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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD " PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313, Israel; ; 91313 " 04413,

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@e, c=US Date: 2012.05.18 04:22:22 +03'00'

11-04-29 Freedom of Information Response (T/17) by Ministry of Justice, in re: Appointment Records of the Registrars of Certifying Authorities, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (2001) (Eng + Heb). The response includes information that contradicts other records from Reshumot, the Registrar of the Government of the State of Israel. Attached:
# 1 2 Record 11-04-29 Freedom of Information Response (T/17) by Ministry of Justice, in re: Appointment Records of the Registrars of Certifying Authorities, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (2001) (English) 11-04-29 Freedom of Information Response (T/17) by Ministry of Justice, in re: Appointment Records of the Registrars of Certifying Authorities, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (2001) (Hebrew) Page # 2 3

12-05-16 RESHUMOT: Guidelines of the Registrar of Certifying Authorities, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (2001) s 12-04-29 Freedom of Information response (T/17) by the Ministry of Justice, in re: Registrar of Certifying Authorities, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (2001) 12-05-16 Reply on Freedom of Information response (T/17) by the Ministry of Justice, in re: Registrar of Certifying Authorities, pursuant to the Electronic Signature Act (2001) 01-00-00 Electronic Signature Act (2001), Regulations, Annual Reports, Registrar of Certifying Authorities s

1/1 [Coat of Arms of the State of Israel] State of Israel Justice of Ministry Freedom of Information Officer Jerusalem 2012 29, April File No T/17 Dr Joseph Zernik PO 31440 Jerusalem 91313 Greetings, RE: Request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (1988) Your letter dated April 2, 2012 Following review of your request, I herein notify you that the two first paragraphs of your request are denied, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (1988), (Hereinafter the Act), Article 8(4), which states: A public authority is permitted to deny a request for information in one of the following: The information was published and is accessible for public inspection, whether for pay or not for pay. Registrars of Electronic Signatures since the passage of the Act the information was published in Reshumot [Registrar of the State of Israel jz]. It should be noted that there have been only two appointments: on August 28, 2011 of Attorney Yoram HaCohen, and on September 19, 2011 of Attorney Amit Ashkenazi (without subtracting from the authority fo [sic-jz] of Attorney Yoram HaCohen). The information, pertaining to Certifying Authorities is available at the web site of the Justice, Technology, and Information Authority, as linked below: Regarding your request, pertaining to electronic records for judges [sic - jz], your request is denied, pursuant to Article 8(5), which states: A public authority is permitted to deny request for information in one of the following: The information was created by another public agency The information is held by the Administration of Courts, and you should address it in this matter. You are noticed that pursuant to Article 17 of the Act, you may appeal this decision in the Administrative Court. Respectfully,
[hand signature]

Michal Teneh Director of the Public Communications Unit, and Freedom of Information Officer

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