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Ridgecrest Baptist Church

On the GO to Witness Acts 1:8

The Ridgecrester
Volume No. 61 A New Beginning
it did? The early Christians themselves reply: We exist because of Jesus resurrection. There is no evidence for a form of early Christianity in which the resurrection was not a central belief. Nor was this belief, as it were, bolted on to Christianity at the edge. It was the central driving force, informing the whole movement." The resurrection of Jesus sets Christianity apart from every religion, every philosophy and every attempt to understand God and mans relationship to Him. It proves that Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ and the Savior. It verifies the truth of scripture. It gives power for Christian living. The resurrection gives hope for the present and guarantees the future of all who trust in Jesus. This month as we sing those beloved Easter hymns, and we open Gods Word to the wonderful story of that resurrection morning, and as we decorate the cross on the steps of the Church may our hearts be filled with the joy and wonder of a risen Savior who died on a cross so that we might live with Him eternally! Let me add how delighted I am that our church unanimously voted to call Reverend John Russell as our Minister of Worship and Family Ministries. Both he and Laura Leigh will make a blessed addition to the Ridgecrest family. John will be joining us the last week of May and Laura Leigh will join him in July after they celebrate their marriage. Lets begin now to pray for this wonderful couple as they make preparations for their move to Montgomery. Serving the risen Savior, Bro. Mike words proclaim the Good that T hose threedeath and the grave, and sin Newslost itsJesus overcame had grip

APRIL 2012

Number 4

Opportunities to be Leaders as Servants

road and watched over me as I went through so many things. Most importantly, He has taught me how to serve others through Him. Matthew 20:27 states Jesus called those who would be leaders to first be servants. They were not to be servants as a way to become leaders; they were to be servants because serving is how Jesus followers lead.

N.T Wright has about the story of am that I asked Him C ambridge scholar Christianity arise,this to saydid it take the shape G od is so good. II was so thankfulold. He has taken to come live in Easter, "Why did and why my heart when nine years me down lifes

Serving others can bring such joy to your heart. You are showing Gods love whether you help keep the Nursery on Sunday morning, teach Sunday School, Childrens Choir, G.A.s & R.A.s, lead an AWANA class, assist with the Easter Festival or work with Vacation Bible School. There are so many opportunities in which you can help at Ridgecrest. Please pray about where God wants you to serve. Our Easter Festival will be here at Ridgecrest on Saturday, April 7th, from 10:00 a.m. till 12:00 p.m. We will have games, hot dogs, a puppet show and an egg hunt. This is open to all ages from babies to 6th grade. We still need several volunteers - please let me know if you would like to help. We are already making plans for our Vacation Bible School which will be Sunday, June 10th through Wednesday, June 13th, from 5:30 8:30 p.m. each night. Plan now to attend the Amazing Wonders Aviation and help our children learn of Gods great love for us and His awesome power! In His service, Susan Campbell

He I s Ri s e n!
So what would bring the disciples out of hiding? Why would the men who denied Friday was horrible, knowing Jesus, for fear of what would happen on all those who believe. Those three words give hope to the to them, so boldly and unabashedly proclaim hopeless. but Sunday was coming! the name of Jesus (10 of the 11 were martyred How often do we feel like we are in a hopeless situation? for preaching the Gospel)? The answer is Whether at school, work, in relationships, with finances or simpleJesus!!! Sunday came and He overcame the grave!!! Just with medical issues, we all face issues at times that seem like Jesus told them He would!!! hopeless. The disciples witnessed one of their own (Judas) betray the Lord leading to His arrest, and all of a sudden their world was turned upside down. Im sure the disciples felt hopeless on the Friday before Resurrection Sunday. On that Friday, they watched as Jesus was beaten, mocked, ridiculed, tried, scourged, and crucified. Everything the disciples were so sure of was over! Fearing for their lives they escaped into hiding. Peter, The Rock, was so terrified he denied his Lordjust like Jesus told him he would. Friday was horrible, but Sunday was coming! So if you are in need of a Savior or if you feel like youre in a situation that is hopeless, look to Jesus! Whatever the situation, focus on Him and He will give you peacejust like Jesus told us He would! Jesus tells us in John 16:33, I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. Happy Easter, Tom

From the Library

Are you ready for spring? Well, the library is and we are bursting at the seams with good books! We welcome some new donations this month for our childrens section by Brooke Broadway. Bring in your children for some delightful books to read or for you to read to them. We also have several new books - Sentimental Journey and Helping Hands donated by Carolyn Williams. Mildred Suydam has donated Johnny Cash, Man in White. Thanks to everyone who donated books. This helps the library grow and offers many good selections to read.

