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Topic : Ideal woman to become your future spouse.

Demographic/Personal information Age : Status : Course : Race : Religions : Please indicate your choice of answer with in the appropriate brackets. 1) Personality of your perfect woman

Funny Intelligent Soft-spoken Sarcastic

2) Would you rather have a girl with looks or brains? Looks Brains Both Doesnt matter, as long as she loves me, Im set.

3) What kind of outfit that you like on your partner? Sexy Up to date Modern/Casual Muslimmah

4) When do you expect to get married? 20-22 23-25 26-28 29-31 32-34 35 and above

5) Should she share your interest?

Yeah, well need something to talk about Not compulsory, its what makes us different. I wouldnt pick argument based on
how alike we were. 6) When you like a girl, which of these would be most likely to do?

Stare at her a whole bunch, and maybe even let her catch me looking. Go up and talk to her. Write a love letter to her as Mr. X Get close to her and be friend.

7) How can girls tell the difference between whether you think someones just pretty or actually have a crush on them?

If I like her, when I get caught staring at her, Ill blush. If I like her, Ill flirt and stare. If she just pretty, Im just stare sometimes. If I like her, whenever I get close to her, Im nervous. Other : _____________________________________________________________

8) Your partner should be a good cooker.

Yes No It doesnt matter, I can cook

9) Does she need to be good of doing household chores?

Yes, I need a girl who can do my housework for me. Yes, because we can do the chores together. It doesnt matter.
10) What make you fall for a woman?

Religion Appearance Attitude Background

11) There is a girl. She got everything that all woman dream for and she falls for you. But you just an ordinary guy. Do you accept her for your future life?

Yes, there is no second chance for this matter. No, because Im not good enough for her.

12) What can you NOT stand in a girl?

Oversensitive Cheater Nerdy Control freak Smoking Obsessive

13) If your future spouse doesnt fit your ideal woman personality or she is the oppositely, do you accept her without prejudice and love her the way she is forever? Give reasons. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Thank you very much for your time for answering this questionnaire. We appreciate it.

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