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The New School, The New Curriculum

by Andria Wagner

Introduction Our goal is to honor the divinity in children. Your child is extraordinary. Your child deserves a better school and a better curriculum. This book is born out of years of experience teaching and working with children and parents in the United States. It is born out of a desire to free children from the conformist constraints placed on them by society and by schools. The reason why children deserve better is that they are so much brighter and more creative than most realize. They are born with so many gifts, talents, and traits that can help humanity grow, prosper and evolve. Yet, we put them in schools where these gifts, talents and traits are labeled as disorders. Our children are not disordered. Your child does not have a disorder. Your child is beyond brilliant. Our system however, does not know what to do with your child and they are afraid to admit it because once it is admitted, the system will have to change. The truth now is that parents have to make the change. We know government and schools will not change. Parents must exit traditional schools and create ones which honor the creative soul gifts of their children. Children do not need to sit at desks to learn. Children need nature more than anything. There are few schools which honor this simple fact. Your child does not have a disorder, but this society we live in is disorderly. The school systems are disorderly because they are trying to pin the problem on the children because the children cannot yet defend themselves. Children are treated as scapegoats and have become an easy target for a multitude of societal issues. If we continue to place the blame on children, they will grow into resentful adults who have been conditioned to label themselves as disordered, and not only that, but also medicating themselves because several adults gathered and told them as a child that something was wrong with them. This amounts to a gross violation of human rights. It is unfair that adults mass label and mass medicate children because adults are not wise, honest, and evolved enough themselves to admit what the problem truly is. If we continue to blame children for the inappropriate setting that they are unfairly expected to thrive in, then we have missed the boat as their parents. The New School and the New Curriculum is intended to address the needs of all children on an individual basis recognizing that each childs soul is responsible for healing a part of the planet. When we honor their sacred contract to be here, to help this planet evolve for the good of all, we realize that we as parents have a very important and sacred role and contract to help

our children fulfill their purpose in life. I, as a parent, am responsible for my childs spiritual and soul evolution. I, as a parent, am responsible for recognizing and admitting the needs of my children despite societal constraints. I, as a parent, am responsible for holding my child in love, honor and respect. I love all they do, I honor their needs for expression and I respect their need for creative flow, space, and time in nature. Therefore, I choose to select a schooling environment which reflects my truth. If we deny the truth, we will continue to live in a disorderly society. The results are simple to see. The needs are simple to acknowledge. The impetus for change is real and current. It needs to be done now, not in five years. As parents we often know our kids are different yet we dont really know how to characterize them or explain them to ourselves or to others. There is a time where a skilled intuitive can actually help you understand your childs needs better if you are finding it hard to see it clearly. Parents know that in our busy lives, its sometimes hard to be on top of everything, it is okay to need help with this. We can develop schools to educate adults how to help children and other adults in their own communities to find solutions to their childs labels, disorders, concerns, or traits. Again, all of these are simply uniquely powerful gifts, yet society wants to call them disorders. We have a semantics problem. We have a problem understanding language. We dont understand the language of these children. In addition, many children are speaking later and with speech delays. This is again part of the issue we face. However, the lack of speech is not a serious concern. The problem lies in the fact that adults think that lack of speech is the concern, whereas many adults are beginning to recognize that these children are so highly evolved that many communicate telepathically. Children today often do not need to speak verbally in order to communicate effectively. Many can be called Star Children or star seeds. This simply means their soul originates from a different star system than Earth. Why are they here? They come to Earth to help humanity evolve and heal. They come to create order and peace. Each child is born with a specific mission to carry out. Our role as their parents is to facilitate this mission with them, meaning we make it easier for them. We supply materials and transportation. We offer them support, love and protection, and we get out of their way. They are too masterful and knowledgeable, so if they need or want our help, they will request it. We can still teach our children math and science, however, what this means is that we stay very open-minded to our childrens requests for activities, schooling, and concerns they have over how their time is used, the environment they live and go to school in and the people they spend time with. In my first book, The Book For Parents, I addressed diet concerns and the basics of what the children need from parents. This book is intended to outline the actual curriculum, why it is needed and how it can be implemented now rather than in the future. We are re-writing how children are to be treated in and out of schools. We are explaining them to the general population so the perception of them is more correct and clear. We are helping humanity troubleshoot the individual concerns about youre a childs life and education in a very holistic and caring manner. We understand that all children are completely unique. We thank God for this because the world is desperately in need of creative solutions to its problems. If we listen to our children, healing humanity will

be easier and more efficient. Thank you for reading, and thank you for being a part of the solution. We know we are coming together as one global community. Even as the old government falls away, even as the chaos seems to increase, we keep our focus on our mission of peace. This is what a spiritual warrior is, someone who can keep the focus on love and peace in the midst of a revolution. This is why Mother Teresa came first. She showed us how to do it right. Now we take our missions and we walk forward, helping one another and building the New Earth.

The New Children Facilitator Training Starting in 2012, Andria is offering a new seminar for adult servants to humanity. Our guidance and mission is to prepare more adults to serve the needs of children today. Many adults are uncomfortable with children. They are unsure of themselves. They arent sure what to do with the children. To help the children, we want to help the adults better understand them and their role. Our role with the children will at times be to teach them specific content, when they request that of us. For example, if you teach physics or are a physicist, there will be moments where the children want to learn this subject. However, much of the time, children want to explore their physical environment, play, socialize, write, dance, sing, paint, etc. So the adult is on stand-by. The adult is there for safety purposes and to assist the child with supplies, materials and suggestions when it is called for. Its important for the adult to stay out of the way, be present, but let the child ask for what he/she wants. This will allow for the childs individual desires to be discovered, empowering the child and ultimately teaching the child responsibility and self-awareness. Again, were not here to tell children what to do, rather we are here to listen to them. The first phase of our facilitator training is to begin with a full 2-day seminar. The purpose of this seminar is to make sure the facilitators are prepared and on the same page regarding our mission and how to help the children. After this seminar is completed, we will offer personal instruction to those adults in need, as well as advanced topic seminars which address specific concerns regarding the education of the children. At the same time, a board or team of established members will convene to discuss and formulate the actual school. We will begin to organize the very first Angel Peace Center and School.

