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5.1 Process Design of Benzene Distillation Column

In Benzene column, a product stream from reactor is coming which consists of benzene, ethyl benzene & some amount of di-ethyl benzene. Since it is more than two component case, hence we will perform multicomponent distillation in order to separate benzene and ethyl benzene from mixture.


0.0824 KMOLE



1.5129 KMOLE 0.0824 KMOLE



1.5129 KMOLE

Here Benzene is light key component and EB is heavy key component. The column is operating at 1 atm. Now first of all we will calculate bubble point & dew point temperature.

Table 6


BUBBLE POINT CALCULATION:Take T=456.82 K (183C) COMPONENT BENZENE EB DEB TOTAL Pi( mmHg) 10911.88464 3151.533924 767.8215491 Ki=Pi/760 Xi 14.35774295 4.146755164 1.010291512 Xi*Ki 0 0 0 0 1 1.010292 1.010292

Therefore,bubble point temperature=456.8 K


COMPONENT BENZENE EB DEB TOTAL Pi( mmHg) 2074.458326 413.1979536 63.90478783 Ki=Pi/760 Yi Yi/Ki 2.729550429 0.5647 0.206884 0.543681518 0.4352 0.800469 0.084085247 0 0 1.007353

Therefore,dew point temperature=388 K CALCULATION OF MINIMUM REFLUX RATIO (Rm):For a liquid feed, q = 1


Xf 0.0628 0.0484 0.8887 0.5647 0.4352 0

Xd 1.12 0.196 0.036

Ki 5.741 1.000 0.1836

From trial & error =1.54


Rm+1=1.242 Rm=0.242 Calculation of Operating Reflux Ratio:Ro=1.5Rm=0.363 Calculation of number of ideal plates at operating reflux:By Gilliland correlation: (Ro - Rm )/( Ro +1)= 0.0974 (N-Nmin)/(N+1)=0.55 (from perrys engineering handbook 8th edt. pg-13-26)(a) Now,Nmin= [ln{(xdi /xb i)/(xd j/xbj )}] / [ln ( avg)] On calculating, Nmin=8 Now putting value in equation (a) we get, N=19 Thus,we need 19 stages ideally. Flow Rates: Average molar mass of feed. Mav = xi Mi = (78*0.0628) + (106*0.484) + (134*0.8887) = 175.2888 kg/kmol F = 1.7022 kmol/hr D = 0.1839 kmol/hr B = 1.5129 kmol/hr Now molar flow rates of vapor & liquid at top in enriching section: L = R * D = 0.363 * 0.1839 = 0.0667 kmol/hr V = (R+1) * D = (0.363 +1) * 0.1839 = 0.2506 kmol/hr Molar flow rates of vapor & liquid in stripping section: L = L + F * q

= 0.0667 + 1.7022 * 1 = 1.7689 kmol/hr V = F*(q-1) + V = 1.7022*(1-1) + 0.2506 = 0.2506 kmol/h Calculation of tower diameter: (a) Tower diameter required at top: Operating pressure at the top of column = 1 atm = 101.325 kpa V = 0.2506 kmol/hr L = 0.0667 kmol/hr Here total condenser is used, hence Lw/Vw = L/V = 0.0667/0.2506 = 0.2661m Density of vapor: v = (p* Mav)/(R*T) = (49.177*273)/(388*22.414) = 1.5437 kg/m3 ( Mav = xi Mi = 49.177) Density of liquid at top: l = 879 kg/m3 Liquid vapor flow factor at top: Flv = (Lw/Vw)*(v/ l)^0.5 = 0.226*(1.5437/879)^0.5 = 0.146 Tray spacing = 0.3 m Corresponding Cf = 0.06 (from Introduction to Process Engineering & Design by S.B. Thakore & B.I Bhatt, Chapter 6, Process Design of distillation column, Page no. 448) Now flooding velocity: vf = Cf * (/0.02)0.2 * {(l v)/v}^0.5 (where = surface tension of liquid, N/m = ixi) (assumed) = 0.06 * (22.267*10-3/0.02)0.2 * {(879-1.5437)/1.5437}^0.5 = 1.126 m/sec. Now actual velocity: v = 0.85 * vf = 0.85 * 1.1126

