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May 2012


Volume 29, Issue 8

Sneak Seniors celebrate end of era with ProGrad, peek...

Senior Goodbyes

Prom, graduation, seniors awards ceremony

By REBECCA PLUNKETT Copy Editor Four major events mark the beginning of the end for CHS seniors and these celebrations are prom the spring awards ceremony, graduation, and ProGrad. Prom is scheduled for Saturday, May 12 at the Marriott Westchase. The times are from 8 p.m. until midnight. Tickets are 65 dollars. Since prom is a school function, there are some rules for attendees. First of all, tickets are nonrefundable and all school rules apply. No smoking, alcohol, or other mind altering substances will be allowed on premises. Students should not be under the influence of any of these substances. A drivers license is required for identification by all people attending prom. If anyone is unable to show an ID, then they will not be able to enter the ballroom. Clements students should bring their CHS ID card. Also, the prom is not in the hotel proper. It is in the adjacent building. If anyone leaves the prom ballroom/ foyer area, they will not be readmitted to prom. Proper attire is required for prom attendance. For girls, acceptable attire includes short or long dressy dresses. Backless dresses can be no lower than the waist. Side, back, and front cuts cannot exceed fingertip length. Necklines must cover the bust area or cleavage. Halter or strapless dresses are allowed. Unacceptable ladies prom attire includes jeans, skirts shorter than fingertip length, plunging necklines, and two-piece attire such as bikini attire includes sagging pants, collar less shirt, sandals, jeans, scarves, headbands, or doo-rags. in order to participate. On May 21, 2012 at 10:00a.m., CHS will honor all seniors who

Mrs. CHS imparts words of wisdom to the underclassmen

pg. 3

Sta Goodbyes

pg. 5
The newspaper staff remembers both the good and the bad times

Awards Ceremony is open to friends and family for attendance. The third major May event is graduation which is set for June 1. Seniors will graduate in the Toyota Center at 6 p.m. The event is open to the public. This is a school function, so adherence to rules is mandat ory. Seniors must come dressed in their graduation gown and cap. They may not embellish their attire with buttons, writing, or anything other than graduation cords earned. The graduation cap tassel is worn on the left prior to graduation, and thereafter, switched to the right side. Seniors are warned that any pranks, including but not limited to silly string, air horns, etc. will result in immediate removal from the graduation site. Cell phones must be turned off for the duration of the hour-long event. The final event is ProGrad. ProGrad takes place at the school from 11 p.m. on June 1 until 6 a.m. June 2. Seniors are locked in the school for the night and are provided with all sorts of entertainment, prizes, and food. ProGrad celebrations were started all over the

College Map

tops or corseted-type. Proper attire for boys includes formal attire such as tuxedos, suits, sport coats with slacks and a tie, formal shirts not requiring a tie, and appropriate shoes. Unacceptable

Voting for prom King and Queen will be at prom. Only seniors can vote. Voting will close at 10:30 p.m. King and Queen will be announced promptly at 11:30 p.m. The Prom court must be at stage area at 11:15

have received awards, scholarships, and/or special recognition from a university, community service group, or organization. This business casual ceremony will be held in the CHS Auditorium. The CHS Spring

nation in an effort to reduce on teenage drinking and driving after graduation. For more information, please feel free to contact Colleen McKeever, head of ProGrad at

pg. 8
Find out where fellow seniors are going to college

World recalls features, highlights of events

By FAROHA KHAN Reporter Even though it sometimes seems as if anything that is important happens within the walls of Clements, there is a world out there that often touches CHS students in various ways. Events in 2011 and 2012 certainly had that impact. In the Arab world and the Middle East, the Arab Spring, a revolution, made news throughout the world and had some tremendous effects. It began in 2011 and finally ended in February of 2012. Libyas ruler, Gadhafi, was killed and several other countries also saw dramatic transformations. Natural disasters devastated several nations. Pakistan suffered the worst floods it had ever seen and in the United States, massive earthquakes and tornadoes devastated states across the country, destroying homes and killing people. The Philippines were struck by Tropical Storm Washi, killing almost 1500 people. The Occupy Wall Street movement had people protesting in the streets for numerous reasons including better jobs, and more equal distribution of income. The movement in the United States, which began in September of 2011, eventually developed into the Occupy Movement spreading over almost 82 countries. Its infamous slogan was We are the 99 percent. Steve Jobs died of a form of cancer on October 5, 2011, leaving behind an Apple company that lost its first boss, but continued on ahead with the introduction of new Apple products, including the newest iPad and software that continue to delight consumers. On October 31,the population of the world reached a whopping seven billion, leading many to question whether there will be enough resources in the future for people. The first International Space Station was finished in November by NASA and its partners. It is a place for astronauts to reside in and is also a science lab. It revolves around the earth and is big enough to cover a football field. In more U.S. news, the United States withdrew its final troops from Iraq after a long eight years, ending its tumultuous involvement in the nation on December 18, 2011. On February 11, 2012, Whitney Houston, a world-renowned singer acknowledged for her powerful lungs, died at the age of 48 because of accidental drowning. Her death led to many tributes in her name. The Artist devoured the box offices, earning five Academy Awards and, with the absence of a language barrier. In February, it became the first silent film to win Best Picture since the 1920s. Topping the music charts in 2011/12 were What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, We are Young by fun, Justin Biebers song Boyfriend, and Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye. Also in March, Dominique Strauss-Kahns scandal destroyed his chances of obtaining the role of French president. On April 14, the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic rolled around, just in time for the release in 3D for the first time after its original, successful release in 1997. 2011 left behind a year of developments and revolts, of celebrations and deaths, and 2012 brings with it many more changes and surprises.

CHS reminisces on months of memories

By ZAINAB DHANANI Reporter The 2011-2012 school year at Clements has been full of change, sports and academic victories. This year, CHS math teacher, Nancy Trunk, won Teacher of the Year at both the school and district level. Finalists for Teacher of the Year also included world geography teacher Christine Badillo, and special education teacher Eno Usanga. This year, Clements adopted a new grading system and policy. Final grades are to be averaged for the entire year, instead of per semester. At CHS, as well as in all other Texas public schools, the STAAR test was adopted for this years freshman class and for the classes thereafter in math, English, social studies, and science. A few new clubs were created, including Vocal Velocity, Creative Writing, Operation Smile, and UNICEF. The FFA radio broadcasting team at CHS succeeded at the state competition, placing fourth in Texas at this competition. Among the winners were seniors Paige Jones and Catherine Dilgren, and junior Elizabeth Ennis. Also, this year, the Clements Stars dance team participated in several competitions. In their first contest, they won second place overall. In their second, they won third place in their division. During spring break, the team traveled to Disney World to showcase its talent in a performance at downtown Disney. The CHS orchestra traveled to San Antonio in January to participate in a state competition. It was recognized as Honor Orchestra, as it became the top orchestra in the state at this

Magna Cum Laude

pg. 10
There is more to these Magnas than meets the eye

Senior Memories

Seniors reminisce about their time at CHS

pg. 12

competition. French students participated in the French Symposium competition that took place at Klein Oak High School in March. The students came out successful, and the CHS team placed second overall. The DECA chapter is recognized as one of the largest around the nation and after succeeding at districts, DECA members participated in a state competition at Corpus Christi in January. Over 40 students qualified for nationals, for which they traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah for the competition. The swim team was named the 2012 Region VI Champions and Harrison Bui, senior, was named boys swimmer of the meet. Romy Landeck, senior, was named girls swimmer of the meet. Both girls and boys soccer teams reached remarkable heights as did the district champs for tennis. The Model United Nations Club participated in the Houston Area Model UN conference at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Central Texas Model UN Conference at the University of Texas, Austin. In February, members traveled to a national conference held at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. CHS welcomed foreign-exchange students hosted by the language department. French students hosted French exchange students in March and German students hosted German exchange students in April. It truly was an unforgettable year at Clements. With a multitude of students excelling at national competitions and sports teams making history, the school year started and finished with a bang.


newspaper room. For four years I have been coming to that classroom during fifth period, always looking forward to an interesting day. I have to say, Ms. Carroll, or Mama Carroll (that is the name you are saved as on my cell phone), that you have been enough for everything you have done for me and for the whole class. You are our collective adoptive mother. As for Devika and Yasmeen, I hand over my duties as co-Editor-in-Chief to you both. It will be hard at first but I know that both of you can do it. Sometimes it will get worse before it gets better. Always remember to save just in case something goes terribly wrong and always trust each other and have fun with it. May the odds be ever in your favor. To my newspaper family, I love you all. Amy or shall I say, Shamy, I could not have done this without you. You are my paper weight. I am still astonished at your speed when writing stories and I am glad on a particularly cold, windy and rainy day by saying It looks like the Republicans are going to take back the House. It made you smile and I still laugh about it (because I am not much of a Republican but I wanted to make you feel better). We have had many fun times throughout the years, freezing cold showers, water balloon fights, 30 minute drives, crazy weather, early morning bus conversations and late nights helping out at school. We have always been there for each other, and if it were not for you, I would have had to go to school on the bus every day sophomore year. I am going to miss you when you go off to Michigan, but I know we will see each other and I promise that when we do, we will go for ice cream, because it will be hot enough here to really enjoy it. I love you. Then there is Shivani and Tiffany. I met Shivani based on a disagreement, a silly one at that. We were witty and sarcastic together, our conversations lasted forever and we had this crazy dream of having a big table full of friends wearing letterman jackets during senior year that, because of scheduling issues was not entirely you with worries and somehow we end up laughing. Council meetings would be rather dull without you and I cannot wait to visit you in Austin when I have the chance. There is another friend who has been with me through the turmoil of being a freshman to the agonizing stress of being a senior. I met Abhay in freshman bio, arguably one of the hardest high school courses, and we barely talked for half the year, until we dissected rats. His rat was Ricky Rat, a clever spin on the classic

May 2012 Ranger Review

Friends, family pave the way to success at Clements

By NATALIA NARANJO Co-Editor-in-Chief Im sitting on my bed typing this up, stressing about college, trying not to think about impending APs I have to take and looking forward to Prom dress shopping later. I notice that a lot of the things strewn around my room have something to do with Clements. T-shirts emblazoned with whatever organization or event I attended, award programs, playbills for theater productions, a slew of over-annotated books, and of course my pile of newspaper clippings from the Ranger Review all have their space in my room and in my four years at this school. I only barely knew three people

