Radar and Satellite Communications: Course Code: BTE 701 Credit Units: 04 Course Objective

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Course Code: BTE 701 Course Objective: Credit Units: 04

This course builds basic knowledge of different types of Radar systems and satellite communication along with link designing & application. It also covers different modulation schemes & channels used.

Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction to Radar Principle of detection and ranging, Radar frequencies and bands. Applications, Radar block diagram and operation. Radar Range Equation : Range prediction, Minimum detectable signal, Receiver noise SNR, Integration of radar pulses, Radar cross section of targets, Transmitter Power, PRF and system losses & Propagation effects. Module II: CW FM Radar Doppler effect, CW Radar, Frequency-modulated CW Radar, Multiple-frequency CW Radar. MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar: MTI delay lines, Delay line Cancellers, Coherent and Non-Coherent MTI, Pulse Doppler Radar. Module III: Introduction to Satellite Communication satellites, Orbiting satellites, Frequencies and bands, Satellite multiple access formats. Satellite Channel: Power flow, Polarization, Atmospheric losses, Receiver noise, CNR, Satellite link analysis for uplinks and downlinks. Overview of Coaxial cable system and optical Network (SONET); Overview of WLL (Wireless loop) Module IV: Satellite Transponder Transponder model, Satellite signal processing RF-RF translation, IF demodulation. Module V: Multiple-Access FDMA; amplification with multiple FDMA carriers, AM/FM Conversion with FDMA, Switched FDMA, Synchronization, SS-TDMA; CDMA; DS CDMA, Frequency- hopped, CDMA. Carrier recovery & bit timing. Satellite link budget analysis

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Introduction to Radar Systems - M.I. Skolnik Radar Fundamentals - G.J. Wheeler. Radar Engineering - D.G. Rink Satellite Communication - R.M. Gagliardi Satellite Communication - T. Pratt & C.W. Boston Satellite Communication System Design Principles - M. Richharia


Course Code: Course Objective:
The course provides a unified and fundamental view of the broad field of data communications networks. Furthermore, the easy to understand and extremely relevant world of Computer Net working is introduced in a top down Approach. Excellent online resources are available which are fun to use and learn and the student is highly encouraged to look at them.

BTE 702

Credit Units: 03

Course Contents:
Module I: Data Transmission Analog and Digital transmission, transmission media, line configuration, data communications codes, error detection and correlation methods. Data encoding methods: analog to digital, digital to analog etc. Module II: Data Communication Methods Data communication interface, line control unit, UART, USRT, Serial interface, terminal types. SDLC, HDLC, Addressing Switched networks, circuit switching, packet switching, broadcast networks. IEEE 802 LAN Standards, framing, error control, flow control. Module III: Introduction to Computer Networking Internet, Circuit switching vs Packet switching, Network Access and Physical Media, ISPs, Delay and Loss in Packet Switched Networks, Five Layer concept and their PDUs Module IV: Application layer and Transport layer Application Layer Protocols: Web and HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, brief overview of socket Programming with TCP and UDP Multiplexing and Demultiplexing, UDP, Reliable Data Transfer, UDP segment structure, Reliable Data Transfer, TCP, TCP segment Structure, Basics of Congestion Control Module V: Network Layer Datagram and virtual circuit, link state routing, distance vector routing, Heirarchical Routing, IP, Ipv4 Addressing, Ipv6 Module VI: Link Layer and Physical Layer Services Provided, Error Detection and Correction, Mulple Access Protocols, TDM, FDM and CDMA, ALOHA, CSMA, LANs, Ethernet, Hubs, Bridges and Switches, Introduction to PPP The physical layer: Theoretical basis for data communication, transmission media, wireless transmission, telecom infrastructure, PSTN, communication satellites, mobile telephone system

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Text: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet (3rd Edition) by James F. Kurose Data Communication & networking: Forouzan, B. A. References: Computer Networks: Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Prentice Hall W. Tomasi, Advanced Electronic Communication Systems, 2000 James Martin, Telecommunications & the Computer, 3rd Edition, PHI. 2001 P. C. Gupta, Data Communications, PHI, 2001.


