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2012 Capricorn Horoscope - Capricorn 2012 Horoscope

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2012 Horoscope Forecast


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2012 Horoscope: Capricorn

(2012 Capricorn Horoscope Based on Moon Sign)

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2012 Capricorn Horoscope - Based on Moon Sign

2012 would see your personality exalt and bring you in a position which would make you naturally superior to your peers, contemporaries and competitors. It is a period , when you will find yourself standing up for your principles very often. Despite taking hard line stands, you will most of the time be correct and therefore hold the upper hand morally. However despite this advantage you should show compassion and follow the policy of forgive & forget. This would help you gain a good reputation and cooperation of people close to you, for tougher times, if & when they come. Your creativity would find new channels and new openings after May 2012. You will also find your mental faculties would be on a new high during this period. Friends, both new & old would be a source of high gains & pleasures. You can generate a high level of income, if you desire. Generally an excellent year. You need to control your anger & impulses to get the maximum possible progress this year. Confusion or lack of decision about home & real matters would get resolved this year, after a somewhat turbulent phase in the last few months. If you have been dilly dallying about purchase of a car, the first three months will see you take a faster decision. Relations & health of mother will improve. Relations with siblings would improve too now. Some distances that might have developed in the last few months would improve this year before May 2012. June 2012 would see a major change in your position. Creative abilities would rise & knowledge would jump up in this period. It is also a period when immense happiness from children would come about. Birth or conception of a child also possible between June & December 2012. Investments might bring in losses and you should avoid any new investments during this period. The most important development would be a rise in your status and recognition & acknowledgement of your knowledge by people all around. You would have healing powers and become a fountainhead of knowledge for people around you.
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Career is poised for the biggest leap in the last so many years. You will jump up to an enviable position this year. it is a period when hard work & ability would be the only reasons for your progress. You true worth would come up for scrutiny. If you have the ability this period will see you touch the pinnacle of success. You will come in contact with many people in a position of authority & with political power. It will be a great year to leverage success. Pressures could start building up after 8th february & certain blocks could build up in career. You will need to rise to the challenges rather than shirking confrontation during this time.

Capricorn Speculation and Finance Trend 2012 Far math and unfarmed period for finance and speculation activities in 2012. Order Now

Capricorn Health 2012 After mid May 2012 you will slip back into a comfort zone. There would be a slowdown in the high activity and at the same time there would be easing out of pressures. You will get an opportunity to re look at your strategy. If you are able to iron out the conflicts within you will be in a position to take on the high energy & challenges that would come after August 2012. You will need to avoid any sort of confrontation with public figures or people in authority. A close family member would attain a high position this year in the second half. Any sort of litigation with the government should be avoided at all costs. Income will keep on flowing in abundance this year. You will find friends and make new ones. It would be useful to spend quality time with friends for better bonding. If you try, there would be good possibility of getting lucrative contracts or long term consulting assignments. If applicable, second marriage or love interests possible for some. It is a year when you could have ear infection & care should be taken at all times. Worry would be running as an undercurrent throughout. Excessive stress could have an impact on digestion and efforts should be made to cut down stress as much as possible. Some worry due to children could come up at times too. There could be some disappointment about children too. You should spend adequate time to ensure 2012 perspective for health. Suggestion precautions and trend. Order Now your on


sufficient bonding.

2012 Capricorn Horoscope - Capricorn 2012 Horoscope

25th January to 14th April 2012 would see high pressures on financial position, deep & sometimes explosive anger along with chances of losses and aggression towards spouse. There would be possibility of some loss to ancestral property too till the period that would run unto June 2012. Rash & impulsive decisions with regard to home, domestic matters, real estate matters, relations with friends should be avoided during this period at all times. Keeping a balance between your thoughts and actions is quite important during this period. Health issues could come up & bother you if you are currently suffering from any serious ailments. You require a remedy for Mars to cross this period effectively. You could request a remedy to ensure the period is crossed with any significant damage. Since this period is likely to make your actions & anger irrational, it would be better to avoid any sort of aggressive actions during this period. You could request for a detailed Mars transit report to understand the complete effects on you and people around you. Be very cautious about what you write and speak between 13th March & 3rd April 2012. You would tend to be naturally controversial, which could backfire upon you. A very light & frothy period filled with romance & great ideas would prevail between 16th May & 27th June 2012. It is a period when love would be on your mind and several chances of taking an impulsive decision in love matters could come about. You should avoid making any major changes in life and any significant decisions including tying up major investments or formalizing a love relation could be deferred till end June 2012. This period should be used to enjoy yourself, bask in the social attention that you will get and a highly creative period that you would go through. You face & intellect would shine during this period. Make the most of this period which would run till 31st July 2012. Spouse & partners could become controversial between 16th July & 6th August 2012. It is a time to stay away from controversy and buy peace whenever possible. Income & socializing would be very eventful and active between 8th & 27th November 2012.