The reason why I am not building this whole project myself is because I know this is not a oneperson project. This is a massive undertaking and global mission. I want a community-based center and school that is always evolving and meeting the needs of others. We need diversity and a wide variety of souls and experience to create this for the children. Everyone who is drawn to assist us has specific talents and a specific role to play. My role at this time is to mobilize, connect and unify the message, the facilitators and the platform for the center and school. The vision and the motivation have been there for years as the Star Children have made it clear that I am their voice, until they come into their power. We as adults, are their voices. It is now time to put this into a reality for the children.

Topics to be taught during the facilitator training:

Spiritual Communication - adjustments will be made to your ears (ear chakras) and eyes (3rd eye), so that you can see and listen to the children in a different way. Many children today are telepathic communicators so we need to get all facilitators ready and prepared to assist quiet children or telepathic ones. Sensitivity Training - we will cover empathy, emotional understanding, listening, compassion, non-judgment, love, and other basic human emotional needs that the children of today will not compromise on. We have to meet them at their level, which is a heart-centered approach that few adults have learned. We will work on this as a group and address each persons concerns, experiences, and Spirit will guide us through activities which help participants to be more open. Integration - How to include your child in all you do. Its important that we adults model and teach integration. The New Children are too segregated and left out of important events and conversations. Adults must understand the wisdom and knowledge of children. Here, we will discuss how we realistically manage children in our adult spaces and life, including your workplace and career. Navigating labels and so-called disorders - Here we will talk about the levels of disorders and what we can do to address these concerns from a holistic background. While there are clearly some children who have more extreme physical challenges, many of the children today are being inaccurately labeled, diagnosed and medicated. Facilitators will be educated in reading situations accurately, receiving divine guidance and trusting instincts when it comes to helping parents and children. Many adults already know the truth of the situation. This session will help everyone build confidence so they can assist parents and children from a place of love and peace, instead of from a place of labeling and diagnosing. Self-care - An aspect of self-healing and self-love that must be taught to all adults and children today. In order to care for others, we must care for ourselves. We need to know our issues before we help others and we need to clear much of our personal concerns before we assist others. These sessions will make sure that facilitators are clear channels for the divine and that they are ready to assist and guide others through self-care, self-healing, and holistic health care. We are not intending to make you a

trained holistic practitioner, but we are guiding you to trust what you know, your instincts and how to address the most common concerns we all face today in our society. Love in action The basis of our system and school is love. We will discuss what love in action regarding children looks like in everyday situations. We will discuss and learn about how we love ourselves, and the children. We will discuss and learn how we practice pure love in a classroom setting, a school setting, and at home. The children are pure vehicles of love, and they need the same from us. If they dont receive this, they respond with silence or misbehavior. Here we will also work with the adults obstacles to receiving and feeling the depth of divine love. The end result will be that the facilitators can teach and assist parents and other adults to do the same. Our goal is to be masters of love, so the children get what they need from us. So we can let them be themselves, by first letting us be ourselves. Discernment In order to allow for variations of what is taught in each center school, its important to develop discernment. Each adult must understand the foundational ideals of this system of school, because the curriculum is not set in stone or mandated, other than a basic set of principles that facilitators and community members follow. We give you autonomy, trust, in that you practice great self-awareness and discernment at all times. This allows the children in each community to get what they need. Each school and center that is created will be at times quite different. There will be no strict set curriculum to adhere to, however, there will be a general curriculum that each school will follow. Within that curriculum is a lot of freedom for self-expression and creativity, thus the way it manifests will appear quite differently for each community. We will train each facilitator to hone their discernment skills in all areas of their lives. This allows for presence, and excellent decision-making in every moment.

This is not a clinical program. This is a holistic, dynamic, evolving, practical program for adults who already consider themselves to be lightworkers, those in service to humanity in a spiritual manner, who are aware of their own divine presence and who wish to assist others in discovering their own. If this describes you as an adult and you have felt the call to work with the younger generations of children who are referred to as Crystal, Indigo, Star, or Rainbow children, then we are here to help you get going, to make sure you are able to accomplish your personal mission here on Earth. Our goal is to build a network of facilitators that people can go to, to receive guidance, and get support for the various concerns they have regarding parenting, schooling and treating so-called diagnoses and labels. We need well-trained and educated intuitive adults who understand the children and are ready to work with them and their parents, teachers and any adult who wishes to know more about the topic. The children are waiting for us. They have been waiting for us to assist them for a very long time. Most lightworkers have not been ready to do the actual service they came here for. As a lightworker this is not to criticize, simply to acknowledge its time for us to work together for the sake of the children. Its imperative that at this time, we stop all non-essential activities and

we listen to the children. If we truly believe that what we are doing here affects the next seven generations of children, then we need to connect with and hear our divine guidance about the actual work and service we need to accomplish, otherwise we are simply talking, and not acting. Its time to act. Its time to put this into action. All of the beautiful words, messages and ideas from the divine that we know need to be activated here on Earth, are to be taught, given, shared, and experienced with our children and our communities. Our children already know this. They already know what we adults have been trying to learn for the past decade or more. They have been waiting for us to help them change the current system. And while the current system is failing, most are still participating in it. While there are small changes, the masses are still sending their children to public schools knowing full well that they are not meeting their childrens needs. Why is this happening? What can we do about it? We can train adults to help the children and parents. We can train new teachers how to do it the right way, meaning the way the children need, not the way conditioned society wants. We can learn how to assist the children according to their wants and needs, not according to ours. This most often requires the absence of ego. This requires excellent listening abilities. Our training program is designed to address these concerns to prepare adults to really be present for the children and listen to them. If we do not listen to them, they will walk over us when they come of age. We will have lost their trust. We will have betrayed our souls promise to them. They will not want us, they will simply view us as a part of the larger failing system. We know we are not that, therefore it is time for us to act on their behalf.

