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Newcomers Lunch on JUNE 3

On JUNE 3 (not May 6, as previously shared!) our Membership Committee will once again host a lunch for newcomers in our church after our 10:30 service. The lunch will include information about our church, a time for questions and answers, and a facility tour for those who are interested. We want children involved in this lunch too, but childcare will also be provided. Newcomer is really self-defining: if you feel like you are a newcomer to First Christian Church, then we want you to come eat and share with us. We just need to know how many to provide food for so RSVP to the church office, or to Dorie Hernandez.

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May 3, 2012

Disciples Womens Ministry

Disciples Womens Spring Tea Sunday, May 20, 2012, 12 noon

You are invited to join us for our Tea on this day. Wear your hat, if you like and bring your mother, your daughter or your friend to enjoy the company of your sisters and a nice cup of English Tea and a scone or two. Our service project for the month is the Relay for Life, Gail Grove will be on hand to help answer questions about what this money will be used for. Also, we invite you to be a part of our Kitchen Shower. Often times we find ourselves volunteering in the church kitchen and at a loss for certain items. Well, here is our opportunity to provide some of those things. Lists have been created by our womens board as well as the three Bible Study groups (otherwise known as Circles). Check with our president, Jill Foster, for ideas and bring your treasures to our luncheon or just deliver to the kitchen prior to May 20.

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FCC His Hands participates in the 10th Annual Relay for Life!
For the eighth year in a row, FCC His Hands team joined the American Cancer Society in the Torrance, Relay for Life on April 28, 2012 at South High School. Cancer survivors, caregivers, family, friends and neighbors rallied to support one another and gave bigheartedly to help find a cure for cancer. Here are just a few of the wonderful things that happened at this 24 hour event.

FCC His Hands hosted 6 survivors who proudly carried our banner during the survivors lap at the beginning of the relay. Over 67 different teams from around the South Bay set up camp for this overnight event. Someone was on the track every hour because cancer never sleeps. We are pleased to say that FCC His Hands had walkers circling the Relay track all day and night. God bless you all. With the kind donations from all of you, FCC contributed $6,575 to the American Cancer Society for research for a cure. We achieved the Gold Level. This years Relay for Life generated $211,353 in donations, with more on the way (the books are open until August 31). The FCC family also stepped in to provide support in a multitude of ways. Walkers came and did their laps, our doublewide campsite was decorated beautifully, Taco Boats, cakes, jewelry and Opportunity Tickets were sold. Also, we loved having all of you come down to visit. We also supplied information on colon cancer to those with questions. Having said all that, it is safe to say that one of the biggest benefits of Relay and the days leading up to it were the offerings of love, acceptance and community that our church family provided. All the team members extend a heartfelt thanks for your generous support. Please mark your calendars for next year to remind yourselves that Relay for Life will be late April or early May. Hope to see you there!
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Dear Janie and the Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thank you so much for giving the prayers blanket/shawl to my brother. He was very touched. Thank you for the loving prayers. Mary Matson

Dear Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thank you most kindly for the lovely prayer shawl. I appreciate your good wishes for me for Gods comfort, healing and strength. You are to be commended. There should be more people like you all on this Earth! Sincerely, Ed Gherna (Mary Matsons brother)

Dear Church Family I want to thank everyone for the prayers, cards, gifts and visits during my recent illness. I am doing much better and hope to see everyone soon. Sincerely, Beverly Roseberry

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Both Jun Pagdilao and Andre Uys are having tests related to possible heart health concerns Beverly Roseberry is now home, and continuing stroke therapyRich Kootz is doing well after a second cataract surgery Bernadette Leake is still waiting for a date for cataract surgery Judy Musser has been hospitalized with pneumonia. Continued prayers for: Virginia Gober, Jim Whobrey, Theresa Ringe, Doug Hedde. Jim Crawford (Dougs father) has been having respiratory difficulties, and is also dealing with advancing skin cancer Ted & Janie Odens nephew, Travis, is doing well after nearly dying from pancreatitisLinda Delanghes niece Yadera is gravely illPrayers are asked for Sue Zukass brother-in-law John, and her sister Diane, as John has been diagnosed with Muscular DystrophyBryce Robinson (Doreen Jacksons grandson) was hospitalized with pneumonia Joe Blain (Steve Fietzs stepfather) is back in the hospital with congestive heart failure and COPD; there is hope that a pacemaker adjustment will help. Cancer: Judy Rickabaugh is continuing her 12 week course of treatment with UCLA Charlene Brannon (Chuck Bruleys sister) will be having a cancerous kidney removed Michele Wood asks for prayer for her cousin Michaels fiance, Bobbie Trotter, who has just been diagnosed with breast cancerBruce Bales (Chucks son) had a cancerous lung removed Janie Odens coworker, Jennifer, will need further surgery after her doublemastectomy, as cancer had been found in the muscleContinued prayers: Doreen Jackson, Shawn Knutsen, Mark Parsons (Claremont School of Theology) Far from loved ones: Brian Tenace is set to leave for Afghanistan later this month Bryce Matson in nearing the end of his tour there Sarah Iannuccis mother in the Philippines is feeling weak and lonelyEarl Woods is in the UK for a six-week work assignmentMelanie Emmen will end her Peace Corps service in Cameroon in July.

