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Jet Mykles

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Heaven Sent 5: Genesis

Jet Mykles
This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by Loose Id LLC 1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924 Carson City NV 89701-1215

Copyright January 2008 by Jet Mykles All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 978-1-59632-604-0 Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Raven McKnight Cover Artist: P. L. Nunn

Chapter One

Brent tore toward the open entrance to the hall, leaping over empty boxes with bits of wrapping paper still attached. Youre so gonna get it! His twelve-year-old nephew, Jason, hooted with laughter, brandishing Brents new iPhone before he disappeared around the corner. Behind him, Brent heard Hell and Tina, Brents niece, laughing, their high-pitched voices almost indistinguishable. Jason skidded around the far corner into the kitchen. Brent pursued, catching sight of the brat as he opened the back door leading into the mudroom. Where the hell do you think youre going? Brent demanded, laughing. Then he remembered that Jason had just been outside, so probably still had his shoes on. Get back here! Brents socked feet slid on the hardwood floor as he reached the door. He grabbed onto the frame to stop his sideways momentum.

Oh, fuck! Unbelievable pain shot from Brents hand, up his arm, tore through his shoulder, and into his brain. So much pain that it didnt all register. In cold shock, he

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watched the heavy door bounce off his hand and swing back open. Stumbling, he clutched his right wrist and crumpled to the floor of the hallway. Jason spun, fingers on the knob of the door leading outside. He froze, eyes wide. Oh, no! Uncle Brent! Jason rushed back, dropping to his knees before Brent, hands out toward him but stopping just short of touch. Oh, man, Im sorry! Are you okay? Brent swallowed, curled into himself. He wanted to reassure the kid. He really did. He knew Jason hadnt meant it. But words werent possible at just that moment. Pain was beginning to pulse in his fingers. His fingers. Ach verdammt, Liebling! Hell appeared at his side, gold jewelry flashing as he wrapped his fingers around Brents forearm. Let me see. Brents lips finally moved, but the only thing that emerged was

Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck Cradling his hand, he started to rock. Hed broken his leg once as a kid. This pain was on that level. But it was his hand! Did you break something? Dunno. Fuck. Let me see. How could he tell Hell that he couldnt move? Mom! What happened? Oh, no, Brent! Caitlin, Brents sister, appeared on his other side. Less reticent than Hell, she grabbed his wrist and pulled it out for all to see. I didnt mean to! Jason cried. His hand banged in the door. Oh, fuck! Brent was going to faint. He felt nauseous. Not only did his hand hurt, but it was swelling. He liked the color purple, but not under his skin.

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Hell hissed, a sharp intake of breath through his teeth. His grip bit into Brents forearm. Can you move your fingers? Cait demanded, using the tone that their mother always used when they were hurt. Swallowing, Brent tried. His index finger twitched; the ring finger moved a little. The middle finger, not at all. And it hurt. Oh, fuck. Cait took a good hold of Brents arm and started to haul him to his feet. Come on, honey, we need to get some ice on that. We need to take you to the hospital, Hell countered, standing with them. What? Brent looked at him. Air burned the eyes he held far too wide. Hell just stared at him, violet gaze dead serious. Liebling, that is your hand. A doctor must look at it to make sure it is okay. His right hand. Guitar. Heaven Sent. What if hed broken something? Oh, fuck. Right, Cait said. Gregg! Gregg, we need to get Brent to the hospital. Caitlins husband appeared in a rush, followed closely by Norma Rose, Brent and Caitlins mother. There was a flurry of voices and hurrying, but Brent tuned it all out, cradling his hand. His hand. His guitar. His music. His life. Oh, shit.

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Chapter Two

So is this a tradition now? Mavis asked, sitting heavily on the padded bench beside Reese. This after-Christmas party? Reese smiled, sipping his Jack and Coke. It could be, he told her, setting down the tumbler. We had so much fun last year, we decided to do it again. Mavis smiled, tucking vivid -- fake -- red hair behind her ear as she looked out over the crowd. I approve. They clinked glasses in a toast, then watched the crowd. The White Tiger wasnt anywhere near full, but it was fuller than usual for one oclock in the afternoon. Everyone was dressed casually, most in festive Christmas sweaters or shirts and many with bright red or green stocking caps. Tinsel and wreaths still decorated the walls. All in attendance were either friends of Luc or Reese or friends of those friends. Only those with a connection got into the club, which was officially closed for the holiday. The skeleton staff, however, was pretty happy working since they were getting double their normal salary, and that was on

top of the holiday bonus theyd already received. All in all, it was a festive gathering.
So. Mavis turned to him, bending her knee on the bench between them and cradling her drink in her lap. She was an artist Reese had met at a number of gallery showings, and

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theyd become quite good friends over the past few years. What did Luc get for you this year? A yacht? A fleet of cars? An island in the Mediterranean? Reese chuckled, smoothing a hand over his curly black hair. He was back to his natural color for the first time in two years and it still kind of felt weird to see it and not see blue. All of the above, of course, he lied, knowing shed see through it. Mavis sighed. Must be nice to be a kept man. Harkens back to the days of artists and wealthy patrons. Im so living in the wrong century. Wearing a heavily brocaded corset over a long black skirt, shed dressed the part. She turned back toward the crowd. And such a luscious patron, too. Where is he, by the way? Pleased with the party and still buzzing from an amazing two weeks on holiday with Luc, Reese didnt even bristle at Maviss taunt. She knew it wasnt true anyway. He waved toward one of the balconies. He was up there the last time I His heart went cold. Some of the buzz left his brain as he caught sight of Luc. With her. Where did she come from? he muttered. What? Who? He didnt answer immediately, trying to school his first reaction. The guests at this party were all supposed to be friends, but he knew any scene would find its way to the gossip rags. So he wouldnt make a scene. Why would he? Nothing was happening. But why was she here? Karin Marks. The actress who had played Lucs love interest in the movie and who would play the same in the sequel theyd both signed on for. Cute, with shiny, curly black hair, she wore a ridiculously low-cut red sweater, which all but exposed her perky little breasts. Little being the operative word. She barely had any. Two little bumps were all that told you she was a girl and not a guy. She stood with Luc at the balcony railing. No. She almost stood on top of him as she held his arm like she was entitled to it.

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Is that who I think it is? Mavis asked. Probably. As though feeling Reeses glare, Luc scanned the crowd below. His auburn hair was pulled into a loose tail, exposing every gorgeous, carved line of his face. Sensual lips caressed the rim of the tumbler he brought to his lips as those sable eyes darted over the partygoers. Since the lights were all up, he easily caught sight of Reese. He smiled, raised his other hand to his lips, and blew Reese a kiss. Reese would not gloat. He wouldnt. But he did smile at his boyfriend -- his! -- and waved. Beside Luc, Karin glanced toward Reese, her expression cool. She reached over to say something to Luc, splaying her hand over one side of his chest. She does know about you and Luc, doesnt she? Oh, she knows. He lifted his drink to his lips. She doesnt like me much. Mavis laughed. I can just imagine. Shes got a lot of nerve, though. A lot, yeah. What is she? Sixteen? Reese chuckled. Acts like it, but shes supposedly in her twenties somewhere. Luc was still watching him even as he responded to whatever Karin said. Reese grimaced. Luc sighed, shoulders slumping.

You can be the biggest fucking asshole in the world when it suits you, Reese recalled
from a recent heated conversation with the redhead. Why the hell dont you show her that

side of you? Ive got to work with her, Luc had explained. It hadnt helped that the conversation
had taken place after a public screening of the movie. Reese had had to watch scenes where Luc held her, where Luc kissed her. Even one scene of them in bed naked -- although Luc

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had assured them that they had not actually been naked. But that womans bare breasts had touched Lucs bare chest, no doubt about that. I need a refill, Reese murmured, standing as he emptied his tumbler. Mavis nodded and stood, walking with him toward the bar. She got sidetracked on the way there, so Reese ended up reaching the bar alone. He chatted briefly with a few friends who were also at the bar, ordering another drink while trying to tamp down his annoyance. Trina, the bartender, had just set down his drink when an arm slid around Reeses shoulders from behind, yanking him back against a very familiar chest. Hey, tiger, Luc murmured, nuzzling Reeses ear. Reese glared at him in the mirror behind the bar. As glares went, it was mild, but Luc got the point. He lowered his head, pressing his cheek to Reeses. I didnt know shed be here. I thought she was in California. Turns out shes got family here in New York. So she just suddenly decides to up and see them? Luc groaned softly, face buried in Reeses neck. Terrific. Reese sipped his drink over Lucs arm. Im sorry. Whatever. Not like you could help it, I guess. Luc studied him in the mirror. Why do I get the feeling that youre madder than you sound? Reese gave him a false smile, patting the arm banding his shoulders. Because you know me well. Luc bit the side of Reeses neck, then laved it with his tongue. Ill make it up to you later.

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Reese chuckled darkly. Oh, yes. You will. Luc laughed, pressing Reese closer to the bar. Reese was wondering if they might have to duck out of the party for a while to take care of the erection he felt against his butt, as well as the one in his pants, but Luc suddenly backed up. Reese watched, curious, as Luc reached into his pocket for his cell phone. He checked the number, then promptly flipped it open. Hell, whats up? Content to stand under Lucs arm while the redhead spoke on the phone, Reese sipped his drink and turned his head to the crowd. He hoped the little bitch saw this overt sign of affection from his lover. Smiling, he waved at a few friends dancing nearby, wondering when theyd gotten there. What?! The tone of Lucs voice, not to mention the sudden tension in his arm, made Reese turn his full attention back to his boyfriend. What? Luc patted his chest, still concentrating on the conversation. Is he okay? Reese saw his own eyes go wide in their combined reflection, and he set his tumbler on the bar. He watched Lucs shock in the mirror. Youre at the hospital now? Hospital? Reese demanded, turning to fully face Luc. Hold on, Hell. Luc held the cell away from his mouth. Brent had an accident. Slammed his hand in a door. Oh, shit! Is he okay? Anything broken? Luc spoke back in the phone. Is anything broken? Then to Reese, with a grimace, Fracture. Fuck! He went back to the phone. Where are you guys now? Reese clutched Lucs sweater, watching his lovers face as Luc listened and nodded.

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Have you talked to Gretchen? Right. You call her; well get in touch with Johnnie and Darien. Luc started moving toward the exit, Reese right at his side, already reaching into his pocket for his own cell phone. By the time they reached one of the deserted offices behind the bar, Luc had hung up. Shit. What happened? They were horsing around at his sisters house. One of his nephews slammed a door, and Brent had his hand in it somehow. Luc winced, concern all over his face. Shit, man, hes got to be freaking out. No doubt. Playing guitar for Heaven Sent was Brents life. Such an injury would jeopardize that. He going to be okay? Theyre about the leave the hospital now. The doctor told Hell that itll heal fine, but Brent wont be able to really use his hand -- let alone play -- for a month or so. What about the New Years show? The band had agreed to play New Years Eve at a brand new spa and ski resort called Genesis. Luc and Reese were due to early leave the next day to meet the rest of the band there. Luc just looked at him. Shit. Luc nodded. Yeah. Okay. What do we do? Hells going to call Gretchen. You want to call Johnnie and Tyler, or Darien and Chris? Reese flipped open his phone and sat on the empty desk. Ill call Darien. Luc dropped into a chair against the wall, his own phone open again.


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Chapter Three

The squeals of the crowd around Johnnie were high-pitched pricks at Tylers eardrums. This was nothing new. The fact that the squeals emitted from two- and three-year-old throats was different and made Tyler a lot more indulgent of the sound. Johnnie sat cross-legged in the middle of the carpet of the large parlor. His long brown hair was pulled back into a tail underneath the Santa hat that sat askew atop his head. Laughing over the heads of the two toddlers cuddled in his lap, he reached for the new action figure that a little boy held up to him with chubby hands. Who would have thought that Johnnie was so good with kids? But then Tyler decided that it wasnt really a shock. Johnnie was good with everyone, no matter the age or gender. He was terrific with Tylers sisters girls, but seeing him with a gaggle of toddlers was something else. Ridiculous, isnt it? Tyler glanced at the man standing beside him. Malcolm Davis was slim, with sleepy green eyes and softly waved brown hair in the exact same shades as his older brothers. The only difference was that Malcolms hair was not nearly as long, clipped short on the sides but

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left a little longer on the top. He wasnt as tall, but the family resemblance couldnt be denied. Malcolm caught Tyler looking and grinned. Hes always loved little kids. Tyler smiled, hiding the pang that tugged at his heart. He should have known. Was he like this growing up? Hed met Malcolm a few times in the years hed been with Johnnie, but their visits had always been brief. The topic of children had never come up. Tyler and Johnnie were visiting him at the foster home at which he worked. Johnnie was doing him a favor, enabling him to produce the famous older brother that people only barely believed Malcolm had. Needless to say, Malcolms coworkers were now quite taken with him. Oh, yeah. Since he was so much older than me or Matt, he used to help mom take care of us. Eight years and a different father separated Johnnie from Malcolm, another two years from their youngest brother, Matt. But you wouldnt know it to see them together. Their mother had bequeathed her hair, eyes, and overabundant confidence to each of her boys. He used to coach Little League, too. That was a riot. Ill bet. Tyler forced a laugh to echo Malcolms, unwilling to let the other man know that his words hurt. Tyler didnt want them to hurt. They werent supposed to hurt. But they did. Johnnie loved kids. Johnnie should be a father. Being married to Tyler, Johnnie couldnt be a father. When would Johnnie come to that realization? Or had he already and just hadnt mentioned it to Tyler, for fear of upsetting him? Malcolm checked his watch. Hey, you two better get going, or youre going to miss your flight. Tyler nodded. He followed Malcolm as the younger man waded into the sea of children, toward Johnnie. Johnnie looked up, gorgeous face radiant with laughter. Is it time to go? Malcolm plucked a little girl in a pink dress from Johnnies lap. Yep.


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Johnnie secured his arm around the tiny child perched on his leg, holding the boy as he stood. The remaining children protested, jumping around Johnnies legs. He spent a few laughing minutes saying goodbye to all of them. A tug on Tylers pants leg made him look down. A little brunette in a frilly yellow dress gazed up at him with enormous brown eyes. She held up her hands, and Tyler couldnt resist the urge to bend down and pick her up. Hello, there. Pretty, she said, grabbing the hair hed let grow in gold waves just past his shoulders. He laughed, gently circling her chubby wrist with his fingers to stop her from yanking. Why, thank you. Giggling, she spread the little fingers of her other hand over his chin and threw herself forward to press a wet kiss to his cheek. Love you, she said, patting him. A lump nearly strangled Tyler as he met those guileless eyes. Those words were perhaps only among a few that she knew, but they tugged at his heart. Would Johnnies daughter look anything like this? Now if that isnt the most adorable thing Ive ever seen, I dont know what is, declared a voice that still made things low in Tylers belly burn. Tyler glanced over just as Johnnie stepped up to his side. One long-fingered hand splayed over the small of Tylers back. The other hand came up to stroke the soft brown curls on the little girls head. His eyes shone when they met Tylers. Love you! the girl proclaimed, reaching for Johnnie. Johnnie laughed. Feeling the burn around the edges of his own eyes, Tyler quickly turned his head away from his husband. Summoning a smile, he brushed a kiss across the little girls cheek. Thank you, he said, hugging her, pressing his face to the side of hers.

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Over her shoulder, he spied a woman walking toward him with intent. Grinning, she held out her arms and accepted the little girl from him. Thank you so much! She propped the girl on her hip, freeing her hand to squeeze Tylers. She glanced from him to Johnnie. It was so nice of you both to come. It was fun, Johnnie assured her, sliding his arm around Tylers shoulders. Be sure to call if youre going to do this again next year. Her eyes brightened, and she skittered a glance at Malcolm. Oh, you bet we will! Tyler laughed with them, forcing it over the lump in his throat. He ducked out from under Johnnies arm as gracefully as he could. We should go. Tyler? Pretending not to hear Johnnie, Tyler walked toward the wide double doors leading out of the foster care center. Hey, thanks, bro, he heard Malcolm behind him. You bailed me out of a tight spot. Johnnie laughed, and that burning spot in Tylers belly flipped. Over five years with the man, he still had yet to calm that. Dont count on me always being able to come, okay? You happened to catch us at a good time for my schedule. I know, I know. I didnt mean to promise youd come. Malcolm seemed to love his job. He was just as good with kids as his brother.

And since he likes girls, hell probably have a family someday. Tyler paused beside the
entrance to get his coat and scarf from the rack. He frowned slightly. Come to think of it, he wasnt sure if Malcolm liked girls or guys. He sincerely hoped Malcolm was into girls. Matt too, for that matter. Someone needed to pass on those beautiful genes, because Tyler certainly couldnt. Johnnie reached around Tyler to get his own coat, the sleeve of his vivid red sweater brushing Tylers arm. So Denise was saying this center is part of a group of centers?


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Tyler busied himself with getting bundled up, half listening to Malcolm explain the center to Johnnie. He had already chatted with the younger man about it while Johnnie was playing with the kids. Tyler was the first one outside, the brisk winter cold slapping his face as he led the way to the black town car that waited for them. The driver stood patiently beside the back door, the freezing air clouding his breath. Remembering himself, Tyler stopped before getting in the car and turned to Malcolm. Summoning a smile, he extended a hand to the younger man. It was good to see you. Malcolm smiled and pulled Tyler into a hug. He and Johnnie had gotten the touchyfeely thing from their mother too. Malcolm seemed to have missed inheriting the performance gene that Johnnie and Matt had in abundance. Good to see you, too, Tyler. Thanks again. Tyler got into the car as the brothers said their good-byes. Then Johnnie was sliding onto the seat beside him. They were quiet as the car drove away, Tyler staring out the window. Anything wrong, blondie? Johnnie finally asked, voice carefully calm. No. Tyler. Nothings wrong, okay. I just Im tired. Johnnie wouldnt believe it. He knew that. Johnnie had this awful, uncanny knack for reading Tylers moods, and Tyler just wasnt good at dissembling. Long fingers wove through his, resting their hands on his thigh. Talk to me. Sighing, Tyler turned toward his lover. Shaking his hand free and without meeting Johnnies gaze, he cuddled up to his side, snuggling in under Johnnies arm. Im fine. I promise. Just Relief swept over him when Johnnies cell phone rang. He sat back.

