Collection Highlights from Europe 15001800, Ancient Greece and Rome (2010). Over the years, the museum itself has received increasingly more visitors due to its collections. Young estimated annual visitors at about 200,000. Anna Koster, Cantor head of communications, added that about 20,000 of those visitors only visit the Rodin Sculpture Garden and never go inside. This is the largest and most comprehensive art museum between San Francisco and Santa Barbara, so we draw a lot of visitors for many reasons, for formal study and for informal learning and for the simple pleasures of spending time browsing the galleries, Young said. The museums exhibitions are made up of Cantors own pieces or are borrowed from other institutions. In mid-May, the museum will open its next big exhibition, titled Central Nigeria Unmasked: Arts of the Benue River Valley. Organized by the Fowler Museum at UCLA, the exhibit is currently traveling across the university art museum circuit. Our exhibition schedules are usually planned some years into the future to allow each project to mature thoughtfully for our viewers, Young said.
Josee Smith

Snapshots of the Stanford Powwow

he love story that blossomed between Herbert Hoover, class of 1895, who would become the 31st President of the United States, and Lou Henry, class of 1898, his future wife, while they were undergraduates at Stanford is a classic example of senior boy meets freshman girl except the two did not meet at Full Moon on the Quad or at a Screw Your Roommate event. In fact, screw your student might be a more accurate description of their first date, as Herbert and Lou were set up on a date by their geology professor. Herbert was a senior majoring in geology when he first met Lou in the office of John Branner, head of the Geology Department. There was a sly twinkle in his eye as he [Dr. Branner] said: Miss Henry, this is my assistant, Herbert Hoover. Hoover, this is Lou Henry, our first woman in the Geology Department, reported the November/December 1904 issue of The Stanford Review magazine. At first, Herbert was not particularly interested in Lou, but it wasnt long before Branners wife arranged for them to have lunch at her house. By the end of the luncheon, Lou had captured Herberts heart. His college habits began to change, the magazine reported. He even joined the callers waiting in the conspicuous Roble reception hall for their girls to answer the bells in the upstairs corridors. Although both Lou and Herbert majored in geology, Lou had a strong interest in natural history, Latin and English, while Herbert loved science and mathematics. In fact, the July 22, 1928 issue of The New York Times Magazine reported that Herbert did not pass his English exam until an hour before graduation. After they both graduated, Herbert and Lou married in 1899 before leaving for China, where Herbert would serve as the head engineer for Bewick, Mooring & Co, a London mine management firm. The couple traveled the world until 1917, when Herbert was appointed to lead the U.S. Food Administration during World War I. Before the end of the war, the Hoovers commissioned Louis Christian Mullgardt, the architect of the Knoll, to design a home for them near the Stanford campus. However, Mullgardt publicized the job before the war was over, which led to the termination of his contract because the Hoovers were worried that the publicity would suggest that Herbert was not focusing his energies on the war effort but rather on the construction of his new home. After the war ended, the Hoovers returned to Palo Alto and convinced Arthur B. Clark, a Stanford art professor, to take on the role of architect. While Clark was the primary designer of the house, Lou also contributed her own ideas to the blueprints and actively oversaw its construction. In a letter written to her friend Anna H. Rult in the years following World War I, Lou suggested that the Hoovers intended for their house to be built in a style that mirrored that of the rest of the Mission Revival architecture of the campus. My husband and I had said we wanted this house to be a collection of rooms where we wanted them for living purposes, enclosed by plain wall surfaces, Lou wrote. Of course in visioning the result before it was built, we felt that it was in decided harmony with the architecture of the University on whose campus it sits. Although the house, which finished in 1920, was the couples only permanent residence throughout their marriage, they only resided there for a short while before Herbert was appointed Secretary of Commerce under President-Elect Warren G. Harding in 1921. Their family eventually moved back in 1932, after Hoovers term as president ended. In 1944, after the death of his wife, Herbert deeded the house to the University as a home for professors. It now serves as the private residence of the University president. Although more than half a century has passed since the Hoovers left the Stanford campus, the legacy of their presence can still be seen from miles away literally in the form of Hoover Tower, which was sponsored and founded by Herbert in 1919 to house his collection of war documents. The collection, renamed the Hoover War Library in 1922, eventually became the largest library in the world dealing in World War I memorabilia. The tower itself was completed in 1941, reaching a height of 285 feet, and grew to include documents from the interwar period, World War II and the Cold War. As evidenced by their architectural and institutional vestiges on campus, the Hoovers legacy and love story remain landmarks on the Farm.
Stephanie Wang