= 0.946 m/sec. Volumetric flow rate of liquid at top: Q = (V* Mav)/v = (0.2506*49.177)/1.5437 = 332.79 m3/hr = 0.0924 m3/sec Net area required at top: An = Q/v = 0.0924/0.946 = 0.0973 m2 Let downcomer area Ad, Ad = 0.12* Ac (Ac = internal cross-sectional area of tower) & An = Ac Ad = Ac 0.12*Ac = 0.88 Ac Ac = An/0.88 = 0.0973/0.88 = 0.11 m2 Inside diameter of column required at top: Di = {(4*Ac)/}0.5 = 0.375 m Similarly on calculating diameter at bottom we get Di=0.4m Checking for weeping: Minimum vapor velocity through holes to avoid the weeping given by following equation: vh, min = [{K 0.9(25.4 dh)}/(v)0.5] K constant can be obtained from Fig 8.19 (Introduction to Process Engineering & Design by S.B. Thakore & B.I Bhatt, Chapter 6, Process Design of distillation column, Page no. 449) or Fig. 4 of appendix. ,is a function of (hw + how), where weir height (hw) = 50 mm hole diameter(dh) = 5 mm Plate thickness (t) = 5mm (a) For enriching section : height of liquid crest over the weir how = 750 (Lm/l*lw) Lm = 0.7*L*Mav

= 0.172 kg/sec lw = 0.77* Di = 0.77* 0.375 = 0.2885 Now putting all the values , how = 6.075 mm Thus (hw + how) = 56.075 mm corresponding K value from graph of K vs(hw + how) K = 30.2 Thus finally vh,min = 4.62 m/sec Actual vapor velocity holes at actual vapor flow rate : vh,a = (0.7* Qv)/ Ah .(b) Now Ad = 0.12 * Ac = 0.12 * 0.11 = 0.0132 m2 Active area Aa = Ac 2Ad = 0.11 2(0.12)(0.11) = 0.0836 m2 Thus hole area, Ah= 0.00836 m2 Now putting it in equation (b) we get, vh,a = 7.74 m/sec Since vh,a >> vh,min Thus in enriching section minimum operating rate is well above weep point. (b) For Stripping section: height of liquid crest over the weir how = 750 (Lm/l*lw) Lm = 0.7*L*Mav = 0.259 kg/sec lw = 0.77* Di = 0.77* 0.400 =0.308

l = 879 kg/m3 Now putting all the values , how = 23.19 mm Thus (hw + how) = 75.19 mm corresponding K value from graph K vs (hw + how) K = 30.68 Thus finally vh,min = 5.8533 m/sec Actual vapor velocity holes at actual vapor flow rate : vh,a = (0.7* Qv)/ Ah .(c) Now Ad = 0.12 * Ac = 0.01488 m2 Active area Aa = Ac 2Ad = 0.09424 m2 Thus hole area, Ah= 0.009424 m2 Now putting it in equation (c) we get, vh,a = 6.3 m/sec Since vh,a >> vh,min Thus in stripping section minimum operating rate is well above weep point. Tray pressure drop: (a) For enriching section: Dry plate pressure drop: hd = 51(vh/C)^2*(v/l)..(d) vh = Qv/Ah = 0.0924/0.00836 = 11.053 m/sec considering Plate thickness / hole diameter = 1 Ah/Ap = Ah/Aa =0.1 ( Ap is perforated area which is slightly less than active area.) Thus corresponding C = 0.8422 (from graph of C vs Ah/Ap )

Now putting all the values in equation (d) hd = 26.58 mm Maximum height of liquid of crest over the weir: how = 750 (Lm/l*lw) = 750{(0.172/0.7)/(867*0.288)} = 23.36 mm Residual Pressure drop: hr = (12.5*103)/l = (12500/867) = 14.41 mm Total tray pressure drop: ht = hd + hw + how + hr = 26.58 + 50 + 23.36 +14.41 = 114.16 mm (b) For stripping section: Dry plate pressure drop: hd = 51(vh/C)^2*(v/l) vh = Qv/Ah = 0.0752/0.009424 = 7.979 m/sec now, Plate thickness / Plate Area = 1 Ah/Ap = Ah/Aa =0.1 ( Ap is perforated area which is slightly less than active area.) Thus corresponding C = 0.8422 Now putting all the values in equation (c) hd = 23.43 mm Maximum height of liquid of crest over the weir: how = 750 (Lm/l*lw) = 9.74 mm


Residual Pressure drop: hr = (12.5*103)/l = (12500/879) = 14.22 mm Total tray pressure drop: ht = hd + hw + how + hr = 23.43 + 50 + 9.74 +14.22 = 97.39 mm Checking of downcomer design: Type of downcomer: Straight & segmental downcomerarea, Ad = 0.12Ac (for both sections) (a) For enriching section: hdc = 166 (Lmd/l*Am) where Lmd = Liquid flow rate through downcomer, kg/sec = L*Mav = (0.0667*49.177)/3600 = 0.065 kg/sec Am = Ad or Aap whichever is smaller Aap = hap*lw = (hw 10)*lw = (50 -10)*0.288 = 0.1152 m2 Ad = 0.0836 m2 Since Aap<< Ad Thus Am = Aap = 0.0836 m2 hdc = 166{0.065/(867*0.01152)}2 = 7.03* 10-3 mm Liquid back in downcomer: hb = hw + how + ht + hdc = 50 + 6.075 + 114.16 + 7.03*10-3 = 170.243 mm Tray spacing (lt) = 0.3 m =300 mm Now,