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Johnnie kept watching him. Arent you going to get that? Still giving him a look, Johnnie dug into his pocket and got his phone out. After quickly checking the number, he punched the button to take the call. Hey, Luc. Tyler kept his hand on Johnnies thigh, wanting to touch his lover as he fought this maudlin mood. He turned to watch the scenery pass by. Holy shit, what? Tyler spun back around, his mood shattering at the sound in Johnnies voice. Johnnies hand took his, squeezing. His eyes were wide. Is he okay? Tyler waited, but curiosity was killing him. Yeah. Shit. Yeah. We just got in the car. Were on our way to the airport now. Pause. Yeah, have her call me. Our flight leaves in a few hours. Another pause. Yeah. Thanks, man. Bye. What? Fuck. Brent smashed his hand in a door. Oh, shit! Is he okay? Its broken. Itll heal fine, they say, but Johnnie shrugged. He wont be playing on New Years. Tyler sat back, stunned. He knew as well as any of Brents friends that this would not sit well with the guitarist.


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Chapter Four

Darien held on to Chris, mostly oblivious to the wet, biting breeze that wanted to drive them back inside. Chris had to be cold. Darien wore an overcoat, but Chris just wore his sweater and jeans. The driver waited patiently inside the running car, as Darien had asked him. Come with me. Chris chuckled. It doesnt matter how many times you ask or demand, magpie. Ive already said that I cant. Darien growled, burying his face in the bend of Chriss neck. I wouldnt mind so much, but Gentle hands smoothed his hair. I know. Im sorry. But I said I would. I know. And Chris was as good as his word. Even given to the no-good lowlife whod once torn his heart apart. Simon Ritter. Chriss ex. Now Chriss client. The mangy good-for-nothing had shown up in Chriss office in early December and asked him to work on a contract dispute. It was a pretty big deal, between Simon and a production company over a failed movie shoot. It was

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also in a time crunch, which was the reason Chris had to stay in town working the week between Christmas and New Years. Hadnt been a huge deal -- other than way annoying to Darien -- until Darien got the call earlier today from Reese telling him about Brents injury. A subsequent call from Gretchen, and hed had to make plans to head for Genesis a day early so he and the band could figure out what to do about the show they were supposed to play on New Years Eve. So now he couldnt even stick around to make sure Simon didnt try anything. He pulled back enough so that he could look up at his lover. Chris smiled indulgently at him, chiseled cheeks all rosy red from the cold. You are coming out on Saturday? Yes. I promise. Im going to hold you to that. Chris kissed his lips softly. I know. Darien pressed for a bit more of a kiss. Dont you let him try anything or try to convince you that youre still in love with him or anything. Because youre not. Chris laughed. Not to worry, magpie. You are the bearer of my heart and soul. Theres no room for him in my life. Darien blinked, studying Chriss face. Oh, wow, that was good. Chris smirked. You like that? Yeah. Said with a straight face and everything. Thats because I meant it. Darien sighed. You did. It wasnt a question. Not really. Chris reached up to cradle his face with cold hands. I do. Chris pressed their lips together, and Darien reached up to clutch his wrists, sucking as much from the kiss as he possibly could. It would have to last a few days. Damn it.


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It was Chris who pulled away. You should go, magpie. I know. Ill see you Saturday. Ill call you tonight. Chris nodded. Darien stepped back. He caught one of Chriss hands as they dropped. I love you. Chris squeezed his hand. I love you too. Still unhappy, Darien opened the car door and got in. Chris closed it for him and stood at the side of the circular drive, arms crossed, hopping a little in the cold, as the driver took Darien out of sight.

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Chapter Five

Brent couldnt shake the feeling that hed dug his own grave.

Hed insisted that the band not back out of the performance and play as scheduled. Hed called Rabin Squire. He was the one who was friends with the other guitarist,
Rabin being one of the few people who could get past Brents social reticence. It helped that the two of them recognized each other as musicians with an obsession for the craft. Rabin stood beside Johnnie, eyes closed, head bent and bobbing slightly to the tune he played in Brents place with Heaven Sent. He sounded great. His background was more heavy metal punk, where Brents was stylistic rock, but Rabin, like Brent, was a pure music enthusiast. And a damn good guitarist. He could play just about anything, and he proved it now, standing on the theater stage with the rest of Heaven Sent around him. They made it work. Beautifully. Sounded different, but it sounded good. Brent had been worried. Now he wasnt. The band had a suitable replacement guitarist. Crap. Brent sat in a seat about a quarter of the way up the orchestra section of the Genesis Theater. The theater wasnt too large, but itd hold over twenty-five hundred people tomorrow night. It was a refurbished space, so newly done that Brent wasnt sure he couldnt


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still smell the new paint on the walls. The work lights were on the stage, and there were a bunch of techies wandering around, pointing out what looked like the best lighting. The acoustics werent bad, though, and Heaven Sent had certainly played in smaller, worse venues. Not recently, true, but it had happened. The Saving Paradise duet of Rabins guitar and the harmonies from Hells keyboards filled the space, and Brent was torn between bubbling pride in his band and their music, and sinking depression that they could sound good without him. Damn, Rabin even looked like one of them! Brent wasnt the fashion plate of the band, but he couldnt have lasted as a member of Heaven Sent without being very aware of their look. Rabin fit just fine. He was tall, with slim, sleek muscles like Lucs, had gleaming chestnut hair, cut short at the sides and a little longer and usually spiked on the top, and had a bold face with strong, carved lines. He was the looker of his recent band, Indigo Knights, and already knew the joys and woes of screaming female -- and male -- fandom. Indigo Knights had just broken up -- or, as Rabin put it, they were on extended hiatus. Rabin lived in Virginia and happened to be in town when Brent called him the afternoon he and Hell arrived at Genesis. Now it was December 30 and Rabin was here and sounded great. No worries for the New Years Eve performance. Johnnie started laughing as soon as the music died down, tucking his microphone in place on its stand. Damn, man. He turned to Rabin. You do know the song. Rabin laughed, spearing fingers through the short, tousled hair atop his head. Dang, I know all your songs. His English accent wasnt thick and usually wasnt even noticeable except when he drew it out. We played that one in Indigo Knight rehearsals sometimes. Its good practice. Luc smiled at him across the stage, long hands resting on the bass guitar slung across his shoulder. No shit? Lucky Brent called you, then.

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Rabin beamed Brents way. Im the lucky one. Thisll be the best New Years Ive had in a long time. I owe you man. He gave Brent a thumbs-up. The Knights, while a wellknown club band in quite a few major cities, had never made the break into stadiums or widespread release. This chance to be seen with Heaven Sent should do wonders for Rabins career, as well as the Knights if they ever reformed. Brent mustered a smile, propping his booted foot on the seat before him. I think Im the one who owes you. His injured hand lay hidden in his lap. The fingers tingled, wanting to snatch that guitar from Rabins hands and take his rightful place up on the stage. Over Rabins shoulder, he caught sight of Hell. The imp stared at him steadily from his platform with his keyboards. His hair looked nearly its natural platinum white in the stage lighting, since he hadnt had it colored recently, and his cute pixie face looked a bit more mature with the serious expression and devoid of makeup. He didnt smile, and he didnt move, just stared. Brent looked back at Rabin. What other songs do you know? Rabin grinned. I can do any of em from your first two albums. I know the ones from the third but havent gotten a chance to really play. Smiling, he watched his fingers as he played a bit of Danger Destruction. A telling choice. It wasnt one of the singles from the second album, but it was one of the more musically intense pieces. One of Brents personal favorites. Darien picked up the tune, tapping out the rhythm. Luc took the hint and joined in. Johnnie nodded, grabbing the mic on its stand with both hands, closing his eyes and bobbing his head as he waited for his cue. Hell didnt play. He continued to stare at Brent. The lack caused the song to sound like it had when first released, before Hell joined the band. Not bad, but Brent missed Hells haunting contribution.


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Brent cocked his head at his lover, feigning a nonchalance that he didnt feel. He wished for the sunglasses that Hell had convinced him not to wear all the time. He tipped his chin, indicating that Hell should chime in. Hells jaw worked, a sign that he was gritting his teeth. Belatedly, after Johnnie started singing, he started his own part of the song. Taking a deep breath, Brent tore his gaze from his lover, only to find Luc watching him as his hands were busy thumping out the bass line.

Great, both of them. Of anyone in the world, those two knew him best. Johnnie and
Darien would back down if he told them to, but Hell and Luc would ride Brent about what was bothering him. And he just didnt want to talk about it. They didnt get it. They werent the ones facing the fact that they might not be able to do what they loved, to do what they

had to do, because of some moronic injury.

He waited until they were in the middle of the song before he stood. Keeping his gaze down, he joined David, their sound engineer, at his rack of equipment behind the final row of seats. David grinned up at him, hands busy fine-tuning on the console. They sound great. Brent stood behind him, watching the stage. Indeed they did. Bastards. Whatd they think? Sounding good without him!

Oh, yeah, thats fair.

A tentative hand touched his left arm. Startled, he found Frank Grangier standing beside him. Frank was one of four owners of Genesis and the man who had actually contacted them about playing on New Years Eve. Brent The rest of what Frank said was inaudible. Brent held up a hand to stop him and pointed toward the back exit. Frank nodded, and they both entered the lobby. A few roadies were taking a break in the smoking corner by the bar, but otherwise the carpeted expanse was unoccupied.

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Sorry, Brent apologized. I couldnt hear you. He went to tuck his hands in his pants pockets, then got hung up on the splint. He grimaced. Frank was gracious enough to overlook the fumble, his soft voice full of excitement. Brent, I just wanted to thank you personally, you and the band, for coming to help us out. Brent bit back a caustic remark about being paid. The man was nice, as were his partners. The combination ski and spa resort was fabulous. Just because he was in a foul mood didnt mean he had to take it out on others. He forced a smile, knowing it fell short. Youre welcome. Thanks for asking us. Are you kidding? This is going to put us on the map! One can only hope that we see the same success as the Weisss White Room grand opening! Frank and his lover, Will, had partnered with a lesbian couple, Barb and Katt, and had determined to make a haven for people of all sexual orientations. They were especially interested in the gay, lesbian, and alternative lifestyle demographic. Frank had met Tyler at a hotel-management seminar and had gotten in touch with him about Heaven Sent. One thing led to another, and here they were. Made sense, actually. For some odd reason, Heaven Sent had become rather popular in the LGBT community. Go figure. Brents smile was genuine now. Well, cant promise anything like that unless you sleep with our lead singer. Frank grinned. He was an older man, but he wore it well, tall and fit, with silvering black hair and bright blue eyes. If I gotta and hes willing, Im there. He laughed. Of course, I think Tyler might mind. Yeah, he just might. Not looking, Brent turned and whacked his injured hand on a huge potted plant. He hissed, bringing the hated appendage up to his chest to cradle it until it stopped throbbing.


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Frank reached out to lay a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. Im so sorry about your injury. Youll be okay, wont you? Brent stared at the closed double doors that led out of the theater. Hairline fracture, says the doc. His voice sounded a bit rushed. Was that bile in the back of his throat? Says I should be good as new in a month or so. We certainly appreciate your letting the rest of the band play. Surprised, Brent met Franks gaze. Let the band? Like he had a say in it? But he had. Theyd talked very seriously about canceling. No. Heaven Sent didnt cancel a performance unless something was really wrong. And nothing was really wrong. Obviously, they could get a substitute guitarist, no problem.

He swallowed. No problem. Hey -- he backed away, needing Franks hand off his shoulder -- Im sorry. I need to meet someone for lunch. Frank blinked, but nodded and thankfully didnt follow. Be careful out there. The sidewalks are cleared, but it started snowing on my way here. Brent nodded. Thanks. He turned to the door. Hey, Brent. He froze at the sound of Ellens voice. Gretchens assistant caught up to him, his overcoat and gloves in hand. Gretchen says if youre leaving, you need to bundle up. Genuine smile. His first fear was that they were going to ask him to go back into the theater. Thanks. His smile slipped a little when she held the coat up for him. Grumbling softly, he let her help him, then grabbed the gloves. Obviously, he wasnt going to be wearing at least one of them.

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She handed him a scarf. You need company? He took it, turning. No. Call to let us know where you are. He snarled, reaching up to drape the scarf over his shoulders. Yes, Mother. She didnt even flinch, reaching up to arrange the scarf inside his collar. Be careful. She patted his chest and stepped back. Yeah. He headed through the double doors into the biting winter air. A wide flight of stone stairs led down to a cobbled sidewalk. The street was quaint, a main street of sorts. Only a dozen shops and restaurants were open across from the theater, the brave few who had taken a chance on the new resort. Genesis had opened seven months before, and even in the off-season had been a big hit. Brent didnt think that Frank and his partners needed Heaven Sent to make a success of the place. He tucked up his collar, hunching over. It really was cold. Heading down the staircase, he flipped open his cell phone and called the first person he could think of who wasnt onstage. Hey, Brent, whats up? Reese, hey. You eaten? No. Was just thinking about that. Wanna try that seafood place down here by the theater? Sure, butis the rehearsal done? Brent took a breath. No. Theyre gonna be a while, and Im hungry. What do you say? Reese had been with Luc a long time now. Had he developed Lucs sense of Brent? God, Brent hoped not. He didnt need a lecture or anything. He just needed to not be alone with himself for a while.


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Yeah, okay. Sure. We should see if Tylers busy. Sure. Excellent. Call him. Ill go ahead and get us a table. Sure.

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Chapter Six

Tyler couldnt make it, said Reese as he slid into the booth opposite Brent. He had to duck away from the trailing edge of a spider plant hanging near the folding screen behind him. Barb and Katt caught him for lunch and are grilling him about hotel stuff. Thank you. He smiled at the hostess who had led him to the table. The same hostess smiled and nodded when Brent held up his empty glass. Starting early? Reese asked mildly, looking at the hand. It hurt him to see the splint, the taped fingers, and the purple and red underneath the skin. Normally Brent had such elegant hands, nimble and quick. It was just wrong to see one of them in such a condition. He could only imagine what it did to Brent to have it like that. Brent shrugged. Nothing else to do. Youre not on painkillers for the hand? No. Just stuff to sleep if the pain gets too bad. He tilted the empty tumbler, watching ice clink.

O-kay. Reese might not know Brent as well as Luc, but after a few years with Luc, he
knew Lucs best friend pretty well. Brent needed distraction and not to think about music. Reese could do that.


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This is a cool place, he said, perusing the menu. I still cant believe Frank, Will, and the girls dreamed all this up. Although Will said that the resort was already here. I guess it was a pretty hopping place, like, twenty years ago, but it got run down. The previous owners had financial trouble and couldnt keep up with it. He let the menu drift toward the tabletop, focusing on Brent. Speaking of that, did you know that? Brent listened and gradually seemed to relax as Reese relayed all he had learned from dinner the previous night. Luc, Reese, Tyler, Johnnie, and Darien had dined with the owners. Brent had backed out, and Hell had kept him company. The story of the resort was actually kind of interesting, but Reese knew better than to think that Brent was that enthralled with his narrative.

They were almost to the elevators in the main lobby of the resort when Reese heard the voice. Reese! He froze. Horrified, he turned to Brent, who was frowning at him. Oh, no. Reese! Brent glanced behind them. Reese was too frightened to do the same. He didnt want confirmation of who he knew was there. He kept his voice low. Please tell me that isnt -- She caught up to his side, opposite from Brent, black hair swinging loose about her neck. Her smile was almost as blinding as the shocking pink of her blouse. Hey, Reese! He forced a smile. Karin. She hugged him, and he tried not to jerk away. Im so glad I found you! Luc never did give me his cell number, and I wasnt sure if you guys were staying in the main lodge or one of the others. What are you doing here? He wasnt sure if he succeeded in not sounding horrified.

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Her smile didnt falter. After Luc told me that Heaven Sent was playing here on New Years, I got to thinking itd be fun to come up. She turned to Brent, smile widening, if that was possible, and extended her hand. I know you. Youre Brent Rose. Im Karin Marks. Sorry, Brent mumbled, holding up his hand, cant shake. But nice to meet you. Oh, my God! She clapped both hands to her mouth, eyes on Brents hand. How horrible! How are you going to play with your hand like that? She pointed, like Brents hand was a gruesome spider. Brent grimaced, and Reese could practically feel the emotional weight that hed lost during lunch come crashing down on his shoulders. Im not. She frowned, confused. But you guys are playing on New Years, right? Lucs here, isnt he? The corners of Reeses mouth pulled down, and he fought it as best he could. Hes here. She looked back at him. Oh, yeah, of course. She knocked her head and gave a silly look. Youre here.

Thats it. Sorry, Karin, a friend of ours is waiting upstairs. He started toward the
elevators, knowing Brent would follow. Oh, sure. She tagged along at his side. But could you tell Luc Im here? Have him call me. Ill need passes to the show. Youre here with someone? One can only hope. He stabbed at the elevator button. Yeah. I brought up my sister and my best friend. She beamed at Brent as they waited. Were all huge Heaven Sent fans.

