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An African Perception

The first thing we must do when explaining the perception of how the African descendant views the term White man or Jew is to first understand the way the Black man or Nigger perceives himself when likewise viewed by Europeans. We all have a different perception as Individuals, maybe. On record, this is perfectly stated by Martin Luther King Jr., during his I have a Dream speech at the March on Washington. In the adverse all Black people are not in favor of a African principled philosophy of governance. There is no perfection or 100 percent in support of philosophy in either culture. In other words some black people hate black people. Some white people hate white people. Some black people love white people, and some white people love black people. Thank God. Now, we can transpose this idea to religion. As we go back in time to the Babylonian period in which we see those called the Pharisee, and Sadducee, we see similar division among a common people. One, the Pharisee, possessing the dominant position as it was a political representation of the people and not religion. Politics speaks to politics and the culture of Babylon supported the ideas of the Pharisee over that of the Sadducee. And although the Sadducee could be considered the moral or religious faction, their acceptance of what is considered the Torah, is watered from the original African manuscripts begotten out of Egypt, which is the lower Nile, which derives from the Sudan which is considered the Upper Nile, within the heartland of Africa and not in Egypt proper, however apart of the Original Dynastic Empire. So, even within the American Civil Rights Movement there was decent among and within the movement. There were Europeans more in favor of Kings message than some Africans. The movement however within the Pharisee was greed, and capitalism in the Market place, not religion. They only used religion as the political arm to deal with other nations. The term Jew only separated the tribes and peoples from those of the conquering tribes and peoples. It was not a faith in God. It was

a ever changing flow of ideas that allowed them to exist in Babylon and elsewhere. We can see in the Talmud that the teachings as written down in no manner conform to the African teachings. Lets take a look then at the origins of the people. These people come from what is known as the Caucus Mountains of Europe. They are known as the Ashkanazi later to take on the name Jews from the Georgia province or Caucasus Mountains. So, if you want to be technical about it, Hitler was one of his own. Between the Black and Caspian Seas, also referred to as the Khazars. These are the people ruled by leaders whom would help fight wars through the lending of soldiers, then rape and rob and eventually kill everyone, as their custom. To better understand this, we must include the ideology of Zionism, which eighty percent of those referred to as Jews favor. This means up to twenty percent do not. Those that favor Zionism are those referred to as the Pharisee, or the holders of the Talmud. Zionism, in modern times should be equated with Communism, which in the political manifestation of Zionism, or its failure to be able in inculcate religion. It is the pretence of community or an imitation of African ideology, absent Love, Honor, Justice, Peace, Truth, etc. We understand from what is known as the Jewish Encyclopedia and the Talmud, that the political arm which financed the Revolution in Russia during the early 1900 was attributed to these individuals in banking and finance as they supplied Lenin, and even earlier the East-West Indies Corporation etc.. From then, up and including World War II, they financed their descendants the Nazi, and any and every War which is profitable for them. They not only financed the German, they financed Stalin. Those Jews rounded up and killed in camps were of the twenty percent Sadducee, those on the other side were of the Pharisee. Just as in Rome and Babylon, as we see the disappearance of the Sadducee from history, we see the conscience of a people being

removed, or what is called today ethnic cleansing {The True Napoleon complex}, they being the European however dont record such as keepers of this period in history. It has nothing to do with the truth. This is what the extermination of the European Jews was truly about. It was history repeating itself. These are the descendants of those whom killed Jesus and later killed President Kennedy and Martin for the sake of war, profit and control. Warberg in 1914 paid Lenin to bring down the czar. Medieval Russian History is fascinating if you are interested in understanding the nature of the European, especially when you study the writings of Voltre and others. Voltre and the enlightenment came in the 18 century, They mandated a new order, and the erosion of Christian civilization or any value or moral latent systems not only in government but in society as a whole. This could be seen through the control in the News Media, the Music Industry and Hollywood. If you would like a better understanding of the principles involved in this, research the Moors in Spain. Most important is Spain after the Moors. Then you will understand the collapse of Europe into the dark ages. The collapse of Europe occurred as they rejected civilization and the culture brought by Africa, in favor of their own form of rule through war. Now, the war is being fought through Mass Media. The downfall came through their own barbarianism, which can be equated to the modern day morally corrupt practices absent of any values. This, as the writers of history, which they later try to attach to the gentile so to speak or the African. It had nothing to do with the Africans that help them rule their lands. It is after they decided to rule in an European tradition of war and eventual enslavements and a banking and trade system based on murder and greed, then Europe suffered the decline. Most important is that these Jews were the very descendants of Joseph the Provider of Egypt. Yes, and as with their culture, from the Khazars, to Babylon, they turned on their friends. In their writings they state such.

.. intercourse with little boys is not a sin. from the Talmud. Priest are allowed to take brides as young as three years of age, they call them brides. This has nothing to do with African beliefs. The Jewish Encyclopedia. If a gentile sues a Jew he looses, if a Jew was in court he wins. Jews are worthy of praise. Jewish writings teach Jesus was an enemy of Judaism. Jesus is in hell boiling. This has nothing to do with the first Justice System established in Africa during the Dynastic periods. The Talmud was written in contrast to the New Testament. It was not written rule prior to this, it was the unstable notions of the elite in their society that governed, as we see the Talmud has nothing to do with Justice. The writing of the New Testament, in turn, has nothing to do with the African tradition, as it was written by the Murderers and defilers of the original Negative Confessions. Not to mention the absence of The Book of Enoch which is also illustrative of their hatred towards Africa, as Enoch was Nubian and walked with God. Why not include the writings of someone whom walked with God and was not to taste death. Would you not include that in all of your works. To continue, it was in 740 that the King of the Khazar converted to Judaism in Babylon, and it was around 1100, they were expelled. Remember, and compare and contrast this to Moses leading them from the land of the Pharaohs a couple thousand years earlier.. They were not made to leave Africa. They decided that they did not want to worship a African black God. They wanted to murder people for sacrifice to their gods and slaughter animals the same. They didnt want Moses to cross over out of Africa not because of some divine matter, they didnt want Moses to cross over because he was divinely Nubian. There was no other notion of God, and this is supported by there own and it is written in their earliest recorded history by Homer The Greek. Now that we understand this, we can understand that the Spaniards in Europe are European Caucasians Muslims and the European Jews are

Caucasians both beholding to an African religion by which they join together to enslave the original African people from which they attempt to gain their culture. This is what is meant when it is referred to as a hijacked culture. They are never able to manage it. No matter if they call it Socialism in Poland by the polish jew, or Communism in Russia by the Russian Jew, it is all stolen African culture that has been polluted. Their failure creates a caste system {Not Oneness or Equality} which attempts to imprison the creator. The one thing the Arabs and Europeans have in common is their hatred of Africans. This is their majority religion, and they are joined by a minority of Africans themselves. This is were the battle is waged, and souls are in the balance, no matter the color. This is why for certain we can say that those modern Islamic and Jewish States will eventually join together against the African as they did in the past. This current situation in what is known in the middle east as a matter of war not religion and culture. Now, eight percent of those referred to as Jews condemn the actions of their government and people. As long as it isnt one hundred percent, they fail, there is a chance for Life. Finally, the major problem exists in the European community, as more numbers must resist this form of government attempted to be imposed. The other problem is that there are Africans favoring this unjust system. So, the problem is not a black or white problem. It is a people problem, all of us. Read the I Have A Dream speech again.
Thank you for your Question and dont forget to read the literary works of those Historians that I mention on my site and in my writings.

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