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The Rising Crescent


 Mr. Abdul-Wadood Meyers

Editor-in-Chief: Afr ican Amer ican Contr ibutions to the World

 Rashad Sayeed

Do you know February is Afri- Another invention was the oil
can American Heritage Month? lubricator. It is one of many
 Mahmoud Al-Qudsi
This is a good time to discuss inventions made by Elijah
 Abu Bakr Galaria African Americans contributions McCoy. His lubricator was a
to society that we presently live cheaper and faster way to oper-
 Zubair Ilyas
in. Society has not given African ate trains as opposed to shovel-
 Sami Khan Americans enough credit for ing coal into a fire. In addition,
Staff: these contributions just as it has Garrett Morgan contributed
inventions and methods of im-
not given many Muslims as we numerous inventions to society.
 Ismail Abdullateef proving life. These varieties are
found out during the Muslim The traffic signal is one such
used worldwide. They are some
 Zeeshan Baqi Inventor‟s Week. It really does invention that makes directing
of the greatest inventions and
 Abu Bakr Galaria not matter if the society accepts traffic easier on everyone. Mor-
methods mankind has ever pro-
it or not, but it is good for us gan also generated static con-
 Ammar Haq duced. We should be thankful
students to explicitly know the duction. Static conduction
for having such great personali-
 Azhar Kothawala originality of things. The most served as a guide to keep trains
ties. This is the main reason we
unaccredited field that African from running off the track.
 Omar Sheik celebrate The African American
Americans are not given as
Some contributions Heritage Month which this up-
 Hashim Syed much credit is in research and
were made in order to save coming month, February. As a

development of technology to
Abdul-Haq Wajid lives. For instance, Garrett Mor- lot of you might know that there
primarily make life easy and save
 Zubair Zaheer gan invented the gas mask. Its will be a big celebration in the
lives from dying.
purpose is to protect the face following month consequently I
Inside this issue: Many inventions were and internal organs from harm- cordially invite you to a confer-
I Can Count. Can You? 2 created to make life easier. Ben- ful gases and sprays. The bomb ence held by the Rainbow Push
jamin Banneker gave us the squad and the military officials Coalition. The guest speakers
On the Subject of Colors 3 clock. George Washington often use the gas mask during include Richard M. Daley, Jesse
Carver contributed fuel alcohol. raids. Dr. Charles Drew found a Jackson, and many more charis-
Equally important, O.S. Wil- way to separate blood plasma. matic individuals.
College Profile 4
liams, a famous engineer, in- He later started the first blood
vented the radar beacon. This bank. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams
Teacher Feature 6 invention makes an aircraft easy performed the first open heart -Ismail Abdullateef
to track if it is shot down or lost surgery. These discoveries
Doctor, aye? 9 during a storm. In addition, paved the way for other African
Louis Latimer made improve- Americans who wanted to save
Jokes 11 ments on Edison‟s light bulb. It lives.
would not have been a light bulb
African Americans
without Latimer‟s accuracy.
Pizza? 12 have produced a great variety of

From the Editor‟s Desk

Is it just me or are the days at CPSA would be to use our this issue of the TRC which is
really going by fast. It‟s already time more wisely. Rather than full of interesting facts, knowl-
3rd Quarter and more than half staring at the monitor of our edgeable data, and unbiased
the academic year is in the computers we should read schol- information of what is happen-
books. It just seems that we arly magazines, pamphlets, and ing in the sphere of CPSA.
started school just a month ago newspapers like TRC to become
or something like that, but in more knowledgeable about the
reality time is going faster and world around us and how we -Rashad Sayeed
faster. The only way to avoid can in the future play an impor-
regretting our high school years tant role in it. Hope you enjoy

I Can Count, Can YOU?