CHS provides magical memories for Disney World fanatic

By AMY WAGNER Co-Editor-in-Chief I hate saying goodbye. It means you part from someone. It means that there is a chance you might not ever see that person ever again. It means that you may be ending that friendship forever. Thats why I wont call this my senior goodbye. This is my senior Ill-see-you-soon. This is my promise to everyone that Ive come across throughout my four years here at my home away from home away from home (my home away from home being Disney World, of course). I will see you again. Clements has been quite a roller coaster of emotional turmoil, joyous celebrations, and loving friends. There were good times, bad times, and times that kept me quite literally rolling on the floor, laughing. But, if theres one thing I could say to my fellow readers, it would be to never give up. You might be curled up in a ball, about to break but you should never give up. Join the clubs you want, become friends with who you want, do the things that you want to do, and dont you ever let anybody tell you that youre not good enough. Dont let SAT scores, class ranks, and college admissions letters tell you that you are not as good as anybody else. Because you are. To my two best friends in the entire world, Abby Runnels and Zola Zalesky, thank you for being the best people to be friends with. Even after seven years of ridiculous nights, tons of smiles, and an abundance of Betty Crocker desserts, we are kicking off the rest of our lives with an awesome trip to Disney World and I could not be happier to be going with you two. I feel whenever were together, were unstoppable. Im going to miss you guys so much but I know this isnt the end of the three musketeers. I love you two like Walt loved Mickey. Distance cannot end this friendship. I promise. To Nia Wheat, thank you for being the push I needed to do the things I felt too uncomfortable to do. You are the set of ears and eyes I need to keep me updated on the zoo girl. Even though we never really bonded until this last semester, I already consider you one of my closest friends. Whether were watching guys eat lunch or dancing in the Starbucks drive-thru, youve never failed to make me laugh until I cry. I feel like you really get me and my horrible sense of humor and you just know how to make everything better somehow. Thank you times a million. To Natalia Naranjo, my co-editorin-chief partner-in-crime, thank you for doing what you do best. Youve picked up the slack for me many times and for that, I will feel like I always owe you something. You are awesome and I know you will go on to do things Ive only dreamed of. To my fellow Ranger Review seniors, I wish you all the best of luck. Weve been through blood, ink, and tears together and weve all come a long way. Thank you for being some of the best editors and writers an editor-in-chief could ask for! To next years Ranger Review staff, watch out for deadlines. Dont let drama get in the way of doing your work. Dont be afraid to take charge and respect your editors-in-chief. To Yasmeen Yahya and Devika Singh, next years editors-in-chief, dont stress. Always wear a smile. Youve earned the respect of your staff so no need to worry about winning people over. Remember everything Natalia and I taught you. Make me proud! I know youll do great. To Ms. Carroll, thank you for never giving up on me. I hope I made you proud during my time on staff. Your class has given me so much more than gray hairs and ink stains. Its given me confidence, respect, responsibility, and other traits that I will take on with me. I love you! To the saxophone section, just win section of the week next year. To Mr. Galloway and Mr. Johnson, Im sorry for all the stress Ive probably caused throughout the years. But, nonetheless, thank you for being terrific directors and I will take many memories from being involved with the band with me. Band is a program that deserves all of the recognition in the world. It has taught me so many lessons that naming them all would take up the entire newspaper. Thank you so much for everything you do. To Theo Onime, thank you for being my APES buddy! Oh my goodness, without you, I think I would be totally lost in Pre-Cal and APES. But, you somehow make both classes interesting, even though youre only in my APES class. I cant believe it took us this long to get to know each other because seriously, it feels like Ive known you forever. You better keep in touch with me! To Molly Brown, you will always wear a crown to me. Ill miss our Taco Cabana dates and drawing horses all over your legs. I will always treasure the pictures of us freshman and sophomore year when I would photo bomb you. Stay in touch, girl! To Shelby Waite, even if weve grown apart, it always feels like were still best friends when we hang out. Ill treasure the memories we have made so far and I cant wait to see what A&M has in store for us. Gig em! I hope youre ready for hot guys galore! To my family, thank you for always being there for me. Im beyond blessed to have you guys in my life. Im very lucky to have such an accepting, loving, and hilarious family. You guys make every day so bright. Im so proud of all of you, from Allie getting her Aggie ring to Ashley doing so well in school. Thank you so much for supporting me with my dream for Disney and I hope to make all five (including Molly!) of you proud when I venture off to A&M. And lastly, to my grandfather, Fred Wagner, who passed away on January 2, 2012 and my great grandmother, Nell White, who passed away on August 21, 2010, I miss you both so much. Grandpa, you were the first one I wanted to tell when I got into A&M and to not have the opportunity to do that made me so sad. But, I know you were smiling down on me and I could definitely feel your presence in our kitchen that night I was admitted. Nanny, its been a while now, but I still think about you all the time. You were so funny and so smart and I hope Ive made you and Grandpa proud up there. I miss you. I think its only fitting I leave the Ranger Review with a quote, not from myself, but from an idol of mine, someone who I hope to restore his beliefs back into todays world. Ranger Review, Im gonna miss you. But, no worries. Ill be back soon. Ill see you when I see you! All the adversity Ive had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. Walt Disney

on my first day at Clements, and of course, none of those three people were in any of my classes, but I talked to new people, made new friends and adapted to this new place. Now graduation is only weeks away and I see how much I have changed from when I was a scared, quiet freshman. I found love of many different sorts, I achieved a lot of my goals, and I even conquered some of my fears. In times of desperation at three in the morning when I would study until the last minute for a big test the next day, I admit I would regret my decision to come to this school but with a clear head, I would not have chosen any other school. I found a home at Clements, it is not always functional but it is big enough to hold all of our love. You can find it in room 2812, the

a mother to me during school. Your advice and your stories are priceless and nobody has the right to tell you otherwise. Giving me band aids when my clumsiness takes over, warming up macaroni and cheese for me when I had a particularly horrible day, giving me tips on how to handle all the stress and just being there to listen, to laugh and to cry with me all these years got me through it all. Without a doubt, I always look forward to your class because it is a respite from the eight hours of mandatory school time. Even if I ended up doing more work in your class than any of my other classes,

I always felt like it was worth it. You have taught me more than you can imagine, and I respect you so muchmore than you can imagine. Your hugs are the best and I am going to miss them greatly wherever I go to college but do not worry, I will come visit you as much as I can, and as long as I am welcome. I cannot thank you

to have spent this year with you being awesome and awkward. Good luck being an Aggie. Mama Nia, always with a catchy comeback, you and I have known each other all four years and I do not think there has been a day when we did not laugh at something together. Freshman year, I rode the bus to and from school, totaling an hour and thirty minutes a day on the bus, the perfect amount of time to sleep, study, talk or just mentally prepare myself for school. I got to know one of my best friends this way, and we only got closer the next year when she drove me to school every day . Oh Bailey, even though we have opposing viewpoints on a lot of things, somehow we have become incredibly close. I still remember cheering you up on the way to school

possible, but at least we got a semester. High school would not have been the same if we had not disagreed on the healthiness of wearing mascara, I would not have been introduced to the gloriousness of Taboo and the hilarity of The Big Bang Theory and of course to our friendship. Tiffany, our silliness always makes me happy. I can always come to

Mickey Mouse. The conversation turned from rats somehow to music and pretty soon we were exchanging all the CDs in our collections. We never had another class together since then, except for a one semester course senior year after determinedly switching schedules to get that. Abhay, you showed me how to think in a more positive way, and still do when negativity won me over. He listens and helps and can manage to calm me down when I am at my craziest. We wont have to say goodbye to each other after other after graduation because even if we go our separate ways, we will always find a way to stay close. My wonderful Disha, although you werent here for my senior year (because you were having a good time in college) you always came to visit me. You have made me so happy and I have to admit its scary how alike we are. I didnt know it was possible to finish someones sentences. You were there for me

without me asking you to be there for me, when I wasnt there to speak for myself. I couldnt ask for a better friend, or a better musical soul mate. You have helped me with so many things so generously and open-heartedly. Well always have a way to catch up and get together. Last but not least, my family without whom I would not be able to write this goodbye. Without my mom finding out about the Global Studies Academy, I wouldnt have been able to attend Clements and then my story would be completely different. My parents have been there every step of the way, my mom bringing me tea on the cold nights when I had to study until late, my dad picking me up from whatever school function at whatever hour, both of them sacrificing so much so that I could succeed. Everything I do is to help show my sister that she can do better than what I did and that shell learn from the things I have accomplished. I hope I made them proud with what I did with my time here. I also want to give a shout out to my dog Bella who never fails to give me a daily dose of incredible cuteness and calms my nerves. So, I guess this is goodbye. So

long Clements, its been stressful, fun, exciting, rewarding, crazy and lovely all rolled into one. Ive laughed, cried, Ive experienced days when I literally just wanted to collapse anywhere and sleep to just shut off the endless stream of thoughts in my head but hey, I made it. Congrats, Grads.

May 2012 Ranger Review

I GoodbyesI I I
than three fourths of the people in the halls. I remember searching frantically for a familiar face in the Commons, and I remember the concept of allnighters that werent for fun (to my credit though, Ive never pulled an allnighter that wasnt fun). There were so many new things: new people, new feelings, new experiences. One of the first things that opened my eyes in high school was the people. For as long as I can remember, Ive loved learning, but until I began learning about people, I never truly appreciated it. The kids around you in high school are all amazing, from the most motivated student leader to the delinquent child in the back of the gym. Everybody has a story to tell, and explore the people around you, its easy to find the people you dont like, but its hard to find the parts that you like of people you dont like (Confusing? Nah). However, as you practice more and more, it becomes easier to relate to people and to be positive. It becomes easier not only to see the good in every person and the worth in every person, but also to see the good and the worth in every moment of life. Here at the threshold, we seniors know this better than anyone. Were at a beginning, and were at an end. Those same clichd words have escaped the lips of thousands of speakers talking to graduating students, but to truly grasp them takes some effort. At such a crossroads, its easy to look back and understand how quickly time slipped by and how unforgiving time is. We see the future looming ahead, and it dawns on us that it also will pass quickly. We have no time to waste being unhappy in this beautiful world. Time is money. And we have to spend it wisely. Alright. Too much contemplation, too few shout-outs. So here we go. First to the famfam. Your love and support have helped me become everything I am. Next, to my BFF, Miccah. Bro hug. Bro love. Nuff said. To Mr. Buck, youve been like a father to me throughout high school. Thank you so much for everything. To the members of the late, great M.O.B. and 10AK (rest in peace both) as well as Clements Rhythm, your love for dancing and your appreciation for everything I do has meant the world to me. It is the reason I pursued my passion and the reason I try and share it. BSA Troop 659 (reppin the Boy Scoutz), you created the me of today. And last but not least. Natalia, I cant even put you down on paper. But Im not afraid to say I love you on paper. You can edit it out if you want though. Haha. Sweet! Looks like were at the close. Thanks so much to everyone at Clements. This school is truly amazing, and Im honored to have been a part of it. Ill take it with me wherever I go. Ill love it forever. But I wont say goodbye. By: SHIVANI BINDAL Salutatorian There is something radically different about Clements High School that provides for more than just the average classroom experience. Something that makes Clements students sit up a little straighter and hold their heads a little higher as they immerse themselves in their education. Some believe it is a result of the psychological effects of being enclosed in a brick, windowless building for 8 hours at a time, and hallways for fear of obtaining a tardy. Now, however, senioritis has plagued my mind, with symptoms including intensified procrastination and daydreams about the future. Yet despite this, I often find myself reflecting on the many things I have learned at Clements High School. It is in fact Clements High School, and all of the wonderful people that I have met here, that together form some of my fondest memories of the past four years. I remember dissecting rats with Ms. Sparwasser, spending days on end coding intricate games with Ms. Lorena, listening to Mr. Steinkamps inspiring anecdotes, and learning to fully appreciate literature with Ms. Spradley. I recall delving into the human psychology with Mr. Rubin, solving complex calculus equations with Mr. Ericson, but most importantly, I remember actually finding a yearning to learn more. The teachers at Clements teach their subjects with a dedication rarely paralleled at other schools, and by the end of every school year, students who

CHS helps form amazing students

By: RISHI SINGH Mr. CHS Looking back on these past four years, I realize that I have had the pleasure of being surrounded by some of the most talented, hardworking, and goal-oriented students in all of Texas and arguably, the nation. It was not that long ago that we were all freshmen, foreign to the halls of William P. Clements High School, and in a flash we are now almost ready to move on into another chapter in our lives. So when we look Whether it was sports, debate, art, band, orchestra, color guard, community service, or any other extra curricular activity, Clements was bound to be among the best. Personally I am lucky to be a part of such a tremendous graduating class that I can look up to. Everyone that I have met brought me some sort of new insight that has taught me to work harder, dream bigger, and to have fun spending time with the people I enjoy. So as college approaches, remember everything that you have done to get to where you are today, because one day the world is going to know who the Clements Class Of 2012 is. From Abhay taking the world by storm with his dance moves and brain, to people like Munfarid who will win everyone over with his smile and charm. This is not to mention the dashing looks of Bowen Cai , Amanda Fillip, Tariq Jaser, Philip Bourgeois, and John Isis. College is going to be a time where we can truly find out what we love to do with our time, so lets all live to the fullest (YOLO). We will be able to learn new skills, find new hobbies that we may have never known existed, and even get better at the things were already good at. While grades in college are important,

