Security Issues

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prepare a Power Point presentation that addresses the important security issues.

Presentation will have 10-15 slides and will be graded for completeness, professionalism, and attractiveness. make a presentation on viruses, worms, spyware, etc., explain what the differences are, give examples of a virus, worm, etc. that happened before, and how we can protect from them

If you've spent a decent amount of time online, you've probably heard many different terms being bandied about concerning PC infections. Things like Computer Viruses, Worms, Malware, Spyware and Trojans may sound interchangeable, but they're actually not. Each infection has its own unique set of characteristics. While Adware, Spyware, Trojans, Worms and Viruses are all types of Malware, each term refers to something completely unique.

Malware The term Malware is derived from two different words - "malicious" and "software." That fact alone tells you that its an umbrella term under which many different types of malicious PC programs fall. Indeed, Malware is a general term for any kind of program that is designed to harm your computer. Adware, Spyware, Trojans, Viruses and tracking cookies are all types of Malware.

What can Viruses Malware, Worms, Trojans and Spyware do:

Viruses, Trojans, and Spyware can steal your personal information, data and identification Viruses, Trojans, and Spyware can pass your personal and financial information on to one or thousands of people Viruses, Trojans, Spyware and Malware can cause data loss, data corruption, and data theft Viruses and Trojans can access and take control of your computer for illegal activities Viruses, Trojans, Worms, and Malware can track and send your surfing and computer habits to a third person or party Viruses, Trojans can allow the use of your computer for illegal computer and networking activities Viruses, Trojans, Spyware and Worms can steal your personal or business financial information Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, Worms, and Malware can cause lock-ups, hang-ups and poor performance Viruses and Trojans can do damage to your file system, boot records, and drive partitions Viruses, Trojans, Worms and Malware can cause networking issues, bring a network or server to a grinding halt Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, Worms, and Malware can cost you, your business, the company you work for hundreds to millions of dollars Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, Worms, and Malware can cause system, workstations and server down times Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, Worms, and Malware they can cause loss of productivity

Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, Worms, and Malware programs can hide dormant until triggered by any combination of events, or for a designated time, it may disguise itself as another program or process, while doing possible damage to your data, or stealing your information, such as financial, company, or personal data. Where do Viruses, Trojans, Malware, Spyware and Worms come from, how do you become infected? There are many ways for your computer to become infected with a computer Virus, Trojan or any other type of Spyware or Malware.

Viruses, Trojans, Spyware and Malware can come from:

Opening an email or email attachment from someone you know that has already been infected Opening an email or email attachment from someone you Do NOT know or recognize with a virus A web site, online forum, blog, or any other place on the Internet can try to download a virus, Trojan, Spyware, Worm, or Malware You might catch a Virus, Trojan, Malware, Spyware or Worm from a P2P program, instant messaging, chat rooms You might catch a Virus, Trojan, Malware, Spyware or Worm from a infected program or warez You might catch a Virus, Trojan, Malware, Spyware or Worm from newsgroups or bit torrent programs You might catch a Virus, Trojan, Malware, Spyware or Worm from the Internet due to lack of proper computer protection There are many ways your computer may become infected with some type of Virus, Trojan or Malware.

The Myth: Virus Product A will catch all viruses, and Virus Product B doesn't!

The very easy answer is this, there are some Virus protection suites out there that are better than others, BUT no one Virus protection suite, catches or stops all Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Spyware or Malware.

Unfortunately, malicious software viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, malware of all kinds are all too prevalent in today's computer technology environment. No matter how careful you try to be, you can pick up one of these miniature programs that can cause your computer to begin acting erratically and even damage your operating system. If you suspect your computer has become infected, waiting to call for help could very well just make the problems worse.

Quick Tips

Don't use Outlook with the "View Pane" open. Some malware is enabled just by viewing messages. Don't reply to "unsubscribe" to e-mail you never subscribed to. This just tells the bad guys you've got a live e-mail address. Never respond to e-mails which ask you to re-enter your password, even if it looks like a message or website from your bank, your ISP, your PayPal account, etc. Valid companies don't ever send e-mails telling you to re-enter your password. Don't believe those pop-ups telling you that your computer's infected and to download an anti-virus program, even if the message appears to be coming from your own computer. Be careful of free anti-virus programs available for download. Some of them actually plant malware on your computer, then force you to buy their software to remove it!

*Virus is a program to cause damage to computer. *Trojan is a program which is used to gain access to a computer by installing a program on infected PC to open some backdoor. [Trojans are also known as Backdoors]. *Worm is a program which infects the computers which are connected by some network. Worms slow down the network. * Spywares are the program which are used to monitor/Log the activity performed on a computer. These are used to spy on some one either for legal or illegal perpose. Example: Keylogger applications. * Adwares are the programs which delivers ads to your computer (generally in POP-UP's form). They consume your network. *Malwares are the program with malicious intention. It can be damaging your computer, spying on you or any other malicious task.


The word "Malware" is derived from the words malicious and software. This term is used for all types of malicious software. Malware is a software specially designed to damage a computer system without the owner's knowledge.