Have you ever thought about one, you can decide for your- W+I+S+D+O+M=83
words deeply? If you have you self the significance of the
would have noticed something word. The following is how I
peculiar? Words in English spent that rainy day coming K+I+N+D+N+E+S+S=95
“It just seems have not originated from Eng- back home, just adding up P+L+E+A+S+U+R+E=97
lish people rather its roots are words. Here are some of
that we started M+O+N+E+Y= 72
generally from Latin and them:
school just a Greek. Did you ever get bored
A=1 B=2 C=3 H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K=98
enough and try to add the
month ago…” words up while on the road D=4 E=5 F=6 A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=100
when you‟re stuck in traffic, G=7 H=8 I=9
you might not have such a long
J=10 K=11 L=12 Try it for yourself all kinds of
drive back as I might. Conse- words but only ATTITUDE will
quently, you might have not M=13 N=14 O=15 score a full 100!
come to that resolution. As I
P=16 Q=17 R=18
sat in the van one day rather -Zeeshan Baqi
than adding up license plate S=19 T=20 U=21
letters I did general words and
V=22 W=23 X=24
added them as shown below,
it‟s a bit confusing but this is Y=25 Z=26
how it works you denote a
number to each letter and add
them up. Can you think of a H+O+N+O+R=70
word that would add up to 100 P+E+A+C+E=30
maybe knowledge or kindness,
at least on those lines, but I L+O+V+E=54
was very surprised as I found K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E
out that the only word that =96
PAGE 2 adds up to a 100 is ATITUDE
out of the gazillion words this

You‟re WRONG! It Really Does Matter

Students running in the halls. ones. To them, it is the fact that through a variety of methods.
Students talking too loudly we are the future Muslims and The simplest of course is the
during class. Students fighting. the ones who still have a capac- well-worn good and bad. Some
Students arguing. Students ity to do some good in our not- students are good, and some
cheating. This list could go on yet-developed lives. But to me, aren‟t; some people are good,
forever, but it shouldn‟t. In my this doesn‟t ring true. What and others aren‟t. It can be seen
eight years at CPSA, I have seems more logical is that CPSA as a hierarchy, with different
been hearing teachers saying, and its students, us, is a micro- people with different powers
“Be good little kids, you are our cosm of the world at large. and responsibilities, and those
hope for the future generation. who follow them. This also
What is CPSA? This question
Anything and everything you do rings true in the rest of the
provides the simplest answer to
will reflect on the Muslim com- world. But what can be seen as
this entire issue: CPSA is a
munity as a whole…” Only the most decisive reason is the
community, an ecosphere
recently have I realized the power to do good, the power
where adults, students, and
truth to be found in this trite to change not only yourself, but
children interact. Isn‟t that
expression. Every teacher uses the world around you. Look
what the world is? By studying
it to the point that we no longer around, and pay attention: we “Be good little kids,
our actions here, within con-
hear it being said, so we tune it can be a microcosm, or we can,
trolled variables and set factors,
out. It really would be better
we can examine the world as a
by our choice, become a role- you are our hope for
that we pay attention: this is the model community, an experi-
key to success. BUT, the
whole. What we are currently
ment for the greater good.
the future
doing reflects what the world
teacher‟s reasons do not seem
expects. This can be seen -Mahmoud Al-Qudsi generation. Anything
to be, at least for me, the right
and everything you
On the Subject of Colors... do will reflect on the
Red is appealing in food: tan- low pencils, toys, signs, oceans. And the oceans Muslim community
doori chicken, apples, and other things. A yellow aren‟t blue, water is color-
cherries, strawberry- flower may look pretty, less, what we see is a re-
as a whole…”
flavored ice-cream… but but yellow in nature flection of the blue sky.
when it comes to living equals danger, yellow Hmm!
creatures, red signifies bees, yellow snakes, and
Indigo, a slight variation on
death, blood, violence. yellow poison frogs. To
the blue-purple hue. Part
BTW, most red foods are think we eat several yel-
of the rainbow, and only
unhealthy, rare meat, low colored foods.
seen in birds. We have no
tandoori, and tomatoes
Green, a common color in indigo animals or foods.
were once considered
vegetables, isn‟t found in Surprise, surprise, blue
poisonous too!
any mammals. No green birds and rainbows are
Orange, the color of the sun, deer, monkeys, or even found in a black sky.
can be seen in nature: humans.
Violet, the weirdest color of
leaves turn orange, orange
Blue skies, blue lakes, both of the rainbow. Found al-
colored animals… but no
these stereotypical refer- most no where except in
one thinks orange food
ences to nature, but some flowers, it is a “rare”
(not junk food) is good. It
shockingly enough, they color. Purple signifies
looks rotten or uncooked. PAGE 3
aren‟t real. The sky is royalty…
Yellow is a common enough black, and we see it blue
color, we have many yel- as a reflection of the blue