To David & Wendy (Crawford) Raphael, on the birth of their daughter, Abby Isabella Raphael, on Sunday, April 28, at 3:36 pm. Abby weighed in at 6 lbs., 14 oz., and was 19 inches. Mother and daughter, and all the rest of the family, are doing well.
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May 2012
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 am
Education 7:00 p.m.
Prayer Shawl 2:00


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Newcomers Lunch Meeting after church

Trustees 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00 Worship Meeting 7:00

Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Shawl 2:00

Cabinet 7:00 p.m.

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Love Group 9:30 Faith Group 1:30 Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00
Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Shawl 2:00 Elders Meeting 7:00 p.m.


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Outreach Meeting 6:00 Family Promise 7:00

Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00
Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Shawl 2:00


Disciple Womens Lunch 12:00

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Pentecost Sunday Pentecost Offering Feed the Hungry


Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00


Memorial Day Church Office Closed

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Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Shawl 2:00

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May Birthdays

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Doug Crawford (5) Shirley Brummett (8) 4 5 Melanie Emmen (8) Precilla Rogers (9) Haley Crawford (9) Family Fiesta Night Jeremy Levi (11) Camelia Olloque (12) 5:00 p.m. Sarah Iannucci (14) Ed Apodaca (15) 11 12 Carole Jones (16) Ryan Rogers (17) Jillian Teruya (19) Samantha Fender (20) Shirley Fender (23) James Johnston (23) Betty Sleeth (24) Clifford Marvin (24) Ed Shroyer (24) 18 19 Jacob Gonzalez (25) Gabrielle Carmona (26) Mens Breakfast Jaden Tenace (27) Robert Reeley (29) 8:30 a.m.

Hot Dog Stand Armed Forces Parade 12:00




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Gene & Doreen Jackson (1) Manuel & Camelia Olloque (5) Ed & Kathy Shroyer (6) Russell Lear & Lynne Redderson (20) Aron & Cynthia Fried (21) Al & Samantha Lubrani (25) Larry & Peggy Campbell (25) Page 7

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Education Notes & News

VBS: July 23 July 27 under the mighty direction of Jenifer Teruya. We are in need of some teachers, shepherds (helpers) and donations. Please contact Jennifer if you are interested in helping out with VBS. 2012 SUMMER CAMP DATES - Obtain registration forms for camp at or request forms in the church office. Also join the Facebook page for Loch Leven at Registration started February 1st.
SESSION DATES EARLY BIRD DEADLINE June 1 June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 July 5 EARLY BIRD COST $250 $340 $340 $340 $340 $340 REGULAR REGISTRATION DEADLINE June 16th June 23 June 30 July 7 July 14 July 21 REG COST $275 $365 $365 $365 $365 $365


7/1 7/4 7/8 7/14 7/15 7/21 7/22 7/28 7/29 8/4 8/5 8/11

SUPPLIES NEEDED: We are in need of small trinkets and treasures to use to reward our Bible Explorer kids for learning scripture and for being great kids. We also need any small instruments. We are also looking for "fidget" items like small squishy balls with texture. If you are willing to help us with this, please give your donations to Shirley Woodman. If you are an interior designer wanting to lend your gifts to our Christian Ed department, please see Shirley Woodman for details. OPPORTUNITY TO USE YOUR GIFTS If you have been thinking of working with our youth or our Bible Explorers and Worship & Wonder program, please contact Shirley Woodman. We are in need of more workshop leaders/helpers and our children need you. If you are curious, please feel free to join our groups to sit in and worship with them as they do.
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Feed The Hungry Sunday

Our next Feed The Hungry Sunday is May 27. This ministry of our church has been a huge success. Your faithful donations of canned tuna, soups, canned fruits and vegetables, boxed pasta have made it possible to help feed needy families around the South Bay. Dave and his crew of volunteers continue to thank you for your continued support.


