Switching On RuneScape: A Guide Which Covers Manual and Auto Switches On RS For PKers

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Art of Switching

The definitive switching guide that covers manual switching (including tips and tricks) and auto switching!

By Hoodyy for http://therunescapemoneyguide.com

Art of Switching

The Art of Switching ........................................................................... 2 Remapping the F Keys ........................................................................ 3 Setting up the Mouse Keys ................................................................. 4 Change your Mouse Speed! ................................................................ 5 Auto-Switchers................................................................................... 6 hSwitch by Coron ............................................................................... 7 Macro Recorders ................................................................................ 8

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching

The Art of Switching

Switching is not just simply clicking on your items to change them during a battle. The speed at which you can do this is crucial to your success as a PKer, whether it be simply switching to a weapon to spec and KO with or changing your attack styles when hybridding. The first things that every PKer should be aware of are the F Keys. If you dont know what they are, then heres a quick list to what each of the F keys do whilst you have the browser youre playing Runescape in open: F1: Takes you to the inventory F2: Takes you to equipment F3: Takes you to prayer F4: Takes you to the spell book F5: Takes you to combat / special The simplest way to utilise the F Keys to make your switching faster is to right click on the weapon youre going to switch to for the special attack (going for a KO) and then press F5 to switch to the combat screen, ready for you to switch weapon whenever you want.



This is considered to be common knowledge among PKers and if you went into a fight without knowing how to switch using the F Keys, youd be seriously disadvantaged. There are a number of ways to give us the advantage on our opponents. Remember, the speed that you switch is incredibly important.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching

Remapping the F Keys

It is possible to remap the F Keys to wherever you want on your keyboard. Id recommend remapping them to the numpad. The advantage of this is that when you have mousekeys on, you can use num 5 as your clicker allowing you to click much faster and more accurately than with a mouse. Increasing your mouse sensitivity will also help. When you want to pull off a switch, you can simply glide your mouse over your items and put them on really quickly. Having your hand in this position also means youre closer to the arrow keys meaning its much easier to change your view mid combat. This is all very interesting, but how do I actually remap the F Keys? 1. We need to install the program, Key Tweak. To download it, go to this link: http://www.tucows.com/preview/327616. Follow the instructions to install the program. 2. Now its time to remap your F Keys to where you want. For example, if you want to remap F1 to num1 on the number pad you would have to remap key 93 (num 1) to F1. See below for clarification:

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching

3. My personal preference for remapping the F Keys is as shown above. F1 (Inventory) is remapped to num pad 1. F3 (Prayer) is remapped to num pad 2. F4 (Spellbook) is remapped to num pad 3. Finally, F5 (Combat / Special) is remapped to num pad 4. I dont think there is any need to remap the equipment F Key to anything as you will never really have to quickly switch to that screen.

Setting up the Mouse Keys

The process of setting up mouse keys will differ slightly depending on what operating system you are using. You can easily find a guide on Youtube that will cater to your OS if youre having difficulty. The following guide applies to Windows 7. 1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Ease of Access > Change how your mouse works > and then click on Set up Mouse Keys. 2. Make your settings look like the following to have Num Pad 5 as the clicker. When completed, make sure you tick the box enabling mouse keys and have numlock on to activate the mouse keys.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching

Change your Mouse Speed!

Increasing the speed of your mouse will help you with faster switching. Ultimately, changing the speed of your mouse affects how far you have to move your mouse to move the mouse pointer on the screen. At the lowest setting, you have to move it all the way across the mouse mat to get the cursor to move across the screen and at the highest setting you barely have to move the mouse at all to get it to move. Mouse speed is definitely a personal choice. There is no right or wrong speed. Try out different speeds to try and find the optimum compromise between speed and control. To change your mouse speed, go back into the Ease of Access screen and into Mouse Settings. Go into the Pointer Options menu and change your preferences there. This is the menu you should see:

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching

Now that everything is set up, its time to practice! Please do not skimp on this step. It is incredibly important to practice your switches before venturing out and trying to kill people! Nobody wants you to attempt a switch to your KO weapon and accidentally mess up and you miss your chance for the kill and nobody wants you to miss a switch to your mage gear if youre hybridding and therefore miss an ice barrage for your opponent to get away. In conclusion:

