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Age -

Parameters 20-30 30-40 40-50 More than 50 Total

No. Of respondent 24 10 2 4 40

No. Of respondent
More than 50 40-50 10% 5%

30-40 25%

20-30 60%


Parameter Male Female total

No. Of respondent 12 28 40

No. Of respondent

Male 30%

Female 70%

3.marital status
Parameters No: of Respondents Single Married Divorced Separated 24 11 1 1

Widow(er) 3 Total 40

Widow(er) 8% Separated 3% Divorced 2%

Chart Title

Parameters 0%

Married 27%

Single 60%

4.How often worker remain absent in a month

Opinion Nil Once Twice >two Total

Respondents 12 9 13 6 40

>two 15%

Nil 30%

Twice 33%

Once 22%

4.will you provide information to your superior about if you are absent?
no. parameters respondent often 18 sometimes rarely never total 10 7 5 40
parameters 0%


Chart Title
never 13%

rarely 17%

often 45%

sometimes 25%

5.According to you what is the main reason of absenteeism?

parameter health problems stress work environment personal problem total no.of respondent 23 2 2 13 40

no.of respondent

personal problem 33% health problems 57% work environment stress 5% 5%

5.How much you satisfy with your work?

Parameters Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No: of Respondents

5 10 18 5

2 40

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Parameters Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total Series1 Series2 Series3

emploee satisfaction with work

Not Satisfied 18% Well Satisfied 15%

Fair 30%

Satisfied 37%

10.satisfaction with your job

no. Of parameter respondent well satisfied satisfied fair not 15 11 9 5

satisfied total 40

45 40 35 30 25 Series1 20 15 10 5 0 parameter well satisfied satisfied fair not satisfied total Series2

satisfaction with your job

11. Strict action against absenteeism

S.No. 1 2 3 4

Option Often Rarely Sometimes Never

Responses 6 5 10 19



45 40 35 30 25 Series1 20 15 10 5 0 parameter often rarely sometimes never total Series2

12. In which season worker are more absent

S.No. 1 2 3 4

Option Diwali Holi Chhath pooja other reason

Responses 8 16 4 12



Option 0%

Chart Title

Diwali 20% other reason 30%

Chhath pooja 10%

Holi 40%

13. Worker suggestion to minimize absenteeism in company S.No. 1 2 3 Option More Salary More Leaves Discipline Responses 10 12 12

4 Total

Work Cond.

6 40

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 Total Option Responses

15.satisfaction regarding your present position in the company


no. Of respondent







45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 parameter yes no total Series1 Series2

16.relation with coworkers and superiors

parameter excellent good fair poor total

no. Of respondent 9 21 6 4 40

relation with superior

poor 10% excellent 22%

fair 15%

good 53%

17.Which shift is more difficult to work?

parameter no. Of respondent morning 10 night 30 evening not applicable total 40

Chart Title

morning 25%

night 75%

parameter no. Of respondent yes 8 no 32 total 40

no. Of respondent
yes 20%

no 80%

Parameter no. Of respondent Always 32 sometimes 5 often 3 never total 40

often 8%

no. Of respondent

sometimes 12%

Always 80%

parameter no. Of respondent yes 36 no 4 total 40

incentive based attendence

no 10%

yes 90%

parameter no. Of respondent yes 12

no don't know total

20 8 40

no. Of respondent
don't know 20%

yes 30%

no 50%

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