Funny, you look tiny to me. Tiny, skinny, flat-chested

The elevator dinged. Karin caught his elbow. Youll let him know Im here?


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Reese glanced at her hand, then at her face. He swallowed a dozen different nasty words he wanted to say. This had to do with Lucs career. Luc has to work with her. Luc

asked you to be nice. Be nice to the little whore. Ill tell him.
Thanks! So nice to meet you, Brent. I hope we can talk again after the show. Or maybe before! The closing elevator doors cut her off. Blessed quiet filled the elevator as Reese slumped against the wall, hand over his face. Damn, Brent whispered. What was that? Reese peeked at his friend through his fingers. Shes awful, isnt she? Brent snorted. Thats a word for it. He shook his head. She doesnt seem like that much of an airhead onscreen. I much prefer her with a script. I hear you. Gotta hand it to you. You were nicer than you could have been. He put a hand on Brents shoulder, squeezing. I was nice, wasnt I? Kinda? Luc asked me to be nice but Gah! Why do you have to be nice? He has to work with her. He doesnt want to deal with the drama if theres a thing between me and her. Brent scowled. If theres a thing, its all on her side. Luc would know that. Reese sighed, leading the way off the elevator. He does. He does. But he asked me to try. Brent patted his back, awkwardly, with his left hand. Good little wife, you are. Fuck you. That did get Brent to smile a little. When Reese stopped at his and Lucs door, Brent kept walking. Where are you going?

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Brent turned to walk backward, brandishing his bad hand. I need to take it easy for a bit. This thing is killing me. You want company? Nah. Im about all talked out. Reese nodded, knowing not to take offense. Call me if you need anything. Brent stopped at his own door and fished out his keycard. Will do. Reese watched him disappear into his room. Then he stared at the empty hallway. He was too keyed up from seeing Karin to be alone right now. He turned and headed to Johnnie and Tylers door. Maybe


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Chapter Seven

You good for company? Reese asked, hands braced on either side of the doorway. Tyler stepped back, gesturing him in. Sure. Finally escaped Barb and Katt? Tyler grinned. Yes, finally. I thought theyd never let me go. He shut the door and followed Reese into the main room of the suite. I got your message. Hows Brent? He gestured at the wet bar, eyebrow up. Reese shook his head, heading toward the lit fireplace. Doing okay, I think. He sank down on the plush ivory couch with a sigh. Its rough on him, though. Tyler sat in the chair catty-corner to Reese. I know. I can only imagine what its like for him. At least hell be okay. Reese shook his head. Luc would freak. Johnnie is convinced its the end of the world every time he gets laryngitis. Reese laughed. The trials of being with famous rock stars, huh? Tyler laughed. They stared into the fire.

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Do you ever think about it? Reese asked quietly. Life beyond Heaven Sent? Sometimes. You think theyd make it? Tyler shrugged. Itd be hard. Its not just a big part of their life -- it really is their life. He thought about it, not quite brave enough to speak with Reese about what popped to mind. But Lucd be okay. Hes got acting now. He was really good in the movie. Reese half smiled, pride evident. Yeah. He was. He grimaced. Too bad hes got that bitch after him now. Huh? Reese spent the next half hour filling Tyler in on the trials and tribulations of Karin Marks chasing after Luc. Wow. Tyler sipped at the coffee hed poured during Reeses narration. Yeah. And now shes here. Reese downed the last of his coffee like it was a shot of bourbon. Tyler hoped it was cold. Yeah. You know youre okay, right? Lucs crazy about you. Reese sat forward, setting his mug on the table at their feet. I know. He dug fingers into his hair. I know. I really do. Weve gone through too much for me not to know, but He threw his head up, gazing into the fire. But Im not a woman. Tylers heart thumped at hearing Reese give voice to his own fears. Reese continued to stare at the fire. He might decide Im not enough someday, yknow? He might want kids and Reese gazed down at the mug, turning it idly with his fingers. I cant give that to him. I know.


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Reese turned to him, flipping black bangs from wide blue eyes. I had a feeling you would. Have you talked to Luc about this? No. Not seriously. Have you talked to Johnnie? No. Tyler chuckled, sipping. What a pair of cowards we are, huh? Reese shrugged. I dunno. Didnt seem right to bug him about it. When hes got time off, Im so jealous of my time with him that I dont want to bring it up. And when hes with the band Kids are the last thing on his mind. Tyler nodded. Do you want kids? Tyler sighed. I really dont know. Of any of us, youre in the best position to raise them. Surprised, Tyler looked at Reese. How so? Reese chuckled, standing and taking his mug to the wet bar for a refill. Except for maybe Chris, youre the most stable out of the eight of us, and youve actually got a permanent residence that you spend time at. Youve got a real home. Tyler blinked. Youve all got houses. Houses, yeah. Lots of them. Homes? Reese shrugged. Im not saying they couldnt be, but He stirred flavored creamer into his coffee. Chris seems to be perfectly happy as he is. I doubt he wants kids. The guys in the band, well, theyve got the band. Me? Id make a terrible mother. Tyler mock-glared as Reese returned to his seat. Are you saying Id make a good mother? Reese laughed as he sat. You said it, not me. Tyler kept glaring, which only made Reese laugh harder.

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Oh, come on, man. Youve thought about it. You dont think Johnnies going to do the mommy stuff, do you? Actually, he could. Huh? Tyler told him about the afternoon at the foster care center. Huh. Reese considered it. Well, Ill be damned. Maybe Johnnie is the mommy type. Tyler got up to refill his own mug. Except that hed have to take off Heaven Sent to do it. That or take the baby on the road, and Im not sure I like that. Which brings us back to the start of this conversation. Yes. They were quiet even after Tyler resumed his seat. So do you want to do it? Reese asked finally. Kids? Yeah. Not sure how wed go about it. There are ways. I know that. Im just not sure I like any of the options. Adopting is what makes sense, but who knows if wed find an agency whos willing to consider to a male couple? I know theyre out there, but it may not be easy. Then add in the fact that Johnnies famous and rock stars arent known to be all that stable -- Hey, Madonna did it. And went out of the country. True. Plus, Madonnas a case all her own. Also true.


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Tyler sighed. Anyway, I cant help thinking that itd be nice to have a kid who was actually Johnnies. But obviously that would involve a surrogate mother, and Im not sure Im up to that. Reese nodded. I hear you. I just Tyler shook his head. There hasnt been a good time to bring all this up. I dont know that we, as a couple, are really ready for it. Even after all this time. What about you personally? Huh? You want a kid, dont you, Tyler? Over the years, he and Reese had gotten rather close. Only now did Tyler realize how close. Not only did Reese catch on to his feelings, but he felt the nagging urge to confide in him. Yes. Reese nodded. You can talk to Johnnie about it, you know. Hed reel in the moon for you, if you asked. I know. Thats one of the reasons I havent brought it up. He should be concentrating on Heaven Sent and his career. He needs to enjoy that while he can. Who knows where the music business is going these days. You should still talk to him. Tyler raised an eyebrow at Reese. And you should talk to Luc. Reese winced. Okay, ouch. He sat back. Were back to being cowards. They stared at the fire again. Reese started to laugh. What? I think Darien would make a great mommy, dont you?

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Chapter Eight

Whered Brent go? Scowling, Hell shut his cell phone. I dont know. Hes not answering his mobile. Darien propped his back against the bar that took up a corner of the theater lobby. They were taking a break while the sound crew worked on the amp arrangement. Soon, theyd go back onstage to practice a few more songs. They were all pretty confident that after that and a late meal break, they could run through the hour-long set theyd put together and be done with the rehearsal a little after midnight. Hows he doing? Hell propped himself on a barstool beside Darien. He looked kind of strange not dressed up in one of his outlandish outfits. His sweater was charcoal, with a black geometric design down one side, and his jeans were dark and worn. Okay, his boots were deep purple, but they were so dark that you could think they were black. Since he didnt have any makeup on and the lavender in his hair was almost washed out, he looked almostnormal. Especially if he was facing forward and you couldnt see the long purple braid down his back. It was weird. Also, the worried expression he tried to hide just didnt belong on that face. Im not sure. He wont talk very much.


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You know hes just like that, right? A smile tugged the corner of Hells lips. How? Broody. Stubborn. Maudlin. Hell turned to face him fully, smiling. Violet eyes flashed, and he looked more like himself for a moment. What? Maudlin? Yeah. Oh, what does it mean? Self-pitying, I think? I know what it means. It doesnt seem like a word youd use. Hell cocked his head to the side. Its one of Chriss favorite words. Hell would know this, having been Chriss friend long before Darien hooked up with him. Darien growled, staring at his feet. Bite me, kewpie doll. Hell laughed. Darien smiled. That was his intention, anyway. Where is Chris? Dariens smile faded. He sat hard on one of the barstools, staring at the swirly red and black designs in the carpet. Back in the city. Work? Darien cast a sidelong glance at Hell. Hell was the only one who might understand. Yeah. Simon Ritter hired him. Hell blinked, his jaw falling open. Pardon me? Darien nodded. You heard me. He didnt tell you? No. We havent been able to talk for a while. Why would Simon hire Chris? You want my version or his? Hell had to think about it. His first.

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Simon said Chris was the only lawyer he felt he could trust. What happened? He got caught up in a contract dispute. I guess its already gone through one trial or probate or whatever, and that didnt go well, so he asked Chris to help him out. Hell tipped his head to the side, pale lavender hair falling over his cheek. And your version? Darien shrugged. Oh, the case is real enough, but I dont think he needed Chris. I think Guilt caught up to him. Doesnt matter what I think. Does Chris know what you think? Yes. And? Sigh. He says it wouldnt matter even if Simon wanted him back. That he loves me. Hell smiled softly. He means it. Actually, yeah, I know. Doesnt mean I like it any more that hes with his everlamented ex and not with me. That is understandable. Will Chris be here tomorrow night? He says he will. Then he will. They looked up as a small crowd of people approached them. Gretchen was with Ellen, and both wore those mysterious smiles that meant something good had come up. Luc, Johnnie, and Rabin were with them, as was Orv, their head roadie, and David, their sound guy. All right, Johnnie said, perching on a stool beside Hell. Were all here now. Spill. Gretchen laughed. I just got a call from Wade Jenkins himself.


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Darien raised his eyebrows. Wade was the newest nighttime talk show host. Only on the air for six months and he was near Letterman status. The fact that he was on cable gave him both a little more freedom with what he could air as well as frequent replays during the day. He took full advantage of both. Gretchens grin would beat the Cheshire cats. He wanted to call personally because he was in a bind and wanted to know if wed help him out. In a bind? Yes. His live act for tonight had to cancel. He heard we were in the area, and he wants to know if wed fill in. Silence as seven heads did the math. They werent exactly in the area, but they werent too far out of it. Two hours to get into the city, a pressed hour to get ready by the midnight time slot. Heck, they probably wouldnt go on exactly at midnight, so there was a little leeway there. They could probably do it, with maybe some time to spare, if they left now. Gretchen gave them a moment, watching. Then asked, So? They all looked at each other. True, Heaven Sent was probably big enough to not need the publicity that much, but it never hurt. Being in good with Wade Jenkins would be a plus in any entertainers book. Of course, as they looked at each other, they realized something was missing. Or, rather, someone. They all looked at Rabin. The guitarist held up his hands. Hey, Ill gladly fill in, but only if Brent gives the goahead. Im not gonna step on toes here. Hell bent his head, hiding his expression behind a fall of pale curls. Gretchen pulled out her phone. Ill call him.

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Nein. Hell raised his face, expression blank. He looked to Luc, and they stared at each other for a brief moment before he continued. Ill call him. Luc nodded. Hell hopped from the barstool and walked toward the alcove that led to the restrooms. No one followed. Darien sighed. Shit, Brent really likes that show, too.


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Chapter Nine

Of course you should do it. Brent lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling, fighting the lump in his throat. If we go, we wont be back until early morning, Hells voice explained needlessly over the phone. And wed miss the rest of rehearsal tonight. With the press and parties for the resort, we wouldnt have much time for sleep. Sleep in the car. You can catch a few zzzs once you get back. The press stuff doesnt start until five. We havent finished rehearsing or done a run-through. Which meant an early-morning start. Youll be fine. He called once. Hes likely to call again. And hed be even more likely to call if we do him a favor. Brent took a breath. Look. We both know that you guys wouldnt even be hesitating if it wasnt for me. So why hesitate now? Rabins not willing to fill in? Oh, no. He seems to be willing. If you say its all right.

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Brent raised a hand to rub his eyes, then realized he couldnt because of the splint. Sudden, burning anger almost had him hurling his cell phone across the room in frustration, but he managed to quell it. Go, he said, voice remarkably calm. Knock em dead. Alles klar. Pause. Why dont you come with us? No. Brent No. Im not going to go watch No. Wed have to leave now. He could hear the reluctance in Hells voice. You bet. Not much time. Go. Liebling Hell, this is a good thing. A good thing for the band. We cant just pass these things up when they fall intoour laps. He just stopped himself from saying your lap. All right. Hell sighed. I will see you tomorrow morning. And Ill see you on TV tonight. Yes. Ich liebe dich. And I love you.

Tyler watched the flames flicker in the suites little fireplace, holding his cell phone to his ear. Wow, Wade Jenkins? Yeah. He could hear the excitement in Johnnies voice. Hes got a waiting list, like, a mile long. I think Gretchen had us penciled in for something like June, but that wasnt definite. This is pretty big. What about Brent? Hesitation. Hells talking to him now.


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Hell want you to go. Yeah, probably. Doesnt seem entirely right, but we cant pass this up, right? Right. Sorry I wont get to see you if we go. We pretty much have to leave from here if Brent says okay. What about clothes? Gretchens people always have something stashed away for us. She always thinks of stuff like that. Tyler glanced at the open bedroom door, spying the empty bed beyond. Ill miss you. Ill miss you, too. Hey, maybe youll tell me whats been bugging you after the gig tomorrow, huh? It was said so casually, Tyler nearly missed it. What? Johnnie sighed. Youve barely talked to me for the last few days. Id really like to know what Ive done, so I can make up for it. What? You havent I havent Nothings wrong. Try again, blondie. Tyler bunched a throw pillow in his lap. Nothings wrong. I have talked to you! Youve been quiet. I Sorry, hold on a sec. Pause. Hells back. Brents given the okay. Weve got to go. Okay. Should I call you from the car? If you like. Will you talk to me? Johnnie, nothings wrong.

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Another sigh. Okay. Whatever you say. I gotta go. Love you. I love you too.

Oh, fuck, why did Brent have to hurt his hand? Reese grumbled, spearing one hand through his hair as he lay back on the couch in his and Lucs room, holding the phone to his ear with the other. Yeah. Luc sighed. I know. Hey, listen, I was going to see if you wanted to go, butcould you check on him tonight? Hell and I will be gone, so Oh, sure! Yeah, no worries. I know the drill. Thats what lunch was all about. He was with you? Yeah. Oh, thank God. He okay? Not really, but not bad either. He was fine until Oh, shit, I need to tell you. What? Damn, hold on. Pause. Murmurs away from the phone. Hey, were doing it. I gotta go. Reese sat up. Wait, real quick. Karins here. What? Karins here. Whats she doing here? Fuck if I know. She said she came up to catch the show. He grimaced. She wants you to call her. Pause. Reese could hear people talking and moving in the background. I didnt call her, tiger. Reese laughed before he realized. I know. I didnt invite her up here.


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I didnt think you did. Are you sure you didnt think that? Because I didnt, I swear. Yes, Im sure. Ill be honest. I hate that shes here, but I dont think that you invited her here. Okay. Good. I do enough to get in trouble. I dont want grief for what I didnt do. Reese laughed, heart lightening. You nut. Luc chuckled. Okay, I really gotta go. Youll check on Brent? I will. Tyler and I will descend on him, and well watch the show together. Sounds like a plan. Love you, tiger. Love you too.

Darien squirmed with excitement, slacks sliding on the smooth leather in the back of the limousine. This is great! You can come into the city, see the show, and come back with us. Silence. Chris? Sigh. No, I cant. Why not? Im not in New York. What? I had to fly to Chicago yesterday. Youre in Chicago? Yes. Why? No, dont tell me. Simons case. Darien, its not as bad as it seems.

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Isnt it? No. I still intend to be there tomorrow night for the show. Dont put yourself out or anything. He heard the words coming out of his mouth, but was helpless to stop them. Wouldnt want Simon to suffer or anything. Darien, thats not fair. Its way fair. He calls you to help him, and you ruin plans you had with me because of it. Nothings ruined. I will be there tomorrow night. Its ruined enough. Id do the same for any of our friends. Dariens fist slammed on the leather seat beside him. Yeah, well, this ones different. Hes not a friend. Slam, because it almost felt good. Hes a fucking lowlife who broke your heart, and I cant believe youll even speak to him. Johnnie, lying on the seat across from him, perked up, concern on his face. Darien waved at him, curling in on himself in what he knew was a petulant pout. So be it. Chris sighed. Im trying to use this as a chance to put Simon and the past behind me. Behind us. Thats what youve wanted. All I know is that I want you as far away from that asshole as possible. Chris should get angry. If anyone treated Darien like he was treating Chris right now, hed get mad. Chris didnt get angry. He soundedsad. Im sorry to disappoint you. Would you rather I didnt come tomorrow? No! I want you here. Shit, fuck, damn. I want you here, and I know youre doing what you think is best, and Im acting like a baby butdamn it!


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I love you. I love you too. Im not cheating on you. Darien ground his teeth. I know. Do you? Strangely enough, yeah. Im pretty sure about that one. You should be. You can be. Ill see you tomorrow. Okay. Break a leg. Darien had to smile, despite the tears that threatened. Chris was such an actor type. Thanks. Whats he doing in Chicago? Johnnie asked when Darien flipped his phone closed. Darien collapsed back on the seat, resisting the urge to hurl his cell phone through the closed, tinted window. Being a damn saint.

