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Software for data analysis

Participants can identify characteristics of different types of software and how they match M&E needs

35 minutes 1 hour



Introduce the objectives of the session.


Panel by participant experts Factors dictating the choice of a software

Objective: See session objective.

Step 1. Preparation
Prior to the workshop, identify a few participants with some experience in using data analysis software in an M/E activity. Ideally look for one person with experience in using database software, spreadsheets and statistical analysis software. Ask each to come ready to make a very brief 3- to 5-minute panel presentation on the following: What was the M&E activity you used the data analysis software in? What kind of data did you have how many records, how many fields? What kind of data analysis were you trying to do? What considerations made you choose the software you used (software characteristics, cost, availability, skills required, compatibility with other software)? What kinds of challenges would you warn others about? Would you make the same choice again? Encourage volunteers to consult core content sheet Software for data analysis to help them structure their presentation. During the training event, prior to the session, meet with all panelists and explain the process below. Have each go through their presentation briefly. Just prior to the presentation, find four of your quieter participants and give each a cue card repeating one of the last four questions above. Ask them to listen carefully to ensure that each panelist covers this point, and if they feel it hasnt been adequately covered by one or all panelists, to ask the question during the open question period.

Step 2. Panel discussion (30)

Introduce panel experts. Invite each panelist to present briefly, then open the floor for questions.

UNICEF M&E Training Resource Module 6.4.1

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Step 3. Summary (5)

Invite participants to brainstorm briefly on the key considerations in selecting data analysis software. See core content sheet Software for data analysis.


Optional: Software demonstration Qualitative or quantitative data analysis software

Objective: Participants understand the potential applications and limitations of more sophisticated, less familiar software.

Step 1. Preparation
Determine level of interest among participants, especially if this will be a lunch hour or otherwise out of programme activity. Identify external resource persons to present the selected software. Depending on interest, likely selections for this kind of presentation might be EPI info, SPSS, or some of the qualitative data analysis software (e.g. Ethnograph, Nudist).

Step 2. Presentations
Presentations should be based on relevant examples. PowerPoint can be used to show the screen options to a larger group (10-minute presentation with time for questions). If more than one software is being shown, clinics are better with participants taking turns in smaller groups. (Allow 10 minutes for each smaller group session.)

Flip charts, markers

Handout Software for data analysis

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