Course Code: BTE 720 Course Contents:
1. 2. 3. To study AM transmitter and receiver. To study FM transmitter and receiver. To implement the following circuits. - AM Transmitter - FM Transmitter - AM Receiver - FM Receiver - Remote Control - Wireless Mic System To study RF portion of satellite receiver. - Study of dish antenna and section N.B section - Study of tuner - Study of R.F modulator section To study the base-band portion of satellite receiver - study of video section - study of sound section - study of signal indictor - study of power supply section

Credit Units: 01



Examination Scheme:
IA EE A PR LR V PR V 5 10 10 5 35 35 Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: BTE 721 Credit Units: 01

Equipments Required:
Switch Network Cables, Patch Chord- Fiber optical and twisted pair cable, LAN cards, RJ-45 connectors etc. Platforms required: Linux Server

Course Contents:
Introduction and Installation of Linux Administrating Linux Setting up a Local Area Network Connecting to the Internet Setting up Print Server Setting up File Server Setting up Mail Server Setting up FTP Server Setting up Web Server Setting up My SQL Database Server

Examination Scheme:
IA EE A PR LR V PR V 5 10 10 5 35 35 Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.

Course Code: BTE 722 Course Contents:
1.To simulate and obtain PCB layout for a 2 bit x 2 bit combinational multiplier a) Using 4 to 1 line multiplexer and logic gates. b) Using 1:16 demultiplexer. 2.To simulate and obtain PCB layout for : BCD to EXCESS 3 codes converter using a) 8:1 multiplexer. b) 4:1 multiplexer and gates. 3.To simulate and obtain PCB layout for BCD to seven segment decoder using gates. 4.To simulate and obtain PCB layout for BCD to Gray Code using a) 8:1 MUX b) Decoder c) 4:1 MUX 5.To simulate and obtain PCB layout for a Gray Code to BCD converter using a) 4:1 MUX b) 1:16 DEMUX 6.To simulate and obtain PCB layout for BCD to EXCESS 3 converter using minimum number of NAND gates. 7.To simulate and obtain PCB layout for digital clock a circuit which display Hours, minutes and seconds using CPLD/FPGA. 8.To design, simulate and make a PCB layout of a circuit for traffic signal control having road at a junction using a) MUX b) Counters c) CPLD/FPGA 9.To design, simulate and make a PCB layout of a square wave generator using 7414 IC. 10.To design, simulate and make a PCB layout for two bit RAM using 7400, 7403 gates. 11.To design, simulate and make a PCB layout for 64 bit RAM using 7489 IC. 12.To design, simulate and make a PCB layout for voltage multiplier circuit using operational amplifier with (IC type 741CC/Fairchild 741DC/Motorola MC 1741 CL/Signetics NT 741 A/National LM741 CD, LM741 CN14/Taxas Instruments SN 72741 N, SN 2741 J) 13.To design, simulate and make a PCB layout for D/A conversion decade BCD. To design and simulate: 14.a) 2 bit x 2 bit combinational multiplier using 1:16 demultiplexer. 15.a) BCD to seven segment decoder using gates. 16.BCD to Gray code converter using a)8:1 MUX b)Decoder 17.Gray code to BCD converter using 1:16 demultiplexer. 18.BCD to excess code converter using minimum number of gates. 19.64 bit RAM using 16x4 RAM (IC 7489). 20.Inverting and non inverting amplifier with gain more than 100 using op amp (UA 741 IC).

Credit Units: 01

21.Integrator and differentiator using IC UA 741. 22.Full wave rectifier. 23.Transistor as an amplifier. 24.Diode and transistor realization of AND, OR & NOT gates.

Examination Scheme:
IA EE A PR LR V PR V 5 10 10 5 35 35 Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.

Course Code: Course Objective:
To facilitate the learner with Academic Language Proficiency and make them effective users of functional language to excel in their profession.

