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The Situation on Science and Mathematics Education in Cambodia

Presented by: Dr. Chan Roath, Director of Department Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia. President of Cambodian Mathematical Society

1. Introduction
- General Information - Short History 2. The Situation Analysis 3. Propose activities 4. Conclusion

.1 Introduction - General Information

Density : 78p/ km2 , 201p/ sq mi Time zone : UTC + 7 Internet TLD : .kh Calling code: +855

- Short History: Since independence from France 1953, the official name of Cambodia has changed several times, following the troubled history of the country. The following names have been used since 1953: - Kingdom of Cambodia under the rule of the monarchy from 1953 through 1970 - Khmer Republic under the Lon Nol led government from 1970 to 1975

- Democratic Kampuchea under the rule of the communist Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979 - Peoples Republic of Kampuchea under the rule of the Vietnamese-sponsored government from 1979 to 1989 - State of Cambodia under the rule of the United Nations transitional authority from 1989 to 1993 - Kingdom of Cambodia reused after the restoration of the monarchy in 1993.

The Royal University of Phnom Penh first

opened Its doors as the Royal Khmer University on January 13, 1960. The language of instruction during this period was French. Between 1965 and 1975 the university consisted of the Ecole Normale Suprieure. Between 1975 and 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime forced the cessation of formal education. Schools and Universities were closed and destroyed and teaching services decimated.

The Khmer Rouge targeted the educated,

and many of the Universitys staff were killed. Deserted for almost five years, the campus became another victim of the grim civil war which followed the immediate toppling of the Pol Pot regime. In 1980, the Ecole Normale Suprieure reopened, again teaching predominantly in French. The following year university focused on training students to become teachers, thus rebuilding the education system within Cambodia.

In 1996 the University underwent its final

change of name becoming the Royal University of Phnom Penh. During the past decade, the University has continued to grow and now includes the Faculty of Science. New departments and degree programs are developed regularly, to keep up with the changing needs of Cambodian Society. In keeping with its commitment to higher education, RUPP has begun to develop postgraduate degrees at a masters level since 2001.

2 The Situation Analysis

Lack of overall national policy and definite institutional support for S&T development. Weak policy framework for systemic promotion of S&T education, research and development, and innovation. Need for government strategy for promoting science and technology education at all levels. Unbalanced and weak higher S&T education system. No S&M development policy.


2 The Situation Analysis

Current Situation Management
Problems and issues are not shared among stakeholders. No unified vision shared from central government to schools to enhance math and science ability. Due to the cheating, national exam does not assess real student performance. Students often absent and they become a slow learner. Low motivation learning math and science. Some aid program for Teacher Training Centers. Less opportunity to update competency New curriculum released (ISEMC) New textbook available soon Few library and equipment Only 192/9018 = 0.02% school have lab.

Assessment Access (Stud.) Quality of Teacher Curriculum Textbook Facility Equipment

School administration and

management Weak vision of educational leadership. Low contribution from communities, industries and business. No clear strategy for credibility and reliability for selecting the management leadership. Lack of school networking development.

3. Propose Activities
Policy and strategy Develop a national S&T development policy and
strategy, including S&T education promotion. MoEYS should have its science and math education development policy and strategy to enhance S&ME. Build and enhance the capacity of S&T teachers at all levels. Research in S&T education also needs to be promoted and motivated. Strengthen basic science education at all levels. Provide opportunities for lifelong learning in sciences. Raise public awareness of S&T and fostering its popularization.

School administration

Review procedures of promotion for a quality

educational leadership and management. School networking with outsider partners to mobilize resources. Build capacity for science or technology management to relevant responsible person. Be accountable and flexible for the teacher/technician innovation vis--vis the teaching time and incentive. Link science teacher community with their every relevant professional body.

Educational system Institutionalize in-service teacher education and training to improve their knowledge and skills of teaching. Examination system and content should be consistent with the national educational goals to improve teaching and personnel management, and student commitment. Not only emphasis on the outputs of education with achievement test performance, but also regarding the process of education. Harmonizing the teacher training centers into the higher education system for promoting the teacher qualification upgrading, by which they can be motivated and articulate to pursue their further degree study at the universities.

Possible Outcomes
Management Central, Regional, Provincial and School Assessment Communication (Team Work) between central, regional, provincial and school stakeholders and among depts. enhanced Planning capacity based upon survey analysis upgraded. Survey conducted regularly. Strength and weakness analyzed. Values of math and science promoted. Drop out Rate improved. constantly Math and science teacher competency strengthened.

Access (Stud.)

Quality of Teacher Opportunity to update teacher competency provided Curriculum Textbook

Instruction Material for Teacher Training developed. Curriculum & Textbook improved based upon findings of survey.

Facility Equipment Improving experiment method promoted.

4. Conclusions It is hard for developing and least developed

countries to promote S&T development for their national economic growth without strong political will and appropriate strategies of government. S&M Education is fundamental and essential for nurturing S&T development. S&M Education and S&T development could be succeeded when there were strong commitment of government, civil society, industry, and scientists themselves, as well as support of international development agencies and of world scientists.

Besides those commitments, the appropriate

policies and strategies for S&M Education could accelerate and ensure S&T development in order to promote sustainable socioeconomic growth. The above-mentioned problem solving are proposed for improving S&M Education both quantitatively and qualitatively in Cambodia. Those are some main aspects raised as activities recommendations for consideration.

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