NATASHA WEASER/The Stanford Daily

A couple dressed in Northern traditional dress for Stanfords 41st annual Powwow, which was held for three days last weekend from May 11 to 13. The word powwow translates to spiritual leader in Narragansett, the language of the Narragansett tribe. Modern-day powwows generally in-

volve both Native Americans and nonNative Americans gathering together in celebration of Native American culture. According to Layton Lamsam 14, co-chair of Stanford Powwow, the event is one of the top two or three major ones in the country and definitely the

largest in the Bay Area. I am originally from Oklahoma, and I know people that come out here just for this event, he said. When people hear Stanford Powwow, they know it. It has name recognition.
Natasha Weaser Visit for additional photos.

M.J MA/ The Stanford Daily

4 N Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The Stanford Daily

Who should feed the hungry?

Jenny Rempel
ly mentioned, though not necessarily agreed upon, is the concept that civil society organizations exist for the provision of public goods that would otherwise be unsupplied by the other two sectors. Judging from the sheer number of organizations working to ensure that individuals in the Bay Area are being fed, Id say civil society has adopted food as an otherwise underprovided public good. Given that most of the 25 organizations under Food are food banks, this doesnt seem too far-fetched. In fact, there are many neat civil society organizations operating in the food sphere, although their size and funding often limit their power to achieve change and guarantee food access. The very existence of this array of food and hunger-based nonprofits reveals a sad fact: The U.S. government does not view access to food as a fundamental right. If it did, nonprofits wouldnt be stumbling over each other to enter into the food sphere and ensure this basic public good. Further evidence that the government does not view food access as a fundamental right came from the House Budget Committee last week.The GOP proposed reversing planned cuts to the Pentagon defense budget in favor of pushing 1.8 million people off of food stamps and removing school lunch subsidies for 280,000 children. Since the U.S. government does not view guaranteed food access as a task that falls under its purview, and since food is privatized in a forprofit sector that is complicated by government commodity payments, civil society organizations are left with the daunting task of ensuring that all Americans are fed. Thats a monumental undertaking. It is especially difficult because there is no oversight ensuring that nonprofits are pursuing this task equally and in all locations, and there are no guarantees that existing civil society organizations will operate indefinitely into the future. If we view access to food as a fundamental right, we cannot continue to use civil society as a crutch for its provision. The government must play a larger role. Until then, I will work hard to convince my classmates that food organizations are worthy of our funding money. Have suggestions for that $100,000? Let Jenny know by emailing her at for us, no question. Every studentathlete is intelligent and capable of handling the rigors of balancing both [school and sports]. Klahn is looking to become a professional tennis player after he completes his final season with the Stanford tennis team. Many athletes said they find it difficult to work with professors to find courses that both count toward a degree and fit into a professional athletes schedule, which can vary widely depending on the sport.

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ourse syllabi do not often include the assignment to give away $100,000, but when I walked into Bruce Sievers Theories of Civil Society, Philanthropy, and the Nonprofit Sector seven weeks ago, there it was. My classmates and I were thrilled, enthusiastic and a little nervous. We accepted the challenge. We have since spent the quarter reviewing hundreds of nonprofits in the Bay Area. Our class has broken into four teams focusing on separate issue areas (not surprisingly, I ended up on the Health and Environment team), each one crafting pseudo-mission statements, researching potential recipients and soliciting grant proposals. My team is beginning our first round of site visits and interviews today. It has been an eye-opening process. Simply scrolling through all 25 Bay Area organizations listed under Food on gives one confidence in the power of civil society. When combined with the 68 nonprofits under Environment and the 67 organizations under Health, its clear that there are a lot of individuals in the Bay Area working for positive change. The class has not focused solely on grants, however. Under the exciting announcement of our $100,000 assignment, the syllabus detailed a list of readings that would ground us in the theories and practices of civil society. Coming from Earth Systems and walking into PoliSci 236, I was a little confused about what exactly civil society meant. The term has many rough synonyms, including the independent sector, nongovernmental organizations and the nonprofit world, all of which served as labelers that I dont find very fitting. The terms charitable realm and voluntary service organizations impute a bit more meaning and value, but are still a bit confusing. The term civil society is inherently amorphous, but to me and probably Professor Sievers, to whom this definition should really be credited civil society embodies the realm of nonprofits, foundations and philanthropy, as well as the set of institutions and normative values that enable these entities existences, namely protection of individual rights, freedom of expression, the rule of law, commitment to the common good and tolerance. The term is still up for debate, particularly as the lines between the government sector, the for-profit sector and the third sector (civil society) blur in America. The purposes and goals of civil society shimmer in a mirage-like state, whereby many different actors can see different goals for a sector that operates at the confluence of private and public interests. One goal that is common-