College Profile: Boston Univer sity

In a continuing effort to inform metropolis full of history and 83% had SAT math scores over
CPSA students about college, culture. Here are some facts 600, while 22% had math scores
the TRC continues last issue‟s about BU: over 700.
College Profile series—this time
It has a student body of about 91% had ACT composite scores
with information on Boston
27,760 students with a student- of over 24 while 29% had scores
University, a premiere univer-
faculty ratio of 14:1. over 30.
sity that most of us, unfortu-
nately, do not know much It has 19 libraries and 380 active The 2003/2004 tuition costs
about. organizations. were $28, 512 with an esti-
mated room and board
Boston University is a major It is a member of the NCAA
(depending on the room type
teaching and research university (Division I).
and dining plan) cost of $9,288.
where an internationally recog- And some more numbers deal-
nized faculty teaches under- Approximately 51% of the en-
ing with acceptance and costs:
graduate classes. It awards tering class received grants,
bachelor‟s, master‟s, doctoral, The acceptance rate was about averaging more than $16,500 a
and first-professional degrees. 48%. year.
BU has 11 undergraduate The average high school GPA For more information, visit
schools and 250 programs of for accepted students was 3.5
study, including accelerated
“...we have many degree programs, such as the 75% had SAT verbal scores over
600, while 20% had verbal
activities and seven-year Liberal Arts/ Medi-
scores over 700.
-Azhar Kothawala
cal Education program. Its loca-
dinners lined up for tion invites students to explore a
the students…”
The State of the Union Address
As the New Year begins, this is The BSC also knows that the try to make them as fair as possi-
an opportunity to progress in machine sometimes malfunc- ble. In order to participate in
the BSC‟s activities. Although , tions and gives students a free this tournament, the students
the participation of the students can or for half price. From now are requested to sign-up and the
themselves has been pitiful. The on, the vending machine will cost will be $1. One of the
student council can do only so always be stocked with a variety BSC‟s main projects this year is
much with their own ideas, but of soft drinks. CPSA “gear.” These will include
if there is any contempt among t-shirts or sweatshirts made for
Currently the BSC is working to
the students, then disclose it. the CPSA students. We have
continue our after school halaqas
Once the student body is serious many designs on hand and once
and make it a habitual program.
and acknowledges the establish- the council finishes discussing it,
We are also in the middle of
ment of this organization, then the students will be able to pur-
planning a dinner with Rami
the BSC will truly be a success. chase them this year, inshallah.
Nashashibi, one of the founders
As the year continues we shall
Apart from that, the BSC real- of IMAN, as our guest speaker.
continue using our efforts to
izes the animosity towards the Because the increasing yearns for
make it a productive year.
vending machine. Many students a basketball tournament, BSC
are complaining of losing will arrange a game the day the -Abdul Haq Wajid
money. We know what the students return to school after
PAGE 4 problem is and are trying to find Eid break. The teams will be
out the best way to correct it. made by the BSC and we will

Dear Ghor i Sahab

Q: Dear Ghori Sahab: I am so my nana says “Paney Peena or A: Ghori Sahab: Beta doesn‟t
embarrassed for what I did today washroom kew jow”. If you find worry about the books because I
during prayer. Some gas sneaked yourself in this predicament again can tell you avery good method
out of my body and made a very try acting like it was not you. to get back your books. First look
distinctive odor in the mosque in the lost & found box in the
for some time. The thing was I -Sincerely, Ghori Sahab office most people don‟t know
had a can of pop, fries and na- about that box. If it‟s not in there
chos. I ate so much of it that I Q: Dear Ghori Sahab: My books ask your teacher to announce
was about to throw up, but then I are gone! This is finals week so I your missing books in class. But
felt better and relieved. can‟t believe I lost them. The day your best bet would be just to
I was feeling good while I made started like any other typical buy another book and forgive the
wudu and went down to the CPSA day. I was late coming to person because you‟re never
Masjid. When I got my stomach school so I was very nervous in going to get it back, just forgive
started acting up and for some my first period class. After first and forget!
reason Br. Nazim was reading period I went into the halls of
Surah Yasin(it felt so long) with CPSA and just got my pencil for -Sincerely Ghori Sahab
tajweed. After surviving this I my scantron test and left my
went into ruku. That is where book bag on the stairs. Finally the
the battle was lost and it finally test was over and I went to get -Zubair Zaheer
came out. So Ghori sahib how my books from my book bag.
should I deal with this Then I looked where I kept the “Is this page
embarrassing moment. book bag and it wasn‟t there. I
checked on the top of the stairs supposed to have
-Gasey Parata and the book bag wasn‟t there. Jokes written on it?”
During gym I went to look in the
A: Ghori Sahab: Beta, Beta do many lost & founds of CPSA. I
not worry about this even the looked in all of them twice but
best of us relieveour selves in could not find any of my books -Guy in charge of
public accidentally. This
embarrassing moment will be
or my bag. What should I do
Ghori Sahab.
forgotten in a day or two. If your
stomach is not feeling good do as -Book loser

