Caelinuxtutorial: Finite Element Analysis With Caelinux: Tutorial1 3D Geometry Modelling & Meshing in Salom E

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CAELinu x Tu t or ia l

Fin it e e le m e n t a n a lysis w it h CAELin ux: Tu t or ia l 1 3 D Ge om e t r y M od e lling & M e shin g in SALOM E

Ove r vie w

Geom et ry & m esh (Salom e)

Geom et ry m odelling (Salom e/Geom et ry) Meshing & group definit ion (Salom e/Meshing) Creat e a FE st udy profile (ASTK) Definit ion of t he FEA (Eficas) Running t he analysis (ASTK) Reading t he solver's m essages (ASTK) Im port ing result s from MED file Displacem ent s / st rains / st resses

Finit e Elem ent Analysis (Code-Ast er)

Post processing (Salom e)

St a r t Sa lom e / Ge om e t r y
1 2 1. st art Salom e 2. File-> New 3. Select Geom et ry 4. Reduce Console view (sm all arrow) 5. Resize Tree view

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: 2 D Sk e t ch
1 6

2 5 4

1. New Ent it y -> Sket ch (1) 2. In Sket ch Const ruct ion (2): ent er t hese coordinat es (0;0), (0;0.2),(0.2;0.2) and (0.2,0) [ press Apply (3) t o validat e each point ] 3. Choose Sket ch closure (4), Sket ch validat ion (5) 4. Adjust zoom t o view all object s (6)

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: Point s

3 4

1. 2. 3. 4.

Choose Creat e Point In Point Const ruct ion: choose Absolut e Coordinat es Ent er t he following coordinat es (0.1;0.1;0) Press OK

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: V e ct or

3 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose Creat e Vect or In Vect or Const ruct ion: choose opt ion Com poent s Ent er t he following com ponent s (0;0;1) Press OK

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: Cir cle

2 3 4

6 1. Choose Creat e Circle (1) wit h By "Point &Vect or" opt ion (2) 2. Select Cent er Point :(3): first click t he Arrow but t on, t hen select Vert ex_1 in eit her t he 3D view or t he t ree view. 3. Select Vect or (4): click Arrow and select Vect or_1 in t ree view. 4. Ent er Radius= 0.025 (5) and click Ok (6)

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: W ir e

2 3 1. 2. [ if 3. Choose New Ent it y-> Build-> Wire (1) Select Object s (2): click "Arrow" and select Circle_1 needed select m ult iple object s by holding t he shift key] Click OK

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: Fa ce s

4 2 3 1. Choose New Ent it y-> Build-> Face (1) 2. Select wire (2): click "Arrow" and select Wire_1, click OK (3) 3. Repeat st eps 1-2 for Wire_2 (4) 4. You can int eract ively zoom , pan & rot at e by holding CTRL key wit h resp. Left , Middle & Right m ouse but t on

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: Ext r usions

5 2 3 4 1. Choose Creat e Object by Ext rusion (1) 2a. Select Base (2): click "Arrow" and select Face_1 2b. Select Vect or (2): click "Arrow" and t hen select Vect or_1 in t ree view 3. Ent er Height = 0.1 (3) and press OK (4) 4. Repeat st eps 1-3 for Face_2 t o creat e a cylinder (5)

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: Boole a n
6 1

2 3 4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Choose Cut boolean operat ions (1) Select Main object (2):select Prism _1 Select Tool object (3): select Prism _2 and click OK (4) In t ree view right click Cut _1 and choose Display Only (5) Choose View-> Display m ode-> Shading (6)

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: Cop y Fe a t u r e s
6 1

6 4 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2 3

Choose Translat e t ool (1) Select Object (2): select Prism _2 Translat ion vect or (3): ent er (0.1;0;0) and click OK (4) Check Creat e Copy (4) and validat e (5) Repeat st eps 1-4 wit h t ranslat ion vect or = (-0.1;0;0)

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: ne w Cut s
6 1

6 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3

Choose Boolean Cut t ool (1) Set Main obj.= Cut _1 and Tool obj.= Translat ion_1 (2) Click Apply (3) Set Main obj.= Cut _2 and Tool obj.= Translat ion_2 (2) Click OK (4)

Cr e a t e Ge om e t r y: Exp lod e

2 3 5 4

1. Choose New Ent it y-> Explode (1) 2. Select Cut _3 (2), choose Shape t ype= Face(3), click Apply(4) 3. choose Shape t ype= Edge (3) ,click Apply (4) 4. finally, choose Shape t ype= Vert ex (3) and click OK (5) 5. Not e t hat now you can see, select & use t he ext ract ed object s by select ing t hem in t he t ree view or t he 3D view.

