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Introduction V: English/Chinese translation This document represents my bilingual advantage and career interests as a technical communicator with an international

background. Its a translated document from English to Chinese. The original document Keep Track of Your Expenses is extracted from the revised PPCM documentation, which is also included in my portfolio. I think translating skills should be considered as one of the most crucial qualifications while participating in global communications.

Translated Document


1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2.

Original Document

Keep Track of Your Expenses - Expenditure Form

Use the Expenditure Form, to record information about your expenses in the campaign for the PA DSEB 502 report.

Add Expenditure Information

1. Click the Expenditure Form button on the left side of the main menu. 2. On the left side of the form, enter the required information about the person you paid in the To Whom Paid, Mailing Address, City, State, and Zip Code fields. 3. Enter the expense information in the Expenditure Date, Amount, and Description of Expenditure fields. 4. If you would like to track check numbers (or other information) and indicate which account the money came from, add accounts to the Account dropdown in the middle of the form. You can just type in a new account and confirm it when the message box pops up.
Note: Items Account, Ref/No., and Reconciled/Cleared are not required by PA DSEB 502.

Add a New Expense

1. At the bottom of the Expenditure Form, click the New Expense Record button to add a new expense to the form. 2. If you would like to add a new expense for the same person, click New Expense for Same Vendor after you put in the first record, and you will get a new record with all of the old information, except for the Expenditure Date, Amount, and Description of Expenditure.

Go to Next or Previous Record

At the bottom right of Expenditure Form, click Previous Record if you want to view the previous record of a contributor; click Next Record if you want to view the next record.

Sort Forms by Vendor, Date, or Amount

To sort the Expenditure form in both directions (ascending and descending), click one of three buttons on the right of the form- Sort By Vendor, Sort By Date, and Sort By Amount.

Confirm Expense Data

On the right of the form, click MapQuest, Switchboard, or Zip Codes Buttons to open up websites where you can look things up if need be. These might come in handy.
Warning: The Delete Expense Record button will delete a record. Be careful! You cannot delete an expense that has been "Locked for Audit" as indicated by the "Locked" checkbox.

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