New School Facilitator Training for Light Workers A Two-Day Seminar 2012
To prepare adult Light Workers to serve as a cohesive world community for the higher good of all children on the planet. Together we are going to re-design the world of education in the United States and for the world. With the assistance of the Star Children, we will create the foundation for a worldwide online network of Facilitators who can help all parents and children. From this foundation, the world will learn about the needs of Star Children. We will work together as one world community to teach the world how to honor the divinity in children. We will create new schools for the children and the world will learn to listen to children, as we take the lead of how all children are to be treated. In this training, we will unify the group, in intention, focus and purpose under the guidance of the Star Children and Archangel Michael. Topics to be covered: Spiritual Communication Sensitivity Training Integration of children Navigating so-called disorders Self-care Love in Action Discernment Self-Healing Healing Arts

The goal of this training is to lay a foundation where all Light Workers are ready and able to assist the world community of Star Children by guiding them and their parents to a better alignment with Source, so their needs are met. We want parents to know how to find us, so they can learn how to better support and help their children. At the end of these two days you will have more confidence in your ability to function in your worldwide role to assist the Star Children, so we can together create a more peaceful Earth. Your name will be listed under our online worldwide director of New School Facilitators so parents can more easily find help for their children. You will be the leaders of the forefront of a movement to create the New Earth. Through Andria, the Star Children will make certain that adults are prepared to handle the work that lies ahead. We will serve humanity through a unified world heart of love and peace. All coursework taught by Andria Wagner, mother of 3 boys and CEO of the Angel Peace Center and School in the Bay Area, CA. For more information, go to Cost of program $300 tuition only (we hope to offer scholarships in time) Please send payment to: Andria Wagner c/o Location: Bay Area CA, depends on group size, most likely a private residence, contact Andria if you can offer your space. Date and Time: 10am-4pm each day. Bring water and a bag lunch/snacks, pillow

What does The New School look and feel like? Our ideal and vision for The New School is a structure with few walls. We want gardens, forest, beach and nature galore. We feel walls are limiting. While there are times when we will need desks, computers, rugs and books, we recognize our basic human need is time spent in nature. Practical experience with building, gardening, and many fun hands-on projects are meant to be accomplished outdoors. We love to play outside, get dirty, watch the animals, and often just lie down and watch the clouds roll by. Cloud watching and sun gazing will be a part of the everyday activities at The New School. The school feels more like home, soft and warm. The adults present are caring and loving. They know what the children need. They are attentive and conscientious. If a child is sad, the child is helped. If a child needs time alone, the adult facilitates this. If a child needs to run and play, room is made. We give the child what he or she needs no matter what. Children are not forced to sit and behave. This type of language is not used in our school environment. If a child is upset, we understand that there is an unmet need. We work with that child to find a solution. Children are encouraged to express themselves. Artwork, music, dance and theater are important parts of our daily activities. Creative expression in any form is always encouraged. Self-expression in a non-violent manner is always supported. Our only rule is kindness. We do not harm others. We are aware and empathic. We treat each other with kindness. Facilitators must model self-compassion and compassion for everyone they interact with. Harsh language or attitudes will not be tolerated. We will discuss as a team how to address challenging situations where more attention is required. Love in all ways is expressed. We learn alternative forms of healing, energy, and communication. Spiritual language is allowed. No topic is off limits. God is understood to be a part of each person, therefore the word God is allowed to be spoken and discussed in school. The understanding of divinity will be explored. All spiritual and holistic topics will be offered and explored according to the students wishes. All religions and aspects of spirituality can be taught and explored according to each childs wishes. Sports and physical activities will be encouraged, again depending on the students desires. All accommodations will be made to provide the children with the learning opportunities they desire. If for some reason the school cannot provide this, we will discuss this as a board and community to work with the parents to create or support what they need.

In general, we disregard former labels. If your child has been labeled, we encourage you to start fresh with us, without the label, and work with us as we meet your family, learn about your child and then work as a team to find solutions to any concerns. Most typical Aspergers, (lower Autism Spectrum Disorders) ADD and ADHD labels will be dropped completely once the child feels unconditionally loved and accepted. We will offer a system and environment which allows for their unique ways. We will offer alternative therapies to each family if desired. We do not support the use of pharmaceutical medications for conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD or similar. The only exception made is when a child is being weaned off their meds or if a child is severely suicidal, then we will work with the family to bring the situation into healing. We understand that sometimes in acute situations a medication may be necessary. However, we realize that this is not the norm. We want to make it clear that we support and understand alternative and holistic remedies of healing for all conditions. Our facilitators are training in various forms of healing arts, this is often what our community members specialize in. We mean what we say, if your child needs martial arts and running to cope with high energy, this will be part of their curriculum. We encourage and appreciate high energy children. We see each child as uniquely talented. We address each concern individually. We work with parents and children to find out how we can assist them. We do not tell parents what is wrong with their child. We find ways to allow for the natural expression of each childs personality and talents. Each child has soul gifts, which present differently in each one, therefore we make no judgments about how this is expressed, when or in what ways. We simply listen to the child and make room for them to be completely themselves. We keep very small class or group sizes. We inter-mingle age groups to mimic nature. We are peaceful. Music is played. Healthy food is provided. Parents are involved and present. School flows, is harmonious, and there is no rigid schedule or forcing. We move with the natural bio-rhythms of children. We honor their need for rest and nourishment. We honor their need for play. We honor their need for oneon-one adult attention. A great deal of trust and freedom is given. Its imperative that parents and facilitators understand this and practice this at all times. This is why discernment is taught to facilitators prior to the opening of the school. Any school can decide to teach any subject area, as long as it is willed by the children. No subject will be forced, however reading, writing, foreign languages as well as math and science will be offered as foundational units according to the childrens readiness and interest. Facilitators will be prepared to learn, research and teach almost any subject. If one cannot be taught, we will bring in additional facilitators in a certain subject area to teach one area of content. The beauty of having a diverse group of community members is that we will easily find anyone we need. We will work together to make sure that the children are well educated on every possible level. There will be enormous content and diverse areas will be offered. If an advanced child wants to learn to speak five languages and learn astro-physics in 3rd grade, we will make it happen. There will be limitless possibilities. Our school will mimic a home-school, or an un-school, meaning that there is plenty of one-onone learning and there is no set coursework. If I child wants to work for three hours straight, this is okay. If a child needs a two-hour nap, this is okay. We understand that when we allow