Why is the third hand on the If man evolved from monkeys
watch called the second hand? and apes, why do we still have
Why is there a shower in the
monkeys and apes? (Looks like I
boys bathroom? (I think we al-
just proved Einstein‟s theory to
Why do you press harder on a ready know we smell bad.
be wrong)
remote control when you know That‟s why it smells like Axe on
the battery is dead? our side of the hallway now.)
Why does sour cream have an
expiration date?
-Lionel Khan

Teac her Feature: Iftikhar Hussain

A message to Mr. Iftikar from away so I decided to teach the pain from them.”
TRC: Mr. Iftikar, we just want other four of my classes. That
Q: “Did you ever think that
you to know that we have been night I consulted my physician.
the situation would become
praying for you since you left After dinner, the pain began
this serious?”
the school last month. We, the again. This time it was really
A: “No, I thought it was all
student body, hope you recover severe and I couldn‟t even sleep.
caused by gas and would just go
as soon as possible, and only I took some medicine but it
now have we realized what an didn‟t help at all. In the morn-
Q: “What was the first
important role you play in our ing around 6-7 a.m., I went to
thought that came to your
lives. We hope the best of all to the hospital. It was hard to get a
mind when the doctor's
you and hope you will return surgeon because of the holidays.
said it was a heart attack?”
back as the same old Mr. Iftikhar I went to Hinsdale hospital,
A: “I didn‟t believe him because
that we have known for years. because Dr. Muhammad Ali
I didn‟t have any pain in the left
We sincerely thank you for all requested me to. They took
side. All the pain I was feeling
that you have done for us. And my EKG and told me right away
was in the right side, so I didn‟t
we are happy to have you back. that I had had a heart attack.
suspect the heart as the source
They also checked my gallblad-
of pain.”
der, but that was fine. I re-
Q: “For the past few week’s, Q: “Do you have anything
mained in the cardiac unit from
you have been absent from . to say in general to CPSA
“Look at my life, What is the reason behind
Friday till Sunday. They could
students as you rest at
not do the procedure because of
people think I‟m this?”
the holidays. On Monday they
A: “Actually what happened was A: “Betaa, the question over
crazy. I try to fulfill that a few weeks before Rama-
did angiogram on one artery.
here is that life must go on.
They delayed the other two
everyone's needs. dan, I was getting a pain in the
arteries until after Christmas.”
CPSA students must work hard
right side of my chest. I thought if they want to achieve some-
I‟m just a human it was gastric because it would
Q: “Do you know what
thing in life. Keep yourself fo-
caused the heart attack?”
being; I‟m here today come and go. As it became
A: “Personally if you ask me, I
cused. You owe a lot to your
more frequent, I started to take old generation. Work hard like
and gone tomorrow.” prescription medicine. Then
say it‟s because of my uncon-
they did, and I guarantee you
trolled blood pressure. Over
the pain would become very will succeed.”
time, I also developed choles-
severe, and I would take larger Q: “What is your response
terol and diabetes. So an ele-
dose of the medicines. A few to the board barring you
vated heart rate, uncontrolled
days later it disappeared. Dur- from teaching until Eid?”
blood pressure, cholesterol, and
ing Ramadan, I was very A: “I definitely did not like. I
diabetes, topped off with stress
healthy. However, two weeks just wanted to get back to work.
is what I blame for the heart
after Eid I had pain in the right I didn‟t realize how bad my con-
side of my chest. On Wed. dition was. What the board said
Q: “I heard that you experi-
night the pain began right after was not so unfounded. I was
enced the heart attack
dinner. It would not go away more worried about giving a
while teaching your first
and severe pain persisted final review before final exams,
period class. Is this true?”
through out the night. I thought which I ultimately wasn‟t able to
that maybe it was my gallblad- A: “I experience very severe do.”
der because a few years before pains during a first period class, Continued on Page 9
some stones were found. On but it wasn‟t a heart attack. The
Thursday morning, I missed the class didn‟t know what I was
first period class. The pain went going through because I hid my