M e sh: D isp la y g e om e t r y

1 1. Choose Mesh m odule (1), expand t he t ree of Cut _3 (2) 2. In t ree view: select first Face it em , hold t he shift key and t hen click on t he last Edge it em t o select all t he Face/Edge/Vert ex it em s of Cut _3 3. Right click on select ion in t ree view, choose Display Only

M e sh: hyp ot he se s

2 6 7 3 8 5

1. Click Creat e Hypot heses (1), choose "Average Lengt h" (2), click Creat e (3), t hen set Lengt h= 0.02 (4) and click Ok (5) 3. Select "Lengt h from Edges" (6) and click Creat e (3) 4. Select "Max. Elem ent Volum e" (7), click Creat e (3), set Max Volum e= 0.01 (4) and click Ok (5). 5. Finally close hypot heses dialog (8)

M e sh: a lg or it hm s

5 4 2 3 6

1. Click Creat e Algorit hm (1), choose "St andard / Wire discret isat ion" (2) and click Creat e (3) 3. Select "St andard / Triangle" (4) and click Creat e (3) 4. Select "Net gen / Tet rahedron" (5), click Creat e (3), 5. Finally close Algorit hm dialog (6)

M e sh: Pa r t it ionning p la ne

4 1. Go back t o Geom m odule and click Creat e Plane (1) 2. Select Plane by 3 point s (2), select t he highlight ed vert ices (3) and press OK (4)

M e sh: Pa r t it ion

2 3

4 1. Choose Operat ions-> Part it ion 2. Select Object Cut _3 (2), select Tool= Plane_1 (3) and press OK (4) 3. Ret urn t o Mesh Module

M e sh: M e sh Const r uct ion


2 3 4 5 1. Click Global Hypot heses(1), select Geom et ry= Part it ion_1(2) 2. Select hypot heses (3): click 'arrow', and wit h shift key select all t hree hypot heses from t ree view 3. Select algo. (4): click 'arrow', and wit h shift key select all t hree algorit hm s from t ree view. Finally click OK (5)

M e sh: M e sh Const r uct ion

1 2 3

1. Right -click "Mesh_1" (1), select Com put e t o generat e t he m esh (2). Be pat ient , t his can t ake a while... 2. When finished, right -click "Mesh_1" (1), select Updat e t o display t he new m esh (3)

M e sh: M e sh Re f ine m e nt

2 4 5 3 6

1. Click "Creat e Hypot hesis"(1), select "Average Lengt h" (2) & click "Creat e" (3) 2. Ent er Nam e= "Fine Lengt h" & Lengt h= 0.007 (4), click Ok(5) 3. Click Close (6)

M e sh: M e sh Re f ine m e nt

6 3 4 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5

Swit ch t o GEOM m odule. Right click Part it ion_1-> Erase (1) Choose m enu New Ent it y-> Explode. Select Object = Part it ion_1 (3) & Shape t ype= Edge (4) Click Ok (5) & Validat e by clicking Explode (6). Swit ch t o MESH m odule.

M e sh: M e sh Re f ine m e nt

2 3 4 5 6

1. Click "Creat e Local Hypot hesis" (1) 2. Select Mesh= Mesh_1(2), Hypot hesis= Fine Lengt h(4), Algorit hm = Wire dist ribut ion(5). 3. Click Arrow (3), for each ent it y of figure: select t he object in 3D view (7) & validat e by Apply (3). Close t he dialog.

M e sh: Che ck ing M e sh

4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 Right click "Mesh_1" -> Com put e (1). When finished, right click "Mesh_1" -> Updat e (1) Right click t he m esh in 3D view (2), choose "Clipping" Click "New" (3) & OK (4). Right click t he object (2) -> Cont rol -> Aspect Rat io 3D

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