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Chapter Ten

Brent knew why they were doing it; he just really wished they wouldnt. Reese and Tyler were here to watch him -- probably at Lucs or Hells request -- and a part of him appreciated the thought. A small part of him. The other parts were annoyed. You dont have to sit here with me, he grumbled, sinking into the corner of the plush couch. Tyler set a Jack and Coke on the table beside him, patted his shoulder, then resumed his seat in a stuffed chair with his own drink. Reese ignored him too, bent forward over the coffee table to Brents other side, typing busily on his laptop. Wade Jenkinss show was interactive. A good part of the fun was logging into the website to send questions or comments to Wade to react to on the air. I should log in as you, Reese said, glancing up at the widescreen TV as the shows theme music started. Wade would probably put you on the air. No. Reese glanced at him, then shrugged. Okay. Was just a thought. I really dont want to watch this.


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Come on, Brent, Tyler said jovially. Its not often we get to have one of you with us when we watch you guys. Theres a reason for that. Humor us. Who put you up to it? Hell or Luc? Tyler just grinned. Does it matter? Shut up, both of you, Reese said, scooting a little farther forward. Its starting.

Tyler watched Brent carefully. He was okay. He wasnt especially happy, but as the show started, he settled down and even laughed a few times during Wades opening monologue. The talk show host was loud and brash. Tyler didnt always like him, but he could admit that the man was very charming and often funny. The announcement that the previously advertised band would be replaced with Heaven Sent sent the audience into a furor. He had to have sent out the word somehow. Tyler gaped when the camera panned the audience full of screaming teens and just-older-than-teens. Many of them wore Heaven Sent T-shirts. He posted to the fan site earlier today, Reese confirmed, watching the scrolling chat session on his laptop screen. Offered trades to people who had tickets for tonight and gave a great deal to members of the Heaven Sent fan club. Brent sat back, a smug smile on his face. Ah, the wonders of the internet. Tyler laughed. He couldnt argue that. He himself had met the band through the official fan forum.

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When the band started playing, Reese casually flipped into the open browser window with a forum posting on it. He made himself look busy, then sat back, putting on a surprised look. Whoa. He turned to Brent, distracting him. You need to see this. Brent scowled. Im watching the performance. Reese waved a hand at the screen. Youve seen them. He grabbed Brents arm and pulled him over. Look. He met Tylers questioning glance over Brents head. He gave a meaningful look at the television screen. Tyler mouthed a silent ah and nodded. Whats this? Brent asked, reaching for the mouse. Reese scooted over, giving Brent room to move closer. Its a get-well posting. For you. He had suspected Brent hadnt seen it. Brent had once frequented the forums, when the band was in the very early stages. He rarely visited anymore. Reese did, though, and hed seen the post overflowing with love and well wishes for the bands beloved guitarist. Brent scrolled through some of it, then shook his head and sat back. At least he was smiling. Arent you going to read it? Ill read it later. Brent looked at him. You dont have to distract me from watching them play. Im fine. He nodded toward the laptop. Dont close that, though. Reese grinned at Tyler, then back at Brent. You bet.

Darien cracked up when little Wade Jenkins squeezed his narrow ass onto the loveseat between Johnnie and Luc. The man was maybe an inch or so taller than Hell, and while a little broader than the imp, Wade, like Hell, worked the cute thing to perfection. Where the imp went for androgyny, Jenkins went for spitfire. He was constantly in motion, always


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talking -- although you didnt get the feeling that he wasnt listening to you. Even Darien, the acknowledged hyperactive one in the band, was tired just watching Jenkins in action. The little blond cuddled up to Johnnie, laying a hand on his knee and a head on his shoulder. Oh, yes, Wade exclaimed, closing his eyes. I can definitely see why that lover of yours turned gay for you. He opened big hazel eyes and batted them dramatically at Johnnie. Id even be willing to try you myself. Johnnie laughed amiably, putting an arm around Wades shoulders. Sorry, Wade. If youd caught me a few years ago, we might have worked something out. Wade sighed dramatically, turning his head to look at Luc. Youre all taken, he said, sitting up as he turned his head to regard Hell, then Darien. Even you, Darien. Darien grinned wide. Even me. What about you, Rabin? The guitarist smirked. Im undecided. Wade laughed, slapping his own knees. Undecided, yes. I like that. Perhaps I am too. By all accounts, the talk show host wasnt gay, but the same accounts said he wasnt above doing anything for ratings. He batted his eyes again. Perhaps you and I could experiment together. Rabin obediently leered. Lets discuss that off camera, shall we? Wade splayed a hand over his chest as the audience cheered. Oh, lets. Then he laughed, dropping the coy act to sit properly on the couch. So, Rabin -- he leaned over Lucs lap, quite obviously invading personal space -- whats it like to join Heaven Sent? Rabin shook his head. I havent joined. Im just filling in for Brent. Oh, yes! Wade sat up, turning to Hell. Lets talk about that. How is Brent? Hes hurt himself, hasnt he? What happened? Hell bent his head somberly before meeting Wades gaze. He injured his hand, he said, laying the accent on thick for the cameras.

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Will he be all right? According to the doctor, it is a hairline fracture. He should be just fine in a month or so. Wade tutted, shaking his head. Well, Im certainly glad that hell be better. He looked straight at the camera. Brent, if youre watching, you take care of that hand. I would

love to have all of you back when things are back to normal. Beaming, he stood and went to
sit on the arm of Rabins chair. It was one of those wide, square affairs where the back was on level with the arms. So with his hand braced on the back, he kind of hovered over the guitarist. And you, Rabin, whats happening with your band, Indigo Knights? Oh, wait, before you answer -- he looked at the camera again -- everyone write in with some questions for the boys here. Well be choosing a few to ask after the next commercial break. He turned back to Rabin. Now, Rabin Darien sat back beside Hell and listened with half an ear. Wade Jenkins had just invited them to come back on his show. He only did that on the air occasionally. Things were good. Darien fought a pout. Things would be better if Brent were there instead of Rabin and Chris was coming back with him to the resort tonight. But you couldnt have everything, could you?


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Chapter Eleven

The door opening at nearly five in the morning woke Tyler out of a deep sleep. He was turning onto his back as Johnnie walked into the bedroom. Johnnie was tired. His chiseled features were drawn, and his lambent eyes were half closed, due to exhaustion rather than seduction. Even his seductive, rolling gait was a bit off. Tyler knew the differences very well. Mmmm, naked, blond gorgeousness, Johnnie murmured, creamy chocolate voice slurring as he pulled off his sweater. Just the thing to welcome me home. Tyler smiled, settling back in the pillows to watch the striptease. Wasnt one of Johnnies best performances, but anything that revealed that body was a good thing. Were not home. Any place where you are is home, blondie. Tyler brought up a hand to rub away the burn of sudden tears in his eyes. Damn, he was far too emotional lately. Johnnie hopped from foot to foot, removing his boots. You know that, right? Tyler cleared his throat. Know what? That youre home to me.

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Youre home to me too. Am I? Tyler frowned. Yes. Johnnie unbuttoned his jeans, the front of his body draped in intriguing shadow since the only light came from the single lamp lit in the main room of the suite. Then you want to tell me whats wrong? Scratching his head, Tyler sighed. Why do you insist somethings wrong? Pants and briefs dropped down endlessly long legs, and Tyler took advantage and fully enjoyed the view while Johnnie discarded the last pieces of clothing. He also enjoyed the view of tight, naked ass as Johnnie turned to go switch off the light. Why dont you stop avoiding the point and tell me whats been bugging you? Do we have to do this now? Yes. Johnnie returned, just a shadow in the nearly complete darkness. Tylers eyes started to adjust as Johnnie pulled back the covers and slid under them. We might not have a chance later, and I dont want this hanging over us as the new year starts. Tyler bit his lip as his lover adjusted the pillows and blankets to his liking. Johnnie had this thing about New Years. It was his favorite holiday, beating out Christmas and Fourth of July. He firmly believed that if you were happy and hopeful at the dawn of a new year, the remaining months would follow suit. Johnnie snuggled next to Tyler, up on his elbow, one long leg thrown over Tylers thighs. Enough moonlight eased in through the partially open curtains near the bed to coat Johnnie in soft blue. His free hand crept over Tylers chest. I let it go the past few days, hoping youd open up, but youre being stubborn. Were probably not going to have a chance before the gig tomorrow -- he glanced at the glowing blue numbers of the clock on the nightstand -- tonight -- so talk to me.


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Tyler scowled, reaching up to hook his fingers in the band that held Johnnies hair in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. Slowly, he worked it loose, bringing the hair over Johnnies shoulder toward him as he did so. You could just let it go. Johnnies nostrils flared and his jaw trembled, signs that he suppressed a yawn. No, I cant. If it bugs you, its a bad thing. If something I did bugs you, its a really bad thing. You didnt do anything, I promise. Inspired, Tyler tugged on the hair, pulling Johnnie in close. Johnnie indulged in the kiss, letting Tyler briefly sample his lips and tongue, but he pulled back. Although I appreciate the sentiment, youre not seducing me out of this. Tyler grimaced. Thisll go a lot faster if you just tell me. Tyler turned enough to reach over and deposit the hair tie on the nightstand. Its dumb. Aha, now were getting somewhere. Johnnies palm rubbed his chest softly. Whats dumb? Settling on his back, Tyler shook his head. Its just the holidays that are doing it to me. Ill get over it. Ouch! Johnnie was unrepentant for having pinched Tyler right above his nipple. Out with it. He stared into Johnnies eyes. What had he done to deserve this man? Since marrying Johnnie, his life had turned completely upside down, and he was profoundly grateful for it. He devoutly wished he could give something in return. Blondie, gazing soulfully at me wont get it said. Johnnie grinned. Although its a beautiful sight. Tyler grabbed a lock of hair and brushed his chin with the end tuft of it. You deserve to be a father. Fine, there it was.

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Johnnie blinked, suppressed another yawn. Is that it? Exasperated, Tyler tossed the hair hed been playing with aside. Youve nothing to say to that? You want a kid. Dont you? Johnnie shrugged. I wont deny itd be neat to have a kid, but its not something I have to do with my life. Deflated, Tyler stared at him. No? But I thoughtthe foster care center. Johnnie grinned. I like kids. But lifes kind of hectic right now. Tyler took a breath. Why did he feel worse? Johnnie had just given him a great answer. He swallowed. Fine, then. Problem solved. Whoa, hey. Johnnie caught him when he tried to roll over, keeping him on his back, pinned beneath thigh and arm. Problem not solved. Youre unhappy. No, Im not. Those too-knowing eyes bore into him, seeing far too much. You want a kid. No. I dont. I thought you might. So why are you pissed? Tyler crossed his arms over his chest. I dont know. Long fingers stroked Tylers chin. You want a kid. Tyler stared at how the moonlight made soft squares on the opposite wall. Fine. Yes. We can do that. He turned his gaze back to Johnnie. We can? Sure. However you want. We can adopt, do the surrogate mother thing. He chuckled, waggling his eyebrows. Do the threesome thing. Tylers eyes narrowed into a glare.


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Which just made Johnnie laugh. Or not. Tyler studied that smiling face carefully. Just like that? If I want a kid, we can do it? Sure. Its not that easy. I didnt say it was. But we can. Because I want to. Johnnie was very smart and knew Tyler very well. Dont you want to? Do you? I said yes. You said itd be cool, but it wasnt something you needed to do. Johnnie chuckled. That was before I knew what you wanted. Tyler pushed up to sit. So you do want a kid. Johnnie fell mostly on his back amidst the pillows. Seriously, blondie, I can go either way. I know you were destined for the family and two point five kids with a dog before I met you. I ruined the wife part for you, but we can still have the kids and a dog. Hey, can we get a Great Dane? I love those dogs. Tyler could have flown off the handle very easily, but he stopped himself. Johnnie was being reasonable. He could be reasonable too. What did he really want, anyway? He laced his hands on the blanket bunched in his lap, staring at them. Your life right now doesnt really allow for being a parent. Johnnie turned the rest of the way onto his back, draping one long arm across his bare chest and folding the other beneath his head. True. Most of the mommying would fall on you. Is that the problem? Tyler drew his knees up, propping his chin on them. Im not sure.

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He heard Johnnie yawn. If you hung around the Weiss West, Im sure Amy would be glad to help out. Johnnie rubbed his back lazily. And it looks like Heaven Sents going to take a break anyway. What? Johnnie shrugged, eyes closed. Nothing official, but weve talked about maybe taking it easy for longer this time. Theres other stuff going on. Lucs movie? Luc, yeah. I think Dariend like to spend some quality time alone with Chris. Brent and Hellthey probably need some time too. He cracked his eyes open to grin up at Tyler. Might be a perfect time. Tyler picked up the loose swath of hair that fell across Johnnies chest and shoulders, carefully settling it on his lovers far side. Shouldnt you guys keep going while youre hot? Yeah, but none of us want to burn out, either. It happens, you know, and weve been going pretty much nonstop for ten years. Three albums and near constant touring. He shook his head. Its amazing we still like each other. Might be good to take an extended break while we still do. Tyler leaned on his arm, looming over Johnnie. He laid his other hand on Johnnies chest. Id love to have a little boy that looked exactly like you. Johnnies grin warmed. And Id give anything to have a little girl with your blond hair and blue eyes. Youd make gorgeous babies. Tyler screwed his mouth to the side. See, thats the trouble with both being guys. Johnnie closed his eyes, still smiling. Theres always the threesome thing. We could have two. Tyler traced the defined muscles of his lovers chest. Im not sure I could share you. Theyd discussed it, but never serious enough to the point of doing it.


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Johnnies hand crept up to trap Tylers. Same here. Another yawn crept up on him. Theres always surrogates. Mmmm, thats soclinical. Johnnie laughed. He tugged Tylers hand, pulling him down. Green eyes dragged open. Do we have to decide tonight? Tyler draped himself over Johnnies body, chest to chest, groin to groin. Johnnies cock twitched, perhaps reacting to the half-hard state of Tylers. No. Johnnie wound his arms around Tyler. Am I forgiven? Tyler kissed him briefly. You werent in trouble. Mmmm. Tyler looked down at him. Youd really be okay with it? Yes. Really. As long as youre not just doing it because you think thats what I want. That goes both ways. Johnnie nodded. Understood. He pulled Tyler back down for a kiss, but another yawn intervened. Tyler laughed. Okay, youre not up for sex. He rolled over onto the mattress. Johnnie rolled with him. Hey! I am so. Youre yawning. Im waking up. Tyler cocked an eyebrow at him. Johnnie growled, spearing a hand in Tylers hair to haul him in for a kiss. Tyler was all for it, but after a few lazy strokes of tongue on tongue, Johnnie yawned again. He collapsed beside Tyler. Fuck. Even his dick wasnt interested anymore. Tyler chuckled. What time do you have to get up? In the morning?

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Johnnie glared at him briefly before rolling onto his back. Eleven. Weve still got to run through the set with Rabin before the press and parties start at five. Tyler snuggled in at his side. Tell you what. Sleep now, and if you can get up before nine, well fuck. Johnnie wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer. God, I love it when you talk dirty. Tyler laughed, resting his head on Johnnies chest. I love you. Period. Mmmm. Yawn. Thats nice. Minutes later, Johnnie succumbed to sleep. Perfectly content, Tyler let himself slide back into slumber.


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Chapter Twelve

A warm, heavy body rolled over Reese, pressing his belly and chest further into the mattress. He blinked awake as lips nibbled at the bend of his shoulder into his neck. Morning, he murmured, dragging his eyes open. You let me sleep too long, came a complaint in that sexy-as-all-fuck raspy voice Luc had when he just woke up. I? Ungh! The last because Luc ground his groin into Reeses butt, assuring Reese that at least one part of Luc was very much up and ready. What time is it? Hands found his underneath his pillow. Fingers linked, and his arms were drawn out to the sides, pinned to the mattress. Almost ten. He dragged one eye open. Sunlight brightened the edges of the closed curtains. But dont you have to --? Oh, fuck. Lucs thighs inserted between Reeses legs, shoving them open. More grinding. I dont have to be at the theater until eleven. Luc released Reeses hands and slid his fingers down Reeses sides.

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Obedient, Reese knew to keep his hands out of the way. Who needed hands right now, anyway? As usual, Luc had everything under control. Mmmm. Will youhave enough? Oh, God, Lucs cock was lubed up already, the grinding greasing the crack of Reeses ass. Lucs fingers dug into his waist. Knowing the drill, Reese hiked his hips up as Luc pulled back. The practiced move ended with Luc seated on his heels, Reeses hips draped over his thighs, Reeses ass presented for any use Luc cared to make of it. Fingers spread through the wet left behind by Lucs cock. Plenty of time for this. Two fingers sank deep into Reese. Reese groaned, sliding his hands up to grab the top edge of the mattress. I didnt get to fuck you last night. Fingers twisted, nailing Reeses gland. We wont get another chance before the gig tonight, and I need to be inside you. Its been too long. Reese pushed back, gasping. His cock hung, hardening without direct stimulation, between his thighs, but he couldnt be bothered with that right now. Less talking, more fucking. Fingers pulled out, and thumbs pressed him open. Whatever you say, tiger. Luc shifted, kneeling up higher, getting them into position. Reese braced, burying his face in the pillow, knowing what was coming. Needing what was coming. A frantic knock on the door. That wasnt what should have been coming. Reese twisted his neck. He glanced at the door, then over his shoulder at Luc. Luc looked at the door himself, then at Reese, confusion on his face. Reese glanced at the clock. Theyre coming to get you now?


