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R RobertK.

Crawford KC



O Overtenyearsofexperiencein t y oe i p project/productmanagement,product m p m marketing,consulting, agile/traditional c s softwaredevelopment,andclient d a c r relationshipmanagement&ownership. m o

M r MostrecentexperienceasProductDirectorat e a P D a S SoftwareasaService(SaaS)developer ( d f g forglobal telecommunicationscompanies c s suchasQwest,BritishTelecom,Telmex, a ,B T T T TELUS,andSwisscom. a . P Projectmanagementexperienceworking m e w w l withlargecorporationssuchasIBM, c s a I M Microsoft,and AmericanExpress. a A . C CertifiedScrumMaster(CSM)andCertified S ( a C S ScrumProductOwner(CSPO)withsubstantial P O ( w s e experience leadingoffshoreandonshore l o a o d developmentteams. t



U Uniquecombinationofmultifaceted c om c communicationskills,stronganalytical s s a a abilities,andtechnical visionbasedonhands a t b o o e onexperience. C CertifiedScrumProductOwner(2008 S P O ( P Present) C CertifiedScrumMaster(2007Present) S ( P P PrincetonUniversity:BachelorofArtsinPolitics, U B oA i P P Princeton,NewJersey(1997). N J (

W Washington&LeeUniversity:CreditforProjectManagement L U C f P M F FundamentalsPMPcoursethroughIBM (2002). P c t I ( S SMBLive/MuralConsulting,Reston,VA M C R V D Director,ProductManagement P M M March2007April15,2009 2 A 1 2 O Overallresponsibilities r

d development. 0 Manageddaytodayactivitiesfor M d a f p partnerrelationships,onlinemarketing, r o m s sales,andsupport a s o operationsintheUK,US,Canada,Mexico, i t U U C M S Switzerland,India,Pakistan,andVietnam. I P a V P ProductDirector,TelmexMiNegocioEn D T MN E L Linea 0 WhitelabelSpanishlanguagedo W S i ityourselfinboundmarketing i m a applicationforsmall businessesto f s t c constructindividualsearchengine i s e o optimized(SEO)websiteswithsocial ( w w s m media (blogs,videos,photos,products, v p p e etc.).BuiltonASP.NETandusesMicrosoft B o A a u M S SharePointasa ContentManagement a M S System. 0 ResponsibleforleadingtheSpanish R f l t S l localizationandintegrationwithTelmex a i w T b billingsupport s systems(OSS/BSS), c coordinatingsalestargets,andtraining s t a t T Telmexsupportstaff. s s

0 Definedandcommunicatedproductroadmapofmultiple D a c p r om o onlineproductswithexecutiveteam p w e t andbusiness p partners. 0 Coordinatedmarketresearchandcustomerfocus C m r a c f g groupstoguideoverallstrategydecision making. t g o s d A d Alsodevelopedonlineuserexperienceguidelinesand o u e g a m managedcreativeteamin executionofproductlook c t i op l a f andfeel. 0 Ledengagement/proposalprocessfornewservices L e p p f n s c contracts. 0 Directedmultipleteamsof412developers D m t o d o onshoreandoffshore(India,Pakistan,and a o ( P a V Vietnam)forproductlaunchandongoingfeature f p l a o f

R RobertK.Crawford KC

P ProductDirector,BT(BritishTelecom)Workspace/SwisscomTeamnet/TELUS D B ( T W S T T e ePoint 0 Whitelabel,easytousesmallbusinesscollaborationtoolsforsharing W e s b c t f s d documentsandworking smarter.BuiltonASP.NETandMicrosoftSharePoint. a w B o A a M S 0 Integrationwithseveral3rdp I w s partywebservices,suchasZoho,Pageflakes,and w s s a Z P a V VoiceOverIP (VOIP)andSMS. a S 0 Over16,000sitesprovisioned.Increasedconversionrateover100%duringmy O 1 s .I c r o 1 d m t tenureas a manager.ManagedquarterlyGoogleAdWordscampaignwith M q G A c b budgetof$35,000. o$ P ProjectManger,BTTradespace M B T

0 ProjectmanagerforlaunchofBritishTelecomsocialcommerceplatformthat P m f l oB T s c p t e enablessmall andmediumbusinessestobuildacontentrich,ecommerce s m b t b c r e enabled,searchengineoptimized website.BuiltonMicrosoftSharePoint,ASP.NET, s e o B o M S A a D N N andDotNetNuke(DNN). ( P ProjectManager,BTExchanges M B E 0 BTExchangesistheWeb2.0yellowpagesforBritishTelecom.Itallowsforpublic B E i t W 2 y p f B T Ia f p r reviewsand contactbusinessesviawebcall. a b v w c 0 Responsibleforbuildingawordofmouthmarketingwebsiteconsistingof R f b m w c o s surveys,polls, p f friendnetworks,andcontestswiththepurposeofpromotingBTExchanges a c w t p op B E a among200,000 influencers. 2 S SeniorProjectManager P M A April2006February2007 2 F 2

0 ManagedthirtyBusinessDevelopmenttrainingprogramswithMicrosoft M t B D t p w M a g andglobal telecommunicationscompanies. c 0 Managedtwodirectreportswithanaverageof1015activesoftwaredevelopment M t d r w a a o1 a s d p projects. I IBMCorporation,GlobalServicesDivision,Boca C G S ,B R Raton,FL F D DeliveryProjectManager,e Business P M H HostingServices S J January2004April2006 2 A 2 R Responsibleformanaginginformationtechnologyimplementationsforsmall, f m i t i f s m medium,and a e enterprisecustomerssuchasBlockbusterandAmericanExpress. c s a B a A E L t Ledteamof12projectmanagersandtechnicianstoperformhardware,operating o1 p m a t t p h o s system,and a a applicationupgradesforAmericanExpressintheU.S.andAsiaPacificregions. u f A E i t U a A P r R Responsibleforgatheringcustomerrequirements,coordinatingthecustomers f g c r c t c

t technical t teams,andmaintainingaproductiverelationshipwiththecustomer. a m p r w t c W WindowsServer S A Architect 1 19972003 D Designed,proposedandimplementedMicrosoftsolutionsforFortune500 p a i M s f F 5 c companies. R Responsibleforworkingwith12teamstoimplementprojects,costsaving f w w 1 t t i p c i initiatives,and a b businessprocessreengineeringefforts. p r e


S Salesforce O G A A Ominture/GoogleAnalytics&AdWords M MicrosoftHostedMessaging H M

G A k oW C GeneralAPIknowledgeofWebCloud S Services(OpenID,AmazonS3,etc.) ( A S e DotNetNuke(DNN) D N N ( W WindowsServerinfrastructure S i (Active ( D Directory,IIS,SQL) I S G S GoogleSEO M O P V Visio MicrosoftOffice,Project,&V

C Collaboration(HMC),including ( i S SharePoint S Socialmediatools(blogs,forums, m t ( f T Twitter,emailcampaigntools) e c t

P Pg.2 of 2

W Washington,DC20009 D 2 a awf

T Twitter: h

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