(lt + hw)/2 = (300 + 50)/2 = 175 mm Since hb < (lt + hw)/2 Thus downcomer area & spacing are acceptable. Checking for residence time : r = (Ad*hb*l)/Lmd = (0.0836*0.170*867)/0.065 = 189.56 sec which is greater than 3 sec. thus it is satisfactory. (b) For stripping section: hdc = 166 (Lmd/l*Am) where Lmd = Liquid flow rate through downcomer, kg/sec = L*Mav = 0.259 kg/sec Am = Ad or Aap whichever is smaller Aap = hap*lw = (hw 10)*lw = 0.01232 m2 Ad = 0.09424 m2 Since Aap<< Ad Thus Am = Aap = 0.01232 m2 hdc = 166{(0.259/0.7)/(867*0.01152)}2 Liquid back in downcomer: hb = hw + how + ht + hdc = 50 + 9.74 + 97.39 + 5.67 = 162.80 mm Tray spacing (lt) = 0.3 m =300 mm Now, (lt + hw)/2 = (300 + 50)/2 = 175 mm = 5.67 mm Since hb < (lt + hw)/2 Thus downcomer area & spacing are acceptable.

Checking for residence time : r = (Ad*hb*l)/Lmd = (0.09424*0.162*879)/(0.259/0.7) = 189.56 sec which is greater than 3 sec. thus it is satisfactory. Checking for entrainment: (a) For enriching section: Vapor velocity based on net area (vn) = Q/ An = 0.0924 / 0.973 = 0.95 m/sec. % Flooding Flv = 0.146 From graph of vs Flv = 0.11 or 11% Since % > 10% , thus higher efficiency will be obtained. = (vn/vf)*100 = 85.35% (b) For stripping section: % Flooding = 85% Flv = 0.0785 From fig 8.18: = 0.053 or 5.43% Since % < 10% , thus higher efficiency will be obtained.


5.2 Mechanical Design of Benzene Distillation Column

Shell Thickness: Diameter = 400mm (taken for designing) Operating pressure = 760mmHg Taking 10% allowance Pd = 684mm Hg Operating average temperature = 116C Design temperature = 150 C Material used is carbon steel Specific gravity of carbon steel = 7.7 Permissible tensile stress = 950 kg/cm2 (up to 250 C) Insulation material is mineral wood , 75mm thick , density = 130kg/m3 Shell minimum thickness ts ts = Pd Di/(2f tJ-Pd) + C take C = 3mm ts = (0.9x400/2x950x1 -0.9) +3 = 3.20 but for high vessels under external pressure take shell thickness ts= 8mm Head:Torispherical heads Let thickness = 8mm same as shell t = P dRc Cs/[2f tJ + Pd(Cs-0.2)] Cs = [3 + (Rc/Rk)0.5] Take Rc = 400 mm ; J = 1 On solving Cs = 71.24 Therefore Rk = 5.026x10-3mm But Rk > 0.06Rc ; therefore Rk = 24mm


Shell Thickness at different Height:At a distance X m from the top of shell the stress are (a) Axial stress:fap = Pd Di/4(ts-C) on substituting values fap = 18 kg/cm2 (b) Stresses due to dead load : (i) Compressive stress due to weight of shell (fds):= 7.7x10 -6X kg/cm2 (ii) Compressive stress due to weight of insulation(fdi):Dm = Dins = (0.4 + 0.375)/2 = 0.3875 m fdi = 3.22x10 -5X kg/cm2 (iii) Compressive stress due to liq. In the column up to height X fd,liq= 2.134x10 -3X kg/cm2 (iv) stress due to attachement (f d, att) wt. of attachements = 150 kg/m therefore fd = 11.46x10 -3X kg/cm2 (c) Stress due to wind load:- fwx fwx=(1.4PwX2)/(3.14*Dm(ts-C)) wind pressure = 125 kg/m2 = 125x10 -6 kg/mm2 fwx = 1.34x10 -6X2 kg/cm2 Neglecting seisemic load equating all the stresses to zero fwx ( fdx + fd,liq + fdi + fds ) fap = 0 solving for X ; X = 17.6 Hence thickness taken as 8mm is sufficient as column ht. is 11.7m


