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Thousands of papers were forming a big mountain of complains.

That pile was visible all the way through the huge room filled with rows of desks and cubicles. Pandora took a deep breath and looked miserably at her chores and then outside of the window. Classic London weather, clouds, rain and depression. She waved her colleagues goodmorning and sat down. She hated her job at the Violation Department, yet she had to admit that it was a huge improvement, compared to her previous post at the Creature Lost and Found Agency. She took some of the papers on her desk and started reading. Most of them were just silly complains, only a handful of that mountain would reach the Co-Operation courts. She sighed. Some people believed that magic was something extraordinary and without problems and complications, but they would be surprised if they knew that the bureaucracy was one of the main things the Two Worlds share in common. Pandora signed again. Why she was even bothering with all that rubbish, anyway? In 15 minutes she would be called for Evaluation. And on top of that, she had a killer headache, for quiet a few days now! Another pointless activity of her everyday routine. The problem was that she was working way too much time at the same post. For days, years, decades, the same, boring job time and time again. Perhaps she could talk to the Supervisor. A change, even a small one, would be positive for her low spirits. Norton, Pandora, please step forward. At the other end of the hall, an officer of the Violation Department was standing outside the door of the Evaluation room. Pandora got up and walked toward him, feeling rather bored. For the zillion time, the same things over and over again. She got into the room. As usual, the three members of the Committee were sitting at the top of a round table. Pandora greeted them and sat opposite them. State your name, please. The first who spoke was the Head Supervisor of the Violation Department, Ebenezer Hall, a wizard. He was rather old, gray hair, gray beard, gray complexion. Just as depressing as his Department. Pandora Norton. State your current station, Miss Norton. Ministry of Creature Co-Operation, Violation Department, Complains Sector. She answered mechanically. And this is your third post in the Department? asked Magistrate Euripi Lehmann, one of the few werewolves appointed in such a high position in the Magical Democracy of Englalond, Caledonia and Cambria. Proud face, strong expressions, a real fighter for the rights of werewolves. Pandora was admiring his determination and stamina, yet she had seen other creatures before failing the task. Yes sir. Alright, we have read your work and achievements, everything is good. Do you have any other questions? said Ebenezer Hall, going through his papers. Yes, I do. For the first time since she got into the Evaluation room, Pandora noticed the third member of the Committee. He was fair with blond hair, dark green eyes and a strong gaze. He was a Protector, that was sure, because of the bright red colour of his uniform, but he could not have been a wizard, a vampire or even an elf. His noble and careful expression gave away that he must have been a Dragon Master. Precede, Mister Sullivan. There is some confusion about your personal information. Do you have any magical or special power?

Oh, dont go there! Thought Pandora in dismay. She hated when the member of the Committee had to be changed. No, sir. So you are an Ungifted. He continued. No sir. Pardon me, but if you are a child of the Magical Cosmos and you have not inherit any powers, you are listed as Ungifted. His gaze was so imposing that Pandora was terrified for a heartbeat. I am aware of that, but the identity of my parents is unknown, as you can read in my personal information. I am an orphan. She answered rather hostile. Yes, its true. He said and leaned against the back of his chair. Assuming that your parents were creatures of the Magical Cosmos and that you can see and understand the other magical creatures, you have to be an Ungifted. That is the norm, Miss Norton. Yes, indeed it is, but I am not. She said as calmly as she could. The Code states that any child who was born by creatures and has not developed any powers within ten years is listed as an Ungifted. On the other hand, anyone who could not see, hear, smell or understand the magical activity was listed as Common. But she was able to comprehend any magic around her. Story of her life! Based on what facts? he demanded and fixed his eyes on Pandora. With all due respect, sir, you are new, so I understand your problem. She replied tensed. I am 220 years old! Can that be magically or commonly explained? Come on, Miss Norton! How is that possibly true? he asked ironically. I was born in 5th of December 1790 and dumped in an Orphanage just a few hours later. That is still recorded at the Orphanage and there are thousands of other documents and creatures, like the Minister of Resources, who happened to be a vampire, who can confirm that what I say is true. Pandora finished breathlessly. Understood, Miss Norton. I have read your file and you are indeed a unique case. He continued calmly. Indeed if you were an Ungifted, your life-span cannot be explained. All the Ungifted have no magical power or whatsoever and that includes immortality or longevity. But you are stationed at a very demanding post. You must have a certain ability. Yes, I speak all the known languages and dialects of every creature for the past 200 years. Answered Pandora quickly. Suddenly, she wanted to leave the room. How is that? I was raised in a General Orphanage, with different kinds of creatures and I am quiet old. She replied quickly and touched her forehead. That headache was getting worse by the minute. Your ability and long life makes you suspicious, Miss Norton. Living for so long unnoticed, you could be an excellent spy. continued Sullivan calmly. Pandora signed, closed her eyes to concentrate and looked at Ebenezer Hall. With all due respect, I have to get back to work. If my evaluation is over, I would like to take my leave. She said, avoiding Sullivan. Yes, you may go, Miss Norton. Pandora muttered a thank you and walked away. She was so furious! A mindless Protector, arrogant, big-headed, new at the job, was questioning her devotion to the Democracy and was characterising her as a spy?! She might be old, but she was not a Royalist. She was an eye-witness, when the King of Magic was overthrown, she was there fighting against that aristocrat bastard, a lot of her friends died during those wars! Ignorant bastard!