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Let this be the end. Let all be forgiven.

sonal level. The cliche is that youre a woman trapped in a mans body, but its not that simple, Gabel says of gender dysphoria in the article. Its a feeling of detachment from your body and from yourself. And its shitty, man. Its really [freakin] shitty. What may be more telling of the struggle is the final song Full Clarity on the bands album Searching for a Former Clarity, in which Gabel sings, Confessing childhood secrets of dressing up in womens clothes/ compulsions you never knew the reasons to/ Will everyone you ever meet or love/ be just a relationship based on a false presumption? That album was released in 2005. It is now 2012. Thats seven whole years to live in torment and anguish while the secrets that keep others from truly knowing you tear you up inside. Gabel reveals in the interview that the fear and misery of the situation caused him to develop an addiction to alcohol and hard drugs at the age of 13. That sounds like hell. I think, given how political the conversation has become in the last couple years, its easy for those disconnected from the LGBT community to drown in the stats and figures and forget how truly personal and individual the difficulties are. And given that everyone Ive met who has identified with LGBT has, to some degree, begun addressing the internal tension and pain of secrecy, its easy to forget how severe that pain can be. I have a friend Ive known for years and spent a great deal of time her degree toward racing. Ill be able to tell by the time Im 25 or 26 if it looks like Ill make it or not, Landauer continued. If so, fantastic! If not, Ill utilize the skills Ive learned at Stanford and from my Julia Landauer Racing brand development to go into the racing industry. Many athletes agreed that the scheduling conflicts made their passion for their athletics even more apparent. Molly Kinsella 12, who is

Chase Ishii
with who recently revealed some secrets relevant to this topic.And after hearing everything they went through over the last few years to get to a point where they could admit it to themselves and to others the denial and disbelief, the fear and frustration my only wish is that I could have been there with them through it all.That they wouldnt have had to go through it alone. I know that, for many, this issue is a moral issue, and I dont expect anything I write here to be able to change your moral views, as I understand they are grounded in a very personal part of your life. Im not asking that you change these views but that you hold them in perspective. Because the opinions you casually throw out without a second thought can have lasting effects on another person in a very deep way. Those words can be the keys that lock a person into selfisolation and the belief that he or she can never be his or herself because it is wrong. You may believe a persons lifestyle is wrong according to your God, and theres nothing I can do to change that. But what else do your choice of words and actions say about your god? That he wants to lock people in their silent despair? That his hatred justifies their outcast and mistreatment from society? I am a Christian, and that is not my God. My God desires freedom and restoration for all, independent of right and wrong. My God is love. Show Chase some love with an email to training for the U.S. womens rugby team following the Stanford teams national championship loss this weekend, is well aware of this reality. After her sophomore year, she made the switch from being a varsity track and field thrower to play lock on the Stanford womens rugby team. I think the culture is nice, Kinsella said in reference to rugby. The people who want to be there are there, and I think that makes those few hours a lot more valuable. Kinsella said that USA Rugby expects its players to take responsibility and commence the training for the program on their own. They [USA Rugby] are trying to do something new, Kinsella said. Its called Eagle 365, and the idea is that you live every day of your life with this goal of going to the World Cup in 2014. They give you strength and conditioning workouts, nutritionist access, mental imagery and a whole binder of information. The idea is really trying to make it workable for athletes. The USA Rugby team and the Eagle 365 program are more independent than many programs, but most professional sports programs present huge time management difficulties to students. Its challenging, but definitely well worth it, Klahn said of balancing school and tennis. Likewise, Landauer said she is willing to make accommodations in the future to continue with racing. The goal is to be able to make a living from driving a race car, whether it be in stock cars, formula cars, sports cars, production cars [or] sprint cars, Landauer said. Even school buses, she added, jokingly. Contact Antonio Ramirez at ajram

