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Atividade de Lngua Inglesa - Valor: 2,0


Se queremos progredir, no devemos repetir a histria, mas fazer uma histria nova. Gandhi Texto para as questes de 01 a 24 I USED TO THINK I COULD quit checking my e-mail any time I wanted to, but I stopped kidding myself years ago. My e-mail program is up and running 24 hours a day, and once I submit to its siren call, whole hours can go missing. I have a friend who recently found herself stuck on a cruise ship near Panama that didnt offer e-mail, so she chartered a helicopter to take her to the nearest Internet caf. There was nothing in her queue but junk mail and other spam, but she thought the trip was worth it. I know how she felt. You never know when youre going to get that note from Uncle Eric about your inheritance. Or that White House dinner invitation with a time-sensitive R.S.V.P. TIME, JUNE 10, 2002 1. Choose the correct translation for ...whole hours can go missing. (lines 8 9) (0,1) a) no sinto falta das horas perdidas. b) vale a pena desperdiar vrias horas. c) sou capaz de perder horas inteiras. d) posso perder totalmente a noo das horas. e) no me importo em ficar at altas horas. 2. What did the writers friend find when she was able to check her e-mail, according to the passage? (0,1) a) Unimportant messages. b) The writers message. c) An invitation to dinner. d) No message at all. e) Her uncles message. 3. According to the passage, the writers friend (0,1) a) was flown to Panama because the cruise ship had made her feel sick. b) regretted having chartered a helicopter, after she checked her e-mail in the caf. c) left the cruise ship on a helicopter sent by her uncle to check her e-mail in the nearest Internet caf. d) was offered a helicopter to take her to Panama when her cruise ship was stuck. e) was glad she had left the cruise ship on a helicopter to check her e-mail in the caf. 4. The women's room is here, and the _______ one is there. (0,1) a) mans b) men' c) mens d) mens's e) of mens

Atividade de Lngua Inglesa - 1 ano - Profa. Martina Emille

5. Whose coat is this? Its my _________________________________. (0,1) a) todas so corretas b) brothers-in law c) brother-ins-law d) brother-in-law e) brother-in-laws 6. She bought the ______________ food. (0,1) a) dogs b) dog c) of dogs d) of the dog e) dogss 7. Complete os espaos abaixo utilizando os pronomes possessivos: (0,5) a) The T-shirt Sandra is wearing is not _____________. It belongs to _____________ brother. b) My friend and I always do _____________ lessons at the library. Where do you and _____________ friends do _____________? c) We develop _____________creativity. Some ideas of _____________ often become hits. d) Of course I Think about my problems. You have to think about _____________too. e) The magazine Im reading is not _____________. It has no name on _____________cover. Is it yours? 8. Dadas as sentenas: (0,1) I THE TI TANI C sank in the beginning of the XX century. II THE BABY of our upstairs neighbor is crying aloud. III MY PET is the smartest of the neighborhood. Everybody enjoys seeing him. A alternativa que possui os pronomes que substituem corretamente os termos em destaque : a) b) c) d) e) It She It It She He He She He She He He She It He

9. Mark the option which completes the following sentences with the adequate pronouns: (0,1) I Businessmen have ____ own priorities. II Everyone must feel happy with ____ working habits. III Working from home allows a mother to spend more time with ____ children. IV If you have never tried to work at home, you cannot discuss ____ disadvantages. a) I his, II their, III her, IV their b) I their, II its, III their, IV its c) I their, II his, III her, IV its

Atividade de Lngua Inglesa - 1 ano - Profa. Martina Emille

d) I its, II your, III its, IV their e) I his, II his, III their, IV your 10. This bird has broken ________ wing. (0,1) a) b) c) d) e) it's its' hers my its 11. My telephone is out of order, but ________ is working. (0,1) a) b) c) d) your our his their 12. Complete as frases com o simple present: (0,5) a) The sun _______________ (rise) in the east and _______________ (set) in the west. b) Most children _______________ (like) ice cream, but Hanna _______________ (prefer) chocolate. c) Both Robert and Charles _______________ (play) the drums, but only Robert _______________ (play) the guitar. d) My mom _______________ (drive) very well, but my dad _______________ (know not) how to drive. e) I _______________ (love) you, Elliot. _______________ you _______________ (love) me?


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