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Definitions of cultural anth (study of human behavior), biological anth (study of human biology within the framework of human evolution), linguistics (study of human speech and language), and archaeology (study of past societies through material remains). A research problem for each of these subfields. 2. Answer needs to include at least forensic anth (study of skeletal remains at a crime scene), osteology (study of the human skeletonin order to know what is normal morphology), paleopathology (study of disease and trauma), human variation/genetics (potential identifying traits). Descriptions of why backgrounds in each of these topics would be helpful in a crime scene with skeletal remains. 3. Personal opinion...your answer needed to be one of the subfields of physical anthropology (genetics, primatology, osteology, etc.).

4. They explained them as casualties from Gods great flood (Noahs ark). Personal opinion about the professors belief in science and faith. 5. Definition of natural selection (survival of the fittest). Something about the earlier scholars and their theories (use examples such as Cuvier suggested that catastrophies could cause extinction, Malthus explained that limited resources will curb the exponential growth of a population, etc.). 6. Lamarck = tried to explain the evolutionary processbut his hypothesis about the inheritance of biological characteristics is not true. Darwin/Wallace = their theory of natural selection is based on the struggle for existenceand the accumulation of beneficial traits over many, many generations.

7. Uniformitarianism = earths processes continue to operate in the present as they always have in the pastand as they will continue to do into the future (Lyell). Catastrophism = natural disasters can cause the extinction of species, which are then followed by new creation events (Cuvier).

8. Description of an example of natural selection; e.g., peppered moths. Explanation of whether the example is factual or not.

9. DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid; its a double helix made up of bases (ATCG), sugars, and phosphates; it directs cellular functions and protein synthesis.

10. Two accomplishments of the HGP. Two current research trends within the HGP.

11. The correct Punnett square. The actual phenotypic ratio3:1.

12. Mitosis = cell division in somatic cells; simple cell division where the cell divides to produce two identical daughter cells. Meiosis = cell division in sex cells; complex cell division where there are two divisions which result in 4 daughter cells each containing only half the original number of chromosomes.

13. Description of the Principle of segregation: genes occur in pairs, they separate during gamete production, and the full number of chromosomes is restored during fertilization. Description of the Principle of independent assortment: the genes controlling different traits are inherited independently of one another.

14. Definitions of mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, and recombination. Describe a scenario of each.

15. Description of something about the importance of primate studiesA habitat loss and primate conservation, human ancestral models, biomedical research, etc. 16. Paleocene = earliest transitional forms of primate-like species. Eocene = earliest euprimates. Oligocene = earliest NW and OW monkeys. Miocene = earliest apes. 17. New World Monkey dental formula. Describes the # and type of teeth in one QUADRANT of the mouth. 2 incisors, 1 canine, 3 premolars, 3 molars = 36 total teeth. What each of these types of teeth do (incisors = cutting, canines = tearing, premolars and molars = crushing). Describes the diet of this speciesmore herbivorous. 18. You had to list differences between New and Old World monkeysf or example, you couldnt say New World monkeys have prehensile tails and Old World dontyou had to say New World monkeys have prehensile tails and Old World monkeys have tails, but theyre not prehensile. 19. Definitions of primitive (more like the traits of the original ancestor) and derived characteristics (evolved/changed from original trait). Examples of each from your own personal observationsfrom videos or zoo trips (for example, you may have seen that the loris at the zoo has a claw = primitive; or that the bonobos do not have tails = derived). 20. Yes, apes learn their behaviors. Your answer also had to include examples from the lecture, or the video.

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