I hope I got that point across clearly enough. There are a number of ways to practice of course. You can just stand in the bank and practice small 4 way switches of armour (if youre hybridding) until you get the switch fast and consistent (rarely miss). Its important to make sure youre clicking in the center of the items so you dont accidentally drag the items. If it is your plan to become a successful hybridder, then I also recommend that you practice 6 way switches as well. Also, ensure that you practice your special weapon switches. These are best practiced (and most fun to practice) in the duelling arena with a friend. Switches such as to just a dragon dagger will be relatively simple and easy to grasp but other switches may need more practice depending on your PKing strategy. For example, switching to a D Bow from a crossbow and a shield is more difficult because you have to remember to change your ammunition. Before going out to PK, remember to try a few practice switches in the bank first to warm up. It will take a lot of practice to get these switches to a fast speed and I doubt anyone can get to the stage where they never miss a switch, but Im willing to be proven wrong! Obviously when youre PKing, theres a lot more to think about than just switching and your attention will be divided so if you can make switching like a second nature to you then you can focus your attention on the other key points of PKing.

Now for those of you who are lazy or want an unfair advantage against other PKers there is the option of using an auto-switcher. There are many programs you can use for this, but Im only going to show two of them that I recommend.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching

Switching multiple items isn't the easiest thing as Im sure youre aware trying it manually yourself. That's where auto-switchers come into play; these programs allow for multi-item switches in milliseconds. With an auto-switcher you are able to switch a total of 11 items within the blink of an eye.

hSwitch by Coron
hSwitch is a simple, yet effective switcher. The interface allows for many customizations including: right/left clicking, hot key selection, notes, restoring the mouse to its last position, and for more complex tasks like realistic movements, randomization and delay speeds.

Luckily, hSwitch is a great program and is really easy to use. 1. First of all go to http://sythe.org/showthread.php?t=1006458 and download and install the program. 2. Set a hotkey, by going under Options Tab and selecting HotKey. This will be the key you use when you want the switch to happen. 3. Right click on the white background and then click Add. Now do the function you want to record. For example: click on your piece of armour.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching

4. Repeat this step to complete the switch (the rest of the armour). 5. Once you have this set up, you can use your designated hot key to activate the program and switch when you want. Heres a video showing it in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUnBUXJr3bk

Macro Recorders
For this method, youll need a macro recorder. The one described in this guide is a free one and you can download it at http://www.jitbit.com/. 1. Download and install the software. Make sure you have both Runescape and JitBit open.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching

2. Click the button shown above in order to create a click Demand. A window like the one below will open.

3. Once you have this window open, just hover your mouse over where you want it to click and hit F2. This could be the weapon you want to switch to or an armour switch. The easiest way to find out where to program the next click is to simply click where you just recorded the previous click. After you add it, it should look something like this.

4. You want to repeat this for all your clicks. Just add another one until you have the macro click everywhere you want it to. For a simple weapon switch and spec: you want it to click your weapon to switch to, and then click the Combat styles button (crossed swords), then click the special button. Obviously there is much more you can do like switching, specing, then switching back or full armour switches. 5. Before youre ready, you need to insert delays in between each click, because you can't click all of this at the exact same time or else the game won't even have time to respond.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching


6. Click the sand timer and click delay command, then insert anywhere between 100300 milliseconds depending on how laggy you are. You will have to fine tune this in the duel arena or free for all at clan wars to make sure you got the times set right. 7. The next step is to insert the button down option, It is easier to do this now when you have all of your clicks in there, because by default is just has the LeftButton Down option so you obviously need the button to come up. The easiest way to do this is to go to each command and copy it and past it so there is two of each like in the picture below.

8. Go to the second one, of each click, so the LeftButtonDown is the first one and the second one is LeftButtonUp, so basically just double click the second one and it will bring up the window below and change it to Up instead of Down. See the next page for what it should end up looking like.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching


9. Then what you want to do is just click File, then save, then save it whatever you want. After you have it saved go over to tools and then click Bind macros to hotkeys... 10. Once you click that you will see an M icon in your toolbar near the clock in the bottom right of your screen, just double click that and you will see something like this pop up. 11. Then you just want to click the new button and click browse and find where you saved your Macro, then a screen will ask you to bind it to whatever key you want, just make sure it isn't a key you will use outside of switching.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

Art of Switching


12. After you hit Okay, just click the Minimize to tray button which will put it back at the bottom near your clock, then all you have to do is hit that button you chose as the hotkey and it will do your switch flawlessly once you have your delays timed right and your clicks in the right spot.

2012 Hoodyy for http://TheR uneScapeMoneyGuide.com Art of Switching

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