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Odd knocking. Who just kept going like that without pause? Certainly not Gretchens assistant who usually took care of Luc. Luc shrugged, turning back to Reese. Theyll go away. He leaned in, reaching for his dick. Reese bit his lip, wanting to continue, but Hey, it could be impor-- Luc! Are you in there? They said you were in there. The sound of that voice wilted any and all of Reeses desire for sex. His mouth dropped open. Both he and his lover froze. Luc knelt behind him, a look of astonished horror on his gorgeous features. No. She wouldnt. Karin kept right on knocking, calling loud enough to wake up the entire floor. Luc, open up! Luuuuc. Thoroughly out of the mood, Reese rolled onto his side. Youd better answer it. Luc tried to stop him with a hand on his hip. No. I dont care -- Reese swatted his hand away. Shes going to wake up the whole resort. He pulled the covers over his hips. Luc stared at him. Then he snarled. Grumbling under his breath, he bounded from the bed and snatched a pair of jeans from where they were draped over a chair. Despite being peeved, Reese enjoyed the sight. Luc in angry glory was something to behold. He kind of wished the blinds were open so that Lucs tousled red hair could blaze to match his anger. Coiled, feline strength bunched in the corded muscles of his arms and chest as he yanked on his pants. Reese had to wince in sympathy as he shoved a still-raging hardon into them. Reese sat up, pulling sheets around him while Luc thundered into the next room, muttering. He heard the door open. What the hell do you think youre doing?

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Luc, hi! Reese dropped his face into his hands. The woman couldnt hear the anger? Couldnt sense the waves of heat rolling off Luc? What do you want? Reese pulled the sheet with him as he stood, edging toward the half-open door. I-I Okay, trepidation seemed to be creeping into that insufferably bubbly voice. They told me youd be busy all afternoon, so I had to come and get you. Were you still sleeping? There cant be anything that you have to tell me that Im interested in right now. Butwont you let me in? Fuck, no! Reese stepped into the doorway, peeking. Karin still stood on the far side of the open door, blocked by Lucs considerably larger body. He was holding the door and the opposite side of the frame. She was dressed and coiffed to be pleasing to the eye, black hair shining and a white sweater hugging what curves she had. But Luc, I She spotted Reese. Her eyes went wide. Oh. Reese, on the other hand, was quite sure he looked as nearly fucked as hed been, complete with sheet wrapped around his lower half to cover his nakedness. With any luck, he had a vivid purple mark on his shoulder from where Luc had bitten him. He smothered a laugh. Luc glanced over his shoulder. He grinned at seeing Reese, then let Karin see the grin as he turned back. Go away, Karin. Im busy. Luc, wait, I need tickets for tonight. Talk to the theater box office.


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She slammed an open palm on the door Luc started to close. Theyre sold out! Okay, Ill go, but at least give me your cell number. Ill call you la-- Weve got nothing to say to each other. Luc, wait. Shut up, stupid! But Reese knew that Lucs anger wasnt going to solve this. Shed just come back. Karin, come in. Luc spun to face him, square jaw dropping open. What? Karin was shocked as well. What? Reese met Lucs gaze. You two need to talk. Now? Luc demanded. Reese shrugged. As good a time as any. Luc stomped over to where Reese stood in the bedroom door. What are you thinking? he growled. Luc was never, ever in a good mood when sex had been interrupted. Reese flattened a palm on his chest. Its a good enough time to clear the air, he said, glancing at Karin, who now hovered just over the threshold into the suite. He leaned in closer to Luc. We can pick up later, after the gig. No. He patted that broad, muscled chest. Mine! You might as well do it now. Moods ruined. Stepping back, he hiked up his sheet. Im going to take a shower. Lucs jaw worked, grinding his teeth. Reese cupped his jaw and tipped up for a brief kiss. Take care of this so there are no interruptions later, he murmured against Lucs lips. But Meeting Lucs eyes, he shook his head and smiled. Still smiling, he backed up and shut the door.

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Chapter Thirteen

The band had agreed to do the press extravaganza for the resort long before Brent injured his hand. Even though he wouldnt be playing, Gretchen decided that he was still obligated to attend. So at a quarter past five, Brent sat with his bandmates behind a couple of long tables up on a raised platform, answering questions while occasional flashbulbs went off. In short, doing one of the things he most hated about his public life. If you mangled your hand for

real, thisd be a thing of the past. Nope. It just wasnt a comforting thought. He hated press
junkets, but not enough to give up his chosen career. It wasnt much of a surprise that Brent and Rabin were the targets of much of the attention. Gretchen had them seated together at one end of the table, with Hell, Luc, Johnnie, and Darien seated to Brents right. The first questions were about how Brent had injured his hand and when hed heal. Next was whod called Rabin and how Brent felt about him doing it. They were bowled over by the fact that Brent himself made the call. I wanted someone who I knew was good and who could fit in with our music. He shrugged, adjusting the sunglasses casually. Rabins that.


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How did Rabin feel playing for Heaven Sent? Was he a fan? Rabin was his amiable self, straight white teeth shining in a brilliant smile. Hey, Im glad for the opportunity, but no way I can take Brents place. Brent smiled every time and every way Rabin said it, glad hed worn the sunglasses so they could hide the disbelief in his eyes. Rabin was good. Possibly better than Brent. He could easily be a permanent fill-in. After the main questioning, they joined the crowd for a cocktail party, during which there were just more of the same questions. Brent did his best to remain civil. Gretchen and Ellen hovered nearby, ready to whisk him away if he felt he needed it. That was part of the deal theyd made. Surprisingly, he was okay. The reporters didnt make his teeth gnash and his gut boil like usual. He didnt want to be there, and he was still way too conscious of what he was saying, but it was almost bearable. Weird, he was getting kind of good at it. He still didnt

like talking to the press, but hed lost that abject fear of interviews. He credited that to Hell.
Not because of his current hovering presence, but his continued love and support in the time theyd been together. Hell so fiercely believed in him that it was hard for Brent not to follow suit. With the newfound confidence, the interviews became easier. Imagine that. Just as hed gotten used to one of the two main things he hated about being a rock star, he did something boneheaded that might cost him that life altogether. Hell stuck close to his side for the few hours of the party. That, in itself, wasnt unusual. Hell got a big kick out of flaunting their relationship. But he wasnt flaunting. He was, in fact, incredibly quiet, only speaking when asked a direct question, which was unusual. Top that with the fact that his beautiful smile looked forced as he obligingly posed for pictures, and Brent knew something was wrong. As two reporters jostled for a seat beside Brent, he reached over to brush Hells cheek with the backs of the fingers of his good hand. You okay? he asked when Hell looked up.

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Those amazing violet eyes, enhanced by the deep indigo that lined them, rounded in a look of stark disbelief. Am I? The flash of a camera nearby distracted him. He shook his head, letting the surprise drain from his face. He squeezed Brents arm. I am fine. Brent puzzled over that, but then a smartly dressed man who said he was from the

Southern Voice got his attention, and the questions started again.

At eight-thirty, when the band was escorted from the party, Brent went with them, ready for any excuse that would get him out of the party. I think you should play the tambourine for us, Luc said from where he sauntered behind Brent. A glance over his shoulder told Brent that his best friend walked wisely out of arms reach. Glaring, he held up his injured hand. Since it was the middle finger that was splinted, it was quite obvious he was flipping Luc the bird. Bite me. Now, now, Hell will get jealous. Beside Brent, Hell didnt rise to the bait. He continued as though he hadnt heard, and he might not have, lost in his own thoughts, eyes on the roadies and security guards who walked a few paces before them in the underground tunnel that led from the resort to the theater. Brent frowned and glanced back at Luc, only to see Lucs expression of similar concern. Normally, the imp would have thrown back a retort. Right after they mounted the wide stone steps that brought them into the theater proper, Brent peeled away from the group and headed toward the loading dock at the back, where he knew he could smoke. To his surprise, Hell dogged his steps. They said nothing as they emerged on the loading dock. Packing crates from some of the Heaven Sent equipment sat to the side, and a familiar truck was parked just inside the


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big, open mouth of the garage. A light dusting of snow fell to the ground beyond the door. Nothing that would survive the night, but enough to make the scene kind of peaceful. Brent tucked his sunglasses into a pocket of his overcoat and took out his cigarettes. He cursed as he fumbled the lighter, still not good at doing it left-handed. Silently, Hell took the lighter out of his hand. He stared blankly at the flame as Brent puffed, the breeze from the opening ruffling the glossy curls atop his head. The tip of one caught on the down-turned edge of his mouth, sticking to the gloss on his lips. Brent frowned, taking the lighter from his fingers. You feeling okay? Hell nodded, reaching up to brush away the curl. His gaze switched to Brents neck, then his shoulder. He turned, sliding his hands down the fine linen of his tight, diamondpatterned shirt, stopping to fiddle with the overlarge cuffs at his wrists. Are you staying for the show? The question was casual; the mood was not. Brent had known Hell long and well enough now to know he was off. He took a thoughtful puff and exhaled before answering. I guess so. You dont want to. It wasnt a question. No. Hell wandered toward the crates, the soles of his heeled boots clacking on the cement. Its hard. Its hard to watch my band play without me, yeah. Hell nodded, picking at a loose label sticker on one of the crates. Its not the same, I know, but its hard for us too. Brent bit back his immediate retort. Something about the lost sound in Hells voice quelled his brimming sarcasm. Hard? Hell nodded. Its not right. Without you. I think you might be biased.

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Im not the only one who thinks so. Johnnie, Luc, and Darien think the same. Youve discussed it? Of course. Around Rabin? He scowled mildly, crossing his arms over his chest. No. Were not that callous. Brent flicked ashes to the cement. Rabins good. Yes. Very good. But itsdifferent. What are you getting at? Hell opened his mouth, then paused. He blinked, shook his head. Nothing. He turned to the door leading inside. I should go. Brent rushed up to cut him off. Bullshit. You wouldnt let me get away with that evasion if I tried it. True. You followed me out here for a reason. Spill it. Hell stared at the ugly, swollen, splinted hand that Brent held up to halt him. Idont know what Id do if you couldnt play anymore. Truly couldnt play. Brents heart stopped. This was it. Hell had finally figured out that Brent wasnt much more than the music, and without it, he wasnt worth being with. Hell shut his eyes, rubbing his hands up and down his arms in a warming gesture. I dont know that youd stay with me. It hurts this much, and we know youll get better. Or if youd stay with me if I were hurt. Brent swallowed, fighting his immediate reaction. Giving in to his initial fears had gotten him into trouble with Hell before. He had agreed to try very hard not to let them do so anymore. Or as much. Listen to what hes saying, numbskull. Would you want me with you? He held up his injured hand. If this were permanent.


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Now Hell looked at him, the full wattage of those violet eyes focused behind a brimming of tears. I want to be with you, always, he said vehemently, his lyrical voice gone guttural with emotion. He took a step closer but didnt reach out to touch, which was unusual for him. But could either of us stand to be together if one of us could no longer play? Brent dropped the cigarette and ground it under his boot. Is that your fear? Hell swallowed, arms still crossed tightly across his chest. Yes. Arent we more than the music? Those eyes didnt let him go. Are we? Reversal. They didnt usually play things this way. Normally, Hell was confident and straightforward about his thoughts and ideas. Only when he was truly frightened did he force Brent to speak out. Trouble was, that was usually when it was hardest for Brent to do so. He took a breath and stepped closer, reaching up with his good hand so he could cup Hells rounded jaw. He let himself drink in the little details about his lover. The soft features that gave him that feminine look. The wicked tilt to those huge violet eyes, enhanced by artful use of eye shadow and eyeliner. Soft stubble that hed have to shave to keep his androgynous look intact for the gig. The fact it was even there meant hed been distracted when hed gotten ready earlier. He should be in touching up his makeup and doing the dozens of little things he did to make sure he looked just perfect. He, more than anyone -even Johnnie -- made good use of all the time they were given to get ready for a gig. That he was out here talking to Brent instead of maintaining his image meant he was deadly serious about the topic at hand.

Were they more than the music? A few years ago, Brent would have said no one meant
more to him than the music. But this little man had wormed his way firmly into Brents jealously guarded heart, and he thanked any deity who would listen for the invasion.

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He let a smile grow on his face, showing his pleasure in what he saw. I love you, he said softly, rubbing a thumb just under Hells bottom lip. He took the last step that brought him flush against his lover, reaching around to place his injured hand at Hells back to pull him as close as possible. I dont know what Id do without you. Hell loosed his arms and wrapped them around Brents waist inside his overcoat. Even without the music? he asked softly, tipping his head to press into Brents palm. Brent brushed a kiss across Hells brow. Even without the music. Eagerly, Hell pushed up on tiptoe, chin tilted up and lips seeking. Brent folded the imp properly into his arms and took those gorgeous, pouting lips in a kiss. Gloss smeared his lips and got onto his tongue, but hed learned to accept the taste as part of loving Hell. He moaned when Hell forced him backward until his butt came up against one of the packing crates. Growling softly, nipping at Brents lower lip, Hells hands slid forward. He fumbled at Brents slacks. Hey, dont go there, Brent scolded breathlessly. Mu aber. Need you. Brents fly parted, and greedy hands reached inside to stroke his cock. Since Hell had gotten back early in the morning, they hadnt had a chance to do much more than sleep before he had to be back up and gone for rehearsal. Thanks to that and Brents mood, it had been days since theyd made love. Before Christmas, in fact, thanks to the traveling and family visits that had filled up much of the weeks before. Consequently, his body was rooting Hell on. He awkwardly clutched at Hell, keeping the imp from going to his knees. Quit it. Youve got to get inside. Hell bit his neck, hard. Yes. I need to be insideof you.


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Brents head fell back, but he kept hold of Hells shoulders. God, you know what I meant. I know. He muttered something in guttural German, his strong little hand milking Brents cock inside his boxers. Want you. There was that w that sounded like a v, forcing Brent to think of biting in all sorts of nasty places. Need to taste you. They froze when the door to the inside opened. Sorry, Hell, came Gretchens voice. We need you inside. Hell sagged against Brents chest. With Brents arms around him, Brents overcoat hid his hands and their task. Hes coming, said Brent, his voice cracking. Gretchen chuckled. Nice to hear that one of you is, but we really do need him inside. Youve got five minutes before I send someone out for you. The door clicked shut. Brent laughed. She knows us too well. Hell grunted, nuzzling Brents neck. Hell, lover, youve got to get your hands out of my pants. Hell muttered in German, swiping a thumb over the head of Brents cock. Shit, quit it. He caught sight of Hells grin as the imps hands reluctantly drew out of his pants. Quick fingers tucked him away and fastened him up. Hell couldnt resist a squeeze when he tilted his head back up to face Brent. The accustomed grin was back in place, backed by Hells confidence. We will continue this later. You bet we will. Their kiss tasted of promise. Its nice to see you smiling, said Hell, stepping away.

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Brent leaned back against the packing crate, still feeling the erection that tented his slacks. You give me plenty to smile about. Unable to resist, Hell pushed in for one more kiss before rushing off.


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Chapter Fourteen

Kids? Darien stared at Johnnies profile. Behind Johnnie, Luc froze in the act of buttoning up a shiny navy shirt. Johnnie calmly brushed his hair, frowning at a knot. Yeah. When did this come up? This morning. Darien blinked. After we got back? Yeah. Damn, man, werent you tired? Of course, Johnnied had a lover waiting for him, warming up the bed. Darien had slept in a big, empty king all alone. Again. Johnnie chuckled, releasing the now tangle-free lock of hair and piecing out another. It was a show in and of itself to watch Johnnie take care of all that hair. Yeah, I kind of zonked out at the end of talking about it. He tossed his head back, eyes on the mirror to watch his hair as it settled. But its been bugging him for a while. I had to get him to talk about it. Luc dropped into a chair beside Johnnie, back to the mirror, his expression thoughtful. Tyler wants kids, huh?

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Johnnie got a goofy grin on his face. Yeah. Darien tossed his sweater onto a chair. No way he was going to wear that hot thing while playing. You gonna adopt? Johnnie shrugged. Dunno. He set down the brush and stepped closer to the mirror, studying his face. He rubbed his fingers over chiseled cheeks, checking for stubble. We just started talking last night. I think he thought I wouldnt be for it. Are you? Johnnie picked up the electric razor sitting before him, but glanced at Darien with a smile. Yeah, I think so. Darien grinned, patting his friends shoulder. Well, damn, man, thats great. He grabbed the T-shirt that hung on a rack, waiting for him. Whats that mean for the band? Luc asked. Johnnie thumbed on the razor, shrugging. Dunno. Well have to talk about it. Darien glanced at the bass player, pulling the tight T-shirt down his chest to tuck it into his jeans. Luc didnt look upset, still thoughtful, his eyes raised to meet Dariens. Yeah. Looks like we need to have a powwow after this New Years shits done. Darien pulled at the collar of the shirt. Damn, it was new. Too tight around his neck. Oh? Something youre not telling us? Should he get some scissors or just stretch it? How much time did they have? Luc swiveled around and sat forward to rummage through the makeup kit on the table before them. Jen, their makeup girl, would be back soon, but the band often went ahead and did the basics and let her do the touch-up. I think I want to ask Reese to marry me. The neck of the T-shirt ripped a little when Darien tugged too hard in surprise. He froze, mouth agape, as the great Lucas Sloane, brash and bold bass guitarist for Heaven Sent, actually blushed!


