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Can there be a Happily Ever After?

By - Trisha Sarang

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Back in the olden times, deep in the mountains of Armenia, in city called Tashir lived a lovely princess. Her name was Tamara. She had a family of two caring elder brothers, a compassionate mother, and a loyal father. Tamara was locked in a tall, unreachable tower, in the middle of nowhere. The colorful cement made walls of the tower stored paintings of all kinds. Beautiful sunsets, frightful blizzards, and windy autumns. As scorching summers came, and heavy winters flew, the blooming spring was arriving, as the thistles and poppies tickled the grass, and the hollyhocks and orchids gloomed in the tangerine like sun. Flying up in the air, hoopoes with their large erectile peaks on their heads, and Ibises with their elongated, scenic wings stretched out as far as China. My life was perfect, until a beastly magician came and cursed me! Tamara exclaimed. Ohhhh, Jemma, my fairy godmother, my evil fairy god mother. Shes as useless as a piece gum stuck under my shoe. Jemma was evil, and wanted to rule over Armenia. Her powers were mystical. She wanted to kill the king and queen, but didnt have enough power. Jemma was known for her clever thinking, and her spontaneous but evil spark. She cleverly determined what was most important to the King and Queen. Of course it was Tamara, their only daughter. So as a result if she threatened to curse Tamara, she would get Tamaras parents to hand over the throne.

That night, the one which turned me into this and got me here all because of a few magical words. I could just imagine the scrumptious Tabouleh sitting right in front of my favorite baklava desert. And of course my Sosa candles all lined up together. She sobbed, until surprisingly a doorbell rang. The door opened, and there was Jemma.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

The old snotty witch. Her oily skin hung like dirty socks on a laundry line, her nose was as crooked as a broken ankle, and her voice was as screechy as a lop - sided microphone. What a pathetic and pitiful showoff she was, said Tamara angrily. But something else happened that same night, which lead Tamara to the tower. That dreadful night that changed my life, Jemma had gone to have a little chat with the king and queen. Oh, Rubert and Olimpia, what a beautiful daughter you have. Very rare you know. How about we have a little talk about your throne? Jemma winked her eye. But isnt it a bit late sister Jemma. You want to talk right now, Olimpia added. Our throne. What? Rubert asked. Okay, smarty pants lets cut to the point, Jemma said irritated. What point? What are you talking about? Olimpia interrupted. Will you just listen, you two scoundrel skunks! I am here to talk about the future. I want the throne, and I promise you will give it to me, Jemma fumed. Im disgusted! Jemma in which or whatever way, you will never get our throne. You dont deserve it, Rubert and Olimpia said. Or how about this, if you dont pass over the throne, I will curse Tamara with the worst possible, Jemma snickered. How dare you! Not my daughter, Olimpia complained. Oh yes, but if you people are smart, you will do as I say, Jemma continued. In the next five seconds if you dont agree to hand over the throne, Tamara will be banished and cursed. One, two, five! Gilidiwaposica suprendicaloen! As Jemmas words were spoken, thunder stuck and Tamara got sucked into a black hole. Help! Help! Tamara screamed. But the last thing she saw was her parents lost faces. The next moment, she appeared

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

in a dark, lonely and cold tower where you could hear the sound of bat cries, to the roar of a live fire breathing dragon. The moon was reflected on the lake, and the Woos of the Pallass cats echoed in the dark night sky. She looked down at her green coated hand, and noticed that her body had grown in size. Thats when she picked up a mirror, and realized she was cursed into an ogre.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Why am I cursed? I didnt even do anything wrong. Who did this to me? Tamara questioned herself. How long am I here? Payr and (father) Mayr (mother) will rescue me, I know that. After all I am their daughter, Tamara thought. That night, Tamara leaned against the wall sleeping; her hands tucked in like a princess. However there was something in her hand which was glowing. Her mirror. It had been with her forever. Everyday back in the palace, Tamara used to get up every morning wishing someday her prince Enchanting would come and marry her. As she used to look into the mirror, with her reflection upon her, she saw the beauty and passion inside her.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

But a few days back a bizarre fear crept into her, as if something wrong was going to happen. And as a result it did. She is here now in a locked tower, away from her family, away from the palace, and lost in the unknown woods. Years flew by, and Tamara was tired and weak. Her health decreased and life was hard. There was food and water but only scarce amounts. Living up to two years in this tower she waited. Day by Day Tamaras extraordinary beauty was revealed throughout, but by dawn to sunrise she turned into an ogre again and again. Who will want to save this ugly ogre? I am nobody, Tamara insulted herself. One day Unexpectedly, Tamara heard creaky sounds. Whos there? Tamara whispered as she continued. Come out and reveal yourself, she ordered. Maam, I mean Princess, Abet Gorgodian is here to rescue you. How can I help you? someone said. A dark shadow appeared. Maybe Prince Enchanting, Tamara thought. Ohh finally you came. I have been waiting and waiting, but not anymore. Please take me back to my family living in the Tashir Royal Palace, Tamara spoke gleefully. Mmmm..., Abet interrupted. I am just about to reveal myself. Please dont freak out, because Im not who you think I am, Abet said.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