for individual needs, the child ends up learning more effectively and if they are well-rested, well-fed and allowed to play outdoors, they are highly capable of executing advanced tasks for longer periods of time according to their interests. When a child is interested in what he or she is learning, they tend to study and work in that area for longer periods of time, learning in a meaningful and in-depth way. There is no rote memorization and test-taking, unless the child wants to create that in their learning. If a child wants to prepare for college or state exams, we will make room for them to do so. We recognize that in a school such as this, students may very well be prepared for University coursework by the age of 15, or even earlier. Most students who are home schooled are very mature and academically advanced when compared to children their age who attend public school. Some adults may fear that the students wont learn basic subjects and skills, however this is rarely, if ever the case. This is again why the facilitators must be taught love, trust and discernment. We are not a fear-based system. In fact, fear-based thinkers will likely not want to be involved in our system, and this is okay. We are not here to convince anyone that what we are doing is right. We are here to provide an opportunity to live and learn in an environment that is healthy and loving. Our goal is to protect and honor the hearts and minds of children. Our mission is to allow their creativity to flourish no matter what.

More on what The New School will feel and look like.

Today, in most schools, kids cant wait for the bell to ring and to leave. In our school, we all want to be there, we all want to stay, play, learn and grow within a loving, peaceful community. School is meant to be fun and caring. School is a place where we learn, but so is life. If life is our school, then it never ends. In the right school, we develop and maintain a lifelong passion for learning and when its time for us to leave the school, we take our passions out into the world for full expression and service to humanity. Our school then becomes the hub or center of our life, our community, its the safe place to come home to, where we are free, independent Earth citizens. Our school is full of buzzing energy, creativity, playfulness, and at times, intense concentration. Each person uplifts each other to new heights of learning and productivity. Yet our productivity is subjective. The end mean is never the goal, but we continue to act and learn to keep building on a new level of creation this new Earth. What ancient civilizations understood well was balance in all things. Balance between home and school, between work and play, between Earth and Spirit. They honored all aspects of Self. As a community, we will do the same. We can create temples and houses. We can make money or barter. We can learn math or draw pictures. There is no obligation to do any one thing. Ultimately, we are serving inspiration itself, drawing on the magic of nature, the laws of the Universe, guided by Spirit, guided by Truth, guided by Love and from this space, we create a new civilization, like Lemuria, like Atlantis, like Ancient Egypt, yet now a modern society where the ills are undone, and where we thrive in perfect wealth, health, love and freedom. This is the time to understand our true nature, our Self, our power, our souls, honoring each one of us, and choosing to create together. Everyone I meet is interested in this project, though few seem truly ready to leave it all behind to live a new way. Many are attached to the old way, out of fear mostly. Some are attached to certain comforts, I understand this, I am human too. Perhaps there will be a time of adjustment, where we have less or make do with less. Overall however, let me remind you that the ancient civilizations that I speak of were lavishly luxurious, wealthy, healthy, and spiritual. Abundance is nature, and nature is abundant. When we finally realize that we can live in complete harmony with life, with nature, and when we choose that life, life will respond in kind with so much abundance. Life will be different, yes. Love becomes the most essential part of our existence. Fear will die, ego will vanish. This creates fear in most people at a very deep level. Yet I know, this is what people want. I know this is what everyones hearts and souls are yearning for. This is the direction we must go in for the next seven generations. We return to nature, peace, harmony and level, for the good of all. We rebuild life, community and trust with each other. The children are the center piece and the school is the center piece of the community. The children and the school come first. This way, we know that we will honor the next seven generations.

The New School Curriculum Suggested Content Areas The areas of content in our school vary in a unique way. There is no set curriculum, however, there are likely to be subject areas, which are desired and accepted by the community and we list them here as suggestions, knowing already what children navigate towards when given choices. Creative Arts Dance, Music, Art, Writing, Theater, Story-Telling, Animation, etc. Emotional Intelligence Compassion, empathy, human behavior, psychology, sociology, etc. Healing Arts Reiki, Energy Healing, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, etc. Sciences Nature lessons, biology, experiments, chemistry, geology, technology, etc. Money and Resource Management Managing money and developing alternative currencies, etc. Life Skills Coping, communication, cooking, expression, self-care, self-respect, selflove, etc. Transcendental Studies - Yoga, Meditation styles, mystical practices, silence practices, Community building Organic gardening, teaching others, building community structures, etc. Service Volunteer opportunities of any kind, including travel and field trips. Trades Woodworking, electrical, plumbing, nursing, counselors, etc. Green technology solar installation, hydroponics, green construction, etc.

Our goal is to support the well-rounded, educated and happy child. We want children to be content, instead of stressed. Test-taking will not be required. Some facilitators will have teaching credentials or be experts in a certain field and some will be generalists. Both are valuable to our community. In the beginning a school may have one classroom which is separated into stations. Certain subjects are learned in certain areas and children are allowed to explore the area they wish to learn in. We will have computer stations, kitchens, quiet rooms/areas, meditation areas, play areas, reading and writing spaces, etc. Classes are ideally in a 5:1 ratio for younger children and an average of 10:1 ratio (students:facilitator) for older children. Again these are averages, depending on student need. We are a system which relies heavily on community involvement and donations. We are a hands-on environment. We welcome all individuals. Certain safety procedures will be in place according to state regulations.

