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Psychology 102: Cognitive Psychology

Instructor: Samantha Deffler Email: Office: Soc/Psy 209C

Summer 2013 Office Hours: WF 11am 12pm Class Time: MTuWThF 9:30 10:45am Class Location: Social Sciences 228

Class Overview: We will examine a wide range of topics in Cognitive Psychology, including Perception, Language, Memory, and Problem Solving. Integration between concepts and themes will be stressed. The course will be a mixture of lecture and instructor-guided discussion. Students are expected to attend class meetings, participate in class discussion, and complete reading assignments. Course Website: Date Topic Readings* 7/1 Welcome! 7/2 Basic Principles of Cognition and the Brain Ch 1 & 2 7/3 Perception (Fun Demo Day!) Ch. 3 7/4 No Class Happy Fourth of July! 7/5 Perception, cont. 7/8 Attention Ch 4 7/9 Attention, cont. 7/10 Working Memory Ch 5 7/11 Working Memory, cont. 7/12 Review 7/15 Exam #1 7/16 Long-Term Memory Ch 6; 7Sins TBA 7/17 LTM, cont. Ch 7; 7Sins TBA 7/18 LTM, cont. 7Sins TBA 7/19 Memory Errors and Misconceptions Ch 8 7/22 Memory Errors and Misconceptions 7/23 Knowledge Ch 9 7/24 Knowledge cont. 7/25 Visual Imagery Ch 10 7/26 Visual Imagery, cont. 7/29 Review 7/30 Exam #2 7/31 Language Ch 11 8/1 Language, cont. 8/2 Problem Solving, Reasoning, Decision Making Ch 12 8/5 Problem Solving, Reasoning, Decision Making, cont. Ch 13 8/6 Problem Solving, Reasoning, Decision Making, cont. 8/7 Review 8/8 Exam #3 *Readings must be completed before class. Chapters will be from the assigned textbook.

Required Texts:

Cognitive Psychology by E. Bruce Goldstein (Third Edition) The Seven Sins of Memory by Daniel Schacter

Participation: Activities in class require you to have completed the assigned readings, attend class meetings, and actively participate in the class. You are expected to attend and participate in every class meeting. Weekly Quizzes: Each Friday, a brief quiz will be given at the end of class; it will cover material from that weeks class discussions and class readings. These quizzes are not meant to stress to you, but rather to provide retrieval practice to help you learn the material more thoroughly. Electronic Etiquette: Please silence all cell phones and refrain from text messaging in class. Additionally, laptops are allowed for the purpose of taking notes, but I expect you to not be g-chatting, tweeting, facebook stalking, watching ESPN, etc. in class. Exams: Each exam will focus on the material covered during that section of the course. However, as each concept in this course will build upon or integrate previous concepts, some material from previous sections may appear on exams 2 and 3. Notice on Missed Exams: You are expected to take all exams at their scheduled time. Make-up exams will be given only for official athletic events and special circumstances known to your dean (such as a court appearance or death in the family). When possible, I must know about these circumstances before the exam occurs. The time and place of make-up exams will be at my discretion. No make-up exams will be given for shortterm illness forms. If you are sick, you must notify the instructor immediately (not after the exam has occurred) and provide documentation of your illness or have your dean contact me on your behalf. Grading: 90% of the grade will be based on exams. The remaining 10% will be based on class participation and weekly quiz grades. Disability statement: Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in the class are encouraged to contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities at 684-5917 or as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Academic integrity: Duke University is a community dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service and to the principles of honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability. Citizens of this community commit to reflect upon and uphold these principles in all academic and non-academic endeavors, and to protect and promote a culture of integrity. To uphold the Duke Community Standard: I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors; I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors; and I will act if the Standard is compromised

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