BTE 741

Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
Module I Introduction to Public Speaking Business Conversation Effective Public Speaking Art of Persuasion Module II: Speaking for Employment Types of Interview Styles of Interview Facing Interviews-Fundamentals and Practice Session Conducting Interviews- Fundamentals and Practice Session Question Answer on Various Dimensions Module III Resume Writing Covering Letters Interview Follow Up Letters Module IV: Basic Telephony Skills Guidelines for Making a Call Guidelines for Answering a Call Module V: Work Place Speaking Negotiations Participation in Meetings Keynote Speeches

Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 20 CT2 20 CAF 25 V 10 GD 10 GP 10 A 5

CAF Communication Assessment File GD Group Discussion GP Group Presentation

Text & References:

Jermy Comfort, Speaking Effectively, et.al, Cambridge Krishnaswamy, N, Creative English for Communication, Macmillan Raman Prakash, Business Communication, Oxford. Taylor, Conversation in Practice,


Course Code: Course Objective:
This course aims at enabling students towards: Understand the importance of individual differences Better understanding of self in relation to society and nation Facilitation for a meaningful existence and adjustment in society Inculcating patriotism and national pride

BTE 743

Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
Module I: Individual differences & Personality Personality: Definition& Relevance Importance of nature & nurture in Personality Development Importance and Recognition of Individual differences in Personality Accepting and Managing Individual differences (adjustment mechanisms) Intuition, Judgment, Perception & Sensation (MBTI) BIG5 Factors Module II: Managing Diversity Defining Diversity Affirmation Action and Managing Diversity Increasing Diversity in Work Force Barriers and Challenges in Managing Diversity Module III: Socialization Nature of Socialization Social Interaction Interaction of Socialization Process Contributions to Society and Nation Module IV: Patriotism and National Pride Sense of pride and patriotism Importance of discipline and hard work Integrity and accountability Module V: Human Rights, Values and Ethics Meaning and Importance of human rights Human rights awareness Values and Ethics- Learning based on project work on Scriptures like- Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita etc. Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal Viva based on personal journal Assessment of Behavioural change as a result of training Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) SAP 20 A 05 Mid Term Test (CT) 20 VIVA 30 Journal for Success (JOS) 25

Text & References:

Davis, K. Organizational Behaviour, Bates, A. P. and Julian, J.: Sociology - Understanding Social Behaviour Dressler, David and Cans, Donald: The Study of Human Interaction Lapiere, Richard. T Social Change Lindzey, G. and Borgatta, E: Sociometric Measurement in the Handbook of Social Psychology, Addison Welsley, US. Rose, G.: Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Vol.4, 1985.

Robbins O.B.Stephen;. Organizational Behaviour

Course Code: Course Objective:
To enable the students to converse, read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar, which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture, geography, political situation and economic opportunities available in Germany Introduction to Advanced Grammar and Business Language and Professional Jargon

BTE 745

Credit Units: 02

Course Contents:
Module I: Dass- Stze Explain the use of the conjunction -that, where verb comes at the end of the sentence Module II: Indirekte Fragestze To explain the usage of the Question Pronoun as the Relative Pronoun in a Relative Sentence, where again the verb falls in the last place in that sentence. Module III: Wenn- Stze Equivalent to the conditional If- sentence in English. Explain that the verb comes at the end of the sentence. Module IV: Weil- Stze Explain the use of the conjunction because- and also tell that the verb falls in the last place in the sentence. Module V: Comprehension texts Reading and comprehending various texts to consolidate the usage of the constructions learnt so far in this semester. Module VI: Picture Description Firstly recognize the persons or things in the picture and identify the situation depicted in the picture; Secondly answer questions of general meaning in context to the picture and also talk about the personal experiences which come to your mind upon seeing the picture.

Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 20 CT2 20 C 20 I 20 V 15 A 5

C Project + Presentation I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Wolfgang Hieber, Lernziel Deutsch Hans-Heinrich Wangler, Sprachkurs Deutsch Schulz Griesbach, Deutsche Sprachlehre fr Auslnder P.L Aneja, Deutsch Interessant - 1, 2 & 3 Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza et al, Tangram Aktuell A1/1,2 Braun, Nieder, Schme, Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1A, Grundkurs

Course Code: Methodology:
Practical training is based on the theoretical subjects studied by students. It can be arranged within the college or in any related industrial unit. The students are to learn various industrial, technical and administrative processes followed in the industry. In case of on-campus training the students will be given specific task of fabrication/assembly/testing/analysis. On completion of the practical training the students are to present a report covering various aspects learnt by them and give a presentation on same.

BTE 750

Credit Units: 06

Examination Scheme:
Feedback from industry/work place Training Report Viva Presentation Total 20 40 15 25 100


Course Code: Course Objective:
In the VLSI design course, the student was initiated in the world of circuit design from a digital perspective. In this course, transistor modeling is emphasized from a purely analog point of view. Some of the worlds highest paid jobs in Electronics based industry are in Analog Circuit Design. This course will serve as an introduction to what Analog Design is like. Since CMOS is the technology being used most of the time, only CMOS technology is being included here. A serious learner is recommended to study BJT based circuits as well.

BTE 703

Credit Units: 04

Course Contents:
Module I: MOSFET Basics MOSFET channel length modulation, small signal model, transconductance, T model, biasing a MOSFET at DC, four resistor biasing, modeling body effect, body transconductance, short channel effects, Coupling and Bypass capacitors, AC equivalent circuit Module II: Single Stage Amplifiers, Differential Amplifier and Current Mirrors Common source, common gate, source follower: input resistance, output resistance and voltage gain, high frequency model, MOSFET Unity Gain High and Low Frequency response of CS Amplifier, Active loads, CS source with resistive load, diode connected load, current source load, MOSFET current source, Open circuit Time constants, Miller theorem, Cascode amplifier, Results for CS, CD, CB configurations taking r0 into account Current mirror, Cascode Current mirror, Active Current Mirrors: Large and small signal Analysis Differential Pair: Common mode and Differential input voltage, Large signal Operation and Small signal Operation, effect of r0, CMRR, effect of RD mismatch and gm mismatch, Input Offset Voltage of MOS pair, Frequency response of resistively loaded and actively loaded MOS Differential pair Module III: Operational Amplifiers Ideal Op Amp, Compensation of Op Amp, One stage Op Amp, Two stage CMOS Op Amp, Folded Cascode Op Amp: voltage gain, Frequency response and slew rate, Noise in Op Amps, power Supply Rejection Ratio Module IV: Noise, Stability and Frequency Compensation Statistical Characteristics of Noise, Types of Noise, Noise in single stage amplifiers, Noise in Differential pair Feedback review, Loop Gain, Transfer Function of feedback amplifier, effect of feedback on Amplifier poles, Miller Compensation and Pole Splitting, multipole system, frequency compensation, compensation of two stage op amp

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Sedra and Smith: Microelectronic Circuits Razavi Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits Gray, Hurst, Lewis and Meyer: Analysis and design of Analog Ics Allen and Holberg: CMOS Analog Design


Course Code: BTE 704 Course Objective:

Credit Units: 04

The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the fundamental basics and understanding of fiber optical communication. This includes the properties of optical fibers and how are they used to establish optical links for communication systems.

Course Contents:
Module I: Fundamentals of Fiber Optics Different generations of optical fiber communication systems, Optical fiber structure, light propagation- total internal reflection, acceptance angle and numerical aperture, signal attenuation and dispersion. Modes in an optical fiber, Optical fibers: step-index, Graded-index, Single and Multimode, other types of fibers. Module II: Optical Sources LED-spontaneous emission- material used in LED, LED efficiency, surface emitting LED, edge emitters, stimulated emission, spontaneous emission, Structure of various LEDs, LASER: stimulated emission, double heterostructure LASER, LASER tuning and degradation, driver for LED and LASER. Module III: Photo Detectors Characteristics of photo detector, direct and indirect band gap semiconductors, homo junction and hetro junction photodiodes, p-i-n photodiode, avalanche photodiode, phototransistor, optocouplers. Module IV: Fiber Properties Fiber end preparation, fiber splicing, fiber connectors, connection losses, fiber couplers, fiber materials, fiber fabrication, mechanical properties of fibers, different fiber cables. Module V: Fiber Optic Communication System Basic communication components, coupling to and from the fiber, multiplexing and coding, repeaters, bandwidth and rise time budgets, noise, bit error rate and eye pattern. Module VI: Application of Fiber Optics Long haul communication, LAN, medical application, undersea communication, military application, coherent optical communication, Fiber optic sensors- Intensity modulated sensor, Phase sensor, Diffraction Grating sensors.