What do you mean? I have been dying to see you," Tamara spoke excitedly. As she turned her head to look at her beloved, a certain fear crawled onto her face. Ahhhhhhh! Tamara screamed. Stay away. Dont hurt me, or I will DO SOMETHING. She stammered. There he stood, with eyes so sharp, it felt like his gaze sliced you through. His hair had not been brushed in a while, and his yellow foul smelling teeth jutted out. He wore a white t-shirt with loose, hanging, baggy pants. Cuts bruises covered his body. He was definitely not a prince. He was totally not a human. He was an ogre, just like Tamara. I know what you mean. But I come in peace. Abet said. Ohhh. Has my dad sent you? Tamara said surprisingly. Yes, but try to underst, Abet interrupted. Tamara quickly added in, Great! Lets please leave I want to go home. But, you dont understand! Abet hesitated. I do perfectly. Although I imagined you a little different Tamara said scanning Abets body. Anyways, shall we go? Hmmmm sure, Abet spoke. As Abet led the way down the stairs, pass the fire breathing dragon, and finally an old aged bridge they were headed on a long journey ahead.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Days raced by, passing through steaming deserts, and blooming springs. Sweat trickled down their backs by the time they reached Tashir. In a distance, there was home. What a beautiful sight, Abet sighed. The lovely trees swaying with one another, melodious birds singing their hymn, and of course the crystal clear sky shone above. Thank you Abet for such a journey. I had so much fun. How can I repay you for your efforts of keeping me safe? Youre a great guy. Tamaras cheeks blushed. Thank you Princess. I had a wonderful time getting to know you. Abet said shyly. I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me sometime. Abets face turned as red as a beet root. Umm, sure. But before that I have to tell you something. Something very important. I have a huge secret that I hide from everyone, Tamara added. Abet questioned curiously, What? What is it? A few years ago my aunt cursed me. She cursed me into an ogre. Tamara stumbled. So what? I dont care. Friendship for me is blind. This whole journey was a coincidence. I just want to say that I love you, will you marry me. Abet kneeled down and magically handed a flower to her. Tamaras jaw dropped and her eyes opened as she spoke astonished, I dont know what to say. Youre joking right. Abet your so good at acting. Anyways, lets continue to walk I have to get home.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Sadness painted Abets face, but he just kept walking. He had never expected such a turn out after all that has happened between the two of them. Maybe he rushed it too much? Eventually Tamara and Abet reached the castle.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Entering the gates, Tamara ran all over the castle pleading for her parents until she reached the dining room. Rupert and Olimpia sat on the table. They tilted their heads up and took a look at Tamara. Quickly rushing towards her, Tamaras parents immediately recognized their jubilant daughter. Ohh honey, I thought I had lost you forever, Olimpia said eagerly. But now I am all safe, the man you sent really helped. Thanks to you guys I am here, Tamara added. But we didnt send anybody. Who are you talking about? Rubert asked. That moment Tamara skidded outside to check if Abet was still there, but he was gone. She went to her bedroom, and sat down on the bed. If this wasnt, then who was he? Tamara continued to think. Picking up her diary, she started to write: Dear diary, I am back. I was saved not by a man, but by a boy who was also cursed into an ogre. His name was Abet Gorgodian. I just realized he was not sent to rescue me, but somehow he helped me. He cared a lot about me. He was a very fun loving person. On the journey that we had together, I got to know him very well. The truth is that I love him. I dont know what happened to me back when he proposed me and said that he loved me. I totally felt the same way as he did but was too lost at that moment. I want to get married to him and live my life like an ogre, no matter whom he was. But how am I going to find him? I am going to have to tell mother and father today, and find him as soon as possible. Till then, Ill wait for my not exactly prince Enchanting.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Mayr and Payr, I have something to say. I have fallen in love and want to get married, but to an ogre. His name is Abet, the one who helped me reach home, Tamara stuttered. What? Absolutely not. That man has danger written all over him. Thankfully you even came home safe otherwise who knows what he could have done to you. Forget about him, youre not going to get married to him, and thats an order, Rubert raised his voice. Payr he is not like that. I love him and he loves me, Tamara spoke loudly. Ohh young lady dont you dare raise your voice, Rubert scolded Tamara. A sudden flash of light appeared. The same crooked nose, and screechy voice. Guess who it was, Jemma of course. Do I hear that Tamara wants to get married to an ogre, Jemma laughed. Honey you cant get married to him. The only person you can marry is my nephew, the real Prince Enchanting. As long as you are a princess, you can only marry a prince. Who said so? Its my wish, Tamara ordered. Keep your voice down, you useless Barbie doll. Look in all the books. Its a law, for crying out loud. What have you taught her, Rupert and Olimpia? I say she should get married tomorrow in the St. Martin church, to my nephew. Jemma interrupted. I totally agree! Rupert added. Hayr! Youre my Hayr, havent you realized that, Tamara screamed.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Tamara I wasnt born yesterday. Who do you think I am? Now go to your room, and get ready for the big day! Jemma flew away in a flash. Stomping her foot, Tamara ignored her parents, turned her face and exited the room. No, I dont want to get married to the Prince. All I want is to have a happily ever after. But tomorrow is a matter of life and death. Either I get married to a selfish brat, or I go to my beloved and sacrifice my royal life. I am so confused, Tamara thought, puzzled. So tell me more about Abet, Jemma re-appeared. What do you want? Just go away, Tamara mumbled. All I want is for you to get married to my nephew. See if you do, your curse will be broken and you can continue living your old life, Jemma insisted. I wont, will never, Tamara stood up. Excuse me. You will or I will kill Abet, Jemma raised her voice. Youd never! Tamara screamed. Or I will. The logic here is that if you marry my nephew, according to the laws I will get the throne and will be the next and last ruler of Armenia. But if you arent there in the church for the wedding, off with Abets head. Jemma blurted out. Go away you monster!! Leave me alone, Tamara said as tears ran down her face.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Jemma disappeared into the nightlight as she cackled and made fun of Tamara. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, the alarm sang. Morning has arrived and I am getting married, Tamara thought. What a disaster. I wish Jemma never existed. I wish I could get rid of her, and live a happy long life.