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Hell glided into the room, Rabin, Jen, and Ellen behind him. The imp looked a lot happier than he had earlier that night. He stopped on seeing Johnnie and Darien staring at Luc. Whats happened? Lucs going to ask Reese to marry him, Johnnie blurted. I said I was thinking about it -- There was a flurry of congratulations over Lucs protests. Finally, Luc took on the look of the truly defeated, although he didnt look that unhappy. Did you know? Darien asked Brent when he sauntered in, black overcoat floating around his skinny frame. Hed taken to wearing all black again this week, which was a shame. Not that he didnt look good in black, but Hell had finally gotten him to wear colors in the last year. The sunglasses were gone, though, and there was a breezy smile on his face, so maybe things were looking up. Know what? What had he and Hell been doing? Lucs going to ask Reese to marry him. Oh, that. Brent sank onto a chair in the corner and picked up one of the bottles of water on the table beside it. Yeah, I knew. Hell, seated sideways on the makeup table so he could get close to the mirror, snorted. Of course he knew. Yeah, they were both definitely in better moods. Had there been enough time for a blowjob? Jen grabbed Dariens arm and steered him into a chair. He gave himself into her care, still studying Hell and Brent, trying to decide if he could tell whod blown who. Rabin hovered next to Luc, daubing at his spiky hair. Looked like Jen had already taken care of his makeup. With a pang, Darien again missed Chris. Here he was, again surrounded by his friends, with no lover to keep him company. True, Reese and Tyler werent there either, but they would be. They, at least, were in town. Who knew where Chris was? What if OHare had

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been snowed in? What if there was traffic on the way from the airport? What if Simon had managed to convince him

No. Do not go there, he ordered himself. Hed tried to call Chris earlier, but there was
no answer. Darien could only hope that he was on a flight east, but hed given up worrying over it. Jen had finished with his eyes and had started brushing his hair when the door to the hallway opened again. Tyler entered, dressed in a thick cable-knit sweater that either looked a lot like one of Johnnies favorites or was Johnnies sweater. Then Reese followed, an ice blue shirt making his eyes look even more luminous than usual. Both of them were grinning broadly. And looking at Darien. Look who we found, Reese said. He and Tyler stepped to either side of the door, and between them, Chris entered. Darien burst from the chair with a whoop, making Jen squeak in surprise as she stumbled back. In two bounds, he tackled Chris so hard that they both fell on the floor just inside the doorway, Chris flat on his back with his overcoat splayed out beneath him and Darien straddling his waist. Chris was tired. Darien could see that. Those beautiful hazel eyes and gorgeous mouth showed strain. But the eyes were open behind the now crooked glasses, and both they and the mouth were smiling. Well, smiling until Darien grabbed his head and commandeered Chriss mouth with his own. Chris chuckled, immediately giving up the struggle. His arms wrapped around Darien, holding him close, and his mouth opened underneath a punishing kiss. Mmmm, Darien could taste the gin of a drink Chris mustve had on the plane. Around them there was laughter, but Darien couldnt care less. He had the body that he most wanted to hold underneath him, and nothing could make him let go.


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Okay, he did eventually have to breathe. Reluctantly, he pulled back, but kept his grip tight on Chriss shoulders. His lover still wore one of his suits, complete with snazzy tie. You came straight from work. Chris grinned, not making any effort to get up off the cold floor. Straight from the office to the airport. My bags are at the front desk. Which meant hed pretty much come straight here. Wheres Simon? The question was out before he could bite it back. Around him, he could sense the others listening. Again, he didnt care. Didnt matter that they knew; Chris was his only focus at the moment. Chriss grin faded just a touch around the edges. He reached up to straighten his wireframe glasses, ever-changing hazel eyes somber. Still in Chicago. Darien cupped Chriss bold, angular face in his hands and bent to hover lips over lips. Good. Another kiss, gentler this time. He heard the clack of high heels on concrete and figured that was probably Gretchen, so he pulled back again. She stopped in the doorway just above Chriss head. Oh, my. They both glanced up to see her surprised smile. Her red hair gleamed softly in the bright lights from the makeup table. Im glad Im wearing slacks, she teased, then added with a laugh, not that I have anything youd want to see, Chris. Darien sat up, letting Chris push up to his elbows. I can still appreciate the view. She chuckled. Well, Im glad you made it. She stepped past them into the room. All right, gentlemen, gather round. Darien grinned at Chris, fists on his hips. What the hell are you doing on the floor? Chris arched an eyebrow. I believe someone put me here.

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Mmmm. He couldnt resist brushing his lips over Chriss again. Remember the position. We need to get back to this later tonight. Chris grinned. Its a deal. Boys, if you please. Without looking, he knew Gretchen meant him and his lover. Laughing, he surged to his feet, reaching down to offer Chris a hand up. Gretchen waited until they were paying attention, eyeing everyone in the room with a stern look. I have been your manager long enough to know that what Im about to say is necessary. You will all be in the party at the lodge at midnight. When no one responded, she arched a brow. Do you hear me? There will be no disappearing for sex until after the stroke of midnight. Darien grimaced, bumping back into Chris. He wasnt the only one unhappy with the ruling. Gretchen went on. Frank, Will, Katt, and Barb have been very nice to us, and it would be rude not to be there. Johnnie, across the room from Darien with his arm slung around Tylers shoulders, spoke up for them. Were free right after midnight, yeah? Gretchen smiled. Yes. Darien grinned up at Chris. Chris winked.


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Chapter Fifteen

Brents hand hurt. It was ugly. So what? It would get better. The doctor had told him so. Brent decided to go ahead and go with that thought, liking it better than the brooding alternative. If Hell and Luc werent elsewhere changing after a rocking performance, theyd die of shock. He chuckled at the thought. He sat with Chris at the bar in the lodges main restaurant, which had been turned into a party room for the occasion. Streamers and balloon strings dangled from the ceiling. All but a few of the tables and chairs had been taken away, and those that remained were lined along the walls, out of the way of the milling crowd. Brent wouldnt have thought that this many people were staying at the resort, but then, the theater had been packed for Heaven Sents performance. No doubt some of the gaily dressed guests were from one of the nearby towns, here to greet the new year with a friendly crowd. This was even more of a novel experience for him, since hed been banned from backstage. Hed tried to stay with the band after the performance, but Gretchen had kicked him, Chris, Tyler, and Reese from the premises.

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If youre with them alone, there will be too much chance for you to slip away, shed admonished, barring the way with three of her assistants. Go to the party. Theyll meet you there after they change. Brent was rather amused. He was also rather horny. His dick hadnt really calmed down since Hell had reached into his pants earlier, and the knowledge that the imp would be joining him soon didnt make things any better. What time is it? Chris asked. Brent chuckled, checking his watch. There had been this god-awful clock mounted above the bar earlier, but the owners had taken it down when they discovered it ran slow. Eleven-twenty. Chris grunted into his martini. Back to the bar, he watched over the crowd, far more agitated than his normal, steadfast calm. Hed ditched the overcoat and suit on a quick trip up to his and Dariens room right after the show. He now wore a long-sleeved black shirt with shining silver pinstripes and tighter pants than Brent had ever seen him in. Brent got the feeling hed dressed to impress. Brent grinned. You had a long trip, huh? Tired? Some. Why? Better get over it. After leaving him alone for a week, I dont think Dariens planning on letting you sleep. A positively demonic grin turned Chriss primly proper face into a wicked mask. I assure you, I dont plan on sleeping. Brent was gratified to witness proof that Chris wanted Darien. Not that hed really doubted it, but the proof was nice. A commotion at the open archway that led from the restaurant into the main lobby of the resort announced the arrival of the band.


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Do we always look like that? Brent wondered, then decided the answer was probably
yes. His friends entered like it was preplanned stage direction. Johnnie appeared first, all that hair loose and long about his back and chest. The vivid green of his sweater made his eyes spark even from a distance, and his tight black leather pants left little to the imagination. Behind him, almost in formation, came Luc and Rabin. Lucs auburn hair shone blood red in the dimmed lighting, loose to brush the shoulders of his black silk shirt. Rabin looked like he belonged, striding beside Luc, equally as tall and good-looking in a tight blue sweater, his chestnut hair spiky and shiny, with a big grin on his face. Then, behind them, came Hell and Darien. Darien wore a sleeveless charcoal vest, despite the cold outside, and his straight gold hair was pulled back in a tail. He looked positively stark next to Brents colorful peacock. Hell wore one of his custom-made jackets with what could only be called a skirt. This one was in soft lavender with a violet suede trim that swept down past his knees. The front was open in a vee to display a dress shirt that could have been called plain if it werent for the fact that it was mostly see-through, revealing just a hint of pale brown nipples as he moved. The pants just visible underneath the skirt matched the color of the jacket, which brought out the mostly faded tint of his hair. The band stopped at the edge of the wide, shallow steps that led down to the main floor of the restaurant. Flashes from multiple cameras went off as applause started up. The four owners threaded through the crowd to insert themselves between the band members, posing for yet more photographs. Brent stayed happily where he was at the dark end of the bar, admiring his bandmates as they did their job and posed prettily for the pictures. When it became apparent that photo op time was almost over, Brent and Chris stood. Silently toasting one another, they both finished their drinks, then set their empty glasses on the bar. A glance across the restaurant showed Tyler and Reese waiting patiently beside one of the tables. Brent glanced at his watch, then caught Chris looking at him. Eleven thirty-five, he said, grinning.

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Then he turned to watch his little beauty glide toward him, graciously waving to those who would have detained him. Slim arms slid around Brents waist as Hell stepped into his embrace. Happily, he draped his injured arm over Hells shoulders and slid his good palm around to the small of Hells back. His lover tipped that gorgeous pixie face up at him, violet eyes vivid and shining. Wie gehts dir, Geliebter? Hey, he knew that one. How was he? With Hell in his arms, he was great! Danke, gut,

Liebling, he murmured. Bending his neck, he brushed his lips across Hells, careful not to
smudge the makeup too much. Time enough for that in about thirty minutes.

Darien grabbed the edge of the bar to either side of Chris, trapping his lover against the red padded leather. You look sexy. And he did. The black shirt was open at the collar, revealing the base of his long, elegant neck. His hair hadnt been trimmed lately, so it was a little shaggy around his ears and neck, which Darien liked even if Chris didnt. Smiling, Chris settled back against the bar, spreading his legs enough to allow Darien to press in, groin to groin. So do you. He wound his arms around Dariens shoulders, holding him close. Someone was happy to see him. Darien caught Chriss bottom lip, sucking the plump treat between his teeth to bite down gently. Chriss fingers slid into his hair, cupping the back of his skull, pulling just enough to force Darien to tip his head back. Sighing, he edged back slowly, letting Chriss lip slip out of his mouth, eyes open to watch those eyes -- brown in this light -- go all dark and sexy behind the thin lenses of his glasses. The whole rest of the noisy party faded away, and the adrenaline left over from the performance made him grind against Chris. Did you miss me?


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Tremendously. Chriss other hand hooked in the waistband at his hips, stopping the motion. So much that you must stop that if were going to endure the last twenty minutes of this year. Darien laughed, sliding his hands up Chriss arms. You gonna be able to stay awake tonight? Try and stop me. Oh, no. Thatd be stupid of me. And you are not stupid. Nah, just kind of dumb sometimes. Hey! He flinched back, laughing after Chris pinched him. Not nice. I have never claimed to be nice. No. You havent. Darien indulged in another kiss. This time, it was he who decided to push away before he lost it in the middle of a crowd. Stepping out of the comfy cradle of Chriss hips, he looked around. What time is it? Eleven thirty-nine, Brent supplied, sitting on the stool beside Chris. Hell kept in front of him, completely at home between his legs. Sighing, Darien turned to check out the party. In a raised section of the restaurant, the owners and helpers were fiddling with a huge projection television, no doubt looking to find some footage of a ball about to be dropped. Any chance of getting things going any sooner? Doubtful. Damn.

Lost in a greeting kiss with Luc, Reese almost didnt feel the tapping on his shoulder. He would have ignored it, except it didnt stop. Annoyed, he pulled away from his lover and turned his head.

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Karin Markss angry eyes stared at him. Lucs arms tensed around Reeses waist. Karin She didnt look up at Luc, but she did take a prudent step back from his projected anger. He slept with me, she threw into Reeses face. Karin! Goddammit -- Wait. Reese stopped Luc with a spread palm on his chest, never taking his eyes off Karins. What? She glanced at Luc, and the triumph in her face was patently obvious. She returned her attention to Reese, a heavily moussed curl of black hair not even budging from her forehead in the breeze of her movement. He slept with me. I just thought you should know. She sounded like a little kid telling another that she had an ice cream cone and he didnt. Which was absurd, because Reese definitely had the treat. Luc growled, but Reese gripped his arms, again keeping watch on Karin. He cocked his head to the side. Oh? And when was this? He hadnt gotten much time to get a report out of Luc this afternoon. Once hed gotten out of the shower, Luc had jumped in, and theyd come to fetch him for rehearsal before hed gotten out. Reese was dying to know what they talked about. Surely she didnt think that hed believe Luc slept with her this afternoon?! She shifted her feet, cocking a hip to the side to plant a hand on it. The little red cocktail dress she wore sparkled as the lights were raised for the impending new year. When we were shooting the movie. He suppressed a smile, but he doubted she couldnt see his mirth. She wasnt that stupid. You mean on set? No! Clearly, his calm wasnt to her liking. I mean off set. In my hotel room. Clearly, hed misjudged. She was that stupid.


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Reese saw her friends over her shoulder, both of them clearly uncomfortable. Beside him, Luc growled. Reese squeezed his shoulder firmly. To Karin, he smiled. Oh, I doubt that. Karin shook her head haughtily. Then youre blind. She shot a glare up at Luc. No, Im not. What I am is sure of the man I love. He turned to face her fully. He let his gaze rake her from the points of the insanely high heels on her feet to the top of the overdone curls on her head, then let every bit of his disdain drip from his next words: And his taste. She gaped. You jerk! Oh, no, Im not the jerk here. This time it was Luc who held him back as he finally showed his anger. Luc grabbed his arms, and he leaned against the hold, pointing at the bitch to punctuate his own glare. I dont know if youre pissed at him for rejecting you, or if you think if he breaks up with me hell coming running to you, but you are sorely mistaken. Behind him now, Luc held on to both of his shoulders in a firm, unbreakable grip. First, I went through a lot of crap to get this man, and Im not giving him up. And second, even if he

did leave me, he would not take up with a skank like you!
Karins gape turned into a snarl, and she made to launch at him, but her friends held her. Not here, one of them muttered, pulling her back. Meantime, Lucs arms slid all the way around Reeses chest, holding him firmly in place. Hes lying to you, Karin spat at him as her friends pulled her away. You wish. He saw people watching them, but didnt care. Hed let the woman hang all over Luc too many times now to let this one go. Hell, hed been nice and let Luc talk to her alone earlier today. No more. Not this time. Not tonight.

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Luc maneuvered him off to the side of the room, away from most of the prying eyes and into a spot where they couldnt be overheard easily. He went willingly and finally looked up at Luc. His lovers face showed a strange mixture of delight and trepidation. Reese scowled. Sorry. Lucs eyebrows shot up. Sorry? What the hell do you have to be sorry for? That was great! He couldnt help but grin. Im sorry I embarrassed you. Oh, please, Ill live. Luc chuckled. I still think it was great. Those sable eyes narrowed. You do know that I didnt sleep with her, right? Yeah. He glared, watching Karins friends pulled her skinny little ass to the other side of the room. Youve got way better taste than that. Yeah. Big hands with long, callused fingers cupped his face, and sexy, hooded eyes full of love and heat bore into his. Do you realize how much I love you? I think I just proved that, didnt I? You did. Reese expected a kiss, but it didnt come. Instead, Luc searched his face, thumbs lightly brushing the corners of his mouth. What? he asked softly, knowing something was going on underneath all that red hair. Marry me. He blinked. Huh? Lucs smile would have warmed the coldest heart. Marry me. I was going to wait and ask you properly when we were alone, but He shook his head. Marry me. Right now? If only. No. Just say that you will, and well figure out the details later.


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He couldnt tamp the grin that turned up the corners of his mouth. He reached up to wrap his hands around Lucs wrists. No. Lucs smile drained. Reese squeezed his wrists, not allowing them to drop. Im not going to accept something like that on the heels of what that woman just did. Ask me again next year. Luc was quick, one of the things Reese loved about him. Color returned to his face as he twisted one wrist to look at his watch through Reeses fingers. Thats in about fifteen minutes. Yeah, I know. There was the kiss hed expected. Soft and knowing, full of promise. This is going to be the longest damn fifteen minutes, Luc growled. Reese laughed.

You think theyre okay? Tyler asked, worried as he watched Luc pull Reese aside. Johnnies arm about his shoulders kept Tyler where he was. Theyll be fine. He chuckled. That was pretty cool, though. She had it coming. He nuzzled Tylers ear. Would you do that for me? Tyler pulled back enough so that he could twist his head and arch a brow at his husband. Is there a reason I should know about? Johnnie laughed. You know there isnt. I wouldnt mess around on the mother of my children. Tyler grumbled. Okay, you can quit with the mother thing. Okay, okay, the father of my children. Hmmm, yeah, I could do the mommy thing. Oh, right. Are you going to breastfeed and everything? Hmm, perhaps not. But I do look rather good in a skirt.

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Tyler blinked, his eyes pointed out over the crowd but his vision turned inward at a sudden image of Johnnie in a sparkling green evening gown. Johnnies shoulders were a tad too broad for it, but those slim hips and those long legs Ooooh, youre picturing something, Johnnie mused into his ear. Tell me. He felt the flush on his neck. No. Tell me. Hey, look, the televisions on. Tyler. He checked his watch. Is it that time already? Johnnie spun him around, bracing his butt up against the table they stood beside. You know youre eventually going to tell me what you were thinking just now. Tyler couldnt look into those green eyes. Yeah butlater. Oh, man, now Im intrigued.