Respiration Summation
What is respiration? Doesn‟t it gen is present, whereas anaero- combined is: 4 ATP molecules,
have a little something to do bic respiration takes place in the 10 NADH, and 2 FADH. Each
with our breathing? If it does, absence of free oxygen. Aero- NAD and FAD goes on to the
then what does cellular respira- bic respiration results in a mass electron transport chain, which
tion means? Do cells need to amount of ATP (adenosine then produces more ATP mole-
breathe just as we do? If you triphosphate) production cules through oxidative phos-
attended any one of the 9th through substrate-level phos- phorylation. Each NAD gives
grade boys‟ presentations, these phorylation and oxidative phos- rise to three ATP molecules
questions and many others phorylation. These processes and each FAD gives rise to two
would have been answered in a produce high amounts of en- ATP molecules. This gives you
most stupendous manner. Hav- ergy that the cell can a total of 38 (4+(10*3)+(2*2
ing gone further into cellular use. Aerobic respiration can be (=38) ATP molecules as the
respiration than even the AP divided into three parts, be- output of aerobic respiration.
Biology course allows, these cause they take place in three Anaerobic respiration enables
ninth graders were able to an- different parts of the cell. Gly- some cells to produce ATP in
swer every question bombarded colysis, the Krebs Cycle, and the absence of oxygen. Up
at them. As we all know, Mr. the ETC make up respira- until glycolysis, the processes
Qureshi was also once a biology tion. Glycolysis takes place in are the same. After this, how-
teacher, and was elated by the the cytosol of the cell, which is ever, the pathways dif-
idea of a class science pro- the liquid that fills the cell from fer. Whenever we exercise, “The most
ject. The class even presented its nucleus to its cell mem- the amount of oxygen in our
to both AP biology classes (boys brane. Glycolysis takes a glu- bodies is reduced. The muscles prominent of these
and girls), and they too were cose molecule and ultimately in our body begin to produce “bombarders”
ineffably flabbergasted. With forms a pyruvate mole- lactate. We feel lactate being
the help and guidance of the cule. Each glucose molecule produced when we feel carmps included Dr. Parvez,
biology teacher, Mrs. Kausar gives rise to two pyruvate in our muscles. In anaerobic
Sultana, the boys prepared molecules. The pyruvate mole- respiration, the pyruvate, after
Dr. Nafe, and Mr.
models of every molecule at cule then infiltrates the mito- it is formed in glycolysis, does Qureshi…”
each stage of respiration, in- chondrial membrane with the not go to Krebs Cycle, but
cluding glycolysis, the TCA help of a coenzyme-A, forming rather goes on to become lac-
cycle, and the Electron Trans- Acetyl Co-A. Once the Acetyl tate. That is why this process is
port Chain. In fact, they even Co-A enters the mitochondria, called lactate fermenta-
made models of each and every where the Citric Acid Cycle tion. This lactate is then taken
enzyme that catalyzed each takes place, it attaches itself to to the liver, where it is con-
reaction. These modeled mole- oxaloacetate, which is a 4- verted back into pyruvate once
cules were made from tooth- carbon compound. These four free oxygen is available.
picks and cotton balls of differ- carbons added to the two car-
ent colors. bons of Acetyl Co-A form a six-
Respiration is the process carbon compound, cit- -Omar Sheik
through which cells garner rate. Citrate then undergoes a
chemical energy. There are series of changes that eventually
two main kinds of respiration: bring it back to oxaloacetate,
aerobic respiration and anaero- which then regenerates the
bic respiration. Aerobic respi- cycle. The total output of gly-
ration is carried out when oxy- colysis and the Krebs Cycle PAGE 7