As the blazing sun gleamed in the sky, the clock struck 9. Tamara kept thinking, and finally came to a decision that she would get married. What can she do? She has no way out? The clock kept ticking 10, 11 and finally 11:45. Picking up her beautiful white gown, and her florescent flowers in her hands, the music started to play. Right next to her, her father Rupert stood, and sat on the pews was her family and friends staring right at her. As she walked down the aisle and waited for the ceremony to begin, she wondered is this really the man she wanted to spend her life with. Would he keep her happy? Thinking about Abet, he was nowhere to be seen neither in the wedding nor in the city. He must be roaming around in the forests. But how will I find him? Tamara thought silently. As you know in weddings the priest asks each the groom and bride if they vow to marry each other, so he asked Tamara. But she was blind; her real love was somewhere out there waiting for her. I have to go. I am sorry but I cant get married to you Prince Enchanting, Tamara said excitedly. My love is out there, and I am going to get him.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Go Tamara. Go get the real groom, Rupert added in. You have always done everything Ive said. You listened to me and gave no complaints or demands. But the biggest decision in your life is according to what you choose. If you take the wrong path you will be stuck in there forever. Sweetheart, love only comes once so dont let it slip through. Today its your turn not mine. A smile appeared on Tamaras face as she looked over to her father and murmured, Thank you. Wait a minute, a voice said. Neroghoutioun (excuse me). Rupert how could you say this you betrayer. Jemma snickered. Jemma, my aghtchig (daughter) always will come first no matter what. I am the king, and I will change that law today. Everybody in order who agree that all princesses should be free to marry anyone raise your hand. Rupert spoke with pride. Slowly everybody raised their hand in the air as they said, I agree. Well then it is settled. From today, I declare that all princesses are free to choose their grooms, Rupert recited. What nonsense. Sorry Tamara but I am going to have to kill Abet. Any last words! Jemma cackled. Scrumptious idu, Jemma recited the spell. Swirling her wand around and reciting the spell my love was gone.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