ast Wednesday, on the same day President Obama gave his personal endorsement of same-sex marriage, an equally shocking tremor ran rampant through the punk music scene. Rolling Stone released a teaser story in which Tom Gabel, lead singer, guitarist and writer of the 15-year-strong Florida punk band Against Me! announced he was transgender. He has dealt with gender dysphoria and intends to begin living as a woman Laura Jane Grace by taking hormones and undergoing electrolysis treatment and full sexual-reassignment surgery. Imagine how this announcement was received in the punk community, known for angry outbursts and middle-finger responses a community Gabel helped create. Many people have been very supportive, but the responses have run the spectrum. Many are confused, some betrayed, others malicious. Masked by the anonymity of the Internet, people have cast their judgment upon Gabel with every profanity and vulgarity possible. Ill be honest: I was very confused when I read the preview article. I havent had any close conversations or relationships with someone who is transgender (at least that I know of). I didnt know about the controversy surrounding gender identity disorder, debating how normative gender identities and roles actually are and whether cross-gender feelings and behaviors should be considered a disorder. But most importantly, I didnt understand the severity of the issue on a very perLandauer said she had to start planning early to find a plausible schedule with her professors. They appreciated the responsibility I was taking with my activities, and I found three [classes] that worked for me and counted towards my major, she said. So I got pretty lucky with that one. Landauer said she has found her sport and academic pursuits complementary. Majoring in Science, Technology and Society (STS), Landauer plans to apply


Continued from front page

Klahn shouldered a heavy academic schedule and stored up enough units to graduate with an economics major this past winter quarter and focus on tennis this spring. Theres no shortcut for athletes, Klahn said. Its difficult

IAN GARCIA-DOTY/The Stanford Daily

Maria Koroleva, above, is one student-athlete balancing her professional commitments with her schoolwork. Koroleva postponed her graduation by a year in order to spend the year in Indianapolis, Ind., training for the 2012 Summer Olympics as a synchronized swimmer.

The Stanford Daily

Cant we all just get along?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 N 5

Tom Taylor



On the heels of a dominant sweep over Washington a week ago, the Cardinal softball squad closed out the regular season this past weekend with an impressive series win over Utah on the road. The Cardinal (38-17, 11-13 Pac-12) was blanked by the Utes (28-28, 2-22) by a score of 6-0 in game one, but bounced back with a 9-1 blowout in the second game and a 12-9 victory in the series finale. With the road wins, Stanford wound up sixth in the highly competitive Pac-12 standings. Junior pitcher Teagan Gerhart was uncharacteristically shaky on the mound early in Thursdays game, as she allowed five earned runs despite a six-strikeout performance. The Utah offense managed to inflict most of its damage in the bottom of the second inning by scoring five quick runs. The Stanford bats did not help Gerhart much either. Utah senior pitcher Generra Nielson dished out eight strikeouts and held the Cardinal to just four hits over seven complete innings. Senior catcher Maya Burns was the leader of an otherwise quiet offensive showing, going 2-for-3 at the plate. But the Utes could only hold off the Cardinal for so long. In game two, the Cardinals bats exploded. Senior shortstop Ashley Hansen stole the show in the batters box, going 4-for-4 and matching her career-high for hits in a game. Just as impressive was the fact that Hansen hit her 18th career triple in the process, breaking a school record. The senior currently leads the Pac-12 in triples, with eight so far this season. Joining Hansen in the offensive showcase was freshman leftfielder Leah White, who hit a three-run homer in the top of the sixth that allowed Stanford to put away Utah for good. The dinger added to Whites already impressive rookie campaign by giving her a total of five home runs on the season. Freshman third baseman Hanna Winter also hit well at the leadoff spot, going 2-for-4. And the hitters behind her in the lineup certainly did their jobs, as five Cardinal hitters drove in one run or more. Freshman pitcher Nyree Whites dominant performance on the mound also proved to be critical in Stanfords victory in game