The CPSA v. IFS Monologues

I understand that all of my fans opening tip-off. In the early speed on defense to score gener-
at CPSA want me to talk about moments of the game, we took ously on fast break opportuni-
how I single-handedly shut a quick 10-point lead after a ties. After speaking with several
down IFS‟s best player, and how series of shots made by Furqan IFS team players they seemed
I used my lightning-quick, ankle Baqi, Danish Haque, and Rashad rather frustrated in their loss but
-snapping crossover to intimi- Sayeed. Although we held on to especially the player that
date and „chaosify‟ their defense the lead for the rest of the game, guarded me because not only
in order to dish the ball out to a IFS did make several close at- did he lose but also he had walk
wide open shooter for some tempts to comeback, but they away limping from ankle sore-
easier points. But for now I will were all quieted by dramatic ness. All in all it was a game that
not discuss that but I will write offensive and defensive plays everyone would cherish to par-
about how our team won an created by an all out team effort ticipate in.
exhilarating game that was all by CPSA. We took advantage of
-Ismail Abdullateef
fun and entertainment from the IFS‟s many turnovers and lack of


ISMAIL A. * 6 3 3 0 4
FURQAN B. * 16 4 0 0 3
ZEESHAN B. 7 2 1 0 2
“I used my lightning- ALEEM D. * 6 2 1 0 2
quick, ankle-snapping DANISH H. 6 3 2 1 2
crossover to intimidate ZUBAIR I. 6 1 1 0 5
IBRAHIM K. * 12 11 0 2 2
and „chaosify‟ their FARAZ M. 8 5 3 1 6
defense in order to RASHAD S. * 14 11 0 2 3
OMAR S. 4 0 0 0 2
dish the ball out to a ABDURRAHMAN 8 6 2 3 3
wide open shooter.” TOTALS 93 138 13 9 32

*= Starters
All stats are not completely accurate but rather approximates.

After game 1, our couch, Br. Lahcene, set up an additional match for the incoming week to chal-
lenge our team against the formidable IFS 11th grade team. They were huge; we did not know
how to get around them. Those 11th graders did not feel any different from us as the game started.
We started out a bit slow but then just like the old saying, “ if you want to burn them, annihilate
them all the way.” Soon, as a team, we were on fire. The stats show for themselves how bad we
beat them, would anyone imagine the 10th graders beating the 11th graders of IFS? Not only did we
beat them but killed them 93-54. Our star players were just doing terrific and without Br.
Lahcene immense style of coaching at least I could not have imagined a victory. The funny thing
about when the Head-of-Activities of the student council tried to call them to schedule another
PAGE 8 game this time versus their 12th grade they fanatically replied “ sorry we only have one boy in that
class and he illegally played in the previous game.”
-Rashad Sayeed

To Be a Doctor or Not to Be
Before starting the process of lectual curiosity about medicine practice your profession and
becoming a physician (or any in particular, and a strong desire teach it. Alternately, you can do
profession) you must do some to help others. research in whatever specialty
honest soul searching. First of all you choose, with the potential to
Being smart and doing well in the
you must be aware of the time make a real breakthrough in pre-
sciences are obviously important
commitment involved in becom- venting or treating illness. In
components of being a successful
ing a physician. Medicine is a addition, medicine is a career
physician. However, do not fall
career that requires many years that is honorable and is held in
into a medical career because you
of preparation. Generally most high esteem, allows you the abil-
have done well in the sciences.
people graduate college at age 22 ity to live just about anywhere,
Although this is a necessary re-
and medical school at 26. Then and provides job security
quirement, you must also be able
after 3 years of internship and (unfortunately, illness is some-
to relate well with people.
residency, many physicians begin thing that will be around for the
their career at age 29. However, As a physician you have an op- foreseeable future).
the training for some specialties portunity to help others. Want-
However, all of this comes at a
can last until the physician's early ing to help others and enjoying
price. The many years of prepa-
to mid 30's. Obviously this can helping others are necessary at-
ration, the discipline, the awe-
delay plans for marriage and tributes of a good physician. This
some responsibility, the worry
starting a family. Some people is something that cannot be
about malpractice and the long
begin their medical education taught. However, there are many
hours can take their toll. Medi-
after pursuing other careers, other professions that can help
cine is a unique field and it de-
“Of course I want to
which can further delay the com- others. Politicians, religious lead-
pletion of their medical training. ers and social workers all have
mands a unique person. be a doctor so that I
You must decide early on if you the opportunity to help others,
perhaps in larger numbers.
One word about money. Please
don't let this be a driving factor
can help people,
are willing to dedicate the time it
takes to become a physician. As
Medicine is a career filled with
in your decision, for the sake of why else would I
you can see, this is not a decision your patients and yourself, be-
to be made lightly.
choices. In what other career can
cause it will not sustain you. want to be one?”
you choose between taking care
There are other careers in which
More importantly, you must of children, handling emergen-
you can make more money with-
decide if medicine is a field that is cies, removing someone's cancer,
out the responsibility and the
right for the kind of person you or talking to someone who needs
effort it takes to be a physician.
are. I believe that there are three psychiatric help? Better yet, you
cornerstones of a successful ca- can teach others any of these
reer in medicine: A love for specialties, and while teaching
-Uzair Hussaini
learning in general, a true intel- have the opportunity to both