Friendly Reminders
Budget & Finance Meeting Apr 15 - 4:00 p.m., Rm 103 Deacons Meeting Apr 22 - 4:30 p.m., Rm 301

April 19, 2012 Deacon Weekly Schedule

Adult Meals - $5.00 Apr Childrens Meals - $3.50 Apr 1 - Larry Lynch, E.E. Bracknell, Randy Williams, Joe McDowell, Dale Farris & Tony Lisenby Apr 8 - Tommy Ratli, Dale Corley, Walt Wilson, Don Weathers, Dan Jones & Dean Cherry Apr 15 - Dale Jones, re Locke , Jim eale, hilli Tr ssell & Kyle Bollin Apr 22 - Larry Lynch, E.E. Bracknell, Randy Williams, Joe McDowell, Dale Farris & Tony Lisenby Apr 29 - Tommy Ratli, Dale Corley, Walt Wilson, Don Weathers, Dan Jones & Dean Cherry

4 - Salisbury Steak, Rice, Gravy, English Peas, Rolls, Salad & Dessert Apr 11 - Parmesan Chicken, Noodles, String Beans Texas Toast, Salad & Dessert Apr 18 - Sloppy Joes, Chips and Dip, Salad and Brownies (with all the trimmings) Apr 25 - Chicken Tetrazzini, Cream Corn, Rolls, Salad & Dessert

Apr 4 - Linda Nelson & Ethel Weathers Apr 11 - Marianne Harrell, Lorene Jones & Jerry Sims Apr 18 - Luverne Bethay & Linda Nelson Apr 25 - Tom Anderson & Vida Wilder

Prayer Room Schedule

Apr 1 Dale Corley Apr 8 Walt Wilson Apr 15 Don Weathers Apr 22 Dan Jones Apr 29 - Dean Cherry

Apr 4 - Merigold Caldwell & Joyce Ottinger Apr 11 - Reba Lisenby & Ethel Weathers Apr 18 - Ray & Carolyn Williams Apr 25 - Edith Hicks & Reba Lisenby Note: Please contact Carolyn, 277-0011, or Angie, 320-5179, in advance when not able to serve or collect on your scheduled date.

Counting Team Schedule . . .

Apr 2 Apr 9 Apr 16 Apr 23 Apr 30

Dot Casey, Tyson Thompson & Carolyn Williams Merigold Caldwell, Edith Hicks Betty Brown, Velita McFarland & Marianne Harrell Sheila Kelley & Judy Wilson Merigold Caldwell, Edith Hicks

April 2012
Sun 1
Palm Sunday

Mon 2 3

Tue 4

Wed 5

Thu 6

Fri 7
Good Friday Office Closed

10:00 12:00 p.m. Easter Festival

2:00 Grace SS Mtg - FH

3:00 COH Tutoring 3:00 COH Tutoring


Family Worship Sanctuary Choir Love Won Flower The Cross No Evening Services



Pro-Life Legislative Day



3:00 COH Tutoring

3:00 COH Tutoring

8:15 Mens Breakfast




10:00 YAH



4:00 Finance Cmt Mtg Rm 103

Bro. Toms Birthday

3:00 COH Tutoring 3:00 COH Tutoring

4:30 Deacons Mtg Rm 301




6:30 VBS Training, Eastern Hills



3:00 COH Tutoring

3:00 COH Tutoring

5th Sunday Lunch Graded Choir Recognition PM service 6:00 Quarterly Business Meeting

9:30 Maxine Moseley WOM FLC Guest Speaker for Mens Ministry Breakfast will be State Missionary Steve Stephens, an Associate in the Office of Global Missions/Disaster Relief for Alabama State Board of Missions.

Sunday, Apr 15, 8:15 a.m., FLC

Welcome to the Ridgecrest family

Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. 1 Peter 4:11
The Ridgecrester (USPS 005-247) Published monthly by Ridgecrest Baptist Church, 5260 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL 36116. Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Ridgecrester, 5260 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL 36116

G rant Layton

Ridgecrest Baptist Church 5260 Vaughn Road Montgomery, AL 36116 334.277.0011 Return Service Requested


The People Came...

Sunday Bible Fellowship Sunday School Guests Worship Celebration

Feb-26 184 4 N/A Feb-26 13,417.28 8,161.30 537.76 92,923.15 87,728.79 120,755.55 1,718.37

Mar4 180 6 184 Mar4 13,417.28

20,377.62 957.54 113,300.77 96,450.92 134,172.83 1,692.21

Mar-11 161 10 174 Mar-11

13,417.28 11,717.66 957.54 125,018.43 96,450.92 147,590.12 1,863.87

Mar-18 179 11 211 Mar-18 13,417.28 8,159.60 982.54 133,178.03 110,893.98 161,007.40 1,196.82

The People Gave...

Weekly Stewardship Goal Stewardship Receipts Other Contributions YTD Stewardship Receipts YTD Expenditures YTD Stewardship Goal YTD Designated

Worship Times at RBC

Sundays: Sunday School - 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m., Evening Worship - 6:00 p.m. Wednesdays: Fellowship Meal - 5:00 p.m., Library Opens, Childrens Choirs & Acteens - 5:30 p.m., Childrens Missions, Prayer Service, Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, & T.R.U.T.H. - 6:15 p.m.

Library Hours
Sunday Wednesday 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. | 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. | 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Church Librarian: Mrs. Pat Hope Helpers: Mrs. Beth Kuykendall, Mrs. Marianne Harrell and Mrs. Theresa Broadway
Every Church Member Dr. Michael Cassity Dr. Scotty Goldman Rev. Tom Smith Mrs. Susan Campbell Mrs. Robin Crowe Mrs. Carolyn Jones

S ta f f

Pastor Interim Minister of Music Minister of Youth Minister of Children Bookkeeper, Pastors Ministry Assistant Receptionist & Education Ministry Assistant

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