Brent grabbed Rabin as he and Hell headed toward the raised section with the television. Cmon, man. As my stand-in, you get to endure this with me. Rabin laughed. But I feel so out of place without a boyfriend. Brent snorted, releasing Rabins arm to receive the champagne flute Hell handed to him. Say it a little louder. Im sure there are a few unattached males whod love to be your boyfriend for the night. Rabin looked thoughtful as he took another champagne flute from Hell. You may be right there. Hell and Brent exchanged glances, then laughed. Oh, man, we converted another one. Brent called over his shoulder to Darien, Hey, you coming?


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Not just yet, Darien laughed, grinning up at Chris. You lead. Ill follow, Chris told Darien, nodding toward where Brent and Hell were walking away. Darien wrapped his fingers around his lovers wrist and tugged. You bet your fine ass youll follow. Youve got some serious making up to do tonight. They each snagged champagne from a passing waiter. Then its a good thing I took my vitamins this morning. Darien chuckled. He held his champagne up to salute Reese as they met up on the raised floor beside the television. Bravo, my friend.

Feeling just too good for words, Reese nodded triumph and clinked his glass with Dariens. They both sipped, watching the crowd gather below. Just warning you, Reese said, snuggling in closer under Lucs arm as they were jostled to make room for everyone, if she tries to come up here, Im going to punch her. Girl or no. Luc chuckled, glancing toward where Karin stood by the bar on the other side of the room. Well have to see who punches her first. Reese grinned, feeling giddy. Oh, let me do it. Ive got less of a public reputation to uphold.

It had something to do with the dress thing, didnt it? Johnnie murmured, breath hot behind Tylers ear. Would you quit it? Im trying to maintain some dignity. Despite his words, he wiggled to a more comfortable fit in Johnnies embrace, his back against his lovers chest.

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It was the dress thing! Johnnies hand dangled his champagne flute in front of Tyler. Hey, blondie, what kind of dress do you want me to wear? Oh, look, the balls dropping. Mmmm, speak for yourself.

Ten Nine

Brent wrapped his injured arm around Hells shoulders, gathering him in close. You sure you want to spend another year with me? Violet eyes smiled at him as slim, strong arms wrapped around his waist. Im willing if you are.

Eight Seven

I cant make a resolution not to talk to Simon, Chris answered Dariens impromptu request. Darien tightened his arm around Chriss waist as he sipped his champagne. He hadnt expected Chris to do it, but itd been worth a shot. WellIm going with you next time you go out of town for him. Chris nuzzled his cheek. Now that would be nice.

Six Five

Marry me.


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Reese threw back his head and laughed, far too happy to contain himself. It was a good thing Luc had a firm grip on his waist, or he might have toppled backward into a huge potted fern. Not yet, you dolt. Luc laughed, biting Reeses throat. Its close enough. No, its not. Now watch it, youre going to spill my drink.

Four Three

Just name it. Ill do it. Tyler turned to slide his arms around Johnnies neck, letting his champagne flute dangle from his fingers behind Johnnies back. Its a damn good thing that Im careful what I ask you to do. Johnnies lips hovered next to Tylers. One of the reasons I love you so much.

Two One

Happy New Year!

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Chapter Sixteen

Tyler was the first one out of the elevator. Desperately, he rushed ahead down the hall, keycard already out. Johnnie sauntered up behind him, ignoring the rush of their friends hurrying for their own doors. Thumbs tucked in the tight waistband of his pants, he looked thoughtful. So were you thinking a schoolgirl outfit or an evening gown? Tyler groaned, pushing into the room. Inside, light came from the softly burning fire in the fireplace and a single lamp in the bedroom. Stop! Or maybe a cocktail dress? Johnnie mused, holding the door open for himself. What do you think? A little spaghetti strap number that comes up to about here? Tyler had to look and just flushed deeper to see Johnnies hand poised just below his crotch. Thatd be indecent. Hey, we didnt say Id be wearing this in public. Of course, the glint in Johnnies eyes as he strode Tylers way said that he wouldnt be opposed. But if thats what you want Can we please change the subject? Tyler groaned, throwing himself face first into the pillows on the bed, which had thoughtfully been turned down for them.


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Oh, come on, blondie. I tell you what, Id love to see you in a schoolgirl outfit. White button-down shirt and plaid skirt, complete with the knee-high stockings and Mary Jane shoes. He smacked his lips loudly. What a thought! Aghast, Tyler turned onto his side. Youve got to be kidding?! Tongue poking out of his wicked grin, Johnnie knelt on the bed. Slowly, he teased up the hem of his sweater, revealing the first peek of tight belly. Nope. And weve got to get the pervy stuff out of the way before you get me barefoot and pregnant. Tyler fell on his back, unable to help the laughter that burst forth from his chest. Youre an absolute mental case! Johnnie threw his sweater on the floor behind him, then leaned toward Tyler. And you love every inch of me.

Say it. Reese laughed, twisting away when Luc reached for him again. Say what? he asked innocently, hands up to unbutton his ice blue shirt. The growl behind him made his balls gleefully achy. Say that youll marry me. Reese turned, making sure that the light fabric of his shirt fell open to reveal his bare chest to his lover. The lamplight was behind Luc, which meant his lover would be able to see him quite clearly. Thats not how this is going to work, he warned, shrugging to bare his shoulders. Luc paused to admire the view before he loosened the final button of his own shirt. Delicious shadows enhanced the curves of each defined muscle. He smiled. Okay. How is this going to work? Reese paused to toe off his dress shoes, then padded backward until his calves hit the side of the bed. This involves penance. Lucs brow shot up. Penance?

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Keeping the shirt draped over his forearms and back -- because he knew Luc loved that particular sight -- Reese brought his hands front to press open palms to his groin. He pressed the aching bulge there and was pretty sure he heard Lucs groan echo his. Yep. Penance for making me endure that womans presence. The teasing on Lucs face drained to concern. I didnt ask her to be here. Reese stared at his lover, willing Luc to play his game. I know that. He smiled warmly and let his fingers play over his erection. But that doesnt mean you shouldnt have to pay for it. Lucs smile returned. All right. He tore off his shirt, tossed it aside, and quickly shed his shoes. Reese squeezed himself when pants and briefs were dropped, revealing the beautiful dip of Lucs hip and the mouth-watering state of his excitement. He crossed the distance between him and Reese, halting obediently when Reese held up one hand, palm out, toward him. Sable eyes boring into Reeses, Luc slowly sank to his knees. Sitting back on his heels, he spread his hands and tilted his head to bare his neck. What must I do to pay my penance so youll be mine? Reese shuddered, biting his lip. He sent a small prayer to whatever benevolent deity had sent him this gorgeous man to have for his very own.

Hey, hey, watch the hand. Brent laughed, glancing over his shoulder. Behind him, Hell stopped tugging at his shirt and moved a bit more carefully, getting the sleeve over Brents splinted hand. Letting the shirt drop to the carpet, Hell took hold of Brents wrist. Brent turned back around to face him as he raised the ugly, swollen thing to brush a kiss over purple and black fingers. Amethyst eyes rose to meet his. Youll be all right, ja? He smiled. Hell must be revved up if the German was that thick. Yeah, but youll need to get yourself out of this crazy jacket. No way I can work your clothes with this.


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He lived for the imps grin. That will not be a problem. Leave it up to me. A small pink tongue dragged up the inside of Brents forearm. Hell sucked at the sensitive flesh at the bend of Brents elbow before releasing the arm and stepping back. He pointed to the wide bed. Setz dich. Quite willingly, Brent lowered himself to the edge of the soft bed that some wonderful maid had turned down for them. In response to the flapping of Hells hands, he leaned back on his elbows and parted his thighs. His adorable lover sank to his knees between Brents legs and reached for his belt buckle. Hey, arent you going to strip for me? Hell smiled but remained at his task. Yes. But first, I want to taste you. He pouted. I was interrupted earlier. Who was he to argue against a blowjob to start the new year? He watched, belly and thighs tense, as Hell eased open his belt and parted his fly. Quick little hands with a ring on just about every finger hooked in the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down to expose his cock to the pleasantly heated air. Hells sigh was full of heated pleasure as he leaned forward to capture the tip of Brents cock between his lips. Groaning, Brent let his head fall back, struggling not to come.

Darien, wait! Darien wanted to open his eyes and look up to see the expression that went with that agonized groan. He was sure the scrunched-up look on Chriss face was gorgeous. But he couldnt. He was busy. His mouth was full of hard, hot, uncut cock, and his tastebuds were relearning the taste of musky male and precum. He sucked hard, suddenly obsessed with the need to drink Chris down. He kept his lover trapped beneath him on the bed, straddling his legs, fingers digging into the taut flesh of Chriss waist.

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Darien Fingers speared into his hair, tugging. He bit down underneath the head, just hard enough to let Chris know that he wouldnt be interrupted. Bloody hell, Chris groaned, hips rocking despite his protest. Darien took as much cock as he could into his mouth, then dragged tongue and teeth up the shaft, making sure the suction was good and tight. His own cock pulsed, aflame without any other stimulation. Chris hissed, muttering, pumping his hips. The fingers in Dariens hair clutched, but now they were pushing him down, making him take as much as he could. He did his best, relaxing his throat, squirming in his own excitement. Chris cursed, held him with both hands, and came down his throat. Triumphant, Darien sat up. He wiped cum from his mouth as he drank in the sight of his prim and proper lover lying there debauched. He liked that word: debauched. Sounded delightfully pervy. Especially since he heard it in a prim English accent. Chris dragged in a breath and looked up at him. The black and silver shirt lay open about his chest, and the tight pants were shoved halfway down his thighs. He still had on his glasses. How sexy was that? One slim brow arched. That will delay things. Darien nodded, scrambling back off the bed. Im counting on it. Chris pushed up on his elbows as Darien tugged his pants down those long legs. Oh? Yep. He removed Chriss shoes and socks, then got the pants the rest of the way off. Chris was still watching him. Waiting. Darien stood, grinning, sliding his hands over his chest, bared by his open vest. Youve got some making up to do, lawyer man. Chris sat up. Oh? The glasses came off and were set on the nightstand.


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Darien watched this practiced move as though in a trance. He remained where he was while Chris stood up before him. Elegant fingers slid under Dariens vest, cupping over the curves of his shoulders. And how might I go about this making up? Darien let his head fall back as Chris slipped the vest down his arms. A tongue bath is a good start. Chris chuckled, bending forward to lap at the bend of Dariens neck. Indeed? He traced the big muscle up to the soft spot just under Dariens ear. Lucky for me, your taste is divine.

Taking his own sweet time, Johnnie slid his tongue over the base of Tylers throat. Tyler didnt mind. Making love with Johnnie did wonders for his self-esteem. Johnnie made him believe he was desirable. He lay back, sifting his fingers through miles and miles of silky brown hair as Johnnie traveled down his body, parting his shirt as he went. Johnnies lips found his nipples, and he died a little death from the electricity zinging through his bloodstream. He wanted this. Loved this. A night to savor each other and what they had together. No matter what, whatever choices they made about their future, as long as they had this and each other, everything would be all right. He hummed with pleasure when Johnnie lapped at his navel. Busy fingers made quick work of his fly, and he gladly lifted his hips to allow his lover to pull down briefs and slacks in one glide. Love it when you just lie there, on display. Just for me, Johnnie murmured, unfastening the shiny black leather pants that hugged his slim hips. Feeling decadent, Tyler raised his arms above his head, deliberately posing. You think Vic would want to photograph me?

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Johnnies eyebrows shot up. Are you kidding? Blondie, youve got a standing invitation. Vicd drop everything to do a layout of you. I think thats you hed drop everything for. Nah, hes shot me. But hes been dying to catch that gold hair and your big, beautiful eyes from the first time he saw you. He bent to shove his pants off. Tyler flushed, remembering the day hed first met Johnnies photographer friend. Very early on in his relationship with Johnnie, before hed even admitted he was gay. Hed been shocked to see his new lover posing in the nude. Im not serious, he murmured, sliding his hand down his bare chest to rest on his belly, right next to the leaking tip of his cock. Teasing himself, he didnt touch it. The only one Ill be naked for is you. Johnnie caught up his ankle and moved it aside as he knelt on the bed. Lucky, lucky me.

I think thats lucky me, Tyler corrected, but didnt bother to say aloud. Johnnie would
just argue with him, and Tyler had other uses in mind for his mouth at the moment. He slid his hands back into Johnnies hair, gathering much of it up to puddle around him as Johnnie lay on his belly between Tylers thighs. He draped himself in cool brown silk while first hot breath, then a warm, wet tongue, laved at his balls.

Damn, tiger, Luc moaned. Reese smiled but kept his eyes closed and his head back in the pillows, concentrating on pumping his hips, making sure Luc got the best view of the purple jelly dildo sliding in and out of his ass. Reese never traveled without one of his trusty friends anymore, and Luc had become expert at working them, even if hed rather have his own dick up Reeses hole instead of the toy. With one thigh draped over Lucs shoulder as his lover held the toy, and his own hand stroking his dick, Reese was pretty much content to keep torturing his lover.


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A brief mutter and warm breath were Reeses only warning before a wet tongue lapped at his perineum. Not suspecting that, he tensed, keening softly and clutching the bed beneath him. Luc kept pumping the dildo as he sucked at the sensitive skin, working his way up until he could gently suckle Reeses balls. Suddenly, Reese wasnt so sure he could last. He took his hand off his dick and tried to distract himself to keep from coming. The winter cold outside. Were they going to go skiing tomorrow? He needed to call their accountant about that new bar he wanted to buy for the White Tiger. Luc brought his focus back into painful clarity when the mans wet tongue slid up from Reeses balls and bathed the shaft of his cock. Reese hissed, instinctively shoving his hips down to impale himself on the dildo. He glanced down just in time to see shining auburn hair shift over his belly so the hot cavern of Lucs mouth could properly sink over his dick. The tip hit the back of Lucs throat, and when Luc did that swallowing thing, Reese had to curl up around his head in a desperate effort not to come. Luc, God! His lover knew him well. Sometimes better than he knew himself. Luc jiggled the dildo, forcing it to nail Reeses gland. He pulled up to close his lips around the head of Reeses cock, lashing the tip with his tongue. Reese shook, his breath seizing in short, moaning spurts. His spine began to sizzle, and his balls drew up. This was it. He was -Luc popped his mouth up and off and yanked the dildo out. Reese froze, gaping. The orgasm screeched to a halt, plateauing. Not anywhere near receding, but not quite finishing. Luc tossed the gleaming wet dildo aside and sat back on his heels, waiting. A smug grin curved his lips.

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You fucking bastard, Reese hissed, falling back on his elbows. You didnt say anything about making you come with the dildo. Oh, God! Reese flopped back in the pillows, writhing. His skin crawled with delicious agony, and his dick felt like it was going to shoot off like a skyrocket, except that the fuse had stopped. It was maddening. He reached for it. Only to have a hand clamp down on his wrist, keeping it away. Another hand grabbed his other wrist, and Luc pinned them to the mattress after crawling over Reese. You wanna come? I can make you come. Reese opened his eyes to see those dark eyes glittering at him from within a falling curtain of flaming red hair. Some penance, he pouted.

Hells sweet little mouth popped off of Brents straining cock. Oh, damn. Hell? The pixie turned from where he stood a few feet away, hands unbuttoning his jacket. Yes, Liebling? Brent pushed up to his elbows and looked pointedly down at his wet cock. His wet, still

hard cock. You did that on purpose!

Hell shrugged to get the jacket of his shoulders. What do you mean? Brent glared, not remotely fooled by the innocent tone. He knew damn good and well that his lover didnt have an innocent bone in his body. Care to tell me why, exactly, you stopped me from coming? Did I do that? the imp asked coyly, letting the lavender jacket slip down his arms. You did.


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Hmm. Hell caught the jacket as it reached his fingertips and expertly swirled the garment around and up so that it fanned prettily about his body before coming to rest across one arm. Brent settled back. He was still a bit peeved about the aborted orgasm, but he really did love watching the imp undress. He knew no one else who did it with such a flourish. Jacket now draped over a chair, Hell leaned on the table briefly as he pulled off his low-cut white boots. He hummed to himself as he did it, acting as though he were alone in the room, when he knew damn well Brent was watching. Brent considered palming his cock as he enjoyed the show, but decided against it. Hell would probably throw one of those boots at him. The imp turned to face him and slowly, sensuously, eased loose the drawstring of his pants. The fabric was heavy enough and Hells waist was slim enough that when Hell let go of the laces, the pants slipped themselves down his legs, leaving him in just that oversized, diaphanous dress shirt and a tiny white thong that strained to hold a nice-sized bulge. He unbuttoned the shirt as he approached the bed, but though he got all the buttons loose, he left the shirt on. Standing at Brents knees, he kept his eyes on Brents face as he hooked small thumbs in the thin strips of the thong and yanked. Hidden snaps popped, and the thong fell useless to the carpet. Hells dick sprang free, hard and pulsing a reddish purple that was so very much darker than the rest of his pale skin. Brent felt like applauding. His aching cock bobbed in appreciation. Hell reached for the waistband of Brents slacks and, while Brent edged up to the middle of the bed, took them off -- totally ignoring Brents cock, which was a little annoying. But Brent said nothing. Still humming to himself, Hell dropped Brents pants on the chair, then went to his suitcase. After a brief moment, he produced a familiar bottle of lube. Good. Brent wouldnt have to tell him about the bottle in his own suitcase.

