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Intro: Academia not following Web 2.0 boom Peer review Publish or Perish Profitable IP Rights Rewriting Research Academic Blogging 3 Types of Bloggers Collaborative Writing Wiki: Advantages/disadvantages, effectiveness Collaborative Search Engine, collaborative tagging: Web 2.0, Web 3.0 II. JAIS RESEARCH ISSUES IN SOCIAL COMPUTING 1) Intro Emergence of social computing New research challenges 2) Overview New Technology engine of emergence of social computing Web 2.0, social software, social computing, online communities, peer networking, immersive web: common names Web 2.0 includes larger numbers of techs and less emphasize on social aspect Use social computing broadly Use social software for applications Identify common traits 3) Research Issues in social computing Change of research focus: less organization-centered, emphasis on innovation, borrows from other disciplines, relies on innovative methodologies Social computing: intro of unstructured model, dynamic communities, less emphasis on technology Necessity to: o Change scope & nature of IS o Rethink methodologies o Emphasize on human aspects, social science 3.1. Organizational Form and Social Computing Online communities: change in the production models Networks: theories not adapted Social science 3.2. Governance Structures Loose governance structure, highly dynamic Promotion systems, democratic Concern: IPR 3.3. IPR Great research potential

IPR hot issue with digital content 3.4. Motivation for Participation New theories of motivation and cooperation Altruism and cooperation Public good and free riding Reputation and other factors Social capital Formation, efficiency and Stability of online networks Objectivity through collab 4) Research Issues in applying social computing 4.1. Intro 4.2. Network effects 4.3. Methods of entry 4.4. Communities 4.5. Innovation 4.6. Navigation 4.7. Other Applications Politics Education and particularly HE o Transformation of delivery channels and organizational boundaries o Need to employ new tools and systems to compensate the losing of edge in knowledge. e.g. Wikipedia o Break down time and geographical boundaries o Experiment with education as collective activity where various partners exchange, discuss and criticize ideas 4.8. Alignment of objectives 4.9. Impact on Market Power 4.10. Market research 4.11. Corporate IT 4.12. Segregation of internet users

5) Conclusions IS Researcher need to investigate social changes, deploy new socio technical systems Explore wide variety of social, economic and organisational aspects Theories which can be relied upon: organization theory, social capital theory, social networks, evolution of communities, reciprocity and altruism, collective bargaining, network effects, incentive mechanisms, and network dynamics Questions: the formation, evolution and stability of communities; the nature of knowledge creation and verification processes; protection of property rights; the nature of motivation for participation; role of trust; reputation; and governance FURTHER, THE POTENTIAL OF SOCIAL COMPUTING FOR TRANSFORMING DELIVERY CHANNELS AND MEDIA FOR EDUCATION AND ACADEMIC DISCOURSE, INCLUDING PUBLISHING AND CONFERENCE FORMATS, CAN BE EXPLORED. JAIS SOCIAL NETWORKS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS: ONGOING AND FUTURE RESEARCH STREAMS


3 streams of IS Research drawing on social networks and network analysis (trad?) Network awareness: organization collective intelligence, collaborations

Organisational use of IT involving network analysis: KM, BI, Innovation Platforms to manage social network

We can observe the following directions for future research within IS on networks: How does network awareness change the behaviors of users, teams, or organizational processes? How do people revise their attitudes and beliefs based on new types of knowledge harvested from new types of networks? How do network structures affect decisions concerning adoption and diffusion of ITenabled innovations? How and to what extent can and should organizations track and map the social networks they are involved in? What are the organizational, technical, social, and ethical considerations regarding this tracking? What kind of web-based and other tools are needed to share different types of knowledge through networks? How are different IT-enabled capabilities changing the structure and dynamics of networks within and across organizations and different units of analysis? What are the effects of network density and structure on innovation outcomes and organizational agility? How do new network-based communities evolve over time? What are the relationships between the structural characteristics of the network and the dynamic patterns of development of such communities and the underlying technical capabilities? IV. JRC - LEARNING 2.0 - THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON LEARNING IN EUROPE POLICY BRIEF 1) The Use of the Internet for Information and Learning Purposes 2) Rise of Social Media 3) Impact & Potential of Learning 2.0 2 STUDIES based on 8 + 8 case studies 4) Opportunities For Promoting Innovation in Education & Training 5) Challenges 6) Policy Implications

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