Teac her Feature Cont‟d

Q: “Do you have any other calculus class, I am very sad- Inshallah we will begin to appre-
comments?” dened about your health. Now ciate the staff of CPSA more,
that it is better though, I hope and believe in what they have to
A: “I always say one thing. The
you take care of yourself and offer for us, take advantage of it,
ray comes into your life once,
prioritize your health needs and make the best of it we can.
and will never come again.
before our learning needs.
Keep your self focused and -Ammar Haq
tackle your tasks with zeal. May PAGE 9
Allah guide us.” Thank you for your time! Assa-
As a former student in your Pre- lamualaikum

The New Year

The New Year has arrived so to piece together your identity A black lawmaker from Chi-
stop hogging the left lane on and fleece you," said Russ Ha- cago, state Rep. Lovana Jones,
Illinois interstates. Do not try to ven of the New York Public said she knew firsthand the
sell a used mattress as new in Interest Research Group. Such need. Jones said she was de-
Tennessee. And be extra careful fraud costs some $2 billion a tained without explanation by a
not to call in a false fire alarm in year nationwide. Connecticut police officer for 45 minutes.
Delaware. Jan. 1 means new offers new protection to crime "It's a horrible feeling. All the
laws will take effect in many victims, allowing them to use a time the lady was talking to me,
states: some are new additions substitute mailing address if they she had her hand on her gun,"
to the criminal code, while oth- want to keep their home address the legislator said.
ers are more about "do" than a secret from stalkers or assail- In the past four years, 25 states
"do not." Poor senior citizens in ants. Responding to a flood of have enacted laws on racial pro-
Pennsylvania now have ex- sex abuse accusations against filing, and most have required
panded drug benefits, for exam- priests nationwide, Illinois ex- police to document the race of
ple. Other states are adding tended the statute of limitations the drivers they stop, according
protections against identity in such cases so prosecutors have to the National Conference of
theft, putting new car insurance 20 years after the victim turns State Legislatures. In Delaware,
rules in place, addressing the 18 to bring charges. Victims a new law cracks down on false
Roman Catholic sex scandal, have up to 10 years to bring a fire alarms: Anyone testing or
“In the past four years, and raising taxes. Identity theft civil suit. Since the scandal demonstrating an alarm system
25 states have enacted drew close attention in many broke two years ago, a few must first notify the local fire
states in 2003. Now New Mex- other states have toughened department. Repeat offenders
laws on racial ico, New York and Delaware their laws on reporting child sex can be fined up to $500. Truly
profiling, and most require that store receipts con- abuse and extended statutes of America is changing for the bet-
have required police to tain only a few digits from the limitations. Illinois legislators, ter or for the worse you make
customer's credit card number. worried about racial profiling, the decision.
document the race of "This will eliminate part of the now make state troopers record
-Abu Bakr Galaria
the drivers they puzzle that identity thieves use the motorist's race at each stop.

CANNIBAL: Someone who is never tell a lie if the truth TOMORROW: One of the
fed up with people. will do more damage. greatest labor saving
devices of today.
CHICKENS: The only creatures INFLATION: Cutting money in
you eat before they are half without damaging the pa- YAWN: An honest Opinion
born and after they are dead. per. openly expressed.
COMMITTEE: A body that RAISIN: Grape with a sunburn.
keeps minutes and wastes (feel free to use this one)
hours. I promise I won‟t submit jokes
SECRET: Something you tell to next time.
GOSSIPER: A person who will one person at a time.