What did you do? Tamara shrieked. You killed him! I will never forgive you for as long as I live. I cant bear to live without him. Tamara started to cry. That was easy, anyways Tamara darling I was already going to kill him. Its no big deal. Jemma continued. I did kill him. And now for the honors I will kill your daddy too. You dare not. He is the king. Put the wand down I say. Tamara ordered. So what if he is the king! Nothing will come in my way. Tamara now be a good girl. Why dont you go and get some popcorn to enjoy the show. Jemma joked around. Good bye to Rupert, Jemma muttered. Swiveling up her hands in the air, saying the spell again and again, she lifted up her wand. Noooo! Tamara screamed as she jumped in front of her father. The flash was gone. Everybody stared at me, crowding in a circle. Next to me sat my Mayr and Payr assuring me my dad was safe. But I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. As I straightened my back and leaned forward, there was a big red spot on my stomach. It was my blood. The sound of ahhs and oohs echoed in my brain, as the people astonished saw me. Suddenly I felt dizzy and nauseous, that I just wanted to let everything go. Lying on the cold marble floor, I slowly shut my eyes and fell asleep forever. That day May 21st at 11:05am, I was declared dead.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Years had passed, and people changed. Out far away from the city lived a family with a new born baby girl. Usually babies would cry at birth, but when she was born she was different. Instead she smiled with the most gorgeous gift ever given to her. Her glistening blue eyes sparkled, and her pleasing soul was filled with warmth beneath her heart. Two decades flew by, forming this wonderful mature woman. One day as she walked by the dark woods, she came upon a tower. It was familiar to her. That moment she realized that this was the same tower where she, Tamara the royal princess met Abet. She was reborn. God had given her another chance to fall in love with her Abet all over again. Every single day, she hunted for her valiant life partner, and at last found him. They got married, had five adorable kids, and lived happily ever after. The end. said Tamara as she closed both sides of the fairytale book shut. Yay momma! They lived happily ever after, her five cute little children spoke cheerfully. Yes they did! Tamara added with a twinkle in her eye. Slightly turning her head towards her mate Abet, she spoke: This was the story off two lost souls that found their way back to each other. Abet Gorgodian and Tamara Gorgodian. Even though my happily ever after didnt turn out the way I planned, God gave us another try. We both are free from all magic. No curses and no Jemma. But do you know the best part about all off this; it was a lucky chance to fall in love with you all over again. Tamara had tears in her eyes.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Looking up at the sky with thoughts rumbling in her brain she smiled as I thought, At least in the end whichever way and however, I did get my fairy tale ending with one I imagined, Abet Gorgodian.


Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Trisha Sarang studies at the American Embassy School of New Delhi. She was born in New Delhi, India itself. She has lived in New Delhi for all her life. Trisha Sarang is 12 years old. This is her first folktale. She adores animals and loves write to poems, and stories especially unexpected ones. Her hobbies are to dance, sing and write. If Trisha were to describe herself and what she likes in five words, she would say, persistent, hardworking, yogurt, subway and slushes. She also likes to write poems. One of her poems called Believe in yourself was accepted into the middle school magazine of the American Embassy School, BANE (Beginnings and no ends). Trisha Sarang has a blog on all the school stuff

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

like poems, stories, research projects, activities, and assignments she presents for all her classes. To visit her blog go to; .

In this story, I used ETM (Explode the moment). To do this, I added more dramatical moments, leaving the readers curious as to what will happen next. In this story, I used a lot of thought shots. To do this, I made the character speak to herself and added different points of views. I also tried making the character think as she wrote in her diary. Its something different, that I wanted to try out. In this story, I revised it to find mistakes, sentence variety and the overall plot. To do this,

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

I read my folktale aloud many times. This helped me spot places that could improve in terms of grammatical issues and things that didnt make sense. It also helped me see the different ways I

used to start my sentences. It all had to come in

a flow creating good change and use of sentence variety. Lastly, it helped me view my whole folktale as one story, finding places that could be changed in the plot and also the overall impact. These three tools gave a hand in editing my piece and making it as sufficient and presentable as possible. Thanks to all these techniques, my folktale was successful.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Ananya Williams thinks: You did a really good job on looks, for example: His eyes so sharp, it felt like he sliced you through. His hair not brushed in a while, and his dress sense was so not in. White t-shirt with baggy pants. Cuts bruises covered his body. You did a awesome job describing an ugly ogre. You also did a awesome job on speech (there were so many examples but I just chose this one: So what if he is the king nothing will come in my way. Tamara now be a good girl. Why dont you go and get some popcorn to enjoy the show. This shows that Jemma is pretty darn mean haha! I love the way you made Tamara think (thoughts): I am back. I was saved not by a man but by an ogre. His name was Abet. I just realized he was not sent to rescue me, somehow he helped me. The truth is that I love him. He cared a lot about

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

me. When I was hurt, he cleared my wounds, and when I was sad he would cheer me up. What a fun loving person he was. I want to get married. Live my life like an ogre, no matter whom he was, he was just like me. I am going to tell mother and father today, and find him as soon as possible. This just shows that Tamara is really sweet and she doesnt really care about looks, I dont know the exact word but I guess you made me feel like she is sincere. Overall you did an awesome job! Noa Tagner thinks: WOW! Awesome sensory details, its very descriptive! Awesome similes Her face was sloppy as goo, her nose was as crocked as a broken ankle, and her voice was as screechy as a loop sided microphone. She was cursed into an ogre, DUN DUN DUN ! Creates a lot of tension.

Can there be a Happily Ever After? By - Trisha Sarang

Michelle Tabor (Ms.Tabor) thinks: Lots of sensory details and powerful imagery! Great use of figurative language for poetic effect.

Thanks peer editors, for the helpful feedback and comments.

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