By: ABHAY DIVAKARUNI Valedictorian Its funny. Ive tried to say goodbye to high school so many times. Walking in the door as a freshman, I thought it would be easy. I thought that then and there I could bid adieu to the eerie absence of windows, the fluorescent lighting, the crowded five minutes between classes, and the shaky murmurs of kids afraid of the second letter of the alphabet. But I cant. I cant say goodbye. High school, as it turns out, is saying goodbye to me. And all I can do is sit and, with enlightened senior eyes, and watch it wave. Oh, but it isnt sad. Its funny, like I said before. Its bright and beautiful; illuminated memories flit around before me, and I fall in love with the parts of high school I never knew I could. See, I cant say goodbye to high school. But I dont want to. Instead, Ill remember all the lessons that will stay with me well beyond high school. First, Ive learned so many things in high school. Sure, Ive learned from books, and Ive learned in classes. But mostly, Ive learned about people and about myself. Ive learned that people want only one thing from life, and that is to be happy. Ive learned also that you can decide to be happy, regardless of whatever bad comes your way, and, in doing so, you eliminate a middle step; you eliminate a condition that has to be met before you achieve what everyone wants. And realizing this, the world kind of opens up, and nothing is really bad any more. Looking back at my life in Clements, the memories all seem wonderful. Theyre shown to me in a new light, and no matter how awful experiences seemed in the past, they were necessary, and they were mine. And now as I reflect, theyre such an indispensible part of who I am, the things that molded me into who I am. I remember how the school was this enormous labyrinth and how for the first six months of school, I knew only the way from one class to another and to the exit. I remember for the first time not being able to recognize more

I wont say a real goodbye, CHS Graduation brings new beginnings

in class, interact with your teachers, and connect with your courses in ways that are not only about grades. With perseverance and hard work anything can be accomplished, and Clements High School has been ingraining this idea in every one of us, whether we know it or not.

everybody has something to teach you. Granted, there are some with whom you may not want to keep company, but after years and years of listening to people, you begin to understand that we arent all so different, and it only furthers your love for the human race. If you havent noticed by now, Im one of those annoyingly optimistic kids who like to stare off into space and hum a quiet tune to myself. In all my pondering and positivity, I can say that the most valuable thing that high school taught me was love. Yes, yes, love in high school is a sham, and nothing from high school lasts (I disagree, for the record), but Im talking about love for the sake of love. Compassion. Understanding that other people feel what you do. As you

while this may be a contributing factor, I have come to realize that Clements kids excel due to a combination of wonderful teachers and motivated students who have a keen interest in doing great things. People always wonder what makes Clements students so special, because lets be honest, Clements is by far the best school in Fort Bend. I can honestly say that it has been a privilege to have spent time with the student body and faculty here. Whether we are consoling each other over a bad grade, or outshining another school in athletics or academics, Clements students motivate each other to work hard and achieve beyond their wildest dreams. I remember so well my freshman self, hurrying through the packed

Great memories fuel exciting future

By: CHRISTINE TRAN Ms. CHS It is truly bittersweet to believe that the end of this school year is nearing its end. Not only will it be the end of another memorable year, it will also be the end of a journey-filled chapter of my life. As I look back on all the memories Ive made and all the lessons Ive learned, Im extremely blessed and grateful for everyone who has been there to support me during this four-year journey. To be honest, freshman year was difficult. I wasnt used to such a large environment, much less one with affectionate couples standing around every corner I turned. However, I consider myself one of the luckier ones. My sister was a senior during my freshman year, and I knew I could always rely on her to help me get around or give me advice about the classes to take and clubs to join. Freshman year was when I felt I needed to find myself, to figure out who I was and who I wanted to become. Nonetheless, this was only the beginning. After joining the debate team my freshman year and competing in the novice Lincoln-Douglas debates and prose & poetry contests, I realized that it wasnt really for me. I was involved in Clementss orchestra as a violinist, an activity and hobby I dedicated myself to for the next three years of my high school career. I ran for Student Council sophomore representative the following year and found a passion for school spirit and leadership, completely unaware that my next two years in Student Council would involve holding leadership positions and organizing Homecoming with a tight-knit group of six other girls. I also joined Clementss track and field team sophomore year as a sprinter and pole vaulter. Through practice and pain, I found passiona strong love and respect for my sport. And with dedication in a natural ability, I would find myself on the varsity track team one season later, winning a district title, and qualifying for regionals. I learned to overcome feargiving my all and simply letting goas I would fly over the crossbar. However, I could not have done it all without God, my friends, family, and all the wonderful sponsors and teachers who have helped guide and motivate me. THANK YOU, Ms. McAninch, for all the time and effort you put into Student Council, and for shaping us to become great leaders. Mrs. Dickinson, thanks for all the strong support you have given me in and out of the classroom as well as during the college process. Mr. and Mrs. Ericson, thanks for continuously challenging me and allowing me to find a love for your

had once thought they hated school, usually find themselves surprised by their willingness to work a little harder. Clements will forever serve as a reminder of the value of hard work, dedication, and motivation. High school is what you make of it. It is what you choose to experience, what you chose to get involved in, what you choose to learn, and who you choose to meet that together make high school a journey of growth and development. Freshman and sophomores, do not be afraid to try something new, to expand your horizons, and jump deeper into the sea of knowledge. Join a new club, say hello to a stranger in the hallway, for who knows, perhaps they may become famous one day. Participate

While leaving for college is an exciting prospect, I feel this bridge in our lives is bittersweet for many. On one side, our futures lie waiting, a blank book ready to soak in the ink of new experiences. In crossing, however, we leave behind people, places, and memories. Life is a journey, a pathway upon which we walk, and graduating from high school does not signify the end. Though I find it sad to say goodbye, I know that Clements has given me four wonderful years inundated with laughter, friends, and most importantly, memories to last a lifetime. I leave Clements, I will miss the hallways, the people, the spirit days, and the teachers. I will miss the comfort of familiarity that Clements High School now holds in my heart.

But as my days at Clements High School come to an end, I am about to begin the next chapter of my life, and thanks to Clements I can be confident that I am prepared for any challenges that may cross my path. Thank you, Clements, and goodbye.

they shouldnt be ranked as a higher priority than learning who we are as individuals. We are all equipped with the tools and passion to accomplish some sort of original and profound

back on everything we did we should be able to take pride in the fact that we have conquered some of the most academically stressing classes that the Fort Bend Independent School District has to offer while also excelling in our respected areas of talent.

achievement that is bigger than ourselves. No task is too arduous for a Clements graduate. Everything is possible, the impossible just takes a little longer to achieve.

respective subjects, calculus and chemistry. Seora Jenkins, thanks for reminding una vez ms how much I truly enjoy Spanish. And the track coaches, especially Coach Darnell, Fisher, Gaston, and Watts, you have pushed me beyond boundaries to achieve all that I have been able to achieve. My high school experience definitely would not be the same if it were not for these wonderful, dedicated adults. Besides all the encouragement from these adults, I have no idea how I would have spent these last four years without the amazing friends I have made. I will never forget staying at school with my Student Council family until 1 a.m.

finishing up last minute homecoming decorationsor when our backdrop began to tear and we all thought it was over. Nor will I forget our fun times at the 2011 state conference in Arlington (dancing like a white girl), 2010 Winter Retreat, or our miserable yet memorable drive to Steak and Shake, just to name a few. Jillian: I cant even imagine my high school experience without you! Thank you for being such a wonderful friendfor being a shoulder to cry on during all those difficult times and being a source of encouragement and support during my successes. Ill never forget our freakouts over biology freshman year and three years later during senior year our CRAZY Homecoming experience. Youll always be the black to my yellow. Debbie: Im so glad weve been friends since kindergarten. After riding the bus together for 10 years, I know you have always been there for me, and I am so grateful to still call you one of my best friends. Ashley: Thank you for being like a sister and twin to me, for all our fun memories, and for all the support you have given me. Christine and Michelle: My Asians! Friends since sixth grade, we truly have had some incredibly memorable experiences together these past six years, and I definitely will always cherish them. I hope as we take on the next adventure of our lives, these friendships will only continue to strengthen. Thank you to my wonderful sisters, Catherine and Caroline, for bringing endless joy to my life. I love you both so much. Mommy, thank you for always supporting my decisions, praising my achievements, and working so hard in all that you do. I love you more than you know. And last but not least, to God, thanks for listening to my prayers and allowing me to truly grow in mind and heart these last few years. Thank You for strengthening me during hard times and pushing me to excel.

I Goodbyes III
Too many experiences, people for real goodbye
By ABBY RUNNELS Reporter Goodbyes are hard. At least, that is what every sad breakup song says. Unfortunately, high school and I are not in a serious relationship, so, in theory, it should not be that difficult to say goodbye. But the memories made during these past four years make it will make my time at CHS hard to forget. The friends I have made and the experiences I have had have made high school one of the most incredible times of my life. I would have never though walking through the door into freshman year that this place would provide me with so much. There were disappointments, joys, letdowns, and successes. There were all-nighters pulled for big tests the next day and afternoons spent at classmates houses working on complicated projects. There were new friends made, and there were fights with old friends. As the song goes, you find out who your friends are. How could a place where so much happened be forgotten so easily? There are so many people that deserve a whole page and a half of eloquent gratitude for being so awesome, but unfortunately, I only have a little bit of room. So here we go. To one-half of my pair of best friends, Amy Wagner: I love you, girl. Thanks for sharing your love of Disney with everyone, along with the values that they stand for. Walt Disney would be proud of the happiness you bring into the lives of everyone around you. Thanks for being there through everything, good and bad, and always listening. I am so proud of you for getting into Texas A&M, and I know you will do fantastic there. I cannot wait to come see you at Disney World when you are working there! To the other half of my fabulous pair of best friends, Zola Zalesky: You are so wonderful, and I am going to miss you so much next year. From seventh grade gym class, to the last moments of senior year, we have had so much fun together. Thanks for being so optimistic and funny, and living out your faith in a way that shows the light inside of you to everyone around. I am so excited to spend the waning moments of senior year with you and have fun! To my tallest friend, Tomi Onadeko: Where do I even start? You are so much fun. Thanks for giving me someone to freak out with, whether it is over The Hunger Games, or British boy bands. You are honestly one of the funniest people I know, and I hope we will continue to be friends long after high school. I am looking forward to seeing our favorite boys in June! And this would not be complete without thanking my lovely sister, Rachel. There are not words in the English language to tell you how much you have helped me. You are the best sister ever, and I love you. And to Ms. Sarah Bateman: You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into. Next year is going to be sweet. Go Rangurrrs! Writing these really makes me think about how many people I am leaving out. People like Yasmeen, Nia, Molly, Kristen, Theo, and so many more, I love you all. Also, to my awesome flute section: keep on being the best, and keep working hard. I will miss all of you! I am thankful for every person I have met over these four years. All of you have helped me become the person I am today, and I would not be the person I am without you. Most of all, I want to thank the newspaper staff. All of you wonderful ladies (and Daniel) have helped make this year super awesome. All of you have different gifts to offer, and I hope you are able to see them and use them. After only one year of knowing most of you, I can tell that you are all very smart and have the ability to be great people. I definitely should have joined newspaper sooner! Thanks to Mama Carroll, who has helped me so much to develop my writing and become a better journalist. Thank you for always being there to listen to us and all our drama and taking care of us like your children, which we are. After writing all of this, I finally am able to see for myself how far I have come in four years. I have become the person I never though I would be, and I had no idea that I would be at this place. No matter how much we complain about how much we think Clements sucks, this really is a great school. We have so much here that we take for granted. We should not take for granted teachers like Ms. Carroll, who really care about their students and help them to succeed. No matter how much we hate the academic environment of CHS, it is beneficial in the end. But on the other end, grades are not as important as we may think they are. Just remember to live with no regrets. Do what makes you happy, but also be responsible and wise in your choices. If I could leave one piece of advice for all the underclassmen, it would be to take nothing for granted. Whether it is taking a really hard class, an extra long band rehearsal (seriously), or hanging out with friends. Everything, even though it may not seem like it, is a memory that you will look back upon and learn something from. Looking back on these years, I can see how much I should have cherished these moments more than I did. I realize that I complained too much, or just did not care enough to think about how much I would miss this time of my life in the future. Going to college at ACU next year will be a huge adventure, and I look forward to it more and more each day. I know I would not be in this place today without this experience at Clements. So it is not with regret, but with joy and appreciation that I say goodbye.