Capricorn Love & Marriage:

Marriage as well as love life will see many changes & redefinition this year. Your relationships, as you have known in the past few years would change substantially this year. A certain amount of skepticism & lack of faith could have built up from the last year. If you are not cautious, it could get aggravated between February & April 2012. The root cause of the problems would be lack of clarity & confusion in the mind of your partner. However your anger could add fuel to the fire and end up pushing your partner away if you are not careful. The only advice till end April 2012 would be to control your anger and bide your time. If destiny has to grant you success in the relationship, you will get your partner. It is a matter of looking at the larger picture during this period and keep away from unpleasantness & aggression during this time. Mid May 2012 will see a complete turn around in your thinking. Maturity would come up in abundance and you would be a different person altogether. If you had been successful in not burning out relations in the previous period, there would a grand revival in love & relationships. A very happy & positive period would run in relationships between May & July 2012, with outmost bliss and excitement. Certain doubts & discontentment could build up in relationships & love after 5th October 2012 till the end of the year. You need to cross this period carefully. Marriage matters will see pressure mostly, although you might stay away from any major or single very significant event in marital matters. Career pressures & ego could be a reason for pressure in marriage throughout, as well as certain distances that could build up. Sharp & aggressive speech by spouse could spoil matters between end January & mid April 2012. It is a period when you should handle relation with spouse very carefully. Love life will see wild swings in happiness & despair. The period between April & July would see bliss in love. Some very exciting & eventful times wait for you. Sex appeal will be high and you will be much sought after. February, April, May, June & July will be excellent in love matters, although some very hard issues would be present as an undercurrent too unto mid April 2012. March, August, September & December would see some tough times in love.

Capricorn January Horoscope:

career will be high on your priority and bring in a high level of growth in the first half of the month. Authority and confidence would be high. Opposition to your ideas and issues in marriage and relations could come in the second half of the month. Ego should be controlled as that could be the reason for the issues in marriages etc.

Capricorn February Horoscope:

Issues could remain in relationships. New developments in love life possible for those unattached. Your ideas could find opposition. Stamina and immune system could dip in the second half and so you need to take care of your health. Avoid very active or new commitments in the second half of the month.

Capricorn March Horoscope:

Health and stamina could be low in the first half of the month. You might feel sleepy and low on energy in the first half of the month. Luck and happiness will rise in the second half of the month. You will feel happy in children related members. Travel could come about and would be pleasurable. Positive period in the second half.

Capricorn April Horoscope:

This month will see creative work as well as better luck. Some ego with family members possible. Position and



2012 Capricorn Horoscope - Capricorn 2012 Horoscope

career would move up after the 15th April 2012. Position and status would be high during this month.

Capricorn May Horoscope:

High status and position this month. You will see a focus on career and of course higher gains and income due to that. Socially a good period as friendships would be revived and new friendships possible. If you try, you could make friends in high places also this month.

Capricorn June Horoscope:

The month would begin positively and financial gains and progress would be good. Around mid month you might see a general dip in energy, finances and a sense of detachment and lethargy. The second half would be a slow period and so you should avoid keeping too many professional, financial and social commitments during this time.

Capricorn July Horoscope:

The month would start slow with low energy and opportunity. Things would turn around mid month and you will see a revival in energy and level of activity. Anger and aggression could come in and create some amount of hassles for you. By the end of the month you will be in control of things, although you might be more aggressive than you ought to be.

Capricorn August Horoscope:

Positive month although returns and gains could be lower than usual You should guard against unnecessary ego in speech and actions. Issues in family life possible this month due to ego hassles. Investments in bonds and securities possible in the second half for you. Facial infections and pains not ruled out.

Capricorn September Horoscope:

Month begins with ego in speech and sub conscious. You will realize half way into the month that working with others is better than having others work against you. This will bring in growth as well as progress. Your status and public image would look upwards now too.

Capricorn October Horoscope:

Progress will continue both on personal as well as professional front. You will find your progress would be come more due to non academic knowledge and your instincts. In the second half of the month the action would move towards family matters and some movement in residence and travel would come about too. Avoid unnecessary resentment against family members.

Capricorn November Horoscope:

Changes in residences could come about during this month in the first half. You become quite creative and egoistic at the same time in the second half of the month. Ego hassles possible with grown up children, while good news and some developments with regard to children as such possible for the rest.

Capricorn December Horoscope:

Children related developments possible this month. New investments possible, while old investments could bring in gains. Career would pickup very well in the second half of the month. You will find support of your superiors and people in government or authoritative positions. Rise in authority. Read more... Daily Horoscope | Monthly Horoscope | Horoscope Consultations & Reports

2012 Horoscope Forecast is based on your Moon Sign. If you do not know your Moon Sign. Please Click Here to find out free without any question. We usually get back with in one day. The Vedic system prescribes analysis based on Moon Sign, Lagna, Solar Sign & Dasa before any predictions are made.

2012 Detail Horoscope

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2012 Capricorn Horoscope - Capricorn 2012 Horoscope

Capricorn Capricorn

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