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May 15,2012 2nd Eastern Visayas Business Conference Among Chamber Industries In Region 8 Hel d At Kuting Reef By Quirico

M. Gorpido,Jr. Kuting Reef, Macrohon.Southern Leyte-A second Eastern Visayas business conferenc e among twelve chamber industries here in region 8(Leyte and Samar) was held at the picturesque enclave of Kuting Reef(tel. no.(053) 572-1023; mobile phone 0930 -311-4106) with a theme One RegionOne Team: Economic Development Thru Public-Priva te Sector Initiative The first one was held at Taclobans Leyte Par . The 12 chamber industries that have attended the affair were: 1)Southern Leyte C hamber and Commerce and Industry,Inc.led by its President Engr. Robert Castaaresthe host; 2)Leyte Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by its President Robert T iu; 3)Isabel Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by Engr. Serlito Purisima; 4)G uian Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by its President Dr. Alfred Perez; 5)O rmoc Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by its President Joel Brazil; 6)Palomp on Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by Warblitz Martinez; 7)Borongan Chambe r of Commerce and Industry led by its President Oscar Ty; 8)Samar Chamber of Com merce and Industry led by Dr. Dominador Cabanganan; 9)Samar Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by Ms. Elena Uy; 10)Calbayog Chamber of Commerce and Industry l ed by Nicolas Chan; 11)Catarman Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by Sixto Es pina,Jr.; 12)Baybay Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by Nestor Sy,Jr. Business discussions on various topics related to business opportunities among t he officials-members of chamber industries were brought out during the two-day a ctivities. Each chamber was also given enough time to present their respective investment o pportunities as businessmen gathered inside the conference room for long hours. Engr. Robert Castaares presented first the Southern Leyte economic development fr amewor . In his presentation he divulged that after surveying the municipalities in the province he found out that great numbers of wor ers were employed by the government offices with small percentage wor ing in private offices or business es. He also found out that LGUs were IRA-dependent and that most businesses were cla ssified as small enterprises. Theres also supply of rice but not enough to provid e employment for wor ers or laborers. During the past several decades abaca was the provinces dollar earner, he informe d the audience. However, with the infestation of the unstoppable bunchy top dise ases affecting all abaca plantations in the entire province, abaca was diminishe d to an insignificant few. What remains was the coconut to be the dominant crop, he said. He said that with the the entire province, uld focus on the mass could employ wor ers private-public partnership scheme, farmers and planters in together with the assistance of the SLCCII, businesses sho plantation and mass production of coconut in order that it in the fields.

Another ind of business that the province should do to improve its economic con dition is the tapping of its potential tourist spots in various municipalities. Dr. Guindolino Gerona of VISCA (now VSU) in his greening economy strongly urged fa rmers/planters and the attending businessmen in the six provinces to start mass

production and plantation of coco seedlings in different municipalities farms/lot s. He said theres also the need to increase rice plantations as one of its highly de pendent crops as staple food. Gerona said that 8,000 hectares of rice fields and 50,000 hectares of coconut fa rms need to be rehabilitated. He claimed that some coconuts planted in 5,000 hec tares need to be replaced with new plant seeds as it already reached its senilit y stage, bearing no fruits. Moreover, Gerona further admonished farmers and businessmen to implement intercr opping under coconut plantations in different areas of Southern Leyte and in oth er part of region 8.One of the crops suitable for intercropping, he said, is cof fee preferably the Robusta variety, including bananas and some vegetables and f ruit trees. This method of intercropping can increase production as well as incom e for the farmers and planters, he said. He stressed that planting more coconut trees and practicing intercropping method to increase production of goods is li e hitting 2 birds in one stone. Since plant ing of additional fruit trees and coconuts thru intercropping can also help miti gate the greenhouse effect or climate change. Meanwhile,Egnr. Castaares further informed the audience that already developed in 3 hectares of lot inside the former Danao rehabilitation project now nown as C ity Forest Par is the Maasin Zoo in Malapoc Norte which was open to the public during the second day of the business conferrence.It is located 15 ilometers aw ay from the proper city. Another spot to be developed is the canopy wal in Silago with cascading waterfa lls not far from the rainforest. Limasawa has also been included in the plan for tourism development in the near future according to Castaares li e construction of starbuc coffee shop and other amenities that provide attraction to both loca l and foreign tourists.

Other spea ers were Governor Damian G. Governor Damian G.Mercado Roy Fiel-Govern or,PCCI Bonifacio Uy of NEDA,Raul Repolda of DA-Ormoc office, Cynthia Nierras of DTI- regional office,Alejandro Bautista of DENR-CENRO-San Juan, PCA Regional Ma nager Edilberto Nierva,DOT Regional Director Karen Tiopes, Engr.Edgardo Esperanc illa of DOST regional office, Robert Go owner of Prince Warehouse Club. Also present, among others were, Michael Nuez of DTI-Maasin and his staff, GIZ re presentatives, City Councilor Nestor Sy, Engr.Arthur Marte, other unidentified l ocal businessmen, Tacloban and the Maasin media.(Quirico M. Gorpido,Jr.)

Earlier, Governor Damian G.Mercado delivered his Governor of PCCI gave his opening statement.

eynote speech, while Roy Fiel,

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