May 2012 Ranger Review

Lessons learned at CHS go beyond books

By: NIA WHEAT Photographer Coming into high school for me was a big deal. I was 13 year old girl from a tiny private school that only had three eighth graders, including myself, no lockers, no stairs, no real school anything, so when I walked into high school you could only imagine how I felt. Most people would say that they would be scared or mostly nervous, but it wasnt exactly those emotions for me. Sure I was a tad bit nervous, but I was actually kind of ready now that I look back on it. I was ready for the experiences, the difference I could make, the battle that would soon come in my life, and the frosting on the cake the becoming who I am part. When my mom told people that I would be going to Clements High School all of their reactions were the same. They all told her it was a great school, lots of Indians and Asians go there, it was top number one, and so on, but really looking back on it that stuff never mattered to me. I wanted to go there because somehow I knew it would be the high school that I would grow to love. Every high school has its problems and really cannot be judged by anything other than experience. Weeks before my entire high school life even started my mom was somewhat nervous for me, or so it seems like now. I was small, well smaller than I am now, I was 13, and I had no friends coming into high school with me, so she was worried like a mother always is. I went into ranger camp and she followed me almost everywhere she possibly could, asking all the people where my number was and basically flipping out because some of the kids were just so big compared me. I will never forget what she told me everyday up to my first day, Now I want you to tell everyone youre 14 so that you wont get picked on or beat up. Of course, I did not do that because I liked the fact that I was going to graduate from high school young just like my father did, as well as my sister. I told my newspaper staff that I probably could not write a whole page and a half about myself because I really have nothing to say, but now that I am here writing this I am beginning to feel somewhat emotional in many ways. I am getting that tingling feeling in my chest, the one I get before I cry of joy or of pure sadness and it is on and off, my friends name keeps appearing on my phone and I suddenly feel like I might never see them again, all these thoughts are beginning to tumble out, and I am beginning to want to somehow expose everything, this will make it to a page and a half, maybe even longer. Some people told me that high school will be the most awesome time of your life but for me, high school has been the most stressful, the most brilliant, the most emotional, the most awesome, and some of the most wonderful times in my 17 years of life, and with senioritis kicking in you know I mean that. I found a classroom that is my home away from home, have had all great teachers all four years, became friends with the lunch ladies, grew up with people that I will never forget no matter how hard I try, and I have had experiences that will leave me laughing until I cry and of course some that make me roll my eyes because the thought of them are just annoying, but put all of these things in a bottle, shake it up, and it is a drink that I would love to have for the rest of my life. My newspaper class is my home away from home. I love these people like I have never loved any other people in all of my 17 years. Newspaper is not acknowledged very much because we are just black and white pieces of paper that just sits in the front of the school, but behind those pieces of paper we are more than that. There are no words to explain how much this class has given me and helped me grow. Everyone has problems, and that one person or place that they can go to and just release it all, well, this is that for me, besides my bedroom and my music. Natalia Naranjo is one of those special people to me. We have been together for all four years and I can honestly say that I love her so much, even on the most stressful of days. Amy Wagner is one of those people that I have had a class with but never really got that close to until this year, and to think in just one year I would love spending so much time with her. I just wish you could see how awesome you truly are and how much you have helped me grow into the person I aim to become. There is no other person I would rather see One Direction with than you. Love you Amester (aim-stur)! And for the icing on top of my senior cake, Ms. Carrollyou are a woman of many talents, you are true to yourself, loving, caring, and have always been there for me through everything. You make my home away from home feel like home for me. I dont need the staff, or the newspapers on the table, I simply come in and see you there and I feel at ease because it is just one of those things, and I will never have that feeling anyplace else, so I thank you for helping me keep my head up through all of my everyday troubles, heartaches, weakness, and most importantly, for always telling me, randomly, that you know how amazing I am, even if it is just in your eyes. By the way, please do not cry Ms. Carroll because I love you, and even though it is called a senior goodbye I am not going anywhere. There are so many things in life that are important, more important than fitting in, and that is simply knowing how wonderful it is to just be yourself, and loving it all the way through. High school has practically raised me in that sense. I was always so confused. I never knew if I was pretty enough, smart enough, if I was skinny enough, I never knew

who I was but through my four years I have realized that it really does not matter at all. Whether I am fat, ugly, and dumb in someones eyes I might be pretty, smart, and skinny in some elses. The thing is you cannot live for anyone but yourself. Sometimes we all get weak, we all need time off, and we all just need someone to tell us that it is okay, that it is going to be okay, and all the lessons that I have learned have led me here, to who I am now and forever will be. Wanting to impress people was what I thought life was about but really it is about loving who you are and being grateful for everything that is right in front of you. I wake up everyday, sometimes in the most ungrateful mood ever, but then I hear my dad lock the door behind him and head off to work, knowing my mom is already gone, I feel an emptiness inside of me. Not a bad emptiness but a loving, sad kind of empty, then as my day progresses I may get a random text from my dad telling me he loves me, depending on how busy he is, and for that quick second in time my heart gets happy because I am so grateful for him, my mother, and my life. I know that many teenagers my age do not see things the way I do but that is what is so awesome about life. No one in this entire world sees things the way you do so why want to be like someone else? I have never been one of those people to fit in or want to be popular, I was always the one that got made fun of and put down so being me was hard, but I learned that if you take it day by day, surround yourself with people that you can be your all round self with, and have your priorities straight, then your life will forever be your life. Now, I would like to end this with my favorite Dr. Seus quote, Im probably in the sky flying with the fishes, or maybe in the ocean swimming with the pigeons, see my world is different. This has been an amazing four years Clements, thank you for everything.

May 2012 Ranger Review

Goodbye fond memories, hello college

By ZAREEN KHAYRATTEE Lifestyles Editor High school. Just those two words alone send a rush of many different emotions through my body and a multitude of memories flashing in my mind. Its honestly so hard to believe that I am almost a graduate of Clements High School because I can still remember my first day of freshman year. I walked into Clements terrified of getting lost and being swamped with an unbelievable amount of homework. While the latter turned out to be true, high school was still one of the best four years of my life that I will definitely never forget. The people I met here in the past four years have changed me, and the experiences have allowed me to grow into someone who is no longer afraid to conquer her fears and try new things. Even through the late-night studying, lack of sleep, and my severe case of procrastination, I would not trade my high school experience for anything else. There were many lessons to be learned and sweet moments of success to share. There was also a fair share of regrets, but I somehow pushed through all of them, and instead of wallowing in disappointment, I took the situation as an opportunity to gain knowledge. These past four years have taught me that it is okay to make mistakes as long as I learn from them. Nobody is flawless, and as much as we all try to be perfect, we are only human. If we never encounter any failure, that probably just means that we didnt try hard enough to achieve our goals. I have also realized over the years that even thought it may not seem like it at first, hard work does pay off. Going the extra mile is not a waste of time, and it proves a lot about our character. It shows determination and perseverance, which are admirable qualities to have. Most of the reason why high school has been so special is because I had friends who made these four years memorable. They made a huge impact on my life and have shaped who I have become as a person. Without them, high school would never have been the same, and neither would I. First of all, I would like to mention my brother, Ziyaad Khayrattee, for without him, my life, let alone high school, would not be the same. I dont mean to make this sound sappy, but he is actually one of the most amazing people I know. Even though we fight as siblings often do, were always there for each other through good times and bad, and I know well always be close. Sarah Khalfe, Samar Rehman, Nisa Sayed, and Alina Farrukh have been my best friends throughout this year. They always know what to say to make me laugh until I cry, and we have the best of times together. They say your life span increases every time you laugh really hard, so Im sure hanging out with them for a good chunk of high school has definitely elongated my life. I know they always have my back in every situation and that I can always count on them for anything. I am seriously so fortunate to have them in my life, and I dont know what I would do without them. I know that even though none of us will end up in the same school next year, we will still stay best friends. Freshman year also introduced Hector Torres, and he is one of the most caring and nonjudgmental people I know. He helped me through my troubles and was always understanding, as was Khushbu Patel. Weve been friends since the fifth grade, and she is one of the most genuinely kind and helpful people I have ever met. I am so lucky to have her in my life, and we have been through a lot together. Anuva Kachru has also been there for me since freshman year. Even though we have not had a class together since sophomore year, we still manage to stay close friends, and I know I can always rely on her. She is one of the strongest and most energetic people I know, and I enjoy hanging out with her. Of course, my senior goodbye would not be complete without mentioning Rabab and Shaane Zehra. These sisters are honestly some of the funniest people I know, and they have always been by my side through every hurdle and obstacle. Shaane continuously has the greatest pieces of advice and genuinely helps me in any way she can. She reminds me of my priorities and never fails to be there to guide me if I lose my way. Rabab always has the prettiest smile on her face, and her laugh lights up the room. She has the rare gift of making anyone laugh anytime and anywhere. She always brightens up my day, and fifth period wouldnt be the same without her. Last but not least, my newspaper class has made the last two years of high school so incredibly entertaining. We are all so close to each other, and the class itself has been an amazing experience. Ms. Carroll has been such a sweet, caring teacher, and I know I will never forget her or this class. I have made many great memories in there, and we truly are like one big happy family. My friends have comprised priceless pieces in the collage that is my life, and I hope that wherever we end up next year, whether its staying in Houston or going out of town for college, we will always stay close and remember all of the valuable memories that we shared together. One of the most recent life lessons I learned was in my English IV College Now class with Mrs. Stone. She is one of the most engaging and inspirational teachers I have ever had. Even though we learned a lot of material from the curriculum, she always made sure to incorporate some lessons that we can carry on to our own personal lives. Towards the end of March, she introduced us to Carpe Diem, which means to seize the day, and that is exactly what I plan to do with my life from now on. Instead of being intimidated by my future or letting myself brood over the mistakes of my past, I will take the opportunity to enjoy the present and be productive because nothing in the future is guaranteed. I want to wish all of my peers who are graduating this year the best of luck in all of their future endeavors. The Clements Class of 2012 definitely has some amazing people in it, and I am so fortunate to