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Tossing the bottle onto the bed beside Brents hip, he crawled up to sit between Brents thighs. Small, tapered feet lay on the mattress to either side of his butt. Very limber, Brents imp. And so achingly beautiful. The see-through shirt shimmered slightly, like fairy sprinkles dusted over the imps shoulders and arms. His skin shone pale and flushed with excitement. Smiling, he tossed the long purple braid back over his shoulder, then reached down to wrap surprisingly strong fingers around Brents cock. Now, he said, voice resonating deep and wicked, we fuck properly.

Darien clutched at the headboard, determined to keep his hands up where Chris had told them to stay, even though they wanted oh-so-badly to reach down and clutch. But Chris got a kick out of making him squirm, and Darien had to admit he got a kick out of squirming. Especially when it resulted in Chris lavishing attention on him. Like now. Darien never quite realized how sensitive his skin was until Chris started touching him. Or maybe it was just Chris that made his skin that way. The way hed ghost over Dariens belly, barely touching, made Darien realize that there really was hair there, very, very fine hair that shimmered with feeling when only that and the skin below was touched. Or the way he paid extra special attention to that crease right at the top edge of Dariens groin, where thigh met hip met belly. Hed spend so much loving attention there, sending chilly shivers chasing up Dariens sides to tickle in his armpits. So damn weird. He loved it! Chris pushed his thighs up toward his chest, forcing his hips up off the mattress. Chris lapped at the curve of one cheek of his ass, delving most of the way -- but not all of the way -- into the crease. Chrrriiiissss, he moaned.


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A tongue washed over the skin behind his balls, making Darien shiver again. Yes, magpie? He both loved and hated that Chris sounded so calm. Do it already. Do what, magpie? Im still administering your make-up tongue bath. Of course he was going to stick to that. Okay, right. Enough. The tongue stopped, and Darien immediately realized his error. Anxious, he looked down to see Chriss laughing gaze aimed at him from between his bent legs. Wait, I mean Chuckling, Chris lay his cheek on Dariens thigh, waiting. Darien swallowed. Lick m Lick Arching a brow, Chris turned his head and opened his mouth. His tongue hovered over the skin of Dariens thigh.

Damn it! Chris knew what he wanted, and he was teasing him because he knew Darien
still didnt like to ask for it. Lick my hole, he said quickly. Grinning, Chris nipped at his thigh before lowering his head. With pleasure.

Johnnie wrapped Tylers fingers around his own cock. Hold that for me for a sec. Tyler dragged his eyes open, watching Johnnie roll off the bed. Just as the thought of protesting surfaced in his pleasure-addled brain, he saw why Johnnied left, and forgave him. Johnnie poured lube into his hand even before he knelt back on the bed. Tossing the bottle aside, he smeared the lube on his cock as he got back into position between Tylers thighs. He grabbed one of Tylers legs and draped it up over his shoulder. Tyler closed his eyes, halting his hand on his cock. Hed come to crave that first moment of penetration, the first bit of Johnnie that sank into his body.

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Johnnie knew it, too. He pushed in and stopped with just the tip inside. He was watching, waiting for Tylers body to relax and suck him in. Tyler took a breath and let it out, feeling himself descend into the mattress. Johnnie groaned, thrusting slowly, shallowly at first, then deeper, letting the width of his cock stretch Tyler, stimulate Tyler, until his entire length was swallowed deep inside Tylers body. Releasing Tylers leg, Johnnie dropped forward on his elbows, hair sheeting down to curtain them. Green eyes glittered above a heated smile. Do you know how much I love you? Tyler slid his arms around Johnnies shoulders, matching the smile. Show me.

Luc used his knees to shove Reeses thighs apart. Well, okay, Reese helped a little. I

am doing penance, he assured Reese, shoving Reeses hands up so that he could trap both
above his head with one hand. You still havent answered my question. Reese swallowed, pulling his knees up as Lucs hand dropped down to position his cock. He groaned as Luc slid easily into his thoroughly prepared hole. The dildo was purposely not as thick as his lover so that he always got that extra little stretch when Luc was inside him. Luc halted when he was in to the hilt. Reese, came a warning growl above him. Reese opened eyes he didnt remember closing. What? Are you going to answer me? Are you going to move? Not until you answer me. We could be here a long time.


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Luc closed his hand lightly around Reeses aching dick, thumbing just underneath the head with too-light pressure that he knew would only tease. Ill wait. No fair. Alls fair in love and war, tiger. Reese tried clamping his ass muscles, gratified to see Luc flinch and swallow, although he knew it wouldnt work. Luc had iron control when it came to fucking.

Lucky for me!

Reese wiggled, tugging the hands Luc still held pinned above his head. Id be answering under duress. So? Youd hold me to it, wouldnt you? You bet this sweet ass I would. He pulled slowly out of said ass. Reese shuddered when he pushed just as slowly back in. You already own me, body and soul. He groaned. Why marry me? Luc released Reeses hands and dropped to his elbows so that his nose was inches above Reeses. Those eyes sparked with undisguised possession. Because I want that last thing that binds us together. Thrust. I want you stuck so close to me that therell never -- thrust -ever -- thrust -- be any doubt in your mind that Im just as much yours as you are mine.

Bring it on, Brent laughed, spreading his legs wide and tilting his hips to make things easy for his lover. Hell chuckled, stroking Brents cock. Slut. Only for you, kewpie doll. He laughed when Hell yanked extra hard, growling. You will pay for that. I can only hope so.

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Hell snorted, letting go of Brents cock to reach for the lube. Muttering to himself, he poured it. Brent laughed softly, toying with his cock as he watched. It wasnt his normal hand for jerking off, so it wasnt quite satisfying, but itd do for now. He bent his injured arm up over his head and out of the way. The laughter was a relief. Being down in the dumps had taken a lot out of him. Much better to just kick back and enjoy. Johnnie and Darien had been trying to convince him of that for years. Maybe hed finally gotten the hang of it. Thanks to Hell. The imp capped the lube and tossed it back on the bed. He paused as he started smearing it over his cock, seeing Brent watching him. What? Grinning, Brent shook his head. Just enjoying the view. Hell cocked his head to the side, the purple braid falling back over his shoulder. It is good to see you smile again. Brent released his cock and hooked the hand under his knee, pulling his leg up. Promise to keep smiling if you stick that -- he indicated Hells cock with his chin -- in here. Hell loosed a sound Brent wouldnt dare call a giggle. What a wonderful idea. With practiced ease, he positioned his cock and slowly pushed in. It was difficult to do, but Brent forced his eyes to remain open, loving the angelic bliss that overcame Hells face when he was first inside. He never looked sweeter, or hotter. God, Hell, he cried, reaching up with his good hand to grab a handful of shimmery shirt. Luckily, the fabric was stronger than it looked and allowed him to haul his lover closer until they were almost chest to chest. The height difference meant that Brent really had to bend to make a meeting of the mouths, but it was a small price to pay. So beautiful, he murmured, switching his hand to the back of Hells neck for a firmer grip. I dont tell you that enough, but you are. Hell groaned, thrusting home. Strong little hands braced on Brents hips, squeezing.


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Brent wrapped his long legs around Hells waist, still gripping his neck. He bent his injured arm so he could lean on the elbow. I love you so goddamned much. Youre the best thing thats ever happened to me. Gott, Geliebter. Ich liebe dich auch.

Darien gave up the game with his hands. Chris would just have to understand because he simply could not keep them on the headboard anymore. Groaning, he curled each hand underneath a knee and hauled them back as close to his shoulders as he could get them. A little more limber and he might have been able to suck his own cock.

Stupid, dont think things like that now!

Audible, understandable words failed him, so he had to settle for hardly masculine whimpering while Chriss crazy, wicked tongue played with his asshole. He didnt get why it felt so good, and hed ceased to try and analyze it. Sometimes it was rough deciding just where he wanted Chriss tongue the most. Not to mention those eyes. When Darien could manage to open his own to watch Chris, the top half of his lovers face -- the only part he could see -- was more often than not smoothed out into an expression of bliss. Like what he tasted and what he was doing was sheer heaven. His cock twitched, and he knew he was going to come if this didnt stop. With an agonized shout, he slapped his arms down on the mattress, pulling up and away from Chris as his hips fell to the mattress. Chris remained kneeling on the bed, eyes now open and wicked grin in place as he watched Darien. Darien took a moment to breathe, using the time to take in the sight of his lover. Poised like a predator on all fours, Chriss golden brown hair threatened to hide one of his wickedly shining eyes, very green in this light. His cock curved up, red, hard, and inviting between his thighs.

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Darien licked his lips, finding his voice at last. Lay down. I want to ride you. One brow arched, but Chris didnt argue. He crawled for the head of the bed as Darien rolled aside to reach for the lube in the nightstand drawer. By the time he spun on up on his knees, Chris was calmly adjusting the pillows beneath his shoulders and back so that he half sat and half lay. Shit, youre gorgeous. The words spilled from Dariens mouth. That made Chris grin. No, I mean it. Reverently, Dariens smoothed a hand over the light coating of hair on Chriss chest, skimming down his flat belly to rest on his navel. I cant blame him for wanting you back. That made Chris frown. One hand reached up to hook in Dariens hair to yank him close. Dont talk about that. Dariens hand slipped to the bed on the opposite side of Chris so that he hovered over his lover. Its okay. I just meant I know what you meant and I love you for saying it. But -- he shook Dariens head -right now is just you and me. No one else intrudes. Ridiculous heat surged through Dariens chest, really almost making him come. Chris had such an effect on him! He opened his mouth to respond, but was reduced to a groan when Chris hauled him that last few inches to mate their mouths. He opened, plunging his tongue in to find Chriss, wanting, needing to taste, to explore. The kiss was heated and hard at first, Chris sucking from underneath him. But when he gave willingly, his body melting into his lover, Chris eased up on his hair and turned the kiss into a tender caress. He thrust his tongue between Dariens teeth as his hand slid down Dariens back. When he cupped Dariens ass, fingers parted his cheeks so that air wafted over his still-wet hole. A reminder.


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Gasping, Darien pulled away. He fumbled the lube open and poured a generous portion into his hand. Handing the bottle to Chris, he reached down to wrap wet fingers around his lovers cock. This was why hed known it was a good idea to let Chris come earlier. The man was always harder and lasted longer the second time. Grinning at his own thoughts, Darien threw a leg over so he was straddling Chriss thighs. He couldnt resist stroking Chriss dick some more, loving the sweet little grin on those kiss-swollen lips and the way those hazel eyes rolled up into his head. But enough was enough. He was in the mood to be filled. He hitched up and edged forward, keeping his hold on his preferred tool of impalement. Giddy with himself, he positioned and finally let gravity do its work to help him sink down and swallow Chris up. Ah, magpie. Chris gripped his hips, helping to keep him steady. He wrapped his hands over Chriss shoulders, using him for leverage. Determined, he met that green-gold gaze as Chriss pubes finally tickled his ass. Mine, he said, rolling his hips to make Chris groan. Youre all mine, arent you, lawyer man? All yours, Chris assured him, squeezing his ass cheeks as Darien slid up. Theres no one else in this world.

Johnnie slid his hands under Tylers shoulders, holding on to brace him as those slim, sinuous hips started to move in earnest. Tyler keened softly, rocking in time with his lover, eyes closed because he just couldnt take the extra sensation.

Luc braced up on one strong arm, looping the other underneath one of Reeses legs, holding him open. Reese clutched the bed and tried his damnedest to keep his eyes open as Luc pumped into him, not wanting to miss the sight of his gorgeous redheads passion.

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Brent kept hold of the back of Hells neck, feeding on his lovers plump lower lip. Fuck me, baby, Brent growled, God, you feel so good. Hell echoed the growl without any words, letting Brent have his mouth as he shoved his cock deep into Brents body.

Darien grabbed the headboard as Chris slid down further, getting into a position where he had better leverage to thrust from underneath. Oh, fuck yeah. Darien moaned, shoving down hard as Chris pushed up.

Tyler clutched Johnnies shoulders, fingers digging in as his lover shoved deep, long thrusts inside him. God, Johnnie, I

cant take it, Reese panted. Eyes finally closed so he could drown in a wash of pleasure. Im gonna

come! Brent fell back, releasing Hells neck for fear of choking him. The braid slid through his fingers as he sank into the pillows, writhing. Shoving. Aching. Exploding. Oh, God

Chris! The headboard slammed the wall when Darien shoved it, bracing for the mother of all orgasms as it tore apart his spine and burst down his belly to erupt in thick, endless spurts over Chriss belly.


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Not until the fireworks subsided did he realize that he wasnt the only one. He recognized that panting face of agonized recovery and became aware of the extra warm wet in his ass. Theyd come together. How cool is that? he gasped, leaning back. Nope, wasnt comfortable. His limbs were shaking. For fear of falling, he edged forward and clumsily lowered his chest to Chriss.

Brent wound his arms around Hells shoulders as the imp subsided atop him. Hot breath gusted across his nipple. Smiling, he threaded his fingers in lavender curls and waited for his heart to stop racing.

Reese went along, boneless, as Luc rolled them both onto their sides. He couldnt see. His eyes were sealed shut, and he couldnt close his mouth for fear of suffocating. Spunk covered his belly and dribbled from his ass, and he decided he could die quite happily right here. Tiger? Lucs gorgeous voice was marvelously raspy, his own breathing rapid. Yes, Reese managed, cuddling closer to Lucs sweaty chest. Ill marry you.

Wow, Johnnie mused, hand combing through Tylers hair as they lay side by side, staring into each others eyes. That was pretty incredible. It was. They didnt often come at the same time. Tyler threw his leg over Johnnies hip, using his heel to pull his lover as close as possible. It always is. With you. Smiling, Johnnie brushed Tylers mouth in a slow, lazy kiss.

Life was good.

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They all shared a very late brunch the morning of January 1. Gretchen hadnt even sent people to ask any of the couples about breakfast until well after ten. Tyler was kind of surprised to see everyone gathered. It was, he thought, a good omen for the new year.

Gads, I sound like Johnnie now. Oh, well, wasnt the first time and certainly wouldnt
be the last. So whats next for you guys? Rabin asked, digging into a waffle piled high with berry preserves. A very good question, Gretchen mused, sipping her orange juice. We have the shows in Japan and a few spots booked after that, but nothing solid past May. She cast an inquiring glance around the table. Should we make plans? Can we not? Johnnie asked, sipping his latte. He turned to Luc. When are you guys getting married? Luc glanced at Reese, who shrugged. Dont know. Havent gotten that far in the planning.


Jet Mykles

Johnnie nodded, putting down his cup. He leaned back in his chair, draping an arm over the back of Tylers. I propose we take some time off. Some real time off, this time. Not just a few months. Tyler glanced around at the thoughtful looks on the band members faces. He, Reese, and Chris stayed quiet. Careful, said Rabin. Thats what my bands doing, and I dont think were ever getting back together. Brent frowned. No? Rabin shrugged. Not with that lineup, no. We dont see eye-to-eye like you guys seem to. I think we should take some time while we still like each other, Johnnie commented. Gretchen shrugged. I have no objections. Ive been wondering if this was coming. Especially since you all have lives now outside the band. The only two faces that showed trepidation belonged to Brent and Darien. Brent sat back, staring at his plate. Well He picked up his coffee, thinking. After a sip, he looked up at Hell. What do you think about producing? Hell arched a brow, intrigued. You have thoughts? Yeah. This could be our chance to open up that studio. Hey, really? Rabin asked, sitting forward. If you do, you think youd be interested in producing the Knights? I thought you said you didnt think you were getting back together? The name belongs to me and Zane, and I can still work with him. If we get a new band together, you interested?

Heaven Sent 5: Genesis


Might be. Not sure either Hell or I are right for producing a punk band. Rabin waved a hand. Nah. Were thinking something different. More toward what you guys do. That got Brent sitting forward. Tyler didnt think he even noticed his injured hand lying on the table beside him. A good sign. Now that could be interesting. Wait, hold up, Darien cried. This is cool and all, but I want to get one thing straight. He waited until he had everyones attention. Heaven Sent is not breaking up. Course not, Luc scoffed. No way, Johnnie said at the same time. Nah, Brent confirmed. Hell nodded agreement. Darien heaved a sigh as he sat back in his chair. Okay, good. Cause Id be royally pissed if thats what we were saying. Yeah, and you pissed is something to be scared of. Luc rolled his eyes. Oh, bite me, meatwad. Chris, dont you have some control over this? Reese, are you sure you want to marry this guy? Rolling his eyes, Brent went back to his conversation with Rabin, Hell listening in with interest. Johnnies hand on Tylers shoulder gathered him in to his lovers chest. He went willingly, twisting his neck to accept a kiss.


Jet Mykles

When he pulled back, Johnnie was grinning. He glanced at the arguments over the table, then back at Tyler, eyes twinkling. Do you see what you started? Tyler scowled. Me? Oh, no, not me. Youre the one who started all this.

Jet Mykles
Jets been writing sex stories back as far as junior high. Back then, the stories involved her favorite pop icons of the time but she soon extended beyond that realm into making up characters of her own. To this day, she hasnt stopped writing sex, although her knowledge on the subject has vastly improved. An ardent fan of fantasy and science fiction sagas, Jet prefers to live in a world of imagination where dragons are real, elves are commonplace, vampires are just people with special diets and lycanthropes live next door In her own mind, shes the spunky heroine who gets the best of everyone and always attracts the lean, muscular lads. She aids this fantasy with visuals created through her other obsession: 3D graphic art. In this area, as in writing, Jets self-taught and thoroughly entranced, and now occasionally uses this art to illustrate her stories, or her stories to expand upon her art. In real life, Jet is a self-proclaimed hermit, living in southern California with her life partner. She has a bachelors degree in acting, but her loathing of auditions has kept her out of the limelight. So she turned to computers and currently works in product management for a software company, because even in real life, she cant help but want to create something out of nothing.

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