Malware is not a defective software. It's not a true virus and many people think it as computer viruses as they aren't familiar with this term. Malware includes: Viruses or computer viruses Spyware Worms Trojan Horses Rootkits Several adware Untrusted and unwanted software

Viruses / Computer viruses:

A type of malware which is best-known. It is a computer program which could copy itself and spread and infect user's computer without any knowledge or permission of the computer user. It can also defined, it's a small piece of software or program which piggybacks the real software or program. The term "viruses" may mistakenly termed as malware and adware. Viruses always try to corrupt or modify files on the targeted computer. Viruses can only spread through Internet. Viruses may modify themselves and then copies or the copies may modify themselves. Viruses may attach themselves to a program also such as spreadsheet. Viruses spread through the Internet, local network, floppy disk, CD, DVD or USB drive. Today's viruses may take advantages on www, e-mail, IM or file sharing systems. (c)Brain is the world's first PC virus.

Examples of viruses / computer viruses:

Trojan.Win32.Agent.avoo Backdoor.Win32.SdBot.iwu Worm.Win32.AutoRun.uof ILOVEYOU Natas

E-mail viruses:

A kind of viruses which travels as an attachment to e-mails. It can replicate itself by mailing form the victim's e-mail address book. Some e-mail viruses automatically spread when people download e-mails through several software.

Worm / Computer worm / Internet worm:

It's a self-replicating small piece of compute program. It uses computer networks and security holes to replicate itself. First, it scans the security holes and copies itself through the holes to the new machines and then start replicating in this way. All these are done without any user intervention. Worms cause dramatic harm to the network by consuming bandwidth. Worms are not same as Trojans.

Examples of worm / Computer worm / Internet worm:

Scalper SoBig Swen ExploreZip

Trojans / Trojan Horses:

Simply a computer program The computer program claims as to do one thing (it may claim to be a free virus scanning tool) but instead of doing that does a damage when we run it. Sometimes it may erase the hard disk. It can't replicate itself automatically. Trojans generally steal passwords or perform DoS (Denial of service) attacks.

Examples of Trojans / Trojan Horses:

Backdoor Nuker


A malware consists of a single program or a combination of several programs. It takes the fundamental control of the computer system without the system owners or the administrator. They sometimes fool users and advertise themselves as they are safe to run. When users run then it takes control to the root level of the computer system. Crackers may use rootkits to control computers and evade detection There are 5 types of rootkits: firmware, hypervisor, kernel, library, and application level kits.


It's a process of bypassing normal authentication procedure. It allows cracker to access information on other computer.

Computer manufacturer pre-installed it to provide technical support to different hardware or software level. But several malicious program could find those and spread to the computer and does a great damage sometimes. To install backdoor, Trojan horses or worms are used by the crackers.


Spyware is a compute program that attach itself to the operating system in wicked ways. It can be said that they are the cousins of Trojans, worms and viruses They generally degrades computer's processing power. Recent estimate reveals that more than two-thirds of the personal computers are affected by it. Spyware can collect several types of personal information such as Internet surfing habits of any user. Also, can change computer settings which results slow speed, different home page of the browser etc. Spyware is not computer viruses. They are not designed to harm any computer. Their aim may be to show advertise. Sometimes, they even use hard drive to store & broadcast pornography and advertise back to the Internet. Most spyware targets Windows Operating System. Some spyware companies are Gator, 180 Solutions, Cydoor, CoolWebSearch.


They are similar to spyware. Adware is a simple program specially designed to deliver unrequested advertising when users surf to the Internet. May create unwanted effects of the system such as displaying pop-up ad windows. They are installed as separate programs.

Grayware / Greyware:

An application that behaves in a undesirable or unexpected manner and can be treated sometimes as Malware when it causes several trouble to computers. Actually, they are application not like viruses or Trojan horses. They significantly decrease computer and network performance. Grayware perform several variety of undesired actions such as creating pop-up windows, tracking user habits etc.

Browser hijacker:

A type of malicious program. They embedded themselves deeply to the browser's code and core functionality.

They replace the existing browser's home page or search page with its own. They try to force hits to a particular websites.

Example of browser hijacker:

Morwill Search CoolWebSearch


Botnet is a collection of bots oar software robots which can run automatically and autonomously. It's a type of malicious software. Several group of computers may be infected with this kind of robot software or bots. It's a great security threat to the computer owner. If the robot software is installed successfully, the installed computer becomes a zombie and unable to resist the commands of the bot commanders. The size of the botnet varies. A large botnet may be composed of ten to twenty thousand individual zombies. A small botnet may be composed of thousand dozens of individual zombies.

Importance of Computer Security Issues We cannot deny the fact that we always feel threatened by the fact that any computer genius may use unknown techniques to know and may come to know important details about your financial status and might tamper with it. This is also true in the case of big organization. This is where Computer Security steps in. about Computer Security is highly important as because it aims at preserving valuable data and information of origination. It aims at securing the integrity, availability and confidentiality of vital information stored in computers.

How are Viruses removed:

It can be a tedious process to remove a single Virus or Trojan from any computer or laptop. It may take many hours to a day , to fully remove or recover from just a single infection, take a spin on the Internet and you'll find thousands of articles, forums and post's regarding Virus, Trojan, and Spyware infection and removal horror stories. You'll find occurrence's of people struggling to remove a Virus or Trojan for days, you'll see that numerous programs had to be used, and the frustration the person went through. There are Viruses and Trojans that are very difficult to remove and there are some that are pretty straight forward and easy to remove, however this is usually not the case. Most computers, pcs, laptops or notebooks that were infected with a Virus or Trojan, were not just infected with one Virus or Trojan, they had numerous infections, and many of those computers needed more than one application, program or software utility to fully remove all the infections.
RPD01-0412-71577357 prepare a Power Point presentation that 12 (3300) 10 Apr 2012 01:11:00 Powerpoint Presentation Sociology English (US)

addresses the important security issues

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