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Personal Childhood Narrative & Personal Narrative Literature

MS Name and School Name: Lesson Title: Information Literacy Standard V. Appreciates & Enjoys Literature 5.1: Is a competent & self motivated
reader 5.2: Derives meaning from information presented creatively in a variety of formats 5.3 Develops creative products in a variety of formats

Vicki Evelyn Personal Memoirs in Literature Target Skills: Independently selects books at the appropriate level Identifies literature from various genres, i.e., personal narratives Produces and presents personal projects.

Grade Level: Learning Objectives:

6-8 To identify literature in various genres. Personal Narrative & Biography To write from a personal point of view and experience To personally select literature titles they are interested in reading based on standards presented. 2 days 1. Brainstorm Childhood Experiences, using whiteboard or interactive board. 2. Lead students in a visualization/sensory exercise to select a vivid childhood memory (close your eyes, travel back with me to your chosen memory, see the place, look at the people around you, smell the scents of your memory, etc.) 3. Revert teacher voice to the one used with a young child audience. Use hand cues for silence, etc. Distribute kindergarten writing paper and discuss traveling back through their memories. Remember what it was like when you were a child and had difficulty writing. Then distribute big, fat kindergarten pencils to remind them how different it felt to write letters instead of coloring pictures. Then tell them to take their pencil in their hand and raise it up soooo high to show they are ready to write. Then have them take the pencil and switch it to the opposite hand. Then they should begin writing their childhood memory. 4. Students write for 7 minutes. 5. Students share writings in small groups. Each

Time needed to complete lesson: Instructions:

Assessment method used for students:

group selects 1 to share with whole class. Teacher collects all childhood papers. 6. Then show various published personal narratives and book talk several titles using LCD projector. At that time, students will be given opportunity to select and checkout personal narratives from the library. 7. After class, teacher will take a vivid passage from each writing to produce free verse poem titled: CHILDHOOD IS.. Each students line becomes a line in the poem. Place students name in parentheses at the end of his/her line in the poem. 8. The following day, teacher will distribute copies or project through LCD of the poem created with personally selected quotes from students kindergarten paper. Each class will have a different poem based on members writings. HOMEWORK: Review use of figurative language and show dont tell techniques. (Could use passages from published memoirs.) 1. Students will then complete a short but vivid narrative of their chosen childhood memory. (Due 1 week) 2. Students will read their chosen biographical memoir and prepare a book talk to share with the class. Must include at least 2 examples of figurative language used by the author of the book. Teacher observation of student participation. Students will be given grades for completed personal childhood narrative writings and observations made in writing journals. Students will present book talks of chosen book after a given amount of time (3 weeks) for reading it.

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