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

J M Senior : Optical fiber Communication Keiser: Optical communication Myanbaev and Scheiner: Fiber-Optic Communications Technology

Course Code: Course Objective:
The basic objective of Software Engineering is to develop methods and procedures for software development that can scale up for large systems and that can be used to consistently produce high-quality software at low cost and with a small cycle time. Software Engineering is the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance, and retirement of software. The course provides a thorough introduction to the fundamentals principles of software engineering. The organization broadly be based on the classical analysis-design-implementation framework.

BTE 705

Credit Units: 04

Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction Software life cycle models: Waterfall, Prototype, Evolutionary and Spiral models, Overview of Quality Standards like ISO 9001, SEI-CMM Module II: Software Metrics and Project Planning Size Metrics like LOC, Token Count, Function Count, Design Metrics, Data Structure Metrics, Information Flow Metrics. Cost estimation, static, Single and multivariate models, COCOMO model, Putnam Resource Allocation Model, Risk management. Module III: Software Requirement Analysis, design and coding Problem Analysis, Software Requirement and Specifications, Behavioural and non-behavioural requirements, Software Prototyping Cohesion & Coupling, Classification of Cohesiveness & Coupling, Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, User Interface Design Top-down and bottom-up Structured programming, Information hiding, Module IV: Software Reliability, Testing and Maintenance Failure and Faults, Reliability Models: Basic Model, Logarithmic Poisson Model, Software process, Functional testing: Boundary value analysis, Equivalence class testing, Decision table testing, Cause effect graphing, Structural testing: path testing, Data flow and mutation testing, unit testing, integration and system testing, Debugging, Testing Tools, & Standards. Management of maintenance, Maintenance Process, Maintenance Models, Reverse Engineering, Software RE-engineering Module V: UML Introduction to UML, Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagram: State Diagram in UML Activity Diagram in UML Sequence Diagram in UML Collaboration Diagram in UML

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Text: K. K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering, 2nd Ed, New Age International, 2005. R. S. Pressman, Software Engineering A practitioners approach, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill Int. Ed., 2001. References: R. Fairley, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997. P. Jalote, An Integrated approach to Software Engineering, Narosa, 1991. Stephen R. Schach, Classical & Object Oriented Software Engineering, IRWIN, 1996. James Peter, W. Pedrycz, Software Engineering, John Wiley & Sons. Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 1999. Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 1999.


Course Code: BTE 723 Course Contents: 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Plot the IV characteristics of Id vs Vds for varying Vgs Design and simulate single stage amplifiers Repeat experiment 1 including body effect. Design and simulate current mirror Design and simulate voltage source and voltage sink amplifier Design and simulate Differential amplifier Design and simulate Darlington pair Design and simulate an OP amp Simulate the operation of a CMOS op-amp with SPICE and find its Simulate and plot the frequency response of a switched capacitor filter

Credit Units: 01

9. frequency response. 10. circuit using SPICE.

Examination Scheme:
IA EE A PR LR V PR V 5 10 10 5 35 35 Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: BTE 724 Course Contents:

1. To measure the Numerical Aperture of a multimode fiber. 1. 2. 3. distribution. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. To measure various fiber alignment losses.

