IOC Preparation

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Hayley Johnson

IOC Preparation

IOC Preparation
Context John Donne Early songs and sonnets = frivolous Mature = deeper love poems Holy Sonnets = shorter Stands out from other Elizabethan poetry eg. Shakespeares sonnets Macbeth Act 1 Witches prophesy LM persuades M to kill D Act 2 M kills D Act 3 Bs death Lennox suspicious/Hecates Act 4 Witches apparitions Macduffs murder Act 5 LM Sleepwalking M killed by B Soliloquy Dialogue Purpose of scene Split lines Fly Away Peter Running in the Family 1st section = Australia Asia in general Asian rumours 2nd Section = War Early parents Conclusion / generation a fine recapitulation = beach romance Imagery Dont talk to me about mattise Lalla or aunts Eclipse Plumage Personal anecdotes the prodigal Parents what we think of married life Binary Random!! Vignette Anecdote Conversation Look for contrasts Importance of imagination Complexity/simplicity of life Isolation Family Identity Connections with family Importance of culture Importance of memory



Sonnet Number of lines Rhyme Scheme Rhythm iambic pentameter Aubade Reflects Argument Beyond Petrachan ideas Microcosm Timelessness Spiritual vs Physical love

Fate and Freewill Power Appearance vs reality Gender Supernatural Violence/guilt

Hayley Johnson Tone Sarcastic Sardonic More serious for Colloquial / formal Personal address to beloved, or god or sun. Circles Nautical Dark sinister Atmosphere Sombre Foreboding Colloquial Unperturbed despite horrors

IOC Preparation Conversational Blunt Descriptive personal


Blood/ daggers Light and dark

Sentence Structure

Prose = insane/commoners Trochaic pentameter = witches Iambic pentameter = nobles Split lines Caesura Symbolism clothes Metaphor clothes Setting weather mood

War broken dark Australia serene Realism sensory Very long sentences contrasted with short ones emphasis Sets pace

Natural Sensory Vibrant colours

Other features What changes?? - tone - pace - neg/pos

Caesura Metaphysical conceit Paradox Assonance Compliments Strong Argument Innuendo

Symbolism Metaphor birds Focus on thought and feeling, not events or characters

Tense Personification First person Repetition Oxymoron Magic realism Contrast between tone and events (factual tone for emotional events)

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