I Goodbyes III

High school creates lasting, special memories

By MAHA MUHAMMAD Features Editor Its finally that time of the year the end! I can still remember hearing everyone talk about how fast high school passes, and scoffing at the absurdity of that statement. At the start of freshman year, I simply looked down the road and viewed a long torturous trail waiting for me to step upon it. But I was wrong. Yes, there was a trail waiting for me, but it was neither long nor torturous. In fact, these four years have been the most memorable and impacting of my eighteen years of living. At the start of my high school experience, I unjustly condemned that time will go by slower with every passing year. Instead, everything sped up times ten every time another year passed. Not that I mind. Senior year has been the fastest, and definitely the most enjoyable. Here is what I love about memories: you dont create them, they create you. All the little experiences, moments, and things one learns all come together and make a person who they are, and high school truly has so many memories for me. They are special moments that I cant forget, and dont want to either. And often enough, the thing that makes these memories special are the people that are in them. Another remarkable thing about high school is how much it can change a person. A freshman that enters may be a completely different person from that stranger that leaves four years later. Why? What about the fourteen years spent prior to high school? Well, the truly life changing experiences didnt come into play until high school. Thats where all the real challenges and special moments reside. When confronted with a body of water that could be freezing cold or scalding, our first instinct is to go in slowly. But that takes away the guesswork and excitement! Its predictable, boring, and just makes the ride in all the more painful. High school is our chance to jump into the body of water! Dont worry about whether it is hot or cold, just try it out and see. Try new things, grab a hold of different opportunities, and be willing to push yourself to the edge to discover new adventures. The different nature of a high school experience would also definitely add into the change it brought into my life. First, I probably never felt actual stress until I experienced the classes here. I dont think I knew how to really work for a grade before either. Clements taught me a valuable lesson.; To get, you have to give. Only if I gave in effort would I attain that always sought reward at Clements, the object of great passion and desire: those wondrous GPA points. People arent kidding when they say it prepares you for college Overall, I would have to say this: Every bit of the last four years has contributed to who I am today and I am thankful for that. Yes, that includes both the good and the bad. The bad, such as late nights doing projects due the next day, helped me out, too. It showed me not to procrastinate. The good, such as the wonderful friends and memories I made, also contribute to my appreciation of the last four years. But even though these last four years have changed me tremendously, I look forward to see what further changes the future brings. I know this is the end, but it feels like it is just the beginning. I will truly miss everyone who made these last four years special. As promised, I will start off with you, Hansini. First off, I could not ask for a better friend than you. You have been there for me through the thick and thin and always knew how to cheer me up on the down days, and made the happy days even better. I love how even though we didnt have many classes together, I still got closer to you with every passing year. Another person who could brighten any day of mine and never failed to make me smile was Michelle. In every situation, I knew I could always count on you to make it better. We have so many memories together that I will never forget. I still remember those evenings walking Mocha and riding bikes in the summer. Another person who always made me laugh is Mira. Yes, I spelled your name right! I loved those movie marathon sessions that we had with Shruti, and am so glad that we still saw each other even after she left. Im really going to miss you when you go to Minnesota! Next up, Richa! I love talking and hanging out with you, and even though I didnt get to see you as much as I would have liked these past four years, every time I did, it was like there never was a gap! We have had so many awesome times spent together that I cant even remember it all! You are a great friend and I will never forget you. Another person who has been there since the beginning of my high school adventure is Shizrae! I still remember that day we didnt start high school yet and were sitting in your room wondering what the next four years would be like. Those days seem like so long ago, its amazing how fast time passed. But I know we will always stay in touch. Someone else I have known since the beginning of the four year roller coaster is Stephanie! I feel like we have gotten so much closer as the years passed, especially last year. Its so much fun talking to you and Im really going to miss you when you go to Austin! But hey, we do happen to be going down the same career path, so maybe well end up working together? Who knows! Life holds so many surprises And then there isKatherine Arias! You are such a sweet and friendly person, and I am so glad I met you. In addition, there are the people I just met senior year. It was awesome getting to know you, Aiman, even if it was just for one semester! And then there isMichael Bevin. I am glad I got to meet you this year. You are an awesome friend, have got talent and I wish you all the best! You, Karim, and Mira made quite an entertaining finish to the end of my day senior year. So now, since this is a goodbye, farewell to all of you that I mentioned above! I will always remember you and wish you the best of luck on each of your individual ventures in life. Its funny how I have been waiting for the end since the beginning of high school, and now that its here, a part of me is wanting it to slow down. These years sped by so fast, that it seems like just a blur, a blur of awesome memories and experiences. I am thankful for the good times, learned from the rough days, and will always remember these last four years. To all of you who still have a bit of time before you go, just remember, enjoy every moment to the fullest. You only live once, thats the motto, YOLO! - Drake. I know that at this point, leaving high school behind, it feels like its the end. And it may be the end of one part of our lives, but its just the beginning of another.


By DANIEL TORRES Perspectives Editor I have never been the type of person to get nostalgic or sentimental about things in life, so I have that same mindset about high school. For instance I have always viewed high school as a mandatory obligation I am forced to attend by the government, and I am always annoyed by people who make high school to be some larger than life High School Musicalesque sort of experience. People do not sing in Clements, they just look sad and ready to leave as fast as they can. The whole point of high school for me was to graduate so I have never seen it as more than that, and have generally always thought of my plans and future after high school. So when I learned that I was obligated to write a farewell letter, my first genuine thought was why would anyone care what I have to say? I am not Socrates or some highly thoughtful philosopher. However in the process of denying that I cared I realized that as much as I may have disliked some of my experience I did learn valuable skills, and I think the best way to express this is by listing some of my minor annoyances. Firstly, Clement was a genuine challenge. I have never spent so many sorrowful, sad nights of my life cramming for classes I should have been paying more attention to. The worst ones were the wonderful days

May 2012 Ranger Review

The story of Daniel, el Conquistador


around the world. I would also like to say one thing for the kiddos who are not seniors; take your life easy, grades are not everything, and you will get into a college and have a happy life afterwards (I am not sure about that part). Like Ferris Bueller said, life moves pretty fast. If you dont stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. So you should probably stop reading this then. So as I say goodbye to Clements I would like to thank my friends and family, Ms. Carroll for giving me the opportunity to be a producer in CTV, everybody in CTV who work so hard to churn out a show everyday, my classmates in the Ranger Review (who are much more talented writers than myself) and most importantly my cat Cosmo for protecting me from robbers, thieves, mosquitoes, and other small insects.

when my teachers decided to put all their exams, projects, and quizzes all on one day. Days like those, were very painful for my average and GPA. However I am grateful for that

suffering, because I am so fortunate to have gone to a school that has given me a good education and prepared me for college, something that I know is limited to many people

Thank you for sharing your lives with me if only for a lile while
and an editor. You have one of the sweetest smiles that can light up a room. Thank your parents for me for raising such a wonderful daughter and for sharing you with me. Please promise you will come back and visit whenever you can. I am eager to see what you become! Amy You are my favorite. I love you for your humor, your intelligence, and for your vulnerability. You are so much more wonderful than you realize. You always make me smile. Just remember that life isnt a contest. Just be yourself because you are great! You are Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella rolled into one, with a dash of Minnie Mouse to add some spice. It is hard to let you go, but I hope all your dreams really do come true. Daniel You are my favorite, you are my only son You are steady as a rock, as gentle as a lamb, as smart as a whip , and any other euphemism that is positive. You epitomize an old spirit. I dont know what I will do without your talented presence in for me. Your quiet presence is a pleasure. You too, have grown as a writer and editor, and I am so proud What can I say to my little girl who finishes my sentences? I am your teacher, but many times, I think you are mine. You have taught me how to laugh again with teenagers, how to relate to them, and also how to have more patience. You are a bright, shining star, and an example of perseverance. Whenever one is beset with hardships, I believe that person is chosen to be blessed with qualities that offset the hardships. You, my dear, are blessed in all the ways that count. Nia- You are my favorite. Remember when you walked into JI and I thought you were a senior? That was four years ago, and now it is true! I so very much wish it was not. I will miss you, your smile, your wisdom beyond your age, and just about everything else about you. You are truly my daughter by another mother. Stay true to your values and trust your good instincts. They will

To My Senior Newspaper Girls and Boy, Today I feel like a proud parent again, both happy and excited for the start of your adult journeys, but so very sad to watch you leave. I have had many classes throughout my teaching career, but I can honestly say that 5th period newspaper class, 2012, will always bring a smile to my face when I remember all of you. YOU ARE SPECIAL. There is sweetness about you special seniors, and it is hard to put into words. A person would have to be a part of our group in order to understand. It is hard to pick a favorite senior out of this special group, but I will now attempt to do so. The results will be in alphabetical order. Abbie - You are my favorite. Why was I not lucky enough to have you more years than just the one? I have seen you grow as a writer

the room. This year, it almost feels as if I have an assistant teacher during almost every period and I love it! Follow your dreams and follow your heart. Maha You are my favorite. You never cause a moments anxiety

of your accomplishments. You are a true example of a lady, and I appreciate you very much. I wish you all the luck in the world, but with your abilities, I am sure you will not need luck. Natalia - You are my favorite.

never fail you. I will not say goodbye to you.ever. Zareen - You are my favorite. You are a talented writer. You have a serene maturity about you and are so pretty. I appreciate your drama-free zone. I will miss our time together and will also miss the fact that your page almost never had mistakes! Yay! You are a wonderful young lady, and I use that term in the highest sense. I will not forget you. So there you have it. The secret is out. I have more that one favorite senior. I couldnt help it. My door is always open and I am a phone call away. You will always be my kids. One last thought: As you travel your individual roads, please let this lesson go with you. Punctuation marks ALWAYS go INSIDE the quotation marks! ARRRGH!! Love, Ms. C

With power comes great responsibility. With age comes great accountability. Mike Hanafan, Marketing Actually, the advice I would give is to ask the following question with every big decision: How will this impact me in ve years? Kim Murphy, English Without a doubt, you should study abroad for a semester or a year. It often doesnt cost much more than studying at your university. It will be the time of your life, and it may open many doors for you. Rustin Buck, German

In college, double major, or major and minor, in something practical and something you really like, so you can get a job later, but get to study something you can be enthusiastic about at the same time. If the two are one and the same, lucky you! Rose Jenkins, Spanish Before college graduation, you pay tuition to learn. After college graduation, you get paid to learn. Learning denes your life. Find out what you like to learn and learn well in the future. wai Chan, Environmental Science Never grow up! Dianne Brown, Asst. Registrar

Be the change you wish to see. Get up, get involved, and have the time of your life! Richard Grimm, Social Studies We all live under the same skybut some of us have different horizons. Brian Harris, Basketball Coach Dont take yourself too seriously. Enjoying a good laugh and recognizing the humor in even your own shortcomings or mistakes will help you survive many tough situations. Maribeth French, English

May 2012 Ranger Review

I Advertisements 7 III

8 I College Map III

1. Abilene Christian University Abilene, TX Abby Runnels, English Anne Ferry, Accounting Sarah Bateman, Elementary Education Shelby McKay, Psychology and Music 2. Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ Melissa Martinez, Graphic Design Alicia Parham, English Literature Annie Xu, Undecided Ashley Ngo, English Henry Zeng, Business 23. Florida A&M University: Tallahassee FL Kenneth Stegall, Business Managament and Finance 24. Florida Atlantic University: Boca Raton, FL Rachel Coane, Psychology 25. Fordham University: New York, NY Rosie Sherman, Sociology 26. Georgia Ballet: Marietta, GA Brigitta Haohl 27. Georgia Institute of Technology: Atlanta, GA Scot Edwards, Electrical Engineering Zola Zalesky, Industrial Engineering 28. Georgia State University: Atlanta, GA Breah Moffet, Business 29. Hampton University: Hampton, VA Cameron Bell, Undecided 30. Harding University: Searcy, AR Rachel Stone, Speech Pathology 31. Harvard Extension School: Cambridge, MA John Ayroso, Economics and Business 32. Hillsdale University: Hillsdale, MI Bailey Arlinghaus, Political Economy 33. Houston Baptist University: Houston TX Arshenoor Ankleshwaria, Vocal Performance Christine Rizkala, Undecided Holly Chia, Marketing Isabel Pardo, Art and Communications Janice Chiu, Nursing Joe Brown, Business Krystal Kwong, Biology Mariam Siddiqi, Pre-Med and Psychology Nadir Mulla, Physics Nikhil Rohira, Biology Richa Modi, Biology Samar Rehman, Chemistry Sheheryaar Mohammad, Computer Engineering Taylor Diaz, Philosophy 34. Houston Community College: Houston, TX Alim, Kadiwal, Computer Science Gabby Flowers, Cosmetology Huimei Zhao, Business Jesse Reyes Garza, Biology Jesus Gonzalez, Game Design Maria Venditti, Nursing Nathan Castillo, Kinesiology Nicole Fitch, Neonatal Nursing 35. Jacksonville Christian University: Jacksonville, TX Caleb Gordon, Communications 36. Le Tourneau University: Longview, TX Conner Phillips, Engineering 37. Louisiana State University: Baton Rouge, LA CJ Brewer, Undecided Elise Nieser, Mass Communications Jennifer Veazie, Biology Jordan Daniel, Undecided Kieran Bhatia, Petroleum Engineering Kristen Clark, Psychology Maggie Bain, Biology Meghan Martin, Psychology Philip Bourgeois, Mechanical Engineering Travis Hogarth, Business and Marketing 38. Louisiana Tech University: Ruston, LA Alhajie Peanut Dunbulla, Kinesiology and Athletic Training 39. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA Jamar Brooks, Computer Science and Molecular Biology 40. Mississippi State University: Missississippi State, MS Catherine Dilgren, Undecided 41. Montana State University: Bozemen, MT Mitchell Boult, Sociology 42. New Mexico Military Institute: Roswell, NM Angela Tow 43. New York University: New York