eading Internet comments feels a little like watching a tabloid talk show. At first it seems that there might be a valid point to the proceedings, that as adults we can maybe come together and have a reasonable discussion. But soon it descends into a battle of bigoted crazy talk. With the unaccountability of anonymity, and egged on by the general tone of other comments, people dont hold anything back. Initially this can be a little amusing, until your mind starts to ache from the pure stupidity of it all. Last week, after reading an interesting online column about the recent boom in television exposure of soccer in the United States, I kept reading and plowed headlong into the comments section below. Pretty soon a war had evolved; soccer fans making outlandishly ill-informed declarations about football, and very much vice-versa, too. A small band of peacemakers had bravely tried to bridge the ideological chasm, but their balanced and reasonable observations were lost under a flood of abuse. When I first set foot in Cardinal territory, I didnt just have zero interest in American sports I was stubbornly opposed to it. Even after turning my hand to writing about sports for The Daily, where I was surrounded by passionate American sports fans, it took time to both like and understand these foreign games. Meeting my fellow beat writer for the 2009-10 womens basketball season for the first time, he asked me how familiar I already was with the team. I think he was at least a little taken aback by my admission that I wasnt even that sure about most of the rules. I know Ive written some pretty critical articles over the years about

MADELINE SIDES/The Stanford Daily

Senior Ashley Hansen (above) was her usual self in Stanfords series victory over Utah. The dominant shortstop was electric at the plate, going a perfect 4-for-4 in game two against the Utes.
two. White, who played on the U.S. Junior National Team this past summer, did not give up a single walk or an earned run. The only run that the Utes scored came from a Cardinal defensive error in the bottom of the first inning. The win improved Whites season record to 7-6 and set up the rubber match. In the decisive game three, the Stanford offense once again showed up in full force, and Utahs Nielson could not limit the scoring the second time around. Hansen continued her hot streak by hitting a home run and a double along with scoring three runs and driving in another pair. Matching Hansen, both White and junior second baseman Jenna Rich accounted for three RBI in the game. The Utes didnt go down without putting up a tough fight, however. Utah put the pressure on Stanford right away by scoring in the first inning. On the mound, Gerhart pitched 4.2 innings in which she gave up six runs, but only one was earned. Nyree White came in to relieve Gerhart in the fifth despite pitching six full innings the day before, but Gerhart showed her toughness once again by reentering the game in the sixth to pick up her second save of the season. With the regular season officially wrapped up, Stanford has set its eyes on the postseason after receiving an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament two days ago. Postseason play is nothing new for the Cardinal, which is making its 15th consecutive appearance in the national tournament. The Cardinal will square off against Baylor (33-20) in Lafayette, La., in the opening round of the tournament on Friday. Contact George Chen at gchen15@stanford. edu.

Please see TAYLOR, page 6

Mosbacher Minute

Uncovering Stanford baseballs hidden gem


Jack Mosbacher was a member of the Stanford baseball team from 2008-2011. Each week, hell take a look at the Cardinals ups and downs on its road to the College World Series.
Historically, one of the things that has made Stanford unique has been its role as a temporary home for some of the worlds finest athletes. Indeed, it is through its scholar-athlete tradition that Stanford conclusively separates itself from Ivy League institutions, finding a way to sew the worlds greatest athletic department into the fabric of one of the great research universities on the globe. It is, in my opinion, one of the main reasons why Stanford is such a special place. Every so often, a special Cardinal athlete distinguishes himself or herself from the rest. I would argue that we currently have one of those once-a-decade student-athletes in our midst and most of us dont even know it. If you were at Sunken Diamond this past weekend to watch No. 17 Stanford cruise to an 8-3 victory in the second leg of an eventual three-game sweep of unranked Washington State, you can probably guess that Im talking about Stanfords do-it-all extraordinaire, junior Stephen Piscotty. Raised in the idyllic and aptly named Northern California town of Pleasanton (ranked No. 63 on CNNs 2011 Best Places to Live in America list), Piscotty attended Amador Valley High School, where he excelled both as a pitcher and a shortstop. Following his senior year, the Los Angeles Dodgers selected Piscotty in the 45th round of the 2009 draft but could not lure the intriguing prospect away from his commitment to Stanford. When he arrived at the Farm in September of 2010, he was just one of many exciting pieces of a starstudded group of newcomers, ranked by several publications as the top baseball recruiting class in the country. Though he had a good swing, a rifle for an arm and occa-

