Objective:-: Block Diagram:-Transmitter

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Objective:1) Decoding of a Pulse Code Modulation signal by TIMS. 2) Modify the DC signal to have 16 levels (4 bits).

Block Diagram:Transmitter:

Continuous voice signal

1) Sampler (Will be done by the A/D of the processor.)

2) Quantizer (Will be done by the A/D of processor)

3) Low pass filter (programmed )

4) Encoder (Written program)

Signal Transmitted

Decoder (Written program)

Transmitted Signal

Original Transmitted voice signal

Theory:M= 2K ----------- (1). Where :M; levels K; bits To get 4 bit we should consider

Fig 1

The work:
Our work is divided to three parts: 1-encoding 2-decoding 3- Decoding AC signal

Here FS signal with CLK signal in following figure:

So the PCM data with FS signal:-


v ,D in C

B ayb s in r it

p ic

V =.8 in - 6 2

00 00

V =.4 in - 2 2

00 01

V =.5 in - 9 1

01 00

V =.7 in - 6 1

01 01

V =.3 in - 3 1

00 10

V =.1 in - 0 1

00 11

V =. in - 7 0

01 10

V =.7 in - 3 0

01 11

V =.0 in 0 1

10 00

1 0

V =.2 in 0 4

10 01

1 1

V =.5 in 0 8

11 00

1 2

V =.8 in 0 6

11 01

1 3

V =.1 in 1 8

10 10

1 4

V =.5 in 1 1

10 11

1 5

V =.9 in 1 2

11 10

1 6

V =.3 in 2 3

10 00

We will vary DC to 16 levels in every level we will calculate the value of the input and the outputs see next figures:

















From the results above we will show our result as table see table 1 NO. Of figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 INPUT -2.70mv -2.28mv -1.89 -1.54mv -1.30mv -0.99mv -0.65mv -0.17mv -0.191mv 0.29mv 0.264mv 0.94mv 1.21mv 1.47mv 2.04mv 2.50mv Table 1 OUTPUT -2.535mv -2.181 -1.877 -1.61mv -1.30mv -0.99mv -0.68mv -0.37mv -0.81mv 0.20mv 0.5mv 0.81mv 1.31mv 1.44mv 1.75mv 2.06mv

3-Decoding AC signal: In AC signal we cant calculate the value of the output direct as DC signal because we need to sample our signal and here the frequency of our signal fm=100KHz thats means should be our sampling frequency at least equal 2*fm. Fs=200KHz. We should sample our signal at every 5s and we cant show our signal in TIMS see next figure


Conclusion: 1- We can obtain the output directly if the signal DC 2- If the signal AC its too hard to find it directly but by using approximation 3- We have to parts to extract our signal I-encoding II-decoding 4- We divide the DC voltage (2.68) to 16 levels and every level can represent new bits and the value of delta 4-bit binary is 0.3 V. And at 7-bit binary the value of delta is 0.1

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