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Content Management Interoperability Services Cheat Sheet

Services and Operations

Repository Service getRepositories getRepositoryInfo getTypeChildren getTypeDescendants getTypeDenition Navigation Service getChildren getDescendants getFolderTree getFolderParent getObjectParents Object Service createDocument createDocumentFromSource createFolder createRelationship createPolicy getAllowableActions getObject getProperties getObjectByPath getContentStream getRenditions updateProperties moveObject deleteObject deleteTree setContentStream deleteContentStream Versioning Service checkOut cancelCheckOut checkIn getObjectOfLatestVersion getPropertiesOfLatestVersion getAllVersions Multi-ling Service addObjectToFolder removeObjectFromFolder Discovery Service query getContentChanges Relationship Service getObjectRelationships Policy Service applyPolicy removePolicy getAppliedPolicies ACL Service getACL applyACL Timestamp format: TIMESTAMP "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss[Z|+hh:mm|-hh:mm]" Conditions: <property query name> [ = | <> | < | > | <= | >= ] <literal> <property query name> [NOT] IN (<comma separated literal list>) <property query name> [NOT] LIKE <string literal> <property query name> IS [NOT] NULL <literal> = ANY <multi-value property query name> CONTAINS(<text search expression>) IN_FOLDER([<qualifier>,] <folder id>) IN_TREE([<qualifier>,] <folder id>) <condition> [ AND | OR ] <condition> NOT <condition>

CMIS Base Types Properties

String ID ID ID String cmis:name cmis:objectId cmis:baseTypeId cmis:objectTypeId cmis:createdBy ro ro oc ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro

Allowable Actions
canGetDescendants canGetFolderTree canGetChildren canGetFolderParent canGetObjectParents canCreateDocument canCreateFolder canCreateRelationship canGetProperties canGetRenditions canGetContentStream canUpdateProperties canMoveObject canDeleteObject canGetContentStream canSetContentStream canDeleteContentStream canDeleteTree canAddObjectToFolder canRemoveObjectFromFolder canCheckOut can cancelCheckOut ro ro ro ro canCheckIn canGetAllVersions canGetObjectRelationships canApplyPolicy canRemovePolicy canGetAppliedPolicies canGetACL canApplyACL

ID String Integer String String Integer Integer streamId mimeType length title kind height width

DateTime cmis:creationDate String cmis:lastModiedBy

DateTime cmis:lastModicationDate String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean String ID Boolean String ID String Integer String String ID ID String cmis:changetoken cmis:isImmutable cmis:isLatestVersion cmis:isMajorVersion cmis:isLatestMajorVersion cmis:versionLabel cmis:versionSeriesId

cmis:read cmis:write cmis:all

cmis:isVersionSeriesCheckedOut ro cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutBy ro cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId ro cmis:checkinComment cmis:contentStreamLength cmis:contentStreamMimeType cmis:contentStreamFileName cmis:contentStreamId cmis:parentId cmis:path ro ro ro

invalidArgument objectNotFound notSupported permissionDenied runtime constraint contentAlreadyExists lterNotValid nameConstraintViolation storage streamNotSupported updateConict versioning

ID (multi) cmis:allowedChildObjectTypeIds ID ID String cmis:sourceId cmis:targetId cmis:policyText

CMIS Query Language

SELECT FROM WHERE ORDER BY JOINs: SELECT ... FROM <type A query name> [INNER | LEFT [OUTER]] JOIN <type B query name> ON (<property A query name> = <property B query name>) <property query name> [AS <alias>], <property query name>, SCORE(), ... <type query name> [AS <alias>] <condition> <property query name> [ASC|DESC], <property query name>, ...

Type Object cmis:document cmis:folder cmis:relationship cmis:policy

Alfresco Software (last update 2001-07-04)

OASIS CMIS 1.0 specication:

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