Support:(a) stress due to dead weight: Skirt diameter = 400 mm (Ds) Dead weight attachments = 46000 kg (W) Fbs=460000/(3.14*(Ds+ts)ts)(a) (b) stress due to wind load Mw = 0.7PwDoX fws=4 *Mw/(3.14(Ds+ts)ts).(b) now, total compressible stress= (a) + (b)..(c) also fs(max)=( 0.125*E*ts*cos)/Ds ;cylindrical support so cos=1 E=19.5*10^3 kg/mm2 (d) Substuting values of (d) in equation (c) fs(max)= 4.875*10^6*ts At ts=8mm fcompressible<fmax At ts=8.25mm fcompressible=fmax Therefore, shell thickness=8mm


OUTLET (Kmol/hr) DVB 0.6051 (PRODUCT)

5.3 REACTOR DESIGN (Dehydrogenator):Reactor Process design Figure

DEB 0.6051 HYDROGEN 1.8156 STEAM 27.075 DEB 0.3025

INLET (Kmol/hr) DEB 1.5129 (REACTANT) STEAM 27.075

Reactor Schematic diagram:notations:11-External shell 12-Inlet header 13-Exit header 14-Feed supply line 16-Tubes 17-Fuel inlet line 18-Fired gas heater 19-Exhaust line 24-Heater nozzle 28-Heat exchanger

Reaction temperature =600C ( 873 K) Catalyst: Ferrous Oxide (FeO) Density of catalyst particle: 4292.008 kg/m3 Catalyst porosity : 0.3 Type of reactor: Fixed bed catalytic reactor Reaction is endothermic: It is carried out in isothermal manner.Heat is supplied by internal electric heaters. (FAo) Inlet of reactant, diethyl benzene to the reactor= 1.512912Kmoles/hr = 203.065 Kg/hr..(from Mass Balance calculations) (CAo) Intial concentration of reactant diethyl benzene = 0.533 kmoles/m3 Product Divinyl benzene of desired grade in outlet of reactor=0.6051 Kmoles/hr =78.7916 Kg/hr..(from Mass Balance calculations) Mass of catalyst: W/FAO= 1/(-ra)(1) where,

k=4.3*10^-3 kmole/hr-kg a=1.8 atm-1 b=39 atm-1 PE=Partial pressure of diethyl benzene at 873K=3.7299 atm Po=Partial pressure of Oxygen at 873K=28.3676 atm putting values in equ. of r we get, -r=0.0286 Kmole/hr-kg putting values in equation (1) we get mass of catalyst as W= 52.898 Kg Volume of solid catalyst = mass of catalyst/ density of catalyst =52.898/4292.008


= 0.01232 m3 Porosity of catalyst bed = 0.3 Bulk volume occupied by the catalyst= 0.2326/(1-0.3) = 0.0176 m3 Now residence time =5.55 kg/hr(ref:- Journal of catalysis 34,7-12 (1974)) now, /CAo=V/FAo On calculation we get,volume of reactor V=15.611 m3 Diameter and length of reactor:L/D= 10.4.(1)( Data from US Patent no: 6781024 B2) L= length of reactor D= diameter of reactor assuming reactor to be cylindrical, V = (3.14/4)*D^2*L(2) solving equation (1) & (2) we get, D = 1.2412 m L = 12.908 m Tube design for reactor Assume Superficial velocity of vapour inlet = 0.55 kg/m2.s Total cross sectional area of catalyst of tubes= (203.065/3600)/0.55 = 0.0310 m2 MOC of tube = Stainless steel Tube OD Tube ID = 50.8mm = 43.28 mm


Total number of tube required nt = 0.0310/(3.14 /4)(0.04328)^2 =21.08 =22 tubes Length of tube required L= net vol. of catalyst/nt (3.14 /4) di^ 2

= ( 0.01232 *4)/(22*3.14)*(0.04328)^2 = 0.3808m Aav = nt*3.14*do*L = 22*3.14*0.0508*0.038 = 0.1333 m2

5.4 Mechanical design for Reactor:Shell thickness Material= carbon steel Number of shells=1 Number of passes=1 Fluid=diethyl benzene & steam Working pressure=0.2 N/mm2 Design pressure=0.25 N/mm2 Inlet temperature=600C Outlet temperature=600C Shell thickness: t s =PD/(2fJ+P) = 0.25*1200/((2*87*0.85)+0.52) = 2.02 mm

Including corrosion allowance. Use 8 mm thickness.

5.5 Recommended MOC for the process equipments SR.NO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Flash Drum Distillation Column D-1 Distillation Column D-2 Reactor Condenser (Hydrogen Separator) Centrifugal Pump Pump Seals Gaskets Piping Storage Tank

carbon steel (A285A) carbon steel (A285A) SS-316 SS-316 SS-316 carbon steel (A285A) Viton fluoroelastomer O-ring with carbon face seal Teflon resin Carbon steel with teflon coating black iron


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