Pandora sat on her chair, took the first file she found and started reading. Fortunately, her day was dull as usual, but vey busy, kept her mind away from distressing matters: Some fairies were messing with a wizards garden, a vampire was supposed to have drain out of blood the dog of his werewolf neighbour, many complains were made on Morgana Lane, due to the awful smell of some zombie who recently moved there, or some sirens were seducing their neighbours wives. Finally, her day was over and she returned to her house with a huge headache. Without much thought, she went straight to the shower. What was that moron thinking? Big-headed Protector! Because of him, all of the bad memories of her past came back, making her headache worse. Pandora remembered the difficult days at the Orphanage. All the other creatures were growing and at the age of 5, most of them were listed. Vampires, werewolves, boogie-men, elves, fairiesEven if there was any doubt about the kind, it was magically resolved at the age of 5. Pandora was witnessing the evolution of her fellow creatures and was waiting impatiently for her transformation. But it did not come at 5, or 6 or ten. After that, her teachers and guardians were trying to provoke her powers by any means possibleShe was thrown in water, she was bathed in fire, she was left in the wind, she was exposed to her spirits, she was attacked by a werewolf, she was bitten by a vampire, she was forced to fly Nothing came out of it, only bruises and injuries. At the age of 18, all of her guardians gave up and she was listed as an Ungifted. Pandora was not disappointed. She only wanted the guardians to stop experimenting with her life. But something happened that no-one intended. At the age of 20, she noticed that she was not growing at all. She reported that to the Healers and another round of experiments started. This time, Pandora was sure, was convinced with all her power and faith that the Healer would bring her powers forward. But again, all her hard work, her sacrifice, her patience were fruitless. She was a riddle, no-one knows were she belongs. Trying to forget all of that, she got out of the shower, get dressed and sat in front of the gramophone. As usual, Eurydice Freely was playing famous masterpieces of Common composers. Pandora loved their music. Their musical pieces were producing such a unique magic, that nothing can exceed it, not even in the Magical Cosmos. She had only started forgetting about her evaluation, when the bell rung. What has she done to this world to be tortured like this? She went to the door and opened. Surprise!!! Many happy returns of the day!!! Oh, its you. Answered Pandora and left the door open for Ulrike to come in. Ulrike, a good-nature Sandman (or Sandwoman, as she preferred to be called) was perhaps the only friend Pandora had since the Liberty Revolution. As a matter of fact, Pandora did not want to have any friends, but for some peculiar reason, Ulrike was not giving up on her. She was short, dressed in light-blue, and although she was older that Pandora, her face was sweet and young, resembling a happy child. Happy birthday, dear child!!! she cried and gave her a big hug around Pandoras waist. May you be blessed by the- The who exactly, Ulrike? Dont forget, I dont belong anywhere. She replied and broke the embrace. Oh, dont be grumpy today! Its you birthday! I am aware, but I dont celebrate anymore, Ulrike. You know that. I do, I do. But I believe birthdays are important. Come on, cheer up! Whats the matter? Pandora sat on the couch, with her feet crossed. She touched her head in an attempt to make the pain less, but it was of use. She signed and looked away from her friend.