Just a reminder that we receive gently used clothing donations on behalf of His House ministry and the newly opened Doors of Hope Womens Shelter (see the Daily Breeze article and brochure on our bulletin board.) Bob Schnepp keeps an eye on the clothing donation hamper near the Sippel Hall restrooms, and makes deliveries when its full.

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Upcoming Sunday Messages

May 6: The Un-Tribe (Galatians 3:23-28) Cinco de Mayo makes us mindful that we are a culture of culturesa host of peoples from all over, who blend sometimes like stew, and mix sometimes like salad. This is not a new challenge to the church, as Pauls words to the Galatians shows. May 13Mothers Day: Let Us Praise (Not So) Famous Women (Acts 9:36-42) Another secular holiday gives us the opportunity to consider the lives of life-changing women, some of them from the public sphere, others out of our own experiences, all of them women to be celebrated as women of great spiritual power. May 20Ascension Sunday: Out, Not Up (Acts 1:6-11) Astronomy tells us that what we tend to think of as up is really outnot up in the sky, but out into space. So also our faith, in the form of an angelic message that comes after Jesus return to God, directs us, not upbut out. May 27Pentecost: Intoxication vs. Inspiration (Acts 2:1-21) On Pentecost, onlookers mistook the spirit-filled disciples for a bunch of mid-morning drunks. What would it do for the reputation of the modern church if we were so filled with Gods presence that people thought we were intoxicated? What would that be like?

Sunday Morning Adult Class

Larry Campbell continues to facilitate a series of fascinating discussions on Rob Bells book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. We gather each Sunday at 9:45 am, in Room 7. All are welcomeno special knowledge required!

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

After a brief break, our Wednesday Morning Bible Study will reconvene on May 9 with a new study on the Gospel of John. Bible Study meets each Wednesday in the Choir Room, from 10:00 to 11:30 am. All are welcome!
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This space is where I often try to pass on something inspiring, encouraging, or provocative. Sometimes its space for church activity updates. This time, if you dont mind, its just personal updates. I want to thank you all for allowing me the Reading Week. It was enjoyable, insightful, regenerative, and relaxing. I finished three books Id already started, started another, reread most of yet another, and actually read one book from beginning to end. Even the slightly annoying book was worthwhile. Im giving the Cabinet a more detailed reading report, but heres a list of titlesmost also have helpfully descriptive subtitles: Embodying Our Faith: Becoming a Living, Sharing, Practicing Church (Tim Morey), The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living as If He Doesnt Exist (Craig Groeschel), Craddock Stories (Mike Graves & Richard Ward, eds.), Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths (Karen Armstrong), I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced (Nujood Ali with Delphine Minoui), A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier (Ishmael Beah). I have appreciated your prayers on behalf of my stepfather, Joe Blain. It has been another round of phone calls with my brother and sister, and quite a rollercoaster of news and decisions. Right now, there is some measure of hope (see concerns on page 5). Your prayers are still coveted. On the other end of the spectrum, many of you have asked about our impending grandson. Lauren did have some labor pains on April 23, but nothing since. All has gone well with this pregnancy, but because of her history, Lauren has been scheduled for induced labor this Thursday, May 3. I will be driving to Las Vegas May 1, and returning in time for Family Fiesta Night on May 5. One way or another, we will have a grandson by the time you read this! Pictures, Im afraid, will be quite unavoidable

Shalom, Steve Home phone: 310-212-5950 email:

Next Newsletter articles need to be at the church office by May 14, 2012
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FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) 2930 El Dorado Street Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 328-2820 Fax 310 328-2929 E-mail - Web address - Sunday Schedule 8:30 a.m. - Worship - Informal 9:30 a.m. - Church School for all ages 10:30 a.m. - Worship - Traditional Childrens Worship - Ages Pre-school through 2nd Grade (During the Traditional Worship Service)


Or Current Resident

Nursery Provided For birth through age 3 during Sunday School and Contemporary & Traditional Service Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Staff Steven Fietz, Senior Pastor Ted Oden-Minister of Contemporary Worship Administrative Assistant Camelia Olloque Choir Director - Ken Potter Nursery Attendant - Amanda Ruhs Dorie Hernandez

The Christian Messenger

First Christian Church 2930 El Dorado Street Torrance, CA 90503

Officers Chair - Chery Carew Vice Chair - Francisco Sanchez Treasurer Jimmy Koontz Financial Secretary - Moggy Emmen Clerk Nancy Johnson

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