sionally showed flashes of brilliance, few of us anticipated just how good Piscotty would become. After hitting .350 over nearly three seasons of brilliant baseball, he has proven himself to be one of the best offensive players on the Farm in the past decade. People outside of the Bay Area are taking notice as well: after winning the batting title in the prestigious Cape Cod Collegiate Baseball League last summer, Piscotty is projected to go in the first round of next months MLB draft. In a career of countless highlights, however, I wouldnt be surprised if this weekends performance proves to be the most memorable performance of Piscottys already-unforgettable career. On Saturday, in the second game of a must-win series, Piscotty went 3-for-3 and reached base in all five of his plate appearances, all the while pitching into the seventh inning and giving up only one run to collect the win in his first career start on the mound. Simply put, it was a performance unmatched by any in recent memory. In Little League and high school baseball, it is not uncommon for the best player on the team to be both the best pitcher and hitter on the team. That doesnt happen in college, particularly not in the uber-competitive Pac-12 conference. It appears that someone forgot to remind Piscotty that he is not in Little League anymore. At this level, one player isnt supposed to win games single-handedly. Any great competitor wants to do whatever he or she can to help their team win a game.With Piscotty, the difference is that he can do whatever is needed to win a game. Thats what makes Piscotty so special: He matches a peerless competitiveness with unparalleled ability and does things that simply shouldnt be done on a baseball field. Furthermore, in his time at Stanford, Piscotty has also developed into the type of leader that every team needs. Quiet and reserved by nature, its not as though Stephen has turned into General

Please see PISCOTTY, page 6

6 N Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Stanford Daily

Continued from page 5
George Patton, but no one in the clubhouse or dugout speaks with more gravity and weight. More often than not, Piscotty lets his play do the talking, exhibiting the relentless effort, hustle and desire that has come to characterize Stanford baseball. Finally, the best part of Piscottys success is the man he is off of the field. Although no one is perfect, he is about as close as it gets to a model human being. In every sense, he is a great reflection on our fine University we are indescribably fortunate to have him in the Stanford family. Let this be your warning, folks: Stephen Piscotty wont be on the Farm much longer. Come June 4, Piscotty will undoubtedly hear his name called early in the 2012 MLB Draft. Do not miss out on watching, and maybe even meeting, one of Stanfords hidden gems; I promise you wont be disappointed. Contact Jack Mosbacher at

MEHMET INONU/The Stanford Daily

Junior Stephen Piscotty has been a do-it-all player for the Card this season. The leftfielder and projected firstround MLB draft pick has shown off his full repertoire, most notably in several strong pitching performances.


Continued from page 5

U.S. sports and received my fair share of abuse from readers but over time my opinions have mellowed, and I even might have become a little Americanized. Last week a friend accused me of developing a bit of a U.S. twang in my voice, and when I recently went out to buy a soccer ball, I came back with a football, too. Dont get me wrong. However cool it may feel to hold a football in my hand, my fingers spread out, gripping the laces, getting ready to attempt a spiraling throw, itll never quite match the feeling of having a soccer ball at my feet. And standing shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow soccer supporters easily beats doing the same with football fans. My cultural connections to British sports will always run deeper than those to American ones. From the family rivalry when my soccer team plays my brothers to teasing my Welsh friend when England beats his home country though Wales somehow won the most recent encounter to sitting down with my dad to watch some international cricket, those experiences cant be beat. But I can still enjoy a dazzling play in football or basketball, and I am still willing to give baseball and hockey a chance. In fact, call it a sport and youve already got my attention. Maybe this is what its like to be a real sports fan. The complaints that both sides have are often real; neither sport achieves athletic perfection. During the four hours it takes to play a football game, there is relatively little ac-

tion on the field, and I cant imagine many fans in the stadium would complain if a few seconds were shaved off each pause. Likewise, soccer games are generally low scoring affairs, and few supporters would be against their club playing a more attacking style. But both football and soccer are products of these characteristics. The breaks in action allow football players to recover and the plays to be far more explosive than they would otherwise be, and the fact that goals are difficult to score in soccer is not a negative thing. Simply scoring more points doesnt make a sport more worthy, or all baseball fans would be flocking to watch cricket. Cheating, the area in which soccer usually draws the most critics, is relative, too. Yes, soccer players do dive, and even the most hardened fan feels some embarrassment when they do. But, as the New Orleans Saints showed, football teams break the rules as well. And what is worse, pretending you got injured or deliberately attempting to hurt someone? Neither strikes me as particularly courageous or honorable. There is a lot to get worked up about in the world of sports, from the highs of great games and championship finals to the lows of cheating and corruption, but we shouldnt be fighting each other tooth and nail in some sort of xenophobic defense of our national pastimes. A great pass, be it from a quarterbacks hand or a midfielders foot, should impress us all, no matter our backgrounds. Just give Tom Taylor the Nobel Peace Prize already. The award can be shipped to

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