I had an Evaluation today. And there was a new member of the Committee. A Protector, Sullivan is his name, a bloody Dragon Master. You know, he started asking questions about my past and all that. And he was so arrogant and suspicious! Ah, I am fed up with everything, Ulrike! I am 221 years old, I dont know who I am, what I am, I have an awful job and I have to do everything by hand, which makes my job even more difficult, plus I dont have any chance of progressing, for the simple reason that I am a fucking mystery to the whole world! Pandora, you have to patient, my child. I understand that you life is meaningless, but there is a reason to everything, you will see. I have been waiting for 200 years, Ulrike, I think I had enough. She answered and looked at the Sandwoman. I am leaving, Ulrike. I am going to the Common World. What?! Ulrikes high-pitched voice echoed around the room. You cannot do that! You are not fit for that world! What are you supposed to do there? There is nothing for you in the Common World! And if you leave, you cannot come back!!! she said in surprise. I can play the piano and the harp and I know German, I could find a job, a small one but it would pay the rent. And- Is this all about that stupid Evaluation? Please, Pandora, dont act on impulse. I know Leo Sullivan, he is a big-head, arrogant suspicious bastard who thinks he is a savour. Dont let him affect you with his criticism! He doesnt like anyone; he doesnt even like his own brother! Please Pandora! I have been thinking about this for a long time. I have no family, no friends, no job, so I have nothing to lose. And today, Leo Sullivan made me understand one thing. I will never be accepted in the Magical Cosmos for what I am not! There will always be creatures who doubt me; there will always be this grey life, this misery! I can try, Ulrike, I can try to find a place that I belong! Dont you understand that? Ulrike had lowered her head and was hiding her tears. Why all the Sandmen had to be that emotional? When do you leave? she said at length. Tomorrow. In the morning. For the sake of Orpheus! So soon? The sooner the better. Said Pandora and smiled bitterly. Ulrike raised and have her another hug. I wish you the best of luck. May Orpheus be with you. I will miss you, Pandora. Thank you for everything, Ulrike. She said and walked her one and only friend out. Pandora signed and went upstairs. The suitcase was already on her bed, packed and ready. She sat down next to it and closed her eyes. The head ache was still hammering her head. She did not feel any fear or remorse or sadness. That was the problem. She didnt feel anything but a void, just in the middle of her chest, growing with the time. She had to change. She had to leave. Or her other option was suicide. But Pandora knew better. She had seen people dying with no good reason, without a cause or a purpose, in the Revolution, she learned to appreciate life as it was. She opened her eyes and the reflection of the mirror gazed back at her. If someone, a Common say, would look at her, she would say that this woman is at least 25 years old, tall, with light brown hair, always hidden in a bun at the base of her head, big dark brown eyes, somehow good-looking, perhaps paler that any other Common. No-one would try to figure out what she was, making uncomfortable questions, making painful experiments to exact any special powerShe could be one of them. She would finally fit somewhere. Pandora smiled and got up. The clock sounded 2 in the morning. It was time to lea-

The headache reached its pitch and Pandora felt as if her head was going to open in two. She lost her balance and felt to her knees. Everything went blurry and she buried her head into her hands as the pain was growing. What was happening? For a brief moment, the pain began to subside. Pandora realised that she was crying and tried to wipe her tears. What? she whispered when she looked at her fingers. They were on fire. Her fingers were burning, but she did not feel any pain nor was her flesh burned. She looked herself in the mirror. Panic took over her. She was crying fire! The pain was back, but this time, it came from her chest. She curled up in pain, as if someone was trying to tear her heart off. With a violent move, she sprung up and the whole room was burning, yet Pandora was standing in the middle of it, in the middle of the fierily mayhem intact, she was generating the fire! The only thing she could do is to witness this strange phenomenon shocked and terrified. After a few heartbeats, Pandora started breathing heavily. Suddenly, she felt so weak and tired. She closed her eyes and collapsed to the floor again. Her head was humming againAnd what about the fire? Was it still burning? She looked at the room. There were only a few flames around, but there was no smoke! She tried to get up, leaning on her burned bed. Her head gave her another painful wave. At once, the fires were turning themselves into water! Cascades and waterfalls were filling the room with cool and refreshing water, Pandora was sure she could smell the sea. She rose to the feet and went closer. She tried to touch the sea water coming out of the walls and the liquid, as if obeying to her will, whirled around her. She smiled in surprise. That wonderful scene was interrupted by another pain wave. But Pandora did not let herself collapse this time. She wanted to face the next challenge on her feet. Out of all proportion, the windows of her room opened and she was surrounded by a violent wind, making her hair flying all around her face. She closed her eyes and the wind became a gentle breeze, cooling her face. She breathed deeply. She was not afraid anymore. For some unexplainable reason, she knew what would come next. The wall cracked and opened wide. Trough the gaps, ivy and flowers started growing and covering the every available area. Although Pandora was a witness to the most beautiful green and colourful mosaic of plant life, she suddenly felt weak. Her head was heavy, her muscles were aching and tears were running down her face. Without realising, she collapsed to her flowery bed on the floor. Her eyes started closing and she was letting herself drawing into sleep. She was marvelling the colours of the flowers, as a voice was whispering to her and then everything went blank. * Miss Norton? Miss Norton? Can you hear me? Pandora was hearing, but she did not want to open her eyes. Why she was asleep anyway? Oh, she was in the Common world and must have felt asleep at an alley or something. Not a very good beginning for an unknown creature with no powers and a bad headaPandora opened her eyes and got up with a violent jerk. She had never travelled to the Common world, she had never fallen asleep on an alley, she was lying on the floor of her bedroom, after four of the five elements had just stormed into her house. This is bad, this is really bad! They might accuse her of element and resources theft, she knew the drill, she was working for the department! This is really baMiss Norton, please, calm down! Pandora looked frustrated at the man in front of her. He was dressed in red, a Protector, no doubt about that, blonde, with amazing blue eyes

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