Credit Units: 01

To measure attenuation by cut Back technique. To study the model properties of a multimode fiber. To couple the light into a single mode fiber & measure the far-field power

To estimate the power budget for a fiber optic system. To set up a fiber optic analog link. To set up a fiber optic digital link. To study Time Division Multiplexing of signals. To study Manchester Coding. To study voice digitization. To simulate optical fiber wave guide.

Examination Scheme:
IA EE A PR LR V PR V 5 10 10 5 35 35 Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.


Course Code: BTE 725 Software Required: Rational Rose Credit Units: 01

Assignments will be provided for the following:

Use of Rational Rose for visual modeling. Creating various UML diagrams such as use case, sequence, collaboration, activity, state diagram, and class diagrams.

Examination Scheme:
IA EE A PR LR V PR V 5 10 10 5 35 35 Note: IA Internal Assessment, EE- External Exam, PR- Performance, LR Lab Record, V Viva.

Course Code: BTE 706 Course Objective:
This course introduce about global system for mobile, 2.5G, 3G technologies, how wireless communication system works and what is FDMA, TDMA. This course also introduce some facts about propagation models.

Credit Units: 03

Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction to Wireless Communication System Evolution of mobile radio communication, Mobile radiotelephony in U.S., Mobile radio system around the world, second generation (2G) cellular network, evolution to 2.5G wireless network, evolution for 2.5G TDMA standards, third generation (3G) wireless network. Module II: The Cellular Concept System design fundamentals, frequency reuse channel assignment strategies, Hand off strategies, Interference and system capacity, improving coverage and capacity in cellular system. Module III: Propagation Model and Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques Longley rice model, okumara model, hata model, pcs extension to hata model, wolfish and bertoni model, Pseudo Noise (PN) sequence, Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), frequency hopped spread spectrum (FHSS). Module IV: Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communication Introduction to multiple access, Frequency division multiple access (FDMA), Time division Multiple access (TDMA), Spread spectrum multiple access, Packet Radio. Module V: Global System for Mobile Global system for mobile (GSM), GSM system architecture, GSM radio subsystem, GSM channel types, Example of a GSM cell, Frame structure of GSM.

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Text: Wireless Communications, Theodore S. Rappaport

References: Wireless Communications & Networks by William Stallings. Wireless Intelligent Networking by Gerry Christensen, Robert Duncan, Paul G. Florack


Course Code: BTE 707 Course Objective:

Credit Units: 03

The course aims to introduce them to the theory of operation, analytical and circuit models and basic design concepts of Electric Power components and systems.

Course Contents:
Module I: Triggering Devices Triggering devices, Unijunction Transistor, Characteristics and applications of UJT, Programmable Unijunction Transistor, DIAC, Silicon Controlled Switch, Silicon Unilateral Switch, silicon Silicon bilateral Switch, Shockley diode. Module II: Thyristor Firing Circuits, Turn on systems Two transistor model of Thyristor, Method of Triggering a thyristor, Thyristor Types, Requirement for triggering circuits, Thyristor Firing Circuits, Fullwave control of Ac with one thryristor, Light activated SCrs (LASCR), Control Circuit, dv/dt and di/dt protection of Thyristor, Pulse Transformer triggering, Firing SCR by UJT, TRIAC firing circuit, Phase control of SCR by pedestal and Ramp. Module III: Controlled Rectifiers Types of Converters, effect of inductive load, Commutating diode or free wheeling diode, controlled rectifiers, Bi phase half wave, single phase full wave phase controlled converter using bridge principle, harmonics. Module IV: Inverters Types of Inverters, Bridge Inverters, Voltage Source Inverters, Pulse Width Modulation Inverters, Current source Inverters. Module V: AC Voltage Controllers Types of AC voltage Controllers, AC Phase Voltage controllers, single Phase Voltage Controller with RL load, harmonic analysis of single phase full wave controller with RL load. Module VI: DC to DC Converters DC choppers, Chopper classification, two quadrant chopper, Four quadrant chopper. Module VII: Cycloconverter Single phase and three phase cycloconverters. Module VIII: Industrial Applications One shot Thyristor trigger Circuit, over voltage protection, simple battery charger, battery charging regulator, AC static switches, DC static switch

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Text: J. Michael: Power Electronics: Principles and Applications M. H. Rashid: Power Electronics circuits References: H. C. Rai, Power Electronics Devices, Circuits, Systems and Application, Galgotia, 3rd Ed. P. S. Bimbhara, Electrical Machinery, Theory Performance and Applications Khanna Publications, 7th Ed

Course Code: BTE 708 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The course describes the physiological basis as well as engineering principles underlying the working of wide variety of medical instruments.

Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction The age of Biomedical engineering, Development of Biomedical Instrumentation, Man- Instrumentation system, Components, Physiological system of the body, Problem encountered in measuring a living system. Transducers & Electrodes for Biomedical Applications. Sources of Biomedical Potentials. Module II: Electrodes Electrode theory, Biopotential Electrodes- Microelectrodes Body surface electrodes, Needle Electrodes, Biochemical transducers, Reference electrodes, PH electrodes, Blood Gas electrodes.Cardiovascular Measurements: ECG amplifiers, Electrodes & leads, ECG recorders, Vector Cardiographs, Continuous ECG recording (Holter Recording), Blood pressure measurement, Heart sound measurements. [ Module III: Patient Care & Monitoring Elements of Intensive care monitoring, patient monitoring display, Diagnosis, Calibration & reparability of patient monitoring equipment pacemakers & Defibrillators. Measurement in Respiratory system: Physiology of respiratory system Measurement of breathing mechanics Spiro meter, Respiratory therapy equipments Inhalators ventilators & Respirators, Humidifiers, Nebulizers Aspirators. Module IV: Diagnostic Techniques Ultrasonic Diagnosis, Eco- Cardiograph, Eco Encephalography, Ophthalmic scans, X- Ray & radio isotope Instrumentation, CAT scan, Emission Computerized Temenography, MRI Module V: Bio Telemetry The Components of a Biotelemetry system Implant able units, Telemetry for ECG measurements during exercise, for Emergency patient monitoring .Other Prosthetic devices like Hearing Aid, Myoelectric Arm, special aspects- safety of medical Electronics Equipments, Shock hazards from Electrical equipment and prevention against them.

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Khandpur R.S. / Biomedical Instrumentation / TMH Tompkins / Biomedical DSP: C Language Examples and Laboratory Experiments for the IBM PC/ PHI. Cormwell / Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements / PHI.

Course Code: Course Objective:
This subject deals with the analysis and synthesis of TV pictures, composite video signal, receiver picture tubes and television camera tubes. The principles of Monochrome Television Transmitter and Receiver systems, various Color Television systems with greater emphasis on PAL system and the advanced topics in Television systems are dealt in this course.

BTE 709

Credit Units: 03

Course Contents:
Module I: Fundamentals of Television Geometry form and Aspect Ratio, Image Continuity, Number of scanning lines, Interlaced scanning, Picture resolution, Camera tubes, Image orthicon, vidicon, plumbicon, silicon diode array vidicon, solid state image scanners, monochrome picture tubes, composite video signal, video signal dimension, horizontal sync. Composition, vertical sync. Details, functions of vertical pulse train, scanning sequence details. Picture signal transmission, positive and negative modulation, VSB transmission sound signal transmission, standard channel bandwidth. Module II: Monochrome Television Transmitter and Receiver TV transmitter, TV signal propagation, Interference, TV transmission Antennas, Monochrome TV receiver, RF tuner, UHF, VHF tuner, Digital tuning techniques, AFT IF subsystems, AGC, Noise cancellation, Video and sound inter carrier detection, vision IF subsystem, video amplifiers requirements and configurations DC reinsertion, Video amplifier circuits, Sync separation, typical sync processing circuits, Deflection current waveform, Deflection Oscillators, Frame deflection circuits, requirements, Line Deflection circuits, EHT generation, Receiver Antennas. Module III: Essentials of Colour Television Compatibility, colour perception, Three colour theory, luminance, hue and saturation, colour television cameras, values of luminance and colour difference signals, colour television display tubes, delta, gun, precision, in-line and Trinitron colour picture tubes, purity and convergence, purity and static and dynamic convergence adjustments, pincushion correction techniques, automatic degaussing circuit, grey scale tracking, colour signal transmission, bandwidth, modulation of colour difference signals, weighting factors, Formation of chrominance signal. Module IV: Colour Television Systems NTSC colour TV system, NTSC colour receiver, limitations of NTSC system, PAL colour TV system, cancellation of phase errors, PAL-D colour system, PAL coder, PAL-Decolour receiver, chromo signal amplifier, separation of U and V signals, colour burst separation, Burst phase Discriminator, ACC amplifier, Reference Oscillator, Ident and colour killer circuits, Colour signal matrixing, merits and demerits of the PAL system.

