DBT Alphabet

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DBT Alphabet of Resolutions (originally created by Dr.

Judi Sprei) AAcceptance: This year I will work on accepting my emotions as they are without making them bigger or smaller. BBreathe: Ahhhh I will remember to breathe! CContribute: I will be mindful of my contributions and also be a cheerleader for myself and others. I will Cope Ahead to avoid drama and distress in my life. DDistress Tolerance: I will use my distress tolerance skills to avoid making things worse. And lets not forget that D also stands for Dialectical! EEffectiveness: When in challenging situations, I will ask myself, How can I handle this effectively? FFeelings: I will accept that my feelings are not things to avoid like the plague! Feelings are just feelings. GGoals: I will continue focusing on both my long term goals and my short term goals. HHope: I will be hopeful about my present and my future. IInterpersonal Effectiveness: I will use my interpersonal effectiveness skills to improve my relationships and to have less chaos in my life. JJust Do It: I will use the Just Do It skill rather than have a daily battle over things that I need to do to have the life I want to live. KKindness: I will treat myself and others with loving kindness. LLove: I will love myself and cherish those I love. MMindfulness: I will practice mindfulness meditation on a regular basis. I can feel Masterful about being mindful. NNon-judgmental: I will foster a non-judgmental attitude. OOpposite Action, One Mindful, Observe: Lots of O words to keep in mind. PParticipate: I will participate in my own life in a nonjudgmental, one minded and effective way. I will use Pros and Cons to help me make and enact decisions about my target behaviors.

QQuiet: I will quiet my self-judgments, my obsessive thinking and my negativity. I will aim to spend some quiet time with myself each day. RRadical Acceptance: I will accept what is totally and from deep within myself. SSelf-respect: I will keep in mind self-respect when working on interpersonal effectiveness. I will Self-soothe even before things get rough. TTeflon Mind: I will use Teflon Mind to let worries and anxieties slide right out of my brain! I will Turn My Mind back toward acceptance over and over again. UUnderstand: I will be understanding of myself and others. VVelcro Mind: I will use Velcro Mind to hold onto the positives in my life. I will reduce my Vulnerability as much as possible and be mindful when I am in a vulnerable state of mind. I will remember my Values. WWise Mind: I will touch base with wise mind often and use its wisdom as a guide. Willingness is another W word. XI will accept that no one is perfect and that even my therapist cant come up with a DBT word starting with X! YYou: I will treat you with respect and remember that not everything you do is about me. ZZen: I will practice mindfulness, stillness and acceptance.

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