Inventions for the mindless: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEG- through a slot in the door. Sift-
GER VIRUS: Terminates your ing through the remains, Kyle
a) Inflatable dart board.
session and then disappears. It'll determined it was all unimpor-
b) Glow-in-the-dark sunglasses. be back. tant except for one letter. He
c) A book on how to read. felt rather foolish when he had
to call the state licensing bureau
d) Solar-powered flashlight. MIST VIRUS: Nothing works,
the next day. "You're not going
but all your diagnostic software
to believe this," Kyle told
says everything is fine.
them, "but my dog ate my
ATTENTION: the following FEDERAL BUREAUCRAT teaching license."
viruses have spread through file VIRUS: Divides your hard disk
-sharing networks. The Rising WHILE WORKING in a hospi-
into hundreds of little units,
Crescent staff suggests you go tal's medical-transcription de-
each of which does practically
over the following list closely partment, I had occasion to
nothing, but all of which claim
noting the behavior of each hear a tape dictated by a cardi-
to be the most important part
virus. Express caution when ologist. He began: "A 76-year-
of your computer.
dealing with these viruses. old female came in with com-
CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS: plaints of fatigue, irritability
AT&T VIRUS: Every three The computer locks up, screen and" At this point there was a
minutes it tells you what great splits erratically with a message long pause, followed by:
service you are getting. appearing on each half blaming "Nurse, what's the name of that
MCI VIRUS: Every three min- the other side for the problem. disease where you can't think of
utes it reminds you that you are PBS VIRUS: Your programs the right word?"
paying too much for the AT&T stop every few minutes asking
Virus. for more money.
PAUL REVERE VIRUS: This NIKE VIRUS: Just does it. the Division of Motor Vehicles
revolutionary virus does not to register his new BMW 330i
horse around. It warns you of and certify his vanity plates:
impending hard disk attack --- FIRST NATIONAL BANK of IMIN2DP (a logical choice for
once if by LAN, twice if by C:. Washington, Ill., tried to en- someone who's into data proc-
POLITICALLY CORRECT courage business through bill- essing). But when the registrant
VIRUS: Never calls itself a board advertising, but conveyed stopped to pay his fees, the
"virus," but instead refers to quite a different message when clerk noted the license request
itself as an "electronic microor- the following ad was displayed: and vehicle type. "If I'd just
ganism." "Loans make life easier, at bought a BMW," the clerk
FIRST." cracked, "I'd be in too deep
Won't allow you to delete a
file, regardless of how old it is. MY BROTHER Kyle, a school-
If you attempt to erase a file, it teacher, bought a new puppy. -Faizan Akram
requires you to first see a con- He came home one day to find
sultant about possible alterna- that the dog had chewed up the
tives. mail, which was delivered

The Rising Crescent

The saying goes, “look before  Pepperoni is the favorite shrimp; and Costa Ricans
you leap”; this applies to check- topping in the U.S. with favor coconut flavored
ing both sides of the street be- anchovies being the least pizza.
fore crossing, and to the investi- popular. Eel and squid
gation of whatever food you  There are more than
(Yuk!) are the favorites in
may be eating. Being Ameri- 60,000 pizzerias in the
Japan. Russians prefer a
can‟s number one choice of U.S. These account for
combination of sardines,
17% of all restaurants.
food, it is surprising that very tuna, mackerel, salmon,
few people now what it is, or and onions.  Pizza makers have tried all
how it came about: Pizza! types of toppings: from
 Tandoori chicken and
 “Pizza” means “pie“ in ants to mashed potatoes.
chicken tikka are naturally
Italian the toppings in India and Now you know the facts. Dive
Pakistan, coupled with In!
 It was originally spelt
curry. In Australia, the -Nabil Saeed
“pitsa” from the Arabic
norm is pineapples and

 The average American

eats 46 slices of this dish a
year. Americans eat ap-
proximately 100 acres of
pizza in ONE day, which
is about 350 slices in one

 Ninety-four percent of
the population eats pizza
in the U.S.

 The modern pizza was

invented by Italian chef
Raffaele Esposito in 1889.
He was asked to prepare a
unique dish in honor of
Queen Marguerites. He
wanted to make the meal
to represent the Italian
flag, so he used tomatoes
(red), basil (green), and
mozzarella cheese

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