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

R.R. Gulati, Monochrome Television Practices, Principles, Technology and servicing, Second edition, New age International Publishes, 2004 (Module 1,2,4 and 5) R.R. Gulati, Monochrome and colour television, New age International Publisher, 2003 (Module 1,3 and 4) A.M. Dhake, Television and Video Engineering, Second Edition, TMH, 2003 S.P. Bali, Colour Television, Theory and Practice, TMH, 1994.

Course Code: Course Objective:
This course deals with computer architecture as well as computer organization and design. Computer architecture is concerned with the structure and behaviour of the various functional modules of the computer and how they interact to provide the processing needs of the user. Computer organization is concerned with the way the hardware components are connected together to form a computer system. Computer design is concerned with the development of the hardware for the computer taking into consideration a given set of specifications.

BTE 710

Credit Units: 03

Course Contents:
Module I: Register Transfer Language Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfers, Arithmetic Micro-operations, Logic Micro-operations, Shift Micro-operations, Arithmetic Logic shift Unit. Module II: Basic Computer Organizations and Design Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory-Reference Instructions, Input-Output and Interrupt, Design of Accumulator Logic. Hardwired and Microprogrammed control: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Design of Control Unit Module III: Central Processing Unit Introduction, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction representation, Instruction Formats, Instruction type, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control, Reduced Instruction Set Computer RISC and CISC Computer Arithmetic: Introduction, Multiplication Algorithms, Division Algorithms, Floating-Point Arithmetic Operations . Module IV: Memory and Intrasystem Communication and Input output organisation Memory: Memory types and organization Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory, Memory Management Hardware Intrasystem communication and I/O: Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Controller and I/O driver, IDE for hard disk, I/O port and Bus concept, Bus cycle, Synchronous and asynchronous transfer, Interrupt handling in PC, Parallel Port, RS 232 interface, Serial port in PC, Serial I/O interface, Universal serial bus IEEE 1394, Bus Arbitration Techniques, Uni-bus and multi-bus architectures EISA Bus, VESA Bus. Module V: Pipelining, Vector Processing and Multiprocessors Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline, RISC Pipeline, Vector Processing, Array Processors. Multiprocessors: Characteristics of Multiprocessors, Interconnection Structures, Interprocessor Arbitration, Interprocessor Communication and Synchronization, Advanced computer architecture, Pentium and Pentinum Pro, Power PC Architecture

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70 CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Text: Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edition 1999, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. Harry & Jordan, Computer Systems Design & Architecture, Edition 2000, Addison Wesley, Delhi. References: WIliam Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 4th Edition-2000, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. Kai Hwang-McGraw-Hill, Advanced Computer Architecture. Kai Hwang & Faye A Briggs, McGrew Hill, inc., Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing. John D. Carpinelli, Computer system Organization & Architecture, Edition 2001, Addison Wesley, Delhi

John P Hayes, McGraw-Hill Inc, Computer Architecture and Organization. M.Morris Mano and Charles, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 2nd Edition Updated, Pearson Education, ASIA. Hamacher, Computer Organization, McGraw hill. Tennenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, PHI B. Ram, Computer Fundamentals architecture and organization, New age international Gear C. w., Computer Organization and Programming, McGraw hill

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