Our goal is to make the concept of home schooling possible for everyone. We know home schooling is ideal, we hope to bridge the best of both worlds with a social environment and a personalized instructional program which allows for individual freedoms and expression. We allow students to be teachers. Instruction is student-centered and heart-centered. We do not practice violence. We prefer a vegetarian kitchen, however if necessary we will make room for a child to eat what he or she needs. If possible, we will allow for separate kitchen spaces to honor strictly vegetarian families. Either way, there will be no judgment. We understand that everyone has individual dietary needs, which change according to age, developmental phase, and health needs. The school schedule will be flexible without rigid required attendance. We understand that families sometime need to travel out of the area to visit family. We recognize that these experiences are often valuable educational moments for children. Ultimately, we realize that parents are the childs first and most important teachers. We want community members to be committed to being present, yet we allow for change and growth. Mutual respect will be essential to the success of our community.

School and Program Logistics Unless a currency free system is developed in a certain community, we will be a tuition-based program, meaning each family will pay tuition for their child. We will work with local governments as much as possible and local companies to receive grant money to allow for lower tuition fees and scholarships. We do not wish to exclude anyone because of money concerns. That being said, facilitators and staff members will need to be paid. At the same time, we hope to create a free school system. We will work extensively with community members to create a scenario whereby we have a free school system. We do understand that adults need to create income and/or be provided living expenses or supplies to support their families. We are open to trade, barter, exchange, donations and currencies. All practices must support kindness and non-violence. All funds accepted will be accepted from sources which follow the same guidelines of integrity that we do as a community. In the meantime, we are requesting donors and investors in our project so that we may move into the physical creation of our center and school. Even if you wish to donate a room, a space, a flat or a building, a garden space, materials, your thoughts, your time, anything; we appreciate any heartfelt gift. The goal at this time is to begin with a business plan, finding private angel investors, creating a 503-c non-profit foundation, grant writing, and then the physical creation of the school space will begin. We are open to donations of land. The actual location of the first center school has not been decided upon. It is likely we will choose the area of San Jose, CA, ideally in a mountain area, near the Santa Cruz or Los Gatos Mountains or perhaps in the Portola Valley region. The

other chosen school location will be in the area of Flagstaff, Arizona. The area of Flagstaff, AZ was chosen by the Star Children. In time, the schools will gain notoriety and we will create centers and schools in any location worldwide. We hope to inspire the world to change its view of education and how to treat children. This is our mission. We thank you for your input and participation. We need a large room to begin with, in nature, with easy access for vehicles. We will need a bathroom, kitchen, garden space, full sun with shade trees, and would love fruit trees. In this one room, we can teach and begin a center and school. Our intention is to build a small, solid foundation, and begin to build community visibility, where those in the Bay Area realize our presence in one location, and know where and how to find us. My personal goal is to be in the space, as often as possible, perhaps living right there, next door or in an adjoining space. We would like to have ample outdoor space, nature and privacy to assure that the energy around us is clear and protected, without the interference of traffic noise, or noise from neighbors. To accomplish this, a lot of approximately 5 acres would be ideal, mostly wooded, but with parking areas, and areas of full sun. We seek a lot with fresh water, springs or creeks, and perhaps a dug and functional well so we will be able to have clean water for the gardens. We will need tools and a tool shed to begin our gardens.

The New Paradigm We have heard much about the New Paradigm in the past several years in our New Age circles. What is clear to me is that in this new paradigm, the children guide. This is not how most New Agers are living today. The adults role is to listen, love and protect the children. In general, this is not happening on the Earth today. Hence why we write these books and create these new schools, to bring awareness to the masses of adults walking the Earth. If you want to honor yourself and your divinity, you must also recognize and honor the divinity of your children. Parents still do not do this, in great numbers we mean. We are preparing the world for global shifting, in physical form and in consciousness. The changes which will take place may be challenging for some. For those of you who are living closer to nature and who are embodying more of your divinity and divine trust, you will have an easier time with the shifts that are about to take place. If you are still holding onto an old paradigm or way of life, you will experience more turmoil. Our wish is to point out how the shift needs to occur and the main approach is to listen to the children, the children have the keys and answers, codes and visions that the adults need to help turn the world around. If we do not respect the wisdom and knowledge of the younger ones here on the planet, we will miss the large majority of information that we need to utilize our full power and potential on the planet. The women and children need to be held in higher esteem. They must be loved, protected, honored and listened to. Everyone must return to mother Earth herself to live. We must live in harmony with nature and the cycles of the Earth and moon. If we do not follow these rhythms we will be tossed around in tidal waves and Earth changes, both literally and energetically. At this time, it is highly recommended to live and build structures at higher elevations where there is ample

fresh water supply. This is why the suggestion of Flagstaff, AZ was made. Hawaii is a good idea as well, though not everyone will be able to come there. Flagstaff will be easier to locate for those desiring to follow through this shift on the mainland of the US. Portola Valley and the Los Gatos Mountain areas are good transitional spaces, they are beautiful, but most lack enough fresh water source for long term expansion. However, there is potential here as well. Mount Shasta also appears as a very plausible and perfect location for a center and school. It is already deeply aligned with this project on various levels. And of course, the water source there is ideal. Santa Fe will also be the site of many future high frequency creations. This will be shown in time to those interested. There will be many temples, schools and centers in Shasta, Santa Fe and the areas around Sedona, AZ. Though as Andria has spoken of frequently, downtown Sedona herself is not to be inhabited or built upon and Andria is globally speaking to the deconstruction of all homes and businesses that are located in Sedona proper, asking that they be moved to Flagstaff, Oak Creek or other surrounding areas. There is to be no further construction in Sedona, the Earth Keepers are requesting we honor the wishes of the Natives of this land and protect its holiness. Andria will work with Native living Earth Keepers and those in Spirit to protect this land from further exploitation by greedy lightworkers who have mistakenly made the choice to live in this region disregarding the direct feelings of those who are protecting and guarding the land itself. We must realize that as Earth citizens that we must work with and honor the land itself. This requires us to communicate with Spirit and the indigenous peoples as we create the New Earth and structures. For example, I see great positive change to occur for the Lakota people in South Dakota. In time, Andria will become quite involved in this evolution to return to the Lakota people what is their divine right that was so wrongly taken from them. One of Andrias most passionate missions in life is to see this through. She will in time work closely with the locals to make sure we give back what is owed to the Lakota families. We must work hard to correct what has been done. Neglecting them is no longer permitted. The wrongs committed against these beautiful souls will be admitted and cleared. The Lakota people know this, and they wait patiently in prayer, still suffering at times immensely as a result of the selfish greed of the people who to this day continue to exploit them. Many of Andrias projects and personal funds will go one day to support the Lakota people as well as the Nez Perce in Oregon. These are soul promises that she has made to her Native family. The land of this nation will in one way or another be returned to its people and customs. Either we learn to honor the land and customs or we leave. This is now the way to be. There is no middle ground, there is no longer a fence. You either join the new paradigm or Earth shifts will in one way or another push you out. Mother Earth is protecting her land and her children. We will live in harmony with nature, animals and each other. We will love and serve our children and each other. We will grow together again as communities and honor the Ancient Ways that serve God, soul and Spirit, and we will live abundantly, creatively, joyfully, and with love in our hearts. There is no other choice for us.