May 2012 Ranger Review

118 63


3. Art Institute of Austin: Austin, TX Connor Wood, Culinary Management 4. Art Institute of Houston: Houston, TX Dana Davila, Digital Media and Design 5. Auburn University: Auburn, AL Thomas Long, Undecided 6. Austin College: Sherman, TX Kacey Eichen, Enviornmental Science


117 120 12 94 16 61 98

89 67

7. Baylor University: Waco, TX Abigail Amundson, Education Ali Sohani, Business and Finance Ashten Hayes, Nursing Bryan Beaty, Pre-Med Charles Snyder, Pre-Med Christine Ge, Biochemistry David Pitcher, Medical Technology Emily Hackman, Business Administration Kevin Gawlik, Computer Science Mashal Lakhani, Pre-Dentistry Melissa Henderson, Pre-Med and Bio Chem Sarah Cheney, Biochemistry Shannon Biles, Medical Humanities and Pre-Med Shawn Janarthanan, Pre-Med and Biology Tanjina Islam, Biology 8. Belmont University: Nashville, TN Monica Seetharam, Music Business and Production Katelynn Crockett, Nursing

92 90 91 2 87 124 48 42




113 80 6 70 112 100 1 6715 7 76 62 105 65 3111 77 82 116 114 10 9 75


9. Blinn College: Brenham, TX Evan Thomas, Phsyical Therapy Jon Cummins, Fire Science Juliene Hernandez, Undecided Lizzy Richardson, Psychology Paule Rafaile, Business 10. Blinn College: Bryan, TX Many Bierman, Undecided Tamara Amsel, Education 11. Boston Conservatory: Boston MA David Angelo, Music Performance

City, NY Sabaa Modi, Political Science Stephanie Lin, Finance 44. Nirma Univeristy: Ahemedabad, Gujarat, India Hansini Vyas, Computer Engineering 45. Northwestern University: Chicago, IL arsh Thakkar, Biomedical Engingeering and Math 46. Oberlin Conservatory of Music: Oberlin, OH Evan Hines, Vocal Performance 47. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK Brandon Lee, Undecided 48. Oklahoma University: Norman, OK Chris Moargne, Petroleum Geology 49. Ouachita Baptist University: Arkadelphia, AR Michelle Zvonkovic, Pre-Med 50. Parsons School of Design: New York, NY Shweta Lakhani, Undecided 51. Paul Mitchel Cosmotology School: Houston, TX Katherine Sackllah, Cosmotology 52. Prairie View A&M University: Prairie View, TX Cullen Cook, Political Science 53. Pratt Institute: Brooklyn, NY Joseph Bui, Graphic Design Michelle Chen, Digital Art 54. Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN Arjun Bery, Electrical Engineering Sameer Mishra, Undecided Tomi Onakdeo, Business Marisa Henry, Civil Engineering 55. Rhode Island School of Design: Providence, RI Erin Riola, Graphic Design Felicia Chiao, Industrial Design 56. Rice University: Houston, TX Lauren Castiglioni, Biology Michelle Tran, Biology Sahar Noorani, Undecided Sahar Sawani, Undecided

52 4 33 110 34 51 96 58 7 126 125 74 72


12. Brigham Young University: Provo, UT Devin Hruska, Biology Ethan Mader, Undecided Niki Barrow, Undecided 13. Carnegie Mellon University: Pitssburgh, PA Katherine Du, Information Systems Maria Ayala, Chemical Engineering Theo Onime, Information Systems 14. Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, OH Brittany Shah, Biology Katherine Tsai, Biomedical Engineering 15. Christ for the Nations: Dallas, TX Brittany Perez, Family and Childrens Ministry Mikaela Austin, Youth Ministry 16. Colorado School of Mines: Golden, CO Martin Vincentelli, Civil Engineering Russel Carlson-Stadler, Engineering 17. Columbia University: New York City, NY Alec Davison, Psychology Christa Shen, Environmental Science Jillian Ross, Biomedical Engineering 18. DePaul University: Chicago, IL Daniel Torres, Communications 19. Duke University: Durham. NC Eric Lo, Biology Tori Diggs, Biology 20. Eckerd College: St. Petersburg FL Drew Peters, Business Management 21. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: Tallahassee FL Alonso Tamez, Undecided 22. Emory University, Atlanta, GA

Sophie Lin, Biochemistry Terry Lin, Undecided 57. Sam Houston State University: Huntsville, TX Allison Hasse, Forensic Chemistry Ashley Pettibone, Marketing Jacqueline Barbery, Criminal Justice Shannon Heironimurs, Biology 58. San Jacinto College: Houston, TX Ballard Infante, Undecided Justin Tate, Automotic Technology 59. San Jacinto College: Pasadena, TX Adnan Rashid, Audio Engineering 60. Silliman University: Dumaguete, Philippines Lauren Talictic, Nursing 61. Southern Utah University: Cedar City, UT Hannah Fjord, Biology 62. Southwestern Unviersity: Georgetown, TX Ryan Maler, Pre-Med 63. Spokane Community College: Spokane WA Jonothan Ohuche, Undecided 64. St. Catherine University: St. Paul, MN Paige Marquez, Nursing and Physical Therapy 65. St. Edwards University: Austin, TX Brooke Tolle, Psychology Tatiana Marchizano, Global Business Teymour Meguid, International Business 66. St. Louis University: St. Louis,

Engineering Kristan Barret, Petroleum Engineering Leo Hwang, Chemical Engineering 67. Stanford University: Stanford, Marissa Mallinoski, Marine Science Miccah Castorina, Computer Science California Christine Tran, Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Michelle Kratofil, Business Kristen Pownell, Chemical Mitch Matthews, Mechanical Engineering Engineering Michael Jin, Undecided Monica Priwin, Biomedical Science Ryker Elkins, Biomedical 68. Stephen F. Austin State Engineering University: Nacogdoches, TX Shelby Waite, Electrical Engineering Blake Caruthers, Finance and Shoba Abraham, Veterinary Medicine Accounting Steven Kung, Electrical Engineering Caryn Berkowitz, Undecided Tori Fortenberry, International Studies and Education 69. SUNY Buffalo: Buffalo, NY Vicky Ho, Business Sofi Alacorn, Civil Engineering Xiaofeng Li, Mechanical Engineering 70. Tarelton State University: 72. Texas A&M University at Stephenville, TX Corpus Christi: Corpus Christi, TX Lexi Hicks, Agriculture Kyle Mazabob, Kinesiology 71. Texas A&M University: College Scott Riggins, Physical Therapy Station, TX 73. Texas A&M University at Alex Ng, Business Galveston: Galveston, TX Alyssa Edgar, Biomedical Joseph Rando, Wildlife Biology Engineering Madison Weaver, Business Amanda Henry, Biomedical Science Michael Hermes, Mechanical Amy Wagner, Tourism Management Engineering Austin Vautrain, Chemical Troy Schlaffer, General Studies Engineering Blake Bastin, Medicine 74. Texas A&M University at Blake Hermes, Petroleum Kingsville: Kingsville, TX Engineering Daniel Jeffrey, Nursing Bryant Siegfried, Petroleum Engineering 75. Texas Christian University: Candice Lu, Business Fort Worth, TX Carly Warren, English and German Didi Ali-Asmi, Chemical Engineering Harrison Bui, Undecided Emily Bennett, Anthropology 76. Texas State Technical College: Emily Kirchof, Business Waco, TX Grace Chen, Biomedical Science Andrew Begnaud, Underwater Isiaiah Tsau, Business Jacob Goodpasture, Business Finance Welding Jason Zho, Petroleum Engineering 77. Texas State University: San Jennifer Macdonell, Business Marcos, TX John Isis, Undecided Amy Garcia, Kineselogy Justin Clowney, Biomedical MO Molly Brown, Biology

