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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 14
May 2012
Walk Rambling around the foot of The Pentlands Dogs on walk Cyrano, Dylan, Gustave, Jolie, Lucas, Maggie, Tim Length 6 miles

With me under the weather with the remains of a cold we did not climb high today. Keeping in the foothills with their wide open spaces suited the dogs well, however. They ran and ran and ran today. Maybe it was the sunshine. Maybe it was the space. Or it could have been the bout of heavy rain that caught us midway through. We began the day at Swanston. Much quieter than last weeks bank holiday crowding. Up through the secluded village and its thatched cottage houses we went and through a gate climbing toward the hills. The dogs already getting themselves into running mood. Not so quickly as the man who flew by us racing his way up the track. We caught the odd sighting of him as his winding path crossed ours but at some distance away from us now. Our route traced us through bright spiky gorse. The acid yellow flowers, burning in the sunlight. Pricking the coconut scent from them calling to mind paradise islands of white beaches surrounded by coconut trees. We climbed up the very lower slopes of Allermuir Hill. Clear views across Edinburgh beginning to emerge before we swooped down into a hollow filled with more gorse bushes. On the grassy slopes above the gorse Dylan and Tim fought over a stick. Cyrano moving in on them to try and steal it from under their noses.

Now we were back on the flatter ground. Very muddy underfoot with the water having streamed off the hillsides to pool in the sodden grass and on the tracks and paths. One particular pool proving a delight for the dogs. Poor Maggie was having a bath minding her own business when straight toward her came Jolie and Lucas. Lucas was the first to run headlong into the deep pool and before she could bring herself to a halt Jolie was in there too. Tim swerved around the edge throwing up a wave of water. The rain came on as we crossed flat land of wet grass and the dogs opened up to full throttle. Even Gustave getting in on the act after a quiet time for him. Suddenly he found he had Jolie pursuing him. And where she was Lucas and Tim were sure to be not far behind. Sure enough he swiftly had the three of them bearing down on him. Cyrano once again had been trying to sneak something from the grasp of Dylan and Tim. This time a plastic cylinder gaurd which protects young trees. But Dylans growl was enough to see Tim off and most certainly put Cyrano off any further incursions. Maggie was running but she never seemed to be with anyone else. Too busy trying to find pools of water to throw herself into. There were plenty of those. We climbed back through the bowl of gorse and one last view down to Edinburgh before our descent back toward Swanston. Taking another small path to avoid the cow churned path we took on the way up and its thick, sticky mud. Instead a slightly slippery slope of grass took us back to the hard track to the houses and on to the car. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 15
May 2012
Walk Dogs on walk Climbing over Harbour Hill Length 6 miles

Cyrano, Finlay, Gina, Jerry, Martha, Solo, Tim

A big welcome to our newest recruit. The rather shy, Martha. A little phased by other dogs so this would be a challenge for her. One she passed with flying colours. She began on the back seat of the car, the first pick up. She looked quizzically as Solo and Gina and then Tim clambered into the boot. But she held her nerve. However, when Finlay and Cyrano clambered in and settled on the back seat, she was very nonplussed. And a kiss from Cyrano finished her off and into the front seat she scrambled. I tell a lie too. Finlay did not clamber in. Oh no as usual I had to half lift half push him in. What a sight for poor Martha to behold. She is not the only one in this crowd with issues. She is in quite good company. We began our day from Bonaly where we could walk up the sheltered and bounded access road to Torduff Reservoir. Martha beginning on the lead until she appeared settled. This in fact took no time at all and she was free sooner than intended. This because with too many things in my hand and when trying to pick up a dog poo I let go of her lead. She just stood and waited about five yards from me. A clear sign that she was happy enough. Tim showing an unusual level of respect left her alone. But obviously excited by the new addition he took it out on Cyrano, who showed him a sharp set of teeth and Jerry whose

bark knocked him backward. But not deterred he took a sneaky barge at Solo as he ran past him. Finlay was out of all this away at the front and I think Martha thought he had the right idea. But she did not want to get too far away from me. As we reached Torduff Reservoir Finlay and Cyrano were already sneaking off. They knew where the gap in the fence was. As I looked over the railing there they were with Solo looking back up at me. They rejoined us as we tramped along the track above the reservoir. Gina keeping a close eye on her best pal Jerry. She has really taken to him in the last few weeks. But finds it hard to keep up with him once he starts bounding through the heather. As he was to do later on. With Martha fitting in so well, we decided to head up into the hills and climb over Harbour Hill. It was still very wet underfoot and soon there were seven very dirty dogs, with the peaty mud of the Pentlands clinging nicely to them. We climbed through the heather and over the grass onto its shoulder. Some chasing by the dogs as expansive views opened toward Edinburgh on one side and deeper into The Pentlands on the other. Then it was over a stone stile and ready for the climb to the top of Harbour Hill. Gina beginning to race Finlay toward the top. A top more like a paddling pool with a soft, mossy bottom. We came off the hill and the others showed Martha how to behave around sheep. They were rewarded with a dip in Bonaly Reservoir. Determined to get Gina to swim we very nearly succeed today. So excited was she that she almost followed Finlay and Solo out of her depth. But then reverted to chasing Jerry through the shallows. Him trying to shake her off so he could chase the sticks. But it was Cyrano, Finlay and Tim who swam out the furthest after them. In all this time Martha just waited on the bank. Maybe next time. We dropped back toward Bonaly swinging back round to pass by Torduff Reservoir again. This time I kept the dogs out in some vain hope they would he on the way to getting dry by the time we reached the car. Little hope. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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