Therefore, we begin with the center, school and children. We will gather with our families and our children, learning from them, spending time listening to them and we will create our village from that place of honor and respect. Nature and the children will be our inspiration. Our love for them and our desire to protect them will ensure the best outcome for the next seven generations and beyond. Were not going to complacently stand back and watch the continued destruction of Mother Earth beyond this point. That is over. If we as adults, teachers, educators, administrators, parents, etc, can admit that we are part of the problem, that we and our institutions are not meeting the needs of the whole child, if we can admit the old way is not working, we can choose to affirm that we are now able to create the solution. But if we keep trying to defend the way we are raising or educating our children, if we stay blind to the truth, the situation cannot change. When we acknowledge the problem and vow to find solutions, the remedies will come swiftly. This is the true nature of prayer. We tell God this isnt working and ask for help, help comes. Its the easiest and most effective tool of life and creation. All it takes is a change of mind. This is one of the principle teachings of A Course in Miracles , that we can change our minds at any moment. The children are asking you to change your minds about them, about how they are treated, raised, parented and schooled. Consider that you have been wrong. Not to blame, just to simply acknowledge there is a better way possible for everyone, including yourselves and remedies to your stresses. There is a better way for us all to live. We know it. This is why many people are discontent with life because they know there is a better way. That way is now so visible and tangible, its becoming so real and close to us. This is why the tension builds in society, we are all waiting for a change. We are all calling for change. Yet who will make the change? In themselves, first? Then in their households? Then in communities? Ahh, see, this will be a process. It will not happen overnight, however, it can happen quickly. The rate at which change occurs depends on your level of truth and resistance to that change. Many today are feeling immense pressure, at work, at home, financially, personally, etc. This is because the divine plan is pressing upon us. Our commitment to change, for the greater good of humanity, the call of our souls, individually and collectively is calling us to action. This presents itself as fear, tension, anger or anxiety. These feelings all propel us to change. Depression is the low end of the spectrum of emotions where we feel hopeless. We are not truly hopeless, yet we feel the enormity of the work that lies ahead. We know it may not be easy. So we tend towards depression as a culture, to keep us numb and inactive. Whereas, anger and fear are also central to growth, and an upwards step from depression. We move into feeling our feelings, and in that moment we can transform them with willingness and prayer. In effect, its better to get mad then get depressed. Depression is sinking, anger is burning. Wed rather burn the old energies than sink underneath them. As a world society, this is where we are. We are collectively between depression and anger, hopelessness and fear. These are the lowest of emotions that humans can choose to feel. Only when we choose love can we truly create a blissful world. So how do we clean the toilet bowl, we flush it. Its best to learn to flush our emotions, so we can invite newer, brighter ones.

We on the planet need big changes. And luckily, big changes are coming. The souls of the planet are happy, and so are the souls of the children. Life may look unpleasant for a while, in the news for example, but do not worry, sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. Just remember that nothing is impossible. And there is always an over-abundance of divine assistance.

The curriculum is for the children The curriculum will be built around the children and for the children. This is why at this time, it is not necessary to describe every part in detail. It will evolve and it will ultimately be based on the adults and children who show up to take part in the school. The first steps are to engage the children in conversation, so we begin to understand their needs and desires. Then we allow the child and curriculum to unfold. The adults will of course have suggestions for the children, these are allowed to be discussed. However, its important to listen to the childs response once a suggestion is made. The child needs to understand that we respect his or her autonomy and inner wisdom. Its possible that the children just want to be involved in the daily life of their parents. I for one, know that my children have been and will be very involved in leading groups of people, teaching, presenting workshops, writing, etc. This is their birthright and life purpose. We must understand that families, especially Star Families, incarnate to do work or service to humanity here on Earth together. And our community is a community of Star Families, souls who have incarnated together before, souls who have made up Ancient Civilizations before who know how to create harmony on Earth. Each one of us has many gifts to share, especially the children. If we allow each one to be free and thrive, our community will be magnificent. Some people have difficulty accepting the unknown, non-descript nature of our structure at this point. For years I have been trained by Spirit to go with the flow of life, to surrender my will to the divine and to trust that Im being taken care of. This level of divine trust is necessary to successfully build a community together. Doubting and second guessing each step we make is not beneficial to our progress. Not knowing how or what we will teach every day is part of the magic, we leave room for the divine to operate through each of us. We are not here to control each aspect of the construction of this school. We are here to be patient, present and breathe together to receive information when it is given. A strong meditation practice will be taught in our school and community as meditation is a crucial aspect of connecting to Source on a daily basis. We all need to be aligned with Source each day so we can serve one another and the world at large. It is important that we draw on wisdom and teachings from our Star Family of Nations, from the Sirians, the Pleadians, the Arcturians, the Lemurians, and the Atlanteans. Each nation has many gifts that they wish to share with us to rebuild the New Earth. Their messages are of love and peace. Many have an ill-formed notion of these Star Beings. They are founded in fear. As your meditations and contemplative practices evolve, you will see that these are our family members, that we originate from where they are and we are working together to restore peace on Earth. This is their mission as well as ours. They are our allies and support us fully as we create a New School and a New Earth. They are very excited about our work here. They are ready to help us. We are going to be shown how to work together again, how to build, how to live in harmony with nature, how to live abundantly without worries, and how to honor our children so they can grow up in peace and love, so they can continue what we have begun for their sake. There can be no further destruction of the planet. Pollution must end. Misuse of