May 2012 Ranger Review

I College Map 9 III

Joseph Benedittini, Business Zach Mayak, Finance 95. University of Connecticut: Storrs, CT David Chou, Political Science 96. University of Houston: Houston, TX Afsheen Sorurbaksh, Petroleum Engineering Alec Parker, Business Marketing Ali Elsaadi, Business and Pre-Med Alisharoz Ali, Computer Science Alizen Prasla, Business Anam Momin, Biology Ananya Sen Gupta, Biochemistry and Pre-Optometry Andrew Lim, Computer Engineering Andrew Luu, Pre-Pharmacy Anmol Ali, Psychology Anotnio Crupa, Geology and Business Austin Snyder, Civil Engineering Benson Benny, Pharmacy Brandon Choy, Undecided Chad White, Business Cory Lawson, Business David Saa, Business Edoardo Sifuentes, Business Finance, Pre-Law, Psychology Emmanuel Glear, Engineering Eric Hsu, Pre-Pharmacy Eric Shen, Undecided Erik Pollak, Undecided Fatima Artani, Biology Francis Bhatia, Business Franciscus Sudihardyo, Business Administration Grace Achim, Pre-Med Harshin Kanabar, Computer Science Hernand Paler, Marketing Ike Nwachukwu, Biochemistry Isabella Serimontrikul, Environmental Engineering Jackie Chen, Computer Engineering James Lee, Management Jasmin Maciel, Psychology Jason Hogue, Undecied Jason Michael, Business Jennifer Ascencio, Computer Engineering Technology Jesse Yao, Hotel and Restaurant Management Jessie Lit, Pre-Dental Jimmy Zhang, Business Jonathan Do, History Jun Liang, Mechanical Engineering Krystal Tanaka, Business and Accounting Lauren Cuevo, Marketing and Retail Maggie Dong, Education Mah-rukh Muhammad, Petroleum Engineering Matthew McCouley, Biomedical Engineering Michael Palafos, Business Miriam Acosta, Pre-Nursing Mohammed Dowodally, Chemical Engineering Muhummad Rashid, Hotel and Restaurant Management Mujaheed Dhuka, Business Management Nadeem Momin, Biomedical Engineering Naman Upadhyaya, Finance Naureen Alli, Biology Nick Almeda, Music Education Nixit Dharia, Pre-Pharmacy Paarus Ali, Biology Pankaj Patel, Pre-Pharmacy Peggy Yan, Hotel Restaurant Management Robert Chan, Chemical Engineering Rohit Sulladmath, Business Rozmeena Virani, Biology Ryan Foley, Hotel and Restaurant Management Ryan Lilly, Biochemistry Salisha Virani, Business Honors Santiago Blair, Software Engineering Saqlain Salezm, Undecided Sarah Khalfe, Pre-Pharmacy Shaan Budhwani, Hotel and Restaurant Managment Shaane Zehra, Psychology Shameet Desai, Business Shanna Manelel, Biology Sheena Muppatayil, Undecided Sheezan Noorani, Biomedical Engineering Shinwe Tsau, Business Shivali Mehra, Chemistry Silvia Gozalez, Business Sofiya Karedia, Pharmacy Stillwell Pan, Computer Engineering Suhail Ayoube, Chemical Engineering Tisha Thomas, Business Wanda Crupa, Geophysics 97. University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign: Urbana Champaign, IL Marina Nakajima, Civil Engineering 98. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Erica Rudoff, Keneseology 99. University of Lafayette: Lafayette, LA Ashleigh Kernaghan, Kinesiology 100. University of Louisiana at Monroe: Monroe, LA Mariah Adams, Nursing 101. University of Mary HardinBaylor: Belton, TX Jessica Withrow, Pre-Occupational Therapy Nicole Viana, Pre-Occupational Therapy 102. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Rohail Dadwani, Finance 103. University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS Cathryn Cart, Integrated Marketing and Communication John Murphy, Biology Kayla Kuhn, Undecided 104. University of North Carolina: Charlotte, NC Kaitlyn Arnold, Undecided 105. University of North Texas: Denton, TX Morgan Daniels, Music 106. University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA Kyle Yu, Engineering 107. University of Pittsburg: Pittsburg, PA Nick Johnson, Psychology 108. University of South Alabama: Mobile, AL Matthew Cheer, Meteorology 109. University of South Florida: Tampa, FL Erin Taylor, Business 110. University of St. Thomas: Houston, TX Dylan Trang, Pre-Med 111. University of Texas: Austin, TX Aaqeeb Dhukka, Business Abby OConnor, Undecided Abhay Divakaruni, Plan II Honors and Business Honors Program Alice Jean, Biological Sciences Allen Hwang, Electrical Engineering Allison Grabowski, Biochemistry Amanda Fillip, Enviornmental Science Andrea Chen, Undecided Andy Yuan, Political Science and Economics Avani Patel, Business Honors Program and Textiles Bowen Cai, Undecided Bryan Williamson, Aerospace Engineering Caroline Kimbell, Sociology Chaoxuan Xiong, Geosciences Chris Lin, Mathematics Christopher Lau, Civil Engineering Ethan Ngai, Computer Science Eugenia Chen, Biochemistry Falaq Dhuka, Undecided Gabrielle Lee, Biology Ginna Chen, Business Gloria Li, Medical Laboratory Science Holland Mak, Chemical Engineering Jason Guo, Undecided Jeffrey Yeh, Business Jessica Liftman, Business Jimin Zhou, Chemical Engineering Joanne Chia, Nursing Justine Weng, Mathematics Kevin Chen, Finance Kevin Pham, Electrical Engineering Khushbu Patel, Aerospace and Chemical Engineering Lian Shen, Biochemical Engineering Michael Lin, Geosciences Michele Jafri, usiness Admnisitration and Marketing Mimi Lie, Biology Munfarid Zaidi, Biology Nadia Tourgoly, Biology Naitik Singh, Petroleum Engineering Nikki Dulay, Public Relations Nishika Karbhari, Molecular Biology Nishil Shah, Electrical Engineering Paige Lambert, Environmental Sciences Rakshit Singh, Business Rebeckah Fridell, Biomedical Engineering Reese Sun, Undeclared Business Rishi Singh, Geosciences Rose Simmons, Chemistry Ryan Leung, Petroleum Engineering Sheetal Jiwani, Economics Shivani Bindal, Biology Sid Venkataramn, Biology Siddarth Desai, Mechanical Engineering Siddarth Sridhar, Plan II Honors and Economics Stacey Lau, Communication Sciences and Disorders Stefanie Sugiaman, Petroleum Engineering Steven Lin, Chemical Engineering Summer Kisner, Physical Therapy Tiffany Yick, Mechanical Engineering Tyler Yates, Computer Science Vanessa Chen, Biochemistry Vignesh Pandurengan, Mechanical Engineering Wallace Tran, Electrical Engineering Wendy Zhang, Undecided Yen Ting, Electrical Engineering Zara Mizra, Economics

Zareen Khayratee, Business

112. University of Texas at Arlington: Arlington, TX Daniel Ikoimba, Psychology

4 119 18 45 93 54 97 66 119 121 8 30 103 38 100 85 40 108 99 37 21 23 35 86 26 22 27 28 19 104 81 102 32 46 14 69

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113. University of Texas at Dallas: Richardson, TX Anisha Kelkar, Speech Pathology and Audiology Bellina Lie, Biomedical Engineering Charlie Sheldon, Computer Science David Yin, Medicine Joy Nisnisan, Biology and Nutrition Nezar Nashef, Neuroscience Stephanie Silveira, Biology Yu-Lun Hsu, Physics 114. University of Texas at San Antonio: San Antonio, TX Alex Arrendondo, Biology Allan Wang, Economics Andrew Huang, Undecided Claudia Simanungkalit, Business Connie Jin, Political Science/Business Elizabeth Higdon, Pre-Pharmacy Garret Preston, Mechanical Engineering Julia Bernstein, Journalism Justin Au, Environmental Engineering Kevin Moran, Business and Finance Matan Einav, Engineering Melinda Taylor, Mathematics Minam Ashraf, Business Natalia Naranjo, Psychology and Marketing Ravi K Poola, Engineering Tiffany Reed, Nursing Tony Brady, Engineering Tori Reynolds, Architecture Zach Branda, Construction Science Zaheer Burney, Biology Zenia Sunavala, Biology 115. University of Texas at Tyler: Tyler, TX Juan Chacin, Undecided Shourya Saxena, Chemical Engineering 116. University of the Incarnate Word: San Antonio, TX Jennifer Wong, Fashion Marketing and Architecture 117. University of Utah: Salt Lake City, UT Ebrahim Shahid, Computer Science 118. University of Washington at Seattle: Seattle, WA William Tjoeng, Biology 119. University of Wisconsin Madison: Madison, WI Julia Purnell, Animal Science 120. Utah Valley University: Orem, UT Marissa Nogales, Photography 121. Vanderbilt University: Nashville, TN Brooke Bartley, Biochemistry Kathy Pan, Undecided 122. Villanova University: Phildadelphia, PA Michelle Adams, Communications and Business 123. Wellesley College: Wellesly, MA Anne Shen, Undecided 124. West Texas A&M University: Canyon, TX Nicole Richardson, Undecied 125. Wharton County Junior College: Houston, TX Jasmin McCardell, Nursing Mason Lacsamana, Radiology Nia Wheat, Human Services Phillip Glaze, Chemistry Rebecca Luker, Nursing 126. Wharton County Junior College: Sugar Land, TX Halle Lopata, Marine Biology Harley Guel, Dance Justin Lall, Game Development Paul Gunthrie, Undecided Ryan Gunthrie, Undecided 127. Yale University, New Haven, CT Baher Iskander, Biology and Political Science 128. US Marine Corps Kevin Mcginnis


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36 72 115 68


3 59 1 56 79

73 44

James Lawson, Mechanical Engineering Jeff Brown, Undecided Lawrenzo Minor, Graphic Design Stephen Pritchard, Business 78. Texas Tech University: Lubbock, TX Adam Pritchett, Finance Austin Hart, Undecided Claire Mifsud, Exercise and Sports Medicine Courtney Cebolao, Retail Management Courtney McKeever, Chemistry Emma Kay Pruetz, Fashion Merchandising Eric Bristow, Undecided Garret Toyofuku, Chemical Engineering Jeffrey Pecheux, Mechanical Engineering Kelsey Carpenter, Business Kinzi Tollet, Business Lauren Turner, Speech Pathology, Audiology Michelle Shutter, Physical Therapy Morgan Davis, Psychology Nasim Heydari, Psychology Sami Sharp, Business Finance Sheridan Shipley, Education Terry Gallagher, Engineering Victoria Cervantes, Retail Management 79. Texas Womens University: Houston, TX Sanya Makjoja, Pediatrics 80. Texas Womens University at Denton: Denton, TX Barbara Guzman, Nursing Chloe Espinosa, Kinesiology Wenmeng Zhang, Nursing 81. The College of Charleston: Charleston, SC Griffin Scott, Business Finance

Andrea Bosakewich, Undecided Anusha Hasan, Undecided Anuva Kachru, Communications Brandyn Kinsey, Undecided Brianne Cooke, Undecided Britanny Shah, Undecided Bruno Falcone, Undecided Bryan Garcia, Undecided Collin Cole, Enviornmental Engineering Connie Wong, Undecided Felicia He, Business Gerald Liu, Civil Engineering Joel Matthews, Biology John Grigsby, Music Performance Kelsey Kajioka, Business Kevin Huang, Medicine Krista Mayanja, Health Sciences Maya Iyer, Medicine Meeral Rashid, Undecided Michael Fu, Computer Engineering Rakshith Salgram, International Relations Ricky Blackmon, Mass Communication Sabina Lalani, Biology Sahil Salimbhai, Engineering Savannnah Hitzel, Undecided Stephen Nowak, Undecided Wasim Khawja, Undecided 84. Universidad de Guadalajara: Guadalajara, MX Hector Torrez Solorio, Business

87. University of Arizona: Tuscon, AZ Alana Newman, Biology Thomas Sanderson, Finance 88. University of Arkansas: Fayetteville, AR Emily Mason, Undecided Mackenzie Alexander, Nursing Matt Paladino, Business 89. University of California at Berkeley: Berkely, CA Alex Quan, Undecided Ailene Vega, Undecided Bob Shao, Mathematics and Economics Sally Zhang, Pre-Business Sophia Chu, Chemical Engineering Kenny Upchurch, Mass Communications 90. University of California at Los Angeles: Los Angeles, CA Disha Patel, Undecided Karishma Punjani, Business and Economics 91. University of California at San Diego: San Diego, CA Crystal Sun, Art Design 92. University of California at Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara, CA Renna Ba, Film and Media Studies 93. University of Chicago: Chicago, IL Allison Kramer, Computer Science and Japanese Timi Koyejo, Economics 94. University of Colorado: Boulder, CO Chris Banks, Film

85. University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa, AL Alexa Sparks, Business Erika DiCosimo, Education 82. Trinity University: San Antonio, Margaret Lynch, Pre-Occupational TX Therapy Timothy Zhang, Computer Science 83. Undecided: Adam Carruth, Business Alex Chan, Undecided 86. University of Alabama at Birmingham: Birmingham, AL Bisma Gowani, Dance and Neuroscience

Congrats Class of 2012!

10 MagnaCumLaude III
Name: Abhay Divakaruni College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Plan II Honors and Business Honors Book: CHS Student Handbook TV Show: Scrubs Special power: Timestopping Dance move: The Spongebob Animal: Panda

May 2012 Ranger Review

Name: Shivani Bindal College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Biology If you could be an animal what would you be: Tiffany Yick High School Memory: Making ice cream in Chem Dream job: Private detective Greatest fear: Lane changing on the freeway Name:Stacey Lau College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Communication Sciences and Disoders Book: Bio II textbook Smell: Fresh-baked cookies Dream job: Wedding planner Dance move: sin(x) High School Memory: Mr. Damons stories

Name: Michael Jin College: Stanford University Major: Biology Superhero: Wallace Tran Word: Sofa Book: Heart of Darkness Song: Cant Fight this Feeling by REO Speedwagon Food: Ferrero Rocher Vacation spot: China Dream job: Oncologist Name: Christa Shen College: Columbia University Major: Environmental Science
Photo Unavailable

Rank 3

Name: Sophie Lin College: Rice University Major: Biology Place at CHS: Mrs. Ericsons room Dance move: Zumba Word: Hullabaloo In a zombie apocalypse what would you save: Katherine Du Funniest moment: Getting myself stuck in a tall recycle bin... Name: Joyce Toh College: University of California at Berkeley Major: Civil Engineering Comfort food: Dark Chocolate TV Show: The Office Cartoon: Tom and Jerry Funniest thing to happen to you: 5 minutes after Ericsons Joke of the Week Dream car: One with a chauffer Name: Eugenia Chen College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Biochemistry Vacation spot: Steinkamps legendary garden Quote: Proton motive force, - Freddie Steinkamp Funniest thing to happen: Late to senior panoramic picture Name: Brittany Shah College: Case Western Reserve University Major: Biology Comfort food: Cheesecake ice cream Special power: Flying TV Show: Greys Anatomy What would you save in a zombie apocalypse: Myself Funniest thing to happen to you: Life

Rank 7

Rank 8

Rank 9

Personal Information Unavailable.

