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Fwd: Restructuring for growth

1 message Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:52 PM Begin forwarded message:

_____________________________________________ From: Humm, Philipp Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:01 AM Subject: Restructuring for growth

This message is intended for all employees of TMobile USA. Dear colleagues, Since the beginning of the year, TMobile has stressed that 2012 is a rebuilding year for the company. A vital step in that process was announced in March with the consolida on of our call centers. This week, TMobile is taking the second essen al step. We are announcing a new structure that further aligns our costs with our revenue reali es, enables teams who support our eld organiza on to act and react with greater speed and eec veness to customer and market opportuni es, and be er posi ons us to return to growth. The new organiza on required dicult decisions that will impact some of our employees. This week, news will be shared personally with employees and teams who are directly aected by the restructuring. Changes will include some posi on elimina ons and changes to individual roles and responsibili es. It is important to emphasize these impacts to employees result from business decisions. We have tremendous employees here at TMobile and we truly wish we could retain all our talent, but our business reali es require hard choices. For aected team members, we are providing generous transi on support including severance, assistance with COBRA con nua on coverage, and outplacement services. As men oned in the March announcement, customer service representa ves in the remaining 17 call centers, technicians in engineering, and frontline employees in our TMobile corporateowned stores will not be aected. Our rebuilt structure enables TMobile to realize signicant savings, allowing us to invest in future growth in par cular modernizing our network to LTE, reposi oning the TMobile brand, and aggressively pursuing the B2B segment where we plan to add 1,000 posi ons over the next few years. We gain the agility to put resources where the current opportuni es are, grow in areas where poten al is greatest, and act on emerging opportuni es quickly and ra onally. The restructuring provides a sustainable organiza onal model, centered on our TMobile Values, with the following a ributes: A greater focus on driving Customer Delight by reducing the layers between working teams and execu ve leadership, and shi ing and consolida ng groups in the eld sales regions and the FSC to minimize redundant work resul ng in more eec ve coordina on and communica on. A renewed emphasis on Best Place to Perform and Grow:

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05/15/2012 1:27 PM

Fwd: Restructuring for growth

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Enhanced people manager spans of control (number of direct reports), enabling faster decisions, more ability to execute, and more empowerment of employees at all levels. Evolu on of our leadership model from playercoach, where more me is spent on daily tasks than on planning and guiding, to leadercoach, where me is focused more strategically on coaching, developing, delega ng, and mo va ng. We approached the restructuring process and decisions with care, rigor and crossfunc onal alignment. A team comprised of top leaders, with support from industryleading subject ma er experts, worked closely together over the past few months to develop an eec ve and sustainable structure. We strongly believe the organiza onal principles we applied are las ng ones. More details on the new organiza onal structure will be shared in department and team communica ons this week and more broadly a er that. I want to assure you we will move through the communica ons this week very though ully, but also as quickly as we can while preserving the quality of the conversa ons that need to happen. As always, our TMobile Values will guide our ac ons. Thank you for your pa ence as we work through what will be a dicult week. Thank you for your con nued commitment. With sincere apprecia on,

Philipp Humm CEO & President TMobile USA

Information in this message is meant for T-Mobile Internal Use only and is not approved for general circulation outside the organization.


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05/15/2012 1:27 PM

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