IT 210 Week Checkpoint

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Appendix C Input Data and Output Process

In the second column, list at least three processes (capabilities) necessary to keep track of your home CD or DVD collection. In the first column, identify the input data required for each of the processes. In the last column, identify a logical name for each output data item and type of output data (real number, integer, text). Input Processes Output

Music Movie MusicRating MovieRating

Get User Input Get Movie Name Get Music Title Get Music Rating Get Movie Rating

MusicName (text) MovieTitle (text) MusicRating (text) MovieRating (text)

Music MP3 CD Movie BluRay DVDMovie

Get User Input Get Music Type Get Movie Type

MP3 (text) CD (text) BluRay (text) DVDMovie (text)

iPodAppStore StoreBought

Get User Input Get Purchase Input

iPodAppStore (text) StoreBought (text)

MusicTrackAmount MovieRunTime

Get number of Tracks Running Track Totals Get Movie Time Get total all Movies

TrackCDTotal (real number) SumAllCDTracks (integer) MovieRuntime (real number) SumAllMovies (integer)

IT 210

IT 210

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