Cask of Amontillado Story Diagram

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The Cask of Amontillado Story Diagram

text, Rereading, Skimming/Scanning



SUGGESTED LEARNING STRATEGIES: Graphic Organizer, Marking the

With a partner or in your small group, review these elements of the short story. Then, complete the story diagram, filling in the corresponding events from The Cask of Amontillado. 1. Setting Time and place in which the story happens. 2. Exposition How the stage is set for the story. Characters are introduced, the setting is described, and the conflict begins to unfold. 3. complications Events that make the plot become more complex. While the characters struggle to find solutions to the conflict, suspense builds (also called rising action). 4. climax The point of greatest interest or suspense in a story. The climax is the turning point because the action reaches its peak and the outcome of the conflict is decided. 5. Falling action The events between the climax and the resolution. 6. Resolution/denouement The end of the story when loose ends are tied up. 7. characters People, animals, or imaginary creatures that take part in the action of the story. The short story usually centers on a Main character. Also present are usually one or more Minor characters who are not as complex, but whose thoughts, words, or actions move the story along. 8. theme The writers main message about life. Theme is usually not stated directly and is left to the reader to figure out. 9. conflict(s) The struggle(s) or problem(s) in a story.
2011 College Board. All rights reserved.

Word ConneCtions
Denouement is a French term meaning an untying as in untying a plot.

10. Literary Elements Present Point of view The perspective from which a narrative is told verbal irony When a speaker or narrator says one thing while meaning the opposite Foreshadowing The use of hints or clues in a narrative to suggest future action Motif A unifying element in an artistic work, especially any recurrent image, symbol, theme, character type, subject, or narrative detail

Unit 2 Defining Style


Activity 2.6


The Cask of Amontillado Story Diagram

Short Story Diagram









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Exposition Resolution/Denouement Setting

2011 College Board. All rights reserved.

Characters (Consider cause and effect. How do characters react to the situation? What causes those reactions?)


Other Literary Elements Present:

106 SpringBoard English Textual Power Level 4

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