05.09 Alternative Writing Assignment

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09 Alternative Writing Assignment By: Rawan Chaaban

Team Participation is everything when you are involved in team sports. Not only are you depending on other people to win but they are also depending on you. It has negative impacts but also very positive impacts on you. Such as building self esteem; this will happen because you will feel needed in the team. It also enables social interaction, because you will have a lot of friends with the amount of time you will be spending with your teammates. It enhances responsibility because everyone has a different position they are responsible for. So when you get used to being in charge of something you will used those skills of responsibility in daily things such as taking care of a dog. Team participation also helps attain person fitness goals because you get exercise from participating in the sport, and that will help you become more able to accomplish other fitness goals such as running a mile which almost every sport has to do in their training. It maintains your wellness by keeping you in shape while you are doing youre sporting activities, such as eating healthy and getting the needed amount of exercise. Team participation improves skill level by allowing you to do more and accomplish more making you feel like you can do anything, and this will boost your skill amount. It was said that it also builds your commitment to practice by enabling you to complete the practices needed to participate in the sport such as condition for soccer. The constant amount of practices helps you in practicing not only in that sort but other sports, activities, and hobbies as well. And lastly, team participation affects enjoyment of the activity for instance, someone might hate kicking soccer balls around but once they are on the team they seem like the game is better and they end up enjoying it more.

The benefits of belonging to a team carry into the classroom setting because they will apply everything they learned such as the topics we discussed earlier. This includes; commitment to practice, helps with social interaction, enhances responsibility, and skill improvements. The social interactions learned in the team sport can help you make friends in school or class. The responsibility learned from the position on your team, can help you keep in track with your responsibility in school such as doing your homework. The skill improvements such as increasing your eye hand coordination can teach you to do those kinds of things in class, like writing essays. Team benefits can also carry over into the work setting such as being able to work with other people. You can also be able to set goals then be committed to achieving those goals, and this can be the reason for your success in your job. In conclusion, team participation is important and can have major benefit for the athlete.

Interview Sources Interviewees: Esslam Taha- Basketball Raya Odeh- Soccer Rabih Chaaban- Wrestling Rayan Chaaban- Girls football Anisa Sinawi- Basketball Ms. Coleman- Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries Teacher and PE Coach Documented Sources

Organized Sports for Children and Preadolescents by the Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness and Committee on School Health (2001) published by Pediatrics, Vol 107, pp. 1459-1462

Beets, M. W. & Pitetti, K. H. (2005). Contribution of physical education and sport to health-related fitness in high school students. Journal of School Health, 75, 25-30. Retrieved September 20, 2005 from Health & Wellness Resource Center database.

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