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Coy Draheim Mr. Neuburger Eng. Comp. 101 5/15/12 Final Exam 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. TRUE 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. TRUE 11.

TRUE 12. A ,C ,D, E, H ,I, J, K, L, M 13. FALSE 14. FALSE 15. FALSE 16. TRUE 17. This avoids plagiarism in your paper and helps to tell the reader where your information came from. 18. You should cite every time you use any information you find. This could come from a book, website, journal, etc. and includes everything that is not common knowledge. 19. When you use the exact words or information from a source you are using. 20. Plagiarism is stealing information you find from another source and using it as if it were your own work. 21. Howard, John. Finding Your Way Through Academia. College Dreams and Beyond. Ed. Annette Florand, Mitchell Williams. Boston: Landon Press, 2008. 179-87. Print. (Could not get it to have a hanging indent. I do know the second line needs one.) 22. Nuesury, April. "Fresh Ethnography: A New Approach." The Review for Ethnocentric Research 3.10 (1998): 5-19. Print. 23. Hope, Wilson. "Finding Yourself in Democracy." The New Yorker 26 Jan. 1963: 12942. Print.

24. Harmon, Daniel. Ceromony. New York City: Village, 1975. Print. 25. Ness, Harper. Interview. Ashworthy. Phoenix, Arizona, 22 Sept. 1984. Television. 26. The written work I enjoyed the most this semester would have to be the I Am From Poem. This is my favorite written piece because I got to look back at parts of my life and realize that I have a lot to be thankful for. To this point in my life everything has been a great experience. There have been some bumps but I am grateful for all that I have. This poem let me look back on that and realize all that I have. 27. My least favorite essay would have to be the research paper. This is my least favorite because of the citing. I enjoyed the topic and learning about WW2 but having to cite every source you looked through was monotonous. 28. I would say that I am most proud of my descriptive essay because of all the written work it made me think the most about what I was writing about. This essay really challenged me to come up with new words and sentences that I would not normally use in writing. My audience was people learning about the first time walking onto a field and this impacted me by really wanting to get in depth in all the feelings and emotions of a big game. 29. 3 changes in my writing this semester would have to be choosing words/ wording more carefully, finding good research articles not just the first I came across, and really trying to reach my audience with my writing. I believe the most profound of these would be how my word choice and sentence structure has improved this semester and how I really look at the words I am using in a sentence to make it flow and sound pleasing. 30. One thing I would definitely change about my writing this semester would be to really focus in on correctly citing in the research paper. I would focus more on my transitions and working cites into not just the end of a sentence but have them become part of the sentence. Also using correct citing format throughout my paper would be a great help.

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