resources must end. There must be balance in all aspects of life. When you live in harmony with nature it is easier to live in balance. When you honor the cycles and rhythms of nature and of your body, life flows so much more easily. You will see your friends and family relax more, we will be happier. The children will be happier. We wont be forcing our bodies to live in toxic environments which are stressful and aggressive. Again, the development of inner strength, inner wisdom, and an unshakable divine trust are essential to maintaining peace. In our school, we will develop programs for the children and adults to ensure that these take place. We want each individual to be in their full divine power of love and peace. Our power to love and have compassion as humans is immense. If we all decide to act from that place in our hearts, we will recreate a new Earth at a rapid and successful pace. Our Center and School will be a platform of love and peace for the world to see. It will become a new template for anyone wishing to use it for their own family or community. We are open to the public, we will share and teach what we know. We are here to collaborate openly. We will work with anyone, however we command integrity and truth in our community. If you need development in this area, we will work with you. If you need healing, we will work with you. However, we will not allow discord in our community. Ego, mind, personal issues and lower vibrational energies will not be allowed. Andrias lifes work is to protect the children, this will be the ultimate goal. We want everyone to be involved as much as their hearts desire. We want all gifts of time and resources to come from the heart. We want our children to be happy and heartcentered. This way it will be a joy to live in our community and go to school together. There will be peace, love and order. Negative energies will not be allowed, especially on the part of the elders. We are building sacred ground. Each action we take is sacred. Each conversation is sacred. Each meal is sacred. Each person is to be treated as sacred. The level of consciousness in our community will be held to the highest level possible for all involved. The bar will be raised very high and especially so for the adults who are most involved in planning, building, facilitating or teaching.

Nature is full of many miracles. When we stay close to nature, we find we are more peaceful and happy. This is the way humans were meant to live, off the land, immersed in the green energy of the plants, and surrounded by plant and animal life. Children are the same. In fact, we know that many children act out and have more tantrums when they dont spend enough time outdoors. When we spend too much time indoors or in cities, we become tense and irritable. If we spend more time outside in nature,

we become more open-hearted, open-minded and peaceful. There are few things that are more important than being in nature, breathing clean air, drinking clean water and eating fresh, natural, organic foods. This is the foundation of a healthy life. If we can attain these small things, then we will have a good beginning in life. In order to establish a school which will meet the needs of the community, the school must be built in nature, and there must be a focus on outdoor programs and activities. Part of the reason why humanity is in so much distress is because they are so removed from nature. We become addicted to sex, tv, food, alcohol, and drugs, because we do not use the energy from the Earth to fuel our life and work. When we stay connected to nature, we remain much more balanced as humans. Also, meditating in nature is so easy, whereas meditating at home can be a challenge. Nature transmutes and dissolves our problems. Nature quiets our minds. We begin to mimic nature, which is often stillness and silence. We are brought to a quiet place to be in nature. It is beautiful and calm. It is colorful. It is tranquil and peaceful. If we could all balance ourselves in nature, there would be no more violence in the world. Everyones overactive wants and demands would cease. People would become more at ease. Part of healing the world today is going to require us to return to nature, silence and stillness where we can be one with our true Self and one with the Spirit World. Returning to nature is necessary for people to remember that they are indeed spiritual beings. We came to Earth to practice if we could remember that we are indeed spiritual beings. If we can accomplish that much, we are on our way to repairing the damage that humans have done to themselves and to Mother Earth. Our community is intended to begin this correction of mind state and behavior so our actions begin to reflect a peaceful balance that we can emulate by being in nature. The Native Americans and many indigenous cultures around the world have done their best to maintain this balance despite the great oppression and injustices they have faced because of greed and hatred. Our community will seek to create more solutions for these past injustices. We feel so much compassion for our fellow humans and we know our job is to help lift everyone back up, not just ourselves. We are a lot like birds, many different colors, shapes and sizes. We all need different styles of houses, environments and foods. Yet we can all peacefully co-habitate this Earth. We can appreciate each others colors and beauty. We can protect each other. We can become the more intelligent species that we were intended to be before our egos were distracted by gain, greed, and power. Once our egos are balanced, we find that we can sit still in peace. We find that we dont need a lot to be happy. In fact, we find that helping others is how we feel most happy. We become a community of giving and loving. The laws of nature and love will inspire and govern our school curriculum. The Universal Laws of the Creator will also be our guide.