Rank 13

Name: Kristen Pownell College: Stanford University Major: Chemical Engineering Book: Harry Potter Place at CHS: GSA Lair TV Show: Parks and Recreation High School Memory: Band trip to Disney Dream job: Batman Game: Taboo Name: Sahar Sawani College: Rice University Major: Biology and Economics TV Show: Friends Comfort food: Chipotle Game: Quidditch Dance Move: Stop the traffic and let them through In a zombie apocalypse what would you save: My snuggie

Rank 14

Name: Sid Sridhar College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Plan II and Economics Movie Scene: When Jacob takes his shirt off in Twilight Smell: Rakshit Singh Event at CHS: The day I met Bob Shao Dance Move: Jersey Turnpike

Rank 15

Rank 19

Rank 20

Name: Steven Lin College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Chemical Engineering Cartoon: Pokemon Place at CHS: Not the bathrooms If you could be an animal what would you be: King Crab Funniest thing to happen to you: Ryan Leung Name: Michelle Tran College: Rice University Major: Biochemistry Cartoon: Mickey Mouse Board Game: Monopoly with Nikhil Iyer High Shool Memory: Being in PALS Song: The Remedy by Jason Mraz Place in Sugar Land: Star Cinema Grill TV Show: One Tree Hill

Rank 21

Rank 25

Rank 26
Name: Avani Patel College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Business Honors and Textiles Cartoon: Powerpuff Girls Food: Thai food Game: Jumanji Dance move: Stanky Leg Dream car: Moped Favorite place at CHS: Mrs. Reedys room

Rank 27

Rank 31
Name: Nishika Karbhari College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Molecular Biology If you could be animal what would you be: Crumple-Horned Snorkack TV Show: Gilmore Girls Comfort food: Blondie Brownies

Name: Andy Yuan College: University of California at Berkeley Major: Political Economy Scientist: Nicola Tesla Song: Never Gonna Give You Up Book: Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Vacation spot: The Moon Celebrity: Ridiculously Photogenic Guy

Rank 32

Rank 33
Name: Wallace Tran College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Electrical Engineering Comfort food: Steak and lobster Board game: Monopoly Dream car: Batmobile If you could be an animal what would it be: Pygmy hippopotamus

May 2012 Ranger Review

MagnaCu Laude 11 m
Name: Terry Lin College: Rice University High School Memory: Hamlet performance with Holland Favorite place at CHS: The exit/CompSci room Special power: Control of all elements Song describes your life: Pokemon theme song Dream job: Professional sleeper

Name: Vanessa Chen College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Biochemistry Pizza topping: Agaricus Bisporus Special power: Teleportation TV Show: Wheel of Fortune Boardgame: Taboo Dream Job: K-Pop group with Stacey and Gabby

Rank 4

Rank 5

Name: Allison Kramer College: University of Chicago Major: Computer Science and Japanese TV Show: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart High School Memory: Academic Decathlon Pizza Topping: Bob Shao Song to describe life: The Fire - Imogen Heap Dream Job: Hero of Time Name: Sahar Noorani College: Rice University Major: Undecided Comfort food: Nihari Game: Real-life Fruit Ninja TV Show: Vampire Diaries Dream Car: Pink Volkswagon Band: One Direction Word: Posh Cartoon: Barbie Name: Alice Jean College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Biological Sciences Comfort Food: Wasabi peas Greatest Fear: Oversleeping until school is over In a zombie apocalypse what woul you save: My Biology textbook

Rank 6

Name: Eric Lo College: Duke University Major: Biomedical Engineering Dream job: Badminton Enthusiast Place at CHS: Faculty bathroom Pizza Topping: Cell Tech Song describes your life: Big Girls Dont Cry by Fergie TV Show: Suits Name: Ryan Leung College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Petroleum Engineering Food: Sashimi Sushi Favorite place at CHS: The roof Dream car: Acura NSX Dance move: Female Cartoon: Yu-Gi-Oh Special Power: Ability to stop time Name: Anne Shen College: Wellesly College Major: International Business/Biomedical Sciences Dream Home: Bags End (The Shire) TV Show: Little People, Big World Pizza Topping: Cuttlefish and Pineapple Special power: Ability to reach upper gorcery shelves

Rank 10

Name: Allison Grabowski College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Computer Science Book: Catch-22 Movie: The Princess Bride Special Power: Freeze time and space Dream job: Computer Programmer Smell: Vanilla TV Show: The Big Bang Theory Name: Sarah Cheney College: Baylor University Major: Biochemistry Food: My Moms Place at CHS: Sparwassers Room Game: Cranium Dance Move: the Wiggle Dream car: Bumblebee In a zombie apocalpyse what would you save: My humanity Name: Bailey Arlinghaus College: Hillsdale College Major: Political Economy Comfort food: Salad TV Show: Americas Next Top Model Funniest thing to happen to you: *insert blonde joke here* Dream car: Pink scooter If you could be an animal what would it be: Mermaid

Rank 11

Rank 12

Rank 16

Rank 17

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Rank 22

Rank 23

Name: Sid Venkataraman College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Biology Smell: Jamars moist towelettes Event at CHS: Going to English IV AP In a zombie apocalypse what would you save: Ms. Spradley Greatest Fear: Sameer Mishra

Rank 24

Name: Baher Iskander College: Yale University Major: Pre-Med and Humanities If you could be an animal what would you be: Humpback Whale Song that describes your life: Drop it like its hot Place at CHS: C-Lot High School Memory: Getting the call I got into Yale with my bestie #27 Name: Christine Tran College: Stanford University Major: Chemical Engineering Food: Gyros Superhero: Wonderwoman Greatest Fear: Anatidaephobia Dream car: Not my soccer mom van Song: Black and Yellow

Rank 28

Name: Sally Zhang College: University of California at Berkeley Major: Business Book: Tikki Tikki Tembo Quote: Whatever you are, be a good one Abraham Lincoln Comfort food: Nutella Dream job: Kpop Idol Dream car: Magic School Bus Superhero: Sailor Moon Name: Bob Shao College: University of California at Berkeley Major: Math and Economics Superhero: Raymond Cano Dance Move: The Sprinkler Song: Call Me Maybe Cartoon: Powerpuff Girls Book: Twilight Movie: The Notebook

Rank 29

Name: Harsh Thakkar College: Northwestern University Major: Biomedical Engineering Funniest thing to happen to you: Dressing up for celebrity day on the wrong day Smell: Calvin Klein Special power: Ability to grow taller

Rank 30

Rank 34

Rank 35

Name: Lian Shen College: University of Texas at Austin Major: Biomedical Engineering Scientist: Mr. Heitman Quote: You are not normal - Mrs. Wolfe High School Memory: How I met my stand partner Song: Call me maybe

Rank 34

12 I SeniorMemories III

May 2012 Ranger Review

Whats your favorite high school memory?

One time my friends and I bought mustaches at Kroger, On the way home one of my friends got pulled over by a cop . . . she was still wearing her mustache. -Kate Saylin, senior

Cheering at the Homecoming game my senior year when we won against Dulles. -Emily Mason, senior

6th period English with Mr. Russow. -Matthew McCauley, senior

Being in the amazing varsity mixed choir with tons of awesome people and doing singing valentines. -Sarah Bateman, senior

Alex Ng. -Theresa Nguyen, senior

5th period aquatic science with OSullivan. -LaDavia Pope, senior

Reading my Kindle in class. . .hehe. -Tori Reynolds, senior

Yelling at people to move out of my way in the hallways. -Courtney Cebolao, senior

Convincing my dad that I can sing instead of just being a star basketball player. -Kevin McGinnis, senior

My freshman year Homecoming. -Alicia Parnham, senior

Dancing on the football field every Friday night with all of the other Stars. -Tori Fortenberry, senior

The football games, all the Clements spirit, ans the blue crew and the glitter girls. -Lizzy Richardson, senior

Getting to go to nationals for DECA all three years and winning 3rd internationally. -Michele Jafri, senior

Winning districts in football my junior year. Just kidding . . .choir. -Josh Binder, senior

Graduation day. -Renna Ba, senior

Spring break. -Chad Decuir, senior

Playing soccer on the school team. -Erika Dicosimo, senior

Being in the Alto Choir Fam Bam. -Mashal Lakhani, senior

The first time I went to a Homecoming football game and I made a bet that Clements would win against Dulles. We won by one point. -Alana Newman, senior

My favorite senior memory will be Prom. -Johnny Taborda, senior

My favorite high school memory is playing football for the school team. -Jon Cummins, senoir

The day the five alarms went off like five times and we were in and out of the school all day. I left. . . -Lauren Tanner, senoir

My favorite high school memories are of choir and the musicals. -Shelby McKay, senior

Spring break 2012. -Alec Parker, senior

May 2012 Ranger Review

I Senior AdviceI 13 II

What advice do you have for underclassmen?

Procrastination is the worst thing ever...dont everget in the habit of doing it. -Shourya Saxena, senior

Try to not stress yourself out. -Mariam Siddiqi, senior

Get some sleep. -Stefanie Sugiaman, senior

Take part in as many extra curriculars as possible to get involved. -Hansani Vyas, senior

Stay on top of all your classes and keep a planner. -Shawn Janarthanan, senior

Dont sleep in class because what they say isimportant. -Chao Xiong

Dont work too hard but dont let senioritis take you over. -Antonia Crupa, senior

Make sure to be a well rounded person. Dont focus all of your time on academics. -Ailen Vega, senior

Find something youre passionate about and stick with it. -Mariah Adams, senior

Remember to enjoy your time in high school because its only four years. -Kelly Qian, senior

Dont get too stressed, just go with the flow. Make sure you get eight hours of sleep every night, it helps. -Siddarth Sridhar

Theres no such thing as junior-itis. Its time to work hard. -Bellina Lie, senior

Do all your homework and apply early to colleges so you can relax later. -Katelyn Crockett, senior

Go to A&M. -Shelby Waite, senior

Always do your homework. - Andrew Jensen

Some advice to seniors from celebrities

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. - Dr. Seuss in Oh the Places You Will Go

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight. - E.E. Cummings

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didnt do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. - Mark Twain Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyones total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes. - J.K. Rowling in her commencement speech at Harvard University, 2006 Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead. - Nora Ephron from her speech to Wellesley College, Class of 1996

It is so easy to waste our lives: our days, our hours, our minutes; it is so easy to exist instead of live. - Anna Quindlen in her commencement speech at Villanova University in 2000

Dont judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. - Robert Louis Stevenson

All our dreams can come true... if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney

You cannot but learn more of the worlds heft, as you take it now into your hands. - John Updike in a commencement address to University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1993

14 I Advertisements III
Calling all 2013 Seniors Interested in a free senior portrait session? Want to be the first to show all your senior portraits? Dulce Life Photography now accepting applications for the 2012 Senior Rep Program For more information visit or find me on Facebook!

May 2012 Ranger Review

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May 2012 Ranger Review

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May 2012 Ranger Review


I spent four years, That felt like a million, but Sometimes just a minute, In those four years, I found friends, Played the tuba, Sang in the choir, Felt lonely, Failed a test, Aced a quiz, Won the race, Raised my hand, Talked out loud, Fell asleep in class, Shared a secret, Got a crush, Had my heart broken, I dance, I acted, I drew a picture, I got lost in the halls my freshman year, But by senior year, found my way. At Clements, I survived and graduated.

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