Telepathy Telepathy for most world citizens is still a very far-out idea. However, for Star Beings and Star Children it is not. For the New Children, especially those born in the past few years and onward, they telepath often. However, parents often get uncomfortable when their children dont speak by a certain age so they begin all sorts of diagnostic tests for their children, when in fact this is unnecessary. Telepathy at the New School will be the new norm. We expect a certain amount of silence and telepathy to be taking place. One of the main reasons why I have developed the facilitator training seminar is to prepare those adults who want to help our children. We want every adult present to feel capable, confident and in-tune with the children. In order to telepath, you must come from a heart-centered space. You must also learn to raise your vibration. Its a matter if you will of reaching a certain frequency or wavelength of energy to communicate with like souls. If you have wanted to work with the New Children or have felt called to do so, there are many ways in which we can help you open up your telepathic skills. Attending the 2-day seminars is one way. My children for example, didnt speak much till ages 3 and 4. My second son has had a speech delay and rather than stress me or him out about it, I was told by Spirit that it would be regulated by age 6. He is now age 5. I have another friend whose son had a very severe speech delay and he too was intending to be telepathic, he spoke another star language and the English language was vibrating too low for him to speak it. Parents need to understand that for high frequency people the English language is hard to speak, it is vibrationally low in nature, the sounds used are not sacred sounds and the energy it may require for someone to speak it is immense. So many new children prefer to stay silent than to lower their vibration, they are in fact trying to help you raise your vibration by staying silent. It would be helpful to understand telepathy, seek teachers of telepathy and learn to meditate in silence several hours a day. The truth is we dont need to talk. We need to love. And when we have love and silence, we dont need much else. We all learn how to circumnavigate peacefully around each other in community. We all learn to respond slowly and thoughtfully. We are more kind. We develop stronger listening skills. We learn how to mimic the ebbs and flow of nature. We stay more in touch with Spirit and Divine Guidance when we are in silence. Yes, we can teach adults how to telepath, some adults are stubborn and slow, but it can be done. The children are going to help the adults who want to learn. In fact, the main way that the children help the parents is by becoming their children. Once you become pregnant with one of these children, you begin going through immense changes. You begin to open up your awareness to these higher frequencies.

Community Living and schooling in community has always been an interest of mine. I was warned for many years that most communities fail. For many reasons I feel that they have failed because a woman did not plan them. And the people who joined were not yet ready to be fully in alignment with Source. The leader of the community, or the founder(s) are the ones who have to be in complete alignment. I have made my lifes work about becoming a clear and perfect channel for the divine. I have spent years allowing God to remove attachments and things from my life so I can be completely focused on service. Even my children have been raised elsewhere so the construction of these books could take place, so the beginnings of the school and community could take place. My level of personal commitment and sacrifice to this project has been enormous, therefore I am highly protective of maintaining the sacred nature of our community. My purpose is to vision, formulate, create, and build the school and community, protecting everyone who enters. I wish to work with those who feel the same, but those who have also gone through a similar intensity of initiations into the higher level work. I will use great discernment in deciding who I allow to make decisions with me regarding this project. For now, I rely on my trust of how the Divine works through me and the children. We are the model, the example of the family that needs community. Over the past few years I have lost count as to how many single mothers I have met who are in need of support and community. I have met countless Light Workers who want community, but who are not prepared to lead. For various reasons, this project has not made it off the ground until now. While we build the energetic structure of this project and begin to pull together the human and material resources needed for physical structure we thank you for your patience and support. This project is more massive than even my little mind can conceive and it can become overwhelming even to me at times. When I speak of this project it is a matter of the heart and soul, a long held dream, to live the old ways. I want to stress at this time that we do not have time for debates or arguments in our community. We do not have time for egogames. We have time for those who are already energetically on board. We need to take action steps at this time to build. We are in a time of Earth Changes which are requiring us to build community now. This concept is not being discussed for any more length of time. We are going to build. We are looking at property in Hawaii (Big Island), the Sedona/Flagstaff area, and the Bay Area (Santa Cruz Mtns). It is possible we will at some point build in all three areas, as well as other parts of the world. Boulder, CO, Santa Fe, New Zealand and France are in my minds eye as other places to build. For now, I continue to write the plan and book (curriculum) until investors and the like show up. For now, I continue to teach seminars and write books, speaking and sharing to prepare others to join us as soon as we become a physical creation.

The plans for this community are currently, a collaboration between Andria and the Spirit Realm, including the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Star Nations, guided mainly with the intention of supporting the next seven generations of Star Children who are beginning to incarnate on Earth. This plan is for them. If you have an ability to channel the Star Children, or are one yourself, and you would like to offer your input on this project, please email Andria at If you have services and skills and wish to offer those to this community at this time, please also contact Andria. If you are gifted at understanding and working with these New Children, and would also like to participate in our seminars/programs or building projects, please also contact Andria. The need for community is mounting and it is very real. If I need to explain this in further detail, we can arrange for a workshop or two in that department. However, we at this time are seeking collaboration with those who already understand our needs and desires for community and who wish to work together at this time. We wish to work with those who are ready. As we build community we will work towards bridging the gaps between the old world and new world. For now, our energies must go towards that which is ready and willing to participate in a peaceful and cooperative manner. The principal focus of our community for the forseeable future is the children, how to protect them, feed them, nurture and educate them in a vibration of love and peace. Once we establish a school and environment that meets their needs, we will begin working on the community structures at large. For now the Center and School will be the hub of our community. We will meet with women and children as the centerpiece of our community. Every decision made will be made with the children in mind. Children of all ages will be consulted when we make community decisions. We do seek the guidance and wisdom of the Elders who embody the truth that we are creating a New Earth for the next seven generations. We wish to live as a whole community, of all ages, supporting and caring for one another. We understand that the way in which Americans especially live today is not beneficial to children or to the elderly. In fact, it leaves everyone very much in need. I do however, wish to emphasize again the evolved nature of the Star Children who are coming, and as long as you can see and understand this fact, our vision will be one vision. Our hearts and minds will be united in service together. Know that I will be continually seeking the input of our Native Elders, friends and family. I trust their wisdom and their hearts.

Current and Next Steps We wish to wrap up this second short book and distribute it at this time as an Ebook, along with our first book, The Book for Parents, which is about Self-Healing for parents so they can become more aware of the Star Children. The Star Children continuously feed information through me to the public, in particular through my Facebook page, Andria Rose. This is where recent information about this project is given, as well as through my blog, Even as we enter the month of May, 2012, I am receiving guidance regarding properties in the area of Flagstaff, AZ. However at the moment, it is clear to me that we are beginning this process here in the Redwood Mountains of Northern CA. This brief Ebook is meant to give adults an idea of what we will be creating and why. The curriculum itself will be developed by the founder(s) and the children once we are on location. The children will have a great amount of input into all actions in our community school. If you have questions, please email them to At this time, Andria will respond directly to all questions and concerns. This will likely change in the future.

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